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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1916)
I I I ld Jllli.l 1 a Ht-J.i.k' - - . a MAY BARK HURST 3D ON TRAIN ROBBED BY ONE POLITE MAN Women, One From Oregon. Arc Spared by Desperado on . Union Pacific. PORTLAND BOY IS VICTIM Jrrh !!- I nnril lo t IIU Ml. Ktamiai Mark, of l-a t.raV. I HM I trader linear tier Car. rti:T-Nir wj. re. i pa- eii, fi'eoio 3' aen:era to r.-ifi-: lrti N t. which l ' r.3n-WMnto Limited from lh Ncrtt..i f,r t-!t.. a lwae depera-- UU Ual m"t made M ap from lla car ar I'... iprtB. ' ' mil., w.i at lii. city. A ritr A mo tna ptofOHM ware Mr Vara., of (o i;rmrd. or. w. sa her war la lr. and Joeeph !i.t, at Portland. Mfi Maras was In tie eb.fio ear when the renter mails rtunr. hB said tna ttxn t "" m.e M aptearanc n!ii after tie Iraia had ft Ur8 l;i .r. w e.a'e.t Bear the b4 of the e.r. a a .4 look .4 no euddenly at a ole from .itnoui. T&are ha wee on the fe ro.ertna at fare. It ,.rr..i ami inoki lo mo ia a ! cold m.-a. 'twn't ma ao4 t woa'l burl jau." teaae aeae-av, "Ha .em4 l ha made ! M iivt that He .14 no rob. any ef Ida womea. et'irel!. I .of" money m.. an.l th.s. to. I ansa wearlB: a, ef d moni earrins. 14 other i.,.irt. Mil ka 4:4 ") appear ! aoti.e litem. I mI fri-hlad. bit tu.i ina same I cti.j.d lit. order. 1 1 tul J ma rot a moo. an4 I didn't." jMnit li. a t-s.-d ho-oloy r I'Bi-'iand. 'r. k taaina; hi f.r.l Ion trio, wea ln the imokln r.mMrlmfn! wita fie ar st " the rentier ma-ie hi. i(ff. It We. ana ef tne who contributed To. bet I hint wBt a aaBrd." I.Khd yawn -VVtiew ka ama inia t e rm aa4 ard.r.4 tart ana f la. ni.o la ptl o kaa.J.. ... n , f la.m i lo I ta qvtlchlf nil la auil kim, lla l!a4 I la triat.r o( Ifia imluf aa4 ol a'r a.a.t.. Aftaf tat lbra aa I f tf'Ur utit. IUkt. Rataaaa ra . "7S. fuBfiaf (ul from ma. i frarn aantBar Ii ao t a ! t.- tram atiil nMtfttr aa4 titl trvm aaataar maa. Ta rnaa fta i f CM t eart af II ka k. hihi Ikal ka 4 4 I Mi. any nM ! k a"l. Tka roBA.r laaan.4 an4 haa4a4 kins . a 4 an.l n!4 kin a anoi i t ' Afar IKal ka I an lnti t r a l'u!ln.n. (i-wrre ritB ka wpa4 Iia krak.mar. k'4il4 tna air k1 . Ta ra'br fM frwit a pa.anar. bt rat;4r'ia4 II. ttPUilttf l-i .t ka ,;ui -i r.a a. wamaa aa..l aaat. ai.ra lr4 kr lk rak .r. Ia inaainUt. ka p.iaiairt ai4 ar.aj. ana kaln alia.4 at Ja.. V'U' a.ral4. i.nijiKUr. w rt ru.Kaa) tr. Ika lr an i.i.iiKtirinc I ka mk4 la-aa f f.vlnc. a kf. am.nK w . . lakan aaDti.a b. r Ha'l ffwa i. lrinmn Im . a N .. a I k ina .M l.iil a i rr la lai laa rra tka Mn4rt nii(v run roiti;nnn. fr. lr.a m Wa lo Mm Haa- fcaMl hra HrM I . Portland's Leading Taflor Tr irfsljf, Miin A Corner 6th and Stark Streets ' I Must Keep My Large Force of Expert Tailors Busy I figure on very small profits (many sales and small profits is my motto), therefore you are the one most benefited. I earnestly ask you to call and inspect these won derful values. They cannot be duplicated anywhere. My Windows Tell the Story Be Here Today or Saturday And get the "cream" of the patterns Open Saturday Evening Till 9:30 iuit ?r Overcoal lii tfaiaii ' --i- . fiatfi'ftiTaan i -ilriWntu- if f ' -?? X. , Eucry 5ujc or Over coat Made-to-Order During This Sale I Guarantee a $30 Value! C3 MADE-TO-ORDER Every essential of permanent workmanship and shape retention is em bodied in a Ray Barkhurst Suit or Overcoat Made-to-Order. The materials are of the best all-wool fabrics, and every garment is made in my own sanitary workshop, where working conditions make contented and skilled tailors. My Reputation Is Back of My$18 Suits and Over coats Made-to-Order You can rest assured that I am taking no chances of injuring my reputation when I advertise a special value ! There is no shrinking nfr boiling down in Quality! Money cheerfully refunded if you're not satisfied! rtfMrMrfcjrkk4aHH.rkfMraW GIRL'S BODY FOUND Man's Tracks Nearby, but Violence Not Indicated. l, tiKlr.. . 'an. ta .a.Pa-lat, I KVa lf.. !. kal4 aa la Wyaiiiinc ll Bit1'! am N X I . 1 ana aa k. a maal kar koa- 1 fian.aa lla ka. ba.M l.a.l f ! POLICE ARE MYSTIFIED koTiaar an4 llirpH4 k.r li .am I t maa h i nv I" ....kMI Maiaw a it A kar Ma m.,n.i. Marri.. of! tia !'. k f-rtha ef lkak llls frhl MaJrnl. Man lmf ml Mhl. llrorrrU Iro-n. and Mnntrr. st Near llrforr- Ix-alli. I -ctl- l.-t nit. Inat rarrtaal In aV.pae-k.a. M's. Mark Mr, mil tt. irta praaa for mar 17 R0V1S OH OVER TOTEM roi i:- r: hit : dmikiii r . M rwr a Oala hmmm tad lU.m. kvaf la taj.raal laa. aara oakrtat. rr: !.. r8i l " lP- --Tfca pr.iiai rf It J. II. ra.t. ma: at BD'aai'taaa cf r.rtlnrf, alnal Ina a.nar. rT Ika ruitiml autrtoriliaa hara f Hirm'M totaBA pota eon ntiinl l k ' m. loir r.uM a lor- raota f rotn ioiia-iur af tka I'ort l'ai& la a n.4 atal.iranl Mr. 2n.t MM t kaa 1-o.itM as l int. lima thai r. :a.t aav.r aaw thia trrtmm ola. d In l knew an.l waa en It and ara larafara arpaaliac la ma l o..rrula lha eurtuma tor k- alra II fcaat..a at la k af koowl.Jie ft Ika true cbaractar ef Ika a. i4 lmpru tiaax Ti lur. wk ol made karaaae lla xi;e ka. 'd. f ir. rr4 II. knl karau.a anma rf Ilia ficor. cpr; j.rtfij ahal la InalaaBl. U aDrat WutiniiK la ktltl an. a la f l a.l igW ka cart la ra.a h-a na." -r.ll.vtof .) trial tf Dr. Ca.l Ti-.. appa.i hm ant h-a rhoto f rt;oi n4. a lne aIl-J la an! kf la iP4rmnl at Vah tartan. SOIL INOCULATION URGED Orr-tei Smrrt Vr t.rmtrra it o Aflrr t ap TtU rar. Yk atue af laM-utatia fke oit auit aitruaa-pre4'4ina; ka-larla fir n. t Norlkrop. ef IHa a.tara fil Har-t.rl t'ompaay. la ai a44ra.a be. fare the ,a..l I'aa -iaiy In Ika ffiar . "1a bttildiK la. I Blckl. Mr Norinrsk ) break-I-1 the aoil la a 4-pl af a.rel kr 1 II. Ii'in4ar. r..i4aBi ef Ika aa- .ati. wkm praai4a-i. 4aflara4 tbal art .arna.t afTarl aa la ka auaia Ikia year k dt.ioi arow.ra la l tka rfcal laeaa rwr. Ha itn.tK'4 Ikal Ika an- B-el ba euI4 be kal-l at Ika Ntl Iran a bO'l-lin aia M '. J K.-aa ari-. an. . J. Carte. antartaluaH t a..". a. a a n.f m I 'm la Wi. .t-aai-mff.4 e.ta la k.aaaa (a ir 1 " a i r . : a . te toe turfexe f-ar lAa eat- yuaa al irrltatiaa. I U.;. rrb. .Ptat Marten ljmbarl. an I -aar-ol4 al Ika W-rfWH MifN K-bool. ho had baaa UIb from kr hama In !-aae r..l. a auburn of alnc- .di.Ur mornins. funj 4a4 Ie4ar tn a rturnp of llmiirr. Ikraa-oaar-tar. ef a trnle fruin hrr homa. undrr nrvam.tan... ahl-h ronlnc4 lh po ll, e ikal aha ka4 t"n tnur4rrd. Tre. k. In the anoar ho that a man ha4 alk4 Hh rirr to Ike tol. had alk'4 lo lha .la at le wood and r.turn'4 to lha bodr. Tka lrl rat' kad k" 4aa4 klaca W adnaaday n.rnln(. for Ika body froten aolid. 7 Mar . loihin aa roi dlaarrancrd a.n h.r kal a. no! awry and far bo ,l4rr.-a of lolece haa bean found en Ika borfr. N-llhar .. Ihara an sn ef a atrula. Val aha lar there d.e4. anJ lha r. k aaaure the pollr I hit rnurdar baa bn dor-. aearra Mm4 far Mart. Th are no eaarvhln for a man who aa aaan la the ! ot the wood, ahortlr after clock Wadnaeday morBtna- near tka plare where two vhol chuma I'fl the lrl. .Marian waa lha only child of frank tmbart. rardener for Jonaa Kuppan fcr.m.r. of l-ake KoraU Tuawtay Mehl her bi lal rhum and la. .mar a. Joaaphlne lal. went honia wllk from a hoL and remained aa.r BKhi wtm her. Weoneaday morn Ib. affr braahfaat. lha two UrU .lartad lo acbool oclhr. Thay oin-4 n-er lha houa- by another arhootrnala. Varna Jarkaon. and the Ikrae walke4 toalber la lha Jarred Biallon of the iTilcaico-Mllwau-ka. .I..lrl.- where lhay were to take Ika train. The train waa In aleht wher thay arrlted. bul Martaa al4 lo tna olhara. -'h, I forl. I'a ol la iro down t lha bank in l-ahe I ..real loda. Td better aa now. f.r I'm afraid I ! lata If I put II of! Iltl aft'f atboof aaakky Waa el-eei. Joaaphlne la. and Varne Jarhaon ol4 kar II waa all rKM: Ihry would aae kar later al lha a- hoot. While Ihey waited for the train, lha Ctrl, noticed a ababbily drea.ed man in Ika de of the wood to lha eat of Ika traa. Thr paid little altar. lion lo him. but aw hira walklnc from baktnd one traa lo Ike ehclter of an other. larlan did no! trh a. hoo Wednaa day: a.ither did he return homa al niahl. Mar lather alarted a frantic aaarrh for her w haa ha found thai aha waa not with any of hr ahool chuma. and Ikla mornmt ha and William Mar- hIL am employe cf lha Onwenlala liotf riuK found bar body. Tha poli-a ara Hourlnc the neighbor hood, whara Ihara ara many bl- coun try a. lata, af t'hlcaao mllltonalraa. for tka man whm the irl la bettered to fca.e inL Ma la dea-ribad by a itlrl rhum who aaw him aa havlnar " evil lata" tnl a alare. Rrtr. Ixit r land lo Talk on Lincoln. The memory r.f Lincoln will be honored tomorrow noon by the Orastt i"llc licu. wh.n It mecte fur tha racultr weakly lunrhetin al lha Cham ber of Commerce, ll.y. rranV U Ure l.nd will make lh" chief addrc. tak ln( -Unroin" for hie aubjacu Hccauea .( Hie intrreet In lha .uM'M. mere lo ba a lara attandanre. Tha merlins I I f.r 11 o'clo.k. SALMON MEN WIN POINT llrprr-arnlalltr Mnnotl ;cla I'rom are. of Anrrntlmrnl lo Hill. i;kumax xkwm iui:K.r. wh- Ina-ton. Kcb. t. Itanraacnlallre In. noli, on reoue.t of tarloua oreaon aalmon parkrre. confrrrcl wiih llepre eBtatle farey. author of lha prrwi in cold atorafo bill, and adylaad him of the re. krra' objection to lha limitation linpoaed on lha lima flab producta may be hrpl In mr. lla aplaina. lhal Wr.t t'oaul aalmon are Inlrndad lo ba marketed freeh. are froarn when rauihl. and are nol hi ied until tha followlna Inar held often for eeyrn and clKhl month. ir. farcy aaaured Mr. Pinnotl ha had no deatre lo limll the ptorase of froen .almon lo threa month and that he would Bladly accept an amendment lo Ihe bill aireptlna aalnmn. He aiplalncl hat hla main object l to check Ihe prolonaad atorae of c ami other .lurl that deteriorate when hrpl loo lon In Moras. 100 MILLINERS ORGANIZED C. C. Cole, of Rnon rriint oC Trl-Slatr Anaorlatlon. fKATTI-K. Wah.. Keb. 10. Onr bun. drrd mllllnera reprracntins ' 'WhinB ton and Idaho nt a merlins here -o. dy orsanlied the I'ai If l- Cot lie. tail Villinere Aaaoclallon. Tha tb- Jert of tha aaaoclatlon la to promote efficiency and co-operation on lha part of ita member. r. t ('u.r. of Spokane, waa elected nrealdeni. The other officer elected are: Kdward W. rreneman. Heattle. firat vlce-preldnl; Mra. farvrl. Walla Walla, aecond lce-pr aidant: I ah It. Johneon. Tki'oma, third vli-e-prenldcnti Mr. M. I. Ileltrlrk. Kaaltl--. foiirlh vlce-pre.ldcnt ; Ml Camp. Iewlton. Idaho, fifth lce-preemeni; I-. . . .-ance, rtpokanv. Irraaurrr; J. II. Webber, -i.attle aecretary. 573,270 PAID BY MILL orl(.o iTr ;rrr 2.ona for TART Or IIAWI.KY MTI-- riearer YlatH Brian sz aad Priraa lUlabllaa Valaa af Olhrr Irea erf y la elkkarbaael. ORW'iO.V C1TT, Or Feb. 1. (Spe ctaL) Tha llawley Pulp ac Taper Com pany paid l7J.:0.f7 for property on which tha paper mill will be built here, a.-cordlns to figure made public by W. I-. Hawley. hr.. today. With lh completion of the deal with tha city, whereby Ihe mill buy :. 000 worth of city property, the paper company aecured title to all of the alia of the new mill. Uf Ihe total amount. MjOJ was paid for Ihe Cliff llou. a hotel of pioneer day: 17000 for Ihe tract uaed until recently for an Armory, and (8000 for lha Woodbine Hotel property. One Important effect of the transac tion I that a baal la provided to es timate the value of other property In that aectlon of the city not now under corporation control. Except for manufacturing purposes, the property Is not valuable. The conclusion of these deals makes the llawlev liilr I'aper Company the heaviest holder of Oregon City real estate, and when the new mill la completed that corporation will probably be the town's heaviest tax payer. RABBIT DANGER PASSES Storm and Poisoned Grain Kill Thousands Near Baker. BAJvKR, Or.. Feb. 10. (Special.) That the rabbit, expected to do thou sands of dollars' damage next Summer, ha been wiped out by the co-operative movement and recent storms. Is the report brought in today after an in vestigation. Arthur Oliver said that in the 20-mile trip from Keating to Baker lie had seen only one rabbit, and that nearly starved. Instead of the hundred usual ly along the road. Tha rabbits' only food was poisoned grain, and thousands died. Monmouth Creamery Is Formed. MONMOUTH. Or., Feb. 10. (Spe cial.) The farmers and dairymen of this vicinity organized a co-operative creamery company lat Tuesday. It was decided to incorporate the new company at 15000. Although any farm er can own several shares of stock, ho Is entitled to only one vote. A cheese factory will be run in connec tion with the creamery. t 7 -t- I 'Ufa HP Is Your House a Home or is it a collection of brick walls, carpets, chairs and tapestries? Make it a home by serving for breakfast Shredded Wheat, the food of health and strength. Being ready-cooked it is so easy to prepare a delicious meal with Shredded Wheat in a few minutes. Contains all the goodness of the whole wheat better than porridges for children or grown-ups. Made at Niagara Falls, N. Y. BESSIE BARRISCALE "The Original Bird of Paradise Girl" in her master picture, The (Green Swami A Triangle De Luxe Story of Unjust Suspicion and Jealousy. Added Attraction; Unique Engineering Feats in Oregon. And the Keystone Comedy of a Thousand Laughs. A MOVIE STAR Our Newest Courtesy: Tea Served daily from 3 P. M. to 5 P. M., in Rest Room. COLUMBIA Theater of No Disappointments. Sixth and Washington. HMD 1 rr arrive BOOK NOW for the 17-Day Cruise to the LAND OF PER PETUAL SUMMER v I Itcgolar Sailings Great Northern r'eb. 14. March 6. SI. SHRINKHS Official Tour March 24. V. S. S. NORTHERN PACIFIC Regular Service Twin S. S. Great Northern. The inbst uniquo healthful and desir able vacation cruise ver planned from Han Fra.n risco combines novelty, Krandeur, delightful cli mate and a charmin sea voyage with absolute romfort and remarkable economy. No liotel bills, chances or transfer; the ship is your home for the entire cruise. Leave San Francisco Feb. 16 e (San Pedro). Honolulu Olid-Pacific. Illlo (Volcano Kllauea), Los Angeles I'edro). SAV FRANCISCO MARCH 4TH. ALL FIRST CLASS nvi V TWO PAKSKNr.KRS TO AXT ROOM. '-a Ca" "iasjr' " North Bank Ticket Office. fifth and Mark Sh. u....jn-e.u a-n x tan i San Jr'ntnciaco. 65 Slarket St. PREPAREDNESS Does Ihe National sloean mean all that it should to you? Are you prepared to meet the problem of our coming; prosper ous yearT If you are not. START by taking advantage, of our optical depart ment. We are prepared to supply you with all that la arood in the optical line and at these remarkably low prltes: Lenes Fphcro In your own frame 41.00 Lenses Bphero In Aluminum frame 1JM .nses Sphero In Gold-Filled frame. aXSO Lenses Sphero (curved) In G. K. Glass Mtg- 5.00 Kryptok Leases 9H.OO to V1S.OO STAPLES, The Jewel er-Optician, hfr 62 First Street MerrUea, Portland, Or. Greatest of All Carnivals Is the Madri Gras New Orleans, La., March 2 to 7, 1916 Three Parades (Proteus, Rex and Comus). ' Promiscous Masking on Madri Gras Day, Tableaux, Balls. ; Carnival spirit reigns supreme. 10 Days' Stopover allowed at New Orleans, cn all tickets. You can go East via California, Arizona, Texas and New Orleans at little additional cost. Sunset Limited Sunset Express Daily trains, through standard and tourist sleep ing cars. Orleans. San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Corner or Kast Information at City Ticket Office, Sixth, and Onk Streets. Vnlon Depot, Morrison-Street Mstlon. Phones Broadway 2760, A 6704. John M. Scott, tieneral Passenger Agent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC I 0f "sun SEVeC'l I IMDCN 1 SNAJOJ I