Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 11, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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Nearly 350 Lincoln Banquet
Tickets Arc Reserved and
, , Only About 100 Remain.
rl.ik-al Po lo Itoll With
AanodKTinralt of CnUIJlr
Dal tr tf fW Pirtl" llac
la mlx Irlrgtr.
rlstrlcL aa.J Chartee Jl. Carer. C. )V. J
l r . m. i trrn. all or I nril.tiJ.
i4 "- I. lithp. of fatem. tjnJIJ'Iti
I Urea.
Tr. J. 1 Ari.i-ruo. author of lb
A4rKa bill la tna Itit tcis:ature.
antra he broro the prtMRl prohibi
lion ar of la elate. acain a can
eVdale for lha lovir House from Waero
an) lfeof lover (otinti,. Tat would
be f r. AMrm'i third term. II ba
also serve.! a M..r of Th Itollee.
Tralains Milp
Straining al
of Xaial MltUU
Her Am Inn.
nruMtvn " alto4 the
a &t la tna miac-rootu of th Caam--r
of Con""". under th anspK' af
ise Uncola ftspsMteaa Club. IKS.. I to4r.
Tha raat for IM aiooilloa lo
a.-.- . . f.Biaia A. W. urloa. of
i,it- fcaf.i u-1 commit!, who
rt,r-t.r tha IkH'I sale. esW4 no IMe
. snari UP
...,-. Ji tkkcU ba4 been
-..-.a..,. r..r
T"ua I.e Jit a fr mora than 1
,. la.t. till available. Tnoua tbo ban
au-l halt of lha Chamber of Commerce
a pretty ' room. ' a-cotn
. . , nMT- a ', a tt.nmr al ona Mm.
I'narlaa A. Jwho. h waa appointed
rhalrman of tne banquet tommiim by
Joe. IKCourt. president of iri club.
ill b Imulmulrr. There will ba
snusiaj an4 an Interesting rommme
of brief !r.
Anion tha speaker on lh r'
..a their subject, ar th
-Uncoln. a rro.trlv.- by Uruce
Tenn. of Ua Oranria: "Tha IJnroln and
Toadu P-bata - by I. W. alula. y. am
I nited Jttatra flenator; -Uncoln and
labor. A. W. Jo. of ha Central
laabor Council. 'Uwoli and Terns! K-uhii.-B..-
b Charles W. Koblaoa.
T-put tUtrHt AHorncr: "Uncwln. a
l:.publu:n. br Waller W-amanl;
-lunoin and Mothr. " J-
t'at. vf th Iuhtr of tha Amrr
I Krvotution.
Mmtwra of batt'lu't commute
a brtf mtina-. and will n
rihtr at th Imperial Holl todajr to ar
r.f.1, tha final itail. The mmbr
ft th rommtttca baid Mr. Johna and
rtain rton ar: K t.wl. J.
J;-. tiroa and I'hil Mtchan. Jr.
tr. Wt hn will ba at tha door th
iiiht of th bn.ul. wMcft. la to btn
al 1 o'rlocb. to att.nd to .lln ar-.n-mnia.
Mu.le for tha .ninwlll
t. r ,r,i.iil br tha Vrlrt" Quartet.
.mr.jad of f mmbr of ta Urand
rmy of tha llrpoblic. who ba-W.-...1 riratr at bln abla to
n al a bl KrPublirn tcatbrrina-.
rirh th ban-i4t will ba.
TT!. k. mar ba ob!nll ol l'i-'n
a w imi. T.on b'-ltl line. Marshall
! A Jnfifi. alo ton bull.ilnc
Main M. and al lha claar aland In th
ctn.lan- al th baaiort I limited
t. m.mft.r of lh lr-on l;publlra
ib. whi. b ba a mmbrh
or nr IJa. knf. and th
fmili. Any ltpubliran mar '
cl ih.
Tha rnoorlnr and ancr trading
from tha at hor of lha rlr lo lha
I'nilod Itaia cruir lloiton. tha train
la tip of th Oftfon 'aal illlma.
tut bn draolUad br tb hlp.
wbkrh ha ba lu4 about bjr lha
hajr Rood carrrnl In lb WII!amtta.
hrn tha lioatoa waa Brrl anrhorad
In br trnt location two dolphin
wr drln on lha ahoro (Ida of tha
hip to Imp hr from drlftln to tha
rtxkr hor. Tba dolphin at th boar
of lha rhip waa drlita out ioon aflrr
lha htp bad brn anchored, and tb
dolphin at lha lrn haa boar barn
dmolihl. Aa n rult th finfvtr
and lb mor ma, hay ben ereally
damaad. and th rbip till continue
to tiitt aa far aa br anchors wilt
Jory la Inanraore Soil I'lnil That
latc Mrrrrr Klllrtl Self.
Ia Merger rommitlvd ulckla upon
April I. IU. decMed a Jury lo tha
court of Circuit Judi Morrow yter
day. Thl waa not tna question th
Jury waa primarily called upon to ur-
ride, bol II waa necaary for them I
fro that th man met hi death from
natural cause or otherwl be for the
could aettla th suit of hla widow lo
cll-t f;v Ufa insuranra from lb
New Torh jf Icsuranr Company.
Tha company refuted lo pay tha
amount, ba.ltiit It tnd on Ita aulcld
clam, and contrndinic that tha man
took, alrychnln. with Intention to kill
hlmeelf. Tb Jury decided thai tbla waa
lha fact.
Alvoliotlc Liquor al Orrca . City
J'oorrtl Into Itrrcr.
PRKC'X CITT. Or. Feb. (Pp
cll A. J. knightly, conylcled lat
ntaht by a Jury In tha rourt of Juatlce
Itieirer on a rharsa of vioiatina; in
prohibition law, waa fined li and coda
today, toiallna; Th Jury rrr
otnmended leniency. Knlchtly haa paid.
Chief of folic Hlancfcard and Con
stable Froet poured tha Zi callona of
hard rider and two gallona 4f Jamaica
riDcr. ukrn In lha rail on KnlKhlly'a
-inrnroom on klishth atrat. Into the
Tb raa waa tha flrt In Clackarnaa
County under tha prohibition law.
tk ,i.t rferlaratlon of candidacy lo
filed witn r.wmr Clerk Coffey for
t . ..m . n arimary cmpn w..
r..t. nlrvl b A. A. Mu'k. e
Iyar of Jtt. John, who W that
m tm- ba printed on ita orri. tal nomi
ratine bU"l of the l:epublirn party
a r.tKlMit, for County 'oromlionr.
Mr. Mu-k al tn fir caadidat
iimii' imelf fr Commiloner
The term of W. I. Uahtnei-. chairman
a tha lultni4 County Comml"n.
or. eBre tax year, an-l there wi.l b
a t'4 many a.ftrnl. t,e.j r
ilturk. Amon other Mat fl'k'l. It-
H.Tt and K. I. ijM ara rrlr.lirg; Ihelr
loiR for the nomination, and tommi-
aar Uhtnr l emoeeted to make
formal eonounrement in a few day of
i etandi lary for r-nminati"n and re-
hie acmiaatinc petition. Whirb h
alrea.lT c ir.-it i nt. Mr. Murk an
nounree th lol.oelnc platform: "If
I am nominated and ele.ted I will, dur
t my trm of office, adminl.tcr the
affaire of th county honeetly. rour
e enua a errt.-teBtl flr!y and with
out fayorltum." II: elocan I. on
omr. hnety and rffi'lenry In tllca."
I'riak St. cirant. e-city attorney and
ni:.jt for tho llepubli--an nomina
f ir Wpartment .. i of the Or
!! Conn of tht rtielrlet. leave I'orl
ln.I flaturciae foe lr In mnwrllnn
nrk lweult to b tried I here. lie
m.e on to Chi.-f for a horl aUt
bi intend t- return to Portland
St.rh I In aay ryent. II will make
formal announcement of kla can
aidtcy then.
, do raea I on between KepubH
en l Ivi-iortali lo e whl.-t rn
I Ita rend:4ate for d-lest to the
.-!. nt conyentiona Into tb field
faster. a". H I nn" tha e liaela
f'.r beinc an-on-lou. Io fer It a
,.. wtcn i(Dt annovnraq f-mn-rat
la th am number of Kpublicn.
. l Party el-rt l delegate, tao
f 'om -r of th etat three Conre.
tonal dutrt-1. and four from tha tat
at larc.
Tn ihl r-emvrt ar Wl'l M
7'etervon. of rndlelon; JvldaS T. It.
,'rawford. of I -A ilranJa: Major Charte
:. Wordan. of Klamath 'all. and F. J
liolmaa, af iJk liraa'Ia. candidate from
the jioconj f'itrl-t. R It. Turner, of
I'KMburf. from tha rlrl lltrle.
etoa Kr. of I'ortland. Third Ii
t'lrt. and Imerlnua Vereteej mn4 lr.
J. W. Marrow, of I'ortland, for del
a; aaea-at - larya.
T eiiht rtepnbllean ar J. V. Por.
r-. of l-andletora. and W. M Frooka
feennd f't'i-t; Colonel I". M I'inn
B.a f f Wr)ev. of fwllaftH. Third
Hartford Woman Telia How
5h RcKlnJ Strcnfth.
Hartford. Coaa. f wa run-dwn.
peryet. aa appatite. could aot tP.
an4 had no etrenctb. aa old lady laid
wta haar mieH Vlaol had helped! brf
when m a like cad lion. I trted It
pad aotUxl aa Impra- mal within
a week, tl oon kui'.t ap tny trr,th,
any arvctana diaappeared and 1 can
Bleep well. I haa neyer fonad aay
remedy afal to Vlaol to create
lir.fl Mr. Clara iioer
It in ta'e Iroa. th medlctnal at.
-actleee ef freh cod' lleer without
a.!, aaef peplon contaiae4 In Vinol
thai make It uryfal la arich
inat Ik b a4 and cratia etrenrtb
fir raa-daaa aeryoua. overworked
na a a a'ieh weaderfal re.
a 'ilte rieht here in rrtTane) from lha
a of Vlnat tral we win rtira the
mey la every caao where it
fail to five lifae'ton. Tha Owl
imf Co. rortiaad. lrea.
. ft In your awa t a. wherever
yV tie. there la a Vlaol ttug fitora.
Look tot taa aifa.
Mllwaakk 4'uam-ll Cul.e Kalary for
Itrrrraa In Work.
UlLWAl'Kli; Or. h. taijipe
cial -Mnr prohibition went Into ef
fert Milwaukia hae acen tvo Intoxicated
men and all rourch character have
dlaappeared. The t'o'in'll found that
the work of the City Marehal had been
a reduced that 11 waa derided lo re
dua hla salary to S a month.
There I no activity al the Krlar
Club property and th veranda has
been board-d up It waa reported
thai the club would chance tha prop
erty Into a f':rt-clAaa oummer resort
for familie. hut at present ther Is
no Indication that this will ba done.
Calrl of 10 Tratrla Mi Mllmt i:cry
Iay lo Allrnd Srltunl.
rryft'i.rToN". r, b. i. p-
rial White the I'rndleton and other
county school were rloaed durinar th
storm last week so a to save the chil
dren from havinc lo travel Ihroush the
snow, there wa on little at I r I In th
southern part of 1'matilla County who
let no BUvh trifle keep her from her
hoo I.
Utile Nellie Atvl-r.on. I )ar old.
who live three milea south of I'klah
rode ea h way daily Ihrouartt the mtnrm
and threo feet f snow for two wcka
lo attend the t'kieb arhool.
Saturday Last Day
of Our 25 Discount on
Hart Schaffner &
Fancy Fabric Fall and Winter Weight Suits.
Only two days left in which to take advantage
of this, our
Great Removal Sale
Saturday Absolutely Last Day at These Prices
Suits and
Suits and
Suits and
d O r Suits and
tDOO Overcoats.
Overcoats to continue at above prices.
Blue and Black Suits at 15 off.
Standard Makes of Shoes
Here at Factory Prices
Store Open Saturday Night Until 10 o'clock
Copyright Hart Scbaitaer a liars
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
Temporary Location 266
Morrison SU Bt. 3d and 4 th.
Future Location S. E. Cor.
5th and Alder Sts.
Republicans to Aid Presi
dent's Defense Plans.
.tTvltlon. Told. However, TliaC Op-
o-ltlon lo Coiillncnlal Amiy
la Virtually fnanlmou In
Military Committee.
WAMIINUTO.V. Feb. 10. Republican
of the House military rommuiss as
sured President Wilson today that a
etrona; Army Increase bill, drafted In a
non-partisan spirit and acoompiisnina
t the main objecla sought oy me va ar
lepartmenl plan, would D on in u"
aiendar within thrra week si
They told him. however, that me com
mittee practically waa unanimously op
posed to tho department a
army scheme.
1 1 .1 . .1 kv nenresentaliv jvano,
.ui.ritia. ranklna- minority membe
of lha committee, in jtrpuu.
..iii .i the White House at lha I'resl
a invitation, followina inairm.u
that ' out from tho office of County
Clerk Coffey.
With the advent of normal weather,
Portland voter are flocking- to the
reft-lstration headquarters at the Court
house, and yesterday record for the
season were broken with a totalaof 630
registrations. Thla brings the total
since the opening- of the books on Janu
ary J to 11.893.
The registration by party affiliations
waa as follows yesterday: Republican,
IIS: Democrat. 150; Socialist, 7; Inde
pendent. 13; Progressive. C; Prohibi
tion. .
The Republican total for the year Is
804 compared to a Democratic total
of s:i. .
TKI, DK 4.I.K.
Jailsc !-. inn i:lalna llo l Ac
qua In lt-,1 With I.ltlsanla.
"Tbiaa rase has been transferred to
thla department from that of Judse
ieten. announced an attorney yes
terday to Orruit Judare Vrtllnn.
'Ita. and It wi;i be transferred bark
fain." retorted Judca U,tnn. lie
explained hie stand In the action for
damase broucM bv Kltsaheth Vate
aaainat the Alder Hotel t'ompany by
hi. personal acquaintance with parties
Interested. .
The attorneys derided lo wait Unlll
Jade tiatena could take up tba mat-
UlJ Aa I'avnirnl So Oblisaliuna
May He Met Manli I.
la an effort lo ral money so the
city ran meet its payroll and other
ohtigattone March I. Commissioner
Hiselow la ashinc owner of lars-e
tracts of property lo Pay up their
street and sewer aasee.roenn.
The sjeneral fund, which I railed
on to pay ail current expenditures oi
he city, has loaned several hundred
hou.and dollars to the Improvement
fund, so the rity could meet It pay
ment vf Interest.
rioaMla-Kelty Camp at Vrndlln; He
(la ttork Thla Week.
rttJEVK. rir, th. ! !peiaL)
Tha Kooth-Kelly lumber camps al
W end i in T will opea Monday, and the
ml. I will reeume work Tuesday or
Wednesday, accordlnc lo A. C L'llon.
avanaaer of the company.
Th and ramp hav been closed
dartnc lha last mnta on account of
the heavy saowe. Mosl of lha snow has
tr. I'awrvtt lo He llarlrtl Today.
With r.ev. Mr Prown, of the Meth
odi.t thurcb. efflclatina and members
of bis liihle rla.a a pallNearers. tha
funeral of Irr. John r'awcetl. of Lent,
will b held Ihta afternoon at I o'clock.
IJi, r Laee wlil be conducted Irs th
chspl al tha A. t. Ksaworthy parlor,
and burial will bo In lha family plot
la Uouat ttcolt Crolry. ,
Hay and several of hi ieroocraiic
i.aeue. who had carried tha same me
sa to tho Chief Ksecullv yesterday.
alloaal lissrs preferred. .
r.wi . . eonferenre was later
ribrd aa a friendly echanB of views.
The only difference of opinion waa on
the ourstlon of lha contincniaa an..,
... ...i a, Krrrrlarr Harrison as
- the National ciuard In
ih. rir.i line of defense. Tha Presi
dent wa Informed that while the roru-
o.itlea onnosed th ecelary lueae.
a a. heme wa In oroces Of lomiUlt
tion by ahlch tha membera fell certain
lha National tiuard could be welded
into an efficient Instrument of National
defense and brouaht up to tha alrenitth
believed neceasary by military epri.
Mr. Wilson stated hi own preference
for tho continental army plan. He
no .frort. however the White
Mouse visitors said later, to away them
In their opinion beyond stating hla
own belief, based on that of his mlll-
tarv advisers, that the state troops
would not serve National needs aa ef
ficiently as the proposed purely fed
eral force would do.
Prealdral I'raen PrwBspHlnde.
The only urgency In the President's
remarks. If was said, vii hla plea for
nuirk Concreseional action to put the
country In a state of adequate defense.
based on a sound military policy, ana
hi desire that party politlca be not
allowed to cloud what he considered a
vital National issue. Ha found his
hearers In hearty accord with him In
both desires.
Th President Is understood to have
outlined the underlying military rea
son on whlrh War Department offl
rials have baed their reoueet lor a
force of 400.000 men In addition to the
rrculara always under complete Ked
eral control. The tSeneral Staff of the
Army has defined th abiding- policies
of tha Nation as being the avoidance
of entangling alliances and the main
tenance of tha Monroe Ioctrlne. no
broadened by Mr. Wilson's Pan-Amer
lean declaration. 9
While the presidents presentation
of the situation to bis visitors waa not
disclosed. It Is known that ir Da
partment officials have In view the
possibility that American troop might
be needed In some Southern country
to aid In repelling an invader, and that
the constitutional limitation use of the
National Ouard to territorial United
Males hampers preparation for an ade-
nuate defense vl the ran-Americaa
duclrm In case of need.
Manilla of Xralalaa deeded.
Both Wmorratlc and Republican
members of th military committee
take tha position that the continentals
would not la any case be available for
Immediate use outsld lha country un
der the training It would be poaslble
to give them In peace time. Like the
National Uuard. they hold tha conti
nentals would need months of addi
tional training before they could take
the field.
The committee will continue Ita bear
Inga tomorrow morning and begin at
one drafting Its proposal to Kcderal
Ise the militia to a large eitent and
also to grant the reaular Army In
creases asked by the War Department-
30 Ilrcordrd in Pay, lireakinf All
Mark of Krson.
Register, and register at once. If you
an l to avoid the rush la tae word
Dr. Kelsarr If. Trlsablr, Formerly af
Portlaaa, One af Dackera af Prel
ect far Hssalss Ilesaeleae.
TACOMA. Wash.. Feb. 10. (Special.)
Protesting against the use of the
abandoned Kmerson ticbool as a "Hotel
de Gink" for homeless men, 13 women
called on the City Commissioners todsy
and asked them to use their influence
In having the place closed. They have
enlisted George H. ftone, president of
the Commercial Club, In the fight, and
a masa meeting will be held tomorrow
to file an emphatic objection to the
School Board against using the empty
building as a refuge for derelicts.
The school waa procured by Rev.
Delmer 11. Trimble, formerly pastor of
a Methodist Church In Portland, and
-Three-Fingered Jack" Godwin, known
aa the gambler evangelist, as a place
where the unemployed might be housed.
The building la now occupied by 200
men and provisions are being made to
admit 600 men nightly. The pro
trstants say that property Is depredat
ed by having the school usea as a no
tel dn Gink," ami women living in the
neighborhood declare that they are
afraid to stay alone with the free
lodging-house In operation. Dr.
Trimble defends the plan by raying
that every man who Is housed In the
school must work and no loafers will
l.e allowed to remain.
Woman Find (aold and Com In
Fowl Tliat Hanged on If ills Near.
HOQl'IAM. Wash.. Feb. 10. (Spe
cial.) While cleaning the glziard or
a chicken. Mrs. A. D. Hicks, wife of a
capitalist of this city, today found
two small gold nuggets, the larger
about the size of a pea and a small
stone, which was pronounced Dy local
jewelers to be a torquolse.
The chicken was batenca ana raised
In the pens of F. U Morgan, an at
torney, whose residence is at me loot
of the range of hills at the west of
the city.
It Is presumed tne goio was
scratched out of the ground by the
I i
s ism
I Mm
I 795!
nil i
e ,-z:
1H I ' ' . tops.
aT. a o . e4v!
B $1.48 Vj; ,J
a $1.08
IB &- X V
Tomorrow, s-padal
price aa follows :
h 1 1 d r e n's
Shoes and
Pumps 59a
hlldren's tl.25
Bhoes and
Pumps 79c?
81.60 to $1.75
Shoes and
Pumps 98
sses' I
! and 12.60
n d Pumps
sixes In blacks.
In whites an
tents, cloth and kid
Attorney-Genera! Knle. In
of Kugrnc Man.
F.CGENE. Or, Jan. 10. Judge G. T.
Fkipworth will be a candidate for a
six-year term aa Circuit Judge, home
attorneys ventured that Judge Skip-
worth rould only be a candidate lor
tha remainder of the term of Judge
Lawrence T. Harris, who was appoint
ed to the Supreme bench. Attorney-
tieneral George M. Brown, in an opin
Ion. bold differently, circuit judges
Koke and Hamilton are candidates for
Attorney E. O. Potter, Itepuoiican, of
Eugene, haa also announced his candl-
Time of Death Fixed as Two Months
Abo and Identification la Made
The body of an unidentified man
was discovered in the vacant house at
319 North Smith avenue, St. Johns, yes
terday. Near It lay a half-pint whisky
flask, smelling strongly of carbolic.
acid and containing several drops of
the deadly fluid.
Shortly after the noon hour, W. F.
Rogers, agent, entered the house with
a prospective tenant. They toured
the rooms and in one of them came
upon tho ghastly find. Coroner Dam-
maxch was at once notified, and the
body taken to the morgue.
Investigation was rendered difficult
by the badly decomposed condition of
the corpse. It, was that of an elderly
man, probably 60 years of age. weigh
ing between 13a and 140 pounds, and
five feet seven Inches In height. The
hair was gray and thin, and the head
partially bald. The mustache was
The body was clad in a suit of gray
mixed texture, bearing the label of a
prominent I'ortland clothier. A soft
shirt, of light material, with a black
string four-in-hand tie, completed the
Neither papers, coins, jewelry, nor
any clues to Identity were round in
searching the body and clothing, i It
is thought that death occurred at
least two months ago.
3500 Pairs
Worth to 5.0O
now on sale at
Kight in the face of the
highest leather market
we are going to place
on sale tomorrow ladles
13.00 to .5.00 Shoes at
J1.9S and J2.4S a pair.
These come in patents,
dull leather, new soap
kid. midnight blue and
bronze, in lace, button
or Gypsy cuts. Every
size from 2 to 8, all
widths from A to EK.
The best $3 to J"
Ladies Shoes now
$1.98 and $2.48
Over 3000 Pair Men's Dress and Work Shoes
On sale at fol
lowing prices I
Men's $5 andi4
Shoes. S2.98
Meq's J4-J3.0O
Shoes. S2.48
Mens J3-J2.60
85o t
-tr 4.V5Iaa'
Kagm&0 98c
H.,--J $2.48
Fireman in Xcurby Station Awakens
in Time to Alarm Inmates.
Instinct awakened Fireman F. H. Mc
Cormack. of engine company 4, yes
terday morning in time to alarm the
inmates of a dwelling-house.
Asleep in his bunk at the engine
house. Fireman McCormack dreamed
that he was fighting fire in swirling
clouds of nmoke. lie woke, but the
smoke scent remained. Not 100 feet
away the one-story residence at 369
Third street was emitting smoke that
came through the open window of the
fire company s quarters.
Mrs. Rose Huber, tenant of the house.
and her little child had a narrow es
cape from suffocation. The damage was
estimated at $50.
North Bank Draws Vouchers to Rec
ompense Flro Fighters.
OL.TMPIA. Wash.. Feb. 10. (Spe
cial.) Through Superintendent O. h.
Votaw. at Portland, the State Fire
Boys' Shoes
Boys' reg. St. 50
Shoes pr. 98c
Boys' reg. $2.50
Shoes. S1.4S
Boys' reg. $3.00
Shoes, gl.98
All size.
High Tops
ff") A Q For boys' $3.60 and $3.00 High
Pei.iO Tops, with buckles. All sixes.
dej QQ For men's $5 and $5.50 High
ipO.aO Tops, blacks and tans, all
sizes, 10 to 13-inch tops.
aj no For men's $7 snd St High
PT.aO Tops, blacks and tans, all
sizes. 12 to 14-inch tops.
per pair
5 for Men's
and liiilea'
I'ork Solea.
Sale Findings, Etc.
5C for -'-ln-1
Shoe I'ollsh.
5 c for 10c can
98a? for l.r.O
Arch Support.
17t for any
2-'c Shoe Dress
We Pay Parcel Post on All Mall Orders
Men's and Toa
dies' Rubber
Heels, any nize.
now at, I t n
crew sent by the state to fight a forest
fire last August near Hood in Skamania
County. The railway company also used
its section crews in fighting the fire,
fur which the state department had
held the company responsible.
Mr. Votaw has informed the warden
that Touchers for payment of a num
ber of the crew of 50 men have been
sent to company agents at Stevenson
and Underwood.
Street Kailrourt Ordered Sold.
SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 10. The
property of the Seattle, itenion ana
Southern Hailroad, which operates n
miles of street railroad between feeat-
tle and Renton, today was ordered sold
Warden's office has received notlfica-,at public auction, by ,;n0e l'Perlor
tion that the fc'ookane. Portland & Se-i Court. An upset price oi
ttle Kailwny Company will pay tbeIien
this beinc the ammint of claims
against the company. The road has
been in the hands of receivers since
1912. The sale was sought by the
Trustee for the bondholders.
Pimples Are Impurities Seeking
an Outlet Through Skin
Engineering Show
t'ervallla, Oregaa.
I'KBRCART 14th ASD lit a.
On and one-third rates on S. P. and
O. K. railroads from Portland to Cor
vallls. Effective Sunday, the 13th,
till Wednesday, the lth. Auspices of
Aaaex-tated EaKlneera, O. A. C
EaSags Lower
EGGS Select Oregon, Per Dozen . .
CORN, OREGON Very fancy, dozen cans for ..1.25 each 130
PEAS Prosperity No. 2, dozen cans for $1.50 each 13f
CUT BEANS Pala No. 2, dozen cans for $1.10 each 100
TOMATOES Solid Pack Laurel Wreath, No. 2 cans
dozen cans for $1.00 each 00
SUPERIOR FANCY Patent Flour, barrel $5.60 sack $1.45
WHITE ROSE Good Family Flour, barrel $5.40 sack $1.40
WHOLE WHEAT Flour, per 10-pound sack 350
GERM MEAL Per 10-pound sack 4o0
Shop of Honest Coffee
rc is the King of the Breakfast Table A
Ve-OIlCC fine, heavy Coffee, combining strength,
character, body and flavor. Regular price 35c per pound. OQ
Special, ZVi pounds for $1.00 or special, per pound jaa-r-
Wholesalers to Private Families, Hotels and Restaurants.
Watch Our Week-End Specials Advertised Every Friday in The
t Oregonian.
Pimples, sores and boils usually re
sult from toxins, poisons and impuri
ties which are generated in tho bowels
and then absorbed into the blood
through the very ducts which should
absorb only nourishment to sustain the
It is the function of the kidneys to
filter impurities from the blood and
cast them out in the form of urine, but
in many instances the bowels create
more toxins and impurities than the
kidneys can eliminate, then the blood
uses the skin pores as the next best
means of getting- rid of these impuri
ties which often break out all over the
skin in the form of pimples.
The surest way to clear tho skin of
these eruptions, says a noted authority,
is to get from any pharmacy about
four ounces of Jad Salts and take a
tablespoonful in a glass of hot water
each morning before breakfast for oiw
week. This will present the formation
of toxins in the bowels. It also stimu
lates the kidneys to normal activity,
thus coaxing- them to filter the blood of
impurities and clearing the skin of
Jad Salts is Inexpensive, harmless
and is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithia.
Here you have a pleasant effervescent
drink which usually makes pimples
disappear, cleanses the blood and is ex
cellent fcr the kidneys as well. Adv.
ia. Oner Tlata and all
polished metal, brass, silver, nickel, etc
veVeTTTV 1 1 ' V" 1 "J1" """M rWI T ? T H
will pat lartinr lnwtr on quicker than 4
anvtnina e)s. Saie to om. fion-inien t
In form. Sold In two mizo cvn bj all Groovy
Hvdwavr and Drag Store.
Look for tho Photo 00 Cu