Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 11, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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"liT n TT ITiTfTiBiir fcmB I I J I
OKI s.o'Ht t 1HfHl"t,
STe-.r la iter W :"'. f)
n- . ' a a
.n i, ,! : . A
... .,. .HnMI..1 ?.
. i . Vetet".. A "
am r.n ......... V Hi 7 '. A "'';
?, ( . .TT'
apsrlutn4. al ! !' . si ' A .
, B ,4r - v aiaaaj la
.'' At tit.
Cxr iTi ti ,rr,.i.. -""'
I- ...luia a.J...- J I. S
irrv4i Br"4-.. a.! .1
a . : hrt"u - ' 1 -1 "J
i a r .
irnvt set ' "'-r"'v
nl Ik .14 l n.i.k') "", !!
M..n!i.l. f ' -
to , w ena la iw4C "",'.,
See.. 4 la Te t,eeaa suaeee .
r a si-i sale--iaa abasia.
JoHa J I.a.iourT. professor ef fU
nl i.mMni. t"ivrtty of
in,.. n.-fiaol ef VtU', lve the
f4 af ta aerie ef lecture a"
'IIki. iI rraj. An Ak"i" -
fri lit rurn A of the ''rtrsl
fcrerr al oVlo.-. Th Ihema of the
Irtr. wtl t "The I l-'Orae n t Of
tse 1 ..Mae.- Te first f tha series
ill le rpt4 la the :! '-le U
rarv ot Cr:ey aveain; al 'rlo.-.
Te trme o tst teetare ll Tn
liuancton at the Mtiv" Ttia public
I erd:a!Iy lavttad att4 thee
M. Krtrao II. Vt'Oif FT
ass at. II funeral wni"! f
Mrs K!k.rlM II. Wlilfama. who dd
t-n.i at a.r horn. street.
ere M y..catiJ from J. I. 'tnl
A a csapat. n4 lha loIrmant
araria It IB "itl t.-ail -r au--try.
itt. WlllaW 1 a oil
Atla of .Naar Br-uaki.
ha I. urlaH I o ion llorara V.
Wir,ma of i4rlBt. liaba, a&d II.
k iiiuitii. of AlbTta. rtA. n4
aa l Jitirr. ItS'a Ka C V lUiama.
af ror:A Jam rll. of rortlAiw,
I hr rrotaar.
Aruxiio Cumu AAA A . -tk
Trafaaaor ITaacott i:l wal Ma (Ul
Ik labiw iMtKlrf I
cla la roam II. Israry. from t tn
cia.-k. aturlar al I. M. U
la putiM aoaaains fr lawrara la a
ai.i.nrlunt ef ta County lounoouw
tt. east Biaaimca ef lba rtaaaaa
l.t ba oa I'abrnary II 8114 it. in
ate4 ef ina rular lim. wblch
ba a Mt Ut.r. AU lataraataa ar
la.U.'t la tlml tbaaa da.
rir Ckchh or Cmmvrr. .-latUt
f I eitt. aBaBa a fra tarlura
aa t ar1.t:a rtaa br " liriAm i
luiXfon. C. it- K- of Panaar. Col ef Ita boarrf ef lataraablp or
te Mthr i"harvb, iba tr fborrbof
ItrU! --iaBtit. la lloaton. Ma.... of Trt rharrn cf iTirt.t.
iaBt:t. tta as4 TTaratl ta. 'rllT
aa4 falanlay aoln. Vbrur 11
aiwi 12. Ul. At ctofH. ana lancT
rT.numii. rabraary li. Mil. at i
itieci. All are cordial: lBUt Air.
r- RtC To UaCTTBB. Dr. Oaorn
Jlabaa will laetore I'rl ljr alibi on
"Claic Ar-bitatore aa an Outi-oraa of
Iba I'.fifi 3lrlt.- at Iba IUt Mda
I'abl.i IJbrary. coraar cf i:;Bth and
tit Aldar atraa. Tla la t!a Bi
ef ria ef latofe offrl br tha
attae.lon department ef tba t'olartiy
mt Oniin. eo-eparatiB w Ita tha Ore-
r chapter ef tbe Araarlcaa In.tUuta
ef ArvflitactA
!Kai TiOaarr to Tvut Aoa
Mtaa Craa ra.Jraff. rrlanral of Iba
Kenten iKrbeel. arbo baa recently ra
Iurna4 front Iba peace lour of liurcf.
ill epea f iba aodio.-e of ib
Tbotichi Taraple of Trita fafay
kHI el clock. Andrear H ruby
a. 1. 1 emr aa ericlaai aoor ajri'tao by
an. ef taa wemaa of Iba Tbeaxbl
Tmpla ef Tret on te eubj'ct
- -." Tie aeblle la Iatia4.
CntU-XrU T Ainilll TO WltT
Tbe anaeiiBer ef Iba Oftfo" branch ef
tba AaaeelAtloa ef Col'.acUte Alamaaa
acoedulad for l3rdjr. rabraary k.
bit poatpeeal et acrouat of the oTTn.
al l be k.l'l AtBTc!ir. l'iT l.
at : 3i olx:l. al ISa rerlU4 laibta
lUb Mra. M. J Lle. cjaan f
flrU ef Tbisctoa H'ii noel. will
ba tAe eeaaAar.
VTaa. rtA!rrre FV-a . . ITrt c r-
arl ef Mrl Wary I-!anay.
wbe d!e4 Moniay at bar bome. Ji lU.t
faissoa atreet, a.rt eoadvwtaj yaatar
(t al tb xe. Psiua Sari Cbarch. rl
Jiii-antb a at tnt.loa etraete. Ll t
AdHtioa. ana tbe wee mad.
a Lena Tr Cemetery. Vr P-laacy
aa Tra ef ae and :ecaer af
Oaarg IL DaUaay.
rA ruM Utare Tontoarr Pre
fa.aar WKIlana U Karrlnvtea'a claa
la irwiml dramatkra HI tnl lb!
eaenlnc la mom A af tba rrttd
entrai IJMi". "S'l I rr :!oa and
tUlAia." aa4 -e'uneet.' ojui ba r
baara4 til lOaclal rafaraB'e l tba
iKtaiii. la Ibe way ef eceale effect
ai4 cocamlsa
tcTc o.a Jvra.'a tt To4a-r
Tbe eidita l.rfure la laa amtanaioa
ror. en "Tba Tar Fl Krora aa
m.rl-- Tlarpelnt. will ba la by
K . tieurelt. tonicbl at acloc la
library fai Itla a6)et wlU be -Taa
TraaalMoa en Japaa. Ibe lalansa
t.enal Racttiae. I Japan, tbe tHimlsaal
r.a.r la Ibe iar
l..K L. mr- jorfbotjae etaak. II
flrloia ataaa. U; I'et roaC t. Hobp maaC ic.
t'arbcaopa. 1JS: Koaal porn. tr
rwble bur, i: CbaWe bam. 14
HreaAfaat bacaa. tlz: Bacoa ba-
I.Mit .a!.t.'S: Veal ebopa. Ui.
ricaiea. tl: Coltaa-. 13 S-
Itua L. tJmltb b U ZZi Alder tl. Ad.
Jlmt LilAa Lr.aa Te rtra. Tbe
Ibafl ef aa II) fob tit baa been ra
vart.4 la ta police by W aa Orara
UHx. aoe-a(er. o bprearlea; oa Iba
rpoan Tb.acar bill. A tberoCb
ar-b baa fatlaij ta raaal Iba eniaain
aparal, atka diaap9.are4 from tba
tAaatar TTedaeectay feareoa,
Rabat Wta T TatK e Lucocx
"Abraban Lincoln and Our Peraocrecr"
wwl be Rabbi Wlae'e lopla at M'tb
I. real lealabt at a. Rtbla claaa Tlaa
atay al 1 J'l P. U. Pr.aidaot Campb.ll.
ef lie t"nlerlty ef Or.loa. wi;l in..
al V.tlt l.raal batt Friday eaanmtj. All
are walcoma.
;cra.j TV. frrayt trro to TiU. Tba
rirt;an.l Realty rioard win be ad
draaa. I at fa .ak lorv:baoa na.llnf
li Iba f.f.k floor dminc-roam ef Iba Oib hi.Klrs lilt boon by
iM.rta W. fujl.'.oi en Ibe eabject.
"ii.cA le Iba " llaylen Oablar
will act a cbairmaa ef tbe day.
ra-i aw-nTr to Mr IimbtI
l.n'R.raa l';.n.onan niil ca.1
lmiti in t! cburv-b parlor. b'ol la baaiaaaa a.aaiea a"xf p r
famate la.. am ba a .octal hayr,
rt tj. A fii-owa mill h boalaa
1'aoee lac.raat.4 are laaltal.
I.ccxu A. taa Lira Laclan A!!a
VT.ts. ada.1 TT. dia.l al H'i k-'aal
Th.rty-f Jortb acraal Nartb. lie waa
la fatb.r ef Mr Grace e Tmr.
af aaidmera etreet. a4 Mr Clara J.
II array. I ! 'ra tr.t. la Wedlawn.
Iiratt Tilt" TO f err rtar Sc K.
raulcar till ad Ir.aa the Oraaron HiBcla
Taa Aaan itoai Saturday M al tna
t -niral Urvrery. en " a tba b'ralta
mt tarn llaryaat," Ta peorla land and
l-a nauir. will ba dl.caaa.d-
Raaat AaAJtAaot to Ormr
barauraa wi:l be bm al CVaa-resatioa
A S aval llbolonm, Tarh a4 Clay ttreet.
t-nl-bl at 1 eclcxk. Tomorrow imt
I .( aar-aV... al J' e'clacb. ftabbl R.
Airalaauaa will efflciat..
rma ra. Trpr. but rc.
t'a. lie. limit, lb... ta paraoa. Martin
Mar a Cuft-a C . JIT Tlir at. Bear
(.!:. on. Open a.til I". M l.
a Darwarra-aa or rat.jce pl-
mr baait.f. Ta. I . Tlebate, It.
Cra. P J. JlAaaoA, : C. avC i, l-i
-..11. 3Uim i-i i.1 .Ufa, . .
iui'Tr-AT(T a luraovbiiKtT F
tiction iii. r " ion uf fom
mialoncr Iia.k ha City I'ouncll da
ct.lrd acalr.t lha Improyarnrnt of tllad
aion. a. anna from Twcnty-.tllb
la at TMrty-fuurth Somt
rrer.rty oen'ra urarr-l that lb irn
nrnvniant ba rl.nlJ l Hal Forty-
il.iurtn trt. an.l ciirra pointed out
f at the coal would t too hcaay at
prcnl uu lhal the Improvement la
n"t rertxjrr at ll time. Aa thcra
are othar ImpmrtJ airccta In Kanll-
ortb tba Counrll took h latter alear.
Tbia doi.lna drvea not affect Ibe pro
poacd plr of th reycral ere trect
from llolsaie 10 Krancie avenue In
Rnrron.- ftaaa Matte T-MJHT
Tha rla In rhetoric and KnsUb com
rja.tlon conducted hy Trofaaaor Mabla
II .rm.a I'araoo ef tha l"Mrlty of
..-oi. will mat In aecor-lanre with
.-he-iui- tonUM at I.J In room ll.
of tha (''nttil Ijhrary. Tha abort alory
ru, will not n.aet until Saturday.
I'.Muiri -1 Th. resjUr rncettn for
IMa weak b. be.ri omlttad la order
that the membara mayarail tbamaeiTaa
of tt-m opportunity to bear tr. biamuel
Crothara, who apeak Saturday blgbl
In Library HalL
jemaat Ijiayaa 'ui IIloc-k rtv In
the of lb" Uer tbaw. doaen ef
report. ar romlni Into police had
quarter.. d!mi with atraat condition
au.ed by the r atorm and rain. At
mirr point in lha city the walke are
Mockaied l-h fallen trace and broken
brancbea. At otEer ptacaa h;b bank
beta gnen way l tbe rain, and Hd
down lnt.- onaiihtly and lmrab!e
dimr a-r.a Iba walka. Troparty
owaara will ta notified to remedy th
condition at O"".
c;cT-T'iTiica Hjt-rr rftcfTr
Tbe Jorts Portland Commarclal Club
tlan la bold a aret-ioarether and
factory ban-iuet tha lattrr part of tha
month. . A poa'roned n-.aettnc will Ix
bell at th North, Portland Ubrary Tuctay pltfbt. l-eflnlta arrange
ment will ba completed for lb ban
imt. The purpoee of lha banqjat I lo
forri a federation for lha encourage
ment and location cf factor! en lh
l-.nin.ula. Representative cf all
raninaul will be Invited.
b tKi Mara rtox froiLto OiarM.
Tutly ti salloa ef wine, made from
enotled (raP't, were foind yetrday
by I-puty Sheriff H"b I hCltva In the
bjeament of a fruit and confectionery
eland at tba northweal corner of Klrat
and Ald.r etreeta. It I doubtful lhal
tha nrorletor ran ba procuted a tha
lliuor wa for hie private consumption,
and be aeserted that he md II him
self from srase etc-eli that ba failed
to sell last furrmr.
Pu( Coxa-rarc-noi RrBr Work
waa reaumad yeaterday on the First
National lUCk BW bulldmr l
and tarlt etraat The recent cold
weather prevented activity on th
a true lure. Contractor epct to flnleh
the eractlon of lb marble exterior
wall within the lt few weak Pm-
reaa then ran be mate on tna interior.
The bull Hoc will be flnlebed before th
c&d of lb year.
ILLflU rUTATW IIS.JJT A petition
for the probate of the will cf Tboma
J Itnlcer. who died January 1. leaving
i:J iT to be divided afnosa nia in
children, wa filed with County Clr
Coffey yeaterday. Thad U Crave filed
a petition In lb County Court yester
day for letter, ef administration la th
e.tAt' of th laVe Cierrod I- Oravea.
who d.ed al Ashland, Or. January Si.
Ill lAt la valued at 111.003.
ArrmrouiA R:t Orcmo. Hid were
opened yeeterdav by Municipal rur
rha.ina' Acent Wood f"r a runabout
automobile for uaa In lb Water
bureau. Th bid wr aa follow:
Howard Automobll Company. 11100;
rntmaaa-Manley Automobile Company.
Hi- Ford Company. IllJ.iS; Paclflo
Kl.aelKar Pranch. lSb; J. W. Leavllt
. Co. IT11J9; Northwest auio com
pany. IJ.
rnu TO Ctvw rawotraATi05. A
demonstration of amea. play and
Itnuimn actlvitlae umler the direc
tion of Professor ilobert Krobn will
tw. Mf todar at : o'clock In Ladd
school under Ibe auspleaa of the
pa rant a educational bureau of the
Ore. Conyrea of Mother. The
eihibition i free Bod ail parent in
terested are Invited.
V111111 aa Taaxr For their Bun-
day Iris th Maaamaa will lab th
Douth.ra pacific :ieiTie train at
Fourth and Yamhill trl al :
A. M. and ao 10 Tuaialln. Prom
thar lhay will tramp outbeaaterly
or Pete Moont. then will lorn
northeasterly and paee taroasa Will
amette to Oraon City, where th
CA W. P. car will ba tAka for bom.
Pa. Ctaxa to Ixcrmi. Pr. C E.
Cllna win deliver hi lectur on Abra
ham Uocoin at th Vancoavr-Avnu
v.thoi. at l:Discopal Church, corner of
aXKlmor tret. cJaturday al
o'clock. Tha adaisaion 1 free. Musical
number will bo render ana rerresn-men-a
wiU b served by lha yount
paop'.e' olrty -Lyns;."
HT. J". MTTtra TO Mtrrr Th
mothers- oiaatina: of lh 51. John W.
C T. V. whu-b wa lo bv beo on
r.broarr II. ba bean poatponed to
February SI. when Mi.a Pealxice Run
ia.l. leachar of ll.h al Jama John
Mlsb rV'boot. Will talk en "Helpful
Pooa and Hew to Choose Them.
Pterin Otatrra 1t to M ctrr. The
Pbila Cbrijto rlaae cf lh Pvansellc
Caur.'i will have a meat! n
al Ibe home cf Mr. and Mr. Jarn
rud ha en. fath lireahara stra.l. Kt.
JobB on Tuesday vnln. A rport
of lb receipt and progr cf th
food Alce sill b riven.
Convention for Two States to
Open Tomorrow.
t-rroria to lie Mada to Standardise
Work of All AasorlaUon and
Itrporte on Growth la 10
Year to Ito Made.
n . o.,k.ii r.t ika l"nlver.lty
rrtaiocai ai't. ' '
of Orearon. aod repreanttlv of othr
. . , a rr.nn and
ut v--awM. - r
. . 1 -1 n f Ar.ffOQ
KDWl. an . m
Idaho will adores -
n con
RecUlratieai Reacbea ISO) Mar, bal
r.rl.rta Will oatleae I atll
Opaale; beaalaa beaday.
A snarl teondur and rally cf
for. e for lha Laymen' Missionary
Coaasntlon will be fcetd la the T. it.
C. A. tomorrow morulas. Tdy. al-
lhouh there will ba no form! meet -ir.
committee from each church will
endeavor to fatter la several rnr
registration f.r the blc sathrln wlU open Muaday at J o'clock In
th Whit Temple.
Yeaterday practically 1 men had
registered and eeserai other were ex
pa ted fro"n town Is racial
rsra will brin In the dlealea from
forvall-a. I.ncn. and other point In
hie r.krt eserdy at tue inornln
m-t sc. I. II I'.bodea declared lhal he
bad visited Roeebury. Fuen. KaJem.
Aibaay. Talle and roa City and
everywhere bad found of all de
oroiaailoaa lalrtc4 In lh moi
naaTt. Tba noonday runrheon that ha bo
a feature of the reclairatlon eampalcn
will be oraltt.d today, bat all commll
taea wilt be safer ted to attaod tbe rally
Tbe oenlnaT aa.ln of tha conven
tion will be al 3 o'clock In lha Whit
Temnl on ru-dar. The afternoon
....ion for Monday. Tueaday and will ba open the women,
who may on i th Hrj. but Ibe
evenlrc eaion will be for oeo only.
Tborrraon I reneral chaixtraa of
lb convention. The apeaker will be
nan ef d!atlm-t:n from thl country
and f ore Irei field
Hantrs' at tocnl.
Too ran buy a Portland-made ate:
renae or heatlnc alosa from oa an
as fifty par ceol. aa w are cloaln
00 1 our overstock al wboleal coat
aUx iiAMla - Co, li 1'roal V C.J
. . 1 Ik. two stales
veotion at lb l"ortlaod association
Kiten.lon of aasoclatlonal work in
eome of lha unoccupied fild will 1
. . - .e k ...vdiiiM. Kffor
l aeynui- v. - . ,
. .rk of il of tl
10 ll-uvu -
railroad, city ana iuoeua -
n V w 1 1 " - -
in ine nairi wm r -
Pr. Kenneth Latourelte. of Reed Col
. . . 1 t. uwllnn.! con
eav. win 1 ui.i. u .
ference of Iba student associations and
II. ... riunr, e '' - '
land, will have charye of the meetlr
01 cur -" - . , ...
Pelerata arrived yairy -
.. . 1 - Ae tha larnifl mlSSlO
ary cam pain a. A. E. llow.ll. rneral
aacreiary at tne vtcro" .-
Colleca. and Harry aiarae.i.
aecretary. Aslorla. wera amonn tn
... 1- a c Kehmltc banker
at Albany and chairman of th state
commute, will preiao at mo
FoilowitiS It tha protrammt.
e 1J . Devotional maatln. A. J
Morttamrry. Oreeon ruparlBtsBilcot Prea-
krtenaa llom M lesions. .....
p Si Jk The K.sea Ol in. t -'
In lha Asaoctalien Movement.- M. W. Bton
aaasral serstary, I'oet.and.
I A. M. rleporl of the tat cuUv
comaaittaa by OspartmsBi
loao A. M al -How the l-al asaocla
tlone caa co-operate a.ih lha stale commit
..a in est-ndln tbe Infloanra aad work or
tbe asoriatMB to other communltleaand
to apeclal yroupa of man and ba Pr
d.nt P. I. l ampbalU Paul Wa lac
Salem: Itarre U Markali, Astoria; Henry
Keen-y. Paelflo Collec
10 J A. bl lt -llow lha stat. commlt-
Iw c.. cs p.rat. aim local -ocl.tlon.
!rm"ln7 th-ir work mo,, .ffectiv Ja
com'nunme" C. B. '"'-"L-Jl
H. c omptoQ. r-aiarn: llaary Klchtcr. ureaoa
Ar-lcuiturai CjjUrra riel rleMr--
orramaed cilia W 1. btaley. Salem. Indua
rru.L J.ha A. Oood.ll. -,-. l i ' V. R JTUcT
II. Ilutler. Hood Hirer; boy John II. Rudd.
.st. bo,r .-cra.arr: clleyoa and
,ltl. Kennetb Uatourette. Portland
1 1 SO A. M. -ccupylna the KWA1 w.
"iTl P. M-ABBual meeting of the In
ters'Ste aaeeutlve commute. . . .
! 2 P M "The yoepel tem method er
a-oci.t.on eiters.oa work: A r-aums o( ei-p.rl.oca'-
J. U. Poeler. ",,'r -J
r-oo; A. C bVhmltt. Albany:
dsJL l-ortiand: IC J. Clark. I Ormnda. C,
S'p'fmultaaaeoB ctlenal confer-e-J.Jart
"ef we rk: A fa- '?.: oa which wa '"";
.,! -xity and Hallroad." Isd by H. W.
Tt'j P V -A eansl-leratlaa ef th P'"
.ri poucl" of the stat. committee: elec
uVm of tba committee for th. aneulnr year,
a lO P M.Koppee for d.lee.tea and In
, J' ' prealdant P U arcpbelL
rr.rsT.Tof- n..
,TrTSl W 3- L B. r.hoe a tat. aa
retry. ,
Ai ircr.o TntETES aetw I"
Car Driven AIay hlp
aa rraoclaao When Dtrllva
Cat 01 TralL
Tie trail of a afole" south
..ll oar,1 Cat. but J'
CradJock and Fmlth succeeded In
tract rB It and caused tha arrest of
lh Ibirve Wednesday.
On Dace-mber I Pairorman Llt"n
. . i - ... mil nn to an Last
para; traits c. r . . . . w .
Mde (taraco H" rlrr honked th
horn twlc At tr.e . " . " ,
emeraeca . ik.i
two ttrea and an Inner tub They
drove away. .
Th patrolman waa nusplcloub and
when fcoryeant Wt Joined him they
dlawuaaad tbe Incident. A they talked
lb car wa driven back to the -rK
bearchln. iutl"n w.r put to th
upt who a-v a aatUfactory -
planalion. .
. . . tw- tlrea and a
inra taa t..e. - .
tub wt roort4 br O. M, ThltU 1141
wit. yMja r T . Tlea A CO.
Lretectlv SmlUl and Craddock were
aliened to th ca- They .tatloned
throlve la hldle; at a certain flll-
loT elation.
ba tha rounn oy oa -
- j i t. - fiiil.e atatlon.
ear waa tar.... . .
Th license tae; bad been cUned and
th detective permitted tne t.r i
and depart without question.
The thieve drov th car to Albany
and shipped It lo San rranclsco.
Word wa rclvd Wedneday that
n W Hedderly and Arthur bchmldt.
. . . .w.e. ...a
th men eouBTti tor ana -bn
apprehended at ganta Oara.
rmmlMj Mad to Judge to Tay Vp
Jewelry and Crocry BUU.
John Tick" mania wa Ufa without
labor. II pind for th semblance of
access. To a-ratlfy lha latter ha
bousbt a a-old-platad chain for 'hi
dollar watch. II could not meet th
Installment plan payment,
When he entered an East Side
yro-erv and purchasd a bill of KQOda.
One Dollar Saved
,er fa-. Thl ad I worth
t . il sk on dollar If pre
t ' l aented al my office
I . . . I lo apply on a new
I I pair of Haste,
t T" -V ro yon ned
f Jk I ls.ea? ntr
L . . . ) find out before
Tw " J rlou trouble
- r con. I fit
srlBsaea that on
.V thine I do. slid An
, "- b u rieht- After 39
1- f vears' practice it
gf . t V I no prlment
I x f 1 with me. Art you
"-a 1 fr-i toyou
have headache? Too will ba sur
prised at tba oolhlna" affect and
pow.r of vision my Hnsse pro
duc. Dr. Geo. A. Cutting
ryeelafct bpeeUllat.
93s, .Sear Teeth.
Creaad Fleer aeliiava-Ulrark Bid:.
the close-in addition of
beautiful homes, enjoyed
uninterrupted car service
every day daring the
Make your vife happy
by jrivinjr her a home in
this beautiful tract. It will
cost you no more than
your present rent money.
The Laurelhurst Co. will
assist you financially.
Main Office 2703 Stark
Street. Main 1503, A 1515.
even Including candy, from tha -year-old
airl In charee. tho patience of his
creditor waa exhausted. Th little
ylrl mother was 111 and unable to tend
tor Dirk walked out and did not
In tho courtroom yesterday hi eye
were fixed upon the Judite. ile couia
not explain why tha itold-plated cnain
wa needed, nor why ha defrauded the
child of the crocery bllL
"I'll aive ou a chance to cut thl
out, John." Judx Lanuiruta warned
him. Dirk promised to find work and
pay the bill He has a family.
Portlaad Forced to Be Content With
Osa Crew Theogh Call Were
Made for Ilela From Oatalde.
Order and decorum rapidly ara being
restored out of tbe chaos and con
fusion In which Portland' electric
wire found themselvea following- tne
lorm last week.
The terra '"electric wire" aa here
applied means telephone, telegraph,
fire alarm and trolley wire aa well as
the wire that carry electric light, heat
and power.
Hut this work of reconstruction
necessarily I limited by the force of
linemen available. In all the city oi
Portland fewer than 1000 experienced
linemen have been found. Other cities
of tbe Northwest have been called upon
for help, but they ara In need of men
almost as badly aa Portland, so Port
land has been forced to content itself
with tha us of ita own force.
However, most of tbe men are work
tng two eight-hour shifts a day. Other
are working from It to 20 boura In a
stretch. Tuua tha work Is proceeding
with a maximum of speed possible
under tba circumstance
It Is estimated, though, that mora
than 1000 telephonea remain out of
commission and th hundreds of elec
tric service connections still are dis
Rapid progress also I being mad in
restoring the arc lighting circuit to
usefulness. This task Is attended with
mnny difficulties and soma clanger
Linemen for tba Portland Hallway.
Light Ac Power Company, In repairing
the arc wires have found them crossed
with scor of telephone wires, tele
graph wires and eloctrlo service wire
Befor tha arc circuits can bo restored
It Is necessary to relieve every one of
th entanglement to guard agalnat
possible danger. The aro circuit carry
tt)Q volt of direct current a deadly
Fully 3000 arc light mora than half
the total number In use la tha city,
were In service last night.
Property on Which Street Assess
ments Are Unpaid Sold.
Ahnnt IIOOA In dallnauent street as
sessments out of a total of $:3.000 ot-
ered lor saia at puouo aucuon jtaiar
I - e...TCa hiiv.N Ana hM In tha
rest of th amount, so It is probabl
th city will take them over.
Tha property sold for th delinquency
waa In Irvlngton and other parts of
Unquency wa ail on street extension
assessment A number of the property
owners paid off their delinquency be
for the sal took place.
Dock Commission aud Naval Board
Have Joint Session.
Whether tbe ancboragr on th water
front between Jefferson and Clay streets
will b granted, to tho Oregon aval
Militia as tha anchorage for th nw
training ship, the cruiser Marblehead.
wl'.l soon be determined by th dock
commission engineer. At a joint meet
ing yrsterdsy of th commission and
th naval board the location was for
mally requested by the latter organi
sation for tbe Marblehead. and the
matter waa referred to the engineer.
The site asked for I directly over the
Deep Reductions on
Men's Kuppenheimer
Suits and Overcoats
Men, here's the supreme money-saving oppor
tunity of the year. The season's best styles and
fabrics from the House of Kuppenheimer at
reductions very much out of the ordinary. All
sizes are here:
$30 Men's and Young Men's Suits gOO gS
Reduced to pJJ'J
$25 Men's Suits and Overcoats Re- CI 7 Qg
duced to t
Styles for Spring 1916
Every day sees new arrivals in Spring 1916
merchandise. Amongst others there are Lion
Special Spring Hats, Manhattan Spring Shirts
and Kuppenheimer Knitted Raincoats.
Portland's Best Clothiers to Men and Boys.
Successors to Morrison
Steinbach & Co. At Fourth
city water main, and the commission
wilt act upon the recommendation of
the engineer.
Adjutant-General White. Lieutenant
Commander Blalr, Lieutenant Ben L.
Norden, Ensign K. A. West and Lieu
tenant J. H. Blackburn. United States
Navy, attended yesterday"s Joint meeting.
Weil-Known Hopman Passes Away
at Tucson, Ariz,
a received from Tusoon.
Arts- announced the death yesterday
morning of John K. Pixley. of "Forest
Grove, a hopman well known in this
state. .
Mr. Pixley went to Arizona last Sep
tember In hopes that the change of
climate would benefit his health. His
?. v. with him when he died. Hr.
Pixley was born In Tacoma. and was
about 35 years of age. His parents
and three sisters reside In that city.
Admission of Oregon as State to Be
Celebrated Monday.
Celebrating the admission of Oregon
to tho Union February 14, 1859. the
Sons and Daughters of Oregon Pioneers
will hold a banquet at the Imperial
Hotel Monday night at 8:30 o'clock.
About 100 members from all sections
of the state are expected.
Among tho features will be a pro
gramme of music and toast
The plan is to make tho banquet an
annual affair In the future. Mrs. S. B.
Huston la president: James Falling.
vice-president, and Mrs. P. J. Bannon,
F. II. Ellins Wants $15,000 forlioss
of Wife In Auto Accident.
JTor tha third time the automobile
accident which catiaed the death of Mr
Special Lunches Make
Dining a Greater Tleasure
Special Lunch No. 7 20f
Served 11:30 to 3:00
Bowl of Soup
Bread and Batter
Coffee, Tea or Milk
Confectionery and Restaurant
Washington St. at Tenth
and Advice
of a financial character
are always to be 'had
from the officer! of this
' bank. Patron or pros
pective patron will be
given the benefit of long
experience for the ask
ing:. When puzzled or
undecided, consult with
Oldest in the Northwest
and Third
t'"! riiitiii;
Franz H. Ellinff July 15. 1914, Is being
reviewed in the Circuit Court, this time
before Circuit Judge Gantenbein in a
suit by the husband, to recover dam
ages of 15,000. .
The first action was brought byHhe
husband In an attempt to secure dam
ages from the Blake-McFall Company
for the death of Mrs. EIHng. The Jury
found for the defendant.
A second suit was filed by the hus
band for personal damages, and tho
jury disagreed. The accident happened
at East Twenty-fourth and East Burn
side streets in a collision between two
SUREXY Both I n g
eoald be more con
venient and aervlns:
than thl marvel of
modern Ingenuity
a score of phones
that enables yon to
have yonr grocer at
yonr elbow a a
close a your phone.
T -N c .y "a. -vr-w
IP YOTJ have some
thing specially In
mind that la hard
to get, the chance
are that we have
Itt or, if yon would
like suggestions
from oh. ask an to
phone yon a list-
Maine Sugar Corn Finest
quality 2 for 23f, dozen
for only $1.40
Stringless Beans Supreme
Brand, extra quality, each
15$; dozen $1.55
Eastern Green Peas Old
Colony Brand, 3 for 65f
Finest Little Gem 25c
Old Colony Sweet Wrinkled
20c grade, 3 for. . . 50f
' Spinach Finest New York
25c size 20f
Canned in the Springtime,
when Spinach is best.
Peaches 3 25c cans for 550
Roanoke Extra Standard
fruit in best granulated
sugar syrup.
Oregon Wild Blackberries
From the Clackamas Coun
ty Hills Quart Jars, 450
Pint Jars, each 300
Finnan Haddies Fine Fat
Crisp Fish, lb ,...150
After Dinner Mints
25c size 200
10c size, 3 for 250
Ripe Olives White Cross
Brand, large fruit.... 450
7200 29Q STARK Sly
Established Tree Experts
Inexperienced labor i3 always the most expensive. This company
offers you the service of a trained crew of tree men who make the
welfare of trees a life study. Trees under our care suffer little
and our service cares for the insidious split that may be more dan
gerous to your tree than the more spectacular breaks. WE KNOW
OUR WORKMEN. Phone us and have our representative call and
up your damaged trees. It will pay you.
W. L. Alexander & Company
Phone Marshall 1341.
Chicago Bloomington Tullahoma San Francisco Portland
Che blivVAi.u l.-i a auv,. muuern and
altcantlv appointed hotul, poHsesBiatf
on of ttie most beautiful corner lob
bies in the Northwest. Located at
10th and Alder sta., opposite Olds.
Wortman 4 King's bly department
store in heart of retail sad theater
district. Rate SI and up. is us
meets all trains. -W" car also runs
from Union Depot direct to HOTEL,
Gry Slrt, lust H Union Square
European Plan $1.50 a daj up
. Breakfast 600 Lunch 60c Dinner St. 00
Most Famous Meslt In the United Stales
petr steel and concrete structure. Canter
of theater, cafe and retail district
On carlines transferring all over city.
Take Mnnlcipal car line direct to door.
Motor Bus meets trains and steamers
The Y. M. C A.
will fit any ambitious younir man
or woman for high-class positions in
Bookkerplnar. Stenography and
To men this includes valuable
athletic, aquatic and membership
privileges, although tuition cost is
less than elsewhere.
Phone Main 7005, A 6561.
Our class in public speaking is
arlvlng great confidence and com
mand of language to its members.
The cost is small.
For 30 years the most satisfactory
Jewelers in Portland. Out-of-town
customers always pleased to trade
Diamond Dealer and Jewelers,
130 Kth St.. Portland, Or.
New Republic Grille
317Vi Morrison, Between Broadway and
Park, Upstairs.
Excellent Merchants' Lunch. Dnily, Cfc.
bunday Chicken Dinner. Very Fine, DOc.
Fruit Juices and Soft Drinks Served.
Chinese Delicious Dishes a Specialty.
A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit.
Hotel Clifford
Bast Morrison St., Near Grand At
76c, tl V dayi with bath. tlOS,