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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1916)
.... ,,n,,T, ,x-r it rv- ivin,v ri'uiU'AItV 11. intfi. 'PRICE FIVE CENTS. YClLs. L.VI . 1 1 . I ..-". i uuiu.a.u, mimv.ii - t " t BARR SOli QUITS WiLSONCABiNET Cod Reception of Conti nental Army Is Cause. BRECKENHIDEE ALSO GOES Assistant Secretary Resigns in Loyalty to Chief Whose ' . Views He Shared. SUCCESSORS NOT CHOSEN President Expected to TaVe Personal Charge of De fense Plans in Congress, WASHINGTON'. Feb. !. Secre tary Lm.lVy M. Carri.on rvi.ej to aljy ferjiuo rretident Wi!n would Fie 'irrevcwaUj' lupport tho con tinental army pU r- bvw k ppor.J the Administration" pro gramme of settmc defimt tirao foe I'tiitipjine? tmiependeru-O. President WiLon acrrpted tho res ignation ami ha. not seleeted a uc fat. Tho rr;.icnt fcim:f prob ably wit take personal charge of tho Administration' National defeat fjtan.e, in L'ar.crvsit. nrrekearid- AWo Rewigae. Awutant Secretary Brovkenridfo retried mark of loyalty to ti. chief. whoo Views bo shared- Th President (accepted hi resifnateUO Tith ta'ao effect immediacy. Major :nr! L- Scott. Chief of Staff of tho Army. aatnmatH-al'y becomes Secn.ary of W ar aJ interim. It i known that or.o of Secretary Carri,n' principal rr.M for hi conviction that or.ty a Federal con tinatal army. InV.ead of rooriran-l-.rd National Guard. could to the; main tnuitary dependcrco of tho Na tion wa.4 hi belief that om day th United State may bo ca"d on to de fend the? Monro Ioe-trino and in that tvent ke foresaw tho National Guard mifht net ho ailabl for use of tho L'ntted States beforo declara tion of war. Break v it Vt iUoe. Conn. O) th (or ten (ion on th on hand that th continental army or. ulti mately, universal er wa the Na tion' only reltance. and the position, on the other, that no ono ptaa could b forced on Conre. President Wd on and hu Secretary of War ported f.'kuil cornpacy. Mr. Carrvon" rifnto wj a on;!t urpri. to offurial Wajh-l-X'.jn ftnraity. il mai o pc otptanation. P-rI Itocrt b f jr tha official nnouncmr.t b had tariI a train, with hi wife, for N York ar.d word had bn pad at th department that ho had "on fwr an lr..J.'i.nt tay. t'arly Euaort burwaatraaacrd. Thi aouta d;f frnr of opinion which Ud t' th hrcak bi tarty in th yrar. when oppoaition to tho Corv tinontat army ptan heran developing i Co''i?v. Ttier had teen Indef inite rAmor of tho po.ibiI;ty that the? ;!retary of War would ! tho latinet. hut they never wero rou.v tran-I in official quarter. Tho et-retary overywhero wa. rrrariied a. ono of tho tron( men of tho Ad min .ration, on whom tho President Uaned in th tliffurult ituatia, both jometn; and i n tr rr. a twr.a!. which ha marked hi. A'i.-ninutrattoru Tio eirfum.ttanee whu-h led up to tho ri.'-.j'ion ar detailed in tho y-retary' tntr pomje neo with tho irem!ent. which waa mado puli:c to- n::.: hy tho Whito Hou.. Pteaideat Not (oataittrd. Tho rre-i.lent. th ctter dkc!ooo. KrlnK that tho traminr. trriitiia. tion ard control of m military rro ahou'd bo under immedialo federal dl tev'ion. lut U Pot "irrevocably r dog matiealTy committed to any oeio plaa." lt write Mr. Carrvon that ho coutd not fjn any pci.'itf plan on Con-fre-. and added: "I m-it wckomo a frank inter eharf of i-w.i and a patient and thorough comparison of all tho meth od proponed for obtainint tho cbjoct we all hao in vio-w." Mr. Carrvion' cor ter.tin that onty tho p!an of tW War IVpartment eu!d bo ronxuiered teemed to tho J:..!nt "wholly onju.tiriabI. Mr. BRYAN'S FOE MAY ENTER CABINET iu nv m. nii.! U or rt:nui.. 111:1.11:1 ovIii:i:i:p. errlary I -a nr. Mirr Mcrl-y and A(ianl Serrrtary ni-cclt .lo A rr Mrnilonrd. W..IIIVOT'"V. "rb. J Spet ll ) Tjlk f IN" "' lo rrrtwy "t nr lirrl-n rfrl In Wah l(nn loniO'l. An rarljr appointment la f(irt"l. Th ITll-nt d-lrl to rhoou aniin'r h-rrelary oire c- repllnc Mr. ;rrlon'8 rji;nalloo, but Ihe Ji.-rrt4rjr tiut'4 lmnelll e linn. A m.r : Ih-.- romineilljr m-rlln4 lofiuhl wr llrnrjr M. I ".mini, puo- ft lh" lnrl 1HI Jornul; rTrl'jr. rhalrman or le i.u'i fortin li-n ub-ommlil: relar lxn. or !mrr t-eparlm'nl: anl .l.l,ri Herrrlary r.ooe!l. of the Nf Ioartn. , Mr. rmJ!t. It w iJ. nan lrn ammiM4 to Vhlnton f.r a con frrm. He ' appotnte4 A m- kj.--kJ.-r I1. ..1A. but roited fr,.m adainiaa ! IVIrtvcra k.1 idrMish the ffort of X HI!m Jen ninc Mrjaa. who lhn t"-jary vf Male. . Nr. rtndctl ! Itf'lonc TVmocrat tKirins lb prlmfle ft 1 Mr I'ln4cir n.pp-r upportc4 Mr. V. oa. HOQUIAM LIMITS REQUEST federal HaMUlns Appropriation, of $O.oo. o IS1.000. anlrd. tl'jt I Wa . rmh. I J"M-UI.) (oi Miam ! r to be Ibe firet ri'r la tie failed Utalt-a to ak a r dMclion by t'encrre In Iqjil acrrorriatloa far a potoffiee and e4 rl fcuilSme. i'4'h U ttie amoa J il laka br la a l-l-rm at to Kep- rMtalle Albert JolKten. at n tnctoa. r C. wMcn atate thai IS.- I ifnient for a Federal buildlox for Itcxt ilm. ao-1 Rt any more would fce i:preeiitatle Johnaea rerenlly In ro4uel In Concreaa a bill to appro priate. I ! M for tho Tcdcral bulMlna here lloutam riifa'aa cnnld'r that 11. ea la ample for aa--h buiwllnc. BULL RUN SAVES CITY fllwawkl MM Itlaac Threatrna to I'amase Irgo ioctlon. MIt.WfKIi l. r. li Spe riaLI That Mitwa-ible ill tot !! lr aaoihar iuiirai 1 1 r-m ana the M!litilil Urance Hall dairorel y-l-r!r. when fir broke oit In the tSb Itaery alable nar Tront tret. waa due to the abundance aad pre aura of Bull ILun water and the -tlelty of the Mllwaaklo volontaer fire man, directed by Foreman Mullen. rram an overheated atova fir eiarted In tha frame alable and quick, ty apraad throuch the bulldina. The preaeuro from the Bull P'Pe wa IJ pounde. Pamae waa about !. covered bv laaurance. Cap Kerr owned the bultJtn. SWITCHED OFF ARCS BLAZE I.lchl n lrlnilon Hrljliirr Than l;er. Thowch Power I Off. t'attt te wlro ant power lioea en taacied br the atler thaw ce"Kd bo repaired, the Tortiand Hall- r. UcM rower Company bad aald a sou id aot be !cbt In the atreet area la ome dietrtrte. Hit o nnaceounied for aen-y lat Blht deereed that In II of the arc In tnlastoa. alon t'.lfhih and Mnth aireel north of Broadnar. Ihere aou 4 bo iht. and more llfht than er. . eia4 ef "Irouble" ain earchd hih aad low Uat niehi lo a-ertaln ftaace the power and decided an are wire matt bae fal'.aa aero the trcel car powar tinea. MINE ABOARD SINKS CRAFT I niowa Vp After Taking f; ploaiao I'ron tea. rIUi. Tela. I The sinking of th. B.Mca imack Pupl.l off th mouth of Ifte Girend. Mori J a, aa Ihe reautt of Ike . 4p.oio of a floating sr.ln which fc.4 been nl(. 4 an. I hauled aboard the iiwk. le announced la a Uaa ( from La Roche!!.. The aleamar and all member of the cr.w wero lost. ICE RUINS STEEL BRIDGE pam hrr Jolm Hay al Cottonwood, Or.. I ler-troyed. n7AJ" . Feb. I. l.-ipeciai.) The t.el briJi. which spans the John) t Kiv.r al Collonwood on Ihe I Waaco-Condon road wa destroyed yee lr!r by aa Ice Jam. Th. Ic. pHr4 ! a d'Plh of 40 N. for. tfe pier collapsed. The lam ae. a eatlmated by Id County Com missioner. I $!- TURKS POSTPONE INVASION t:i-rdliloa Again ly4 Wall on Completion of Itailroad. TARI.e. FrlK ! The Geneva corre- tvoadeat ef th Tempa sas le Turh-l-n ep.-lilloa ai.m.l KkpI appear lo have b. postponed- pending com pletion ot tie laltroaad which I being contr-4ci. to Ike F.lpt'an frontier. Two trantode of munillona are ar riving dAt'y at Constantinople from German. STAMPEDE F0RT.a PLANNED BY MOOSE Leaders Making Elabo rate Preparations. ROOMS ALREADY RESERVED Effort to Be Made in Repub lican Convention. SUPPORTERS TO BE THERE Huglx-a Malrmrnt Iloountrnancln; of Name In belrctlun of letrgate pnr Coloorl'a Men to New ActUlty. rMir.G Feb (Special.) Be ll' f that an effort will bo made by Itooaavelt men lo etarapede the Repub lican National convention for tha Colo nel waa eipreeaed In Republican clrxlaa today, followlna; Ih announcement by Juatic lluchca that he la oppoated to Ihe u of hi name In connection with the nomination of delegate to the convention. Rooaeeeti men are coming lo Chlcaao In larc Dumber the week of Ih Re publican and I'rocreaaivo convention. both of which are to b.ln June ?. Itoooaa Nearly All rteOTrveat. Il.eervatlon of room In nearly every hotel have been made. Includ ing the principal ult for tha ue of ha Colonel and a.ven floor for Mouarr In the 1 ttalte. Kffort hare been made by Progreaalvea to obtain lick-la lo Ihe Republican convention In the CoII.eum. acrordln; to report In political circle. hevetal thouaand Rooeve;t men will be In the convention. It waa aald. at the time the cry for the Colonel I atartrd. and they will Join In Ih bed lam that la expected to follow. In addition lo the room for ftf I'roareeeive party leader and delo- ate( and tho ault for the Colonel hi ma' If at tha L Salle. ;o4 ar la b taken cara of In tha Adlt. luro Hotel and mora than 100 In tha Con greaa. I'eeklaa l.eta kVlorenflaa Itaana. tieorse V. I'erkln. a Bnanclal backer of the Hull Mooe parly, haa rnfd the tlorenllne room In the Concraea and other room there. A report that Medill Mi-Cormlrk had taken the Flor entine room waa denied by him today. I have taken three room for my own uae. ald sir. JicLorroic a. 1 do not know what Mr. Perklna baa done." That tha Colonel I comln; to Chi- raia convention week no one doubt. II. ha aald that he wcild come If lhre were a chance of amalgamating Ih Mooae and the Republican. Tboae who know Colonel Itooaevelt realize that he would Inetet on ualng hi own brand of aolderlnc material In forming ihe amalgamation. A report apread today that agent of Mr. I'erkln had negotiated with mana ger of theater in Michigan avenue for noonday Progreaalv meeting dur-j . Mt'li4 on I 4. Column I THERE'S NO TELLING 444ee-e I I -v I U 200 POISONED AT PRELATE'S DINNER M t'STAKD COIKM: HASTILY IN TEItrOSKD AJ-TKH SOIT. New Arrlililt.iop of Chicago Makes Quip on I'act That Church and Stale Ksfapo Danjcr. CHICAGO. Feb. 10. Two hundred of a dlatlnguialied lift of 400 banqueter who attended a dinner given tonight to Chlrago'a new Catholic archbiahop. Moat Reverend CJeorge 'Wllllum Mun derleln. were taken III of ptomaine poleonlng after the aoup course. The archblHhop did not partake of the aoup. nor did Governor Dunne, who waa among those- present, and both rixaped. "You will noia that tha church and plate are fc. remarked the arch bishop, looking at the Governor, when It waa possible to resume the meal. There wcra several distinguished physiclana present and they agreed In short order on the treatment, namely mustard and walrr. It was efficacious and In half an hour the festivities were resumed. Tl banquet was tlic first formal social function of tho welcome of the archbishop to his new charge. HAY SCATTERED FOR SHEEP O.-W. It. at X. Company Goes lo Ttc- llcf of Marvlnj; ITocka. Prompt action by the freight depart ment of the 0.-W. R. & N. Company a few day ago saved thouaand of head of sheep In various parta of Central Oregon from starving. The aheep were found to be snow bound and out of range of available supplies of food. Thla situation wa communicated to If. K. IouneOury. gen eral freight agent for tho 0:.-W. It. & V. Company In Tortland. who arranged to carry large quantitlea of hay on passenger tralna to various point on the Ke.lerr. and Central Oregon branch lines, whence It was distributed to the flock meat era and fed to tha sheep. In thla manner ihe sheep were en abled to survive the aevere weather. FIRE-TRAPPED MEN SAVED Twenty In Elks' Club Herued; Mo vie Audience Eeaca Orderly. FORT IOlGU la.. Feb. 10. Twenty members of the Kike Club here were trapped In the rlubroom and were rescued with ladders by tha fire de partment late today, when a gaa ex plosion In Ihe liutler throe-story build ing caused damage -amounting to l3.000. On hundred and fifty women and children In a moving picture theater on tho ground floor marched out In good order when they smelled smoke and were Informed that th smoke was from a furnace. MORE ALLIES IN SAL0NIKI Trooj With Artillery Continue to Eand Daily. TAR1S. Feb. 10. "Troop "of the en tente allira continue landing daily with artillery." say a dispatch to the Temp today from Saloniki. "Field Maranal von Mackensen haa been on tho oppo site front sine February 4. "Other Information la that tho rail way bridge across the Vardar at Ku- dova has been rebuilt. "The German heavy artillery with tha Bulgarian army is suffering from nndequat food auppori. JUST WHAT A FRIGHTENED PACHYDERM WILL DO. RUSSIAN KEYSTONE BROKEN GALIGIA Front Is Imperiled by Single Defeat. CZAR'S STRATEGY REVIEW' r Rear-Guard Actions Foil At tempts of Germans. CAMPAIGN NOT DECISIVE Stanley Washburn Tells How Musco vites Extricated Themselves From lecralc Situation. Heavy Damage Done. BT STANLEY TVASHBL'RX. War corresoondent of the Chicago Tribune on the Russian front, now re turned to the United States. Tubllshed by arrangement with the Tribune.) in me.rf.rn warfare with its wide ex tended fronts, there develop in every theater of operation wnai migni called the keystone of the strategy herein. The breaking ot a certain line nn - i.e.. .r.le results In tne puums out of tho keystone of the arch and resulting chaoa In tho wnoie line. hough it may be that out a single irmy of many has been seriously crippled. Thts i what took place In Galicla. At the Inception of the movement the three center crops of the third army wero practically wiped out and the whole Gallcian lino thrown into con fusion. The one sector being broken and the ono army being thrown back necessitated changes in the whole front from Warsaw to the Bukowina. Mrateglc Retreat Begwa. General Ewart'a army (the fourth), which had been standing for months north of the Vistula on the Nlda River, found with the retreat of its southern ally that it flank waa dangerously un covered. It wa Instantly realised that to save tha line the four corps of F.warts must begin a retreat, which would keep Its flanking corps in touch with tha nearest corpa of the army to its left. after the Gallcian drive Ewarts fell back in what might be o.n.rf . .vmoathetic movement. I w IB i. iki. .rmv several times during thl IS movement and can speak with accuracy of what the German aaveruseu us l.n milt." I have been in all of Ewarts fourth army corps except one and have talked with officers and men from all of these All insisted this army was not compelled by any local situation to re ie..t hut that had !t been operatlni without any connection with the line as .hni. it could have advanced, it is ia. i.t. in the war for a detailed dls cussion of the tactics of Ewart'a re treat. Rear GoarsI Fights Vigorously. n-hii. the fourth armv was chancim H. front to an eastern position two o its corps alone accounted for more than 25.000 German and Austrian casuame (Concluded on IS, Column 6. i VIOLIN IS DAMAGED $2000, IS CHARGE F. T. CUAPMAX AXSWEKS SUIT OF $15 FOK IIEPAIKS. Instrument, Declared to Be Master piece of Petrus Ciuarncrfus, Said to Have Been Ruined. In a counter claim to an original suit for the collection of a Ho bill for repairs, F. T. Chapman maintains that .c -n & Ilealy Company damaged S0 .,ln to the extent of fSOOO. and ina case went on trial yesterday be fore Circuit Judge Gatens. The violin in question is said to be a masterpiece of Petrus Guarnerius, a violinmaker of Venice, and is alleged to have been ruined, the tone having been irrepar ably spoiled by the scraping of the back cf the instrument. The defendant, in his counter claim. admits there is due for repairs $15.95 and deducts that amount from the $2000 damages he would ask. Depositions by famous violinists of the country as to the worth of the instrument in question were read to the court yesterday. MRSM'CORD TO BE STAR Bauniann Musical Comedy Will Be Given Sunday. "The Promise Behind the Hearth." a musical comedy by Alexander. Bau mann. will be given Sunday night at the wiss Hall. Third and Jefferson streets. A number of well-known lo cal people will appear in the cast, and Mrs. Catharina Krieg-McCord will star as the herd Kirl of the Austrian Alps. With Miss Helen Fromme. she will eing the "Freischuetz Duet." Others who are prominent in the cast are: Victor Wasini, Joe Rora and Maximilian Luke. Singing parts are also taken by Karnest Baer, Fritz Schnurbusch and William Ross. Mem bers of the Portland Social Tnrn verein will assist. CAT TRAVELS 23 MILES Feline, lisatifietl With City Life, Goes Distance to Former Home. TENDLETON, Or., Feb. 10. (Special.) Sam Jinkins, a prominent farmer, maintains that he owns the champion cat in the state. Recently Mr. Jinkins brought the cat to the city from his farm, 23 miles from Pendleton. Discontented with its new home, tha cat disappeared and this week Mr. Jin kins upon going to the farm found the cat on the Job. WHITMAN FAVORS HUGHES Governor, However, Denies He Has Been Promoting Candidacj. ALBANY. Is'. T., Feb. 10. Governor Whitman reiterated today his belief that Justice Hughes would be the strongest Republican candidate for President. He denied at the same time that he had been active in promoting the Hughes candidacy or had been asso ciated with Frank H. Hitchcock in the interest of any Presidential aspirant. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 53 degreea; minimum, 44 degrees. TODAY'S Occasional rains; south to west winds. National. Secretary Garrison and Assistant Secretary Ureclcentidge resign. Page 1. Brandels' connection with New Haven case under criticism. Page 2. Germany and Austria give notice that armed merchantmen will be treated aa warships after March 1. Page 3. Republicans assure Wilson of support for strong non-partisan Army bill. Page ?. Mr. Garrison originator of continental army plan. Page 4. Old-time eiemy of Bryan may enter Cabinet. Pag. 1. Garrison's opposition ,to National Guard ayatem defined in letter to Wilaon. Pago 4. Federal Chamber of Commerce ratifies plan for defense mobilization. Page 7. Domestic. Moos, planning to stampede Republican convention for pooaevelt. Page 1. Indictments against 33 In German bomb plot cases formally returned. Page E-2 explosion laid to Kdlson battery by counsel for commander. Page 2. Lone robber holds up Oregon people on train In Wyoming. Page 5. Murder myntery faced In discovery of school girl's corpse. Page 5. I Two hundred poisoned by ptomainea at , dinner to archbishop. Page 1. IS port. Five ex-White Sox now In Weatern League. Pag. If. Frank farmer dens mask aa strategy to .et new bouts. Page J4. Columbia University defeats James John High school at DasKeioati. rage Oregon Aggies defeat Whitman again. Pag. 1. Pacific Northwest. Flood damagea at Seattle diminishes. Page 6. Woman'a 'rat" Is admitted In Booth mur der trlsl. Pace 13. W. .1. Sutton is figured as Republican can didate for Governor of Washington. Page 20. Commercial and Marine. Enlarged market for Columbia River salmon in Bngland. Page 111. Export buying causes rally in Chicago wheat marlieu rune J J- Wide advancea scored by copper atocks at .New York. Page is. Commercial and Marine. Portland backs Astoria naval-base move. Fan IS. Tahon-s. with list, thought In danger In Ice Iioe. page is. Portland and Vicinity. Crest of flood expected today. Page 1. Portland and Vicinity. Instrument makers charged with damaging violin $2000. Page 1. Shoe prices jup.p. says Portland dealer. home from fc.uat. I age J. Washington. D. C audience thrilled by Columbia Highway pictures, page a. Ve:lier report, data and forecast. Page 19. Slid, wrecks home; damago in many parts of city continues, page is. Civil Service Board criticises Mr. Daly. Page 1.".. Mrs. G. K. Benjamin suddenly disappears. Page 0 Tardv Republicans must hasten to get Lin coln banquet tickets. J age i. Y M. IT. A. workers arrive, page li. Transcontinental railways will revive col onist rstes. Pago a. One Jii'.icl. one fieed in two liquor cases, i Pago 1. HIGHER WATER IS EXPECTED TODAY Maximum of 19 Feet Is Predicted. YESTERDAY'S RECORD 18.8 High Point Due to Be Held Un til Tomorrow. DAMAGE REPORTED SLIGHT Columbia Kiting Slowly, but Ieo Jams Hold Volume Back, and as These Go lyver Will Rise. . Many Doclis Submerged. Heavy rains Wednesday night and yesterday forced the Willamette rtivcr to rise fully a foot above what had been predicted, the official gauge reading at 5 o'clock yesterday after noon being 18.8 feet, and the river is to remain nearly stationary today and tomorrow at a height of 19 feet above zero. Weather Bureau reports late yester day were that the river reached a stage of 15 feet above zero at Orgon City at 11 o'clock in the morning and up to 5 o'clock had remained stationary, so tho crest of the high water is looked for here today. Rise for Day -S Feet. For 24 hours ending at 8 o'clock yes terday morning the Willamette gained 2.8 feet here and was shown to be 18 feet on the gauge, but tip to 5 o'clock it climbed only 8-10 of a fool. More of the lower docks along the West Side, at Oak and Pine streets, were covered last night and on the lower level of Ainsworth dock there was about 18 inches of water at S o'clock. The northern part of Ainsworth dock, which is higher than the main struc ture, was about six inches above the water at 8 o'clock and men were en gaged in shifting freight there to the upper level. There was about three feet of water on docks at the foot of Alder street. The official readings of river gauges as forwarded to the weather bureau last night were as follows: Official Headings Given. Height Change r.alnrall Flood In feet since since Stations slacc. at 3 P.M. SA.M. 8 A.M. The Dalles... ) ."i.! 0.4 Vancouver. . . . 1.1 12. :i -f 1 n - Jofl'erson 10 S.ll ". 0.1S Mc.Mlnnvllle. . :ir. ::i 1.0 I.P'2 Oregon City.. . 1'.' l"' l -M l 0.11 Portland 13 It-.s O.S 0.22 The Upper Willamette and tributaries continue to recede and the rise in the Columbia is not rapid. The gain at The Dalles between 8 A. M. and 5 P. 31. yesterday was four-tenths of a foot, and at Vancouver in the same time the stream rose one foot. The Snake River is said to bo rising. Backwater May Be Avoided. In spite of the Columbia going up it is hoped the water In the Willamette will have run out before the Columbia reaches a stage that will tend to create backwater. Judging from the current rampant yesterday, which rivermen es timated at from four to five miles an hour, the Columbia has had no marked influence so far. A letter received by District Fore caster Beals yesterday from Lockmaa ter Tompkins, at the Cascade Locks, was to the effect there was an ice jam there and water had backed up to a height of 11 feet. There was no ma terial change reported by him last night and so far as known the ice Jam remained intact. Records Not Available. As to general conditions the weather bureau was unable to obtain informa tion from a station at Tatoosh, at the entrance to the Puget Sound, and North Head, near the mouth" of the Colum bia, because of lines being down, but from Seattle a maximum wind velocity during the day of 52 miles an hour from the southwest and at Tacoma 36 miles from the same direction was reported. The North Pacific disturbance was said to bo central over British Colum bia and light to moderate rains fell during the day in Western Washington and Oregon and Northern California, also in the extreme western part of Montana, while snow fell in Eastern Montana. North Dakota. Minnesota and the region of tho Great Lakes. Rain Predicted for Today. Occasional rain is looked for in this district today with' diminishing south erly winds and slightly lower tempera tures. The precipitation at Portland was 1.03 inches for 24 hours ending at 5 P. M. yesterday, and the maximum temperature was 3 degrees. In the harbor there was a noticeable absence of drift as compared with that running Wednesday. The gasoline schooner Jack Burnham furnished the principal excitement of the day when she broke away from her moorings at the Hawthorne dock and lodged against a Morrison-street bridge pier. The tug Triumph was sent to her assistance and the schooner was finally towed away,, but she sustained a broken must and damage to her rail and planking. A partly submerged Darge broke its moor ings at the dock ot tne standard Box & Lumber Company and, shifting into the stream, whirled around several times and brought up against tho steamer Wauna, striking her twice. but no damags resulted. The Shaver Transportation Com pany's vessels Henderson, Cascades and Echo were required to move a raft up- tCuncludcd on 1'ae G. Coluuiu u.) 0