Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 11, 1916, Page 13, Image 13

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You Are Deliberately Throwing Away Money When You Fail to Get Your Trading Stamps
Start a Book NOW and Get Your Share of the Beautiful Premiums Given for Filled Stamp Books
Delicious BUTTERED
(School Boy Style)
Served in Basement
Lunchroom Friday.
Take Luncheon
in Onr Tea-Rootn
on Fourth Floor.
Friday We Will Serve
and Many Other
Appetizing Dishes.
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A 6231
. ror'4 TVtnua't Crnr. elab-
win 9tikp.ara nJ musical
fortlaa.. rrent-Tchr Coor.
I Ml, Urtrr. I 1 eclwk. rommit- a
. too mootincs general buai-
nkkii rm,reit-Terker Aaao-
$ $ Friday's Money-Saving Specials --$$
iiiillil'rrrr- r- u-i ai is l ilLLlf 1 1 lllilll I
". ! P ' i ' I I 1 1
elation. 3 o'clock.
r va.- t a rift i. ma I to
- .. - - . - - - -
. II t aarlawaV K V
. paA..." a. ...
after K. .
' 1 1 ro o Prnl Teacber A
a-wni. a Voma' ioa ,ty. J
; m .
a rt'e nam, if . c. m..
a a a
a a a a ......... oooooo
l itAKr.orr.jkni: iv w.n
. c O ub.a- of today" rrl-
In f II fort:n4 ''
n ib. T" rnr!tne thia bar
f a hi lrp. Tb l 'rrj and
al-t HinMl! Ml'lri b. b.n
rut4 to e.arn other. lb at the
(fiDim eA r.iont " b ba-a an arti.
l. whol. Am on of th mtnbr -t.r.Mnt
It. -W dot I b
tni n4 a f thai ! '
mind l n. Iju?. fur owo:i! h
do - nWB.lit w-rh w
if Mr. A- Kin coalrman
f th. calendar C'Jffimtltt. n4 tb. ma
e romini.te. lw.-i'le M". arrow
Tn. M'. Fr4 Wbuflekt an
M'. l;uH !'.
Ho. T Wtn" l4f
MI. fm ' 1 t. . ''. .
t't J. tm". "
Wimrm Vm .. frw "T'
T -. -r"-y t..:lT itt-m.
fva. -Ki4Jna . t"."
J.i. Il irw A wt. - Ilf
!:! I.W. -' !- -
m4 ri- Um(m '. o - 1 1-
t. -Tt W I I IC t."
(. (. f-n tf tt. Mr I-"1
J.-. " !."
' fr..m "V Wtr
n -Wv. i ir' ' !". f-
Two nttm. "
... -vi... l i. r I ii.)- M
A raai W l.nm-n.. X'4til. I'r.orw.'
ln'l Mil. .... '. M -l-'.
lit, Mm W. K. !
A ier lttr tf it.'!c from I h
rr.lir of Iho A.riUn I n oma (lu
l-!uit a i!ou!1u of il for Id chot
rabi Iom fan.J. SJr)llii:i nt i
r m mm rnri . rvin t ri &U ' fin. dab.o
u.t r. Tnt rant from
lb Cloc linpro.mDl Club.
T. Baal nMtini ef tbo A'cxlallo
f Co l..t Alumni, will pUr
l ha. Mr. N'. J UlBon Ji liurtoa .Ur.
xr . rtN.I rniKlon TBhltI II
M4k on .1rlT b f tb l.m
WBmi' t'tub. lira. A. I.KIott I cf lb t.ab Mra. TanTbltl
mrrtnt ant lo l'ortUn4 ra
opular (talort.
a o o
Tfco fet that tho Wnmi'i Club ef
Ontario bM a&e la III f to tbo kHI
arable loan fund ik rU for It aal lntrot of tho club-
im m.i district. Ta.itartlar Mra.
TOlarl-l tffrt. co.lrmn of Itio fonJ.
ana4o Ibo 1 14 ioaa lo b:p a Kiri rorif
oiato a coli.a-o cour.o ricary thai
h. may obtii a dprtmnu r"l
baa. a a a
Woman) n1 r,rt4 who ro la prtlr
l. la tho V. W. C. A. paiaanl. ilrla
of Tt.tndiT mri T-d-r. aro
lo ajtaot will lio Toil at tho "
clatma t-i otf tt b4 1 o'rlork
or attar ortotb. Ilaa Cra Ilwl4
aaa lo aj.l.tlna- tbo arlrla villi tbo roo.
lama. Tbo raaant wlil bo b-14 In tbo
LUttlo Tbaotar oa Kabraary II.
Sr-rabar of to IVtpMa Soritlf aro
t.Mkiaar frrward la tna Informal talka
to bo citta MU'ltr ammt aoJ
Va4na4 afrarnoon. at room A. Can
tral iJbrarr. tr Wlrc. lro-proa.
t.fii or tbo aoclctr. who la Tt.lrlnx ihla
fici.j from u tiaacHro. tipbiaa
frt.ata aro !(.
o o o
Tio rcIar mnnthlr fcuairaaa mt
14 of l-a ration Homo Aa.aoriatloa
will bo hil at ta homo tba mornio,
at H i.
, ... , II
A V - . '
- - .. . . : , 'I
'"'. , ". -
V r ' " "n
I:- v " ! ill
T? tr.trharf Cirla CtuO of lb T.
W. C. A. o-UI m.. I on ttttardar nlht
far a int valant.n party,
a a a
Kama rr.n t-T.-rir Aaaoclatloa
will tna't r't Tu-lr nicbt. whan
fiiparlnraarjaal l iw Atiarmaa ttl
arl.o a ataraoptlcoa tactaro. MoCraf
.Vtl!!.r a-UI ! a roodinc ant Mr,
lono Towaa.ol will roatrlbot
a a
T taiorafiarit tujr Ctoa wttl
anaot Monday In tbo ctubbouao. Mr.
K. C. Co4ixlr will Iaa4 lb ikio.
o o o
TH rorttaml f" k.roar 5tJy
rq wl'.J rraaant "Toaifra Mbt"" at
Arvanam Halt. TMrta.atb ani Waob
la ton 'rat. Monlir a .M. abro-
ry It. Amonc lo. In tbo cat will
bo Vr. r Utrurolara. Mra J. rncl
TTabo. Mr. IL I- Jon-. Mr. Albort
.VI. Vrowo. jr . AHi-o ;rm. Mia lt4
br tha Iowa E-inal Fuffrar Aoaocla
tlon. followinc a mroilnc of lb Mai
Hoard wtlh Mr. Carrlo Chapman "tt
tbo .Nw tork uffra trader, her
tt; i waak.
Good Things
In Market
man. Mr. Al!n TI4. Mr, liar f'atar. I tar
P jllTLANLX harlBt; du br way out
of lad aoowdrlfta, ba
com op millnl' wtlcomo hpunc.
n. taai a.t or two haa brourht ui
froah ItnportatloB of vrcalablra from
Hut lh moat Intare.llB ofrrln li
ho Burk.l I rhubarb, crown In hot
louao at Caaby. naar Orasoo City. I
loo. ptnk and prrtiy aad ao!l at V
iad ranta a pound.
Aad Mount coii pamnlp retail a
v, cat a pound.
tlrna pa 51 root a pound) and CO
umbora and Zi cant arn.
o '
llorld ha forwardad a nw auppl
f atapiaBt. at Si cant, and ball prp'
por at 4 can I a pound.
i'ra.h arrroa enlona and lorn at II
coat a bunra look loltiti; aflr lh
Now aplaarh. two pound for a quar
tar. Ita fraahnoaa bihtnd by par
la abundance
.tM. A A r a . Alia.
Nroni. MI It'lan Jaffar. Mr. Chart
rtabar. Mr. Aatoa Uibl! anal Mra
M. C. Rob In.
Mr. rVaorz XV. M.vMatb. pr-.ldant
f tbo ifr.fv Conarra. of Motbara.
n to ritattio roraatlr for a rort
Mr. McMatn will tab actl
lttarl la a t'.aa; al Fabruary It
for t. b.".l of t'blld Wlfr work.
Tb Cam Jacob) ForM Clnb will
anoat cUturday at 3 o'dork wua Ml.
Flora and M. Uoclta McKay. A pro-s-rammo
atlrocta by Mr. Jeba F. Hu
M will bo fflraa. Mr. Uaora f-ar-tt.
anpraao. wi aaal.L
Anion ISoao to lata part la attract,
tao aanbor will bo Itutn liottia. Juucio
M Kar. '.li4.tbj ILtttln. Mary t- liar.
a.y. Mb t Iy. Flora McKay I c
romranic. by Mr. :tlla C. Maf Hon am. Cacalla
mtnr. J.oni. K-t : B AUco Nanon,
lor"tby KaTiolda. Imborlaa I'arrtaa.
F.ta!a. Farrian. t'atrlcla .Nallao anal
Jiarbara Lull.
a a
MsltnoanaH Carr.pflro r.!rt will art
a ci.r litt!. play on Frroary 1 la
l;u-hmoad Kaofl. ne.r tb d.roctloa
of Miaa Nina Joy Tbo main bar of
tb campfir ar M.t" Wbtr, Opal
t'artt. Irln. Itol.maa. Marcn'rlt
nal.frlad. l.r' Cook. Ka Ford.
Marcarat jUuciu. Marian OUll. Maxy
rrniiA and Florrrtco Uitkaall.
o .
Tho drrratic d'partmont ef tb
rort:i4 0bakpar ti4y Clab will
m..t la roora 1. library, oa tsatarday
at I oclo. k
o o o
m. . at., f l.l a wnMm ffn.ot.
In for wema wlil bo bald la tb Flrat f
M.tnodiat I a urea on ouonay aicamooa.
l. To W. . A. Taapor a.r-atc will no
rm J. i e'e'ock of at 4.3
o clock. liar. Ji. I. Burton, ef North
lakim. Wa.rt.. wilt ap.ak anal Mlaa
UmarlrTf fi.lar wilt ln.
y Iowa affrac Caanpalrw Open.
t-r.' JiSl .-i. I".b. I Actir cam
pacntn for tn. arloptiea of tb aioal
iif r(. anrt.Mimant to tb ccrtiatltsltow
at Ui ;:lLi.a J io i. waa b(?a toUa
Xaar tb ar Franch carrot. larar
than ibo la.t auDDlr. at I cent", ana at a cent a bunco.
ooa brocol la aad : canta acb
. o .1 llmaaata firflall lkt a DOUDl.
l;utabaa 3 canta and bubbard quah
IS canta a pound.
Arttcbokaa la coat and cream auah
la r.nla ..!.
Cal.rr root t cnl each and brat a
k . KaakatL
Caiary la cnt a boad and baart
IS coat a bunch. Lottnro brad t
canta ch: cboic. thr for a quar-
Milk cabb t and It cent each.
m potato., foar pound Zi cnt:
la otbar quarter. 14 cat for lit
aam quantity.
Crcoa Kurbank potato 12 a pun
drd pound: tb prtc row nr rally
la 3 cent a pound.
Appl tak lradln plar la tb fruit
market. Uellclou ar 1 a box. t0
canta a tloaen.
Hiock Twi. Wlnp and otbr
rlatl ar la cnU a doaen.
am .rtsriit. .r rtrtl.v and Roman
Poautie. of amall Uo but really food
fruit, la I a cent for two doaen.
Rad Banana. Si cenLa: yellow. ;a
and Si cent a doaen.
Florid two for IS enta:
Caiirornla. i cent each and two for
a nickel.
Xaral arincM. Zi to at cent a doaett;
Japan. It cent a doian.
Lemon. It and 1 cnta: Mexican
lima, tt rent a doian.
tranrern IS cent a pound.
Tokay grape. In cork duet. Zi eenta
a pound.
In th flh market a arlely
La offrred than laat week.
Columbia Uleer ameit I eomltif freo.
Ir. the only check to auparabundanc
bln th blb watr. II la retailed
at la enta a poond. with proapect of
xtrn fall la price.
CMnook aalmnn la offered la a many
quarter at 4. Zi and 3 cent a pound.
Staolhoad aalmon. rock cod. aea baa.
ant peixk aro arh IS cent a pound.
fta'.mt-i trout s cent and Ireab
arkarel i crnl a pound.
teat and lie cod. felt, cal-
flah. aand-daba and halibut 11H cenU
a pound.
llerrinar. Una; and black cod and aolea
can also b had at 10 ranta a pound,
and ao can .No. 1 halibut, froaen In
Lobatera 40 centa a pound. Craba
IS. 3 and Zi centa each.
Kj-t-rn oyatera 3i centa a pint. In
hell Zi centa a doien.
o o
In th poultry market hen are 23.
31 and Zi cent a pound, frier and
broiler 3S cent and Spring- chickena
SS rni a pouid.
Turkey 3S centa a pound, nquaba
St centa and uina fowl 11. :S each.
Kcit ar offered at 64. 45 and 4t
cent a doin for "atrlct'y freah" and
IS centa for "guaranteed." ,
Ilutter. "mad yeaterday." la 70 centa
a roll, but butter of very ood com
pletion can b had at 30 centa a pound;
otarr at S centa a roll. The tip-top
article, however. I 40 centa a pound.
e e e
rom n In th Pnblle Market a fra
grant proof that Spring la at hand la
afforded by larre punrne or wnite
narrlaau and yellow daffodil, retailed
at at rent a doaen.
Grown in the auburba of the city In
bntrioa. they yet have a Tery natural
perfume. Many flowering plant In
pota ar ato off-red.
An enterprlilng aland dlvplaya aour
plcej plrklr at 40 rente for half-Ballon
Jar, plrkled peache at 3S cent a
a quart and currant Jelly at It centa
a ;.
A demonstration of cheeae of very
l.viilfi. . . v n . n .1 .trlAu. blml. I a
jar, at li. 30 and CO cent each. I In
prograa In on of th leading atorea.
In amall Package, at 10 centa. can
also b bought ripanlah davlled pimento,
green chill and nippy Cheddar rhee.
I'eAOUt butter la aieo on the Hat at
19. 30 and 30 centa a Jar.
Tb demonstration I of Interest and
th demonatrator attractive and capable.
More than . "3 woo. worth of cold ha
K n lak.a from tha Jun.eo gold belt, tb
f trt ,rk--1 In Ala...
w a w fcJ Itl WlVtlil. aUl J C VrA W 4JJ
body. Eut, yoa aT "I don't worry bo
Cuiae I want to, 1 wottt beratiap I can't
Help it." Ur, 1 worry t-caa-o 1 hare
to much to worry aboct."
We all hare oar troaMrw atvl worry, of
eoararj, main matters wonw. The paurmt
rimmm ITX'XIUMm UU4 ZaC W lUiUUi uc-
jm . - t- 1 . V 1.
ua i4iaucuu in anj way uj i.
Tbe doctor rtiO could orrt. thia iieB-rotij
eoaoauon ana rare it wool! m to moet
popalar mexikcai maa alie. But be can
-.a. A .. - . I t
bauBtioa kiKrwii aarvivchociia, oi which
worry i a CAaractr?i-aue ajmpaom. moat
be eand by the pauoct Mr--jf That is
why yoa ahooki write today for tbe book
''DwmvmarJ twt Km-nn PiMn" anrl
reaj thej chapter oa"HexmmdtmiA.'f 6o
many rwopie aar raavl it and wnttrn
liOa-k. TKia Kit. i . mrrmti-w f am
rtvinif th treatmrnt a triai and beilnj
tworsiilrxl,'' that the Dr. Williame Medi-
i-m. rv. cl.1 . j r v v j .
i--o v--, iA.uvurWiI 1. a II uaij .
lot of Ucwa book printed and will aond
yon a copy free oa nqoBii. Ak for a
du bonk alao if yoar awwnach is ofT.
rr Williama Pinlr ISI1. ua a nnn.
alcolKalie tonic, particxilariy raited for
Bejrrncai, neraAtbenic rsopl. Toor
draaTjrii-t aelia therrj or they will be mailed
rmmnai.i cm reei nt rtf nri.-a- cemta re r
box, basa Ui tl&Q-
Women's Dresses
Models Formerly
Priced to $28.50
Garment Salons, Second Floor A rare opportunity to buy a beautiful
Dress at less than half regular price. Fashionable hew models, which
may be worn on all occasions. Many of corduroys, serges and velveteens,
styled along plain tailored lines others of messaline and taffeta silks
with fur trimmings. Skirts in flare, flounced and draped effects. Good
assortment of colors, including navy, Alice blue, brown, taupe, gray,
purple and black. Great many different styles to-' select CQ LTfk
from. Dresses formerly priced up to $28.50, your choice p
$22.50 Coats $10.00
Garment Salons, Second Floor Again Friday we feature a special as
sortment of Women's and Misses' Winter Coats at $10.00. The lot is
made up of many broken lines, which must be closed out at once. Smart,
up-to-date models, some with novelty belts, patch pockets, storm collars;
others in full-flare loose effects and still others are cut in more dressy
styles. Splendid heavy materials, such as kerseys, chinchilla, tweeds,
etc. Mostly in popular three-quarter lengths. Plain colors, stripes and
plaids. Coats in the assortment formerly priced up CIO 0O
to 1 22.50 on sale at the special low price of only tpxuiwi
Sale of Waists at $2.98
Garment Salons, Second Floor Fancy and plain tailored Waists with
long or short sleeves. Novelty laces, Georgette crepe, crepe de chine
and messaline, daintily trimmed with fancy buttons, laces, ribbons, etc.
Sizes up to 44. Also special lot of lingerie and linen Waists 2Q QQ
in stripes and plain colors. Fancy or plain styles. All sizes. P -r-
Women's Knit Underwear
Odd Lines in Famous Makes
In Rummage Sale at Just
Department, First Floor
CARTER'S Union Suits for wom
en broken assortment of sizes on
sale at reduction of One-Third.
Carter's S2.00 Union Suits SlTJ
Carter's $3.00 Union Suits $2.00
Carter's $3.50 Union Suits .$2.33
Department, First Floor CAR
TER'S and MERODE Vests and
Pants for Women, in broken sizes.
Now at reduction of ONE-THIRD
$1.25 Vests and Pants for 830
$1.50 vests ana rants lor ,i.uu
$1.00 Vests and Pants now (570
75c Ribbons
At 25c
Main Floor Several hundred yards
plain and fancy ribbons in this no
table offering. Odd lines or various
kinds in widths up to 7 inches.
In small and large checks, floral
effects. Dresdens, etc; also plain
moire Ribbons worth up to O
75c, on special sale, yard-"'-'''
Fur Trimmings
25c Yd.
Main Floor For quick disposal we
offer a remarkable bargain in Fur
Trimmings for Friday. Odd pieces
in widths from 1 to 3 inches.
Black, brown and white. Trimming
formerly priced to ?200Q
on sale now at, the yard -
65c Quaker Collars
At 48c
Main Floor W o m e n's Quaker
Collars in dainty embroidered de
signs on sheer batiste. Grades
formerly selling at 65c ARi
special this sale at only (J
$h50 Neckwear
At 98c
Main Floor Georgette Crepe and
Crepe de Chine Sets in novelty
styles, trimmed with lace or in
plain effects. $1.25 nd QO.
$1.50 grades now on sale-'-''
Long Sleeve Guimpes
Slain Floor Women's Long-sleeve
Guimps of plain net or lace trim'd.
Shown in both white and cream.
$2.23 to $2X0 Grade, for .$l.r9
$2.75 to $3.50 Grade Now $2.49
Valentines lc Up
Main Floor Party Favors, Table
Decorations, Greetings, Postcards,
Hearts, Cupids and Hundreds of
other novelties for St. Valentine's
Day. Make your selection now
while assortments are complete.
Dress Skirts Plaited
For Only $1.00
Main Floor Buy the materials for
your new Skirt here and we will
accordion, knife or box plait same
for only $1.00. This includes sew
ing and hemming ready for band.
Hair Goods Low Priced
$1.50 to $2.50 Hair Switches at 98c
$4.25 Transformations Special $2.50
Second Floor Transformations
in all the wanted shades. These
are strictly first quality hair. The
usual selling price CT tZit
is $4.25. Fridav at ?aWiJl
.o rn. a-t tir TJ: C . -1. Vov Gnaitiql of C 1 Cltt
Special Attention Given to Match Orders and Making Up Combings.
Second Floor Extra special for
Friday German Natural Wavy
Hair Switches, formerly selling
from ?1.50 up to $ LiUf
Prirorl vprv soecial for0-
Great Sale of Boys' Suits
$6.50 to $10 Grades
Rummage Sale Price
M;n Flnnr Rnorial Hne.i bovs' hieh-irrade Suits taken from our
regular stock to be closed out at big reduction. Fancy tweeds,
rhpviots and homespuns. Belted Norfolk models in several differ
ent styles. Pants full lined, with buttons at knee. QQ
Sizes 6 to 18. Suits of S6.50 to $10.00 grades now P'SO
Boys' 50c Blouses 35c
Main Floor Broken sizes in
Boys' Blouses plain colors and
stripes. With or without col
lar. 50 grades, three O
for .$1.00, or, each forJ,-'
Dutchess Trousers
Main Floor Dutchess Corduroy
Knickerbockers in serviceable
colors, .$1.75 pair. Dutchess
Knickerbockers, stout sizes, 6 to
18, priced at only $2.a pair.
Sale Extraordinary of
Girls' SampleDresses
Girls9 $ 7.00 Dresses, $3.98
Girls9 $15.00 Dresses, $6.48
Manufacturers' Sample Lines and Dresses From Our
Regular Stock Ages 6 to 14 Years
Department, Second Floor Prudent mothers will be prompt to take
advantage of thi3 wonderful sale. This season's latest moaeis wnn
nlaited. tailored and flare skirts. Materials used include corduroys,
velvets, challies, serges, fancy checks, etc., in splendid range of colors.
Effectively trimmed with fancy collars, buttons, etc. See these.
LOT 1 Serge and Check Dresses ages 6 to 11 worth to $7 $3.98
i a-i-n o n..,.o.D of Various Ktvlps. 8 to 14. worth to $15 .$6.48
LOT 3 Silk and Velvet Dresses, 6 to 14, worth to $21, at .$9.83
Girls' $15.00 Suits for Only $5.00
Girls' $12.50 Coats for Only $6.25
Second Floor Tailored Suits for
intermediate girls. Latest mod
els with shoe-top skirts. Jacket
satin lined. Worth
ud to $15, on sale --. w
Second Floor Odd lines Girls'
Coats, only few of a size at HALF
PRICE Don't miss this bargain.
Girls' $ 9.50 Coats, special $4.7."
Girls' $12.50 Coats, special $6.25
.-.-T.r. - i -.- worth nn in nn sale now at 56.25
KjUU l.lM-i5 uiri vuaiai i- - - - , a
Girls' $5.98 Corduroy and Caracul Coats, ages 10, 12, 14, special $4.98
Women's $6 Velvet Shoes $2-M
2500 Pairs on Sale Friday at Bargain Circle on Main Floor
. -n.wwv-a y-a vw a nn J V aiik dViciA V.1T VPF. who has iust returned from the East-
toes. Lace or button some piped wnn leainer. m.u,
Sain and buy two or three pairs. Full range of all in the assortment Velvet 2.95
r b .. .-oo j mm ;n nrioorl fnr this bareram event at low price of rvw
snoes wonn up 10 jo.uu uuu wi j i-- -
Department, First Floor Wom
en's Shoes of patent and dull calf,
with kid or cloth tops. Over a
dozen full lines to select from. $5
and $5.50 Shoes on Pj AQ
sale today at, pair P'Ce
Department, First Floor Wom
en's English Shoes of patent and
dull calf with cravenette top
pings. Very smart for young
women. $4.50 Shoes C O
special, the pair at pta0
Men's $6 Shoes $4.85
DeDartment. First Floor Ad
Srjrintr stvles Men's Eng
lish Shoes with full rubber soles
and rubber heels. Blind eyelets.
Splendid $6 Shoes i
on sale special at pt.0J
Rummage Sale Kitchen Needs
13 Off
1000 Pieces Blue and
White Enameled Ware
27c Lipped Kettles, special 18i
33c Lipped Kettles, special 22f
45c Lipped Kettles, special 30r
60c Lipped Kettles, special 40
70c Lipped Kettles, special 47
80c Lipped Kettles, special 53 f
$1.05 Lipped Kettles now at 700
$1.30 Lipped Kettles now at 870
25c Pie Pans, sale price, ea. 150
30c Pie Pans, sale price, ea. if
$1.40 Tea Kettles, special at 970
$2.20 Tea Kettles, special $1.23
95c Tea Pots, special price 630
88c Tea Pots, special price 570
$1.25 Tea Pots, sale price is 830
60c Covered Kettles, special 400
70c Covered Kettles, special 470
85c Covered Kettles, special 570
$1.20 Covered Kettles only 800
$1.50 Covered Kettles only ,i.uu
OUt I IC I oils, - X w T , . O
c cruw-ial Ti'.immape Sale for only !.
SZ.UU C-arpei OWCtJIClO, JJt l-ia "i- " --I
$3.50 Royal Dutchess Carpet Sweeper's, Rummage Sale price $l.a.J
Colonial Hams
18c lb.
Grocery Department, Fourth Floor
Genuine Eastern sugar - cured
Hams put up by Armour & Co. ex
pressly for this store. Closely
trimmed. Medium sizes "1 Of.
priced special, the pound XOC
Glenwood Butter 69c
Fourth Floor Full 2-lb. scraares.
No delivery of butter except with
other purchases made in Grocery.
EXPERIENCED Telephone Clerks
at vour service 8 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Body of Mrs. K. M. Putnam Will Be
Sent Front Albany.
Tht body of Mra. Ellaabeth M. Put
fn.m.riv nf Oakland. Cel.. who
dled'at the borne of her daughter. Mra.
W F. Ryan, of Albany. -l ueaaay num.
will be brought to Portland for crema
tion. The date of the funeral eervice
here ha not yet been aenniieiy into.
Mra. Putnam had many friends In
Portland. Phe la aurvlved by a aon.
1 1 .... t Biiintm. of thia cltv. and by
two daughter. Mr. Frank Smith and
Mr. Will Jordan, ot vaKianu.
Mr. Putnam had been vlaltlnir her
relative In thia state for some time.
and paaaed away while t the home of
Mra. Kyan.
Structure at Chicago Will Cost
$60,000,000 When Completed.
Handsome descriptive circulars of
Chicago's new Union passenger station,
now under construction, are being dis
tributed In Portland and vicinity by
H K. Garrison, district freight and
passenger agent of the Chicago, Mil
waukee & SL Paul system.
The new station., which is to cost
I60.000.i00. will rise on the site of the
present Union Depot, but will cover a
.. : .1 1.1 aAAiiinnal area. Its main
entrances will be on Jackson boulevard
and canal street. Direct entrance and
exit to and from the train stieds will
be provided from the streets, without
the necessity of passing through the
main building. -
Iron ring were
ancient Briton.
used as money by the
, For Infants and Children.
Th Kind Yea Have Alwajs Bought
Itching Torturt Stops
It is unnecessary for you to suffer
with eczema, ringworm, rashes and
similar skin troubles. A little zemo,
gotten at any drug store for 25c or
$1 for extra large bottle, and prompt
ly appned will usually give instant
relief from Itching torture. It cleanses
and soothes the skin and heals quick
ly and effectively most skin diseases.
Zemo is a wonderful disappearing
liquid and does not smart tho most del
icate skin. It is not greasy, i3 easily
applied and costs little. Get it today
and save all further distress.
Zemo, Cleveland.