Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 08, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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    c m nrr sroTtyTyo precoma:?, Tuesday, February g, ioic. - -
I . N -.. II Mil I It I I I II II
?fo?imPJCTumNEfmt ji - . fit mmnismmfMnd . . j
Fcl Dealers Declare They Pay
far Water They Can't Sell
but Are Short onTucL
1 nirr IU--lI Laotbrmtrn'a
rU(Ma ! . Iatlr lata Condi
llama 1 1 xcilj of Salpinx
.tljter ol Afrnr.
"U? U I t . VVaaB.. Fe. 7 ?pI.
How lu 4i' fmaat retail loat dl
n ? '-' t pa r e wtr he
r ana otiwi se.l, and as coal
t a raa sa.j a a I rioaai reveiae. tb
inn : t bmuitl 6fr lne inautl
t'jo rn ta Weaiera ll:il ui
Lei-maO Aa.jviatior to b beid at
T:n xKxuiiua Is interested1 threasa
! lltcUotlt a &ipinc djtmet
R''r a I Ita traffic aaaoaatr. It. V
)rD:.9, at f j"km ha appealed la
! scat weiant ana gneasare dTwrt
menl at OiB-.3i f.r riBtiMUll at
tBe ruftUal sneatia;.
lai:ro4 sua from a!t Ik coat-carry-In
Lm of to Jortet. mm op-
if4Mr, wialau: end retail d-aer,
s-eaerf : arc ln.-lu4l la la call, la
ta tcp ct icl n a baaie of i(t
meot oa nr (9t Itvat will at leael
eiS..'r what ta lrmJ an Irijiatl. to
ta rts:r la Saving to pay (raia-ai en
ieraj-a:ed mint :! aai lo l!
uo-l-r nutil,-.p.t..y rulat4 ao4 la-
?i-t4 reetru-tioQ.
niimcai titt b clte.1 to th State
tUertmBt of car of coat Hf
; .) pound en cat t of cla and eo another: of a ro. of coal aaipped In a aaaaed
borar wi-lnc ti poanda short of
niina vciskta at destination, ta r la .:H instance having to pay
ta anlo weighta,
T'.ii different acta from both the
hurbflt aa4 tfte vporatlv quall
ti of coat la tranait. It I charged
i-.s te lr do not evaporate lo
af ntKeati na( end lha coal frv.
uoe!r dooa. Tka cual run Into tka
r (rum tka abr at lha mika with
w(r atraamlna- al-ioc with It. At tka
aaaaott ka col ahipraaca ar kat-
t it I li;r 1 accurnu ara vaat.y
mora Doitlurt laj taa form of atiw ba
f ).- kinc waish'4 oat M mottd from
to mint m op a cr. Tka cfila-n
It bi:i4 on kat aiKhint. fn It T
lr Bitriit la car l ofto i Jtrark4
or lrt ttje4!H( la aiaca aar it i
tattiiltal to paopl wao mar nr4
fa. I. parka,; 1 3 Ik xtal of a aoa
I'M 1.
rtkt Ik rrlalUr PT Ik
flt caj:4 f'r at la lim of
'ctTitiit from tk m. and It lo
f.lm tra4a from sca'a that frtl fc'm
wick a pan.t If founrl Inacrurat.
Tka. at trr rata. I tka iubUf
romDla'nt rll itk tk 8t(
Ijti4.'tn( a Ik foundation for ar
am-o' to b colt la kahalf of Ik
It'ail'r at Ik fortlanl aaatton.
11 la al-t aaart4 Ikat aom ra4t
rt(i t raaraitrk carlot4 aktpm'nt
tn.t mar clrctjfpttanraa and ar pr
prln ! ean'-al twtt tariff prolslon
a mil .uttioruln accaptaac of
! lkt.
! - -. : " - - J
"7?3 i5re VcjVv" -trytf:.
Toorr riLw rraiRni.
National -Sacral I-"
t ickfor4 "Tk Hlll Olrl"
j,p;-riia f pMcr." "Tha Co4
d. Co'ombla Tka rrlc of Powr."
"It I'td and II I'ldn t -Majtlc
Tk Oraal ItTid.
Suntl Tk Torrrtoil."
Clrcl "Tattr Arbackle."
Lthmai Intrl l Unl I IVpalrrd anj
lniiroirrafnlt lad.
m vittrtEi-n. or, r.b. Trsp-
(itlt-iljct McUin toA a cotspaaT
f a.antae ar Boan-;ntT tka Co
! r W It l'om' plant on htdmut
t:t o mil from Mrhr).. and
i:l atari opararloaa ahortty. Tia m:!l
a put lt akao rcttlr b -rl
I'ortUnl man. b rfaira.t t-i r4aol.
b.t l; d'eka ao4 arranaad wltk a !
Kin,f ca.opanr to anpplr timbar.aMjt ra
alort cf f-aada befor th mill a
T l cat lumbar.
T nil. I aa built Uhl trt aco
br . A. CortnaT Beat la Ihta dal
ht rTr ct a lotr f-r iMpmtnl Tk
I uat baa a cput of . f-t a
tiav n4 wtil tnrioy batvaan 3S and
t rr-an. It It a ml' aonth f It C A.
rTtrn mn'Sfa-tTrtic Induatrla and
a i ointa watar a ad tka baa arrpla
ii?pin f . ttitian.
.ra4al rtrrllrta hy
I kUmatb fall.
KL.M4TI rAUA r. f". T
H--'tl tMfinj lha rlral !lith of
tr K lamt'h In mlr llltrt atll but
Ivd i-rn-i br f t;i'a tprt rnant
rt Klamata latla. f lb nt ma-
a car4 wlta drar kaftnap a. Th
trrattt ta t!ij city for tk f-t aavrrat
noatna war aa fn'iowt.
4w.rtatr!ar. it arraata. 4 for drtiak-
nnata: vtor. tl arrtv 41 for
irntnat. NtunStr, 5 arraata. IT
fnr ilriltktriMtt. tt:mbr. It jtrraat.
t for dr-jQilariRtta.
Tat fnlual fa rlnaj la arratt. aa
tia yaar aada.f waa Uaa. It ta tkouckt.
i - ra rlntroc of th atviciiia aal tka
i;m,ttf ca-nra. and ta d'partir of tk
wnrkar fur otaar ' ttona durinc tk
W Intar mnntBa.
IarriflrM C1umN-r to Spoitif HI
roM Itajr Otrbralloa.
Vaf.HI'IEt.r. Or . J- T. Op
ciL Tka tVrakflll of
a umntfrt w:!l ataatuf a thr dT'
' rtrniaa at tk oraniaar of tk Wll-laistta-r-!aV
Railway. wbU-ft I m
racr.i Jiiy I. Tk cUbrtton will
ba prnabiy oa Ik I'o'trtk af July a.l
trt hab-T of Co"! mrft t conatdr4
a loint r:rrt"n would b bat.
Nortk rid will b latarastrtl In tJia
! at I It calibration w'll b a
(ntnl Coo I'ar r-ir'-t ton. It la
ii:ia--4 ta aat tna draw on ta t'mp
n i f:iar aa4 att.u a, "iboo-fly ap
rrat from vac a and.
Ix-na Maib fa VUII KUmatk.
KUUTr rxl.VH. Or. F.
l-toa.rll. tn J. W. Miati of th
u;itit of t;Vri art af ta ttitr!!r
t i.iTtcn. mi. I yitit Klmata liil
ot, ml probably t: a 1
t.ira at tat 1 its a-noo aaout rrury
:i. l"rofor ?ta i IB o!4at la
:r-itt ntrt la point f rtc.
lar-hf1--.t Plan Vehicle? Tat.
UAr..HriEnA or. rtk T p-
rL City At:orny J. T. Iran4 wa
K'Sir'.iH by tk City Cooant at a
larttl mtt'.inf t draft a Vahia-I las
ol aar.-a fr l"f'" af It carSiaat
rrnt. A ray lrBt kaa baa n rraa
t arinat lb trlnt't f" arat aictt
ll.ama iKtKtt a any at?
Off LARITT eonteata hT a won-
rfuL, but pot atranc. fjfclna-
on. for tnotion-rlctur qutna
Notklaar anakan ruck a whirlwind of
aoarxy a nw that th wlnnrr or tbia
contaat or of Ikat rontcat will b th
anqutlor.4 popularity QUn of film-
do ta. To b auch a "qan" nrcans
ttoM'n boora for actrraa. pro4uer. x-
ckanc aad h!bl:or.
Tka la New Tork fllmdom" cohort
ar balnar rallied In prcparatioo for the
Cnorlt roa turn and civic ball of Feb
ruary 1. which la lo b 14 br th
:ar r-ITire tk crratt namber of
otet In in "American" contra!. A
dtaniond-atuddrd bracelet will like
wit ito to th victor.
Th Workl Corporation jfalkerad th
premier honor at tk Cotton ball laat
Deembr. kllaa Clara Kimball Your.;
la acaln in tk field.
Metro rictare Corporation, rrpr
nt4 by Mary Milaa Winter. Ultra
I'etroT artd Ilarlr ilayn. feel a
aura 1 that tk yardirt la already thelra.
Tb Vltacraph tar. Anita Klrt 1
laadinar th prootaion at th present
wrttlnc. and Lillian Walker artd Lea
Kalrd. of ta mm corr.paay. ar not
far behind.
paramount. In ren contentment,
look loTinarljr at "Utile" ilary I'Kk
ford and feel aaaured' that tk laat
word baa baea 14.
A lo Trianart. tby fl aor. Mabel
Normaal and "HI. lie" Ilutke, you
Th Fiaitabt pin It faith oa Oell
Kara William lot haa a very eiron
candtdata In Tked lUra. Tk Intereat
of t Tkanhouaer faorlt. Florence
Lm luJte. and hr tmmte ar be ins
oeretlcal:y cared for by Uoo J. Ku-
Th alutaal lorporaiion ma
rar.-l daf ftrd. and their rvapectlTe
eomrante ar worhlo day and nlatkt
for lham to aucered.
Th luibin rlrl. t)rml llawtry. baa a
r.,nr renreaentation of frlrndt. who
ar ptUrar tip. votaa In her bhalf.
fearl Whlt and Rolk ISolanl. of tb
Path, b lkir lea-ion of foiiowera
Kdtaoa baa intruded Ita colors to
Vl-.i I
Kathryn Wlttiama. of tlC. holda a
prom!nnt pla-- In th rontrat.
Tk Klm Company nol only epct
lo win th firat pna. but alo Ike roa
lima prM wtfh lh Intmilabl "Sl
lleieo Holm la arrncln ber rhed
ola to ba in oa tima when tb rl
ar awarded.
Faaanay feel that II ha th Indian
a rn en- Bl rwnp-lltora. with Kdoa
Mayo and r.otb 1-tonehout.
A a matter of fart, th hundred. of
artreaeea of th abor ana otnr airiria.
too numarooa to mention, ar cloa to-
Raja "'rr Pa ell."
A bolk appearlr.t out:C fellow n-
trd lh aaneral offl--e ot toe eu
polyacopo Vomjiny at t M'tjo, lit, in
other stv.
Mr. JAalt" ba .aid. -what Is your
prt.- ail t -iii.d p-atea rintt
to trie N'r Po Well"
A hundred and fifty thousand dol-
tare. pot cajk." aald Mr. fell;, wfco wa
Th tnn-r left lh offl for a mo
ment. II returned witnin a anort time
with ta menrt. And o an emtraordl-
aary motion pirtur bue'nea deal
conjmmatd between 8l. I Lar.
a.1 :i year, and William S. be I is. j
Whan lntertcwd later Mr. ucaaer i
aald: "1 alt-'P-! Into Chacaco and
viewed Tk 'r to Welf I rec-o-nid
It a a au-eat plctur and t aawl opportunity to branch out on i
National baa la- Mr. li quoted me
th .on prlc and lie deal tor tni
creat plctur waa comjltd wltbln
tlv minate.
I htl kandt Tb N r I weir
for lb entlr United tHate. from the
Atlantic to tk I'aclflo Coast. Tkr
may b aom territory I anau siapeit
of if I find many demands for terri
tory for lhi plrtar play.
."Huylnf th complet rlihta to Th
N er lo Weir la th biaceat deal I
ever pulld. I handled Th ctpollara."
Tk Christian' and "Cabiria out Vat
and on of tk orraalaara of th
Metro nature Corporation.
I roetldar Th N er Iv Welf wrtl-
ten by lial llaar a and filmed by th
etta joIacop Company a a maater-
Piec. It will b remembered tkal Mr
Italia: escorted a company of stars In
rludtnc Katkryn William. Wbeeler
I'tknaa and other to lb Panama
Canal Zone, wker tru to llf scns
alone tk blc canal war fllmod.
Th '''r Ix Wir will ho offered
to Portland lanel fan ti tk Iltl!tf
Theater commenclnc Beit tSunday.
reneral roana'T of th World, has
conaentad to allow Morn. Itartlk. th
maeatro of th coryphee, of tb New
VorU Matropolilan Opera-House, to use
tk film In perfecting tk art of his
dancara. This cam about from the
fact that In Th Ballet Oirf the.
entire corpa d corrphe ef Mar.hat
tan'a Tempi of Opera Is utilised In
support of Miss PraJy as "U Pyrena"
th famous dancer and tka toast of the
town. Mona. Kartlk discovered on
aminlnr tk film that th ocular dem
onstration afforded of th "rrand bal
let" would prov a moi valuable les
son to aspirins; young terpslcboreana.
Xanacer James, of the Majestic. hsa
a number of stellar attraction comlni ,
to his horn of th photodrnma tiuris
lh net few weeks. Thursday "Mer.y j
Mary Ann" la the feature, to kw fol
lowed by Fljthtiua; Hlood." with Will
iam Farnam: "lUsel Kirk." with Kllcy
Hatch and Pearl While: -New Tork
featuring Florence Red: "X Fool's
Haven-." with Mande Ctllbert and
William H. Tooker: "Bc ulcld and
Tb Spider and th Fly."
a a
That Lara o' Lowrle-," th Franren
Hodaraon Burnett book from which
"Secret Lv" la adapted, places Helen
War and her splendid supporting cast
In Lancashire, in Northern KnKland.
in 1173. MUs War started ber 'the
atrical caraer as an "extra woman" In
the Maud Adams play: Th Little
Mlnlater." As understudy for Blanch
Hate in the role of Cigarette In Under
Two Flaea," ah had her first oppor
tunlty to star. As Lyci. In "Quo
Vadls," Mine War bad ber first promi
nent encasement aa le-adlnar woman.
Her moat conspicuous triumphs wer
achieved In The Prlc." "Within the
Law" and Tb Third lx-free."
B. A. Rolf, president of Rolf Photo
plays. lnc who make Metro feature
productions, is rrearded by musical
authorities as th best soloist
In the United Ftate,
Pauline Frederick, who Is maklna
surh a slsnal succme of her dual role
Interpretation In The Spader." Is
iloatonea. born and bred In th New
tlnjtland metropolis. Miss Frederick
Is an accomplished vocalist and pianist.
a a a
Fthel Clayton, stsrrlnc with House
Peters In Tb Great llvld." played
under Harris Frohmarn and Strm as
well aa In slock, before Jolnlnac the
Lubin studio. In these film days of
many contracts she Is an exception In
that for four years ah has played
with ljbln. and Iubln only, "liubby
rturnltt." The Country Hoy." Th
Urate." The Devil" ar amons; tb
stas production In which ahe ap
pea red.
a a a
frrln Johnson, who star In The
Prlc of Power." la a well-known star
of the legitimate alas;. A Kantucktan
by birth, hi first stac appearance
was la "Th Governor." at th Peoples
Theater. New Tork. Aa a star bis
career commanded In Irf "Hearts
Couraaeons." Tb RullnsT Por."VBtn
tlur" ami Th Heart of Mar) land."
are amonc plays In which be appeared
with ureal success.
a a. a
Mary Plckford. with salary and royal
ties, earned' nearly SS00.009 last year.
Under th new acreemenl by which she
I lo rereiv half of lh proceeds from
ber pictures durinc 11 "he should
make mor than ll.."00. Th funny
part of It l that Mary doesn't know
th color of her checks, her mother
taklna- enure charge of all business
Packed at every performance One of the record attractions of the year
A- , . - c .
l- - ' - t n. V
i '
. r ;
" ' : . -. 0 ' ' - Jt-Vi "-: :-'i-:
; . . . . - .
1. . . ' .
Pauline Frederic
In the Dual Role of Mother and Daughter in
So r
One of the Most Thrilling Dramatic
Productions Ever Shown in the City.
Do Your Level Best to See It.
Anita Stewart
Earle illiams
in the Fifth Chapter of
Too Good to-Even Think of Missing
Today and Tomorrow Only
Your. Last Chance
' 4 -a. .-
v.; ; . . '
Big Political Meeting Sched-
uled at Lewiston.
Dr. Shaft Declares Domlnatioa by
"Hlg Four" of South Disliked ad
Dlrtx-t Primary Bill Likely to
Result In. Upheaval.
LEWISTON. Idaho. Feb. . (Spe
clal.) Although there will be many
political gatherings In Idaho February
11. th most Important in isortnern
Idaho will be the annuar Lincoln day
banauet at Lewiston. Pr." C W. Sbaff.
rountv central committeeman, will
nrealde. 1
Wblla ostensibly the only reason for
the hanornet will be a gel-locetner
mtttlnc. It la aenrrally understood
that Iher wfll be discussions which
will make or break candidates for the
ISIS election.
When commenting on tb altuatlon
today. Jr. Shaft aald: "Prominent
politicians and speakers from all parts
of North laano nave rwgnuieu men in
tention of attending."
ItegardlngHho political situation, he
said: "1 hav been keeping In. close
touch with the political altuatlon
throughout the slate, and I am fairly
convinced that It Is the desire of a
majority of the people that th. next
Governor shall come from the Panhan
dle Our Senators and repreeentatives
at Washington are from th South and
a majority of lh state orrirea are neia
br r'ithern men. The North haa prar-
Too never know Just what kind of
a urprts I In tr for yoa when
tot enter th Columbia Theater, but
tna many innovations Introduced by
Maaaser Mjrvk hav educated bta
patrena lo a condition of spctane-y
they look for something new every
t m they en'r tk J i th-str.e t pkoto
piayhnuaa. Tk lateat la a lobby light-l-at
effect ef warmth and welronee In
di ad by th tie of ro-ttntd glob
aad Color tat shade.
a a a
Aa a r.autt of lha experience ecu-t l
in makir.s th ball! In Ah-
p-a a latatt awfil "Th Pall-t
lirt." a William A. Hraly faatur. r
Ua4 by th World Film Corporation.
Lewis J. Ualck. vl-pridnt and,
Your Last Opiyrtanity to See
Ethel Clayton M Hpuse Peters
In One of the Greatest Plays Ever Produced
Tl 9?
, Filmed in the Beautiful Grand Canyon of the Colorado
11 YV
tlcally no representation, and people
from every section feel that on account
of the geographical division of the Gem
State the next Governor must hail from
the North. They realize that it would
make a much tronser ticket."
It is generally considered that there
are four intercuts in the southern part
of the state that combine their forces
and agree upon candidates. They are
the Mormon church, the sheep Interests,
the timber and mining Interests and
the railroads. The leading politicians
of the North contend that the people
are rebelling against the adverse leg
islation that Is brought about through
the legislators elected by the "Big
Four." and that the people will put
forth every effort to defeat the "ma
chine" at the coming election. It Is
tfTought under the new primary law,
where everyone may become a candi
date, political bosses will be greatly
handicapped In electing their favorites.
Of the available material in the
North, those spoken of most favorably
are George K. Crum. of Lewiston, and
Herman H. Taylor, of Sandpoint. While
neither of these men has announced
his Intention of entering the primaries,
It is practically assured that Mr. Crum
will make an officlal.announcement
Club Formed at Chehalls to Oppose
Jcsident Wilson and RoosevelL
CHEHALLS. Wah.. Feb. 7.-i-(Spe-ciaL)
To do aU that can legitimately
be done to defeat President Wilson and
to bead off the political ambitions of
Theodore Roosevelt again to be nom-
Inated for President of the United
States, local Germans, at a largely at
tended meeting here yesterday, organ
lzen the German-American Republican
Club of Lewis County.
At a later meeting resolutions will
be. adopted, a publicity committee and
other committees named,, and active
work started.
Officers elected are as follows: -Robert
Fechtner. president: John Lindner,
vice-president; T. M. Reidle, secretary;
John Siegwarth, treasurer.
Factory to Run Day and Night,
CHEHALIS, Wash.. Feb. 7. (Spe
cial.) Tonight the biggest door fac
tory in the world, located at McCleary,
will begin running lis nigm oiam.
,, . 1 L.ll, mart YT1 1
again, accoraing 10 ....
Dloved there, who left today to resume
work, after an enforced shutdown oc-
! .i the Rtnrm of the past few
days The flr door business is said to
be Just now better than it has been for
a long while.
- Citizenship Papers Granted.
OREGON CITY, Or.. Feb. 7. (Spe
cial.) Twenty-seven persons received
their second citizenship papers today,
the cases of five applicants were con
tinued, and the cases of five others
dismissed by Judge Campbell. ned
States Naturalization Examiner Henry
B. Hazard spent the day in Oregon City
attending to the cases.
Idaho lload Overseers Named.
GENESEE, Idaho, Feb. 7. (Special.)
The following men have been ap
Dointed as road overseers for the vari
ous districts:
No. 4; Henry Baumgartner, District
No. 5; Henry Whitted, District No. 6;
Christ Lang, District No. 7. There is
much talk of graveling the roads
around here.
Charles Grieser. District
'fT.T...-.T. a-BTTl
' --a.wvaa.-a
The Smashing Big Hit of the Year Selig's
Mammoth Production of Rex Beach's
Famous Novel
i "
, First Time in Pictures)
Featuring Kathlyn Williams, Wheeler Oakman
Get the Habit of
Drinking Hot Water
Before Breakfast
8ay we can't look or feel right
vith the system full
of poisons.
Millions of folks bathe internally
now instead of loading their system
with drugs. "What's an inside bath?"
you say. Well, it Is guaranteed to per
form miracles if you could believe
these hot water enthusiasts.
There are vast numbers of men and
women who, immediately upon arising
in the morning, drink a glass of real
hot water with a teaspoonful of lime
stone phosphate in it. This is a very
excellent health measure. It is in
tended to flush the stomach, liver, kid
neys and the thirty feet of intestines
of the previous day's waste, sour bile
and indigestible material left over in
the body which if not eliminated every
day, become food for the millions of
bacteria which infest the bowels, the
quick result is poisons and toxins
which are then absorbed into the blood
causing headache, blliousattacks, fotil
breath, bad taste, colds, stomach trou
ble, kidney misery, sleeplessness. inW
pure blood and all sorts of ailments.
People who feel good one day and
badly the next, but who simply can
not get feeling right are urged to ob
tain a quarter pound of limestone rhos
phate at the drug store. Thi- will cost
Very little, but is sufficient to make
anyone a real crank on the subject of
Internal sanitation.
Just as soap and hot water act on
the skin, cleansing, sweetening and
freshening, so limestone phosphate and
hot water act on the stomach, llwer.
kidneys and bowels. It is vastly more
important to bathe on the inside than
on the outside, because the skin pores
do not absorb impurities into the blood.
while the bowel pores do. Adv.
Saves Rheumatics
Cost of Trips to Ex
pensive Sanatoriums
and the Same Cast That Made "The Spoilers"
Famous the World Over.
Produced Upon the Exact Spots -Alluded to by
the Author. Filmdom's Lafest Triumph. ,
Heilig Theater
One Week Beginning
. Sunday, February 13
j 6088 (Sixty-Eiehty-Efeht) FREE g
auM-a mucn i kb uio lamuus "'"-a
FH woiar nf Hot SnririL'S BTid AdviceM
EES Rheumatic resorts. 6083 Kbum- H
E3 must relieve your Rheumatism tit
3 must bririff Uxut beneficial re-
in u in cases ox cxiruiiic sniu cauir-
tiona, billoosness or indifrestion. Or -jf
yoar money will be immediately f eA Vll
rtnmri hv tout drutrtribt. Send .r . . -1 A
g forvalaab-e Frea Book "Medie- rA p
E3 ! AHvirwon RhrtTmrntism ." It s iv .V
S 8 authoritative and scientific, .NLajS H
MXia Will enftnie ycru lu u-u9cl auiti
treat Inflammatory. Chronic, Ai-
tieular and Muscular ixnrMimaTtsaTT.
Write foritatoDce.
Matt. I. Johnson C;
ItflX, suriat.
Wholesale denunciation of propri
etary medicines is no more justifiable
than wholesale denunciation of the
medical profession. It is no more
true that there are reputable physi
cians who unselfishly devote their
lives to an unending struggle with
disease than that there are standard
remedies which do as good a work;
often- whero the work of the good
physician cannot reach. A erood ei
amnle is Lyaia E. Finkham's Vegetabln
VCompound. which has for forty years
been alleviating the surrerings or wom
en and curing the ills peculiar to their
sex. Adv. .