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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1916)
TJTT: MOTtXTNO OKEflONIAN. FRIDAY. rEDRUARY II, 1010. a m f . ' VESSELS, IF ARMED, GALLED WARSHIPS Semi - Annual Cleanup Sales Of Remnants and Odds and Ends Germany and Austria Give No tice cf Policy Toward Mar- chantmen of Allies. 1 I V5ak DATE SET AT MARCH 1 Tinw f.itra for mte alion to MClfa ltrlo Hllh ftrfrr- I rniwal la Ilr t.l ,t,tri4. Itmii tiwir :!" .r.. bva in.f... Ik I Mt -r tiir lttio l- '"'I tnr. rhaiM'n f'P aft.r Vafrk I T.l at b ft lo Mlt t!m to .llf !' war 1. r.'.nt t f 1 ' rt opo;ii arB-mcBt el all bi"-i'.. Ti t ' jtt' raiir propl I :: ti. biii.rBt. that ID af .ri wrfr b.4 lt.4 u a.irb.. f.. U "! mr- .it ...e o4 k- ab.otutalr - rm.t-tmi( l mi: r'iBr vn wb-B l" b hr- (. ti pfBi:t..J la Tb ininorin Bt lf' bl aS't l" Tn ro to.! . b.-l tba thr bo tr.rv-riant r ( tb tt.ruiasl f" or. Boo ot lhtr rtmimr'"f fr'-.yr i-pl aubmarln.. .r at Tb JtC(4:n rBB. otlef. Bi. r (taaa ,r-Tt ivorH fataj.r ml Utii. clln l itill mat.rlaliy ,) tba utit of l" ,oirl tro yo.t l IB 'i6l irinsr bIbUob la th Ui ti.wara I Jitifur-i b plit In true tia. l.-o- by In- flrvii.ft Arfmiraitr to mrvbaBtruB. b ropy of Me Bat I ho b obtaiBl t ' mam autaor'ti.. Tb." wt . It I 4mi4 bf. f Ibal rbaatm.a btl. .arr, M bb4 t uf-rtn Uit. i ; B.IUI ! Bff BB rfimtmrvrt IB ntr'- tiB l' Ir t i(imi! of (PtD-r CBUBtri l GERMANS CABBY TREV2GH . t it.r. rTio rfio mon rnr.iH ahtoi. StotW N rtu y r Ib tin twitL Tr.r.tjv. tn-f"". r TM ffom) ! ef ' f.rt!ca ef If"' ' IB Aftl r'"B. BBO'fr4 " MrmM into !..))'' Ilr. A Rim cralr Br !-. " b"' ...ties. r-B-. .omB IN f.B.-! tal B foetholl I, .mBil rl b lf f :,,t-IIM If.B.--. TM tl.m.Bl -smtw,l f Vtmr CBPlBf lf tr.B. h --tl from !- ! a I ta i:i ib ftofboo ef Nai'lB hmbI f lf ''' rottly i..t rieT-, nionrt bbi :i cBxa r-'i fmj'8l o our -j.uf of in oii3nriB attack r ' fpt- I'"o'i5' rti ef H'tu'Bourl lh '"'"f rl"l IB MJt"l fBBinoM IB rn:l -fftlo ot ' f"'ml rB.-S." TARJ.1. l ' Th r liti.rr dl t-t-" lb bb4 i. Uraoi roBtiButn l I" Ar loi .tr.. I. rt-MliB l "" .1 1 fnrf. b IS- - h War fffi l(rirnoii. ;rmB lrp Ul i(hl md s ! ailaca asaia.t th. rn-B potiB NUt i4 lroli. Tfii fPul" " ,6, i,.rnut war cr.ful IB holding o IT ob ibib '" GREW AGREES TO DEATH T.,rnn t-ovr on.w Hiwri mib yr. .!.. B.MBf MM IWlB IB-BBI ! Bjrl.B Xl ..WI I aaalaa HaMB IT BBBarlBB Tikra. ;V KOKK. . l-l'T. M. !. In. a l aaa liaB mrmT . amoa toir or ih Anchor HBar Cam. rent, from l-Jarpoo. 4clar4 Uial h ki aaowld of I captar le Mrit:.B ota f It bwrii a4 loiJ bor Ih crr of oa of Ibaut ha Cxxw (oua4 aboi la lah aflar II tal b ! Bftora. It. Iatl .. 1 ha fca.l b-a lacl V dB4 !; Ihi ubmflo ao4 bJ th b-t. r mt Earn from sValU b off Cioa." b -t.l. "tba roarattj' b,a4 allot all ba m a toil tb'B titm:f. ap- Ir Inlia ai4 lbl KrUlnh r BUthlBC U of l!.fbllB) bOBI Wit man or tu IB Kootlol ftf ritmrit i ictJuKtioa will a bj tropi( I ,,: RABBI WISE DIGRESSES A ail- rrrrarrtla- SprwI. C lima I to Addroa ta Orrgo' WonJtrv cr.i;imux n lr. A toB. B. I lat ovintrra-d pr a ba Bm.ft4 aa na atntr o( K l)ra4 lnt J aPa-B lor a momti in-a'tBa" would tFtln' t'ltl'. It. n for prap WaSI Cloa'l Cll PVKKAl". W B.B AB) uBpld lrn--iMlinr lb. ttMMlwo a. bB Kabl l. lot 19 at a4-ir. on ra and l'ortUal b BBtl-M.rar.4a.aa II lak.d aa If Ih Iranaformad IbCo B but t oa lock ap ar.4r.a aad Iba Ib- Wllwa lir-ipln Ja W vsltl''T'. rb I M th r )4..t f riron Ibir4. t?a Japan.. Amb.w.adur. -t.I4"I w Icur ir4Bi4 -4ar r.pna t n llow. a Japan. a coanrli of piard'r at J ti.a it. Ata.ka. U.I ltmt-r. a4 , Ib b ban4 r. braarr It. I HroB I hia4 ! to loB Into lh e... j iit.T Linr rtTY. r.b. t r. it Tatfl. B.aital .n.ral fr.!l BS'BI . tnm r.c"a f-rt Una r.ailroad. 4 .i bra t1ar ftr a alert iln.. a.d Ha arM'tr knoB inui I ...t.-a mam aol aia.r nipc.ta al . "Where You Spend the Least and Get the Most for It" '7v W44 You Will Be as Enthusiastic A i W Are When You Have Tried Our Special 25c Hot Lunch Served Every Day From 11 to 2 o' Clock In Our Inviting Basement Lunch Room Try It Today! NO PHONE ORDERS FOR ECONOMY SALES Sjipmano & fix c'McixUnd;- of cJ Merit Only" Only Two More Days of Our Great Semi-Annual Drug and Toilet Goods Sale Buy a Whole Season's Supplies Prices Are Remarkably Low FU-at Floor. Miases and Women's Untrimmed Hats Regular to $1.50 10c Corduroy, Velvet and Beaver S1.50 to $2.00 Hats 25c Kor women, miiifi nd clul- drrn. "IV V ox of untnrrvmcJ nd tailorrd W inter modrl. ot ocry kind nd de Kfiploa. pJBfBBBBarBBaajBHBBBl $3.50 to $5.00 TrimmM Hats 50c Handjomc Wintrr model of Unt Nrl. effectively Inmmed with fealKer. fibbcm. flowet. iHal fe no! woi th cent lew than the. regular price. Odds and Ends of Boys' Caps at 10c Regular to $1.00 Op nd hat for all wear frit, fancy mixture and plush, black and coloi. Stamped Articles For Embroidering All Ready Made Up Nightgowns for 39c Corset Covers ISc Brassieres 25c39c Envelope Chemise 50c 35c to 75c Neckwear 29c Odd and end of picjue et- ee. net lace and embroidery col lar, and collar of heer organ die in tariou itylrs. $2.00 to $3.50 Corsets $1.19 Broken t!e and ie in low. medium and high but mod el with nvdium and long hip. Finished with lace and embroid ery. 75cH.&W.Waists59c $1, $1.50 Waists 69c Broken tut ot 1 1. cc W. wauts with button and clp front, tome with pleated buit. Brassieres 25c Thai were 75c and $1.00. hook front and cro-back tle. Sue 32. 34. 44 and 46. $1.00 Brassieres 39c la .ire. 32. 34. 42 and 44. Coats $6.95 That Have Sold From $12.85 to $20.00 Only one of a kind left from a busy eason' elling. They are all new this season, showing all the latest styles. Serges, Fancy Mixtures Pebble Cheviot, Novelty Mixtures No phone or mail orders filled. None sent C. O. D. None on approbation. Basement Opening Enlarged Candy Department In the Economy Basement Store With a Tremendously Important Sale Of Thousands of Pounds of Pure, Fres Candies At the Lowest Prices Ever Known 30c Chocolate-Covered Caramels 19c lb. Ideal Chocolate Creams 25c lb. Delicious Salted Peanuts 10c lb. 40c hand-dipped Chocolates for 29c lb. Fine French Mixed Candy 15c lb. 30c Boston Mints for 20c lb. Chocolate Honeycomb for 20c lb. Toasted Marshmallows for 19c lb. 50c Whip Cream Chocolates for 30c lb. Jumbo Jelly Beans for 15c lb. Superfine French Mixed Candy 25c lb. Jelly Drops for only 25c lb. Boston Baked Bean Candies for 15c lb. Marshmallows, 2 pounds for 25c. 25c Peanut Brittle for 19c. FROM The Housefurnishing Store 50c Rag Rugs for 37c . . , . Sue 18 by 36 inches. Colonial rag rugs in hit-and-miss pat terns with pretty striped border. $125 Cocoa Door Mats JSc "irmly woven mat in sue 16 by lo inches. 50c Printed Pro-Linoleum 33c Square Yard In pattern that are suitable for kitchens and bathrooms, in large variety of designs and colorings. Slightly Soiled Wool Blankets $3.45, 5.45, $ 6.45, f 7.45 and 8 45 JLThese blanket have sold from $5.00 to $12.50 the pair. In while and pretty fancy plaid designs. All Drapery Remnants Half Price Cretonnes, scrims. Swisses, burlap, denim, silkoline and other drapery material. From one to three yards long and 36 to 5U t inches wide Odd Pairs of Curtains Half Price Scrim and net curtain that have o!d from $1.00 lo $5.00 pair. In white or Arabian color. Curtain Net Samples 14c Each Regular 75c to 50c manufacturer' curtain net sample from one yard to one and a quarter yard long. In white and Arabian color. 36 to 43 inches wide. 75c to $1.00 Odd Full-Length Curtains 39c Each Nottingham lace curtains 2xz yards long and 36 to 40 inches wide. In white or Arabian color. Curtain Net Samples 73c Each Regular $1.50 lo $2.00 bungalow curtain net samples. 40 lo 50 inches wide and 3 yard lo Vz yards long. In white or Arabian color. Manufacturers Carpet Rug Samples ... , All ready for use. in velvets, body Brussels, Axminster and Wilton carpet. In sizes 27 by 27 inches, 27 by 54 inches and 27 by 72 inches. 75c Rug Samples 39c $3.00 Rugs $1.98 $1.00 Rugs for 59c $4.50 Rugs $2.47 $2.50 Rugs $139 RlKfMrtt Thousands of Remnants of Wash Goods l2 Price and Less In lengths from I J2 to 6 yards. There are beautiful voiles, crepes, ginghams, muslins, percales, outing flannel and various other weaves. Dress Goods Remnants at l2 Short lengths of wool dress goods ranging in length from 1 Yz to 5 yards each, and from 36 to 56 inches wide. Serges, whipcords, poplins, granites, mixtures, stripes, checks, plaids, black goods, cream materials. AH this season's fabrics. Silk Remnants At a Quarter to a Half Less In lengths from half yard to 10 yards. Silks for trimming, for waists, for dresses, for suits, for skirts; Crepe de chine, crepe meteor, satins, messalines. taffeta. China silk, pongee, plain colors, stripes and flowered silks. In black and colors. Veilings-1-Yd. Lengths 17c That Were Regular From 25c to 50c Yard -Cleanup of odds and ends of fine mesh veilings in plain hairline and fancy meshes and dotted effects. In wh.te. brown, navy and black. Embroidery.Lace &Trimming Remnants, Third to Half Off Embroidery, laces, wide and narrow braids, silk and cotton nets, trimming bands, cords, allover. flouncing insert ion. edging chiffon, of every description, lengths from 4 to 2 yards. Also short lengths of fine fur. from 12 to 21 inches. Unadvertised Specials in Knit, Muslin and Crepe Underwear Including gowns, drawers, corset covers, combinations, envelope chemise, skirts, union suits, vests and tights. Look them over today you are sure to find just the garments you have been wanting. Heavy White Enamel Ware All White Inside and Out, Enameled on Sheet Steel A superior quality triple-coated acid-proof white enamel ware. White inside and out. Spouts and handles electrically welded. No rivets uted. Made by the largest and best factory in America. Standard sued utensil throughout. Made specially attractive with black beaded trimming. - - UTENSILS SELLING FOM 7Sc-$l.S0 REGULARLY Tea lettles, 14 and 1 7-quart dishpans. 2 and 3 quart coffee pot. 2-quart teapot. 4-quart Berlin ket- tie. 6-quart Royal auce pan. 4-quart covered por- CQ. ha kettles. 6-ouart LjiRiisn v- tivtgt ; -.. i stock pot. 2-quart cereal cookers, three-in-one comui- Efr nation roaster. 6-quart covered baker. 5-quart lipped auce pans. cVquart lipped preserving kettle. UTENSILS SELLING FROM 20c TO 35c REGULARLY 9 an( 0-inch pie plate. 9-inch dinner plate. I -pint cup and aucers. 2 and 3-quart pudding pan. 3 and 4-quart milk pan. wah basin, ladles, Windsor dip per. 8J2-inch fry pan. nMBirat stall. C. O. D-. r aprballB sr4rra tilled. 10c Each Marked Savings for Women and Girls WOMEN'S HOUSE DRESSES REGULAR TO $1.25 A sale for the woman who wears small sizes, be-1 coming dresses of percale or flannelette. 0JC $1.50 JAPANESE KIMONOS FOR WOMEN, MISSES Made of flowered Japanese crepe in regulation style Iq with loose flowing sleeves and sash. I yo c FLANNELETTE KIMONOS REGULARLY TO $1.75 Dainty flowered patterns. Loose style, with cordlqQ girdle. Empire or belted styles. I 3c WOMEN'S HOUSE DRESSES REGULARLY $1.25 Gingham or chambray. in stripe, checks and figures, I in good variety of pretty styles. I ' c 50c PERCALE COVERALL APRONS Good quality, in neat, light colors. Kamono sleeves, I belted back, round neck, pocket. OOC 25c CINCH AM OR PERCALE BIB APRONS Round style, with fitted bib. Finished with bias j piping. All made with pocket. . lC 85c PERCALE HOUSE DRESS APRONS Of light and dark-colored percale. Slip-over-the- head style, round neck, kimono sleeves, belted all hfiQ around. Takes the place of dress. OVC 59c STRIPED GINGHAM PETTICOATS Made full and large, with flounce at the bottom. I Excellent for house wear. .VC PETTICOATS THAT WERE SELLING TO $1.50 Some Klosfit. some string tops. Pleated, corded I and tucked ruffles. Bright colors. OVC CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES REGULAR TO 75c Sizes 6 to 1 4 years. School dresses of plaid ging ham, in variety of styles, and good colorings. Prettllyff-Q trimmed. OVC CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES REGULAR TO $1.35 Sizes 6 to 1 4 years. Chambray or gingham in plain I colors, plaids and checks, in most becoming styles. J. extra well made. I yOC CHILDREN'S 40c SATEEN BLOOMERS Band waist style with elastic at knee. Full. lar8eJ.9Q sizes for children 6 to 1 4 years. uC FOR MEN 35cto50c 1 rr Neckwear -LUC Four-in-hands in great variety of broken lines and discontinued numbers plain and fancy scarfs of all kinds, for men and boys. FourPIyl r Colors OK Extra Special 50c Dozen Equal to any 2ic collar made. Broken lines and sizes, 14. 42, 16, 16!2. 17. 17J2 only. Shirts and 39c Drawers, each Ecru-color cotton, medium weight, for present and Spring wear. . Flannelette j A Q NightShirtsf OC Good, full-weight flannelette, with military collar. Desirable colors, pink, blue, gray stripes. All sizes. Flannel I Shirts f Fine, warm shirts, especially suitable for outing wear. Mili tary collar. Cut full and liberal. Colors navy and olive. Regu larly $1.50. $1.00 Buttons That Sold to 75c Dozen 10c Card AH sizes and colors of but tons, for all purposes broken sizes and lines taken from our regular stock. ' Shell Hair Goods That Sold to 35c Choice 10c A wonderful collection of pins, combs, barrettes, etc. In all styles, mounted and plain. Jewelry Novelties That Sold to 75c For 10c Odds and ends of hundreds of articles of cuff links, beauty sets, coin holders, shirt sets, bar pins, scarf pins, vanities and many other useful and ornamen tal pieces. Just 15 Dozen Gloves Regular $1.25 to $2.00 49c Odds and ends, gloves tliar have been soiled from handling and display, gloves that have been repaired, but all gloves that will give good service. Real bar gains here at 49c pair. Discontinued Lines Odds and Ends of Women's, Children's Hosiery 19c Regularly to 35c Pair Black cashmere and fine, me dium weight cotton stockings, a good assortment, but broken sizes. Waists Sold Regu'arly for $1.00 and More 69c An assortment of voiles, both plain and embroidered, corded crepes and novelty materials, made in styles that can be worn all Spring and Summer. They are slightly soiled and mussed from handling, hence lowered price. Xaa W lt.