THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 191G. ' E T BUILDINGS PHOTOGRAPHED-WHILE BURNING. cJ'MercriancJiso of (J Merit Only" ' TO ii H 30 of the Season s Most Individual Dresses Are OREGOXIAX, CONSULS PREP FURNISH BONDS f 1 ! Two Germans and Turk Give Assurances They Will Be . There When Wanted. SPEEDY TRIALS PROMISED ' if f rtallriivaratta al Innrlwn l'o. Sow nx V1 rtca of W arllkr Ar. i, lite- aiifl Raid, on . ItrV Commrrrr. mt rr.tnv. r. stent s. J a n iat biaire. men. in!f-ted ) i.rdar bv ihe t irt grn.. jiry in roneei-tieej wtfi the nj:rtf ef sup ple l treranaa ihn of war lit Pacific water., to.! pre..ated tieraervea for arra.a aavlng they "WABf"! it ever with." Th.v War. pla..ant:a UmH aa-er. aa ln4-tmnU will a h rr'nt ue-t I tomorrow. rni fioop. ana-i l ;ene r al rf liar. ptAv aiara, n l.roet :. . ton r-che''h. i.-a-a'on.iiJ. tnelt.-ted f r e'lece-f con. (itf.'i. 1 o tt-fera valrh land traffic fr munition aat-f f.r rnfiDtrtnf ! It -(- military vred i tl-"n fnni the I tr r-rafee, a:..? informed lha author ise. t"ev would bo ready when wanted T"e t'alfe.i Ptatee fmmifttfto of f!al. nn la - a amori; S" prB4 In at--r.erf fir etu fa : IS tf of altena aleo KM a"et and hall. T Were vi;:i,-n I". ive. aeiatani rommia- S -B"ttl1t' her, and Joaapa rrad. chief of t "I a boaraUng Inapect .! of Kail DbvL "Jlorry. rut .rrv. Jo." sai-l the I'mtH Jralea ffrL "t'oan back to mertnw inrt I'll help, yoi If ba (rand Jiary SaTS SO. J a Tape, a Ciee.e Involved la the amuataT'fnc. U' wanted to b arrested. Merh- c Matt. l'n"u.nrl for Tirr. lot. the federal officer. liri l fia.J h im. II r lnjirt4 n onn.rtiofi wttfe annatrl vhtratric T t-.r irt. t.on it) th ckart-i cf fraiad ; ri fh )ioff(hiai bT aiont tri artt tf In t.rrrel ln-atan. T1r ar la tftrra ffrnaa. t'uninrtrr lo d-fraud through f:o mBifr,t, iN-n ni i fowBtfacr to vlolata tta l:i'-r rr nak.ii-ar a am-oro a up (jJt fc. fnr t.lNctrrnii' iMg at a. a. Th (r. on..pira:f neutral t'r ky'iriar b.iiit.rt.- phipa l'b ator.a to atirk Ihrjr am o( ra il! i fiorn f tnJiftmnt.a ufiarri firm.r In.),, tm.nta- tn conn-.-tioo with jkl !! aigUtiona ef neutrality bjr thr tm.hi srramHn, ami l( a aaa-irratooij that thm lMrnmal would 'a a di.araia.aal of th rarlirr char era. TaF ra art for trial I'rbruarjr 11. rWa af At-f It ltW ( Waaal. TSa ap.a.lT trial, promlaaj bjr tha rrartm-il of Juatica la att thr.a ". : I mark tha ru mination of vtiitla a i.ia -c!fle foa. which xa.-a wit.t thm ttr. i braath of war and ara a!d fey Frdaral aut"ionl.a to baa rontieual alrnu.t la tha praaant ra- !"(. I Dtil ta Urrman rruiarra -rhrnhort, Ilpii' and r9r I'lrik in baltia off tht rI:arj.i llnda Hi-mbr . t ra. mtnJciia afforta wrra put forth la kap tnarn airpurai irorn tni port. Tha lammr facramanto. (ormarlr t"i, l'.rmaa-owea4 Alraaodria, boucht T tha .Northarn Jioutlarn tttaamahlp oroanjr. a crporatlo and f:y. IC tha tmariian flac. laft port p. lad h'arh with auppltaa, InrludinaT aauar. kraut and brr. and raarhad Valparaiao mptT. All rar wrra trn. farrad to a rrnar rrui.aar. faptain Aaiaraoa aid ha could col l,tp aim if. aal Taara ky rwlaarr. fartain rrd Jabaan. a I eutanant la tha Larmaa naval raaana. took a rarco of ral aojM on hi b"at. tha Malattan. bttalar bnnd fr Ita propar da'ivrry ac iiitnit. Ho ai'tivarad It on I (Fit-ara thara ao4 it waa anappod BP fey t"ia rrrrna crulr lipl. Jobaaa than rnada bia war to tlar man t in atiacuiaa and ta reportad to raaa baaa drowaad in tha ainkins of a auhfnarfna. Tha loa ana! Mt'orir. a ataam pi-aooaaf. wa loaded with aupll, bat H 5 9 1 4 I. . -aC- ,-a, j a . a-' ' f:". .Ma-"- ' " a (v.VaT CR?5Q om: I a. HHUU rulKIXair.tT WIUKLV i:F.RiTED I'OHTS. Photo by Underwood. Canada la mourninc tha loo of hr famoui rarllamrnt buildinc In Ottawa, which wre destroyed by flra February 3-4. The buildings were known lo ba th moat aplanvitd ttamrlat of Kiulaanra (aothlc archltrrtura In America and there 1 a theory held by many that someona who hated Britain p.arad a charuicai bomb la tha raa Jlna;-rm of tha bulMlne. where the flra started. s . ST. GYR LOYAL SI 5.000,000 Bride Defends Accused Husband. WIFE IS ALONE, HOWEVER lomirr .Mr. Mlrnl' Smith p- fcar SuJdrnljr In riilUdrlphla .flrr Itrportrtl IM-jicrrrrnriit With ytMie mi Vmtm lU-mch, ftr ren-i'l-rtM ror troir-r-T lt C4ern f-tAl Wat Bnlt44j-il rtiMmr-m Lip4itf ac4 .Vitfrff lay off tM pert tTrAl 4-i. Th Uiputt it.i-Ck tr grnt& hr la qantiti r-fmi.iill;t tnlr l tf R4H0114 1 Utr, I ti r br in laot-mmtoL HAITIEN TREATY APPROVED Aaarri(-an ararriaion Oarr I'laaaa-axa ! Ia- r lfrTaa- nl tr3ia-aaar-cl. WAiHINtlTON. !. Tha tnate rammltna ora forei-to rvlationa today vtximrmi raportad t tha Janata, with rat'ornmandattoa for ratification. th Itaitian traa'r. proaidinat for a flnan aial aver tha Kapublic by tna t rjita! Ma(a. Thara waa no d ie- a-ntirat tola. I teaan Senator war Tha prapejaad treaty proaidaa rhtafty nari-aa supartatva of firancaa aad cotiartitja of cu.toma. Arnarl- an aupr taion af paTTnent af public debt. In-iutry into validity of aaiatinar debt, and rafutatloa of contraction of f il .-a dept. roll, l rat of Iba Ra. pibtii- br a ronataoulary. at firal baadad bv Atierlran officara; lntarraa t ora by tha ntted (Itatea. If nacaaaary. lo pr-.ara. ord-r and for a-uaranteain. ha tarritortal Intacrlty and Irvrlepan der.-a of Haiti and deaalopmant o Haitian r a aourr aa andar Amarlran auapicaa. Ta a a I- : rat faat'a heart aafl feaea a.m. ... iha aiaraia ae-maa a front WATCH SORE THROATS tcau loJn cUnd r inrtanved mcmbrar-r of'.m affect ether tissues and Kin trouble easily follow. A Nature corrector of throat troubles the pure cod liver oil in Scott's Kmulston i jpeeciljr converted into jcernvresistinj tissue; its tested jrlycer me is cur:ie and heImj:. while this wholesome emulsion relieves the trouble and upbuilds the forces to resist tubercular prm and avert the weak en. r influence which usually follow. If any member of your family ha a lender throat, pet a bottle of Scott's tmuL-ionto-djy. Physicians prescribe t to avert throat troubles overcome bronchial disorder and strengthen :he lun;v No alcohol or harmful Itjjv Always insist on Scott's. roaj kaM. Ueailld. I. J. IS-JJ ''l!tA. Ktb. (Special.) In spite of reports that Mrs. Jean Jt. fyr. formerly Mrs. "Ttilenf Smith. had arrUed alone In Philadelphia, fol low in c a ditacreemrist at i'alm beach wttb bar youthful buaband orer rumors hat ha la common Jack Thompaon. aa-newaboy. hotel and department ore clerk and chorus man from Waco. Te.. tha wife has come out viaToroua y In defenae) of her accused mate, who In sists that ha la the acton of a wealthy family In Krance. accordinat to a friend of ft. Cyra ti:.oo.C')S bride, who said aha waa the first to whom Mrs. M Cyr consented to talk. Just where r!t. Cyr Ik. I a matter of ronjerura. Ha la said to have Bona to New York on legal bualneaa In con nection with the suit filed In behalf of tha (randaon of the first Mra. St. "yr. by whose will sit. Cyr received ap pro t matrix II. !. 0i It Is reported that Mrs. St. fyr. too. has Ircal business on hand and that sha cama for a conference with an at torney from New York shortly after her mrstrrioua disappearance from I'alm Ilea-h. from where reports have romo sayins: sha left the Florida Win tar resort aaainst the wishes ol ber husband. lfe t-a?e Haaaara fa Caevalea. l:r(an!ln( the acruaatinn of a dnal personality laid to her husband. Mrs. M. Cyr la quoted by tha friend aa sa y ine: This la only an attack on my by bis enemles. Tha friend declared that Mrs. Ft. Cr e manner ara every evldenca that aha has faith In ber husband and will atand br bim and ftcht tba matter of his Identity to a ftniah. An Interview credited to Major f'endleton. who Introduced St- Cyr to ilra. T;tent Mnlth. says: ow that I think It over. I never did know anyfhtnaT about St. Cyr. I ).! took bim for sranted aa II see m a every one ela baa dona While haaa been friendly with St. Cyr and his friends. Harm aad Woodhouse. on amount of my son a likinsr for them. I aioeye re:rd-d them aa brine well, rather peculiar. N'o one waa more atoaiha! than I hen f beard that Mr., jimitra had married ona of them. My firat knowladss of St. Cyr was at hen my son. Nad. asked permission lo so t- Alaaandria liay with htm and h la first wife on tho houseboat they had ranted from ieorse C. I'oldt. of tha Waldorf-Astoria. St. Car captained ha bad seen me aro-jnd I'alni lu-ach for two years and bad tried lo it a-luatnted with ma. but without surer .a. Now I aaa It alt He knew I was acquainted with mod of th peorle who Winter ber and h Just wanted to use me to break loat In tha storm that rsg-ed for a week. Ha was last seen at Snake luver Junction at about o'clock on Monday rtcnlnr. January SI. when he started to walk home, a dlatance of two and one-half miles. It la presumed that h was overcome by the storm, and probably mlsslns; his ay. fell over o'.a of th numerous hlerh cliffs Into deep snow. lite family has lived in th hope that he had taken shelter in some deserted cabin. On th return of fine weather, however, this ho pai waa abandoned. Mr. Tuyt-ns wast SI years of act, and I'avrs a wife and two children. II was born In Moulrbeke. Palatum. June II. lift, lie came to the United States six years aao and has since, boen en rased In wheat ralslnr In Franklin County, belnar very successful. Last June Mr. Tuytena took on a life Insurance policy of 11000. ARCHBISHOP IS SEATED ow.m:riiip or koojoo riiornR- F.RTIK ASsl'Mt-.D. olraaa erraaaalea Attend laslallatli at Chirac at tvreleslaatlral Raler af 1.400.000 Catholic. CHICAGO. Feb. . The new head of th Koman Catholic Archdiocese of Chi cago. Archbishop UeoraTe W. Mundeleln, waa Installed today with solemn cere monies In the Holy Name Cathedral. Recognition of the Importance of the responsibility assumed by him with the Pallium, th symbol of his sacerdotal office, was contained In his address after the service waa completed. "As I look over my esperlenr and think of the vast army of children the poor, the sick, the orphaned and the u-.i'iui.w, pa HJ tile- riiiiuiiiii(, . think of the work that Is to be done In ! an archdiocese like Chtcaco. "Toil must b trenerous In our sym pathy, atrneroua In your devotion: stay with) me always, a-ood times and bad. We must all stand as one one in trust, one In work, one In hope, one In char ity, my tlrar bishops, priests and pco-ple- Arrhblshon Mundelln sssumrs the ownership of property worth approxi mately t j0.000.000. He Is ecclesiastical ruler of a lloman Catholic com.nunlty of I.IQ0.V00 men. women and children. He holds reliKlous authority over kvv priests and has executive control of iit churches and missions. 2ZQ colleges, academies, parochial schools and other educational Institutions and nearly io hospitals, asylums and similar enter prises. LAND HEARINGS ARE SET lot St; tOVVITTKK TO T.thK IP Bit. I. I I.RRI RY IT. NAVY RESERVE CHANGED jllCYISED PAT AND PREFERKXCES PROroSKD IX SEW BILL. Deaartsseat r reseats riaa by Which It flepe ta Malatala Aaapla Saa aortlaa; Korce la Iteeerve. WASHINGTON', Feb. . Amendments to th naval reserve law prepared by tha Navy Department, presented to the House naval committee today by Itear Admlral Blue, propose virtually a new act by which the department hopes to ret 30.000 reservists within a few years and maintain an ample support ing: force automatically regulated by the size of the Navy. The following- proposals are made To chance the term enlistment to voluntary enrollment in the reserve. Revise the rate of pay. Grant preference to men who have served It years in the Navy and who seek Government employment ashore. Retirement rights to men who serve 30 years contlnously in the Navy and reserve. To transfer IC and 20-year service men In the regular line on the reserve on liberal terms and pay. Peace Ttcoltition Not Considered. WASHINGTON. Feb. 9. On objection by Republican Leader Mann, tha House today declined to consider a resolution by Representative Clark, of Florida, for calling of a peace congress of neutral nations nv President llson. (.erteraarr S llbyraaabe aad other offl-j rials I aalled Mr. Mrtrthar'a HIM I Reported Favorably. Man Itelaf lra ailrat. From Waco, Tex., cornea a report that relatives of Jamas Henry Kdward Thompson, sal-l to ba the earn man as Jean II. K. St. Cyr. refuaed to itlve any Information aa to when he laft and whan they had beard from bim. Una of bla si. term. Mrs. W. O W likes. prominent so. let y woman In Waco, da- clarad she "didn t want to have any thine to do with It. had nt beard from him In several years, and did nt know where h bad barn In this time. Sha refused to atva any definite time hen ba left there. Thompaon waa born In Waco 3 1 yrara aao, Itlrth records war not kept until after Ilia family are Catholics and the atholic birth rear later bear his name. It la aald. Thompson was a newsboy there and ater clerk at th Naistorlum Hotel. lie Irft there years ago for Roches er. where h was a clerk for several months. He returned there eight yars ago on a visit, wearing elaborate lothea Mrs. William Smith, formerly of Horbester. la said to have moved a large country boma furnished by Thompaon. Ilia father. Captain Hugh M. Thompson. C. S, A . Uvea at Itasbra. Tex. and has been well fixed flnan ally In tha last few years. ELTOPIA FARMER MISSING IW-lclan Nalltet la Ilcllrvrd it Ills Snow Storm. V :I.TOPI. Wash.. Feb. . (Special.) Henry Tuytena.' a prominent Rr'f Ian farmer, living hetwea-n hara and the Olti:0"NIAN NKW.d BUREAU. Wash ington. Feb. The House public lands commute,, today agreed to begin hear- ing February 17 on the Hawley. Raker and all other bills, providing for the disposition of the unsold portion of the Oregon California land innL Not only will the authors of the respective blils be heard, but representatives of the railroad and of the various depart ments and any officials of the state of I'rason or other Interested Oregon Intervals who wish to appear. Representative Slnnott, a member of the committee, today telegraphed Gov ernor Vithcomre. Inviting him or any other state officials to appear before the committee. Th public lands committee today favorably reported Representative Mo Arthur's bill authorizing the sale to th city of Portland of 140 acres of public land adjacent to Multnomah Kails at II. Zi an acre, thia land to form a part of llenson Park. Ontario prorfurea SO par r-eat of tha wor:d a Dickal eupply and ooe-aavrnth of lite Don't Give Up! 7. of tnr ittTtt hf fomf to mtw aft-r nthar. hmvm failed to lv thm aid. I ri p'.nrm th Intartor . rhrcit up tha mutM-l't. ttr. Hundrrdi ho hava bad rorr plicated trnublaa t.l rtj what Dayton ;.aara hava dona fur thrm. mm FikTM aso 'AiiixiTo aTRm-rr. HER LOOK IN J One woman loves to look into other women's homes and see how they are furnished All right The LADIES HOME JOURNAL lets her look into two or three hundred other women's homes every year. Another woman likes to go into the shops and see the new things.' All right again. The LADIES HOME JOURNAL has a new department to which twenty clever women, who go into the best shops at the l?.st moment, send whatever they seel Over five hundred ideas in a year I I'll! i! linn I ' V a I I tJiaw" ell B-v B at-O M PfTI TOSS So you can look into homes and shops in every number of The Ladies' HOME JOURNAL It is a clearing-house for ideas for" women. Buy the current number and see if this isn't so. Jf'vS only 15 cents Now $8.95 Their Beauty, Style and Quality 'Make Them Worth $15 to $20 You need but a glance to be assured of their attractiveness. Clever touches have made these dresses "different" Fine tailor ing and splendid materials have made them more desirable. Fine French Serges Soft-Finished Satins Velvet and Satin Combined Serge and Satin Combinations Will be found among the 30 dresses. Some are effectively trimmed with narrow fur, others with braiding, silk collars and cuffs, self covered buttons. The most fashionable colors, of courses navy blue, black, dark green, rich brown and a few pretty tans. M W Broken lines and assortments of silk crepe, serge, silk poplin and crepe de chine dresses, Thursday $4.95 Third Floor. eJ"Mercriandise ofcMerif Only" J v Semi-Annual Shoe Sale Continues With Increased Enthusiasm Thursday We feature two spe cial lots of women's shoes. Bronze Dress Boots Fashion for Spring predicts that the bronze boot will be one of the most popular styles and in this sale we are offering the smartest of button high-top bronze boots at very lowest reductions. $9 and $10 Bronze Boots $7.95 $6 to $7.50 Bronze Boots $4.85 $8 Bronze Dress Boots at $6.95 $6.00 Velvet Boots Now $3.85 You will agree with us that you never had the opportunity of purchasing such handsome and fashionable shoes as these at such a low price. Both lace and button models are included and can be had in brown, blue and black. ' Second Floor J-Mercrtandis of cJ Merit Only" Claw C 25 Exquisite Paris Lamp Shades Our Own Importation HALF PRICE For Today's Selling What this sale lacks in numbers it more than makes up in artistic beauty. Along with the thought of Spring clothes comes the thought of Spring home furnishings and of those none is so important as the lamp. These shades are unusually lovely. .and our only reason for the price reduction is that some of them have been slightly soiled from display, which in no wise alters their appearance and practical use. There are just 25 of these shades by actual count, 1 6 to 20-inch sizes, and at these prices they will not last long. $7.75 Shades $3.65 $15.00 Shades $7.50 $8.00 Shades $4.00 $18.00 Shades $9.00 $24.00 Shades now $12.00 Art Paper Candle Shades Selling Heretofore at 25c 10c Imported Parisian Candle Shades y PriVo r .! r ci- ii.T t if i nee Deauuiui Lesigns, oiigmiy xnjureu Sixth Floor. man vVoljc & ol cTMcrcl landise of J Merit Only" 6 Again We Come Forward With a Sale of New Spring House Dresses Which Were Made to Sell for $1.50 Special $1.00 And $1.00 Is an Extraordinarily Little Price for Them Each of the four attractive models in this sale has some dis tinctive trimming feature that places it out of the usual house dress class and they will tub wonderfully well. In cut and finish they are examples of the manufacturer's best efforts, combining new, crisp freshness with practicability every woman will need a number of them to wear about the house morn ings and afternoons. They are made of excellent striped ginghams, dainty patterned percales and checked ginghams. When you see them tomorrow you will be as enthusiastic about these dresses as we are. Shown in all sizes. Four styles as illustrated. Fourth Floor -J; nak River, Is reported to hart been --4 WK1LAU PLUG,