Tlir MORXINfi OKEGOXIAaV. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1916. UN HOLD FIGHTS TO LEADERSHIP PORTLAND MAX DISCOVERS .METHOD OF SAVING BT-rRODUCTS FROM WOOD SULPHIDE PLANTS. 85 Per Cent of Our Customers Take Their Stamps Do You? ATTACKS IN WEST GERMANS PUSHING Control of Own Party, Not Nomination Alone. Is Real Issue at Stake. LIVELY TIME IN PROSPECT I'rv-t.Wttoa rt ef tprrral lUa-a-il ok ThW Thai llrpubll. runs Will at lUsnsarvrlt If Hag tee Will sot Kan. 'f AAA- A . Hj -j :v r "" AA JUL LANE HITS ARMS SALE Manufacturers of Munitions Assailed by Senator: NVESTIGATION IS ASKED i:rpresnlafle Taienner'a IlroIa- llon la Inlrodacrd In 1'ppcr Houae In Modified form Coat of Prr va ml nm ' ' Cited. T JOHN CALUX OLAIGHIJN 'AHtl.iTOX. rx. 1J. That pr- tdnt :) will spook oa prpard i at various ima Ihia Winter la '" tiooa I takaa for granted la White Houa cuclw. It and hl political rard tal a d- ira.. aot only ca the question of raerjiH, eat In connection with hi ambition ta succeed) timir. Suck action mail be taken Is orfaet In tmj.ijn af wiliiaat Jsnaicgs bryan. fi. w ilia etsr.sibty fighting pr fa-cla-a... la la reality believed la b f"1" la way lo regain tna l.aj.r eitlp of ta tfiiot-rt:c party. If in lima Mr ilrjan Utii tha tump tha Pr.idni will bat written la Ilia Governor of Ohio announcing nrm.i.jr inai ( d.airaa hi uai la ca taa. lnocrallc l'rM.ntlal pri mary hitot. Tne q ixhiin concerning i political advtsare I. Vlii comment a ill ir. tlrjaa naka on tai anoouacamaair "e4 ( Maraaaay aaaaraat. It la hacornin mor. aad mora ap parrnt la tn. frti thai trp. mut ta tak.a to maiatain harmony in th party. Th.y acr.a lhal wlial f rt nt'i.t ka d m. I. to ahoar conclu. iv.iy thai tft IT. Jnt t.. la uoii P'it4 Uajrr.hip. X Mr. il.on al.l fea bo opposition ta tka Damo crati aomiaatien. II la nnaacaaaary t-t h:m to roacara hlnu.K sr.atly ahoui tha p.r.oaal (aalicca of lodi tfTi.l tarmilT ha oul4 pr.f.r that Ih.y ork crdia;lr with. Mm. bat If Ih.y do aot. t.iaa ha la comp.II.d to dna liarn Into Una. flul onea tha pra ani eth.r laaulativa mat. l-r. io hl Ceaara.alonal procranima OltKGOMA.VNt'.ns nt'KKAl. Vah- ara !! af tha way ail of lb. toao Instoo. I.k. . anator Uana. of Ora- ci-at. m...t rally k.tifvd tha Pra.ld.ot (oa. )a raptjly davclopinr Into the arcn :;,.w,:;;ir'. l: r-s h- tha ront;auaaca of l&a lamocratlo t'on Al 'r rt' h ,la b" party a ceatral. corn thrtr chief cmwr In lha inate. rra-4 awaawtiow takt rroakl. ,op cf " Pa. l In whl. h ba rol fcara k.n.r.II, ara araad ro"'1 thw' "''' aallin t.iat 'a Mr. Iiryan will not rara dath-tfrajin: and dolcra to apanly to attack laa Irmicratte Hck.l tba alll.s. the rirtntur Inirod -icej. In fMr:e tha abaction tampain. what- motilaad form, a rcolutlon prrTlouly . may do prior lo lha m..tin off.ra la Hie llou by UrprcaantatUa ? r;fOrn.ri'0,"wt-1 Ik,mo:1 T.T.narr. ca.t.n, for th. appointment durira- ih Humm.r an.i rail Ibouca olnt committr, of ais fr.nalora t.!. will eat ba .urprl...l akould a ltprantatioa to proba Ml Kilkanay ftfkl d.v.lcp la tha thorouchly Into tno munition planta and rrtatlona to th- fnlt4 btalra It l. Ineer.aUaa; I nela that a!l th O-x.rnm.nt. Nmw rie .lartiea plana ara baiaa xba r.aulution rcit-a thai "li rr.TiH e. tha th.ory thai ft. ton. I mnra than ;vi).Oi '. ral.rd lrln I Th.o.f.ra wttl ba lha K.-lp.ili by latinc tho Ihinss that tha p iftlrcan eorrin... A a ma:t.r of j t,.ol,t t. an-l u. haa b-n f-l. f.r. ha. appar.J a !. f n 1.4 annually on t!ia Army an.l Nay. ro"'l .wall fur th. olonal In tni.lynd'r tha irnrral a.umptlun that In fcn-:o att.ntioa la bain callod I r.turw for th'a perJltura tho Nation aa b.ln rtaaonably prrpara. arwl Taa oa rV-a la rtlrw. "Wfrru. It la now b.ln conaralty aawrt.4 lo many quartrra thai tba Na tion la pltifuity ur.(r.rM. and -Wr.ra. II ha. al.o barn rhartal in r.tiii Ikal mCliona of dollara of tibl- t trtda )' b.'n wa.ta-l by tha Pym.Bl to prlvat manufacturvr. by rmy tf.4 Nor ofTU-r. of from 2 to t pr 'cnt m..r. for Urea ciuantltl.a cf Army and Ny aurpliaa than lha moi coatd hava obtalno1 for throng thair manufrturo In Oovrrn m.nt ar.rnat. anl Nayy-ar.l.K and "Whcrni. lt profit In. i.i'iit to the tnanufart'iro and a: of arma. arnia m.Al an4 munition, of war baa a trn dairy lu corrupt pibllr opinion." ot Th'lt frr, a I'oni r.l'.".jl proba I. to ba ard.r.d. If lha rtio.ul.on paaaa. karaea ta Ma laollaalral. ?.n-tor Iwiaa waa minJ'ul to rllml nato frvm M ratutlon lha folloalnk Bhffra4 ront.lnad In lha resolution ky Mr. Ttnr: k.artnaa by tha loby In ..tistlon commit!. of tka t'nttod Mtata l.aata In lll that a.natora now tn oir .rrt atorkhold ar of ar-lr-ffi. air.a- Crn.a and ron r.rna which profit financially from ilo-rn-Tnt approprta'tooa for tha Arm- and Nay. I Tf lnl rommlttra l lo Invaatlaata a'l tba char;' tn th pr.amM.; I t.c.r'ain tha amount pan! by tn War and Nary Ipartnicnt for u; r"'. Iilpmant. tr, d.tcrrnln th atlrnt of pjk.l rvtravacan. report on a feaa lb1, plan of manofacturlKf thraa aup. ptle anl aqolpmenl In Oornmenl yard, th proper location of Ooycrn mnt plant and to d't.rmln how deeply tha Natry Unit). ofTlrial ar IBl.rT.te.J In munition plant. Ta.eaaer rroUoa) Oaaltlrdw Senator Lan alao left out of Ma re olutlon a par.-.sraph dir t:n- lhal an lntlTtloa ba mada to datermina tha stal lo wbU'h m m be r of fienata and llou.a own or control clock In any munition conc.rn. and penally con cern, that hay baa .eliip.d their product lo lha ttiltod Ktate Oorcrn mr.L II tlx left ont of hi rraolutlon h Ta.nner prort.ion thai any Scnrtor or member rf Contrr.. who la or ha bten a tohhoMr In any munition, factory or who reiatlvr har. held aurb stock, shall bo IncllslMo for ap pointment on th problns committee. Th rule of !" fenala do not permit on Senator to In any way reflect upon aaoth.r fT.ator or upon any member of lha lioa. A Portland man Chart Marchnd ha dlxovared a maihnd for sarin; certain aluabla by-products, princi pally denatured a'ci.hol. from the waste It'iuora from wood sulphite plants. H Is Installtnr hi Inyentlon In a Wiscon sin wood pulp mill and probably will make installations In some mil In this rk-inlty. Mr. Marchand ha maintained offices In the Klectrlc hulidlna In Portland and It was In thi city that h worked "ut the formula, that resulted In his dis-co-err. Berlin Asserts Capture of 700 Yards of Trenches in Champagne Region. FIGHT RAGES IN ARTOIS sary to take out soma of tha fal.ewor at I l.e drawbrldse. across tha Siuslaw.t Permit a lo Jam. which threalene damaare. to pa... lCKin oprratlon on that river ar at their helaht. It can be used for run nlnit loa only during hlsh water I d'irlnir the reoenl flood thousand o the low have keen floated to the mill beloa. where their are hetnir held fo operation In the prln:. The lumber men. Mr. .;odrlrh said, report that few loc hare been lost by baluic carrl out to sea. Al Marleton. a arhooltra-hr was re-iid In tha middle of the nleht from a eleepmc tent, by two younir men. who waded walat deep In water to her as alsfan.-a. according lo Mr. ioodrlrh. Two hundred men are ni;icod In re pittrlnjc the track between KuKene and fushman. a a result of damn by storms. GIRL BEING CARED FOR HO- IIOI.LtD.tV 'OT QIKTIOKD AROIT PKR-OXAL AI TAIH-. lo th it tn 'enylania. ) rnor Hrorr.ha-nf I. opposed to !na I i I'.ero.a. Tha tatt.r ha. no tnta t " of bom? driy.a from the leader-sh-p tn hi. .fate. ani would pref.r lo tn-r hi., support l ta. sas-a of Oy t. ray rat. r than lo halt the I'nlos.l Join ftrvs with. Prumbaua't. 1c I. kaewn furth.r that wn.n neaator "moot. f I lhs reenffty waa aa.4 hr af k ! eoa.r 1 1 nan t . wkather h :! ba. lt :oali f jr Fraai-d"n.-y h.'l h. wo.ti.j do so b- ! doubt if th )'oIue w.r aomt. tia'.-l .! taa. taay Oetad a Hakov ll L. .till in. that taa ttaalpat .r. a aol want tie Co. a. I and will !. .rYthta; in. Ihatr pow.r ta pre vent hi aomiaaeioo. .t pr..nt. hw. It I b.lnT Itttrallf admit- -4 flat II I. aith.e A-aoclat J .t c. tiuch.a ar r..lot. Roosevalt. a ad lha f tr r pr.f.r to remain en taa a ip rem. b.n. h. (oro.r. h Kepab-!- l.altrt ar aot .r-d..;ro4. of i! iho ' aa oportuaity of arpointi-g to tha Coart of I ia t - i. i fttat. aaoth.r man like lii-.n.ia. T:i r.e-tlar republican who are a.nw.d .-an.lia'aa far lha notafnatioa e' party ara bath; charact.rljed a t. Tall In po. .ncal circlse la ft. Naffonai capital tifl wnea lhay appear at the eonvoatioa popular Btiort probably will b- the -!. " tt I. hoped they wilt kae a s.jff'.-ieni n imher af d.l.arate. la thar hand, to a stampede for th. i !nl. 9ome appr.h.n.ion en IM s. ora. how.r.r. ha.. dlopd a. m re 'iil of rumor whtct hy rached fc.ra thai the Southern d. 1. :. who a- r.rf.d tnd and true. far a. adhar.neo to the l.aJ.r I con. rem.d. baee keen la communb-atlon all frln- f Mr Koo.:-. DUAL HIGHWAY IS PLANNED To- a I Li Will IW oat One Ir-tland-t:acetM Koatt. -i-RVAtXJ or . rt ll (Special W ban In Katurday. A. L. of M in neapi. I .. rvpr.aantlna; tka :.ional Park. II iitit s-latlon anl the National IlKhway A.acxlatlon. a.iJ a aul hiaway will mark mj.h f lha war batw. an fti-n anl Port las t Ja.t th west .Id. klch way will oo located ka did Pot tar. a r.ot that Coryalli. would bo on tit tn to. iM a branch Mrhwy from Crr. t li t N.wport would ba built. "W tie fi.a color lit paintln kickway 'frpoa:s. and by followmc th !.! la... an aatnlat shoald know at all t.ece wbicrt read to follow limply by rtadtea; tha color en the hlaaway tijna Black and white are (be color a-i tn Pacific HisNway. and an- mar le-iMntUta woull ba -d for tl iervailt-Newporl tine, tadicatloc leal il II s dTtetton. Waatea'a Pralrrtltr Plnreaa Itaa Klea- oarapher. t ko rlasf i anielae. la Ila Char sr. stricken with nervou collapse, fol loalni; her attempt to commit suicide by drownintc al the Kroadway brldr Saturday nlitht. Mist Itessie Ilolladny Is belnc cared for by the Women Pro tective Bureau. Mie haa not been troubled with que, lions a to tha Identity of the man who lilted her. nor have any other details of her story been Insisted upon a yet. The impl and heartbroken explana tion that elie rave on the tilKhl of her attempt at self-dealrurlion still stands. Th man who was to hajr-i married her, she id. had told lirr wlih cruel finality that he Hid not love her. r'mm the liro.dway brl.lke she stared al the arlinT yellow water thai would mean oblivion. L.lfe wasn't worth keeplne. Harold rrederlrksnn saw the Ctrl as she climbed on the cuardrall and pre vented her Jumplntr off. )lls lloladay Is 1 yeaia old and stenoffrapher. Her mother, she say. Uvea In tirant County. In addition to lo.tnr her sweetheart, tha airl was penilllesa. Ill il IS mn ni Tint inn iioxii.i 11 TMir ARK T-lKKH HaPIDI.l. E. BUCKMANJS SOUGHT ew H ork City Woanaa Think. Ilrrxltcr I la Ore son. rrf.e ara kale- mala by wra. r. urn .a aa ft. of :j W eat One Mon . rd anl KUt-aots trl. 'w Tork ' I !-.' h.r brotbr. ndward Iti.-kava. who b aa t s la oawar i frwtn. lira Via Tell aay lhal th kaa not -h.arw f-ota bira for 11 y.ara aaj tkat si-xra taa t time ka. baea ttvarrtvd. .h aay thai bar (rork.r lived for a t - la V'tUo. ka waa In th aw-a!il bu.ln.aa. a ad fc think p. ..-. . ka tr ir ka. oo lata Ik. a-ae -a la tfcia a'at. A FLOOD 1 TO LOGGING d : t kit law aid i nrqn DitmiCT tiiinr.K ni i- (.real NeMkerw la Carry 4 aiaa -.aewraloa and Llal I Ikely ta Ke r illed la "ew Ila-a. While bokln-f. for th rtos-rt-n ex- rurslon lo llonolu'u ware opened Katur day afternoon at Try tmlth's bureau at Third and Washington vtreet.. tli real rush f r reservation, v. Ill be-tln today. There ara mora than ISO preliminary reaeevatlona made already and other pplUatton cni I n tr In continually. Pean Vincent, prime minister off. tha Kosarlan. rxpr.s.ed th optni n Satur day nitrht Ih-I the reservations will ba all taken up probnbly several weeks bef.-re April li. th et f.r sallln;. Th announcement that automobile eouM ta htppe-l ovtr on th Or-at N'ort.-iern at r specially low rale, pre cipitated a flood of replications for c tratra room on tli stenmer. and this a 111 be ail Bono very soon, sine the (tract on the Great Ntirthern will ac commodate only 4 machine. The most of the auto shipped will be those owned by Portland peoplo who ara coins? on th trip, for those who al l come from L'tah. Idaho. Montana and Wa.Mnrton will probably not car to pay the xtra expense of shlprlrs; their car to Portland to be embarked. NORTHCUFFE SPURNS IDEA Office Not Wanlctl I'mlrr fivrrn mrnt J lchtlnjc ,lcfonlxc" War. Teuton lorrc Snlcl AIo lo llax rcnrtralrd Allien PohIiIoii. In I'landera; German Aeroplane Miot lsowh In names. BKRLI.V. Feb. 1J. Hcary flshtlntf Is In nrnsrrcss In Champasrne. The Oer- in War Office announced today tho rapture of French position extending: over a front of about 700 yards. In Flander tha German penetrated positions of the entente allies. PAUIH. via London. Feb. U. Five successive Infantry uttaeks were de hverctl by the termtns In the Chim- u no yi-sterdiiy and Inst nlnht In an cff.iri to recapture the positions re cently taken by the French. The War Office statement .ya those, as saults were repulsed. Near Solssons the Germans penetrated a French trench but .subsequently were ejected. The following official communication wa Issued by the War orrtc tonient "In Artol.a the clay wa marked by series of German attacks, extending from I. ill UO as fur s the road be tween Neuville and I-aFolie. In the mornine the first attack was made milhout rult to the west of hill 110. In the afternoon, after a violent bombardment of our positions. the enemy attacked al four different points alone our front. Three of these attacks were stopped short by our cur tain of fire and the fire of our in fantry. In the course of the fourth the enemy succeeded In penetratlns; our first line trench to the west of hill 110. He was driven out of it by an Immediate counter attack. In which he suffered appreciable losses In dead and wounded. "A German aeroplane, cannonaded by our batteries, was Droucnt oon in flames to the e.t of Givenchy. To the south of Frlse an attack wlln Krenado on our works failed. To the east of the Olse we bom barded the enemy organization In front of Fontanoy. Between Solssons and Khelms the German artillery was par ticularly active. In the sectors of Sols- sons. Chassemy ana la j-oupeue our curtain of fire cut short infantry ac tion in the course of preparation. In Champairne In an isolated action between the roads from Navarln and St. Xouplet we took some prisoners. To the east of the road from lahurn to Somme-Py the enemy trained a foothold in .some sections of tho advanced trenches. In Arsronn we carried out a destructive fire on the enemy organi sations t- the north of Le Four de Paris. 'In upper Alsace an enemy attack to the east of 8 .pots was halted by our artillery fire." STREETS SHEETS OF ICE pii 11. tllKI.I'lll l THtVUI. I ITY UKATF.S. o i:n Srare lajaren ky Kalllna. and la New lark tloapllala Are Hoar Treat, laa; llrakea 'ink a. PHILAPF.LPHIA. Feb. 14. Philadel phia's streets for several hours today resembled a vast network of froxen canals and for th first tune In years t wa possible to traverse the city from one end lo the oilier on lee sKaies. Great thrones of skaters iook auan- l.i-i. of the opportunity. Scores or pedestrians were injured by falling on he Icy streets. A elect storm, which tarted early ant merit and continued until day break today, was retponslblo ror tn unusual conditions. Solid ice nearly n inch thick formed on the streets. NKW YORK. Feb. 13. Four Inches of snow fell here today, and coupled with rain, sleet and Increaatnn cold, mndo walking difficult and seriously tupetled traffic. Hospital were busy treutinif persons ufferlna- from broken limbs, sprained ankle and wrists althounh no fatall- ies acre reported. A force of S0.000 men we put to work cluaring the city"s streets of snow and sleet. 1 Jl MX YOUR MOVE! CHESSMEN Chessmen Sets at 75$ to S5.00 50c Playing Cards, "Triton," "Bijou," special .37? 50c Game Counters and Poker Chips :39 $2.00 Strop and $5.00 Sure Edge Razor, both for $1.89 $2 "Wake Up" Ironclad Alarms, special $1.29 To close out at 87t? each, while they last "FAMOUS" HOT and COLD Bottles. RIBBKR, 1.."U Hot Water Bottle SI tl Bulb Syringje 67e Itubber Gloves 25C Rubber Household Aprons ROt up. We Mead ItBbber Coo da. BETTER PUT THOSE BULBS IN THIS "WEEK Here they are, beauties named varieties Tulips, Hyacinths, Narcissus, Daffys, Crocus 3 Cents and Up FOR THE DRESSING TABLE 25c Satin Skin Face Powder 14$ 25c Pond's Extract Cold Cream, tube , 20? Jergen's Benzoin and Almond Lotion, large size 25 50c Derma-Viva Liquid Whit- ener 'Jv Vantine's Wisteria Blossom Tal cum Powder 15? 25c Mum 25c Pears' Glycerine Soap.-lof4 $1.25 Hair Brush, special. . .69 35c Tooth Brush 19 25c Nail Brush 14t? $1.00 Ivory Buffer, only 63 $1.00 Ivory Pin Cushion and Jewel Box 59c "STOLLWERCK" Famous Chocolates and Cocoa. Demon stration this 'week yours for the glancing. Delicious, health ful, inexpensive. "MAR-NOT" A wearproof, waterproof Varnish for old and new floors. Tough, durable, brilliant. Stands the boot-heel test. Quart cans $1.00 MORSE COAST-GROWN SEEDS GROW We have them Flower and Vegetable. Catalogue Free. ALDZX STREET AT WE S T FWBK -MARSHALL .1.700 -HOME A 6171 I ANTHRAX IN HIDES KILLS DEADLY DISEASE COMES FROM CHINA AND JiOtTII AMERICA. MILITARY SCIENCE STUDIED rrlnrcton Course to He Inaojcurntod by Mr. nrrrklnrldgt?. PIUNCETON. N- Feb- 1J. A course of military cienco ior note- on University will be Inaugurated Monduv nltht by an address by fienry C. Precklnrldf e, ex-Assistant Secretary of W ar. nifle practice 1 to be neia. out no rill. nd the work I to be entirely ptlonal. The course was instituted at the request or tne luatnn, urn faculty committee has charire of the de- ails and Is plsnnlns; to mane ma won permanent and a upplemeni to me immer camps Leather 'Worker la Dead and Hide- Handler Dylnsr RedlMlnfeetion of Import la Asked. NEW TOIIK. Feb. 13 Dr. C. T. G. Rogers, of the division of industrial hygiene, of the State Labor Depart ment. It was announced tonight, will request Surgeon-General Rupert Blue, of the United States Public Health Service to use his Influence with the Treasury Department to have an order Issued for the redislnfeclion of all niaes hipped to America from anthrax-in fected ports of China and South Amer ica. Dr. Rog-ers' action is based on the fact that Eua-ene Hiers. a hide-handler of this city, is believed to be dying of anthrax at a hospital here. It is Dr. Rokers' theory that anthrax is com municated throuph hides and leather. Although Hiers was operated on Sat urday for the removal of the anthrax lesion and the Eiehhorn serum was in jected into his blood, his condition has teartilv grown worse. GLOVERS VI LLE. K. Y.. Feb. 1J. Niles Reynolds, aged G3. died early to ny from anthrax which ho contracted last Wednesday while working In a leather manufacturing plant here on hrepsklns imported from South Amer ica. The disease was communicated hrough a slight skin eruption on his neck. This was the second case among workmen of the same plant within a year. The other man recovered. GERMANS ARE BUYING FAT Swiss to Ko Asked lo Permit Kvport, T"nder Threats. LONDON". Feb. 14. A dispatch to the Morning Post from Berne says: "Girman agents, especially women, are buying large quatilies of fat and wool In Switxerland preparatory to ask ing the government to allow their ex portation, which is now forbidden. It is suggested that Switzerland's refusal to acquiesce would cause Germany to decline to allow Switxerland to receive coal, sugar and soda from Germany." bridge across the Willamette River as it was being: opened for the passage of the North Pacific steamer Roanoke last night about 8:10 o'clock, an un identified man fell into the river and presumably drowned. The harbor patrol searched for the body, but late last night the man had not been found. Operator Donnelly had started the draw when he saw a man on the end of it. He stopped the draw and turned the lights in that direction and as he did bo he saw the man stumble into the darkness below. Mr. Donnelly ran to the scene, but could not see the man. Pianist Finds Substitute for His Missing Fingers Joe Neal. of Springfield, Regains Lost Harmony Note" After Years of Experimenting. BRITISH FORCE DEFEATED Turks, Say Floe. Knemy Waa Forced Abandoning Dead. to CONSTANTINOPLE, via London. Feb. 13. Defeat of the British in a battle near Korna on the Mesopotamlan front was announced today by the war ur flce. It Is said the British were com pelled to flee, abandoning their dead. On the Caucasus front, the statement says, the Russians were driven from Turkish positions that they had cap tured, sustaining- heavy losses. OPEN DRAW BRIDGE FATAL Unidentified Pedestrian Apparently Drowned at St. Johns. Losing- hla footing- on the draw of the Spokane. Portland & Seattle Hallway EUGENE. Or., Feb. 13. (Special.) Joe Neal, of Springfield, is both a piano player and a genius. Once a musician of some importance, he lost what he called the "harmony note." when three of his lingers were cut oil in an accident- That was several years ago. Today, he announced, it had been recovered, and soon his friends would hear him play with all his old-time perfection. Neal his invented an automatic de vice to be attached to the front of the piano, and which takes tho place of his missing lingers. Handicapped, as a result of his in Jury, Neal could not maintain his place among musicians. He tried in vain to nnd the "harmony note." Repeatedly he planned various devices, but only recently did he hit upon the idea which he now pronounces perfect. He has given the contrivance a trial. He has called in the neighbors to hear him play as of yore, and they have been amazed to see him perform the work of his missig fingers with his knee. RAGE WITH TRAIN FATAL YOUTH O.V WAY TO VISIT MOTHER ItLX DOWST AT TACOMA. The Koval Astronomical Society has Just had lis charter amended so that women are ellslhle for election as fellows and associate-. Second Occupant of Machine Thrown JOO Keel. Hitting Pole, and Sot Expected to Lire. TACOMA, Wash., Feb. 13. (Special.) George I. Campbell was killed and hi companion. Porter . McCall, probably fatally injured today when a Northern Pacific train struck an automobile i which they were riding. Campbell and McCall had been hav ing a brush with the local train. It reached the station first and stopped. The warning signal at the crossing was ringing and it is presumed that the motorists thought it was for the local, for they never stopped and were 6truck by the limited train. The machine was hurled 60 feet and broken to splinters. McCall shot through the air a dis tance of 100 feet and hit a pole. Camp bell's neck was broken. Campbell, who was 20 years old and an American citizen, had offered him self for enlistment in a Canadian regi ment at Armstrong. B. C, but was re jected because of spinal trouble. He was on his way to visit his mother, Mrs. L. G. Conner, of Seattle, who is visit- . ing at Edgewood, when the accident occurred. Ofrer of $10,000 Aludc WcImIi. NKW ORLEANS. La.. Feb. 13. (Spe cial.) Dominick Tortorich, a local box ing promoter, announced tonight that he had offered Freddie Welsh $10,000 guarantee and $500 training expenses to meet the winner of the Dundee Mandot match held in New Orleans on March 4 for the lightweight championship. The tensile strength of a paper fly hccl Is far Rrenter than one marie of ti'on. Painless Parkei -Outlaw His Confessions. CHAPTER VIII. .'J . -J JLJi'PI- J" "J JLJ'.'gl-.'IWMW !IJJ J.W...U!5P.J raJaawara, of lHaaaet te-Taelf le spaa aaked tll Caltst llaak raakler HaretseJ far "A ee k. i: 'GEN It. Or. b. 1 1 iSp.-tl Considerable damaf from floods In th a.u:w and t'mpqoa dlstru-i la rport st by flay lioodr'rh. it.itani raahler of lb First Nat'.oaal IVartk. who ka Jut re'urned from lorrK. w r. r h wa marooned for a weak by In hlh wtr anj land. tides, which rlod th rai I road. rem of th falsawsrk an tha bis brlda ein- constructed, by lha Wll-lamette-Factflr aero lh I'mptua wa wh.1 ml and. a a ra-ill. Iher will ba aom delay In lb completion of l"ie at r-.'-t-ire. lr i.ooHrh aid At Cu.hman. he said. II wa nca- LONDON". Feb. H. Th ugeel!on that be should become Minister of Avi ation has not been agreeably accepted by Lord Northcllffe. In an editorial today the Daily Mail, one of Lord Northcllffe newspapers. a: "Horn nowspaper and many thou sands of correspondenta suggest that l.orJ Northcllff should be placed In! chare of th air department." I Lord Northcllff' reply Is: There or men better a Me than he to undertake th task. Furthermore. b could not conscientiously take part In a government that la nrhtlng a de fensive, rather than an offensive, war." PEGOUD'S BROTHER SUICIDE iK-atli of At la tor and Financial Canc Iet.pondenoy. PAT. IS. Feb. 11 The body of Francis prsi'Ud. brother of Adoipe I'ceoud. the atlator who wa killed In action nearly tlx month aao. waa found hanking from a Ire In the vicinity of Varai;ira. I'rgoud. apparently a suicide, wa i years rid. and bad been vmplnyed In a munition fa.tory. II had been de pressed owing to h' brother drath and to flnan.-lal dlf fl ulllea. II a a said Expressed by over 23,000- THERE is an individuality of institution made possible by the personality of those men who comprise it. Whether it be with mem ber of the staff or an officer those doing busi ness here experience an atmosphere of welcome and appreciation. We aak yen far yaar banklag katlseu oeraaa we believe as raa aaeajaateiy car tor it. Oarpatrona find, also, every department of banking under one roof a desirable feature. NorthwTttrnCH:!;'S:: Bank Building Si-lhandt Morrison, . It didn't take long for the broth er dentlats In the Iowa to atart an underground ram ble that I waa a dangerous rebel. It waa Ibe first lime I had heard that name applied to me, a a d It Jarred me. for I honestly couldn't understand a a t where I had committed any of ten a e. merely be cause I bad decid ed to travel a dif ferent road. They even tried to Induce my land lord lo throw me out of lila place. The buzzing grew o arrong that many of my former frlenda gat In the habit of passing me on the atreet with Icy stares. Then they got together la the form' of a eommittee of ethlcals." and they called on me and solemnly interviewed me. 1 waa hurting their dignity, nnd so they tried lo point out to me how wicked I waa. In truth. I was only letting a little daylight Into the mys teries of tooth-pulling and tooth-filling. They mourned on my neck about "lowering the profeaslon," whereas all I could see that I was doing was lower ing a few miseonceptlona about a little understood business and lowering prices, too. They talked and talked and I talked back, but we didn't arrive at any mid dle irronnd. I couldn't see and I have never Been what was wrong about tell ing the public simply something it nas every right to know truths that some day will become commonplace. After our talk-fest we were no better off than we were at the outset. This committee was long on aavice. ui snort on showing me how I could perpetuate a meal-ticket lor mjseir ana tnose at home. Getting nowhere with molasses, the "ethical' gentlemen proceeded to try vinegar. To Be Continued. Adv. FOR BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING COUGH, CROUP, COUGHS AND COLDS Make the Best Remedy at Home 128 Teaspoonsful for 50 Cents N If everything: vt-as sold in as liberal and fair a manner as the Huntley Drug Co. are selling- Schlffmann's New Con centrated Expectorant, absolutely no cause for complaint or dissatisfaction could possibly arise from anyone. These druggists say "Buy a bottle of this remedy and try it for Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Severe Cough, Croup or any Bronchia! Affection, and we will return your money. Just as we do with Schlffmann's famous Asthmador, if it does not give satisfaction, or if not found the best remedy ever used for any of these complaints." "Why not take advantage of this guarantee and try this medicine, and get your money, back, lather than buying another pure ly on the exaggerated claims of Us manufacturer or on the strength of tes timonials from others and run the chance of getting something worthless and also wasting your money? In buying thia remedy, besides secur ing an absolute guarantee of Its effi ciency from these druggists, you also get about eight times as much medicine as you would in buying most any of the old-fashioned, ready-mado kinds, which average from 20 to 33 teaspoons ful, because 50c worth makes a whole pint (128 teaspoonsful) when mixed at home with simply one pint of sugar and one-half pint of water. This rem edy positively does not contain chloro form, opium, morphine or any other narcotic. It is pleasant to take and children are fond of it. You will bo the sple judge, and under this positive, guarantee absolutely no risk is run in buying" this remedy. Druggists every where are authorized to sell it under the same guarantee as Schlffmann's famous Asthmador of "Money Back" if not perfectly satisfactory. R. J. Schfff mann, Proprietor, St. Paul, Minn. saasaaaa i.tra ailila't i'T) rT'-r"""'v-x-''g'"u'a Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6095