Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 11, 1916, Page 19, Image 19

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Expanding Market fcr Oregon
x Salmon in England.
, II h ytl-trtinn Imprtr.
I (n..mrr I'lnai I-)
i ie.-... -4 '-' ? 4a-.'i4
,H t.4n4 f-r '-
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frr.. .f .., cOV f "
Baa, a. I Tail..'. '
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-fa ear rrl .( t Stat lwae. ,lt
4 ! t n " ,:
aTo:."l, . war. ,",
JllrlMt .f.H " U,n
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n4 .atit In -' aaeilaVe.
in. ai.rcan.1 ..'.-4 !'
Biaarra:. aa.4 ..-l..vl ""-4
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. " It ' f
a .! a.a 4i" li mj- ! Ir
r t ..':' l Barla- Ba4
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.aek i "
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la mjI aa4 aao'a laian r aal. 9l
au .ra . a .aa 4a l. t.
TS 14 faa. .alr lT
VU4SI tjl la R .
An.i 4a.-t;.n 41 t la tl .' ia-
a.c.n4T IS la.1a'n" Ia a kaaa.
.t.jala it a -a. afB tall Ii 44
. K . . a... 11' lb .a. M II 1
I'.ua ! sr in Hat' .r m a4" 4 ka...
rif-a 4if.-l4J"l ka. f?aaa a lM--a.
4...r. iKD.i 4 rma f.pH.4 1 IS anark.t
.... Uia. U. l"Ml " 4 T A.
4 U
A C.'if ra.4'l 4S4 a4aa:4
4.4 .4 araaaitJ k4 a.a f.4a.4 4.
il aN ka .a.
UUB It La-a-a l ll H-4.110
Maarbaa rv 4a a ll. .a r a4 r4r Tkaaa
I M4.iaaa W afiwa.
R..iyl .f UK fairer Uf. --.
4aa aa4 ISa ava4.1 a a. a.. 4 aa4 4aa..
t.a:ar. lata 4wma la la r.aL-liawa. ka
...4 tkal 4Sa aiaKL.a ka .ru-. ka kaaa
aiar rapi. IS. a aa aarTaat.4 If 4ua
a.tloa. II I r'ai kaa- a ISa La.rWf .(
, toaackao la u.iy I k aaac 1.4 i ar a4
ir atftf.aral a wtt anapala a.4 a. aad
iaalla.1 4J4 4I4 at 11 a4 ii at a
aaaa4:.4' at 34 aa4 .t a.a-a a.aa lu-ra
4:i4.4 I a-:-V ISa .. I aaal- ISa ro ka : b-a k.l9a4
It ar'arta. " !.- ra"l
Hna4 aaall ar. r tn-m. r
-m,. .ra fca-ta. tat is-r. aaaa a
r.-ailT la -'ta aaata 41 kt
kiaaa lap. VaJ a 14 al J a.ata Taar
a a aunM b Ua tmi"r aaflil. aa. f'- a4 aa.-.of4.
troa Diaiaaa " "
Tsr U a a. -air W Ika
fcaral .tl 4--- l "'4 -t'-, aaaa-a
kaaa i.l ..I a 4-4 4w.Ut IV a...
m mfl at" It ! ''-' '""" r
alaa 4-I.rr.4J fta. a Is 4T4.T 14
Vra.a4 s la l-..T 't la at
a,ti laaarU cm ' '""'4 ltr-
Iiita aa 4 a4 kuyp; t t4S.C4
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.t -I. .r. f..v.
i'-.i-fif rt'"'-.
r-:i $:..
-. - .
r. ; : v "
...- VitJ
rtTt.0 MARKET 1 TT.TI.
I.rsi. Ilw, r4l. ri.
f--Hi.- iOU(, im M.4I.K.
ffftriarf .).
..I i :
i w
k. r.
K.-l Kata
S1 !5
r: :i :4.
v t - "
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.; v.
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11 : K r'.ii4. fi r-'
ttrtiaii, liii;iJ .m9rta ll TO:
. .. t:MI. ' . rS..
II T '- l"r4 ' 4."!".
t ;. iinwi.ii. a.f.if,
l T a;ajar.r tr.4l l.mMftT. I 9
I ,. .. i iii, l!il(. a t..:.
: m. -l ti:ll.
MIUJ . ; ol ftfv- 4rfl f Tl s ar
I, ivi.t ri.l i.y. f.lJJi
Bx H iJ.. i.r ia. c..J. '
r i.a.
rail. aa4 kla. "
TROrt.'At. I'MIIii l t.
tuaii r ksocn m i p"
t.a i r lv; HfxspUfc 4c Tt
4. r"ffiil. U aa.4'aal4
l j. p-r ,.. MMitiM I 4:v
U'irrn.i; Af.i.a.. 1 1 ! 1 1 rf
!.; hnat laulforai. Lisa 3. cab
4. :.IT1 tr k.xrad. (arlw. US
. l: rpir. r oo4: .44
riail. Ii r fa4. nmu.
aans4: tiorMf.jitJk. ', jxr fsa4. ca.J
t r. ? a.r 4i, ttHii, lltl
r.t.. Ma. lvU,: Hl i 10 J J K
a rt.:.. a.. S'Hc. rcu'R It 2.
r.Bir.v mt;iT oraa.4. .r Var
r.1. rfiMnt4 9:1 pr aafTL
OTATvr.v r.4a. HM:: TakWaaa.
l. vj tw wa. 4. Iii4 4 V ta4r4.
iMu-uni. jiet lrl 13 t. a. a.
htr.r 4al.
AITl Tf llilk.. lilr fa.rr. 15 15;
fr. ti'. T:: N.
.i -a !. J. Iixi. tl.Tl; 4oi-.
! -i. I. Iut. f.a'T. :
W. U .&a. ; ri.... .. t.l((.ii. '.
aa laoki. l.:i4l.
tiatrr a4 ( i ii irr ri 4ra.
fa-.l J.,lln aU'KlBI:
J:.' ,l. :;. ft J.a.n. tWaJlo.
' LIIIT- .rr... Hulfc. I4.
tl4i: .t.!. .'(. II (!... lark..
uh t9jv. iv'iiiik 4ini. caic -10
i.. . !. Illt. I;.
lit T V H l'T .. rrv.a &j. r t
tme: lwrt:.4'4 't r'a'.a a-ptm-4
m t.. 4.-i.r4 f.4. l . ia.r
4.i.. :"atf4S. lrtfu iwaifT cf.afmf
-.ta. 4vMa4 c I... 4taal.r4 malaa.
I".1 4l. Tavil': uti. r'4
u. ..v.. m rrwM a-4 . joafv t
.4..r.. .. nsc, f I'l
.:. w-.4ia. 1 aaii.r. irj
r.. ., 4 14 IK. ;ir I.t. I. 2:.
t MiraK nrM IMs'rta. JM"f -T"'t
rtr, t. f-r a..4. 4 a. a. -a -act
i; I:. . aoa.1
I v.k 4 . I. r aaa4.
aiaat Uaarka
T.-.r lnbin4 aet'ali.
iilv a-, i.imt !.. t r4
f: ; t-- 4a. . . ( at. l W -a"4
l- :".. a ... l-r1 la-la. a.
I. . x a. f 'iw- t a.
aa-a l: flraol
a!., p.w fta. W a'ia
lis'. paa imi. 4 1 aaf
4.)... I'14;'; . o. I 1
i.i:im raa:l aliu. t iv . Irra aalla.
t. I - I . . 4aoa 4'a. ia. i .
i 'iririi t jt la araaaa, 1 1 r ii.
m-ul a i4 a'r. 14. :i. M,
M.a-. ..tra t'. I'l.. aa4.44. la aairai
i; '.. ban... It tv
Ai.C-..iruv..i4. ;i"m r-r in: patf
r"H.4 .a.a. -a r" la.
Um. irr. 414 NT 4...
I; t'"i 4-aO. IsiK'ti aaaaa.
r.'n. 4 . J.paa at I 4S l
.hi:u r' rra ai. a. rr -a:
aprt.-.'. I1441J.-. . v . a'aa..
t'. . .a.a k. nMu, la!, n.
. ..4 :. naa, Mil. alt. w.
4 e'ial . ta. II r
. cwrsi, 4trVli'. 4l4 4m4 a-aanra.
I." ! i.tann, I: .-. J-i taoawa, 1 :
la4.a . . 144. !. a
r aaa-l.
It.. Maal. 1144. El.
if4;!l rae. S4i:s a' ".-4
II ui:a -4.:il II4. a4 aa.
Il. m:t4 .e.4 aaai44 aa. l.
a:t.. ai:., I .aa I. . yir:44. 1.
aa.'.. f I la fco'l" 1 , IV, rf 4
k.i.a. aaaa.ta aa4 a 1. at4
3 p.MtjMla aaa a. 1. sra kipv. II
f.aan.4. la 9 I . ajra.a calf, a I
I I v . 4' f:i.l atta. S . T
fin a c. a I t a.aai'a. 4ry aa-i
v .4 l:aalara Orvaaa. 1 a r ; ailf.
I ... lamk- aa.4. I.-.
kl . II 4 ! 1 a...-.. :v par auft4.
t. UtKK v44 aal aaa, 3 S 44
ar .ml
rKt.T -t 'H14 .'! 1 4.-; 4rr aart trr 4a...'"e44. w
ta aa.a. a !. aaana4a. I.afja R4-a:
4fv a-t. Kair. I i .aa. drt 4ai
nar.:r. t. iv i- m'H. aaltl lob 4 aaa. ad
.!:. ta.m&.r. 14I .4 .a-r
IV 'l wt r-; itaMiM.
ItSa. II;. atcaica. c4-
44. r"i. I ' i a
t; .. .,v i ,-r r" a .t.od.rt. ji
IHf ,I.T ds-ri. rir kawka. Its
Ua. axpf(4 US 4t. alalaai. IOH
lA R r T'arra t-. k.i-I. raal.rl. II .
4t.t.ftl. ca-mtwvaad. lo'e.
1 M!CU, i iJl-Mia aaa!. 4- PU4
a.r. l. :l park, ll. 4ripa. IM
KUTM!-t'a:.r akiia. d-am.. kar
r. ar i.rwc aaraaa. J 'V : c.aa. 1; s 4 r- s o.
OJ4iui.ii; i;: y. i;s. a, ;iSi
at'Sa. I-Mma I.S. caat, I - j(.
IIN.-::t illa-U. karrala. ra.
aaa.. al... ki:4. karraiK ki:4.
Tl m rxTtx--la laali, Ir; la
T4. i-aa I' l-aa.
MM l.tls0 rttODirt MA3KCT
4 aaraai mm fftallar. rrsa. Irafta.
, aataaahlaa. Cl4 44 ISajt inr.
sf rn.n.n. . i Bai'!
l".r aarraA . prima flrtU, .s'sc. frvl
'4a ra fi'.l. I'a: ai;.
wa . 1?-- t'a f .ra.a cka4Uaf.
I? '.a. 4ia A .... IISC.
tf4.a'taa-.IJna ka". lalfc: taarlal..
T-t . lv.'f aaP'a. I' 'J'lji. fa'aaba.
;i'hi:.'. ata. Taa;. 9wrU4 444 I a . .r.a r-. t4fi-a'.
ru.a Ua .pa. $ : arl. arapafalf.
It .. I . ariaa'a, ft.;9-2. laaaaaa.
tt.aa aa, l-t.. a.a.appl.a. liaaallaa, aaa
r .i.iaaa rwt'a II V I :J. paliaaa. l i
It S I .. .. .. II !
T a. w I ft 41 V.
I'.aaaifit tiM - a.iai; aTA
.'. 4:. a.r. 4a".fi. kaa... 1-1
a, aa. aitaiaa aa . Mf. 4 tana
MraJIWi I Nrnr of Jatrkann Coanljr
M:rrv"sr. o. . ipvid
jA.kaon t"ourt(jf- firl I'oultl-7 4ho
otvana bra W.Jna4r . rly
. . 1 ... .Ki.'.in Th. 1 1 a 1 of
a . ra. . .
antra. In. I J J ad fanriar
It, ortn.ra muiornia ana ruaian.
ir.con. whlla tiranl. Taa) in-l l;o
baraj war alao rrpraarrilrj.
I:. J. M-i'lanahan, of t! Ultrr plac.
trx9cn( fcl prlta btrda. ltoub ttir
ar.r not tntrr.4 III compatillon.
Judca V. li Kaatiar. Is Oraton txul
irr ort. ' c JuS. I prt
twiner ai'1.4 t Jr.
I our. IT rathoUit C. C. Cat will
alaiir a t.ciur 04 po!r-.riUin.
Klanuith Ml!at 1 2 r of llorar.
KI-M.VTH r-U-S. r, .
4f-lal. 4 Nin rarloatia nf Klaissatb
tortaa. a!alina-.l fur mtlslar turtoa.
war phippl tM pnnrriin fr Uat.
roar mor cra wrnt to UaJiaU. CaL.
IVr duDtiUi.' pufi'vua
Record Prices Reached in
Wall-Street Trading.
Stx--lJi-uUr Gain Are Recorded by
J-lxTulmtlT IaJOtH IUIla AJ
Tanee ritdrr lad of Canadian
racifle nonda Arc Anlie.
NEW TORK. r.a. la M'lal astiaa aa
nmi4 a roraaaaatnaT ta.l,0n la 4olar'4
bfo.4 mark. i. a m.Jorltr btlr
knaaa epp'. Inr.adina flab. Puna a
Pupanar. .sin and Oraaoy. pa:. in at
tout prv- la hipiorr. Anaconda
lad tbai croup In point or activity, but
li-d lo v) j.l h!s quotatloa of til. pra-c.-tia
aoum. Taa apa.rd -ia la m.ia.4
foi.ia.d a furth.r ar. sro aJiaoca la tna
prta. af tb m.tal abrod.
AmoBa? IS. Olh.r a.tlra laaon wr
fn.'.d r"Bk.a M. ahlch add-J a aub
lanllal lra-ttoa ratnlaj'a a4ranca. to lat.r oa la palllBC af othar l.avl.ra.
I a. aa. .no. 4"ta. R.publlo Iroa. Am.nraa
l.r. .S. Tor Air Mraka. Kaiia-ar Jltwl
(.rlB aad naif kBdrad ilacU r t'rm
l air or. 4 al l m... but 4har arltb M.
kaa IB'.rtP a.r. haary, M.llran r.tro
k'urn. Vaaaa I'aapan- and ArnBrlraa fcm.H
lar fcalB aadar cwalint r.atr.lni.
Tbar w-ra aora. rpariMi' aaina In a
trm and unit... O-n.ral kt"
or. rir. JiS lo ". Uallad Krall
1IS boa'H l"orla l:lro Huaar t to
Aaiariraa c oal prodaru T a la 111 la. Mac
kar CaaipaBaaal S
pai.i ..rrad la tha aarly'i-a!ln4. but
ram f-.ra.r4 lat.r ondrr Ilia of Cana
4 an l ac.t.c. bi.n aa aiirama nam
af IS to N.a Torb C.oiraa .ry
rarora:a atat.rnamt of for laae.m
kar aad Iha far till .v. funb.r Impatua
la a'.aadard pharaa. but lb. l4ar4 In Ulna,
laaa. aaa mat by rra rr.rura. canaiBi
am Irraiaartiy at IS eioa. Tolai .
..o.a ar araa.
I aiiad aiaiaa Biaal'a loaaaa raaort ft
January Bbaaad on.y a nominal lorr.a...
bat put ilia total of d ord.ra within
i oa rar 4. of th. racord f"r r fia
tmmrm. larth.r I14M n pro4prou4 Itral
raBdtlaoa aa aftordad by t La-kaaranna
ft..: rrpart. aharaia tha JM nri-lt aa
rap ac-ad by a of a.nioot II.MI.OI.
Tka Hank of Unatand raportaid aooth.r
appraa-lab. la Ita fjold boMtnr aad a
ano-i.rai atrvsctbaalns of ILa liavsi:uy n--
Itaji vara firm anib f jrthar artlaltr la
In a l'rrntli it at a a:i4tit raary from
a..:.rtfaj'a lew qaolatlon. T:aJ aa'asi of
baedi. par aa!-. aar4r4k?rd 11.74. on-l.
I. nit. 4 taira 4444 aacSancad oa call.
ct.o?iixa rro:; qcotation."
a.'.a. Vt. tar. 1'I
i -i '. r-
1M . s :i 4 ' I 'a
ll.4rt Tla 1" "'S
Saou) 41 a. :S
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r th day. i-j.'', pharra.
A'aak a 4ta.M . ..
A. i.("ha:wri. .
Ala H'.t pt.4.r.
Amar. aa I'.n..
Amaru aa I a.
Ana am aa luff.
do p!i '
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Am Tal A Ti..
Am.r.'.n Te . .
A...oa4a Cup..
At. h.a.a
V'..'4.a !..
41. t A fSh.O...
li. is a:.-: ....
.r H& Trasa.a
: f tr"i.. .. I'arif.
I a.lral laBLS...
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("ii tv..t.
hi m.- a at P.
'm a N w
i- it 1 f rty..
C'h'BO lop
a A l-a.
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Is m i ll ptd...
f-.ani a-xar....
Ira --
:-a t;'.'-t..
:r .rti C4
i.r Nr 1 a c'.
l'i4..k..m i:.
f o.. . t' . I r.1 .
ri (.VB Corp. .
r..p .ai.oa t:"p.
- ll.ra. N J..
K f h mi . .
I.'hca alar-.
I r a a A ..s .
VHrao I'.rral.
V .ml Cipaf..
U K A T r'4...
w'mouii r...
V at'l Ft avail . .a
V t:ra,l la.4 . .
N.aaJ. fapoaf.
V T "Vtr.!
V T N H a II..
No. a x..t ....
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-a.-.f M.:....
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I'a.t r.i C'..
f.r i'm Cop.,
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T.asaaaa. Cfp..
T.a . inMi).
i.f"ia TacXK...
a. p'l ......
f. .
di t ' I
Van I'jepar .
Wa.t.ra t'slna.
.'..'. :rf V..--I..
linln r...r.
ilaaaral Vatata,
s.. II p(J
In kl.rir .. .
f 14 rrf ?a r. ."' 'Nor.h Par la... r', i
f ,,f r. roup "S. r-4" TAT i4..l"l
O pi u rrf !', r.n-i r. 4... a
f It i. coova..t"l 'acuta I'aa f4 4a !"
t; a a. raa. ...! i d c a
I at iavpaa.aM'iS'1'D.aa Pao aa... V...
Am a.m.11 a .ItlNl Cl - 4 4
AtrMaoa -s 4a f.'a t n F"ol .". ."!'
N V C r",'Anl-f'to-li 14. j
North l ac 44.. 04 al
nofTos. rb.
At ""'4
Am 7.. I. A. in.
Ar Co'
r.lum.t A Ari4
al A l'a.14....: olal .....
p ara.
I .at ll.ilta Cop.
I r.nkl.a .......
tlranKy ro4.,H.
,rf Can . . . ..
la: cny iCopl.
Karr lik .....
lala 1 rp
1 Ml
1 -
1.. s
alar Mark.
1otn4T qaolatmna
Nili..ln4 Miara
..rtb Italia....
vild Pom ......
1 1
; i
Mi '
f.lllHl .........
rup A Ft" Mln.
'Tama rack
VJ i Km. It 44 Al.
I'tBh 'n ......
I lah lnp ......
w . .rinr
lu'i. a ftup....
Vaaar. r.irhaata. Flr.
ni;iv Toil p.. I'. lo.kiarcaatlla pipar.
ltli par caot
r:.iir.4. 4-d.iy MM.. II. Tl; drrnand.
II 7 l-l: eahla. $!.; J-lu.
liar Mac
knVaa oallara, 43 S r-
lioa.raaarnl bjatia ptrady: railroad boadl
Tim nn4 firm.r. fntr dara. SlntH
par raat: Pv daja. 2SW-; ta month.
Ca.l monpr paady. llich. S par rant:
la. I. ru.iaf rat., laat !"o -: cloa
li( bi4. 1. atfrrad al Z.
PVS' m tNflJo J1, b. 1 ft.rllnn. no
diT. II III.; dmand. 1 4. 74 'a . cabla.
It 7'a.
M'iaa doKara. 41r; drafta plxht. 1c; do.
l.:.4rap.a. -
l.i.lXV. r.s. I'ar rllrar. "d par
0.41c. J4oBa. I t M I par raflt. IB-
raiat rat. a. prort bi:ia aad hra mootna,
J S p- r cant.
laria.aaM rtaarla falaa I. raw.
NI74V Tohk. r.b 1" Th UrkaainM
K:-al tompaey taaiiad Ita anaaal atltaarnl
la.:. for Ilia yaar andla. larampaf 31.
113 aad af ba aama tima annoanrad thai
It. I4.oxa.0aaa .14 par canl aotr arould b.
r.-irad oa Mar-h I. a year prior to thair
malvrttv da:. T'a. annual ahcra
Caaaa aa'.. of I J7. 7 aa In'-raaa ot
III. ill. w aar tb. pr-llrf ar.
M rial Mark. 4.
NEW TCIIK. ' r-oppar firm.
:-4fpiM' r.arbr. Joa and
la'ar. r4 21c.
ra il'.or and nrlian-
siatal oicbaa quotra 11 a ataady; pot
41 - j f 1 .1.
To m.tal Kcllre quo! '4 l.4d 19
p:tr faol 0'in'rd.
rw 1 ark haarar MarkaH.
VK.tV TOHK. r.b. in Raw .rjar baraly
..'..!y. -.ntrilucal. l J: molaaara, 14.0.
R. fir., d P'cadj.
blarba ttrwa 44 I. and .
a A-nnv w-n ii. Tk. rranrh Inaa and
atarral Aucl bond r I airly acU4jl
on tha rtoll markrt lod4y and American
ra la raraiaad k. tt-r aupport at a fractional
adaac aod cloaad firm.
arhrrac Hairy Prod ore.
rilfAOO. lib. la Butter firm. Croam
err :iu3l.'. t-
Prta Uow.r. Hacel ta. 514MI flfa; flrata.
?CaiSr: ordinsry. fint4. c; al mark,
caaa Included, -v u -
rratral'4 larrraa la Larcr-.
KKtlT TORK', Keb. la Rrmarkabla Pe
rarabar tamlrii wrra auhmittad today by
th. New York Crntral Railroad and aub
Bldlary Una. New York OBtrara irraa In
Craaaad 13 a."!;!! and lh. D.t IJ.4;S..41.
lor tha rr 115 Central rroia Incraai
ara. f 1.. :.7il9. arbi:. tha net praln wal
Ita vT aa a raault of a decreaaa of
4.JI..ia la oparatlua .rpanara.
ratarra rVIl at Near lllsrt Rrcorda far tha
Tfr.XT TORK. Feb. 10. Tha market for
rorrea fulur.4 hoaed continued activity and
rirmnea. oaina ta tha etron oirn freirhl
pltaatloa and the ataadlncan ot BrallL Th
opaclnc aaa 4 I point hlarher and active
month, aroid 14 lo 17 point4 aoora la.l
rihl'a cIo4'.n fiorea durlnf tha ear-ly trad
ing trill, all poaitlona makln new hlich re
orda for lha aeaaon on coverln and bull
up port. Thrra waa an advance of over 30
pumta from tha low lov.l of Tueeday and
prlcea aajreed off from 7 Mc to 7.7ie for
Kay and from KiMc 10 T.l.1 for 8rptemlr
duriatt lha tn;.!i:a of lha day under realla
Inc. Ral.laa fotovrd. bowerer. on report
of Rrmnria In lha epot iltuauon with laal
prirra enoainr net caina of 11 to 14 point,
halo. ;;.v4 ban. KrbniBry. i.tflc; .larch.
T.Jbc; April. T.noc: lay. I.f-r: Jnna. 7.87e.
July. T.lllc; Aucurt. 7.14c; heftemher. 7.04.
October. .01c; No.rmoar, uac; December.
a.o7c; January. . loc. co!Ioe. firm; Mo 7a, c Eanto
Rlocoffe ar paid to ka
ararr la th local aloelc Very few coat and
frotcht offrra war reported In from 1 raa 11.
hio 7a ware paid to b offered at D.OOc on
laondoa credit.
Private rablea report a minimum frelrht
rata from liraail 10 w York of I- per baa.
Tha officlaj ca'jlca reported no chance In
murela price. K10 exchanie, 3-ldd bisber.
Naval fitofnra.
UAVAVNAIt. Oa.. Keb. 10. Turpentine
Kothlnc dolnc; laat aala Kebruary 7 at,
14 St: rr.:pta, 27 barrda: itock. 11. 930.
Koaln Finn: ealea. 3-1 berrelB; receipt.
53 b4rrel; etock. 6..;'.d harrela. Quota:
A. n. (, Is K, I.VJ-.V30: F. and
t;. U.3": it. i..t..: I. 4i: K. ..: M.
la.SU; N. ti.:i WO. I7 .-0; WW. 17.00.
Cotuia Market.
TW TORK. Pah. lo. Spot cotton irteady.
Middling upland, IXlic baiea. lill oalaa.
HHc-d Fruit at New York.
KEW York. Keb. lu. Evaporated applea.
dull. Prune, e.ay. Peachaa. dull.
rpaJath IJaaard Market,
PCT-I'TH. Feb. 10. I.lnieed. caab. 15.30 "4;
May. 3 32ii; July, liiib
riap at Ifrsr York.
IS-BvT TORK. Feb IO. Hop. QOlat.
rop cmiiK nnix; s.03 at
Laeal Reerlpla foal La a a Below Itat
ajalrreaeata Trade la MsM
la Ofbrr Liar.
Aaotbar Dkkrl waa added to bs Taloa
at tha atockyard ytBterday. Receipt wara
am all. unautuc to only four cara of eatrla
and thro ear of botra, aad aata tn roaoa
ar In normal condition afam, local lup
plie ara proiDit to ba licht.
Twa pi ca of hOBB vrcra mada jeaterday
at tha new top pne of ItOi, and tb bulk
of aa.eo wera at IV
Tier waa very littla dntr: In other llnea.
Tha chief bj: in tha cattle market waa a
load of heavy Calvca at -5. A bunch of
common lam be brvruchi lM.
Itaraipta wara 1 lo cattla aad InS.noir.
Gbippara wera:
Win cattla Pacific Cold Storaxa Com
pany, ataafleld, 4 car.
With bora A. J. ltraia. IIO"4 Hirer; r. B.
Ilanrr. Moor. Idaho, ana T. . Howard.
Trouidale. 1 ear each.
Tna Oay'a ia)ra a.ra aa followa:
... lr 1 Wrl. Tr.
4 ralvea.
I he f- r.
P hoca. . .
4 hoc.. .
1.. ho.a..
I h.....
I hoc...
II hoca .
41 hoc..
I hoc...
17 heca...
11 hoc...
3 hoca...
4 hoc. ..
.1 ho?... .
4 l.oca . .
f.t i.moa..
4'. H:M 7 halt... 1' l."0
1...1 t; . ii 3 hose. .
r..i .lo
... . .1 1
. 00
1!H a lS
17l !
l::: in
.'.'2 fl imi
r'. k on
-17 100
I. -J
t.t.i 7 hora. . .
l-sp . '! 17 ho4...
1"0 A 0-'. S hofc'a. .
4 ;l hoB... .
). 7"
41 hoc ....
4 hore.
1.1-P .7 .1 abU4... "T a w
17' 7 n.'.j I Iki.'i... -71 7 ""
1IJ 7-" lohoaa... 17- 7.f,.
lli T.apa.f 11 hoca... -:." 7 P'l
l-.ii 7 ih. lShoce... IMI 7 I"
. 7 7'.' 3hov-... ."4". 7 T.n
;: a '..i ;! hoca. . . l.". '."
7". Hhoca... 7.i"
-11 a o.". 4 hnn 11- 7.10
VI ho4
Th. ranra of pric.4 at fha local yard for
varioui clavaaca of livestock foi.ow:
rhoica e"erra e . 2". V.
r: Mfct .tear. i "J " i - i
Ma.11.1ra -era ? ' ;-?
1 Soira c"e V .
. . . . . . . -'
...... 4 H0trd.4n
-i.-.0t 4 :-n
. .j. . 3.w g
T.r.nrr 4 or,
7 00 no
8.7-. Id 75
Omaha IJvralark Markrt.
OMtHA Feb. n-Mn liaceipta ro.-nn.
ataady. Ilc.iv. 7 7. tf 7.!'i; llht. 7 ' 4
; J, plea. d J.i"; bu.k of u ra, ll.tii
,-,(,!. Prccipte 40. Btrady. Native
ptaar, t w 1 C; cow. and tielfara, .1.3o
4.4.7..'; Vc:em alear. lt70; Trial
.car.. I".. 7041 a.73; Blockera and feeder.
Hnrap llerelpta 1t.n,,,. "low. Taarllnre.
I sr.w9.i-i; aetbera. 7fa"; 'amba, 10.;J
(Yilrarro LlTeotork Market.
HI'' Alio. Feb. 10. Hora Receipt 40.
00.1 a-'ive abovo ye.terdeya averar".
Bulk I- '-o .; lihf. l7.o:.tta.S": mixed.
a ti' a."- beavy. I.0ifa8.40; rough. .0S
W4I..; pl'. I'ltl7
Cattle Iteccipt. 0ix. wrak. Native beef
tra. !' l-".ailMi.'.; Wri:ara 4teer, 4dt"
I 10; coaa and belfera, JI$; calve.
ihip Recaipra 14. weak. Wrthera,
7 0 S.ll. Umbe. I k.".4 11 "A.
Indn-lrira Arc irccovcrln-; From Sct-lai-k
to Oporallon.
KKL-SO, Vaih-. i'eb. 10. (Special.)
With tha dia-THiearanerj erf tho anow
Induatrle In and adjacent to KIo are
prrparlnic to reaume work at full blaat
Tho MrUOf mill haa been op;ratin
practlcal'-r throuRhout th cold snap.
The J S. Moore mill and tho Cret:ent
Shlnclo Company befran. cutting shlng-Ies
Xh4) camp In thl cctlon already
have botrun rer-alrtn; railway linen
an l treallea and a oon aa uch work
la comp!ote-J expect to berjin work. Tho
twtrander camp and mill will resume
Iho laat of thla week and cimpt west
of here will iirt aa aoon aa repair
can ba made. Then camp wera aerl
oualy dajnagrd by flooda during- De
IJma Ut-porui fJcncral Actlrlty
Tliroaclioot Itccloii.
KLMA. W'uh., Feb. 10. (SpociaL)
Tho WcllP-Slada fanip reumed oper
ation today. Tha taginaw Timber
Company will open throo of It camps
tomorrow, employing- more than 500
men. Later they will run full capacity
and will employ 200 more men.
At Slalon cimpf. pawmill. shingle
ml:i and planing- mill are running full
- waajl frntn SatMOIP la that
Schafer Bro. nd "Mark" lopiring camp
runnintf iuu wrte, .u
on the Clonunlluni at Clothespin
Ping l ong nivo not n.iien
Porter tha Lytla camp are in full
iTCleary u cl uunciua irom.
M.uium coaa
ll.lf.ra .....
II. ca
li.vy ......
TearllnfiB ...
Export Buying Steadies Wheat
Prices at Chicago.
Iaradin: Anthorlty Figures Europe's
Import Requirements Will Bo
Larjer Than Was Estimated.
Liverpool Market la Firm.
CHICAGO. ' Feb. 10. Renewal of export
buylna- helped to rally the wheaX market to
day after a Bbarp break that waa dua to
an aniuual whirl of etop-Ior order to aelU
Tha clop waa nervous at the paraa aa yes
terday' finish to He down, with Slay at
Sl.iTiiiei-'JTia and July at 11.2054. Corn
gained lc to I'ic net. oata HUo to ic,
and provisions &c to 13 ft c
N-otwUhstandln- that quotatlona at Liver
pool ahowed unexpected firmness. U waa not
nntil after tha market here hsd underaone
a aevera tumble that slens of fresh activity
on tha part of exporters beran to develop,
clstlmale of the amount purchased lor Eu
roD nut tna total at only G00.00O bushels.
but In view of the previous nearly complete
stoppare. ot business with foreigners, the
street waa to restore la a measure tha con-
fld.nca of tha bulla
Emphasis to the forelcn demand for wheat
was given by an opinion from a leading au
thority that th. world'a Import requirements
this season would ba 24.000,000 bushels In
xcesa of the total aa figured two weeks
.oca rtavaloDad strenrrth owlnpr to aeaboard
blnta that ex purl transaction were under
oata hardened with corn.
Provisions received Increased attention,
especially rib.
Leading future ranged as follows:
Open, Hlch. Low. C.
Mar 1 M l.r'4 li-i i.27
July l.:on 1.21 117. 1.20Ji
Mar 77 .77i .7Ji -77H
July 77i .775 ..S'a .71
May 4H ,4? .47H .41
July 404 .4 -
May :0.4 55 TO 30 20.52
July :a.iO 'M.ti -0.45 SO-tS
Miy 10 ii J0.30 30.27
Ju.y 19.40 10.47 .10.37 10.4a
Msy 1111 ll.S IMS "-SO
Juiy 1LJ7 1L4S 11.27 W4o
f'sah prlrea were:
Wheat N. - red, nominal: No. 3 red,
IL:6?: No, I hard, 1.2 f L27 ; No. 1
hard. l.X21i1.24.
Com No. 2 yelloia-. nominal: No. 4 yel
low. 71t72Vc. No. i whito. 71 9 72 ',c.
Oats No. 1 while, iHM J 47c; standard,
Re No. I. 11.02.
liar ley MtfTJt
Timothy rT.
Ciovrr llUtll.40.
Clearances Wheat, 7C2.ry' bushels; corn.
:4.a) buahels; oata, li;. K00 bushels; flour.
13.0D4 barrels.
'orriga Grain Markrt.
JJVKRPOOL, Feb. IO. Cash wheat, un
changed; corn, lhd to 3',-id higher.
nt-E.NOS AIRES, Feb. 10. Corn, IVid
Mlnneanolla brain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 10. Wheat May,
(I'-'d'a: July, 1.24. Ossh No. 1 hard.
11.44; No. 1 Northern. l.-.7 ttr 1.31 : No. 2
Northern. H.'-'iav 1.2S. liar ley, ti ;u 70c Flax,
Crala at Saa Francisco.
PAN FRANCISCO. Kb. 1L Spot quota
lions Walla, ll.7SJL77H; red Russian.
tl.'aWl.TIH; Turkey red, 11.17 Vs ar l.0;
bluratem. $l.lOtrl.i: feed barley, l.:i.' rt
I. Ji; brewln. $1.44 rT 1.43 ; bran. I:4.S0
Zi.iO: mlddllnrs, 130411: shorts, 15.5ji li.
Call board Harley, May. 11.40 bid. l.42'.a
asked; lJecembcr, ll.22Vs bid, ll.Si aaked.
Paget rioaotl tlrmia Market.
FEATTIar;. Feb. lit Wbeat BJuestem.
II. 10; fortyfold. II: Turkey red, 11.09; club,
7c; fife, : red Russian, P6c Barley. 2
per ton. Y-esterdaya ear recelpta Wheat,
M; barley, 2; oats, 1: hay, 2; flour. L
TACOMA. Feb. 10. What Bluestem,
H.UOiy I. on; fortyfold, 07c; club and red fife,
POo-. Car receipts, none.
Largeat Paper Slarhiae la City la to
Be Named for YVIfe'e Father and
lnlp Storage Space Taken.
OHEGOX CITr, Or., Feb. 10. (Spe
cial.) The Hawlcy 1'ulp et Taper Com
pany haa added to its realty holdings
in tho southern part of tho city, ac
quiring; a piece ot property extending
62 fcef alunsf Main street south from
tho corner of Fourth, and running east
on Fourth street to the Southern Pa
cific rlg-ht of way.
Tho company now owns practically
all of the block. The ground will be
used for the storage of pulp.
W. P. Mawley, Sr., president of the
Hawley I'ulp oi Taper Company, said
tonight that he had ordered J3:5.000
worth of machinery for his new mill,
the total cost of which will be .750.000.
This list of contracts Includes six pulp
grinders, water wheels of 4000 horse
power, a 1000 horsepower generator to
bo driven by water power, JiO.000
worth of additional electrical machin
ery, a paper machine, beating engines,
steam engine, two rewinders. 63-inch
Oswego trimming; machine and three
1400 water tube boilers, capable of de
veloping 1400 horsepower.
The paper machine will cost $127,642,
and will produce a sheet of paper 165
Inches wide at a speed varying- from
100 to TOO feet a minute. It will be
the largent in Oregon City. The ma
chine will ba named "Tho Thomas
Fnesy." after Mrs. W. T. Hawlcy's
Portland Stockyard Conducts
.Meeting at Albany.
ALBANY, Or., Feb. 10. (Special.)
More than 200 hograisers of Linn and
Benton counties were in attendance at
the meeUng held here yesterday un
der the auspices of the Portland Cnion
Stockyards to interest the producer In
the Portland market-
C. M. McAllister, of Tortland. and
Professor Totter, of Oregon Agricul
tural College, were the principal speak
ers of tbo afternoon. . . , ,
A Urge number signified their In
tention to take advantage of tho ex
cursion that will be run to Portland on
Monday, February 14. for the purpose
- . . . . nrndnrara Into the
ot tasins mc - -----
Portland yard3 to see the actual worKJ
of grading ana acinus.
Directors Visit Silverton School.
eiLVERTON. Or.. Feb. 10. (Special.)
Directors' day waa held recently in
the Silverton school. Upon invitation
from Superintendent James, the di
rectors spent the entire day visiting all
departments of the school. In order
that they might become acquainted
with the everyday operation of the
school, the regular work waa followed.
A three-course luncheon was served
the visitors and teachers at 12 o'clock
by the domestic science class.
of Portland, Oregon
Offers you every facility of modern bank
ing, with courteous and prompt attention to
your needs. We will appreciate your account
and know that we can be of assistance to
you in business and financial affairs.
Capital and Surplus
Carload Shipments of Foar States Total
B407 to January 22 SS2 Cara
Are Seat Abroad.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Feb. 10. (Spe
cial.) Dated at Washington, February
1, the first preliminary report of the
Office of Jt.rketa and Rural Organiza
tion of the United States Department
of Agriculture on the distribution of
Northwestern boxed apples the past
season was received here today. The
report covers the four states of Ore
gon. Washington, Idaho and Montana
Through railway station agents it was
ascertained that 461 shippers, including
growers' organizations, local cash-buying
firms, local representatives of
Eastern wholesale houses, local mer
cantile houses, traveling brokers and
growers, participated in the distribu
tion of the crop.
The total number of carloads shipped,
according to the railways agents" sta
tistics, reached 9407. Shippers report
ed but 4313 of this number. These fig
ures cover the time elapsing from the
opening of tho marketing season up to
January 22.
The report shows that 234 carloads
of apples were exported from New
York. Philadelphia and Boston for
European markets. Ono car was
shipped to South America and two for
South Africa. Following- are other
figures for fruit exported: Alaska, 2
cars; Alberta, 147; British Columbia.
147; Manitoba. 4S; Australia. 34; Sas
katchewan. 199; Ontario, 15; Quebec, 5;
Hawaii. 1.
Loss of Barge in Waterfront Ex
plosion Basis of Suit.
SCATTIaK. "Wash., Feb. 10. The city
of Seattle In Federal Court today
signed a stipulation agreeing to pay
$1750 and costs to the Tacoma Tug at.
Barge Company as damages for loss
of the company's bargo in the dyna
mite explosion la Seattle harbor last
The explosion caused damage of
$100,000, mostly to plate glass in the
city. It is believed that the powder
was exploded to prevent ita shipment
to Russia.
The city's liability was established
by District Judge Neterer in the case
of the French-American shipping Com
pany against tho city, in which the
company obtained, a verdict-of $750 for
loss of coal by the explosion.
Milwaukic- Council Considers Ofler
for Purchase of IMant.
MILiWAU KIK. Or., Feb. 10. (Spe
cial.) A special election may be called
by the City Council at the meeting
tomorrow nisrhf. to submit the ques
tion of purchasing the Milwaukie
water works for $5500. It was found
that the Council has no authority to ap
propriate money for the purpose and
that the new bond is-sucd of $25,000 has
already been appropriated for the com
pletion of tne distribution system. It
is planned to levy a special 2-mill
tax for two years to pay for the plant,
if the authority to acquire it is voted.
A written proposition and statement
from the water company will be sub
mitted tomorrow night.
Professor Sliaw Addresses Produc
ers at Vuion Tards Monday.
Trofessor Thomas Shaw, the well
known authority on livestock and agri
culture, will address the conference of
...... .-. --.. I iln "RnisprR at the
vv lliaillUlLC i j - - -
Transit House. Union Stockyards, next
Monday. W. u. &Kinner, iraviiit
- iv. v.ih T!ank Road, vester-
BKCT CI 1. uic ..v. ... -
day received from Professor Shaw a
telegram accepting tne niviiaiio.i.
Professor Shaw has been engaged in
the last few year3 by the Great North
ern and Northern Pacific railroads to
preach the gospel of better livestock to
the farmers of the Northwest. At the
meeting next Monday he will discuss
the cost of pork production and an
swer questions.
Ladd & . Tilton Secure Additional
Boom in Spalding Building.
Alterations now in progress irt the
Spalding building, when completed, will
provide additional space for the Iadd
A Tilton Bank, which occupies the
ground floor of the building.
The barbershop which formerly oc
cupied the mezzanine floor has been
forced to move. This space will be
connected with the banking rooms by
means of a stairway, and will be oc
cupied by some of the bookkeepers and
clerks of the bank.
The changes will be completed by the
end of the present month.
Vmpqua Trade Isabel Sought.
ROSEBURG. Or., Feb. 10. (Special.)
A move was inaugurated by the Com
mercial Club here yesterday to mar-,
ket all Umpqua Valley products under
a label significant to this locality It
was reported bv the Commercial Club
,.T - - ' i -.. ..rnccni I la beine
that umpqua . : i , r
sold in tho East under the label of a
Chicago wnoiesaie nrunu..
r n a n t. The matter of securing- proper
Associated Fruit Growers
9&30 rClt SUAREa
- 3,500,000
labels for tho Umpqua Valley products
has been referred to a committee of
the club and definite action oa the
proposition is anticipated soon.
rORTLANTJ, Feb. 10. Maximum tempera
ture, 53 drees: minimum temperature. 4
desreea. River reading, 8 A. SI., 1S.0 feet:
chanire in last 24 hours. 2.S feet rise. Tots!
rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M.), L0:i inches;
total rainfall since. September 1. 1015. 34.5..
inches: normal rainfall since September 1,
27 04 Inches: excesa of rainfall since Sep
tember 1, 1015, 6.9:t Inches. Total sunshine,
none: possible sunshine, 10 hours 6 minutes.
Barometer (reduced to sua level), & i Al..
20.1XS inches.
State of
Chicago ......
Denver .......
lJea Moines . . .
Galveston .....
Halena .......
Jacksonville ..
Kansas City ..
Los Anirelea
Marshfield ....
Minneapolis ...
Montreal .....
New Orleans . .
New York ....
North Yakima
Phoenix ......
Sacramento . . .
tit. Louis ......
Salt Lake
San Francisco .
Spokane ...
Tacoma ,
Walla Walla . .
Washington .. .
Winnipeg ....
0.00'.. .SE loioudy
0.041. .SB Rain
11. OI 14W Clear
I'O.Olj. . NE Pt. clondy
I'o.lnH. .INK iCIoudy
: 0.00 . . NWknoudy
i0.0o..E Cloudy
i 0.01'i . .IXWiOIoudy
0.56 10 SW Pt. cloudy
i 0.00. .isis iCIoudy
1:0.021. .INW Ft. cloudy
i O.oollS NE iCIear
;o.iii)i..!R Cloudy
O.onj. . 'SW Pt. cloudy.
O.Stl 16 .SW Rain
0.3ti..SW Clear
0.01 . -!NB 'Cloudy
O.tHl 16 N Clear
0.1NV. .ISB
0.0O;l4 W
: .
SB ft. cloudy
Ml. ooi .
i O.oo!.
i i.u:i.
Ft. clondy
O.101. .!SR
O.OO 10 SB
pt. cloudy
0. !. .'N'W'Rain
O.50i."0a Rain
o. I4jl4 SW Lpt. cloudy
O iO . .SW Rain
0!0O..l.W ICIoudy
0.0ll..W (Clear
O.OOi. .SW (Clear
The North Pacific disturbance is central
this evening over British Columbia. It
caused maximum wind velocities during th
day of 33 miles southwest at Seattle and :.
miles southwest at Tacoma. The wires to
North H-ad and Tatoosh lstand ar down,
and no reports have been received from thoao
stations. LlKht to moderately heavy rains
have fallen in Western Orecon. Washincton,
Northern California and extreme Western
Montana, wliilo local snoivs have occurred 1"
Kuslcrn Montana, North Dakota. Minnesota
and the Lake Region. It is cooler in South
ern Orejron. . ...
Conditions are favorable for occasional rain
in this district Friday, with diminishing
southerly winds and slishtly lower tunipera
Portland and vicinity Occasional rain;
south to west winds.
Oregon and Washington Occasional rain,
winds mostly southerly.
Idaho Occasional rain.
EDWARD A. BRAT.S. Forecaster.
San Francisco
Los Angeles
(Without Change En Route)
The Big,
Elegantly Appointed,
Sails From Ainaworth Dock
a Pa M., Feb. IS.
10 fjolden Milea
Colombia River.
All Rates Include
Berths and Mrala.
Table and Service
The San Francisco t Portland S. S.
C., Third and Washington Streets
(with O.-W. H- fe K. Co.) Tel. Broad
way 4500, A 612L,
Cotupagnle Grnerale Transatlaatiqua
Sailings From NtW YORK to BORDEAUX
ESPAGXE Feb. 19, 3 P. M.
LAFAYETTE Feb. 26, 3 P.M.
CHICAGO Mar. 4,3 P.M.
ROCHAMBEAU Mar. 11. 3 P.M.
C. W. STINGEE. M Sixth ht.
A U. CHARLTON. 2i3 Morrison Sfc.
F." K. t.AKHLSON. C. Al. at St. Paul By.
DOKSEY M SMITH, ltd Third Ba.
K F. BAIRD. 100 Third St.
H. DICtiSON. 348 Waahingtoa St.
NORTH BANK ROAD, t'iith and Stark 9ta
F b M'FAKLANU. 3d and Waslllngloa Bt
El B. hllt l. 124 Third 64.
4. rl"e
2:30 P. M. Satnrday, Febmarr 12,
han Franrisc. Portland Los Ana.
Irs Steamship Co.. Frank Bollam. Agt,
124 xiurd ot. A a&irfi Mala u.
0CIANIC S. S.T0'S tplovid 10.000 too tn-crpw
(rated Uoyda I00AI). Sailings every 2 I dava. SYDNET
Cirrtsm via SAMOA and HONOLULU $337.50 1fl.a.,in-drWCHlNA-JArAN
$575.0. To HONOLULU $45.00.
pfokiOTlree. Feb.29,MarlApr.ll
American-Hawaiian Steamship Co.
C. T. Kennedy. Agt. 210 Stark St.. Portland.
Via Tahiti and Barotonsa, connecting at
Wellington for Auckland. Sydney and
Australian porta. Regular sailings from Sail
Francisco March 23. April 26, May 21.
and every 28 days. Send for pamphlet.
Union steamship Co., of New Zealand, Ltd.
Ofice .Market street, Saa Irauciac.
r local 8. S. and B. B. Agent.