' ' 13 . T7TE MOKXTXG OltEGOXIAy. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1916. ' 1 WASHINGTON HIGH TEAM IS UMBEATEH Lhcoln Scores First Victory cf Season Against Janes John, 45 to 2a 4 GAMES ON WEEK'S CARD Amttrtr Ml ft SrTt-ral .Matera In Ii lBrlstl by jKdfar t runk andl ivj M-n--hlt Continue Vudrt Prolyl. slball rolnii i.e. J.. - .... 1 J iJ, j j.e lu.h .. I i,-tni4.. ji "mJ.oJ.OO ii;'-. ScBOol rsbt out in the lead of the F-ortiand Jnc.racaoia.ilc i;.h.tbo.l L-a. for th. tilt Three win aad rt.r.r. 1 th ittori lo th Sider. lj..'oia Hick 'hor woo H riwl game of the Saturday ateraoon. 4 to Z K at la evpee. of th Jeme John eeiatel la th lortlaad Academy , m a iinv Tbe hlrk point rettar of B w" Caotaia Carl of Railapllt-t-ra. who made f!H bhet Bd five fo good ror Si potata. T-o athlete were .'acted from tb conte.t bv K.fere Bo'(a. Cl.rlu. af Uocoln. en. I Cap(la Wrtnsle. of Jaroe John Hi it. Centar lliatl. oa Coach 'Y bi ( aa-gracattoav. made IS marker Kt ( Ifte aivaa to kl t.am- The following era lineupe: I..... I lit Jeraaejakai I r .-. A-'". " t ,r. u r . .. . : " ..v.n. n.i J,V"! r roof im un Ik br for la tn U. Tk Vk ln . Mi! K- l 4 Jm John iait!tiu wi!l ! lrt flr toon la tft. Wtin'tlloa Ilick School rrnintimm: rroklio l U4 to m i. ICiil M.'itr Att-t(nr 'o l!n( ); Lincoln ll'sk ol ml grt!Kl JkrHrtY THrr ftr- r,n, WS! : Jffrt" Uil o4 Colpm- . fiiiritt r ki'.:4 i prr oa "rulT aflfao. ; -ilMtitT f rrl kthUla la ! fnf:. tnt'cBltr !. b t..rt nut! -B t T6T "'" wk from to-ttf to lrB In ok laf rm-tioB ! tH' K1r TfBBB. clirBX of ! ritrtiOB C"Ctimltl IS FBtfl Nnl A octBt Ion. tt 1T f B-"t fff!alt bb4 bt d'jin r,c!r AmCur Alalatlc L nloa rr 1 lr, ro rar4 l ?rrln of Ciumbl l'BirltT. a4 Carl Ktin.4B, cf IJBoit KlrH. wbll earit Boaa d-nu4 V k fKwk. h i -r Sf foiar, an of CnlawM t"nl. rifT. "?p li-irli'. of Jffron. ti l ca Lt&m. f vhtBto Hlk :.. k i cbtrctl wits ruiiBt ml.pro. :; -K-k aa I t"o WrpT !lrthr r ,t,flnf fc..'b:i In tNa lm onJ-r rs ip"-t t BT tk a !-! iofortrt!Ko la th kBd of Mr. 'ra' itsit o turnt cU or two. Mr rk p!n l-y ! fjr Nw Torb CTr m wX from to4r. to bo bob b tna tl aa4 mt wfc. fiy C? Ctmntni Kir J THi: rt ira filra today IU to that bawi:d:rlc myatary "Who l tuibiU'i :a.!in ilujfrr la aa many i a J lia. . ara ara two laadlsa' reataadara. T T' ! .w hklll.lnkla Tj t two la Una r surwood oCticm'n tm bm jj Blor.J Cut) J. a a a Klaaa at waC ii ih fia DdauUea alwava aataatna MMr aoT obo wbo caa buat m. and ara oaa rsw n mini . . . rbo ftoa!4 war tho WalloplB a d ait oa t& Tarono of wu : 4am II a raro rl,ira to pra- aifiifir Vt!jrl Pro wa m" t-. knw vu...t...i. - . cf Mr. Crafor4 aad Mr. "raatk. rr the l-yr roula Crawford rul-a iurrn fraato haa tolled In Ml laaa-ua are f-r bat fla (aaaoB. -tr ta lat i rfrpi4i thara ara inraa maa far out la front at the a l fli4 a-lca'a of frodarln extra baaga ena min tt cf aluiia-lBK ability. - . - A .r.t Tilia triraa ara V ri" i" m. wn -' . ba': Maaaa. with Ti atra and to, i'.k tij tra bavaaa. ai'.r r a a - Waaaa aa. Coka. will t:St!y bo a J.U to laia l?iat wot Maa ba hit t-yr mora It t-a T-a omaaa cn.ia vv. - ;rte tJfinai, tarn to t'-tmlt I yaara 4D I . I - I WW " . . . - tnat Crawford la aaarly tT ta fcayond hcVt. aa tba Tlaar oatman I keowa aa tba mtjStirat Bia4.r cf bla laaaa. a a a r raw far 4 a a. rraaafa. Te r of Crawford CraratR br'Ba la tna mala ntary. Craw ford oar tU-yaa.r pn baa arad fc.-a a aaaaoa. Oraaatk. oar a fiva-aaar apw". baa aara4 .! tra ba aa-k year. Crkth wooll arcr ba tha dacl.lori. na ttiara la mora t tho rnyatary wi (Hi. In l a yaara Crawford baa made l b..rr.a runa a trtfla ba;i.r thaa ftaa to la or CraaatH. oa aa aaraa. h bit t.ra Horn, rnna to Crew r,rl' ana. :ut bow u-k of thl 1 ta t Craaa'k aad bow muck, to tbo ahoft rhtt'r krrl-d a a a f aitwwtsc Ik Cmmm. yath iaafa In boma runa. tbraa to Ana. lint In trtpl ant do'iMM Craw ford la far aSaa.1 haa avaracad l rr pl.a aarh yaar to Craaatb'a 1. and k ha aars4 Jl doublaa to CtirM raaatb' air aatra baaa aTaraaa la a in ttia ira:o to thoao 1 boma runt an. I many "f tha home mm ara du f tma vrt fn"-a to fi ho:no 'J t.t how manr U whra ts rnyatary antcra which ! Oawford Cra'! freata In douM. Takln th ra. nrrfa klnaa Craaath atanda out aa tha. .l-m !" Tk!n Into roa ration tnc Urfar finrfa wbar rwford b " o"'-"1"-. o ar : ,nl hr:-a all oar aaaln. ncr4.a. afar lt ara not aa troa to f.rm or Important aa thry mtarnt wvr .MffaraBt ewndltoa prall. Ftw mnr f-.ur-ba- H Crawford w.,m sola la to IhMIr park I b na4 any u-.a. Put tam.al woold to many a It tha roorao of T7 homa a-amaa. wth tka rlSt flald pall- ! to ahoot at. a a c Taa malloax todar raot-Sy prlca tha baa ball wallop la a ptkrra sift comparad to tha rtn variety. Tax Rictiard axpacta aaaaral tboa and folk to pay mora than l4.oo oa tha chanca t: at ono K. O. wallop will ba put upoa di.play whaa Willard face )lora a a a ItaacbaU lan't tho rnty cam that raaaa with ti-bata oa tbia quaailon of tho wallop. You raa find any nam bar of boxinc camp l-Uowrri wIlilB to taatlfy that Moraa'a wallop la 4 Pr cant aluutrr than Willard a. Al aa tual number wlliln to toatlfy tha othrr way. With a third rontinrcni confidant annus that Jack I'lllon caa oucpuocb cltbar man. a a a t lllard. Xoraa aad DUIaw. Thara la no part of a dabato Irft a to tha wallop that Marts ana l'liion hTt conccalrd about thrlr poraona. Thraa two hara put tha punch upon oiaplay too oftan to ba doubt'd. Olvra an opening-, uher can Icava a ni la tba iawbona of aa Iroa ox. Jaraaa Coffer l wUlInc to taha oath on Mor aa'a kick, whlla Cowlar and other will make all the affldaalta naoded upon the haymabar that t'lllon direrta. What about Willard 7 10a ivaoaaa Dwarf bad no luaty rap hidden up hi alcr-Te when h fought Ounboat tic lib, I'ear-eal McMahon and Carl Morrla. Mo dropped Jack Johnaon. but only whan the reellnc moke waa about cone. a a a Tka Willard Kirk. Can Willard utpunch Moran or Pll lonr We doubt it- But with the 'Kan aka bulk and power and a fairly ciaver defenco. what chance will Mor an bav to drive th dreammakrr home? Willard I atronfer than Mor an. baa a loar reach, a irealer eler erneea and a bettar defanae. And bar la another lltUe matter Willard raa aoak up anouwh puntab. meat to dl-mantl the ordinary heaey wetaht. Wlllard'a Jawbone will be about aa eaay to reach aa tha Dardan rllea. And baaln reached It. on blow lan't going to break up bla en tire enin. a e a rprERCira. Our Idea of no profeeaioa to follow la that of wapplnx punchea with Jack I'lllon. The only thin to wap with that cltlaen I a cannon. If Willard and Moran battle for much more money they ara both likely to loea their amateur (tandlns. Aa 11 la the boito- committee I quietly la ycatlcatinc tba matter. a a a W don't blame Willard much for not ban keen to l batll. Rean !(). or llT.to Isn't o marh aplll 1 way. a a a A WIUard-Moran boot with a ref eree' derialoa U one thin; without a referee a derlaloo It la quit omelblnjr. flM Qalta. a a e "All I bare to take la to break even I ! v - -Te Richard. All? Mow much la eaouchT SEALS START PRACTICE rt.Ait:nw WORK A IDIVIDCAU AU OT A 'nilB. Bawaa, pwwae, I'aaalaa. ekallar aad a)l Vi ark. aad of Oaka rraaai aad Klaw lifer Vi IU retlee 1-aaa. PA.V n.AXCI5CO. rh. IX 5pe elaL) At laaat ha.f a doian of the seal yatarana and parhape mora bare found a method of cheaucc the Coaat Leacue rule that there ebaU be no more thaa three weake of training prior to the opeolnc of th regular aaaon. TBaa ail hare dlerorered there la Beetle. (- to Interfere with tba IndiTld ual. It he want, to sat Into ahape. A delegation headed by Spider tlaum aakad permlaaion of Harry Wolrarton to do a little work on their own ac count at llecreaiion I are... "Tou bo caa so a far a yon like. Juit o jreu axe ready to report when Ike team wanta you.' replied Harry. o Jerry Ik n. fkeater Fanning. Bta icbalier and I'ic4 UoCie have lined up for aa early atari, ami may Boo a be augmented by Johnny Wuffll. From th Oakland aid of the bay come the word thai Clinton i'rougb aad I'utch Klawitler. not to be caught capping, ficur on alanine work to morrow oa th Oakland (round. Clilp Knock Out J otter. NEW TOISIC. Dab. II. Geors Chip. or M laal.e. l a-. ea-niiaiieweiui champion, knorked out Frank Notlcr. of New York, in the rourtn rouna oi a le-round match in iirook'.yn laat nlabt. Chip weighed Hi pounda and Notter II. Joe Chip, brother of tha ex-cham-ploa. outfought "Kid'- Albert, of Kll- betn. N. J- In a l-round match In Brooklyn. He knocked bia opponent down thre time. Sllooeaota Ir ft-al rurjuc. LAFAY IZTTK. lnt. 'h. 11. la a Weatern conference basketball name here laat night Mlnneaota defeated I'urd-i" Je to I. - ml rtr. 11 4!f Mergaa lUdg. Bldg r gr. H'lg I1.M ala:a 41. ItMlaad. Ie. I- I IS Salllag a) Taj Ma.a iii. a,.l. iw. wUliaai O- i ravaea -" " - " - taev. lv. M. rjl'e I'l aiervaa lie. M. I , TST bteriaa .)la i B.dg altlag bide Xerva. raaaae iaa . . Uamt. . Utia V. tS M-raa Ma:a 'ni. MarshaU euJ. Mra. I. I. aad M. C F, n ag Mats gnu A ;. Jtanbea. Ir. It . .' Mergaa rn.mmr alaia ata. kaal l"i Walker. Ie. kva V. Ii teal 4th at armoy bale tod at. re4 Aeettaa ftavaa. lit lev. Famllara. earpata. aia. a-e at J F. at. At Vllno'l Aa'twa Itavae. at 1 A. kL. f jr.Jur. 1 4 4.-1 ft'lrat eC CLASSIFIED AD. RATES IteUy aa. it taaa a4 t'we"eaaaelie ilaaaa. ........ .Jla aaa a4 Ifcrea anr.te tliwaa- jr- aa ed . aa owe airwla lleaaea Ike aVaaa rmt aiH" ' " , 7" , " aaeael IHa faJtaalaat ..ImIM t aatew Mate. ilwiiaWl4 !. w K'aa. II r-J--tr Fawiftlea. p ,m, ,n' m tr4t I aastlt. It ..eteaWa "' mile. a. aa ia aa taHratiewa le I eaal l.aa eark iBuwitea. Ow vavie" aiertlaBnaa ekarwaa will t. t M , niaM a4 liaea aiaeriaa M . waaa reewrdle ef Ike Boiaaar af waawe la awb luae. Miaiaaeaa tkarga. laa ""Jaa OeaeMtoe win mr"V rtoajOTH a. eeetaweai.l. aar the lW rrm4 lk aee'tla b a aa auhae wl.awe. . price wiU Be ateal eaae ' the rh . , bet kill will ee rea)re tba lallaw Imm dt kathee MlwawM mtwa. w.t. .,11 ba etH' be raaM e- and. apwa tba p., '! l.l.oiM J, 11 -. Wtatltaat Haalaa Hi l-ereaeml aeettoaeta aal be - rawtee a.ae tba teWpwa. e4er. far awe laaeetlaa eal will ka ereawlaw lae -Farm. ,, ... -Bo tpeartaBltl." ! "' Iteaa" aad -wu4 to kVaat. r.Wl.be. Mala Jal. A -. ge.aniaeaaeaia le we4a Beawee claw. rVaikaa wiaat ka la Y ha llrtpaat . aware e'--fc al Bight, ateewt bsior- IMm e far Tba Mortar Ore- ...law wlU ka 1 e a'elh elara-, BUkt. tka a 'a will ba apaw watll le e-rlwrk F. M . .a all ada reeateed taw lata l- " - r Ti,.,(lcatRw win ha ma aawcr the f.-' -n 'tee XaH I ClaaeifJ.1' CSTEOPATHIC FHYSISIA.H5 Mawaara penlaa Oeteowetki aaaa. . Laeter. iaui fir. i i .lousiness ...... "Tra rrr Thla directory la for the Information of the public, to ?! aa far a poaalbl the different line of buaineaa which th average pcraon may find occaalon to um. Any laformauoo which caanot be found her wUl Pa iaour furnuned by phoning Main Twig or AtusS." Houae w. AaWTKACT AAO TITlXa. PHOiilT PCi;VIC; al raaaonabie pricaa. Ia.iflc litia a Trull Co.. 1 CUam. olCwia. At UKIIKIN riXATIb. a. aia.r'iiAN. kroaaiitcomg. aca.lupiag, ac earu. au.a plaat. auttuua ro.erad. mall orucra. j I'miii awe, hirueaaajr lujtf. rL.AIl.bi hamatlieuuia. huiluna covarad. iji.ra Kontlt tu jta. tiiw. axvU. Att VI MAM a. - i . AUi.Si upart ai.o. aud aadllur, tool- ru:n up. l oune Jtaranall Siau. AXTIgtlla. ATisiv.o raau.raO. Facilio t'l'boUlef -J y-ai hare, aue fcU 1 lay. cileowl -H. A.1 AY :K-1 AMU AS.tLIrt. "MA.N A.-.AV Ulikt., 11J Sd iold, 'ter aud picunnia bout at. ATTOIOF.Y9. W. J. alAa.UiX i'ruuala. real aetata, mln Ing aad ourperauuo law; abairacta and Hi. aa eieniiiivu. aiiilan aplnlwaa luralanvd. It .Sorinaraif ra Han p;qg. Alaia OoAiiAjt. 1, fcA.lv Kir a tcKif a.K Oaueral pracuoe; ai.atrix.ia a'atuiuad. MW Flail "Idg- I'hana alalB 4. CAMra. kUi.LL M. Jo.Nt.S. al. 1. Fracuce ilrail ad eacluaivaly to cancara. ali MurgaabiJg. CAIll'fcT WUVERA. KOBtUWtoT Kuti CO. Huge from eld tr Pata. rg run lm g. mh. Both poenaa. CEIJ.t LOIP BCTTOM4. BADCIM. Till IMVVI.N-lloOauN COaPA.M 87 saampgloo u iain :US and A A 1254. CHIROPODHtTS. wlliUaa Kalelle and William. Jr.. DaeeBjr. tha oaljr ecleotitu: chlrupvUiata la tha city. Farlara. o3 Cerlingcr bids., eouthweet r Sd and AKer. Fhona id tin Uul. CKIROFOL'T aaa pedicuring. Mra. M. D. I'IK. affi.e Flladn.r bWg. alaln 3T. rMIKFK.CTIO FI1YSICIAMH. U,: Jlc'JAI'uN hroalo raaaa. la in time, al trwatmanta 41. tun a 9:0. economy, h.Hn. ...in I- -l- ll-l; Maci.ay lag. roi 1 fctiox Af,rCT. KF.TH a CO.. Worceter bid. Main ITV4. Ka co.iection. aa rfiarce. fc;abllJLnad 1POO. I AMINO. hi ASCII TKH Danclu Academy, hi l al.. bac Mark and t'.k. fp I ratea. 4 p ri val, leeaon. fZ. morning at-rooou. cvea In: ail lalaa: d.nrra guararted; elaaa Tliura . Bat. tn.. T- 0. tldwy. Slew. UK ATI" U'HiOILanw daily: claaa T. m. a.a. ta la to ad at., bal. ak a.d trk. Mala ?5 Leaaona lid. Mi 1-KKT FI40. id aad MorrtaoB I laa e.r.a. g: clan-a Mnn.. FtL aa. Mar. J II. i4 i K S F 1K KKAI', Ol-nl. I. trin.io toe. natura. Fr.pt fence. Rna.lan. Vain S'-7 2 I'm-t BfiTe. llr.l T foe aaie ar rant at lew pricaa tv . roe rr . .it at 81 3J re HOLESaLERS AND At TO AMI HK.I.f TOW. Prrajru.i.F. Pi '"if lor (o, a Sd at hiMlAl.K IHMgr.n AT HO 14 K. Pr... a vuolKua ranater, Fark W L-arlk BKI til MAkU-HY. p"Tal Pak.ry a utt. it-c. ilia and Caretl. IB( irfHNm, MTI1IN4, IVKMslllMA rUIKHM.H, MAIA.il CO.. JOi Aaa M 4.K1I.M MI.IM HA-MS. H. HOI rKI', 1-o.rd of Trade bolldlB. .IUA t R. WADHAVa a co. - Foerta atreat. II AIM AVIl C A FA. THAXnAfSKK HAT CO.. ;J i3 Front at Mil' IK. mxiL, I'M.IU OAKai. Kills l uOP let FroBt at MII.U.MHV. aatrxilAW Pmi... Morriaon and Ttk rta Mi.iritii AtiMi n r. v r R . F-t. WriMiAKlril liOA.I'rl.N AMItEK NK..TAR. Ilanry .inbard l'.nl, lam aaa llurowu l-hjr. Va n -j. A Aw)rPF-MlTT. Bread way a Tej lej Mala L, A lltt HEILIG .Vht CONTINUOUS A,tTk!I8 BEGINS at 12 2-44-8 Famoa Motloa lie I urea p.cg Beach a Great Story, The Ne'erMell Eeenaoa'a Orchaatr. HEAT PALE OPT.S NEXT FB1DAT City Mall Order New. Cohan A Harrta splendid Farce. IT PAYS 10 ADVERTISE Three Night. Beginning Next Monday. SpeclaJ-pric Mate. Toe.. Wad. BAKER :.!.VatW Hera ef the Hpakra Ilrama. Tonight bargain rieht. Me. All week, Vala au huparb Producuon of Zasgalila greate.t dramatic trlumpB. THE MELTiNG POT rtr.t Mill t.lcl." time In atork. Erenlnga. IX Sin only. .Next week The t5C0SUgMJIV-XV. Tha Brat af Yaoderllle Broadway aad laeahiU. DOROTHY JAR DON Mlraaw Brwa. " Jp'"'" Met ame l. M Wallaea kwm Hart"; Khara A Torek ttrpheeaa Taea Heakljr THE PASSION PLAY of WASHINGTON PARK WITH MART F.KVO Mat. lOc lie. "e- Slghta 10c. Sie. boo. 7&c- HVT'aXII r.MTY 23tt The WriklBg Meelrwl eae. -T1IK III I U K OIMIw" With lli llarrla aad Hilly Craig, a oriii.K mi. At i- a Hwxae, lira raw balcony ereie raaerved ay t wrtaia a :a. 1 www a. MtETlNT. WOT1CE. . viRTNl WAeHIKOTON CHAr-TF.R. KO. J 4. O. E. R atai.4 meeting thla IMonsayi . . - .- . . k A llnralldL . T . 11 1 ii . . ... .. " - ' Dare-a trder W. M. 11 bLLb KiCllMO.ls. rn- MARMWT IDfif. NO. 12. - A.-" A"i. "wnnrt ava. W r, 1JO ecloc: Vi.iUOg br.lk- rao welcome W. M lF. 1.1 . 1U.D. ROlNlk-.N IB ihu" rtly. Feb. 15. at . U lia ra.ldence 'i llaathoma aa., Jame. H I.r.. t.l-'l hu.band of Kohlnaoa and fath-r of Jamaa Kenneth ,4 ."orr.. Robin. n. Anoounce mant af funeral later. etunv la thla dt. Feb. II, Snaan Hlman. ?d Tr.arV baioTZ, wla of Abraham Xmn. of Wah Rema n. 1.- warded br the Holmao tTtidertakln Co.. To ila Franctaco fur Intarmaot. whar. .retca will be bald. r.ut.a.r la'.e of 1T T?d t- 8. E. The re main, a" at the real-leoee a.tabll.hmenj le j F Flaley a hB. Montaomary. at gib. " Notice of funeral hereafter. fU-OTT F-b IX Adam Scott, aged 61 year late of Nahrorta, ah. Remain at Dun ning Mr Kate' parlor. Notice of lu avaral iatar. . . A IT Bulletin l.nlNK 11 BIT CVRKU. 1 CAS abeululely cure ma drink naon. tier. U '1 T una way. r.uiov. the daaira; I give bo medwiu. ir.aiu.cnl do., not In. .arte., with o-r da.i, aora. call at .OS cl.and bldg. Jnd lal It oer. Main tu.'J. a k am. -St.r.r. At t HftO. 1'. Trcaliurnt by PecalUl; iaa tilted. F. F. Ca..da. :-U Uekuin bidg- Ml A VB F1KK INMKA.Ntt. FAiKIC rTATrh FiMr. ,.N1 KAXi'K CO. i. T. FFttroilAN. U.J Chamber of Com merce, conau.tauon tree. Ml Ml IU fcmll Tlilcli.orn. violin teacher, popil Sevcllt. riMnr bide. A 4 Marshall !- iikl-xi.k.ki r.4.KlCE. HASTY XKc.'K.NOJiK CO. Motorcyele and Mcvelc Fnonn Main S3, A -IJJ. OFIO.VItYKl.-TS AM OFTKlAXa. a--. Economlxa. Glaaaee fitted to your C J ,ea aa low aa 11.50. eenkjr and V" quality tba beau CBABLtS W. (Kk.uma.v, up'-omatrlat. 209 Morriaon. I'ULK. EIW fitted with beat Sf-a a l.naea, gold - "od mount. (SiJAll ,T.vu up. Torica. ao up: uTaranTtur BrftS." up; l-uaa. du- piicat-u. ma. I order. tR. J. D. MtlHKU llj, y9 wajhlngton at. F AT F NT A'rrOKKV- R. a WWGHT-S2 year fT"tilJ' foreign paienta. out Uekum bldg. FIFE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24tl. and v..ri. Main FIUNTINO. Printing and linotyping. l' Front rornr giraa, Ingnun. r.ru.. emyrna. xm'?r,'aiA:Z rui, al- .l- Ma" order. Prompl : bookiel. M-.-.g L nlon ave. N. Bant 6-il'.. T 14T9. REAL ETATK bnALHIUj. FALMKK-.'O.VES CO.. H. P. 404 Wllooabld. A.-SO-lATrTl lf.VFfTMBNT CO.. H1 Teon. HHMJL'M.'T Blt)S . Ir.in Hawthorne ""- .Tim ti.K AMI TKlNSrtB. ALWAYS F1CK TIE ''"""mL Good Fpeclkll.t. btorara. FacWlnr, Whip ping and Xowr.g; haraa or auto vaaa. ueclal frelcht nil to all Pon,; C PICK TrSASSFBR WOBAOB CO.. it nd 1-lne ot. l'.roadaay 6:''.. A CutiioN 1KANSKKI! CO. 4.4 Gtlaan at., corner 13th. Telephone Main an or A U; W awn and operate two larro claaa A warehouaaa oa terminal track Loweat In'urar.c- ratal in ina MALI I MAN ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE l.f.lce IS! Vedleon. Ueneral mcrchanillae nj Ijr.irilmr ag-nta. Phone Main ilWl. OOI. OKI. i-'N and dry alahwood. blocjcwooo. I'n .Sa rl Co . Vain f.T';l. A ELVNUFACTURER3 MF a A.M WOMKX'H MuCKWEAB CCiI.L MBI.V Ieck.r Mfg. Co., aJ S am at. FLA IN ANl LIBttUATINU OILS. W. F. IlLLk.l A CO.. 1-OJ and Lavia at FAINTS OILS D C LAxn. RASnrsah.s a Co, d and 1 aior atraeta. 1'IFF, FIFE UTTlNt.-t AND VALVLo. M L. Kl.l.NK. - Front airat. FLl MBI.NU AMI hTFJi M 1 TUts, M U M.I..K, bt-ed Font atreel. FtU.NTl.UM AND FlBIJnllUiA. F. W. H Al l K- a CO.. lt and oaa ata. I'Hlllil "t"L"TtM wlMIIN l tiRCH AY8. EVKKKIN.i FAKilfcLL. 14 Front atreeL KOl'K AND BLNDlMi TH1.NI. Fort'.anJ i orii.it t o.. Attn and Northrup- MILTY KUIIK HUMMi. At'TOKATH' KEK r-Lwio CO, IS9H 41B. KA.MI, HOOKS AMI OLA.SH. P. II Ll.tH a t o., li'th and Daela ata HALL FAI'FK. BtOTtnAN' WA1.I. I'AI'IIK CO.. rt'XEKAf. XOTICt-t. MORROtT The funeral eerrlcea of the lata Anna ltarciay Morrow will be bald tomor row (1-ueaday), lenruary 15. at 1 o'clock F. M., at the re.ldence eatabil.hment of J. I. Flntey A clou. Montgomery at 6th. Frlcnda ara Invited. Intermeni la Green wood Cemetery, private. MAP.TIN Tha funeral yerrlce. of Sophia Martin. Widow of the late Henry Martin, will be held at tba Holy Roaary Church, Faat Third and clackamaa at, at A. M. today I Monday). Friend, invited. In. ti-rmcnt SL alary, f'.uiotery. JScrrlce. at the grave private, pleaee omit flower. MATHEWfl The fonerat aervlce. of the late Joeeph Mathewe will be held from the chapel of the F S. Dunning, Inc. Ft Side Funeral Dlrctor. 414 Kal Aider, today (Monday). Feb. 14. at 2:30 P. M. Friend Invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. BEAVER Tha funeral rrvice of the late Mae C. Beaver will he held today Mon day. Feb. 14. at 2 .HI o'clock 1". M., at tha residence eatar n.hment of J. F. Flnley A Son, Montgomery at 6th. Friend, invlud. Interment at Rivervlew Ceraeiery. IlOI.E.'P7R The fun'ral .ervlceg of the laie Mra. Charles Roienrler will be held today iMondayl, Fnh. 14. at the family residence. 63 W". Wlnrhell .t. Friend, in vited. Intermont Columbia Cemetery. FTNTRAL DIKFXTORS. 'iTf,1!5fire. lH''i;i -Jrt 71iWf Y'ear of Kxprriencn Haa Fnabkd Thla Firm to Give YOU PERFECT SERVICE Thla modern establishment, with Ita conveniencea, including a se cluded driveway. Insure absolute privacy, causing In no way a de parture from an established pol icy of moderate price. Experienced Woman Attendant. J. P. FINLEY & SON The Progressive FUKfeKAI DliiECTORS, - Montgomery at Kir Lb, Main 9, A 1139. MR. EDWARD H0LVAN. the leading fanaral director. 210 Third street, corner SaimoB. Lady aealstaat. A 1111. Main 6.1. T. R DCNNI.VO. INC. FW Funeral Director, 414 East Alder etreec aa.i .2. is xn-ia. A. R ZE1J.ER CO. 4M WILLIAMS AVS. Aval 1'. C lvlg Lady attandaat. Day and night jerrlce. Dl'NMNO A M'ENTRS funeral director, Broadway and Floe. Fhona Broadway 410. A 1.6V Lady attendant MILLER A TRACET. Independent fuoerai director. Funeral, a low aa 1:0. 4ll. $60. Waahiagtoa and Ella .ta Mala Ittl, A 7i. BREEZE h INOOK. 8nnny.ld Parlor, auto bear. 102 Belmont. Tab. 1 2 it. B. Hit "8KEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANT. id aad Clay. M. 411. A 213L Lady Bitaadaat. ; p i. LERC1L Eaat 11th and Clay suaata. l.tily a-'tant Eat HI. K vl BTRNES. William and AwaotC Eat 1111. C Ht Lady attandaat. FLOBISTS. M1RTIN ft FORnES CO f1orlt. 147 Waahlngton Main I4. A Flowers for ail occaloDAarUilcaiiyarrangad. cTTaRKE-BKOt.. tlnrlate. 2xT Morrison .C Maio or A 141. Fine flow.ra and floral dea.gna No branch store. MAX M SMITH Main T515. A JUL Sell In bldg, Btk and Alder sta TONmTtH-FLORAL CO. 185 WaahlngtoB sc. bat. 4th and tth. MajnHj1Alll- MONCMENTS. PORTLAND MARIILK WORKS, IM-Sei 4th st . ov....lta City Hall. M.la Fhlilp Lea A boa for msmwrlaiA KAli HKiS AMI Fl-rFF Klf OREGON -HUfilANE SOCIEH BT4 BELMONT ST. rheaea Eaat 1423. B 2313. Oprw Day aad Night. Report all canes of cruelty to thl of fice. Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for slrk and disabled ar.imala at a moment' notice. Anyone desiring pet may communicate with ua. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city and farm property at current rate. Attractive repayment privilege. I .pans quickly closed. Call today. 6 Of LARG1T MAY! CO1. lO Bt'SI.M-I.HS PROPERTIES W O A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-218 Northweatera Bank Building;. MORTGAGE LOANS. We have insurance money at 6. Private funds at 6 and 7. ROBERTSON & EWIXG. 207-8 Northwestern Bank Bid?. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at Current Rate. MI NK IFAL AND COKl'OgATIOM BONDS. FARM AND CITY LOANS. 0 Fourth M. Board ef Trade Bldg. EO1SOLGOUDEYC0 G 7, LOANS ON MORTGAuE oEl-UHl I Y NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILDING Money to Loan Whew Taa Want to Borrow, Ton Are Invited to See YJs About It. GEO. II. THOMAS, 247 Oak St Room 2, Atnaworth Bid. FARIW LOANS MORTGAGE COMPANY FOR AMERICA Ains worth Bldg. 22 Portland FARM LOANS Tt "V1 re.unu BANKklKS MORTUAGK CIIKI'OBATIOY UapllaA kGUOArUU. Title aad Treat Bldg. REAL ESTATE. For bale Lots. I SELL PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLCSIVEI.T. Mo.t healthful and beautiful rcsiuence district in city. 8nie bargains. Marshall 4-'.'7. BROOKE. A S39. Host CITY FAHK lot t4. worth 7S0. all lmnrovements la. Owner. Main JU44. A Hi: FRACTIONAL lot. cloe In: Main atreet. bacrlfce. O. Oehler, B15 Yeon bldg. l or bale Bounce. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT Tl'ltX A lU KDEN INTO INCOilET WE WILL FL'KXISH THh. MONEY. FC1LD AFARTMKNTS, RESl DFNlK OK ANYTHING: FLANS Fltth. AKB KKPOXilHLB; WE K-NOW HOW; TALK. Willi W K CLIENTS. bEh. OCR VOKK. WILL GIVE IJONDS. L. H. BAILEY CO.. 1N:.. CON Tli ACTING A in HIT ECTS. 814 AB1.NGTON BLDG. LAL'KELHCKST HOMES. Before buying ba sure to look at our lt of elqulslla home Juat completed in l.aurclhumt th audition of beautiful bom., tr.m f-IOOO up on renl-llke terms. I.AL'IlELHL'RtT CO, ;o siark t. Miln 10u3. A 131S. DON'T delay your home building another month: materia.! price in " and going blither. For guaranteed home built according to your Idea see The Ore gon IJomo iiuilders, 1SW N. W. Bank hide. 1 m.o WILL buv a Juoo bungalow. Rose Cltv park" $.100 cash, balance in 2 years; 4 blocks from car. 1601 E. 0th and ire mont St. N. IF YOU would Ilka to commence the build ing of a new home this week and have it follv f!nan-ed. come In and talk it over with George Eastman. Lewis bldg. l'Ht-l-KOOM shack 60x40 lot. on Wygant and 2th at., one block Alberta car. Sellwood 75. yf; ; SALE or trade. 6-room modern house. West Side, 10 minutes' walk to I'ostoffice. Owner, liust leave. Marshall 1S1B. 1KVINGTON swall and cneap homes, easy nayment- See Delahunt. Phone Eaat lliJa. $14'H KQtlTY. 6-room cottaKe. well located; freal racrlfice. owner. Talor finl)5. For bale Bunlneee lroperty. FINE West Sldelnveatment. Eleventh St. property: net income nearly $ii"0 monthly, offered at sacrifice: few thousand cash or securities down, balance time Hughes a Parker, attorneys. uJSwt.and bldg. Suburban Home Property; GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, irood water, close to carllne; easy terms: alii build to suit purchaser. Fbone Marshall 1.1.-3 or Sellwood 4.4. JOHN GIBSON, OWNER; For bale Acreage. TWO acres near Ramapo. cood Improve ments, truck and berry ground : -o.... payable by Installments, equity $.00. will snll or trada for anything of good value; l'lunoa, good automobile, cattle or horses. HARNETT, 723 Chamber of Commerce. .' ' ACREAGE. ?S acres on Scholia Ferry road, 12 mtles out. will take Portland residence if clc:ir of incumbruuee up to $.1500.-Price $io0. w 11 RITOV. 815 Corbett Bldg. ACi -iAGE in famous Tualatin Valley; best of soil, good location, low prices, quanti ties and terms to suit purchaser. Handy Bros, owners, 201 Stock Eichange bldg. i w. aiargiiait -v. CONCOttD Oregon City line, lhi acres or more: also Willamette Bivr acreage C W Rlsley. Milwaukie. Or, R. F. D. No. 1, FhoneOak Prove 1 W. Thicken, "fruit, garden ranches. Near Portland, $75 to Fiuo per acre; e.y -i if ""?orI,"1 sises. aicrajiau". w ... tiuAcre tracts. Metifc-er station; near church, school and store; 30 minutes out on Or Eire Inquire I'll Lumber Ex. bldg. Homesteads. $110 HOMESTEAD lor $12i- 170 G.eun ave. North. Woodlan834. rnt.VILLE RESERVATION; map and d- scrtption e. SMALL Missouri farm: $" cash and $3 month; no Inlervst or taxes; highly pro ductive land: close to three b ? markets. Write for photograph, and full Informa tion Munger. D lii N. x. Life Ins. bldg, Kansas Ciiy.Mo. iiTACRE King County farm, stocked; also liO acres. Pacific County, unimproved t or particulars address F. D. Koberta, Edge- wlck. Wim COWLITZ CO. stump land. $10 acre up: terma; good soil, running water markets; Srmrnt J- R- Brp. 430 Plttock blk For Hale I arm.. FARMS. r own and offer for sale on easy term. Improved Earteru Orcg.m wheat farms. AlVo small, nice littlo firms close to Port- laDd" J. O. ELP.OD. 615 Corbett Blde I-or jvilc Miwellaneou. IF vou hava property for sale or to rent, rail en us. We guarantee to protect your interests and ret results. Itlchinihacb C. M 5 Le. is bldg. Marshall 3114. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE-cood city property, some cash for acreas. or farm near Portland; have, cus ?omerS for tars S".'':" b 3 nod assrerami. v- : TTTi, .nrf WANT III IB fcasimoiai-Mu. V'- narlleulars. B 8S.1. Oregoman. FOB KENT FARMS. iiki-ACP.B stock or dairy ranch, partially fenced; 9 miles es.t of Carrolls. Wash.: cood running water, good house. -large barn fine bearing orchard, tame pasture and outside range; a good proposition to ?he right party. Address E. R. B.. Car- rolls, wasn., it. it. i v-nn RENT CO acres, small dairy. 7 miles from Courthouse, city. West Portland, ta quii i'rad btaiisr. Hauaale. Or, f JliJWiMlllBlgiJjw;j W A I XL. If 1 Rr..n r.-i. . I " 1 Automobiles, WANTED To rent farm with lots of pas ture, near Portland, about 2f or 49 aore, clear must be good for dairy; willing ta buy some stock. A S, S Kelly SU Portland. I HAVE a .teady call from desirable parties wiisning to rent ram-nca. ,, ts t stocked or nnstocked. Write or call ii. J. White. 512 Couch St., Portland, Or. FOR 8AI.E TIMBER LANDS. DO YOU wish to purchase or sell a logging proposition, sawmill setting, or exchanse your property fur timber, or your timber for farm, income or citv. property? Write me. (J. . pnay. t .uam. m i. ....... . WANTED Large tract, easily acceible. high quality timber, low altitude, olose to transportation; perfect title; Pr' right; give full particular, with cap. Ad dress AV oregonian. A NICE timber claim in Tillamook County, near Nehalem Bay; cruises 1 million feet, verv reasonable. Owner. Phone Tabor 407. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. 3 McCRAKEN. 304 M'KAY BLDO. WANTED Responsible party to take log ging contract; 1 VI miles from Columbia River. For particulars. J 8S3, Oregonlan. A $10,000 TIMBER claim for 970 Glnn ave. N. Woo!awn 33S4. 1.0CO.OOO FEET fine saw timber at Kalama, Wash. B. M. Barrickman. Burke, Idaho. TO EXCIL1NGE REAL ESTATE. WILL trade for city property or unimproved fruit land; 161 acres; 6 miles from Hal kirk. Alberta, Canada; 40 acres broke; small house, etc: $400 mortgage at per cent, expires in November, 11117, can be renewed; even 10 or HO acres, well lo- cated, will do: will sacrifice half value if ruited. Address owner, Floyd Strader, Harrison, Idaho. YES. BUSINESS IS GOOD. We deal exclusively In exchanges; we can trade your property: no Junk wanted. AYR3 & SMITH. Vain 7268 501 Northwest Bldg. nsVINGTON Three choice lots. 17th and 19th sts. ; improvements paid; sell cash or exchanr- for close-in unincumbered property. F Oregonian. CANADIAN patent, worth $.1000 a year for mall order business or agents; trade ror clear lots, acreage or auto worth ifioov. BD 3S:l, Oregonlan. 5-PASSENGER auto, good running order, and $1000 equity in 4-room bungalow for acreage. 1-3 Bancroft ave.. Portland. Marshall 3CS2. EXCHANGE acreage close to Portland for larg ranch; owners only. F. Alien, R. 2. A orest orove, or. HAVE lot llllxl.18. Lents; Bull Run water. yas, tor rcai.tam.i. ' WILL exchange 5-rcora house and two lots . , i B,..a., v HSU Orpennian. lor iniiiiu"u - ' " WILL trade fortiana property ror unin cumbered timber. 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. WILL trade Portland property for unin cumbered timber. 1100 N.W- Bank bldg. TO EXCHANGE Ml SrELI-AN'EOCS. WANTED To trade good heating stove for second-hand refrigerator; no objection It refrigerator lining is worn out. Address Tinner, 8 E. 7th St. FOB SALE. Horse., Vehicle Harness, Flo. PAIR black Percheron mores, u-7. 2700 lbs, low-Bet, heavy-boned, both saic in foal by imported stallions; pair bay Clyde mares. 5 and S. weight 2'JU0, extra heavy-boned, very blocky built, a.fe in foal by ton Clvde stallion; pair dark gray mares 3 and Ii, both In foal by Brcheii wishing 100; all well broke and sVyi;' to trial. We also have 10 pairs ge. dings and mares, low sol. chunky kind, irom to 8 years, and every hoisa guaranteed. East tith and Main sis. SPAN geldings, weight W00 lbs. good, true pullers, ready for immediate use . . pair gray Percheron mares at .1000 lbs, sound and true. -00. 'J40 East 8th st FOR SALE cheap, 1 team wen-matched blacks horse and mare, weighing -;;o. 1 team of heavy horses, weighing -J"o lbs. nusscii su HORSES for hire by day or month C. W. Towcsend Co- 3MI Frot. Main loll. ONE horse and wagon by day. 1.2.r.. J. Co han. o4U rrooi. -- - 10 HORSES and harness cheap. 117! East 7th st. Pianos. Orgaiis and Musical ln.trnnieiits. CLOSING oli ron i.Ao.. Jto.i Chiikering. old model, at ;,;:) ?:',-,! -Vallev liem." Bald lu Piano -"- ' y:;-'.1 Cable & Sons, old mouel, at . $ioo EinersoAi Upright. malioKauy i--; o1 Miniature Lpiisht, walnut y.l-V' Swir.wav & S.His. upright. wal...w-J $KKiO New York Pianoforte Grand. . . $13.1 Kimball Organ, oak with nurror.$-o TO First l aller. loir 4th. Storage iM mo. 55 FEE. $1.-3 weekly, sends new piano ti your homo at making you mem ber of PROFIT-SHARING. PIANO CLLfa. Members share 11.1 to 30 per cent In pn no imerest. time privilege. Total savins $172 2S to vou. See display adv., or call Schwan Piano Co, 111 tourtn St. VICTOR phonograph with beautiful qu"r' tered oak case lor records; cost new 0o, on consignment for Silvio, complete. UEVL'KTZ FUUNll'URB CO, ISO 1st M, near lainiun. $i)5 CASH secures $373 Wellington Upright Pino tomorrow at closing out salo of Security Storage Co. 100 4th st. FREE use of p' or player piano 2 years. See di.-nlay adv., or Schwan Plauo Co.. Ill 4tn st FAMOUS "BEES VIOLINS" AND REPAIK- ING. S(3 !ajio.j. .r..... WILL pay cash for your old upright or square piano. Call 111 4th .t. PIANO wanted In exchange for $230 Indian Motorcycle, low ui FINE Lester piano. See sale at City Stor age LO., IA r root ... Puruliure for bale. ,w-i.-i, o r.niriirA comnlete or in part; a.'.r..i condition: leaving for East; must sell at once. 148 East15th. SAP .Furniture, used only 0 months, very reasonable, .viam -.-.c;, m,.. i-.- Birds, Dogs. Pet Stock. GET-THE VEKY-BEsfnN-AIUEDAI&J i,AOUl-v n l. - - MUST be sold; 48 pair choice squab-raisinj p i g-o ns. Inquire 112 H 1th t- Poultry. INCUBATORS MILLER'S PACIFIC COAST -IDEAL" combines low price with best possible con strue ion. Price t up. Fifteen years on thj Coast. Still giving complete satis faction arid good .ervice. W rite Liny 1'ortiand. INCUBATORS AND BROODERS at a great bargain. 21S 2d t, corner Salmon st. EM ALL chicken ranch for rent. Equipment for sale cneap. a wot, v.. KFVERAL R. I. R- cockerels .reasonable; good stock 329 4jd st, Woodstock. WANTED Harred Rock cockerel. J. E. H, box W. St. Johns, Or. Livestock. FIVE fresh cowe. 4 to 6 gallons; will sell or trade for beet cattle, 035 Mississippi ave. Take L car. FPESH Holetelns. Durham, and Jersey.; big mlikers. Bruce. Union Stockyards. Aut mobile PORTLAND'S USED CAR CLEARING-HOUSE. W buy and sell all make, of used cars and parts. Lare stock to select from. H. L HEATS AUTO CO, 29 Broadway, at Burnside. Phones: Broadway S3S8, A 117. Write for Mailing List. We do Cylinder Grinding. Machine Work and Repairing. FOR SVLE Our one and one-half-ton Fed eral truck In strictly first-class condition, p-'rehasod new. 1:15. Run less than 10. 000 miles In light store delivery; cost with bed and top $2200; too large for our pres- , ent use. A bargain at $1230 cash. No trfd AN 3 HI, Oregonlan. HWING rented the Paquet garage, we are ;n position to store, your cars very rea sonable; we will sell your car for G per month, no commisslson; Ford cars for rent without drivers, to responsible per sons. Long It Silva. 4'J3 Haw thorne ave. Phone E. O-'IO. AUTO p.tts, engines, gears, wheel, axles, radiators, etc.. most all makes cars, to " MOTOR' PARTS MFG. 325 Burnaide St- CO, BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS Largo Stocks. Prices $200 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO, Corner Chapman and Alder. A SACRIFICE I paid 450 cash fc piano 3 years ago in Chicago; 1 mu for cash; make me an offer. Phone for my st sell mora- Warehouse. Broadway 703. TON Packard truck with established route. .-.,"-n. terms. 2-ton Itr.it truck with es tablished route, $1250; terms. Phone Main 9175, A 209L , TT7rK- One and one-haif-ton Sheldon truck, like new. cost $2250, for $9S0. Oak land AUto o, lain nii'J an. FOPD M connnion. witn extras, must oe old," ISO E. 3Sd at. i i i. ii. .I. USED AUTO SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. i 1915 MITCHELL, 5-pass, 4-cyL eleo tric lights and starter $!w0 1913 MITCHELL, 6-pass, 6-cyl, elec- . trie starter and lights $1050 1912 MITCHELL. 2-pass, 6-cyl. road ster, Al condition $oo0 1911 STODDARD. 7-pass., good for s;age line only $3i5 1912 MITCHELL. 5-pass, 6-cyl, re built. Snap .1000 1912 VELIE, 2-pass. roadster. 40-H. P. . Snap $...3. . 1914 MITCHELL, 5 or 7-pass, 6-CJ 1, " Al condition $1000 1914 REO, 5-pass, electric starter and lights 4S A number of other makes to select from.'.! SEE OT'R SPECIAL BUILT 1 2-PASS. STAGE-LINE CARS. WHY NOT GET IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF? SEh, Ua , AT ONCE. WE WILL HELP YOU. LIGHT DELIVERY CARS FOR ALL PURPOSE BODIES BUILT TO SUIT. -PRICES $450 AND UP. ALL CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRE SENTED. MITCHELL, LEWIS A STAVER CO., EAST FIRST AND EAST MORRISON STS. EAST 7272, B 1218. IfAKE us an offer on any on of these cars, as they must be sold; we need the room. Terms given: REO THOMAS INTERSTATE STEARNS POPE APPERSON GARFORD MICHIGAN COLE LOZIER HUDSON We also have a number of trucks. NORTHWEST ATJTO COMPANT, " S31 Couch, near Broadway. ST I'DEBAKER o-passenirer. thoroughly overhauled and repainted entire car, tires, leather, etc.. looks fine. In first-class mo-' ehnnlca! condition. Prlco will be low. THIS JS NOT JUNK NO TRADES. C. B. HAYWOOD. 47f?S 72,1 st Phone Tabor 477. I WILL pay cash for Fords and late model , standard make cars. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX, a ; E. IIP1. East 13rh and Hawthorne ave. AntomohileM Wnntedi. WANTED Second-hand 1916 model flve passer.ger Buick, Dodge or other mod-'' erate-priced car. AD 377. Oregonian. C SH ruid for nil m.ike. of wrtbv motor cars. Phone Ttroadwav .ir.tiS. Pacific Auto Co.. liib and Hurnside sts ; WANTED Light roadster. State make,-' model, price, etc. AK 849, Oregonlan. " Automobile tor Hire. 1916 DODGE. $1.25 per hour and up. shop ping and calling a specialty. Main 7435. Typewriters. WE can save from 50 to 75 pe1- cent on ail , makee of typewriters; sv-nu for our illus trate;! folder. Retail department WHOLE-' S A L E TT P E W R I TE R CO.. 3 -1 Wash. St. TYPEWRITERS for rent! 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' 'rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, 5 Broadway. Portland, Or. . i'Y PEW RITE PrsTall makes. 10 to $65. Tho Northwest .Typewriter Co, 262 Stark st. Main 5528. . NEW. rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. P.. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. Miscellaneous. Cas-h registers slightly used, reduced prices; second-hand and rebuilt National cash registers low priced, easy monthly pavru'ts. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO, A.-AJI nui IIC.U Wt, , v.. u.... Phones Broadway 1H16, A 1SX6. 1,-. !,.! Til in l,.,ni2ea B-ar:iire. huntinir cab- ins. chicken-houses, woodsheds, etc. MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO, .144 Hood St. Main llh;. Sundays and evenings Wooalawn 3bln. SEWING MACHINES 2"0 slightly used" sewing machines, ail makes, will be closed out. Dropheads, $.1 and uo; box tops. -and up S. S. Siegel, two stores, SS3 AldcT st. and HI- Aiuer sl. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and shotguns cameras, kodaks and lenses bought, sold and exchanged. llochfeld s Camera Exchange. 83 Md st. lain 3.bl. '' II LIARDP New and second-hand carom'; and pocket billiard tables and howling allevs and accessories; uasy payments. The-Brnnswick-fcialke-lollenner Co., 41I-4S 5th. , CArH KK'JISTER, 2-drawer, latest model, cost $438; will sell for ca.-, tlS.1. AO . 37!'. Cireonian. , SEWING machines of ail makes sold and,, rented $2 up. Sewing Machine Emri.irluin.. ll'O 3d, near Taylor. Main 9431. A 3ti-''. . CASH REGISTERS. slightly used; oar prices ore lower. Cash Register Exchange. 3,11 Washington st. Main 000. SVl'ES CASH REGISTERS. TYPEWRIT ERS' ALSO MI.MEUGRAPII. at a great bargain. 21.1 2d st, corner Salmon. FOR ;iy. oats and vctcli.' o;ir vetch mid com! mi, straw In car lots. Box 2, Eugene, Or cl and vetel: fi r.-TWli motors for sale, trade or ren expert repairing. Walker Electric Works. .', .. n .1.1, uf Uroadwav or A 6ili4. .1 xq'"'," . khand new Sxlu view camera with coin pfcle , oSffit. cost S150; will sell ior $10. -iTi t ireL-nriiin. n i ukivg supplies at wliole-ale prices. Stark-Davls Co, 2123d St. Main 727 MACHINERY bought, sold and repaired. N. W. Lead a. Machinery Co, 311 Front st. luOO-PHONOGRAPH records, 10 and 12- inch luc ano inc. .-o Rose city Printeryd,coraylor:j BEARING size apple trees, 50o each. Mitch ell Nursery. Tacoma, Wash. . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. W E Ju'nk Second-hand goods , CALL OUR bJiC;g,TUA-Sr DKPAKT" , Uakes no difference what it Is. F.is or Small Machineiy. Pipe. Belting and anything. M. BARDE & SON'S . THE HOUSE OF A MILLION ,BARGAlAs. 240-244 Front St, Main ouj. A looJ. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHi-b. . We pay the highest price for ladies and gents' cast-oft clothing, bicycles and everything in merchandise. Call us up. '.Ye need it and pay tor It. GLOBE SlIOKii, 2 FIRST. , vi.mi. Main 20P0. n,-i.T. L-i-uvirtHr. STORE. 207 ilRST ST. -07 HHSA SI. MARSHALL obi. Wo buy your sccond-nand furnltuie. stoves and other houaenold goods. Highest Prices Paid. : LEVIN BDWR. & FUR N, CO. Main 9072 A 7171 "I21-3-5 Front St. Call on us whea. you ' have auytliing iu the furniture or hardwire line lor sale. Hiuest cash price paid. iV, t-ruvrTrRK CO llisa . l. ...... .... 1S4 1st Main 571.1S. 181 1st. Call on us and get our estimate on your furniture and household good before dis- posing of same, tfL.FI a lot of second-hand furniture, aad carpets to ship out of town; can pay mor than Portland second-hand dealers. Phone J. W ALKER. MAIN 4773. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER J. never, the tailor pays you more for clothing and shoes. Reliable buyer. Ca.l Marshall 1229. 329 Madisoa St. cc, OXD-1UND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. i,iinvrr MAIN S332. ,s A 2oti7. WANTED National cash register, iiaiu (!"0 5.lj V-asiuiisiwii ou HIGHEST prices paid for furniture of all iHiiijon 208 Firstr W INTFU 2, 3V- or 4-inch hunk wagons la pdo il condition. AN 3S3. Oregonlan. uil i, FI'HNiTt'RE tO. pays best price for ...in furniture. 204 1st. Main 462i. Sl'o'f " ash paid for talking machines and, records. Main- 4493. 128 Fir.L . WE PY tho higl'-est price for Junk of alV fciuris. Uo, 40-iJ. 233 Front, ABC Junk Co,