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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1916)
THE MORNIXO OREGOXIAN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 191C. UOU.NDLO ALLIES AT HEU0P0LI3 OCCUPY SKATING RINK CONVERTED INTO HOSPITAL. BRJUIDEIS AGGUSED Store Opens ffi Stp l0SeS ato.30A.M. WiJMBmfM at5:p-M- Saturdays wW4 Saturdays at 9 A.M. S.QS at 6 P.M. Phone: - Phone: Marshall 50S0 The Most in Value, the Best in Quality A 2112 E Witness in Hearing Suggests That Charles S. Mellca V . Be Asked to Testify. EW HAVE CAS A' ' U- J--j .IV.. - T I LETTER READ PRIVATELY I'shli. tvrr Alo t'rtfk-ls Coarse) of .Nominee In Insaraacw Case-. Kiamlnfr Ivor. Mo Arrrc V Will. Mr. Thorn. r" n. p-ibl :.-. r of IB W: Firr't Jour l in (irnwa N.w Hureau. was ni. , lionet by the Senate cmmiil iLeta-Ating- in nomination of 1-oul t'. Kraai.ia I tb juprrn Court , f.-. P-irraa was ak'l first about an h rol atitle.1 'An t'ndt pifttmtfl'. d'alina with ra.e In whi.-b Mr. irand-l had b tounoL Mr. lUrron wail that it'll bi nw. p.p.-. -Uubii at" attack m-i by r. brB4-i on th tntrii Main l in w Hevn ItaCroad.. Mr. :.-nl is warned bin la b careful wh.t ho i-i tbool htm. W Hon Ih, rnmniltlf. aked f -T th. bt of Mr. liarron editorial attAc. w.nE.d ! mtrodac a lllr. Ttto ?4n'or. with I So ev-eptlon of 5eaa lor WaUa. r4 It without placing It CO ta record. avw!- Slier) A.irr. Aft.r rj:ar th H"on letter prl atlr J-n.i.r Clark said bo sew ta II n ! ? tharg. of inirupt.ty on th part of Mr. Il.-an.iei.. Mr. trroa w. tb.a ah.l la nam oritr wfto intent b lotr.ts4 pr aaally in ca. If r4 fftrl which s4nator Waiah said lb cummittooa had :rxjr b.ard of. TSfn in. commute )u trad fho a. prlvat.tyr" iu(lil Mr. Harron. ri"Jor WUh' mix arousrd v th reply and b told th witness bis statem.nt i entirety unwsr ' raat.d. Mr. lUrron further susoted tn cnmmitlM hii.t la h.)aila - bl Assurance cam. "Tftat w ta c in which Mr. tlrami.i. wat out an4 organised h ircc.4tie poUcThoM.r romrr llt..." 4 Mr. Barron. "and laior appar4 a altera, for tb Insuranc company Mr. lurroa abcnict.4 aa rcr-xt from l4Eimonr la tio rcnt Covrrn. u:t acainst WHll.m ltv-k.fllr . at a dirrtor of tnt .Nr lla..n. )!'. rrn.!i in 1314 wa c((4 lo lt l-i wr. Ih. Nar lltin rijilroad." ji4 lUrron. i lkoutM fcarlr f. M'I!n duM b aM la io lM!lmoi. hxi.t'rt livil-: I ih-y tnicht corn inuto wif) Mr. Mill's. ono of Mr. Uarroa rltnr til ac.--otJ tcciuM It aa bat lirl-kan4 Thomao C ?pt:tnr. rf Nr Tork. a t -lornav for tho iht lirrrV lacu. remplata.4 tal Mr. Kran4t a altor. for tbr l.atra ohttp.ra djric tho 1)1 a4aao rata cu. fail.4 l tto .(inc wltbj tha Intprva- afita dffM or4 br th waU4 kam.a of proof tn.tdxol ta tb. caastaorca atu if Uw. raaaWta raattlsa) tVrfra4. Jama Carmatt. rhl.r m!nT f tU tat.ralal Coratnorva I'ommla-i'-o. to.iar iH.;;n4 tbo 4.ctarattoa of i"i!Tir4 tnora. rhairmaa of lb I ltAi:ro4 t'ommioioB, that Mr. UraaJna b4 cancoat4 from blm lb tlitudo b wotiI4 tako let ar-ilB th. f aatara froibt rata caa b'fora tb. " L oao Drmlr 8 1.4 ! P-T tuinO." ai4 Mr. Carr-it. "ro t.rd.s a mnufMiion n Mr. Trtorna b4 aricit mo a tbo -on4 ar of tb n-im.! q tbo rat rti. Mr. Ttorna a4 mo whAt Mr. Uraojci. t"..:.o oui4 ba In tba arcumoat. u (. dou&t in rnr min-4 what Mr. lirind..' pooition ou!4 bo. r.rtaicly waa supooiUea: la conraal u from Mr Triors. I la mnadnt taf t tol.J Mr. Tboro that Mr raai'ia w.jli tab tb position that ' bl epralinf Incom of tb car. r'r pot ti4tt, with ipru fr.a as tb t ctl-l r.if M Ao- riatloa t.rrUorT. "urth.r. I aall h 'ill tab th pom 1 1 to a thai tb tntbo4) parn4 tf corrt.ra to obtain r.atar riaui tareucn horlaaatal par cat lrirraa would, not b tba V rn?r on. " . r Mr. Pran4i" arlll'i J voi.4 t tb of th rallroa1r ak4 oxeator Clarh. Tt r-:r4. I thiaa. abowa tat tr wr .mplo-v.4 ta t.tup tb th a a" tb ftlr5r". "Wb ji lol4 Mr. Thorn ef h enclualna Mr. Hrn4l ba4 r.ach.4." aak4 nur (Xukr, -414 b atpr.aa urprt T b. i4. : i t; it .fit? . i if .,X - -t 'i ' k. I'.-rv - - . . ,y,ic - rj. ' - - ' I a "Ir ' a. " L T ' '..rswrf- - h jr.. J I' -- : ? V. . .il:V 2 ir ' X. ' V-a-stS - V l.vr-i; - ' - Photo by Underwood. KKXK 1 JiLLIlIS HOSPITAL. Tb koapltal fcalldlna; la tba ancient cltr of Hllpoll. Kfypt. whrre thoe who were wounded In the Ca.-1 1 poll f Khllnr aa boinar car4 for. Tba bul. filer, locatad In "Una Park." waa formerly ied aa a akatlnK .t.k. ni. 1 h. ainM )i4 -im" Kv i h. ancient tffTDllana. ia one of the most ancient of the I rrpUan rliiea. A lr aertlon f th Kvyptiaa rlilou literature waa due to the priests of Heliopolis and doctrines wre widely dlaaemlnated throuchout tbe country at a very rarly period. E-2 GASE IS ARGUED Explosion Laid to Edison De vice by Officer's Counsel. I turn to flames, lie beard a. loud ex rlosioD while rasblnc alone toe corn dor toward tb members. Mr. rrln,cle told on of th witnesses that Information had been rerelred that an Ohio criminal who had been sentenced to th penitentiary for In rendlarlam had confe.aed that fires bad been set In th L nlt4 Male by the pouring of a chemical over paper. DANGER LONG SUSPECTED l of In.lrorucnt to Iclcct Gas In Submarine Ilattcry tXvUrcd pmsl by Manofactarcr. 'omivany Icnlcs Mlatnc. 2J77.378 PRUSSIANS LOST aalur f Other Ormas Males o4 laclaJctl la Lll. 1-NIV. ra. I Tb Am.trr4.ra f o .raat jt tbat th I'riua as raa :'r !st.a iiimt.r : to ; show T l.j; daf. woaa44 ar4 miit'nf. and I rtMlaa l .ts mnxn : to iJ show I Jl d.od. wua4.4 an 4 muaiac Tb total rniMias Iowa ara com- t it. 4 tr tsu w.tapr as TU il(maa military lo. lo-tud ati. Zii lists of rjuatet of Wttrt i'mi)rr .r--.. :i; lia.artaa li.t. ;( toa Lit. a sy list, and som li.ts roararainf trrm..a o-ffr aa-l raa ronmiaauin.'! eSlcara la th. Turktab r..;. accordtaaT ta th Co riant. GALE OU COAST SUBSIDES o Issm! llrportrd I'roaa nrrral lll(ta Wlad. TinfV. fT &. Is .rciat ft soatast 1 wbira strrk Ibis 'rttion 7tt.ri4f afternaam aakfe4 t t 1 .out.) j-ia tb i"i a I tb !::4 ttin..l bi rate. To4ay lb ! 4.f tf. bat IJrt.r w.r fra.nt iiii: wb.Sj tb rata cam 4wa la enta, fAt as rort4 a damace ru:tl eitbar t asupiac or asbor. Toledo Jccko IJcallflcaltoo of Ian- T"tjrnr rr. r. .p(at 1 -i.Mr(t f ii Kwtr of a maa r j 4n4 ir-.f la aa I ! Bar s'ack at t; josa T. fortr farm r wprt la.t ;uriT ar fcalaaT 4:play4 ta ti bos taat Kao m:bl off.r ..nt.fil!o". If 14 rtis!a ar to w ' an i I (.'( aam4 Mack. It Is r-op4 ta wteb-at f lt Jas;H-t-r. ft. a4 I ta. k about caa b lual ft tMil las dautv ?. en of whom ta upp4 tF Itv !:. Aft.r ta ptarp w.r 1 oroo.r to.I!trtb ta'iel tie oJy kra. ta rxMi la. . r m 3 "P t '. .rwa Q-Uftt NEW tOI'.K. KX 1. ncsponsibllity for th eiptosloa oa th submarine E-! at tb New Tork Nay-ard. which re-a-4tt.4 la fl deaths, was placed on tb lull. on l-toraj Pattery Corcpsny by U.atrnanl f. W. NiinitJ. counsel for IJenl.nant Charles M. Cook, com mander of th set. who summed up li Tldrnr in th r vee toJay be.'ore t naial court of Ir.i'jlry. tomnaandr W. It. Mtirann. I. I. A., retired.. who baa rpresnt4 tb Edl- soa Intereals. dcc!ar4 on tb contrary tbt they could not c at fault. Ueutenant Mmlls rontemJed th storac battery, from which II has been rrt'4 hdroB ss was e-aplnei prior lo t eaplosion. as lotalle4 absolutely la a.cord.nte with th dl rections of Its ir.enutaclurr r. as a as Its sentllatlon srsletn. II artd that the ln.trurl.oua for the car and operatloa of tb battery w.r p.rte In recard to eatiiauon. lieutenant Cook, a counsel said th submarine commander bad discovered tba existence of "tow cell." which, be cam rvr4 on lone dcbarces of lb batteries. II sousrt'.t aJo to ob. taia a hydroeen delactlnc 4vlr to war himself of danc.rous accumula lions of r. but Don wa suppUsd him. II attempted also to obtain aa Instrument which would enaal blm to set Individual cell vollac readings. but after th 4. vie waa aatlortsd by th bureau of team nclnerinir It wa held UP by cbJecUone from the litsoa company. It waa sajd. It waa asrtd that lb first srli f tts f lb u-3 w a roaldr4 an attafartory by tb c.4lou company and tat tbraflr th ubmarln bat-, try was placed at th dleposai of Its manufacturer that It tnicht b lm- prov.4. Tb dischars; of th storac tatl.rr ta srt voltss en th day of tie -eMnt. IJutenant Nlmlts said. a at lie etpress drslra of th Edi son company. la e'o!nc. b contended that the conduct of the submarine's commajidsr and crew prior to th accljrnt was "eteeptionally commsndabl"" keaus they m4 every effort to familiarise t.m..ta with th new battery and safesjuar4 aaairtet accident. FIRE CLEW INTIMATEO tr. or MiTt:mor rnr.MicE at itt t t srr.rrrrt. PEACE MISSIONARY HOME P. I- rni.M-11. or California, Says lord i:rcUltlon Was Saccciu-fal. VX1VKIU-ITT CK CAUKOr.XIA. Berkeley, tab. 10. (Special.) P. U Eua.elU tb California senior, wbo rep resented this university oa the Ford peace party, baa returned from bis two and a half months trip and says be le (lad to b back. "Th expedition accomplished rry thlnc that II set out to do. Mr. Kord undoubte4!y mad a raah statement when h said: 'W aim 10 set ths hoys out of th trenches by Christmas. Hut lb party simply hoped to establish a neutral board of experts which rnlstit uif.( means of obtalnlnc peace. Such a board Is now altuns; la (Stock holm. "Th Internal ruptures of the parly ar nearly all mere dreams of th ii reporters who accompanl.d us. Onjy ono man o'flcally left th company. "Th closest w cams to actual flthllns- w when w stopped on atsrht on our way throush oermany and aw a train of wounded being taken from th front." PLOTS IHVOLVE 33 Indictments Against Consuls Formally Returned. OTHER CHARGES HELD UP 1I4 nllrk tsarata lata tlaas After taeiaa tar4 a sWIIv4 I a4 af rarllaaaeet II. OTTAWA. Ont . rb. t. Intimation ttat a rhomlcal thrown oa paper la ta of th buttdincs may bar caused th fir that partly datrey4 tb buUdincs. wita a lo.a f .a live, w.r ma4 today at lb opr.tn7 f an Invsatlca t'.ea eondac'sj by Oovsmmrit Commis s.'eficr McTsvl.a an I-TlnaTl. Mr. PTlnsI dc:ar4 that It waa eat. sr. I t ui-ct aa nmy baad. M. sail they haw of sura f'.rs In th -country to tb south" and bad la formatioa of on raa w h.r a p ctal:y frrr4 t:qul4 was thrown oa parlors and buret Into f ame later. rank t.laaa. M. P. for rtouta iValr Joo. s.l4 b waa la lb r4lnc-Tam the al;ht of the f.r. II felt a wav of bet an4 notlc.4 imokt coralnc from a pll of ppre. CornBilseioner Irlnl. t arerlaln whether rh.mlca.e bad be. a u4 In startlnsr th fir, aak.d .ri ques tion atal th color of th smoke. Tb witnra rr,.fl't.l 11.1 tb mok sevntei to be briat tad and suddenly BRITONS FINANCE FRANCE Payment tor Purt-liaaee ArranRcd by Two Govcrnmrnls. TARIS. Feb. Is Minister of Finance Hlhot told his colleagues In the Cabinet council to4ay that as a result of his visit to London with th governor of th Hank of Franca, from which they returned laet nlKht. tha llank of Km land would lend assistance to th Hank of Franc to facllltat commercial credit In Knitland. Arranrfemenis had been mad, he said, between tha two srovernraents for payment for purchases mad by the French rovemment In th I'nlted States and Urcat Britain. NEW ORDINANCE PROPOSED Klamath I'alla Council lo Tas on lraar rapportlnj- pry Ijtm. KL.VMATII FAUI. Or.. Feh. 1. (SpecULV An ordinance lias been In troduced which Is Intended to supple ment th stat prohibition law. It would empower tb city official to enforce th state law. and also con tains a fw added provisions. Kom members of th Council objected to the law la that It "saddled upon the city authorities Ihe duty and cost that should t born by th county. Th orotnanc was laid over until th next mr.tlnc- sUa lAMata Oversubscribed. BERXK. Kwltserland.. via Paris. Feb. Th ajovernmrr.t announces thst th nw war loan of loo.Ouo.OOO francs, bearlnr IS per cent Interest, has been ver.u n.rrioen PV :J.9 vvv tmnm. PURE COAL DIAMOND BRIQUETS Absolutely tb cheapest and beet fuel oa th market: three .ton lots. IT per ton delivered. V. Ill ftedave Tear Coal Kill Oae-Half. , PACIFIC COAST COAL CO. tU WAIHlMiTOJI T. Mala S9. A I-sa. Clerical I'orc of I'cnlcral Profsecu- tor'a Offico Vnablo to Tran scribe Additional Indict ments Iocldcd On. SAX FJtANCISCO, Feb. 10. Indict ments against 13 persons. Including: German consular officers. alleged accents, shipping- men and crews were returned today by the I'nlted States trrand Jury In th alleged German bomb plot and shipping plot eases. Krsnx Bo pp. Consul-General for Ger many; Baron E. II. von Kehack. Vice Consul: Birron George Wilhelm von Brlncken, and I other Individuals and Qrms were accused. Two Indictments were found eigalnst Von Scback. Mr. Bopp. Baron von Srhack and Baron von Brlncken were Indicted on a general charge of conspiring to set on foot, provide and maintain a mili tary expedition against Canada from within tha borders of the United States. Associated with them In the Indict ments were Charles C. Crowley, a de tective employed by the consulate; Mrs. Margaret w. Cornell. Crowley's agent, and Johannes Ilenrykus Van Koolber gen. an alleged German agent reported held In a Canadian prison. Eouls J. Smith, a witness for the Government, whs named as acting with the alleged conspirators In their plans. No Indictment was returned against Smith. Other Indictments against all except Smith were voted by tbe grand Jury charging a conspiracy to Interfere with and destroy commerce, under the Sher man anti-trust act. These Indictments. It was reported today, were not ready because the clerical force had been unable to transcribe them. They prob ably will be presented Mondsv. ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all drucsrists. TO REGAIN HEALTH CLEANSE THE BLOOD When your blood Is Impure, weak, j thin and debilitated, you cannot pos sibly enjoy good health. Tour system become receptive of any or ail dlssasas and germs ar likely to lodge In some part of tbe body. Put your blood ia good condition. and do so at one. Hood's SaraparUla acta directly and peculiarly on th blood; It purifies, to rich and ravltallaea It and builds up U wbol eystam. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is not a cure-all. It Is th beat blood medicine on tb market. It baa stood tb test of forty years and la used ail over the world. 0t It and begin treatment today. It will help you. Swld by all druggists. Various Forms Of Headache "It ta necessary In order to treat head aches properly to understand ths cauara whicb pr4uc th enaction" says Pr. J. W. Bay. of Blocktoo, Ala. Continuing, bs says, "fbyalctans cannot even besln U treat ment of a diaeaa without knowing wbal eaoa.s give rie to it, and we most remem ber that ba4acb Is to be treated accord Ins to tb sam ml. We must not only be particular to give a remedy Intended to counteract the cauae which produces the besdache, but we must also give a remedy to relieve tbe pain until tbe cause of tbe trouble has been removed. To answer tbls purpoae. antl-kamnla tablet will be found a moat convenient and astlafaetory remedy. On tablet every one to three hour gives comfort and rest In the most sever csaes ot beadacb. neuralgia and particularly tbe bealache of woman." W beo we have a patient subject to regular attacks of sick heartache, we should csutlon hirotokeep bis bowels resular, for wblrh nothing la belter tiiaa "Aeioida." and wbea be feels tne lret Hen of an oncoming at tack, be sliould take two A-K Tableta. fuch petiente abould always b Inatructed to carry a few antl-kamnla tablet, so ss to have them ready tor Instant uae. Tbe tablet ar prompt In actios and can be depended on to produce relief in a very fw mlnntes. Aak for A-K Tablet. Aau-kJtmnia tablets at ail druggists. This Will Be Our 796th BARGAIN HRIBAY 7 kV The Bargains Below Are Picked at Random From Thousands. See to It That You "Will Profit Accordingly. Back Combs 39c Values to $L00 A closing-out of short lots and broken lines of Back Combs at a (Treat price reduction a fine as sortment to select from in styles with fancy mountings and white fehinestone settings al-OQ ues to $ 1.00. Friday at. . .J & Stamped Gowns 39c In the Art Section we have great ly under-priced a fine line of Stamped Gowns made of best quality nainsook in styles with kimono sleeves and square or round neck; many pretty patterns to select from. Regular OQ 75c grade. Bargain Friday J7C Guest Towels 13c Best 25c Grade Another special in our Art De partment a sale of Stamped Huck Guest Towels of good size and quality. They come in a va riety of neat designs and with pink or blue border. Reg. 10. 25c grade. Bargain Friday l3ve y$ZM$g Undermuslins Sensational Reductions on Drawers, Corset Covers, Gowns and Skirts Dozens and Dozens of Well-Made Garments of Good Materials and Dainty Trimmings Garments of Regular 50c Quality, to Close Friday at. It is a great special purchase by our Eastern buyer, together with all bro ken lines from our resrular stock a sale that brings to you the most extraor- liinarv vrnliiea in well-made undermuslins of eood materials and dainty trimmings. styles to select from, including Drawers in circular, closed, open and knickerbocker styles with trim mings of ribbons, laces, embroideries and tucks; Corset Covers of nainsook and crepe lace and em broidery trimmed; Gowns in the popular slipover styles with plenty of width and of good length; Skirts in various styles with fine trimmings garments made to sell regularly at 50c all on the bar"25c gain tables Friday Only at yJJ Choice Dozens and dozens of EXTRA! Special for Friday! White Cotton Blankets Regular $2.25 (J -J AG The Grade at . . . tpJLr2:C Pair Only a limited number of pairs to close out at this great price reduction. They are extra large, 72 by 80 inches, White Cotton Blankets of good weight and quality, the kind regularly sold at $2.25 a pair, but because they are slightly soiled on the edges from improper packing, the f1 price while they last Bargain Friday will be r A J Now for Our Great Annual Sale of Ferguson & McKinney Shirts A Time When Prudent Men Purchase for Both Present and Future Needs Both Regular and Coat Style Shirts in Plain Tan, Blue, White and Gray, Also in Assorted . . . 1 p.-- 1 At nit T - C?1 4- stnpes ana inecKs oc ana $j..u l.uics uh cmic at y JmftZ Jll Fr Ha.a ia an hp-nrrlinarv Kavinir for those who can arrancre to attend W J YCy Choice lltIC Ml. VM- V- J 0 onniinl al nf the'celebratd guaranteed Ferguson & McKinney Shirts. Through special arrangements with the manufacturers we have secured price concessions which enable us to dispose of about 100 dozen Shirts at a ridiculously low price. Included are both regular and coat styles with attached cuffs; they come in plain tan, blue, white, gray and in assorted checks and stripes. All sizes from 14 to 17H in the lot, but not all sizes in each style. Crisp new shirts of regular 75c qual ity. We will also include a few dozen slightly soiled Shirts regular sold at $1.00. Come early on and choose from the entire lot Bargain Friday at only Oi7le White Underwear Crepe at 15c Yard Regular 25c Quality. An unusual saving at this sale of White Un derwear Crepe about 20 bolts to close out at this great price reduction; comes full 36 inches wide and in a permanent crinkled weave. A quality regular sold at 25c a yard. 1 C T? -rr a ; r FrMwV nt tjl t " - -"jj ' Bleached Outing Flannel At 9c Yard Regular 12'2c Quality. About 1000 yards of bleached Outing Flannel of standard width and quality, comes in a splendid weight and 32 inches wide. A quality regularly sold at 12c a yard on sale Q Bargain Friday at -' Women's Corduroy Coats Four Popular Styles, With Plain or Belted Back Navy, Cadet, do Azl Brown and Green Values to $17.50, Friday at tpu,"tJ At this extraordinary saving you may purchase a fashionable wide-wale Corduroy Coat, for we are clos inz out four popular styles at about one-half former selling prices. Included are models with belted or plain back and with the famous Sol satin lining. They come in sizes 36 to 42 in navy, cadet, brown and green. They are well-finished, perfect-fitting Coats that will prove satisfactory in every IQ AC way and regularly sold up to $17.50; on sale Bargain Friday at j-y.-x- Handsome Lace and Silk Waists at an Extremely Low Tig-ure 81.98 for Choice From Values up to $6.00 Inventory disclosed several broken lines and odd lots in our finest lines of high-grade Lace and Silk Waists and these we will close out at this sale at less than manufacturer's cost. Included are many of the most popular and desirable styles in crepe de chine, taffeta'silk, poplin and lace; various t-f QO colors and most all sizes; lines formerly sold up to ?G.OO your choice Bargain Friday at... . Toilet' Paper for Today at 5 c the Roll Regular 10c Grade At our notion counter a sale of twenty cases of white crepe Toilet Paper in 10-oz. rolls that run 1000 sheets to the roll the Cind regularly sold at 10c a roll, priced for Bargain Fri- day at OC Sale of Fountain Syringes at 59c Each Regular $1.00 Grade At the Drug Sundry Section, a closing out of 75 fine Red Rubber Fountain Syringes. They come with regular length tubing and with three black rubber fittings sizes 2 and CQ 3 only; best $1 grade. Bargain Friday JaVC TiesautsTMs Gredatn.: Heckwear Sale It Is a Special Purchase of Lace Pleatings, Net Guimpes and Ruffs. Maline Ruffs, Fichus, Organdie Collars and Sets, Pique Sets, Etc., at an Enormous Sacrifice 25c to 50c Lines Friday at Now, don't be" confused by the extremely low price quoted for this sale it is . i . . r AAa n 1 ...da hmV.n linos np ernler! Wwlrwpjir. hut: a frrpjat. not a Closing out ui uuua oiiu -1 ' j " ' " " , r. - - . i i . . 1. AnA1,A1ia cai-ifiro Von har. fhnir0 frftm nrp.ttV L&Ce Pleat- speciai purcnase ox criap, new ewua . an cnunnuuo ....... , - ings in white and cream in M to 2-inch widths. Net Guimpes in white, cream and black; small and large net and Maline Ruffs; Lace and Net Fichus, Organdie and Pique Sets and Collars, etc. Lines 1 Q regularly sold at 25c to 60c, on sale Bargain Friday at lvl ki m it f3l' Choice .. s uet