Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 08, 1916, Page 18, Image 18

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Prelection Made That Shoddy
C-.!y Will Be Obtained if
War Lasts Another Year.
U. .r. rtatarIa.x from ae.
-r.fcr-a fjartte la Out It I l tWaaaasI I n-rt-ImM
-I !Hot Irptlfal.lsr.
f the srer la r-tfO so-. "af
.a(,r tk.r ai:i et ka a
lt,a aa k i U praja.arahl la
in t ftital .ft.e.
r-rYt!. ""' k.Mr. a"" Ik
rani cult aaa.
Tkr m l k ref.:: aa atarhj a
. aa a it akie a.ii '
t.. f.l eoi-.e fcf Sl Jtjmaa.;-.
I tke air i.aPt ,i4 kr I ar.
It sea 'act nr. r eaaaanea lkt.
tk. iroii( tim: tar l "t a tfcta
i ta r.l.ea tr- air"
..a ia. k ! only ''
r, bt-fa. r7 aa. kl.s..-k f r rea.
tk .trio '(. re jonj m.a. :!
k.- tk. r.,"nar etr.-.. fr tka
nnn-MC la tke rmin a-eaora.
a-nia f-f m- tkt r-l l:
k. l:k kl Tall, and art.:
' k iiifm'i a. f"a
ri.r. aat a .ti!ar ft la all utklaa"
. ! k 1 1--ti-
rilltr f tka aiBf-
wion hju- will pr'k6'ir fca
I . If ara aki l
at af ki or.t-r fill-- r tkU a.
rawli OaaVaa rara.
Alt lkJ" !' ' "
Mttini aff e ipw If im ktifoa.l
r i- waf al ! ia (a'l thai af
ladry ! tha I oit4 Jivt- U k-
. la af.paflrta- -.l-a.
u.4 t ill &r ar-lar. wfl whu-k Ifca '
Bfila f. !' I a l tkr-a ttm-
ts rtl a.i r 4.-ni" ! fJ'r.
la na a.M t -r k. r-mpr-.
a.tilf). k wmu I ' I ". al
nf tra r.alT M.J fl t n. 1 f M t n
ll. rfi af waa of aro-jf-filr h
... n-xf fc.i af b'tnf.
a.'l IIIM aia k .l-t.J ! foil
I l a. lt l u.fl ltka a ftfl tlo
Th- afa ! Ika olritian
kr.iiai k ;. ffv. a Jlf trie la taa
I .t kr li. J faj. tka iothir. ara
f.l'tfa-a) J.lr4a la IVrtU!4.
"Hok.Ml t fa rl c.f.rt. tka lfa af tua 4tnn.t Ikal tlta affu.a
a-f a.if0 af. awinn ! aoaaa
tKi4ra af fakfU-a aa-l otk.r aa-l-fial
kt. a lkr f la Ika fhit.a
rta. a !-i Mr. lta. a aaa
a. fa aa caa-t.i. aa y.t Ika If
lifultf af Ika 14 of .f-ft Ikal
In. k-ajf a fc.fa kuri
n lku .n:rjr.
tiaianMI Uf.aaaa.
" 1 A 4-aamaU af a pril of !!
a--marte;. aa;4 Vf. Xt-r-. af A. U"l
a '. to la lf a ah-ft lima
ai v .4t I a.r 4f. t--4 af a '--B-fitr
k.lf a fat a tkal alikk aia
a' i. .apaf Vanatujf '
"Tk-f la a w fc ka k--a with
lhae fifaa j Jl j-r. M f f
i.alWf am.Junt-4 t.j I ".. aa
4ia.l a Mlniun of ;i.- durln
0 1 lma- la a. I kn af.-luja -(-
-. Ilia -rl l-a ll
i ..Ml. af t i-M ' nvada
. tn. kxlaatatt of tka H all aaaoa.
tK-n til. waa al praap-f It jr a-t !.
"T'la aarl M'K !' a) I fa:i
fi. inirmn pi rv h f 'wNno
inn laa araBlia at I. truax ara -miiii
H i. a fvt k.l -r.a-fal'f kao
:C .r Ikira- w-k, IU atir
, .itlaj al la. la
ka-r'l. f a kyciani; r- ' f .
a a ' ya rum- ta cn.-f tkal
tn-f. ara kM.r laaa !. a-a
., l-f arnta la ;urio-. ni fc.ia
r iiiiia arBt an .n.r.nit 4ftru
tM.ii a tk. v-rt a a-i-a l&t
a.' .n .l. BiualiX
"If li.. ajaf ua. aa a'.k.f !
a .1 !..-. al l k maaj aa lata
ft"Mr aal R.UiRI avaa will
k- pro-
r.ttw.ea J.l-M.i aa-4
.i..i pound.;
f irva aoot. mutife of whUb hrae
r..r. ka e-ua atr-t la ttaa kaa I. wial
Ue la lvrtUn4 Ikla ypriaaf by
b aw aalaa.- and nafkoua. tyvtsro.
;.rinuteU by a Nortlk I'ortUnd !
b. vlnat aonv.ra. a. corjiaa ta r.part
cifuUte4 In k'i.loeea lrcla
Tka at.m la k. in a. aaa
f..r tke k.B'fit at crowara af
w-aol. wka fli4 dlffwa'tf wool p.admal
atUUt.'lor j
ui-k.l pfu-aa
kiia tka ama of Ike raaera al the
.,... af tka aaa faa-m-l kaa not
.... niad. r " ' I . It t kaoaa that tka
. i l.nlal Har'i'" a Tratvaportattoa
a ampanr kav. u ' r4 lata a contract to
?rivt.j pari of tk war.ko'.a fa-iliiiaa.
rha r'a ba. beeom public thrvush
tk. I.jainc of addittanal by tkal
mpn7. It I Ika t Ua of tlie a-r-j
a-kf . la e'ivar-e t tke vool afoa
rj aO'f.1 monev ta finaae ct'P
it i .acl In. rnn-era ka. raalrvlrj
.''.al la kaadie ... paukda
rn r .w t have n'li b..a ok
l .. . J kr la.'.'n. malnljr Itoton. bar
r. Tka waalfaae w ill pay par
,a int. ra.t aa tka mar l li ara ad to
bint and will pay a comroi a.ioa of 1
rant for kan.llin Ik. bufin....
Tk. oil of bandits wool U
a' I la kaa pla.-4 a badi-ai oa the
"all f rawer, wka w aa unable to
..lanre in roinf. clispla aad mar.
k.tmat k;a a ol wltkeal borroaio
rr.on.T T pra. tiae ba.n for then,
s-aaer. f borrow ma.y fee 4 dais
a rarry ik.m u? ta tka clipping t:a.
an4 tkea wera forr4 to limaldata re
-.i I... ( tha narkat-
Tka a.w aaT.ncy aratam was tried ant I
e-a a email aval a a year as. It la aald.
art pr-a.J BT'-r..f i- Al thai t ' m.
: , I'M w pound af wool war kanJl-d
m tMa way. ll fcrojt.t tka wool to
l'aet!anl fae ilorvf and aktpmaat. la
.aal af ll. ham- ak lr.d to tke llast-
tn mark., fae tirtutiav
of Mftva of Vm,
Wilh Ike t-at'lioa ' a tkf'k sram
af -mat aa rjirt a k tret. tka
'-ft!anl luaia'.a e .trtrt baars f w
I'uMa r.a of Fka d etroie orrq
a4 a aa.k a'. jtoma of ika sakiirbaa
i!lo. tiower. rta!n much coo
cr.t Wtc of th "llr tkaa- anj
Ik accoaipaaytke wlatl. Ut(.
!! rata.
tth.i .rc t tlnml
tff part of i: cltr ha a r
t-rat . a norm! basis, aleclrle llht
t ri u-m aaa t.lepbon lr la
sum district it nula aomswhat lan-
c'el. A tare fore of 11a. m la ajork
ill ktarM aa4 day. botr. lo make
relr. It ! l ra9!Ma lo rarlara
ail th trofce iale ael wirra. for a
ae.fc er l.a. da, bil tfc m.a will
tar al tk task mil lha !! coaeae-
t fea ka a arv.mpict.4.
A'l iitkt HI al fce ltrea.4 on
rutv. o u. r.ai4.fc district uatil
It d after ef c r i atlraa a Bi short
droit baa kn orrm.
I tr( Ladf -llaipra" U )ka- lluae t'r-a.
IHal. ha Matkra No Irorol-f.
tin, Woo-fraw '!:.o tkj Wra Wil
.. taaa kaaa litafallx aboa.rad wllk
nvllatlaaa frota Ofacofk to coma tea tka
Hi. r.cial la J jn tlt.r-Wrttikc
w.ak aa. una ea-ca.toa tlal rafTlaal la
tra tt&ata 1 ( o -j . a-or.. af Invitation.
far l.i0 ri"l Ijidr af Ik U'l to coma
la t'at.aad la rvfr Iko k'a" aaaaal
Tka l liaaikar af Comeaarco yaaLrttar latt.r from Mr. W.l.ona
-r.Carr aaklna II la tkkkll. la traif
nr...,,,,... ,(. . . k,, .
r CVi5 v- ;:i-V' t-' ;---.'.r" ; . 2
Be, llleaea IIIU-II HeM f-r Hale kfep la la Ika rHvale Offlee of ( aaatakle Aady Welekerarr. af Three
rials, t-r Naa..!, SS arta tr at Uleaeli -Jlaiaer- Okreae. MH .lerte beeoad, aad Oearse Scbalta. Perklaa
Siaffl llim Mrra.
paiweea J aej sallona of liquors of various varieties are stored about the offices of the Constable in the
Cnrthaa.. waiting for It to be det.rmloed whether or not the men from whom the liquor was taken are Kullty
of violation of tka prohibition law.
Tk. caaa of i,f tk of the Perkins bar. will come up tooay. and two other eases will be up beforo the
la - a conviction la made the bowse will ba poured ceremonially Into the courtyard of the
on. 'able M.lrbers.r and hla deputies, as has been ! case with other contraband liquors taken
of tk. y.r. The - evMeoce- that I bstsc stored thera now Is the result of three separate raids
prohibition, law became effective.
fce&a'f. te people cf tarevoB for te
Ina 4tn.r.'l. cordial r.iuaat. thai bad MKflieJ and to airaa the hope It mav t. poaate for tkaen to be for tka Faatival althoso there
was aa paaitive protT. Ite that tbay
wou!4 rem.
IrrixalkMS llond f.aa ranted C'onven
lloaa IJ.t IWIas fHplrrU.
Were than fca:f the de!.:s lo the
'.Vale Craatta I'oof f akca. to be held In
J ia rr. Varcb . to efld.r lesislatloa
' for tka .lata aa.raet.a of Irricatloa
Ipruj'arl aa-l 4rinaa ariivilir and
tka of a of rural
rraiil'a. alraaiy bava k.n Bad and
I Ika It.t I. apct4 lo b completed
aitkin t a o w..ha,
I'Dii.alnt ara Ika appointmeats ra
..) v...riar bj J. W. IHewrr at
Ika t'baaib.r of Commtfrf:
a'.'nf.i i-f.aia L.aa. C.
W T'..ri... .r k.m.e I .- fc l-ile.
. r l' I r' -I rrlaai:e. O H
4 l.iafKA
if. . lafaaa.
IS iwn-
r .. r U
ir &.
w it
T av t
lamrrsor IthvcviwilV May t eM
nn Hawaiian Trip.
The preaant prim mlr later and of
fk ial bo-ly of ll l:yal l...aarlans wilt
ka r-: lad la offK wKboul oprl-
" . " T
In yr.tarday f -r nominallon lo Ike of
It. .a they now kold. end Iber w.r no
rival catvlldltaa
The i.iura of lb off i. 11 baly lo
ofrico l.ava. it in lh ban. i of I'rlme
VI rl.t.r Vln.ant an-1 bla rulloaiuaa to
vnrry ta eart'pl,-tln the plan fr th
,1, ur.ioit to Honoloitt. which was
Uan. bed la their admlnl.trallon. Many
r..orvattona have br.n made for the
trip aireatdy. one camir from aa far
away a aro. N. P. Governor Wlthy
rmb may areajmpany h party as a
ilm-aaf-a of Ikrallva
spamlwajr Arc- Atnrsl.
Kmm'fwn Held, auto racer, whoee
rar rlru. k a small alomnlllf at Tlila-
noik a"d forty-ninth lr.l. on May t.
ltV. li:i'K( Titrod re C llyda and
Harvey MUi.r. and Injurlnr Joarpbtne
? n---r and Anna I. ttaterbee. Is on
trial for Involuntary manatauajhter In
Ik caart of Circuit Jadj Kavansuch.
Tka caaa open.d yeaterday.
I;. id and his merhanlrlsn war
paedmc on their way to participate In
raca events at Ike l.oa Cltr. Tark
Tbx two women ara in California
m and the state Is bard prvsaed for
la Wlio llapiM-d fair Mk-in fiullly
nt Illatarblns Prsof.
IliieiClit'F.O. re. Tcb. T. IJtp laL)
-1 rtiM a. well snoot myself." threat
,tta4 Kutj'tal. when ha was
.- M td a the Kecord.-r's Court IMa
mnrnlnc on a cfcar-e of dlstorbinc the
p. are.
W. II. C!ark. who rau.ed Kunsiats
srre.t. Inai.ted that Knklat rrpealad
It fcamm'red oa a partition btnn
f atukrt.ra urrqpirq by th two man.
Mr Kun.tal off.r.d f. d.fana that
r,. aaa Iraint 10 sil'rce i lark, w koae
n-vlBat was erkaarable
Kukflat was fined lie-
Court Declares Stockholders
of American Company Are
Not Proper Plaintiffs.
ja.(r ;airn Ordrra X. XV. Iloaott-rt-
o lll 1U and' Attorn for
ImiKIJaala Will fl I'rrmll
Ictt lo .lat la Case.
Jult for tka rn-oarir of l.0 of
.at, which. It kaa baaa ll'l'l wpra
lranar.rfrl lllrckiir froro Ika Aniarl-
4 i iJi,VrI
can Life Accident In.urance Coro
par.y lo the ( nlon I'acine L4f Insur
aac Company, will Ma prosecuted, but
not by th four stockholders who re
cently brauskt an action in the Or
tit .urt.
N. W. Kotiatree, receiver for the de
funct American IJIe. was ordered by
Circuit Judse Galen ye.tareay lo be
cm suit for recovery of the assets, and
me d.merrcr aislnet lb" complaint
r.i.d by N. Wheal-lon. et al. was sus
tained. In other word, th suit will be
krouekt br the receivership and the
.leci.ion la the ca.a will b nnal. sav
in ( tk Cnion l-ariflc IJf from a mulll
plicity of sulis. Th sustaintns of th
demurrer I a victory for th I'nlon
1-a-iBe Ijf. rpreaented by Attorney
r.aipk Wilbur, which contended that
Ike complaint bad not bean fl lad by Ihe
pro-er per-ons aad that to allow the
action to continue would not protect
lb company from suns by numerous
otkar atrkhol.lrs.
llalph 11. launlway and C. U Wheal,
don. attornes for the stockholders.
aM have their part In the trial. JudKe
(latena rul-d tiiat they may appear as
frtrnua of the court and offer any evi
dence they have to further the cause
of th plaintiff receiver. They have
maintained tkal Ika receiver had re
fused to act. but If Mr. Rountra does
not .amply with th court's order he
will b deponed andanoihr receiver
appointed. . .
In th brief submitlad to JodK
;ai.n by Ik plaintiffs In th case of
N oval-Ian. It- Vounit. -I. K. Biin
and tv. M. Mark asalnst the t oln
l-arinc Life. Morton Gregory. .V. r..
Ilrad-n. K A. Mad.-e. A. McGHI and
N. v. Hountre. II Is stated.
-This la a suit to comrl th Union
Paw l fir Life Insurance Company to turn
back lo Ue receiver of the American
I.lfe Accident Insurants Company of as.ela lileaallv and fraud-ul-nll
..t.tamed from lha American
Ufe. Th.a Is the aole and only pur
,,a. of Ike suit. The asset when re
covered will be turned over to ZV .
Itountree. reaetrer. and will be dis
tributed lha same aa the other assets
In th receivership."
A th suit was for the purpose of
bavin th assets turned over lo tha
re-ei.r. Juds Gaten Held that the
r-x-.-tter was th proper person to bjln
ta ault.
Charses of conspiracy, stock J;Siin
and manipulation of as.els that al
lowed tha directors of th American
Ufe and lh t'nlon Pacific t-lf to cut a
melon of MJ.Coe wcr all-n-d In the
nrlainal comi-lalnl Hied by V " hcsl
don. Attorney Uunlway took affidavits
of lha off.-er of the two Insurance
companies for a week followlna the
fllln of the suit. Thes can hardly
t tered In the suit f the receiver,
but furnished the plaintiff-, they main
tain with valuable Information with
rcsard to transfer of th questioned
t.ur. iii-t:o PHOPOVES imhk
ni tTK ort;ii"i or i;bat auk a.
(aataker Hear Debate aa t'errla Dill
Hflarrs Claad McCalloea
aad C. C. kapaaan.
Marine the lands Involved la the
Orator, a California land-cranl rase in
th hands of a rclvr. who shall pro
araad with th administration of them,
while th Government, railroads and
slat continue to thresh out the letfa!
Phases of th question to a nnlsh. la
th recommendation submitted before
the members' council of the Chamber ol
Commerce at It luncheon yesterday by
i.l.o l' llusted. formerly associated
with tha I' tilled Mtate. attorneys In
handllnn Ihe "Innocent purchaser"
cases Involve!.
The Chamber will make a full
of the proposition. -
The .t programme of the day was a
d. ae beta. en Ciaa-le McCullnch and
C. c. Char-man on me Ferris bill. wh.-ti
Ifiitlilla for Federal control of stat
aster power resources. Mr. McCulloch
l-a.-d hla arjumrnt on the Id. ol
conservation, boidm thai the Valuable
wt'ter powrrn phould not ba allowed to
paaa out of the control of the Goern
iticdL Mr. Cbapman In hi attack on
Mr. McCulloch'a arpunif-nt objected to
plat-In the control In tha hnd of the
Kedrral Oov-rnmtnl. holdlnr that thl
would make the admlnlKtrallon of the
water power loo alow and cluroay and
would limit the development of the
late'e reaourcea.
Franklin T. Griffith objecle-l to the
Ferrla bill aa clumsily and Ineffectively
drawn, and declared that It would
throw prohibitory ohatarlee In the way
of the concern which dealred to de
velop water rowera.
.Mother of Mr. I- O. GM.miIcjr. 'or
tnrrljr of Portlaml. DlmjJn Taeonia.
Urn. farah M.racken died In Ta-
coma jrealarday and her body will be
enl to I'ortland today for burial 10
morrow morninn al 10 o'clock. Mr.
McCracken waa T years old and wa
lha mother of the wife of Ilev. t.. u.
Uhormley. of Ta.-oma. formerly paator
of the Third Preabrlerlan Church.
Th'rtoenth and Tine alreeta. rorlland.
Kev. and Mra. Ohorn.ley came to
rorlland In 112 and noma trine later
Ihey were Joined by Mra. tahormley'i'
-arenta. They had formerly uvea
Helta Kountain. O. Mr. klccracken a lea
aeveral years a so.
lr. and Mra. Uhormley are expected
Courthouse by
since the first
made since the
In Portland today for the funeral,
ahlch will be held at 14 tomorrow
mornlnit at the F. K. Iunnlnn i:.l
Mde funeral chapel. Ill Kast Alder
street- Ir. A. U. Hutchinson will read
the service.
Urll-Knoun I'ortland llnoinrnii Man
Sticcainlif) lo Ili-art Failure.
Charles K- Lone, a well known Port
land business man. died of heart failure
at I o'clock yesterday In his ofTV-es at
the Frances I'ox Institute. Plttock
block. He was connected with Wad
ham Sl Co. for many years, but for
some time past had enpaced In the lire
Insurance business.
Mr. 1-onit hnd been confined to his
home. 1201 Willamette boulevard, for
th past month with an attack of the
srip. Vesterday he made his first visit
downtown fur several weeks. In the
weakened condition following his Ill
ness the eiertloo overtaxed him. in
ducing heart failure. He was 2 years
old. and leaves a widow and stepson.
Srcrclarjr. ArcoaoU of Ilurnlnit I)lo
rc-aap IC.f-orda, I'uts) l"p $1000.
(-. n. Pfahler. accused of destroying
Ike record, of the late Hi.hop kM-addlnc.
rdT"..4 LJ
You Will Have to Admit that
Hot Steero Tastes Better
In many homes, hot,
beefy, beneficial Steero is
takins the place of coffee
and tea.
. Those people who say,
44 1 like coffee simply be
cause it's a hot drink" if
they mean what th- say,
will like hot Steero better,
because it's more than a
hot drink.
Neither coffee nor tea,
no matter how well made,
can ever have the rich,
appetizing, "juices of the
beef taste of Steero. And tains a sieero
You can buy Steero Cubes in boxes of 12
or 100 Cubes from Druepists, Grocers i
Delicatessen Dealers. Be sure you get Stet
There are imitations.
Will Yoa Try Steero, Now?
ScUaffaCa A Co, Distrisaators, New York
m y
Ateardmd Medal of Honor
mt Panama-Pacific Exposition
San Francisco, 19 IS
Ms. b aeicafi'Kltoka lrtaacta Co- New York mmrJ.zx : 1
Thompson's Dcep
Cucti; Kryptok Lenses
Are Better.
There are no secrets in manufacturing-.
Kryptoks. Anyone
can sell them, but as the de
signing and manufacturing
require the greatest skill and
judgment, care should be ex
ercised as to who makes them.
We know how, and the know
how makes their use doubly
For Kryptok lenses, as well
as anything else that is best
for your eyes, consult us.
Price cannot ' indicate the
Tlue of our . glasses and
209-10-11 Corbett Bid- 5th and
Morrison, Second Floor.
of the Knisconal diocese, has furnished
bond of 1 1000. His recent illness has
been serious, and he will not be taken
to court unlll his condition warrants it.
Mr. Pfahlir continues to maintain a
stout denial of burninir any Important
books r-rardlnK affairs of the diocese.
He was secretary to Bishop ScaddinK
fvr nine years, but refused to turn
over Iho records to Bieht-p W. T. Sum-
n.r. at tha death of Bishop Scudding-,
saytnic that he hsd destroyed them in
his (trief nt the deaths of the BiKhop
and of his own wife.
Waver A I bee tilvea Address oa Sow
Moral Tkaaea of Ihe City 'a
There is a possibility that Billy
Sunday may come to Portland to con
duct revival meetings.
Not for a louff time, however. The
famous Billy Is enqaed for two years
ahead. At yesterday's meeting- of the
Portland Ministerial Association in the
V. M. C A. a committee. Including- Kev
T. V. I-aive. Itev. W. O. Shank. Kev.
J. D. Msewonder and Jlev. Harry G.
Hanson, were named to consider the
matter and devise ways and means.
Mayor Albee gave an address on
"Some Moral Phases of the City's Ad
ministration." Although the Mayor de
clared lliat Portland is the cleanest
cltv on the Coast, be said there Is still
much to be done, and that continuous
dilis-ance is necessary.
To Justify the rise In taxes the Mayor
said that there had been a loss of
from $300,000 to $100,000 In liquor and
other licenses.
yy. K. Woodward, representing the
Oreson Solcal Hygiene fcociety. ap
pealed to the association to assist in
the csmpaicn of mass meetings that
will be held early In March under the
ausnlces of tho society. Among; the
sneakers at the noon meetings to be
held at the Baker Theater next month
will be President Foster, of Keed Col-
Itre: Kev. J. H. Boyd and Dr. I-. A.
Kir hie.
E. 1. Thompson spoke briefly of the
Laymen's Missionary convention, and
the Mayor closed the meeting with
Illinois) Meeting I'ohtponcd.
The Illinois State Society of Oregon
which was to have held a meeting at
the Commercial Club tonight, has an
nounced postponem-nt of the affair
until the second Tuesday In March.
The annual election of officers will
then take pl"re.
the beef taste of Steero is
skilfully blended with the
flavors of various vegeta
bles and a smack of spices.
No one will ever have
cause to warn you against
Steero. There is no Steero
headache, you don't have
trouble going to sleep, and
you don't get "nerves" if
you drink two cups of
Steero at dinner.
Hot Steero is made in a
. minute by pouring boilins
water into a cup tnat con-
Simply Add Bo0in Water
Neiu Models in
' $1
Here Exclusively
The new arrivals are
most attractive and will
find new owners as quick
ly as seen by our patrons.
Fourth Floor.
10 Extra Big
25c and 35c Grades
Broken lines of fine
grades medium and light
weight cotton hose. Black,
tan and few colors. Fash
ioned and seamless feet,
wide tops. Women's sizes,
8 to 10.
Main Floor. Sixth Street.
Our Women s
Such handsome styles
and materials youll be
amazed at the values!
Rich velvets and fine
broadcloths, some fur
trimmed, others with novel
touches smart styles and
colors all sizes!
Fourth Floor. Fifth Street
Women's and
Girls New
They're just in and un
derpriced! Of white jean,
with collars and cuffs of
blazer-striped material in
navy, light blue and green.
Long sleeves. Sizes 12-20
and 36-44. A very special
price for Tuesday.
Second Floor. Sixth Street.
Suit Cases
Fiber. Full size.
Straps, linen linings,
leather corners. Were
$4.25. Today $3.
Traveling Bags, $3.35
Black leatherette
with kid liniiigs.
Basement, Sixth Street.
Hughes "Ideal"
Guaranteed. Made by
new process bristles vul
canized in rubber air cush
ion, absolutely firm. Quad
ruple bristles, penetrator
On account of European
market conditions, an ex
tra offering at $1.29.
Main Floor, Sixth Street.
The Quaj-itV Stor.e of- Portland
rvuv, Sixth.
Mftdeof thafln-foi)s,ooatJilnsnoactl, Wm j
no lamon ltv, notnin injurious, cieana
and poll she. Qaickentof all. Impart
m i 1 1 1 iao fc. julius iuii cr l? nrwjr a. n
braaa ratlins and ail bright mat-ala.
Hold in twn at rob eitai b all
flrflrWi i. 'Haprlaya n anrl Dm Ktrinaa.
IefMk for thPkwt (Ua JaCmZm2nni
Cuba Is to advertise Us
United Statics newspapers.
attractions in
k 1
60c to $1 Values
Net top and shadow
laces, white and cream. 12
to 24-inch widths for
blouses and frocks. 3 to
5-inch for neckwear. Also
36-inch white and cream
Main Floor, Firth Street.
Extra Value!
Men's J4.00
Good serviceable sweat
ers for all-round wear.
Big, warm, ruffneck
sweaters in gray, cardinal
and navy. Sizes 38 to 44.
Styles suitable for women
as well as men. Just right
for this weather.
Main Floor. Morrison Street
500 Pairs
Broken lines and sizes.
Excellent quality kid and
mocha gloves, some slight
ly soiled, others in perfect
condition. Black, brown,
red and white. Sizes
mainly 5 to 6, but a
few larger ones.
Main Floor, Fifth Street.
3c to $7.50 for
6c to $15 Pieces
Chinaware, Glassware,
Tinware, Graniteware,
Brassware, dozens of arti
cles. Small kitchen uten
sils, cutlery, etc.
Basement, Fifth Street.
6 Cans
Peas, Corn
Good 60c Value
3 cans of Victor Peas
Regular 10c variety.
3 cans Iowa Corn
Regular 10c grade.
Today only, this 6-can
combination for 49-
Ninth Floor, Fifth Street.
T - Iorrtaoay Alain- SXa-
Phone Your Want Ads to
Main 7070 A 6095