Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 14, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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Knights of Columbus Gather at
Banquet Board . Follow
ing Initiation.
I a-rtla-ai Mk-ml and Oralfsrk-al
i'msranimr (.lrn al iLanqarL.
"lara-vlas-a Take an NtMf of
Intrude Patriotism.
I""l hun.lre-t kmiliX cf "Olora
bt, ami tnaur lirl k attended t?ie br
; at t r Portland Hot-1 last Blaht.
whicn prflfM to re on ff the blaaest
fifi of tialr yrar'e raietwlar. Th
affair was the rl:mi of a dar ajurifia
h . r n rAn.!;4jt were lnitlal4.
The bn,jat a a in honor rf trie
ernpIiCiealion pf the trvv ajre by
the I'ortland loantil. T la lb
rnnrn-n trie knifhte of Coluirtbua at
t.n1--1 maae ! a taody anal weos
trirough taa pvrfDrmanrt of kmchtlnf
i"e r.inlt"r a. In the antn mother,
't'-a. ) arl saeetnasrt attended
ir-e hfi-iot
.VI ;-. prhri and senga f corn
ItMir.l in a ("sr inipti a tallica mnT
!-kno I'oriuti I f-o;te appeared.
'ran. J. Linr;4(l m toaatmaater.
lather V. , t'ala. of Ih Im
mvuUt Heart ihnfilt offered the
ymr at lae onentna? of t ha banquet.
Vri. Ko.a I'riedl tlianelll sane orai
o .
Putin a K eia at Oalllaeal.
"Why t N. the Knuhli of "o
I iml'i'' waa the loot. of a ta-k by
l;r i'alhrr tJ. I. i; jinan. ana said In
"Thr" la r.ed rt organisation In the
aorld. there la therefore need of tha
Kftiit. of lVmb'j. There urt la
th;e roustry a'atholice who ara
In constant aao.-ation with th other
oi la who hardly eser talk to prleata
"A aa people get to know tha
people of our laill they will atop
imkn( t-jt t"ia I'opa la rnnataetly
interfering with our political lifa. We
d nornin. to conceal or keep from
thern Tt-e kpicMi of I'olumbm h
done m in I.. sh.w thl tha world
It pays to advertise and re merchant
U axi not I" lost. It I therefore
up ti ua to ito what wa ar and
a h it we ailt do for Cod and country."
".CM Ka'ftr vuinan and Kred 'iran.
a ho Fft.)Us before him. remarked on
tha rvi a of ra' suicide and birth con
tot. ranking it as a do-trtna that
wo ii.t brrak tha ba. ktona of tha Na
tion if ront-nurd.
frl yurrn ap.ika on Thouchta of
Knic?i:ho.3.r" and thlr powr to mold
a " t l tri-tun and a Rood rlltlrn.
krabaaa l.larala t'.alaalaaa.
"Abrjnarn Lincoln. Jtatman. wa
th topU" of a patriotic atl!rrs by
1 hma Mannli. W a hlrtK ton waa In-d-ad
tha fathar of our country, but th
. hrm aaa not yt tmpl'l. ll -
ad mon to ui tha Nation from
ti In-tttuCton of slavery. Imroln mat
tha aicu.tlon and won. bacauao ha waa
too bit and irr.l a man to Tla!e
from a r"t purpor. aaid tho pk.
tr, Mo Dri.a lawan won PI'l-'
with rharmmT aoloa.
"iiir luty to uur r'rlloaman waa
fonVfnIIy . brouKht out by Arthur A.
.Murphy, who aiwrlt upon tha duty of
mo . follow ar of tha Ideaia of th
iliDoiar'r of Amart'a. A voral alac
tiofi t Jamaa J. r'tynn. a lo- al ainsrr.
wa thoronjhly nyad. State Iepuly
illium liarratt nn an antertalnlnc
tKDunl of tha "Km.-nli of liriion.'
In a hii l. ha spoke of tha rrlatlre value
f other iliiion ar.d their achieve
m n i .
"Th Ij.die waa a talk of keon
kumor by K. A. M' ilenamtn. Tha men
who wre Imtiat'-d tly are:
W alirr J. Aaaeiln llr.l l Itrlnkeroff.
Vi h arl f. Iirennan. 1'atrli k J. llow.
r. .VIi. hat T liafnar. John J. tunn.
ri. I "redbrick. Thitmat K lialvtn.
J v liucli'e. J. II. alilbauch. I'rban
V Kipinvr. Ilavrnond J. Kennedy
Karl J KinalaM. Trank J. l-antry.
;-rnirl W--N'lt. JpJ. ll. Miller.
Ilrnrr r l innlnf. John J M-arptiy.
r"ataf M ltarihy. Tfiomaa M. Marran.
tlillum IC. oin. Arthur T. Mrh
Lelanai T Tbihart. June I. Valiant.
rtit mt :t. o:r.i.a two
URI li OF Mm:li tsHhhl.
Plllrata ttsaveri Tfcat laleeeaplee) al
Akea Taey atered flaa-a
aa teveatlgatseev.
r.IJ..l. ir. Feb. 11 I. X fecial.
Tha fit at bler In tf enforramenl of
t'ie dry liw in I'olk t'ointy waa straca
ImI mM. wften Cherirf Orr and Ie
t.a r". poU'-e conducted a raid spoa
l ta!ias litr a IM city. The
.'f .-.ra tooh two barr.ia of bottled
ohiaar. t dosea bottlaa to the bar
vl. and about : t atuarta of bear. The
waa bottlad In bar bottlaa.
Tha off '-era . they rau(kl tha pro
fnetor ot the pace. Harry turoalo. a
Jaiisa. In tha act of ealimg a bottle
aj I to have bn made lo Ihoae who
-u:d be tras:l Wunkflnoaaa about
tie pUe tn. li fact that the hotel
waa not santtn out of tha elate for
1 lu.-r I'd to the investigation that
l-.1 to tha raid ot last Digni.
A few bottle of whisky were found
In tha kitchen and the remainder waa
t'un.l upstAire in Yunatos bedroom.
The li'iu-r waa hauled to tbe Court-
l;o'iae and atored theraa.
umato was taken before Jutttce of
the l eara Haraiy llilmaa last night and
waa upon too rash batL Ilia
bearing wilt h held tomorrow.
.rrlalrat I'aralysea I'lneera.". Or.. FeV H Spaclal.
iMirfllncer. aged tt. of Santa Clara,
lua lost the ii e of two finger as a
result of paralvata. H made a cannon
t'Jt of an old wagon avle. and hi In
jury is the result of th first hot. A
piece of the axle struck and rut the
le'-k of bis arm, nearly severing the
ulnar nerve.
Il-f lilrrira to Make Monition.
t .N'rH'.V Feb, 12 The government
w.ll immediately take over all the
lre whisky distMlerle and o them
aa munition factories, say the laily
Crironi -te. The newaparer ad is that
t al'P will b farltitated by the fact
inat te government Intends to pro
h'h't the importation of barley for dis
tilling purpoae.
Train Kill Treapasaa-r.
A. Ilgh. evlalrnfly a laborer from
Cht'-sso. while walking on tha track.
i .tr -"k by O.-W. li. N. train No.
t near Iionneville D'arbt. and died
later at St Vincent hospital. He
was ahoot 3e years oM. leniitv Coru
i.ti hiuji Uvs vuafae el la body.
i i
1 " "' t
I- jiv.vX v.: " . . I
.... 1 - ; -..l C') .
M tHt
.Li:v,rRtti: t: iti : m
aa aaaa aaaaa
Majestic "New Tork."
llaiila" "Tho Ne'er-do-Vell.
National "Hop, (ha lavll's
IMck ford "Tha Tel low Taa-
peoples "T-n-anti Iard
ner. -Tha Oodd".
Columbia -Acquitted." -Lo
Will Conquar."
Sunset -Man and Ills Poul."
Circle "The palnlod foul."
F ANN IB WARD. tha charmln
Ljaakjr sarraen star who scored
such a hit In "The Cheat." la seen
In an entirely different characterisa
tion, and a mora charmln; one. In
Tennessee' Pardnt-r." which opened
yesterday al tha People Theater. An
other rhart-r of "Tha taoddess." the
splendid Vltajrraph story Involving
Anita tawart and Hmrl Wllliama, la
an add'd attraction on a programme
which cannot but please.
I n -Tennessee's Pardner." Miss
Ward, who recently became the wife
of Jack I ean. her leading man In the
production, la shown a a winsome las.i
of pioneer day who brinies the rude
men of the mlnlr.a" ramp to her feet.
Tha atmospher of the frontier, with
tha hue wonderful
scenery, and mission aa the center ot
civilisation. I well preserved.
-Tennessee In the name given a
baby girl by a company of -"er" on
their trip acro the plain to Cali
fornia. Jack Hunter, a boy of 17.
Join the party, and when the mother
elope with a capearaca named Ko
mame. and tho father 1 shot In tha
pursuit, the boy take care of tha la
fan! and declarea her hi partner. Me
Ij placed In a ml-slon and believes
Hunter I her father. Tha Itlrl atarts
for the mlntna camp to sea her sup
posed father, owner of a rich talna.
Ilomaine rapture the girl and plan to
marry her. Kale, the mother, aiding
In ttie plot. Itomalne I denounced a
a robber, la raptured, and released by
"Tennessee." who I told that he la her
father. Finally tha robber and mur
derer l killed and the girl forgive
her mother.
Col ant bin.
A story of affecting pathos, present
ing a near-tragedy of rvery-day life,
la "Acquitted." tho Triangle feature
which heads the Columbia programme.
Wilfred l.uc' subtle characterisa
tion of the deserving plodaler almost
sfit to the chair bv force of circum
stance. Is UBoueet lonabl y one of his
best efforts, and adds Immeasurably
to the strength of the admirably ad
apted Mary Itobert Kineharl story.
"Utt "till Conquer." the comedy con
tribution from I'te Keystone bat. I a
f'lrtatlouo affair w Ith a rof f in-ordc red
-Acquitted" In which Itessle Ixve
and "alary Allien ar feature.1 with Lo
re, la a story of a bak keeper, the
sort of a hard-working man
of faniliy. whose life of unselfiah de
votion eantitle him to the beet that
fate ha to offr. However, a quarrel
with hi rarhier I followed by the
death of the latter al the hand of a
drug addict and the bookkeeper I ac.
cused of tbe crime and makea a half
cosfaavNi under stress of the third
degree." A reporter Interested In his
daughter Jumps Into the chaam. the
drug addict confesses, and the book -keepar
I reloaeed. Howaver. the em
ployer will not rehire him becauaa of
notoriety connected with the arrest.
The family I reduced to want and the
man to tha point ot sulci. la when the
horiaoa clear anal fate' victim I per.
nutted to enjoy that to which he I de
serving. '"Love Will Conquer" presents Fred
Mace. Mack Swain and other Keyston
er In a mirthful selection dealing with
a t hrea-cornered atruggle for the hand
of a damsel of questionable age. Fred
and Joseph Jtwlckard fight for the
fair one. bat In the meantime Mark, the
-quiet worker." slip In and get an
option cn tbe engagement finger.
Francis X. Bushman and Beverly
Payne, a stellar duo of tne fUm. score
a distinct success In "Man and His
Soul." an allegorical tjuality-Metro pro
duction which tell a forceful story
with all the punch f a typical Bush
man drama. The feature maun us
i'ortland appearance yesterday at the
sunset Theater.
The theme I the power of conscience
In the live of men. We are shown the
birth of conscience at the beginning of
thing and shown In particular how It
oterates to mould the doing of one
particular man. John Conscience flndu
that to obey the voice of hla better self
make him a failure In business: nut
he persevere In the virtuous course
until he find that a girl whom he
trusted haa apparently Jilted him for a
man richer than be.
After this he start In to wora un
scrupulously and become wealthy.
Conscience speaka to him again at last,
however, and he set out to remedy the
evil he ha done. In this work of
reformation he la brought face to face
with the girl. who. not having married
tha other man after all. has nearly be
come a victim of her former admirer'
lut for power. They live happily ever
after, of course: the white-robed Con
science making a third In their party.
Tha splendidly sustained emotional
acting of Clara Kimball Young, one of
ha beauties of filmdom. and a gripping
drama with soma remarkable massacre
kum and navia-Uj J oval colur, are
r -ar- a m t. rw ft w aV
K.J. Vafa. , i T I . I . !. " T
i a , ." , .'. . ' ... i.lamin in i i
a&iamwaaaaaaaaWkinaaa . rrrs j .vaajMia,
'- -aa..--- - - , - j
k 7- 4 i i.tctn
presented In "The Tellow Passport" at
the Pick ford Theater.
Tho story of tho film, which surely
la taken from tho well-known Frank
Harris effort "The Yellow Ticket." I
at least a trifle candid, dealing with a
moral woman who umr the burden
of an Immoral one to e.. ble her to con
tinue musical studies and escape perse
cution. tionla. the heroine of tha play. I a
Jewess who I sought by Fed la. an
emissary of tha Kusslan police, and a
Jew baiter. Fedia stir up the notorious
-Ulack Hundred" to mas-acre tha Jews
In retaliation for Sonla'a dismissal of
him. Tho girl and her uncle ex-ape the
massacre and in order to remain un
molested in Kiev, where she Is studying
music, she applies for and receive the
passport of an Immoral woman. Ac
cused of being moral by Fedia. she and
her uncle outwit him. but finally re
allie that they must fli-e tha country.
While en rout to America the girl'
voice gains recognition from Hoaen
helmer. an Impresnrlo. and soon she I
a grand opera star and Ilosenheimer.
Jr.. I her admirer and husband-to-bc.
Fedia make a trip to the United States,
recognize Honta. denounce her. and
her fiance spurn her. He repent and
return to the girl Just before proof
of her morality arrive from Russia.
A comedy of many complication "A
Quiet Supper for Four," I another fea
ture of the programme.
The lure of the -great white way."
Its devastating effect on the live of It
devotee, with the penalty paid by
guilty and innocent with whom they
come In contact, are presented with
compelling force in "New York." the
Cold Rooster adaptation of the A. H.
Wood play, at the .Majestic Theater.
Strength of story, artistry of playing,
splendid settings, and excellent pho
tography rombina to make the film one
decidedly worth while.
Florence Reed, who made such a hit
In "At Itay" recently, 1 the star of
"New York." while her support Include
such player as Fania alarlnoff. John
Milturn. Forrest Wlnant and Jessie
The story starts when Oliver King,
of a wealthy and aristocratic family, I
coaxed Into Joining an after-theater
party. A ballet dancer of unsavory
repute, of a drunkard mother, f el una
distaste of her surrounding and Inter
est the man. He would marry her.
hut hi mother objects, so the woman
la Installed In apartments. He discov
ers her wlckealnes and desert her. He
I informed that her child la hi son
and the baby Is taken rare of. and sent
to school. Heredity steps In and the ion
become a card-cheat and drunkard.
King marrlea the girl of hi choice
IMiaua Keedt. The aon Wlnant I told
that hi guardian I really hi father.
resort to blackmail to secure money,
attack his father'a hride, and I killed
by her.. King cannot forgive hi wife
for the death of the son and she leave
him. Later he la told that the boy
waa not hi aon. and a reconciliation I
effected over the cradle of their child.
-Hop. the I'evll Brew." an expose
of the opium traffic on the Pacific Coast
and a film which was made with the
assistance of Federal authorities,
opened an enaagement yesterday at the
National Theater. The' far-reaching
evil of the traffic, aa well an the vari
ous mclhod employed In smuggling It
Into the I nllrd Mate, are shown In
an Interesting erie of picture
through a strong story, featuring JLaois
Weher and Phillips S.uslley.
The story deal Ith a custom officer
and hi wife, the latter the daughter
of a city Councilman who I the head
of the opium ring. While the husband
Is working nltht and day to stop the
Illicit traffic the wife has become
addicted to the drug. Eventually the
father I raptured, and. consumed with
remorse for the effect of hi operation
on hi only child, he commit suicide.
Mis Weber picture the opium
stricken wire with a fine sense of the
fitness of things, and while presenting
a woman of noble purposes, atultlfled
by the deadly effe-ls of opium, refrain
from overplcturlng the effect of nar
cotics. A the revenue officer Smtilley
ha a fine, manly part, one quite suited
to hi physical and artistic qualifica
tion. The Interior of the theater ha been
decorated especially for the screening
of -Hop." the use of many Chinese lan
terns in the lighting effect lending at
mosphere to the production.
Many lleauliful Tr-evai Aboot
Itun Are Knined.
The magnificent scenery about Bull
Run has been greatly modified, al
though not Irreparably marred by the
recent silver thaw, according to a let
ter received by E. N. Welnbaum of
the Chamber of Commerce, from W. lu
Grlssey, proprietor of the Grlssey Gladi
olus farm, near Bull Run.
"Alder and maple were hroken off
about half way up. orchard trees were,
many of them, split beyond repair, but
It waa the forest tree that made us
feel the real force of the storm." be
-Great fir. 200 feet In height, would
accumulate tons of Ice. then gradually
lean until they snapped at their bases.
The great limbs would fall until some
of the tree were but the remnant of
their former beauty. We lost some of
the finest specimens, which have been
uch a delight to u from the living-
room window a we looked down the
.canyons of the Hull Run and the Sandy
Portland Lodgemen, With
Band, to Visit Tacoma.
"Iloyal Purple Limited" to Carry
I'artr Pick I'p Centralia
Delegation; Elaborate En
tertainment Promised.
Making the trip by special'traln over
the O.-W. R. at X. line, and taking with
them their 10-piece band led by Signor
Tlgano, about 200 member of the Port
land Elk lodge will leave for Tacoma
Monday morning, February 21, to take
part In the dedication of the new Elks'
Temple at that place. Monroe Gold
stein, chairman of the committee In
charge of the preparations, reported
last night that the Portland members
of the order were signing up rapidly
for the excuraion.
The return from Tacoma will be
made early Wednesday mcrning. the
arrival here being about o'clock, in
time for the men to be at work as
The special, which is to be known as
the "Royal Purple Limited," is sched
uled to get away from tbe union
depot at t:30 A. U. and the arrival at
Tacoma will be about 2:20. A O-mln-ute
stop will bo made at Centralia
where the Elks will parade the streets,
and be received by the local lodge. The
Centralia delegation to the Tacoma fes
tivities will board the special at that
neeeptisa la Planned.
At the Tacoma depot the visiting
delegations will be met by the Tacoma
drill team, and escorted about town
and to their headquarters.
The special train is to be composed
of new cars, which will arrive today
or tomorrow from the Pullman fac
tory. It will be . manned by a train
crew Elks.
The trip will be enlivened by stunts,
which the committee Is preparing, and
the -Ially Goaf will be Issued on the
train, giving all the news and latest
h'Lr.'n rou,e" , , ,a . a .a.,
The ceremonies Incident to the dedl-
cation of the temple are to be elabo-
rate In character, ana tne garnering is
expected to be the biggest which the
Elks have held in the Northwest since
the 1912 convention in Portland.
The dedication ceremonies will begin
Saturday, February 19. and will con
tinue through Sunday. Monday and
Tuesday, culminating with the dedica
tion on Washington's birthday, Feb
ruary 22. There will also be a big
street Daradc at 2 P. M. on that day.
and a grand ball at night. Informal
dunces w ill be held on the other nights
during the gathering, with the excep
tion of Sunday night.
Pleasure Trlpa Scheduled.
While in Tacoma the visiting Elk
will be entertained by automobile rides
about the city. They will also be taken
on a trip to Mount Rainier, if the
wemher is good, and on launch rides on
the aSound.
There has always been a friendly
rivalry between the Portland and Ta
coma Elk lodges and It Is for xnis rea
son that the Portland men are making
an especial effort to have a good show
ing at the gathering. When the last
street carnival waa held here by the
Elks, the Tacoma delegation captured
the prize, and prior to that the Portland
Klks won the prize at a carnival held
In Tacoma. At the convention here In
1 1 2 the Tacoma Elks won the prize
for the largest number In line.
The Portland lodge has secured
about 230 applications for membership
since November. It Is expected that
many of these new men will want to
go on the excursion and get their first
mate of the Joys of a big gathering of
the order.
The committee in charge of the Port
land preparations consists of Monroe
Goldstein, chairman; Harvey J uryan,
Guy Haines, La. A. Spangler and E. .
A I.I.
Headlag aa River Skene Rapid Fall.
f olaaakla Drops Foot at Vaa
rssarr Ice Breaking t P.
The Willamette River fell nearly two
fret during the 21-hour period prcceo
ing & o'clock last nluht. the reading at
that time being !.! feet above low-
water slage. It will continue to fall
rapidly the next two or three days, ac
cording to announcement 01 the
weather bureau.
Report from up the river were that
the river was going down rapidly ana
all dancer from flood Is past.
There Is still a large quantity or
drift wood coming down the Wlllam
eite and the Columbia River Is re
ported to be full of. l-e going out. so
that It forma some detriment to river
navigation. Traffic may be resumed
soon between I'ortland and up-river
Tha Columbia Jliver receoea a 1001
resterdav at Vancouver.
The readings al diuereni points on
the Willamette and Columbia rivers ai
J P. M. yesterday, as reported to the
weather bureau, follow:
Flood sine- Rainfall
stag llelxht i P.M. since
In fa. U In feet, y est day. 8 A.M.
Vancouver ..
JenVreun ...
M Mlnnvilla
Tualatin ....
urei'in Cltv
trtiai ...
. lo o
50. w
51. "
14.7 l.o O.oo
. S 1.2 O.n.i
yv.H O.01
'i.i i'.i i'.vi
17. 1.
M. Steward, of Oregon City, is at the
W. AI Jones, of Salem, la at the Im
perial. C. R. Hill, of Spokane, la at tbe
J. G. Pittenger. of Astoria, is at the
D. J. Hllle, of Castle Rack, is at the
W. A. Barrett, of Albany, is at the
B. A. Mlllsap. of Lebanon, Is at the
Taul Herbrlng, of The Dalles," Is at
the Seward.
Martin Johnson, of Prineville. is at
the Perkins.
V. N. Downing, of Pendleton, is at
tho Perkins.
George K. Vlnmann, of Seattle. Is at
the Nortonla.
Morris Sch warxchild, of Eugene, Is
at the Oregon.
W. W. Woolley, of Vancouver, B. C,
Is at the Eaton.
R. M. Qulnn. of Deer Lodge. Mont.,
la at the Nortonla.
Judge W. M. Blckford, ,of Missoula,
Is at the Portland.
.Miss Dorothy Jurdon, Orphcum hcaii-
liner, and Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cul
len. are at the Seward.
Henry J. Kaiser, of Vancouver, B. C.
Is at the Portland.
Rev. A. J. Van Fossen Is at the
Perkins from Ashland.
H. M. Smith Is registered at the
Cornelius from Salem.
Tom Johnson Is regrlstered at the
Seward from Astoria.
J. B. Gilford, of Pendleton, is regis
tered at the Cornelius.
Mr. 1 D Pitts, of Weed. Cat., !s
registered at the Eaton.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wick, of Che
halis, are at the Katon.
H. C. Bryson. of Walla Walla, Is reg
istered at the Portland. ,
Arthur Kldd. of San Francisco, la
registered at the Oregon.
George Harris is at the Cornelius,
registered from New York.
M. J. Anderson, of Grants Pass. Is
registered at the Imperial.
Mr. and Mr. F. M. Jones are stopping
at the Nortonla from Astoria.
Harry L. Marshall, of Orange, X. J.,
is registered at the Imperial.
Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Llppman are regis
tered at the Oregon from New York.
Mr. and Mrs. U D. West are at the
Portland. Mr. West Is a hotelman of
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mcintosh, of
Camas. Wash., are registered at the
Mis Regina Schechtman will leave
next Sunday morning for a six weeks"
visit In New York City. Miss Schecht
man will visit her four brothers and
other relative.
Bill Not aa Acceptable la
Member a. One Passed
Year, Rut I Compromise,
ington. Feb. 8. By unanimous vote the
House committee on public lands fa
vorably reported a bill permitting mi
nors of tho age of 18 years or more to
make homestead entry of public lands.
As reported the bill provides:
"That any minor of the age of 18
years or over and otherwise qualified
under the public land laws shall be per
mitted to make homestead entry, under
and subject to the homestead laws of
the United States'. Provided. That no
minor shall be permiltted to make final
proof upon such an entry or receive
' ,"1 ntii h or she shall
attained the age of 24 years: Pro
vided further. That such entryman shall
comply with all the requirements ot
the homestead laws as to cultivation
and Improvement of the land entered
but shall not be required to establish
or maintain residence thereupon until
he or she shall have attained the age of
21 years, and final proof upon sucn an
entry may be submittted at any time
within two years after such entr.yman
shall have attained the age of 24 years.
The bill Is not as acceptable to West
ern members as a similar bill wnien
nassed the Senate a year ago, but cer
tain Eastern members on the commit
tee forced the adoption of restrictive
clauses confining tho bill to homestead
entries only and providing that no
patent shall issue until the entryman
has reached the age of 24. The first.
bill, passed by th,e Senate, permitted
minors of 18 or more to make any kind
of land entries: that bill was modified
last year by the House committee to
rjermit them to make homestead or
desert entries only, and this year tho
bill is further cut so as- to apply only
to homesteads. Secretary Lane fa
vored the more liberal bill and also fa
vored issuance of patent to minor en
trymen when they have fully compiled
with the requirements of the homestead
Sons and Daughters of Pioneers to
Celebrate Tonight.
In commemoration of the 57th anni
versary of the admission of Oregon
into the Union, the Sons and Daughters
of Pioneers will hold a banquet at the
Hotel Imperial at 6:30 tonight. Many
of the pioneers of Oregon will be hon
ored guests.
Mrs. S. B. Huston, president of the
society, will otttciate as toastmaster.
On the brief programme to be given
will be songs by Mrs. J. C. O'Day and
the following toasts: "Oregon, C. u.
Moares; "Pioneer Mothers." Milton A.
Miller, and "Pioneer Fathers, T. T.
PORTLAND. Feb. 13. Maximum temper
ature. 4I degrees; minimum. 40 degrees.
Klver reading at 8 A. M.. 186 feet: change
in last SI hours. l.:i feet tall. Total rainfall
.-. i' ii. to 5 P. M.I 0 ill Inches: total rain
fill air.ra S.Dlember 1. IK 15. 3.1.4B Inches;
normsl rainfall since September 1. 2S.0:I
inches: excess of rainfall since September
I luis. -! Inches. Total sunshine eb
r,..r.. in none- nosslble sunshine. 10 hours.
17 minutes. Barometer ir-duced to sea
lvlt at r. P. M.. 30 20 Inches. Relative
humidity, i I. M., 7 per c. nt.
T Wind
T 1 ,
Ik ? S
' s z
at. ? 2, 2.
CO H 2
Z 3 3
-I '
State of
3H ).,. . ICloudy
40. o'. . i5 U'loudy
(mu.VO 12 N j-Snow
.M' 12 XW'aSnow
Lea Mofnea . .
0t v.oii;. . j lear
8 O.oo 18 SW
Ft. cloudy
WO.'sW. - K
."t o. li 24 N
4 10. SW
7 O.O-' luV
200.tu 12,N
i lear
Ft. cloudy
Jacksonville .
Kansas 4 It .
Iv Anitflel .
Marnhfield ..
7 O.Otl, ,.iW
&n 0.4,.
if 0 . t 1 , a
N wfctoudy
NW.Pt. cloudy
Minneapolis .
T. 2rt,NE 1M. cloudy
New Orlim
New York
0tif.14 14N fPt. cloudy
22.7 N Cloudy
-sO.:i-30SE i,ioudy
44 0.ooi. Clear
7S. O.fWil. Clear
Nurth H-n. -
North Yakima
WO.w,.SWHt. cloudy
Portland ) 0.1! . .NW Cloudy
. " V .no; ..'-N" ; iar
2 o.O! . .'NW;Snow
44 O.OOf . ,!NW Clear
0.01. ;10l.NW 'Cloudy
Pt. Louts
Halt Iak
San Francisco..
Spokane .... . .
X)- 0.14; . . ri Cloudy
.10 n.C'Ji. .;.N'K Cloudy
Tatoosh Island.
r.s n.O'l . . V Oloudy
4S O.40 26 S 'Cloudy
4O0.H4 . 'N'W;CIoudy
34 0.'4 14N" ;Pt. cloudy
2 O.Oll 2S SE Pt, cloudy
Walla Walla...
The British Columbia storm haa advanced
eastward to Saskatchewan and tne hlgn
pressure area vestcrday over the Dakotas
has moved southeastward to the t'pper Mis
sissippi Valley. A new hich-pressure area
is formlna over the Great salt Lake Basin,
n.h, rum has fallen in Washington. West
ern Oreiton and Extreme Northern California
and local rains have fallen in the Gulf
Slates and local snow In the Ohio Valley,
Tennessee. Middle Atlantic and New England
Plate It Is much colder over a wide strip
of terrltorv extending from the West Gulf
States no-theastaard to New York. Chinook
condition prevail in Eastern Montana, the
western portion of the Dakotas and the Can
adian Northwest.
Conditions are favorable for occasional
rain Monday in Western Oregon and Western
Washington ana lor isir weainer eisewnere
in this district.
Portland and vicinity Occasional rain.
winds mostlv southerly.
Oregon and Washington Occasional rain
west, fair east portions, winds mostly south
Idaho r air.
E. A. HEALS. Forecaster.
ThatV What Everybody Says That Sees
Selig's Nine-Part Production
"Rex B
Famous Story of Love, Romance and Adven
ture in Old Panama
"The Ne'er
Do Well"
Featuring Kathlyn Williams, Wheeler Oak
man and the Famous "Spoilers" Cast, Now
Showing at the
Heilig Theater
Today and Balance
of Week
It's the Hit of the Season the Most Talked
Of Attraction of the Year
Popular Prices That Please
1000 Seats 15c 1000 at 25c
Music by Evenson's Orchestra
First Show at 12:00; Then 2:00, 4:00, 6:00,
8:00, 10:00
Come With Your
Friends Today!
Fight Vita Moose Over Instruction
of Delegatea Is Expected to
Develop Within Party.
SPOKANE. Wash., Feb. 13. (Spe
cial.) As the first step in the Repub
Iican Presidential campaign, A. J. VVil
son. county chairman, will call in the
central committee with its 187 mem
bers and present his resignation to
that body along with the formal noti
fication of the call for county, state
and National conventions,
Chairman Wilson resigns because he
does not wish to be considered as
using his position in the party organ
ization to further his own announced
candidacy against other Republicans
for the Fifth District Congressional
With the convention call issued by
the state committee at Seattle Friday
comes a new period of political activ
ity, with unusual conditions adding
interest to party policies and action.
Republicans are Inclined to believe
the situation will phape up over the
state in the next eight weeks so that
a Koosevelt fight will be tttarted in
the nartv. the supporters of the ex-
President being opposed in the con
ventinn hv a combination of regular
Republicans who wish to send an un-
Instructed delegstion
convention in June.
to the National
Tl.o.iir-r to Conclude Season in its
Present Quarters.
The Orpheum Theater will conclude
the present season, ending tne laner
nsrt of Mav or early In June, in its
credent location on Broadway, assert
ed Manager Carl Reiter last nlghi.
denying reports that the urpneum
shows would jnove to another Portland
playhouse In March because of the early
entry into the Portland iieia pmnncu
bv the. Ackerman & Harris circuit.
Arrangements nave Deen inaue. i um
Informed, bv which we shall remain
where we are until the end of the sea
son." said Mr. iceuer. ny nuiniuci me
Run-down, Weak and Nervous
Made Strong; by Vinol.
Vor the benefit of Portland school
girls who overwork and get into high
Iv nervous, weak and run-down condi
tion. we publish this letter from Dorris
Coplier. of Fort Worth, Tex., I go to
the high school and take music lessons
and became rundown, weak and very
nervous, so I could not do anything. I
would shake all over and could have
screamed at times, and was really unfit
to keen on with my studies. Mother
purchased a bottle of Vinol for me
and within a week I was better, and in
two weeks I had gained five pounds
and felt fine."
It Is the curative strengthening ele
ments of the true cod liver extract, aid
ed by the blood-making, revitalizing
effect of peptonate of iron and beef
peptone, contained in Vinol, which
made it so successful in building up
health and strength and overcoming
the nervous condition of Miss Coplier,
and we ask every school girl in Port
land who is in a like condition to try
Vinol, on our guarantee to return their
money if it fails to benefit. The Owl
Drug Co., Portland. Oregon. ( P. S. In
your own town wherever you 'live, there
is a Vinol Drugstore. Look for the
r 1
I i
Orpheum circuit plans to build a thea
ter of its own in Portland."
The new Orpheum playhouse to be
built here. San Francisco reports say,
will be similar to the $125,000 Kansas
City Orpheum, recently constructed.
Rumors that an effort was being .
made to lease the Heilig or the National
Theater for the remainder of the season
were denied by ManHtfer Reiter.
Very few girls get through their 'teens 1 '
without eruptions or pimples showing on ,
their faces.
These may be due to indigestion result- "
ing from improper diet. If so they will
quickly disappear when the proper food
is adhered to. If they are accompanied
by pallor and listleasness you must look
to the condition of the blood.
Because these eruptions on the faces of
school girls are bo common they seldom
receive the attention from parents that ;"
they require. When they indicate thin
blood Or anemia there is a ready remedy
in Dr. Williams' Pink 1111a. Thesetonio
pills, free from harmful drugs, are pretty
sure to help growing girls because they
build up the blood at a time when tlm
demand on it is greatest. As the blood
is made rich and red, fickle appetites be
come normal, lassitude gives way to
vigor, the cheeks and lips show the glow ..
of health and the whole system is toned
up. The nervous system is invigorated
and with proper attention to diet many
dangers are averted.
Your own druggist sells Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills or they will be mailed, post- :'
paid, on receipt of price, 60 cents per
box, six boxes $2.60, -ly the Dr. Williams '
Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. The
pamphlet, "Building Up the Blood," is
tree on request.
Robert Harbison, Prominent
Detroiter, Has Made In
teresting Discovery.
A great specialist, at one time, com
pared the human system to a delicate "'
piece of mechanism, saying: "The flues
need cleaning, the shafts oiling, and tho
drive wheel more energy."
Plant Juice, the new system tonic.
now being introduced here, may he
likened to the human repair shop. It
puts the stomach, the keystone of the
human system, in repair, causing it to
digest the food, corrects constipation.
purifies the blood, eliminates uric acid.
the cause of rheumatism, opens the
pores of the skin, and lets out the poi- ,
son and cleanses the entire system. It
stimulates the kidneys and puts a slug
gish liver back to performing its:
proper functions, thereby laying th)
foundation for a new lease of life. Day
by day more people are coming for-.,
ward with statements concerning this
wonderful preparation. The following
testimonial was made by Mr. Robert
Harbison, who lives at No. 718 Canton .
Avenue, Detroit, Mich., and is con
nected with the city gas company. Mr.
Harbison is prominent in lodge circles
and his integrity is absolutely unques
tioned. He stated: .
"I had been afflicted for a long tinio
with a serious case of stomach trouble.
My food fermented, causing gas and
made me very dizzy. 1 had no appetite
and was in a generally 'run-down' con
dition. I had tried almost every known
remedy without receiving any benefit,
until I commenced to use Plant Juice.
I have only been taking riant Juice
for one week and I am now feeling likaj
new man. It is worth its weight in
gold. I am recommending Plant Juice
to all my friends who suffer from stom
ach trouble."
Plant Juice is sold in all Owl Drug