Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 10, 1916, Image 1

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Rate Views Held Bar
' to Hish Office.
Cl.lford Thornc Says Case of
Pccple Was Betrayed.
"Voeaiacr for Smprrwnm oart Jaatar
tM-rUrrtl to lf- atlfM'l If
fort of .V-ilr V "'
c I W amine Thcaaa.
tt tail' t". irndi. aa out f
t p frtEr'ie Commerce CemwiMlM
ta t!e 1 tr cent li"-e
ritrH t t c' of th rl!ro4.
M tfte f'l Imufy of puM.c I r t r
e... '! f'or-l THorn. chairman of th
ra.:r4 rommiei"n of low tft an b
e.-i? In th rt c. P
r'''l t Jl:virjr 4-Conimilt
f "i t.mM no to r-om-
ir.en.4 a,1r roatlon af Mr. Hran4l! to t u;rm Court cf
tie t'et-l Mate.
M'. T"f argue,, trial it would b
ml'r t t- American people to pot
rn r t M:rm Curl ticncb) with
pre-ea.-i'i notion a. to !" hiTh ea r'lrei laaeetmeata. la
ti f tie fe.-t thai i iIiih lii'oH)
la t1 Nat.mal arprai"irfit of rail
rii( no iin( an olllinat-lr woul4
Bate to Ba d't.rmiB4 by t-at trlounal
1 e. I I ad aa la Katea.
f imm i up hla e. he declared
"t hv a Now a ren-r'i.i!y from tha
rx-orla trjat Mr. tia too
vnietMt Mnt..;f ta the proDo.iitna that
a riium on t" rarttat to- of reil
rni f ' p . i. to Ms a
.r... " I U'1 J "
't a ; a i. t lelira rll fi.fnr.
ire Cm men- .'nmrn m.n uraM
tn'i.'f dtarnMne.t a 'I1I
if-h.r. II natir of t' rojBtrj
a --! tat a to'k Jl.Minc IS
far c.nt la t R:arat fiiac-. ot tha
ra-intv i art ta c.rta on ta dot
tar. I a. cftal!.rt.a a7
an t ra-na a rttf h:ca ar
tsC ito'iri that command
par ar aa par.
1'lkW.I r toa tltartvaalL
Ta ntmr arnpoa; tia a h wf I aa
p-r?lt t a'loar i ttirt In.!. vf tia martra ef IPia ra'a caa
i.r lr. liran lai w aa riM or
arnna !a ; pMatEia aa la tr a4
of r Vna'l r.w.ft'ja. Ta alhar
rpMpnai'ion rtar.t ta a ttiaCtar of fra.
f-4inn.I thi.-a. I fn ia ya'4
ll -Vr .ran.iaia a a. bf
la tnf. l'"mtfi-t l'ommiiofc
ap-if la t''.-tt'a ao to at---a"a
part-u'ar ir?arr aa ta tha
r igitait a af It. c." ' a a.ka4
If Aa aa ::!'( t'. taaa lha turt.i
af .a;-i- tia a'h.r ! of lha
raa aa. itnrl an t o:it that
ta ra :"a i !a tf iM ka aJa-lvialaij
ira.t t.
-1 Ft tria.t la t V' firaa-
tia 4 ar.aaa4 tha irIt af
f laa.-a la tha praaanfatloa af l tat
aa ft aa.afiaa cauaa.L
r mill tlaara4 m fatal.
"1 Jiae that Mr ra.
-..rat.'t la a fr'an: P' 4'r!r
a rin(''t af lha caaa ahila aaor:ata
i'i'iti.iL, .t al tha crucial lima Mr.
r. ul witha'it aaraifi la at.r
..!aat af'.r 'l trctfROI ka4
riixa.t. c-'o..J4 aatir.ry tha rati
M. I naa fha? '. h tlnj t-J
a Ma partition, ttl ha atl. aa af H
ri. ni.on, at? art.a;i '' l
haaa . fr a-ir potatl.n. aB't aia
aai 't a fn'4 aa opprta'
. a hart a.'iar Mr. Praa.Jaia liat
L.a.f lha I'lum'nl f.jf tha puhtl.
-I'oai a f:'oro Mr, llran.lala. aha par.
I -aea-t aith u. la rroaa-a iaa( nalioa
l irn I va rata caaa n4 Sa aaa am
ii.a. lha tfarea r"ac-
I -mm rf!on. I ioai.-r that Ha ca
waa pratfca.'r fatal la lha
...... of tha puhl. tr or
a la an.
Ioit aa4iWally raMa4.
nn.t.r tt-har. njaatiwnto tha
rar.li4T liulfwi: ta Wt.
H:an4-ia la tha l.t'ar from tha lot.r.
car. toramarva t'ouiil ralatlaj
I m a. ampivmant aa ro'ft.l la tha
I. -a c-. a.. If II arara I f"'f
Hat Vr, ttraa-tala aaa n4 1 I"
lat "i'l ai'1a aara tak.a ri a af.1
Mr. Tharna a. t lh lhara I .' h
a prp-aat la tha fommi.a-a' ' I'ttar.
.t l."tl Ut.r aa la tha .tt. r It aaa
. dtra4 that J'r. WranJa't
h.iuM andartaaa tia burUaa cf lha
r n a r a'Ja." paaauaa lha Commlaaloa
k.w thai lha raiiroaJa aal4 b-a ada
:i iata.'y rapraaanfatf,
Mr. Thoraa ai-.pia.l lha ataat at
la lane 0ton of lha Bub-commltlaa.
-t'jiac bra t oar t men y taicbt. Tba aub
r.matfi.f rlan. aaar rapra.aata
t!aa of lha frilta.l hoa W..n.t
umpaar. lth w.v Mr. araa
anr tuarKt.4 aa onal, tawoftaw.
Mai JalWJ tor fta-allnc Itta Wlfr.
VH.WU Ktr. or. rb t t3-'Ut.
t- R iinpaa a Irtaj an4 f 4
ta'lir af baaMn bia Ifa bafora J a-t.-a
K'ao jt.atarfa a4. fla4
h'.,h ha roiM Bat par. aa4 aaa aanl
la nrifon City ta aara e'lt lha flaa.
ni..a formarlr li4 l Oaa.X
b U JtJ Koiti t a.a U;aii.,
iiovrti.t: plam: r:itiim:i to
fclUM. r.UK TltOVMUtS.
IX-fralrd Itrtloo IHp lrT-lra In
landing ; (.rrmin Hrwpa Note to
Harm, V Ik Nrada cw Onca.
Mir.lJV. a tmjon. I'rk. 9. A '
i:lualratlon of ho tba aananlur cf
.artara ara obr.l by - air-,
tria la in in tt'r from, a " "
aalator o tha a.atarn frit.
Thi a itr - partinr " "
a.rial katt:a In Mch a l:rttlh ""
ptana ahot toa an.J ora of th
aakalora tv.l'4. Tha unm-
Jra4. but. la Un4n. bta Irooaar b
b irrrparabljr damaa.4.
The ariator Ihoa bfflltl4. th ti'r
nan t'ttar ajrit.r aa. a "
lr.aa.4 that tba tier man alalor
tnour.t'd aa aroplana an4 dr"pp4
aota Into lha Hrtl-h IIB-. l0'
lat.r aa l'-il. fa-r ipprarrd. ra
lurria lha rati. or lha li'rmin linr.
an I 4rc.po4 a Bondla containlnB l'
r..ra fr Ma aaptora4 compatriot.
a Morn lantvara hrialeoar"a
Hall. Xilnomati llotrl ! I 1.
Tha rharity bail ln lonicht un4ar
tha aoapirra of lha - " f
an4 for Mrh bunHrida of tlckfta haa
ba.n ai I laka pt-" at tb- llutal
MultoomaK. U i- Wlr4. truataa for
lh. Thotrp.n a.tata. baa ronarcl.4 to
th arrareamant.
Tha bail aa . h4uld lo laka placa
at .rttiaro" hall. Ktaaanth ao4
Morrtaon atraata. but lha lata now
rrn4'r"t lh hulHmc tinaafa until ra
paira ara mad'. Thoaa rpalra ara roar
brine mada on Koto, tha roof an4 lha
Throueh lh kln4na.. of Mr. Wind
both lha ballroom n4 parlor hao
ban tura.4 mir lo lha uie of tha
liar Vri rark. t liarjca I U 1
a Kr-aalt of 1 ncHsat Ion.
Aflrr a thorough lnr.tlalloB f
rh.ici j.n.t lha admlnlatratlon of
Kt lkn l"rk. lha Summer raaort on
Tiiiamrak lar promoted b tha T. H.
-ot(r l:.artr mpy. a I nltad Mfl'l
,.ini Jiry tatl'd to Ind'rl. ThuuB
futura raivd Jurua could r-oal th
inr. Mixtion If da.:r5. lha ctuara
a.ra t- troro-ishtr atrrd aal o maoy
aim. ....a a.ra aH-d that failure to
indict a-nount practlralty lo a c:B
bin of ha th fr lha tulura.
Tna a-ame la Irua of lha Invaeltcalloa
of tha TroavdcBt Truat Company, tlcra.
al.o. afr a careful lnT.atlallon. tba
aranat Jury fai!d t Indict. Thla ara
th cmray hlch C. K. Mnry. format
raatly oparalnr of fortlar.d. toacht 0
hard to h Indicted n4 put on trial.
toirra nmrard by rone Trlnln
l-rurl Nairr to Art.
?V f. -,. "b- Madama
.IU. Vdba. tha inS.r. ho I trlalt
ia( frfende here. anaoun.-.4 today h-r oa of bMjina- an e.tala near Han
ao. eh.ra ahe WIM mak her
parmaacat heme, and which aba will
thraar oo-a ta lrla alth oi. but
aim bo tr. a na lo C4ltlaia thm.
-Th.r ara ri.any oicaa ruined
.ar- he aa.4. "r lha ron
kind r irainln that I f"l I imp:y
acuat pat out a rtralnin hand. I
,nall r.rd la cir: a toy ward,
and la. Ifa m:t."
( ontrraallo W lib "
rrotiibltrd to TnblK-.
It 1. unUalil n"r lo roawin with
i.rn.a on eirret.ara. Tna fity
lV.un. il j.aterder nhanlmouaiy paaaad
W"r ,:ba ordinance.
The meaaura r-iviir.4 tha atredcar
compan, to p.t notl.e la lha a.t.
bui that taikin; to tti aipiotaua la d by law. tnnly In tar of r
qt'.tina" lha moiorroan l open th
froni 'o car la talking prmltt.t
ifficloJe of th company may. howcr.
apak of aattra pertayiinc lo lha op
eration f lha car.
How Uval .pilU on Trip I'ront llooae
to I la ra and laanth Sar.
INM'.rKM'KN'' 'r, rcb. (Spa.
ctal. ) Thorn rcnnal, a walthy hp-a-rowar.
waa tnarwr.ned In lha top cf a
cherry t -aa In Ma own yard f r two
hour yeaterday until a launch from)
todepandaoca could rcu him artr
lha roaboal In wbb-h ha wa tra Ina
la hi barn capaU.d and threw him
lata tha water.
Ill wif hard hi rrlea for h'tp nd
letepkoned lo Indapend.nca for th
launch, and r party.
traaaa Aakrd to fnmrw Air for
ralrlotlc Iljtnn.
lifM'.VA. t l4adon, Fb. Th
Voaaiah Xellunc. a cepr of which ha
beea received here. aya tha r'erman
F'.mparor haa rompoad th word for a
new aallonal hymn and ha aakad
III. hard atrauea to compoaa lha muU-.
Tk :mpror. lha rewarapar .
aim la rap'.aca lha I'ruaaiaa hnn.
-Mail lir In rhef.rhrana." which u
auo lo lha him tone aa 16 Urlliah
MUvavai a&latcaa
k; . : oEr.ON. T..U..SDAV, FBItRPAHT 10. 1010. rRICE FIVE CENTS.
Lamar Tooze Uneasy
After Seeing Europe.
-Out-of-Trenches" Slogan Is
Worst Thing of All.
l'aa of Milon Weakened by
Jlurry to llnd War and In tiath
rrlnx larl, I View
acserallun la tliarjcd.
I'N I VI; Its ITT OF Or.KOOX. Hun.
rh. . (Special.) Lamar Toot. dla-
ala of th l'plvrlty of Or ion on
Kord paac rtpadillon. returned her
lata laat rlnht. firmly convinced
that lha United Flat la In Brae
dancer of bccomlns enlanf'fl In th
crcat lluropean conflict, that cvary
clllirn ahould atand back of I'reatdanl
Wilaon In hta preacnt proaramma for
prcrardnc, and aaafrllna; that Henry
lord peara ex;.dttlnn waa neither a
urrrri nor fallora. Mr. Tooia la hale
and hearty after a Journey of 11.000
mile ainc November 10..
"Tha worrl thin that happened to
the mlsalnn waa tha flocan 'out of the
Irrnrhea by Oirltma Kord hlmelf
knew wall rnnuth that Ihl would be
Impoaalblo and everyone elae knew It.
aaid Mr. Toot.
rear Caaae Wee heard.
"The peace raure waa weakened." the
peace delesate conllnued. "aeeondly,
a hen Ford failed to et the reprraenta.
live peace element of th United Ftaten.
Th expedition waa olten up In loo
much hurry. Ho had lo lake thoee who
would pro.
"And a ead feature of lha affair wa
Ihn fact that Madame Schwlmmer
headed the Toyac. Bhe meant well
hut le waa not capable."
Whether the effect of the -royaare
will be permanent remain for the fu
ture to how. acrordlnc to the unl
verlty delet. but he save hla rea
,ona why the Journey la an Immediate
aucrra aa follow:
-The er-dltlon attracted the pub
licity which. It el out lo do. I believe
thi waa the main Idea Kord had In
The eupporl of peutral countries
wa enliated. eapeclally that of Pen
mark. Holland and Sweden.
Ulaaealtoa I Aaaaalea.
. permanent neutral conference waa
e.tabliahed. Five repreaentatlvea from
a. h of tha Scandinavian rountrlea and
Holland are to meet and draw up a
practical plan for peace.
The o-calle4 dlanlon. whll
rear.y amuln. wa really over a dif
ference of opinion over National pre
raredncaa. folonel K. K. McC'lure, noted
New York pub:iahrr. led lha croup that
favored lha Pre.ldenfa policy.
"With only one eacepllon vtudenta
favored National preparation. Home of
,4.4 aa l'aa 4. I'Muma
I IAf I IM 1 1 f
T EKTT.nD AT 1 Miiimum irmratur, 50
dKr; tnlnliTium. 44 drcr-r?.
TODAY tf Kin; Jncrv-nn,j ouibcrly wind.
Xew Tori: has unconfirmed report of rp
iur of jrmii raMcr by Urii.y. cruir.
( aa. V
hv tD of mark. 1 4.
Opponent of prparlneM beard by commlt-
. i'ac 4
CocgrvH pdB up dcfcn plana. Tas 4.
tiranli dtM-lrtj urfit for Judccahlp b-a-
cau rf fiird opintona. .. 1.
Indirti-d Conjua prepared to glvo, batL
Mrm. M. ."r df"nda htuvband, accuaed of
dua. paronaiit. face 4.
Juatlra lluat.ra pppoar-i an ua of tiam
in .. ting dcaaf-a. Tag 4.
h porta.
.-'rank It (Korti flrt l-tory hn qulntot
l4ta IVriland .tadTn, 4 to
rg u
rinal tVi;.j.rd-loraa t ht artlcica ara
aiatn!. I'aaa 1 -tj
!-n' Tar. of nriurr pfpint. holda
lead In iiN.krx Ktwirf. I'aa II.
raarlfeC .Nwflhufwl.
Lamar Tn hm from Kord pac trip,
p.cada for prcparlna. I'ace I.
Flnvda clo Orrcoa Ctty ml Km. 1'afio ?.
tv.-af r.i -It iiprm tllh ttar uf trial rf
Uillum Rrana-m at Mc i4 m n x lllc. !- i.
rtlrt of (Tfor ror.itniMion t inak (ta
Mh mr f ant-iiartvrrd rot uL up
W Allirnr) .(.fiif nl. l'afc .
C'omanrrrial aad ario.
Oafa higber In rountry on airong demand
from ft-aat. 1'aso 19. alum pi at OMaro on abaenco of ax
port demand. 1'aca IV.
Lata rally la atoc-ka result a In aubatantlal
advance. Iaa 1.
Ani'iiriii'lliailiin Una aivt.ara quit I'ort-
land aar-elco lomprrom. I'aca 1.
rortlaad aad Vtflolty.
Tcrklna bar Ua- gta PO da s In Jail.
Iim 1.
Ccunrii ta-k Mr. ta)T protrat on Iaing
off of formica. fr'aga b.
Lrayman'a miaUnar- fr dlc
catrs rrda ton ir fit. I'nc lv
5!llra threaten cral bumea and aoiut
at neat undermtnrd. Pace D.
Natfo-ial Ouard and Naval Maittia ircrettlng
eu.iook la favorable. I'as. IV
(II woman rarrl--d aoven mllr by two men
Otr anow-rlaa mountain trail. Iaco 6.
Counrtl vntri f-r duplicate water ayatrm for
tfl. John-t, I'ace 11.
Girla wit; t urn aod at Auditorium aito Mon-
da. Tajte IS,
Hermit In aquid -hark la arreated for
cruelty to animals. Pace 6.
Cr-Mt of freahei iray reach Portland today.
Paa 1.
Vr-'rata'rnt ;nhal writra Tostmaater
Myrra ho mill run ai.m. I a it a 5.
i "a fa owner ronvirtd of liquor pair. Page 13.
KrIrle-k War! vUlfa. Pac -
Wilson's Knvoy lo Sail Home Aflcr
1'rwr More 'onfcreni-ei.
lXiNlXjN. Feb. . Colonel K. M.
House. Treaident Wllaon'a peraonal rep
rcentativ. arrived her from I'arla
lonisrhl. I-ater he conferred with Wal
ter Uln-a fafc-e. the American AmbXM
rador. A conference between tilr Kd
ward Grey, the Brltli-h Korelsn Secre
tary, and Mr. Houve has been urranged
for tomorrow.
It la underatood here that Colonel
Hourte'a principal work during hla trip
waa on the continent. He saw moat of
the leading: British statesman when he
waa here before, and it la not likely
ha will hold many more conferrncra
before eaillna; for New York.
John C Shcrlian. cx-I-eadcr of Tam
many, Paaaes at 67.
NKW YORK. Feb. 9. John C. Shee
han. one-tlmo leader of Tammany Hall
and ex-Tollce Commissioner of New
York, died here today, atced (7.
When Klchard Croker retired aa
leader of Tammany Hall ho named Mr.
Sheehan a hl successor, but I?heehan
waa aubaequently deposed. Later thb
two men became political enemies.
LenienrrtSked for
'.Ts Bar Lessee.
Use of Paid Agents Inspires
Attack by Defense.
Judzc Iuton Sympathizes With De-
friulant, but Says tine Is Not
Knou;h in View of Open
Defiance of Law.
Oua Anderson, acntenced three
months. January 4.
Jennie Pares ct al.. continued
Indefinitely. January 18.
John Haberley. fined $50. Jan
uary St.
Joe Vialc. acquitted by Jury.
January 19.
Thomas Kagan. sentenced 60
days, February 5.
June West, sentenced 60 days,
suspended, February S.
Salvatore. Gattuccio, sentenced
SO days, February 6.
Rosario Cattuccio, pending:.
Joe Mezzani. convicted Feb
ruary 9, will be aentenced today.
Kobert Oatfield, pendins-
W. G. Manning:, pending:.
George Schultz, aentenced three
months. February .
"The defendant has aeen fit, in the
most arrogant manner, to break the
law within 50 feet of a busy downtown
corner, and while I don't wish to be
harsh or unreasonable and am takins
Into" consideration the recommendation
for leniency of the Jury, the penalty
will bo three months In the County
Following the first Jury conviction
for bootlegging in Multnomah County,
District Judge Dayton yesterday pro
nounced a aurprisingly heavy sentence
on George Schultz. proprietor of the
Perkins temperance buffet, who waa
arrested for maintaining a nuisance.
Immediate notice of appeal from the
decision to the Circuit Court waa given
by Attorney John C. McCuc.
Remarkably exhilarating loganberry
punch and ginger ale highballs contain
Ing alcoholic "kicks" were being sold
by tho Perkins bar since the first of
the year, decided the Jurymen, to an
exclusive trade. Well-known lawyers
aud business men were among those
who frequented the place, according to
Information secured by District Attor
ney Fvans, obtaining the doctored
"soft" drinks only when, known to
Schultz or the bartender, Fred Fer
District Attorney Kvana might have
4onctuited on Pane 15. Column 3)
Teutons Take Initiative, but Petro
prad Says They Have Not Cap
tured Xew Positions.
PfTRCWRAD, via London, Feb. 3.
Severe fighting is again developing on
the Dvinsk front, preliminary artillery
duels having been succeeded by a con
tinuous bombardment of great inten?
sity on both sides.
The Germans, who had taken the ini
tiative in tho new conflict, attacked
the railway station at Liksno, on the
east bank of the Dvina, seven miles
northwest of Dvinsk. which would ap
pear to indicate a serious penetration
of the Russian lines, but tho Russian
staff explains that the German forces
were unablo to advance, still occupy
ing their old positions, and succeeded
in reaching Liksno only by using heavy
artillery, which they now have liad
time to mount
Little importance is attached to the
predictions of a great German offen
sive again. t Riga and Dvinsk in March.
Russian military men believe the
Dvinsk-Riga line Is impregnable.
Only Timely Tree Can Save Kuilding
From Being Total Loss.
MEMPHIS, Tenn.. Feb. 9. White
River. Ark., a town near the mouth of
the White River, is minus a Postoffice
on account ot the high waters.
"My postoffice is floaoting down the
river and unless it lodges against some
trees it will be a total loss," said an
appeal from the postmistress, received
today at the office of the railway mail
The postoffice was on a raft, which
Sunday night tore from its fastenings,
dumping the mail and postmistress in
the water. Then it was established on
a barge and again the wind demol
ished it.
National Campaign Plan Is Laid Be
fore President Wilson.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 9. A National
defense advertising campaign was laid
before President Wilson today by a
committee of the Associated Advertis
ing Clubs of the World.
The committee said it stood ready to
prepare tbe campaign and carry It to
fulfillment., enlisting assistance of
newspapers and magazines and other
advertising agencies.
The committee, headed by Herbert S.
Houston, of New York, president of the
association, also presented a plan for
mobilization resources for National de
fense and for international peace.
German to Offer Fund for Britons
to American Ked Cross.
NORFOLK, Va., Feb. 9. Lieutenant
Berg, commander of the German prize
ship Appam, announced today he would
give to the American Red Cross the
"mite" boxes found aboard the ship and
containing $75 contributed for relief
of widows and orphans in Kngland.
The box previously had been reported
confiscated. The raider Moewe, how
ever, did take about $200,000 worth of
gold bars from the ship. Lieutenant
Berg said.
Missile From Dutch Submarine Runs
Amuck In Harbor of Flushing.
LONDON. Feb. 9. A Flushing dis
patch to Reuter's Telegram Company
says a torpedo, accidentally discharged
from a aubmarine anchored in the har
bor, struck a landing stage on which
there was a party from the Dutch bat
tleship Jacob Van Heemskerk.
The explosion killed a corporal and
severely wounded a sergeant of the
submarine. It also injured several of
those on the stage, which sank.
Colostne Paper Says Peace Will Not
Be Discussed in Conference.
AMKTKRntM. via London. Feb. 9.
The Koelnische Yolks Zeitung. discuss
ing peace possibilities, asserts mat
Germany will never consent to enter
ceneral neace conference, but will
consent only to negotiate with each
individual enemy.
Germany takes the'ground, the paper
Hrt that a general conference would
give Great Britain the upper hand.
Animal Swims Desperately in Kivcr.
Disappearing in Whirlpool.
OREGON CITY, Or.. Feb. 9. (Spe
cial.) Employes of the Hawley Pulp
& Paper Company at Station A today
saw a horse carried down the current
in the middle of the river and go over
the falls. He was swimming, but was
unable to make any progress against
the current.
The horse had a bridle on and was
not seen again after going over.
Multnomah Fair Meeting Postponed.
GRESHAM. Or., Feb. 9. (Special.)
Only five members of the Multnomah
County Fair board were present Mon
day so the meeting was postponed to
Monday, February 28. President Lewh
reported progress in the revision of
.tbe premium list
Oregon City Mills Are
Forced to Stop.
Log Rafts Break, and Barge
Drifts About Harbor.
Water lieccdes at Vp-Yallcy Poiuls.
Uiso in Columbia Might Cause
Trouble Here Ice Jam Hold
ing Tahoma Begins to Open.
I Marshficld Railway bridge at
I Reedsport, on Urapqua River,
J badly damaged by flood drift.
4 Salem Willamette rises 26.2 feet
f and begins receding; fl6oddam-
age small.
Seattle Slide demolishes six
houses; thaw begins in moun
J tains and trains arc running.
Monrorj Long Tom flood recedes
t with little damage.
La Grande Grand Ronde flood
i danger lessens and trains rc-
i Baker Spring rain melts snow.
and river is rising.
Troviding the Columbia River re
mains fairly stationary, the freshet
in the Willamette River will come to
a stand here this afternoon or tomor
row morning. A stage of 1".7 feet is
predicted for today. At 5 o'clock yes
terday afternoon it was 16.5 feet above
Ice in the Columbia River at The
Dalles moved about two miles down
. . .. ,ri.i-nAnn. At noon
I stream jcai.oii.cijr ' .
there had been no change in the ico
4am at the Cascade locus.
Reports from Salem were that the
crest of the freshet passed there at 2
o'clock yesterday afternoon, and dur
ing the following three hours the river
fell two-tenths of a foot, and was fall
ing above there.
Rain la Forecast.
Precipitation at Portland for !
hours ending at 5 o'clock yesterday
.3 inches, and tho maximum tempera
ture was 50 degrees. Tho forecast for
today is rain, and increasing southerly
winds inland, with mild temperatures
Because a depression noted approach
ing tho Washington coast Tuesday, was
found to be inoro decided in character
last night, storm warnings wero or
dered displayed at all stations in tho
district at 6:10 o'clock. During tho
day a maximum wind of 60 miles from
the south was reported from North
Head, and at 5 o'clock in the afternoon
It was 53 miles from the south with a
moderate sea running. Strong south
easterly winds are looked for along
the coast today.
Avalanche Warning Out.
Rain fell in Oregon, Washington and
Northern California yesterday, and the
Weather Bureau last night issued a
warning that danger of avalanches
would be increased during the ensuing
36 hours, not alone on the slopes of the
Cascades, but on the Rocky Mountains
and their Offshoots in Idaho.
The river at Portland gained 1.3 feet
in height between S o'clock yesterday
morning and 5 o'clock in the afternoon,
whet it stood. 16.5 feet above zero. A
marked drop was 2.6 feet at Albany
during the zame period, while from Tho
Dalles was reported a rise or five
tenths of a foot in the Columbia, and
at Vancouver nine-tenths was said to
have been the increase.
At Ainsworth dock at 5 o'clock yes
terday the lower level was about two
feet above the rising waters. At Mu
nicipal dock. No. 2, on the East Side,
an 18-foot stage would reach the lower
level, but at Dock No. 1, at the foot of
Seventeenth street, about 18.9 feet
would reach the lower level, the dif
ference being due to the drop of the
river In that distance.
ti,. Willamette was 17.3 feet above
t..,ii, m 1912. and in January,
19U5. it reached a height of 20.5 feet
above zero. For 24 hours ending at 5
o'clock yesterday the river here rose
2.9 feet, and the gain for 21 hours end
ing at 8 o'clock yesterday morning
had been 2.6 feet.
Kennevtick Report Chinook.
' Government advices from tho vicin
ity of Kennewick were that snow waa
melting there rapidly yesterday under
the influence of a Chinook wind, but
that the ice there was not melting to
a noticeable extent.
Railroad men said that there ap
peared to be open water within 200
Jards of the steamer Tahoma, frozen
in at Cape Horn, and it was hoped
here that the thaw would not be rapid,
so the vessel could be extricated with
out danger.
Drift was running through the har
bor yesterday in large quantities, and
the presence of large logs added to
the cares of steamboat men. Three
rafts of logs and two small rafts of
timbers, the latter being intended for
loading on the British steamer Grey
stoke Castle, at Inman-Poulsen's mill,
broke away early yesterday morning
and caught on the Morrison-street
xCoucludcd oa l"ao 7. Column !.