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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1916)
TTTE MOTIXTNtr OREGOXTAX. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 191C. W IS ADMITTED Ifl MURDER TRIAL Counsel for Branson Offers Strenuous Objection, but Exhibit Is Allowed. BOY REPEATS HIS STORY StilMw. Trll of Vr-rlnj Mr. IVmth ml trfradnl Torthcr Oftm n.l of llearlnj MmH After ytjtm Kan TIiru:li llalar. r rr.vrta.iu or. rb. : (.p- .1 Tatar's court session.. I the :ra.tna muriftf trial, was crte4 wilh I wmir TUb-ry on tr: wilnm stand facia- a grilling ero-arnintioa by in'iMf fr In tfrft. a..i (f l. stats n W A fsnas .biwlvi strenuous! v lo tlte I f reutjM that R. e.idec h4 a t raei. prOt-t-irsft I r'iBRM'l In ( tir.ason, wtt. the co-dsfn f !. lioo'V witb, I rat. Th e.r.a. j.o rrjRitnii'i in. rsa a-i.r lha ruling lorhirl'iitc the ef er e.-l.rti of In. ro-fenint Mtv . M l.tlol. -I" ta'sslf ssL Weir. hr crnttti l! t. te atete e W Has. ('f sr r-lhirv. ! ra.tear r'ilt. f inRiMruaft ha hl m.ia lVMO Ihe l fined r in. .-.n ( t Iri? at lla ona h found lis tb P ef Mr.. Ilonllt IK. av fol. owing tie crime. It" of llw how. r. I I'll What Mr. Ixt' fc4 doe i" i4 sarer.t witnxm lhfl"l ln ?'.r.n aa-t I" r.t!ll44l. Wl". ;nof i, fri i-nr't Ingetnar on aMc : Mr. Ilnofk w. a.T. V It Hoot, a .A mportant stt Wit re' .fa. a conversation h said le ! :rnsf i h.1 In hk Hr.- w.. p.tH I !. A-f4.l Mr 'I ntff.'i 1. rAja M .44 tlrfl tft.rt tv'IOi"l -Wall, ir k. RH t.. r -wf. n. .f;. nl fc tl.mB.H. J r tw n. tt h. ala lo myi9. h it !. a'l I raa a 1t. !'. Vh.'it M'U looi "tut. Iji,'" ai4 iair etntr- noa .n-t-.i. ftM l U HIIA. W roa art.r. a ui'ta at !-f-n.i.fil. In fil l (Ti l.nt la a.e.w. la d.:tidnt. J-tal.b.r ).i!ifr. (tir! ha fc-1 "l a tata. h. lol i ef bc tti K'la f-n li'aaoa. who. da aai.t. rpU.4 Ta,i inwl o- cttir. I bad Jour y-ia. aQ'l la tmfrt.tat.lT ronir.- jirtiiif lmJi fcr -iri taai "I t ixiifnl i.'t B" Inal Sua." Mr tara. Mrm. ft n-i !oa :- firmtjr ! Ihcir tf.ri. loll al la flrl InaL Mr. C.'t-i f r.lal-1 lal Hraai -r ir4 a fci--!. at M .tor. about I li. tl. ma Jjir Ida rim a. com !ft... n-i ai.l aa rrcr.d ft-jhrJ ail Hn fca r.turc4 tlir la. Mr r a"1 '( rfaala. .tiBjr at KiC f. lion'") ... . . ,A n.t Itar aaainc ."in. HV - J.r.n.a rMiT bl.-rla In f--a a.m. a r..-t'aa. nnlinuxl br Mr. Tatr t.moar at aia a in waartn tja .h.rt an I a bUlt bat ruwain a,,. irop.rl. rlimb Ina ti-. ...... . i. an.ha rnllw.4 by ti. raport af a f-'a. J.aral atsara taa- t.f!c baartn taa bot. mt Talba Aaw rataav. T5 ana dr. malic locldant Ida seaaranca f ma ! .mail cMUran. latra aa.t i:rml. ct'icMr aaj oo el It. Mni anl Mr Hotn. an n .!.. .tnl Tha littla f'ttoar ra aaeat hi. tr at how tr ha4 alt ..! tair iaaar an IB. I taiat Ur. r4 kaw. arbaa tfta littla airl waol o(t t ac!ll. aa4 ia m"t. .r to bia rni. aia .. kia f.elar aa4 ataot lo tha M.a ratrft. Ha r.lal4 how fc ln!4 bltn to wait tiara al tha rd.r pr-! wR.Ia ba t tha bill ! "t allr lo B4 lo mmaitrlK r"t4eol, aa' how. aftar Ilia l.r Ma fata.r without cattlnc a an. w.r ta boy want boaia lo t a4 a aaa ' DAIRYME?. FAVOR UNION Aitctw tio or co-orrnATitc CttCkwKlUCa TMOtftlTT Uhtll. Ma Daley aaej re4 a kaae ftteMawel to alW-r rata aalaa l aawta a Ha tattedL Taa :a ta anul(im4f tba ro-opar. OM.a rram at lr('i eaaat. altl ft. a"-,",i'a" ! raoerte r .k..t by J tx Iairy al Vii ruamiMiaRtr. who b.e r I im rram a tro U'ouit the dairy ln0 h"!o" af tba . ar. lie al l roufSara Vrfu 'rfcu aat waak Te eao'imaat of tDa eaaa . arU la f af ! pi. a and a no vita .aa. baa ". aa airalr la In. jr. aa autput aaft-laatly Urea to warrant taa pi a? ef a M.iiM iltvr la tnie It will taka rata.r loacer. haweaer. . att:i ?!.!. afar-jiaa1 to Mr t.!aL aa.t It av ba tf da bafr tba co-operative eal-iaa a..o iiiKia la taaarb.4 rlr for ea.iaa.a. Aaoibar naetiae: af tba board ef dl r.'tar. n. kaaa Il. I r Mil Mom a., wa.a aa ara.maal will ba lorma latet. BOOTLEGGER FI-tED S20Q T TIlo or ta-t r tK-olO o It (ID rob MIKK t HMIeT. rMlr.aa.1 la a ad Aaolrtoa Make Coealala Hartal rreja dla la ko.aad. BV...4 larcaly uon tv.a m.ate. ,raia"h'f"rwr4 liimor "f a II .ar.uit bny. a ( of : tor to a lia. of th aroMMtioa law waa In. pee4 oo Mi'a I'nri.t yaetardar la Ma- I Caurt. Me le ma proeriamr of a boardine-hoa at IIS .Nortb oor t.ettrt atraat. Tha fhf4 ef racial antipathy ran tntr"t lha et'tnie. i Moii.Ut Vika ti-ibii-i. aa Anetriaa. want tc fapwity t't.trlrt Atlomay Peirn toainif a bolt! ef wiae wfc ib ba ai-t he h.l purrhwad Iron. Ckriat. He ma-la ff.!'.i that ba he4 eeaa the l..iuo aoit to eirtar parenae and the mnnar pawl tarar. r ona Invtanc aia fca i&44 be t.J, l-a Cntt.' t( a lS-lloo ktg of win by Christ to a ruatomvr. Actinc upon Iba affMarli a arch a arrant an4 a warrant for Crtt war U.UMt. Ottmra aaarchad lha bouaa and toon 4 approximately l:i sallonl of wlna In k an4 barrala. iJ.utao ant llirmi arM patrolmen Martin, tilma ar4 rVbum. of tha moral auad. ma da Iba raid. Tha d-fanaa drrtarad that Fublch uht In ant hla nrudxa aialnat ("brut, who la a tierbtan. and that to racial difrcrancaa waa ad-J4 otaer Iron Ma. Tle littla boy il flacad upon the wltnraa .land lie aaid that ba n aaan money airro to Cbrut for a bait aalloa of wine. "It a fo much." ha quoted Chrlel a arlnc. -rlfir cent la enouah. Judfe Ufiftillll compilmente4 tha Nnr en tba dirctn of bla teatirnony. Than ha paired a la oca upon the law bra, ker. "Too are an Intelligent man." ba aW. "Ton knew you were mtolallnc tha law. and tba penally win ba a lie fine." t.'hrl.t waa converted on April IS. taat. la Municipal Court f"r elllnc hauor wltnout a llrana. Aa a oooi- rssr ba ba. ba-n under auaplcloa for soma time, the cm. are ear. FIRST OPERA SELECTED roTLt AaaKITIOI n. .tio row -now:o At ji uirr. -4 a. a I la Ha ttaotkraaa' aad 'V l"atU aeeT (s a. rrearatee aaa ralata la taaalllalloa Sellleel. The flrrt two operaa lo be produced la public by the new I jr-oreanlied I'oxt land Orera aaaociallea are: "'aallarla K'letirana" and T ra;!iacrl." Thl point waa tari4a4 al a meetlns of the aaaoarietlna W.dneaday nicht. bald at lha I'ublta Library. rlty-al eotaa ware ra.t. tha ballot brine aa fotlowa vaailarta HujUlana" and "V I'acll- ai.- 3a- Tarman." II: Jlikado." II: -Martha." a. -Masta Kim." I. and Itobin lloodL" 1. John l:o.a Karco wae aprolnad trea- tftr, pro lam. iaral Mrlawa ware epfroead. and It waa d-cldd that the dun ef avtlee aiembera ahall ba tt can la ! r month. A rommltlea ef bail rci. man waa appointed. raneLltnc or llaary J Kilart J. r. Warlain and ar-r-n A. Ir.iii lo halp rro4u- the opera llomao and Juitat." wlib the a.aietanre : ef Ihie rminUI rcprreentlne tha uoriiina: Warren A. Irwin. Harold Huribart and M . Nmmort. l aa daride4 that all prorata da. rivad from tht. txrformmnci of "ftornao and Jal:at" .hall bo appllrd to par the deficit ef ! Incnrrrd at the January (rtorntnr. and to apply all other pro ra.4. to lha (and. of tha Haby Home. It le lha wl.h ef the aeaociatioa that tha -Jailaf ehall ba one cf ila mem ber. Mr a. Harm Albert. The aeeorlation meela asaln Tnaaday aiahi. A committee named lo recom mend a praeldant yeeterday decided to nominate Joha t.iIL E' koto ft: nrri. tut: nrrtfttTk: lartRT1IIAT otir oHTIOt. -Oedlaaaeo W III Becoeea laaaeratlee W.raaaa of l-ck af Ila lercemeal." la t awaeoana af Oalatea. Motormcn. cboeen Indlecrlmlnalely from among the employes of tba Port land Iteiiway. Uaht Power Company. ... little rhanra for lha enforcment of the -rat law. pon.ored by Mayor Alba and recently Incorporated aa one of tba city's ordinance.. Tha motormen senerally declare that lha only means that can beep them front talking lo their paeaenaars is to baa them separated entirely from tbe ra.t ef tba car. In no ancertaia terms la the law ridlculad. tbe aimoot unieeraal declara tion betnc lhat It Is "another of tbe ordinance that will become Inopera tive because of larkt of enforcement." nfler lha lire! few days of activity. "If they want us to stop lalkln to our friends, let them shut us up in compartments so that lha passenger cannot t lo ua." Is tha comment of on ef the eetarane on one of the Wa.ahlnctoa-slreet line. "I won't that I will slop talkln to men carry every day and whom I have coma to know. It I. ecneela.e and the eaforeamaat of such a law Is out of tba question.' Other eipreeaione Ju.t as poaltiee avay b heard on all sides an4 not a of the mot or m. a have practical Ideas wby tba law should sot ba en forced. FIRE MARSHALMAKES HIT Jmr Mrrrnt Speaks IWforw rariflc C'oa.l rnderwrilrrt" AaaocUtlon. rira y.r.hal Jay made a eTiettact bit la an addreaa Wedn.sday baloee the annaat coafarenca of the Plra fnalerwritere- Aeeociation of tne Pacific t"oat In e-aa I'rancieco, accord-Ins- lo a te!es?em racaieed by Meyor Aiaa yesterday from Pre. Meat IL I, lu.ncbard. ef Ibe aaaoclatioa. Tbe telafram read: The lira fa-d.rwritar.- Aaeoctatiott ef the Pacific roast, at Its annual mealing; today. Ils Iaaa4 with emraajirg; eathueiaem and letareat ta tbe earaaet and eloquent ari l ra.e ef yoar fir mar.hal. Jay Mav- n. We till to eipraa our appreci ative) of bie cood work an4 a.eure you ef oar co-opera t ion In the crest work of fir prevention." ATTACK LAID TO NEW DRINK Olrnpl .aatta lalhe-r .tter Tak lac Clner-TanllU Br-verasr. VANi"orvi:R. t'a.h.. Vab. ! p ciak Tired by draucbl of vanilla etrart and Jamaica amser. Joeepb I'scan. a cripple ef Ibis rily. last Bicht attacked bla as4 father and was bratalle baatin him w baa neichbore ral 4 the poile and today Fegiaa was iani.4 to la days la )all. lie al4 b procured lb Intoxicants at a trrorerr store, mixed and drank thera aad that they made bim fl lha ficbtlna and drove him tempo rarily out of his right mind. Mrs. ! area ret L. Brearr Itarlrd. CKNTIIAUA. Wash. Feb. (rl rial Th funral ef Mr. Margaret t. Hrewer. a pioneer reaident of feouth wa.t Vaehloctoo who died al tba home ef ber sob. I II. Brewer, a prominent Hoqulam attoraey. was held loiay at Kocheetai-. inlarmant belns; In the lirand Mound Cemetery. Mr. Hrewer and her ha. Hand too np a homestead en tha Grand Mound Prairie la lit ll-r busbaad waa ladtaa aen' on the Oakvlila reservstioa ta th early days. t'ntalilla Yoanf Women Waif. ITXnTJrTOV. Or. Feb, IS. Spa rlal.) Notwithstanding; th fart thie la eap year, tbe maidens of I'matllla bounty seem loath to take advantase of tbelr opportunities, for there have been no marriage licenses laaucd by i ounte Clerk rraok allnf sine Jan- ail . ,- POLITICS BY FAIR BOARD IS DENIED Prosecution for Alleged Ticket Sale Frauds Declared Un known by Governor. $16,500 RACE ALLOWANCE rroilnn of $1500 "Mode for State Ftlnratlonal I'xlitblt and $300 lo i'ollrj:- W'ompn'ai (irant nrtlncvd Irs $130. SALEM, nr, Feb. 10. I Special.) Tie moval of W. Al Jones as secretary of lha 8lato 'alr I'mard was declared to have been for rsni "sufficient and satisfactory" by M? U Jone. newly elected president of tha Board. In a formal communication presented to tils collcmcuc at a meellnsj of the Hoard lonisht. The president said that the Hoard was fortunate In procuring the service of A. IL Lea as secretary President Jones denied that tha mem hers of th Hoard had played politics In any of Its actions. Itcferrlns; to th rroaecntion of Hex Turner and t lev Mmpklna for alleged ticket. sale frauds at th last Stale Fair. President Jones a!vl.4 the Hoard that, with W. II favace. he had placed lha matter be fore iMninct Attorney Hinito. Political Play Pealed. TM we did without reference to the overnor." continues the communi cation, "and without any request or euacesllon being made by him. There waa no politic In this, aa tha District Attorney holds his office br appoint ment from ex-Oovernor Weal. Pointing ont that lha Board desired the assistance of every titlxen In Ore gon in making the fair a success, the president said this Itoard wished It distinctly understood that thie proposi tion "la non-poliileal. non-factional and without personalities or prejudices. At tonight's meeting the Itoard ap portioned II .!" for this year's racing programme, riecretary Lea waa placed In chare of the speed event. More running races will be on this year's card than in the past, and futurity tirnla will be eliminated. ISO Appropriated far Fdaealiaw. II F. Carlton, assistant superintend ent of public Instruction, was again given charge of tha educational exhibit, and IIi"-J was appropriated for the de partment. To help defray tha exiene of a worklncr exhibit for the Orecon Agricultural College. 1309 was appro priated. That th work In connection with tne Flat Fair may be more eentrallied each member of tha Hoard was given full charge of certain departments. De partment superintendents ae elim inated, fh Hoard members will have the right to hire the help needed In their respective departments. I'nder this new plan M. L. Jones has charge of the fairgrounds. A. C. Marstera the dairying and poultry departments. W. II. Savage the livestock department. J. 11 Heynolds the pavilion, agricultural and horticultural firparlmrnla, Mrs. Wealherred the textile, art. educational and Inside floral department and A. II. Lea tba racing programme. Weeaea'a t.raat HedaHred. Because Its members believed thai there are not sufficient funds available to warrant th giving of 11000 to the Oregon Congress of Mothers, the new Mate Fair Hoard today reduced Its ap propriation lo th congress to llio. TO action waa after a letter from Mrs. Maid K. McMath. prrst dent of the congress, had been read. In which she said the congress hesi tated to accept the l.xrae amount, since It had been Intimated th rift was voted to cause the Fair Board em barrassment. Mrs. McMath wrote that It had never been the Intention of the congress lo ask for more than I ISO. T!ie IliOO appropriation to the con gress was made at the last meeting of the Fair Board upon motion or . K. Wasl. of La (irande. who. wlree J. II. Itootn. president of the Hoard, re. signed Immediately thereafter because of tbe majority Hoard's action In not re-electing; M. Al Jones as secretary. Mr. Kdyth Toiler Wealherred voted for lb appropriation to the congress.' she declared, because of a misappre hension. J. K. fleynolds. of La Grande, and A. C. Marsters. of Hoseburs. th new member of the Board, were present at today's meeting. Th Board elected M. L. Jones, of b'alem. president to succeed Mr. Booth. A. X. Bush wss elected treasurer. The Bard members decided that It would Inaugural nlcht horse shows at th coming fair as a new feature. BODY NOT YET IDENTIFIED Remain of Man I'onnd In Itlvrr rc Sent In Crematorium. No Identification wae made of th body found In the Willamette Hlver Tuesday. although several persons railed al the undertaking rooms of I'unnlng A McHnte to view th re main. Th condition of th body was such Ibat It was believed impossible for anyone to establish It Identity, yes terday morning it was taken to the Mount Scot I I'a-emator lum. t'arl Kumm'll. gardener for Philip Buehner. Hi Hawthorne avenue. thinks iba body may have been that ef his son-lo-law. William Grass. Croea was alao employed by Mr. Uueh- aer. lis la thought lo have com mitted suicide November Zt. COURT CLERKS GET MERITS Many City jKmplojca to Itecelvc Mark of IH-mrrlt. v. v. . v c. ..... rlei the mai kg in Ibe Municipal Court, ar to be first city employes to get special It marka under the city's new effl icy coda. A letter wss received by l! . i I 1 I'l.ll Uarvlr. lln.ftl VSS. del Ihe lard - . Mm .Uiinlrlnal Jli.ltf. kSff.V. rnson. Baking merits lor the two men because of their exceptional service uunng lot last two jwaia. 4 ll ..... I u granted th request and will decide later on tba number of merits to be given. A long list ot employes are to get de merit marks. MARSHFIELD HAS STORM Wind Ileaclir Velocity of 30 Mile, Inland and Some Ilamace Done?. MATtSilFlKLD. Or- Feb. 10. A southwest rain alorm set In this aft ernoon at 4.30 and was accompanied by a heavy wind. The coast section reported little wind at that hour. l'urlng last night the gal reached a velocity Inland of 40 and Co miles an hour and some d.image was dune AJOul ilia jliaj. I . ......... ... : .-..,,..., 1 ewa Ilea Frosa Monday Oregealaa Read It! It Prove That Tbla I Traly a xveaderfal Male! ALL WOOLEN GOODS Tl Prediction Made That Shoddy Only Will Be Obtained if War Lasts Another Year. DYE SHORTAGE IS SERIOUS If the war In Kurope goes on a year longer there will not ba any such a thing as a woolen suit procurable in the United States. Kverythlng; will bo shoddy, and the shoddy will cost as much or more than wool costs now. There will be practically no such a thing as a suit which will be guaran teed fast color by next Hummer, owing to the dye shortage caused by tha war. Manufacturers announce that, up to the present lime, there is not a thin? In eight to relieve the dye situation. Blue and blnck suits only for women, and blues, grays and blacks for men, with stripe effects for youm; men. will be the resulting styles from tho dyo shnrtago In the coming season. Suite for men that cost 120 now w ill be costing I3i by next Fall, and will not bo guaranteed as to fastness of color, and a similar rise in all clothing prices In to be expected. nr $3.50 QUALITY HATS All Latest Styles CHOICE I. DALY CRITICIZED Exceeding Authority Charged by Civil Service Board. LETER SAID TO LACK FACTS Selection of Man fop Post of Jit ney Inaector Wlio Was Disquali fied by I-ack ot llcMdence Cit ed Showing Carelebbncss. n-h. xinnirinal Civil Service Board rapped back yesterday at Commissioner -,1th a letter I'SIT aj iicii mm - from Mr. Daly fo which th Board is -panned" because of alleged unbusi nesslike rulings." Chairman Caldwell. of the Board, at yesterdays rcsuiar meeting said Mr. Daly's letter made good reading but contained few facts. ti.- ii. rioruled to atand pat on the order given recently to force Commis sioner Dsly to adhere to tha seniority rule In laying off men In the water bureau. Commissioner Daiy has contended hat the seniority rule as applied by . 0...11 A yl!oarH would fore III - " him to replace an nis uptrirm. rlcl roremen wnn wmir'n ii. ... nr. I it. hia bureau. Th praklnii7 i... .. .... - Civil Service Board ruled that Mr. Dal; laa gone beyond bis rignis in aiipoini ng foremen from the labor list with ut a promotion examination. - i - i tA hnM an examina Jon two weeks from Tuesday to get MlglDles ror appoiniiiiaiiv iw a. ion PI lureniru. . t.1. . . Pnarj ba took occasion also to sy that he considered It poor business for his department to lav to leiegrnpn iw a. nan whom tbo Civil Service Board cer i-j - M.lllnn rt atunfiirrKnhfr 1 1 ,uira ir jnvi"v - w- h water bureau. He said there are .lent or neon I a here in rornsnu uuui fled for the position. Weil. OK a n"ii ' . reading for the public but .lt tat devoid many facts. ine sienograiJiier re- j .. i. tl.... ffl.mia m-ho took th examination in Portland, and who pprora, on i n r u. i i.. ...... . ha in P.nlse In tha capacity ot a avellnr salesman. Mr. Daly was not always so carerui ..-.. ..- I f Ka had haen ner- mim nw " " " on of Jitney Inspector last Spring to man wno was ai.iusnne " t . ' u u I .-. tTimlnillfln cam up iwr v . , - " - because he had not resided in Portland year. TWOHY DECISION UPHELD Federal Apacal rinding Sustains Judge Wolvcrton. The United States Circuit Court of Appeals fr ,n -,ntn mnnn found In favor or Twony Bros, com pany, upholding a decision oy juose Wolverton. of tne Lnnea riaie. 11.- trict Court. In a sun lor aueneu iicm infringement brought by t'layton T. Kald. Judee Wolverton decided In fa vor "of Twohy Bros. Company after a t r I .t I In Portland April a. un. " Kald appealed, the case neinr argueo at San Kranclsco Jiay a. um. Other defendants namea wiin iwony Pros. Company were the Northwestern Kmilprnrnt tVimnanr and Flhert G. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Memkars Por liana Osteopathia A aaa. Barrett. le. H. .Leatee. 41a Morgan Bids- I ..... u.ln i'l'j How isad. Ilr. I, H IS Selling Bids Keller, "iw. Wllllees O.. 608 Tsylor St. am .:1S. A oones stain . j ... i ..,. Sill Ifnrraa K.' i X aer. "bines "Marshall lses. Tabor 1 Lena lard IH-. H. - T3T Morgan ...lag. ...n.. Main u0. A laOtt. I .an. IT Virginia V. SIS Mnncaa Bldf. Lea I bones Mala ?.!!. MarahaU 4VJ. - M lira. t. K- aad II. C 1', WJ oeiiins .. ..... Alill A Nadbop. IW. K. II.. i Morgaa blK VtZuii Main Ka 1028. Walker. Ie. Me s.. is fc.Jt itb St. Nci'.h. lUUt .wast fcaai ... KEN FDR ARMIES Extraordinary Event! RnCHAEL-STERN-SOPHOMORE SUITS, OVERCOATS, THE WORLD'S BEST, REDUCED. Regular Prices $20 to $35 CHOICE $10.00 TO $17.50 Buy Now BRASFIELD & PORGES, This stock has been taken over by the undersigned firm, who place it on sale di rect to the public, starting1 at 9 A. M. to day AT JUST ONE-HALF FORMER TRICES. M iller 63-65 THIRD Between Oak and Pine Streets Chandler. The invention Involved was an Improved car bunk, invented by Mr. Chandler. William R. Litxenberg was attorney for Twohy Bros. Company. OREGON GUNNERS QUALIFY Flglit National Guard Artillery Offi cers Pass Examinations. Eipht officers of the Orceon National Guard have qualified for special duties in the coast defenso service, examina tion papers recently sent to the War Department having been declared satis factory. Tho officers and their qualifications are aa follows: Lieutenant-Colonel B. K. Lawson, range and commanding officer. Major WilMam G. White, searchlight officer. Captain Merrltt B. Huntley, emplace ment officer. Captain IL. K. Metcalf, range and commanding" officer. Captain LeRoy Woods, emplacement officer. ' First Lieutenant Klmer T. Foss, range and commanding officer. First Lieutenant Koy It. Knox, searchlight, fire and fort commander. Second Lieutenant Claude C. Cruson, emplacement officer. Publishing Company Incorporates. ASTORIA, Or, Feb. 10. (Special.) Articles of incorporation of the Lower Columbia rublNhing Company were filed In the County Clerk's office to day. The Incorporators are: H. W. Conger. K. S. Thair and J. R. Hinman. and the capital stock is 3000. The announced object of the corporation is to publish a newspaper and conduct a general printing bosines.! Your Money Back Unless Perfect When you buy tools bearing the famous Keen Kutter trade mark you don't have to take anybody's word about their quality. We are sure about the quality, efficiency and durability of tools bearing the Keen Kutter trade mark; will refund if they are not absolutely perfect. a ta uemwTfm Quality Tools are made of the finest materials and put together by expert workmen. The edges cut sure and easy, points are sharp, temper is perfect and the grain of the handles runs straight from end to end. Buy a kit of Keen Kutter tools and be ready for all emergencies and jobs that frequently crop up. But be sure to see the Keen Kutter trade mark 0:1 every tool before you buy then you know you are right. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY W. O. WINKS, 470 Washington St. BAOKUB MORRIS, 273 Morrison St. KEL4.ER-8EEBERQER HARDWARE CO.. 344 Waahington St. F. R. OHOWN, vf cdresa S'JS Mitrriaon rt. Wf STERN HARDWARE OO.. Broadway at Pin PORTLAND, OREGON FRANK BUSCH, 1103 OREOON lul Saw axat is bv BIG CLOTHIERS, BANKRUPT. STOCK OR DERED SOLD J? OK UEJNUirir uir uitHimiuivo. In the face of truly a marvelous offer PROBABLY THE VERY LAST SALE OF THE KIND, AND ALL PRUDENT, THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE WILL ATTEND. ' COME. Clothin POLE IS SCALED STKEPLKJACK DEFIES ItAI.V ASH ADJUSTS HALYARD AT AHMOHV. It. W. Benton I'ses Thrilling Hand-Over-Hand Method in Climbing; to Dizzy Heights. 11. W. Ronton, the Chicago steeple jack, was undaunted by tho rain and the slippery pole yesterday morning, and in less than half an hour had scaled the flagstaff on the Armory and ad justed a new halyard, letting Old Glory float in the stiff breeze. His mission was primarily to put the flagstaff in condition for the large flag which will fly therefrom on Lincoln's birthday, Washington's birthday and other occa sions. The halyard had been broken for some time. The flagstaff is 50 feet high and the Ar mory roof is 70 feet from the ground. A good-sized audience was on hand to witness the work yesterday morning at 9 o'clock. Mr. Renton's method is thrilling to watch. With a rope attached from his feet to each hand he grabbed hold of the flagstaff and boosted himself up a few feet. Then, lifting one hand and the foot on the same side a foot or so at a time, he climbed to the peak, verily lifting himself by his hands. Mr. Renton has been performing practical feats from dizzy heights for the last 15 or 20 years, without an ac cident. He has scaled many of the im portant big buildings of the country. He probably will be temporarily locat ed in Portlsnd. as he has several flag- - 09 Main Street OITY, ORE- ' ' ' .....s.ui . .1 . jrj. ,i:J"",.".""!.ys ti. BrM. 1 II.. xp L rrlea lqur .y Hi Illll J Prle. V w Hi Sale Starts 11A.M. Today At the Address Below Mi advancing prices this is i 7 af staffs from the tall buildings in the city to repaint and repair. CAR HITS AUTO; 3 INJURED Wheel of Machine at Vancouver Gets Caught in Track. VANCOUVER, Wash., Feb. 10. (Spe cial.) When James Day, 38 years old. attempted to turn our. and go around, a wood wagon at Sixteenth and Main streets today a front wheel of his au tomobile caught in the car track and a freight car crashed into the machine and broke Mr. Day's leg. probably In ternally injured him and wrecked. 1lie machine, in addition to bruising Mr. and Mrs. James Bybee. an aged couple who were in the back seat. Mr. Day was taken to St. Joseph's Hosnilnl. AMUSEMENTS. B .A. KL'E JR. I"Vi Topisht. All neek. Matinee Saturday. Baker Players in Paul Armstrong's vivid drama or ttie tenements, THE ESCAPE First time here. Original and startling plot. By the author of "Alias .llmmy Valentine. -The Deep Vurple," etc. Evenincs, . 5c, 5c. Matinee, 25c orrlv. Next wuek, starting Sun day matinee. "The Melting l'ot." The Best of VandevUle. Broadway and Yamhill. GERTRUDE HOFFMAN In Her Great Sensation. "SUMIKCN." B0 tJiOfl.E 50 The I.anedons; Moore, O'Brien (.rare le Mar; lormae, 1'anl. Levsn Orphemn Travel Ilobbs; Weekly. Matinees 10c to 50c. Nights. 10c to 75c. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally and Sunday. ' Per Line. One time same ad two consecutive times ...--c same ad three consecutive times She Same ad six or seven consecutive timet.. otitt The above rales apply to advertiiemenls under -New Today' and all other cUisslfi calions except the following: Situations Wanted .Male. situations tt anted Female. lor Kent, Koomn Private Families. Itoard and Koom Private l amllles. Housekeeping Kooms Private Families. Kate on the above classifications is 7 cents a line each insertion. On "charge" advertisements charges will be based on tl e number of lines appearing in the paper reeanll.-i-s of the number of words in each liue. Minimum charge, two lines. The Oregonian will accept classified ad vertisements over the telephone, provided tho advertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. No price will be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered Ihe follow ing dav. Whether subsequent advertise ments will be accepted over the pbone de pends tiHn the promptness of payment or telephone advertisements. Situations Wanted and Personal advertisements will not be ac cepted over the telephone. Orders for one insertion onlv will be accepted for "Furni ture for Sale." "Business Opportunities" "Rooming Houses" and "Wanted to Kent." Telephone: Main 1070, A- 601(5. Advertisements to receive proper classi fication must be in The Oregonian office before 8:45 o'clock at night, except Satur dav. Closing hour for Tbe Sunday Ore Eonian will he 1:30 o'clock Saturday night. The or ee will be open until 10 o'clock 1". M.. as usual, and all utis received too late for C roper classification will he rim under the catling "Too Late to Classify' AUCTION SALES TODAY. Ford Auction House, 511 1st Furniture, carpets, etc. Sale at 2 P. M. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. M., furnitura, 1U6-S First tt, . ... COME! Co. g comtest