Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 08, 1916, Page 17, Image 17

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Pacific Coast Grain Taken,
Eastern Turned Down.-
'.ll.r.rta f xirtrr fell I oar
Mninrr arxar. WMla Oiaa-am
Mrln Um. rwto.j la
l ark of I orrljn prtiuind.
jr'.-.i want aff aaa
ri etvef ri fwa l1
l.i B-ana af a"
.a f.nae .aa. la rta-
aa.tar aaaaaiara fa l"'a
a-aa.ilt ' T
mr".ie -.aa t
at 1 a .-iri a intiiii a maa. erfea''
eV -an ri ala 4Tr. a l, ewe f"
f.f af a mat fnan. ! S ') . Tb
-.. ,1 f.c li t. (! "!
a a riai-a raaiai!.. ..t II "
ae 1.141 fa rua af in "! --ael
iin i a M::'t of ",8
La', anso--. Raia " i7 ar
"Tnar a-e - "t ' " Saw-.. ".
wltaa tna ( . " -' -"
4 ! ! - '
m4 it, nf.ctn ) 't w.sanB aatjant
ar) tt ia m.f tola
a-,, rv.'u xintaol u fimaaaia la baa.
! a B 1 gala f ! N-a maia a'nta era aasta; ac frana
. irofaa ul mara la a BaeiaAaaal af
a -mn4
Hon antar'ay t a-l
a-.-, a r . t"M .;: Natraaaa-.a
aa ar a;, I MQ wm .iii. . f-"a ateara'
eraa all'-H ar't V 1
Va rap-r-a aara til C 0rM !
cnni!"r. l'-t aa r r
r-vi n fcn'fl4 T"i :tfi 4 4-
fj Vi'ir'umt :-lit M4f
t".a-v't r I. mi :'m al ''-"4"'- .''
f.i itm wt ifr4 I I r-t III
w -- J l t (. '
Nix . '
ti. a ta I
...... a nia t:i ft!i T-:
i i .4. t;iil I h ui .;
. a t . . .
.af : 1
i,,.,,!.,!! '" aa ... Ia
w aa
- at. . . t ' ... 3 I
y. - 4.4 . t :! n
p ..a..n aUafa an -a tai till T:a
1..-4 ' '
.-. :
' i i
l .1
llla afainu T IrlM.rt l-KirM!
kxrlala raaaa f aaaalra. fafca la Mi
( aaaltal i a a.
T'.a :...-a: kirfa aaara-l a(laaa '
,.,a aipftaal atiaaa a ai-ir-aa
a 4 rva.-i.-a.'y "la ara la
an a nmal a( la nam, T-a laa. ara a
a-.. . i l tiwir aMvara, rtcafl la Tartar
t x'y m-M aa aaaratiiaa aaat af lia a'a
, , a, ..jaitaa) ana I rm-'T iaa4l
:fna rfiaaa.
Hi.; . r-a j ilt al laa I f-a 1 tJaat
a" -a I'll n i a.-k" "ta arta
t.ia ,4 aa ka njiiaia i
av... ka"14 aa."Bl-4 Iftal ar-4n-f J'-.
ii ki.!.a laa iaai Sai'iai fai..
tmnfi aealin.i- la araaa't a4 la'aal
aa aa it V f irkar 4ava. k-a'l
'. inamilm aa la tV Jaaara
M .'.I. r i.nrala tli. kra44 aaaa 3J
ai l a ;. aan a : . '" fiaia
a' tla !'.t k.Hinaa aai ta aaaxaal
f.fa-.a 4 v avail la - .aia
Iti a "a l-a 4i'a mn fair
a .,.l .ai.a.l tin a iii.iK raVma la Jaa-.-
aa'.n. at "'
anal l..aa.JUaarfl ! '
I'KiiiaAf an Inn
..-. 4r..
tin tn'niat !iaf al 4
I ..aa. f . .4 tiaa f -r ! naa . aa
t.ia inaj-urp a4t.ia lam a kaaa tl
pa-a. w' in l-iaa aa pra.a-.a4
.... tna ,.min"iiT..iii af ! a aar
4:.a aimo'.-f ft ..laa aft f'.a. ara
a' io la naMai. aa la.f af ma
a. a a-aaaa a alexia al aa kia'W pn.-aa
i.i uinira af pa- aar laufr. aKiaf'.f
aamu :n i.a 'l-r la i""aal 4aravaa. K
tain.ia futn pal"1 i.alr lla:aar.
na mr- m at--u a ' a'a'ia al a a
rta-l af aa. "a af aatilla aa aaaara
p.i.ii-. ."i an-4 a?
& laa al ta-'. a. a 14
ui 4rra.l. i a aiia-i a'i prfaa aa
k.4'r. a pu'inoa a- w J. a aa ra.4 aa
la la a ana-a. aa ia Raaa'ir aail"!
ara 4'iatal f-4i al la.. w -a a a ara
i k"ia raajtait all Bt-ai-4 ' -
a l I ti.
ruraiaa h .1 a-a 'rvo4 l a a t Ha liat-ai-a
tiaiBi. irrt ' ' u0
i.ara laraa-a aa laaaaaa-aa) P4aia pa Tw
ra aai a'iaai a'at iti.- af 15a M'f
ai r f .:aata iUat
la I
Ha Artaai-Waa .aitia "itfli
V . i-.i4tt T. !t-l
l - t-virr I. 1 t'.a
.u- iar v t. t i a
t . nruarv l'i. till
; ti'T 11, t : -
.aipt la, I'll I.
J. -4.- t. !''.
. -nr-ia.-r I ", I " '
3 araa.- L T. l.M.a.
Ii'iwt la. tJti : .
, i : t i
. ,4
i a 1
J. J ii
41 VMf t MMI
.. a : ; .a a
. '.' 1 a I m
. a i a.l
ajM-a-iiitiaa aa t a a a a a amaaara aa f ::a
It. . an. I 114 aa I a tk a an 1
r- 'T, J Jia ('a.'ii1
t n ia a"! iiara . t ? aa a .' ,a.u-a H4-H)'a
taa .B-a .i, a.XH,. ; t :iKj;.'a
Tt.a .... 4-. i4 ." '.3liii ait-l"
-rj.4 miaata tar ia aaai a4 foaaaif
Tfa a. '4 al ( TTk a.4-1
rift I ' '. raa "'-
V . a f i : i " lilU'M ;.;44ui
.' .n .ui ... I.-;; j.a n-a J.-aa,.j4
aaat-aila ..... l'i. a.-
la lia) '
T.,!, ti. '-4.- tl44.a:4 aix aa
jaliipmanea ft- tla aaaaiaa la 4ala aampara
a t a i aa-rt prt"4 :at aaaanK
Taeat aiaca Panaa pr-4
Jur I la laa aa
I a
il t-ana
..;'.i "' . 11 4, 'i a
lJ i:a.ia I a:a
. . .
! 3. '-ia I i. ! aa a-a
UMaxi i;.ai--j-
Tiitala J-jt Tajaaa 30.1. 1 1 ..
K a?.v--t rrina nr- A Hart.' a Iaa wa
:.,.t.4 3i-M-..aiM aaia:a af ara ."4 1.4U.
raa karia.a af aai.
i in ot wir. r nuttx rpum
aaia) ka raraaa.a aaa X.lllta. af t-ka fcala
r rtSMV)T. Wa.fl. r-a. t -pa!a! I
vf-ia lat-am ka fa.a al f Ika tnarkal
f,r ahiii in'.a aauntr. taka-a a aaa
I. i- .)-i l an-! 4 iiim.i4i knaai a ara attj Pa;4
k itiaita. aiiaa kaaa a'r.ra Kara laatap
aira I lanta fr p.aaatana. ta caaia aaiaa-a-ia
a-a-aat:aa af a a a aar. Ika
faraaai-. " "aa a iar I af It ii
.a a -:. aa aaa-a !(. It par aa af
- -i-ob araa anil la Ika i ar mark
a. t praapaaclaa twaa ar aaakl aWMl
la lia paa aaa la aaara l-aa l;l. la
t ia. .' a l aaa'f ajana. It:f a ai ;;ia P'tan.
a a af aal k aall-aata-l
kra. rap-aaaaalaal prayfaa
t-ii..i'a-r ta rva.aopaat
a aa la atrawta
r ka f ina t-a p
mom kta am ii
a aaaa
laa-f aairaatai Vain a Af-tk
T-aaa Araa I
Taari aaa a-aa kaalaaaj 4aa
Ut - - a-i.'f. "' ....
al ... Jl taa'l fa .4 r-'a. a !
a--aa k-iai -iaa laa kaa 4--aa fa-ua al akaal
a aaal iaa iava pAia frvak la larkaaj-a.
mmr mnn li4 ll.? m--iirr 14
?.ala r xltir ;r" B4". MI "
A4nt trrr wm I Ixlfsla a T
T-' lMat I Inl.a-
r:if is in try wtftr ce4:!-n nf
. r nk 1 ru l a ' i4
'UM la l :: 4 T UI
irt im M artr Nam t
A t ta Urraa4 ot.roa fT f""
lt 4maa4 fa .f.j i o'.udHi kolh ft
ra aa4 taf?fa.
floats: vttM. Ilaal iah:e(. - t
m4 efTila4, 25 3 7c. 4i&r7 (oibI.
Jt t af4!. .ij:. cara-
'. afjiaarj m f. ;:
i i fnl, iKjl.e, TrJ. laif
atIWa .taaaraa4) M (allfaraaa mm4
(Mm 4ilaawaa.
T a(f avarkat aa ar4ar
9rw'a aafa I ! la S ! or lhaa
.a;'4ar. laa ! r4 aaa ao:a4 aa lbs
tral al raai la i , 4 aaSl4
I J rain la 3 caata Tra la
k'xara aara calaa la i f la
li laHaa-T a laa ataraat. Icat Tiari
vara !af IUa aa aar 4 'a
aaaa. A 11' af luil'il I a a arTa4
4 INaaa acca afta4 al - caaia.
tiattat n tt atorasa a a aar al t-mmti.
Ii la rta-4 .al a r af ffaaa r-aa
tttt am ka aa la irark lo-Iar. Tat
-! ! af f"n:a a aa a aa oa la.
tfav. Atiafatkar. laa maraal apfraara la ka
la !:a f a 4r.
Varr titi'a arm4 la lha a af aoaMrr
aa4 4raaal aaaaia. a4 alv4aT srlcaa
vara rapaala4.
Ta aaiiar vaki araa ary r.rm.
oic rxicM .iAris jr-iJTr.
laral NaAa IU la.aJa la llkaaa Qaala.
iMaaa la) "aaMa.
rrBaCa a'ra (f a4aPca4 13 caa'a a
ka jaaiardaT aa a ean-juaa -a af B'fir
aa.ii-tjxa in i'ai.f'ria
Doa aaaa aa lha a--ai la frajuatri lrepra
HI. kal aai ama aaTAal afiil Ilia
aaarkaa 4 afrtra afa aa4 af aaa? aa4
n. r. ; lin-a a-a lk ' lmi"niil
,a. r..... ... a ar af
fcaa I laltaa. Jtl-aa' a.lab. ara do.
Oaaa 1 Waxlaaa.
raat rlaarloaa af IM Nrlhaa.-.'a cltlaa
ara al felaa.
t i- ifl f Ila'a-raa.
i i i ::
l.rmia. I War. Fr0. I'.
X.r--a.i a' l l' al.
libi'Ja'l 4-rfT
ral -
I' ri4-a' . . M. .
r-l f(.
Ka-l kiaua
rr aa.
I ... i:i
j i
T I l
;? ; ;
: t 13 oo
in i
I l'i II '
a) .-a
'. .
. ....
. :a -I "
. .: ri
;l -a II
N. , a.
I f
Ura i' "
jlraa 3 4
r tra
Vr. M.wa-aa
Wat frfa.4
V'- r'-ib
Waf.-a fl'a
va-i-a I i a
v .t ia ! ..........
ala-'ia Far4 k'aT....
J kraa
-" axilla
riot Hi ratal-ta Is par aarra .
-;Mi :'.. a I la. a ;: Va a.
I.U. aa. aaaai. la . -aaata. I
It a - Kaitara aifaca l.mifta. $ ; : Aa aj
I'.a H. a l a-athi. li.vla. a fa. fa. II
a; : iau ara aiim, Iwaait.
Wlt.t.r -ji-ait prua .ia f ;i par
o. ,.,.r-a l;. r: aa) aair. llaJl
. i. . N v ka.a. Ii; par laa. crackaaj. U
pa Ui
raila aai rgalakiia.
Ta.rl. al. rniir. "faai'i naaa'a
a i;-i t'
a.ra balm
r.a i.. paa. a s
paa aauaa. rap!rail. w:. pomaaiaa
u ! i" a-. ia-''a. f V a I
a I. 1 a: r a. I t a a - - '
-a. I :
I I II 'Inn l
r ii . .rar a . p'
-. p"-4 ipi'a'i. aajkv t r
a-aa l a .. a, pr piati'. ranl
t, -..hi ; -.' n a!v iiiibii.
a a
r-' .
ff a a.
lana laal; ,- - ; . P'
ra taa a (!. r k aaa&a-a. $ 1 j i.
.;' rt IT -.,t.l, (I4 par
rl ,---.- HI par tiT-l -
i' . f a v ' a iminR. f i'ii;: Tafcii-a.
ft 11 pa- aa aaaa-a PT I 1 Pa- tlOfa.!
,,..;...-... kal " P'Wa. : f. a. a.
ai.p- - p-'iai
ai l - "itki aia faarp.
I 1 u-" I:. l !!-. J"a-,,.-a.
.a:ra fa -v. ! i. -. II".
.(.-a It -: Via""", aalra far..--.
; la- a It:, rilua :it:i. HaiiailK
a.ira fa'T 1 i faa-r. Ilia, ckaara. II.
itttaia arvtta.'4 laa. l.
Itaaara aaal Caajalry
I a. "- a ajaafatlaa.'
Jm-.. a4 pra-i. inaf"! raar. rat
al..! a, ii I .. ("r iiia i-"' i" l1".
l-'il LII1- Mart ima.-. Iitl-:. la-a.
ai:- a-a.l Cc-rlaii llwli--. laa-
:i... latru. laraiia. Arm-t can. - "
:ir 4 -.'Ha. Ill IV IMr.
rt'Ttm- -aaimarT prua. a.traa Il:
f raia. I!a. aa aata lav p-r p-a4. Hlt-
(at .-. - I. . . 3'
CIICK--'aii-a Ir.p Jakia aa.a
pr'vaa. t- laa piiaa. r. a a aa
ari Tauo Aavir-a. Ia- par pouad.
CII - Hi'f, le iar p"a4--vi:k
.-. P-t par p-an4-
Map-to ti aaaaiaa. .
I a .1 li-t-a-.a aaatat-aa:
::4j a cm-.n a .am' a Mir. Iaaaia4 a:"a
a i ii t.i'a I i la pr 4wpia. aaa-u flat. t-: I
ti i. ,,...4 r a la. AUa.a P'.k. -paua4
;-M . .) u ,. ,V-
! I in ,tra. II P caa.
MT Wa;ai!a. tvl k'a. -:
an. l".ipar. f.:-rta. li-t-. a:-ao4.
t,i. p-aaata. . taaaauia. II pa'
aaai. pavaea, !":! CIVaaiau'.a. l".
Hi: A.N- -jima.-t aaita. J -'"c . la-a "Mia.
tl- - . a. Nua. -aa. p'. 5 Va.
r t I !- HnautaM la aroma. 1a
M i.AH rum a4 arr. k-aaa.
aalra '. po"4arJ. la karri a.
j:. r-ihia. wii. ir. 13.
p ILT--itraaa ata4, U par laa; ha f
Itaat l. taMa. Ia par laa. la. I Pa'
lr . 4air. 114 par I a.
Kt.'C-naiifi'a Ural. a-l4 aeon;
lr-4ia pc. Japaa a-.F.a. 4 -a a) .
I'KtrtJ Tnl 1 1 asp ra. PC par aaorial:
ai-iit4. Ilajic. p 4 --. :; pruoaa.
It lia. ralalaa. iaoaa Maaealata. -.
a-iiaiMl aalaaaa. PV10f. a-14. w .
aa'.a. -alaa. I-) Pali4. Iar4. It i par
a., ra-rania. Psftli'. na. I a-au -a.
U. la l aa. i. Ii ii. 14 l-euara. 1.44;
I ta-aaaa-. ;'... ahlta. back,
(a par pHvai.
Ma-pa. Waal. HWa. Clr.
Wnfl J:l arrap. ISf :S P' Pa4,
It I iitr -aa.ia-4 k:dia. :i paaada til -lli.
aai nl a tan. pavaaaa aad up. IJ;
a ta- a p. IS paaa ta la JJ p""4a. -
aa.l-J a.f ap la 14 paanata. !. praaa
M4n : pouad. aa4 P. -- '" ataa
;a paaa4a aai at. -.. 'a.a kip. 1
paua-la I . n naa-la, Ii. -aaa ea'!. a ia
l paaaada. laa. ar f.ial H-1-. arT ii I. ap ia I paataita. Jls; 4r aa.1
klila SJ4J.
U-rn-ia Oracaai. !I:J: Ta lay.
Ii 9 !-. .l U-6a oL I3a-.
k jlltlK Otaiaa. SaV p-ar paar.4.
CA.V.AHA UAH. av.4 an 4 aaa. JSIM
pa raaai
r':t. V tr lar.-aaa-a4 aafa. Jar; -
tan-aaa:a4 P !. I. 4' tl"t'"ia.
I la aaxk. a ta4 pfiaaf a. aack.
4-p -al. I4 kalr. IJ H'H. 4r at
Aaar inaa. I ): --k; it laJ laog-aav.aj
pa. la. Uav.mlar. TVc l H .
afi a a Ii I ...
HAWa Alt i iaa. (tana. IP; afaa-laM.
tTH'. aa.a-3. I4af:tr. pnaw-a. P-aC
ca-taas 'i i. IJ-a.
tiAa iiN-rai r. ?::. pia.-Sar-t. SI 9
n- rkaxa. 11ST". . ...
l-Ht pkl.T anari. rtaar aarka
tJ-a aapirta llSil. P.'aa. Ill
I A : T -"a kaaia. .!' raaditfaa.
Iti. a-ia4l-. l-c. r-a-jipaaaaa. 1-C
lURKI L 1KH)M Maaa -. ti. P-'a
ka-r. 1P. pal park. 4. irtpa. IW
tl A4V
K r Rrwc X K Wa-ar aa ia, l-aat af
niii lank aa-a. I" raaaa. i:-lfP-l
..aa-iljvr la. ITS'. -aa. .4v,a.
ir-.a ' -i-aa liL-r ra. - - -a '
t.aratn c-lk. Kaa. patraia Pat: fa,
raaaa. Plr. a-a. .. t; pa-.iaal.
ta. M--
Tt'lrf TtN r la taaka. lie; ta t
Hi, Itr-a-aaaa ia-ta. 1 laaa.
Speculative Shares Make Up
ward Progress.
Wat 1 1 Sli-rrt Cli-r-rrfal Oner rruhable
Ijirlr and final Krtllrmrnt of
I.aalliania C--r Mrr-rrr
Ramon I'actora.
sr. OHK. rp T. rToap--ta af an
ar; aaJ final ..lllrmanl of Iba aa-a4
Laallanla rata) and pro ml ara af ! alopmanta
af a rliararlar ,-ontributi-il In la
a-v.ttala maaa-i- la Ik aahiBniriril af
auat'4 aalara t ! . I -l- a rp-BH wllla
aain af m 3 point!. al.KO arr tl"Ubl4
ar4 aan lrbi-4 lalrr In anna af Iba
klah'r ata-a:atl.a b-auara. anil ua--
. .1 r ,u laiaaa r-a a-iar Ban;.
Tn miraiTinl In ara aaa acwampanlail
la put hrltatlv atalamanta af a itiarirf or
roivio l lalion of lha U'!ll' a-ampanli-a op-a-B-:-
"a Mr-j!i-a an-1 I aMfnrala rnrn'aiim
pr.'.rri naa IS la ' S aad Aaaoctalad
W 3 la aa
11 lain laa-amollva'p pain of i-a I" 1IS
fa..oa4 rporta af tltai campanr. probao
aa-ialmtivatloa aiih on or man hlodiad
..nrni and lha atrangth of Biatatii araa dl-rari:--
iracaaha la Iba mut-a hlhr prtc-r-a
qaat) bp baarM. p rod ! ra of rappr fnr
d Ir.r. ranaiittj Inia tba mlddla of lb.
1 i-t-ifl -a-'a i,i rava . c-od pr-aonl or
a-!f. aim opllmlitli- fnraa-mata of lha un
fit. rd lanaa. alaiarni-ot for January, ahli-h
ta ia laaaaa Thara.tay. Larkaaanna Htaal
rraJ a maalmum Ivaa af S-a t "n
asaaaaiii'r.l of ba rrarpar a-llh lha
tmirtnaan and Cambr'.a M-npam" and
ru--i.i aii-l dooird madTaia pr-ainr.
In-i.l.i.ia:i). Wail alrt aaa aurprlaad at
Vl'ilia'i- a a-im'a,tlnn of Cambria.
Mala ara.. i la:l til polnl of a-illtr.
bo' aita fir n lo aironp
laalinp irf iriodarai al iM llm. lap.
Irp Inia dui:naaa an.) aom ailn of prl-
to-.r.l k riaa. Tatat aa.i-a amounlad to
r.j.1 ia p-iar. .
Iinr.oaaa ra id In tla bond ni.rkr ltn
f-irlhrr aalrnin il'a'lnci lo Ar . plo-Vramh
fl.ra Total aataa. par aa.u. aa-Tatd
l-,:nrav rn-taxl aiai'a bond. ara an-.'bar..---!
on i-a;?.
I I' -i
t'h. t-ow hid.
A'aaka aii'd .
Aai III MHir. 3
Ami.. i an i an.. '-
Amr-i. an l.wn. I' .T'ai
Am m A Ka(. Jl.k m
Ha tf I
Am P- Rr'l .. -.'"
Am Til a Tat..
Ana.- ran T..S..
An.r.'a l op.. II 4-
AKHlh !.'"
In -l. o la.. ai.:-"d
Hi i A iiM J
v p una:
ll. Kip Tfanl
-; I'atrn ... IllWI
la- !,n fa - .. -'
f-n'-at llh.. fx-'
r s.. a . . -'
0 i l.-t W-il . ami
I'M M ' A -t I".
hi a . w
i- I: I A : . . 9. a.-i
I- i- in- P" i- . 4. .'lak
-.:o I'a A Iroo. . . .
fr.j - s . p-ii... 43.oa
ti a r. O pf-i
f"ai Mvur' . linrn
a..-. ."..Ini
lana-al E a. I .. I. "-
t.'l .Nort-i pf.l . .
.r '-. tr ct'a li-i'1
II- ifffinhi'-a ra. k V-t
1 . ,n .: a l'ant-at . . -111
or t:..-p..
Iiap -ation a "P.
Int lli rr V J..
V. r Boa N.-n . . 1
liMI Vi.'aa., -".-aa
t -4 a A Va4h .
l a 4"
Virr-.t r-pff.. I. "OO
w a. A T H4
Viia-aM Pa-- ...
N t -al tao . T
.airf4 c 'Pi-r. --jlo
M T I a-'ra:
4 V N M A H . 1 -nn
Sir A tv.a-ara. I r"
-.ri fa- il(... '-
I'K tV X,'! ... ! IM
l a. T.t A T.l
rain:ia"a .. .-""
I-, t l-al Car
I it Caa "p . t ",vl
I..4 1 "
I'ap I- A "' . ! aii
-Msu-bara I'ac. .. ?. a--i
f n-i-a R . . . : ""
P-ii l. jiku i"a.. Jt -o4l
Tunurt r.-p.. ;
Taaaa a'owtpaiir. I ta-aa
trt.ia I'ac!... S.I'-a
1' t 1
lO I -
Ii. . S
14 '.
J 4
3 a
Tl 1
- s
-ia s
71 'a
tl '
I -I a
1 1 'a
7 a,
"i" '
Ht a
I' I
i.i w
JTt 'a
l -1
1 IT
I II a
S-" '
1 " s
133 a
Ta "a
( a a.'-'
-ia- i -pr-r .
a -.fn t'n'nn
r I t
Uon'i.i -air
5? aawl
I !
; ,
4 r-a
il-raral toi-r-a
Wifi.i II pfn
r Marin pf-t
I ..oil
f,ft lH
, a
Ttai aa'ra for h. day. 0.0t0 iharfl.
f a raf Ta rap. . """a arin fae ?a. . . M
f M raf Z coup vi l-i- TAT 3a.l'v-
I a a raar aiii i I'ann ron 4a. ...In. 4
i- ri ia roupon . aiot -a no-ith Va" rf 4a 1" S
I- a lira ....1""- da ear 5 "a
f at la rivpon . ai im, fnlon rar 4a... PT -i
Arr. a.-t. r.a ! ! 1 4. 4
V T C --n ISl l''-S r a P'l f- 1"-
orth l ac 4a... IV. a r jla. r iancp 3a. P4 a
a Bid.
rVarataa Mlalnar Marka.
ffUTOV. Trh T -oaln quntatlona-
Altoia. ion.... Ta
An-. . I. A Km. -""a N-rtn Bulla Ta
Aria I'om a Md rona A4
I l i-nil A . Ti-S ' -ar-'ola V
HI a 1li"la. . . .5 vulr.i-y fi S
rr.i-nnlI 1- ..-riannon fa
loo It a con . . aaa, -.upanor 1 n,
rail I'ull l ap. ' S "'P A Tina it'a. I 'a
l-ranktia P,Tama-ar ...... ?'
Ilranbr fon Pt I. pm. It A M. n-
; ri tan.... 1 4 on pin o..
ti a H ll'alil. rS '"'ah 1 on 1114
Ka r tjk S Winona 4
I A- i-..p la 'll'o:r.rtr.a 44
Vlonaak .! S' I'ull A tup 7J1,
Maaaay. r.rlaaaco.
NEW TOR It. Trh. T. Mrrcantlla pa par.
la . s. t- r cnl.
fl.r-;irf. car. ra a.
I 76 T IC
Har .i:vr. fte.
V.a'.-an dotlara. 43Vr.
i;uatnmrnt boada. aiady: railroad boada.
t-rtn . .
Tima loan, raar. piair ana m aaya. -a
QZ J,r cant; rulln rata, IS par cnl.
PN riANCl!"'' Tab. Pfarllnp;. "0
iari 14 Tt S . drmaad. 4?3a; rabl.
4 las. aJoilara. air.
Ifa.'li. .I.hl K, latarraph 3.
LoMS. Kab, Z.Vr .llrar. IT l-ld
par autca.
kloo.f. 4a4S par oral
Dlaroual raira. ohorl bit!, and Ihraa
Baacttaa. JS par rnt.
Marka Iball at lataa.
U'MUlN. ra-b. T A marlran aarurltlaa an
lha atork markrt aara dull alfh lha airap
tlona af I'aaadllt I'arlflc and t nltd ftatr.
Ptaal. oa.aral bonda chanced pri
aaiaty and a a and tornorar araa raportad
aadar lha ranot-iliaafton aanm.
C aaallaa aaa) Kopa Adraavra.
Aa adranra of 1 rant (aantina prlraa
va. aaoouncad Taatrrday. ahirh put. tha
tnarkat al ITS rasip la bu:k aad J4S caaat. priraa a-ara adraand anothr rant ta
13 taola, atlh I3S cnla ouotl oa arhlta.
tOITtE Jl-lTlKr.-V
aalbaa Parpply llirraaa. aad Taaaaca "Ha
ni laa Ara Fartara.
StW TIRK. ra. T. trttlta aomaahat Ir tba rarkat far rotfaa fulura
ahoaad a aara..y a'aadr tana tndav. oa
lr 10 ronllaurd aiaadi" In Bra.U. a. good
jvna la Iba aa-orld'a TtaiMa auppty and
tapotta af roalinuad dlffl-ulty In aarurlnl
.-aan .nr.aa. Thara wit aoma llrjuldatloo
af Virrk al tba opanir-a Bat lha nar
maotb. aoon ataJl4 up and iba pnral )'.!
aa. I 1 la polala pa' hlhr during th
aU:a of l"i r o Kuroan buitri. and
.-oa-Ttaa lit adaanra rirria-l Jaan n ran
ra"a up Ii T 5". a hit ti.irm,.r aaM at
T pi- al'.ll "aa prtcaa ab.aln r-r-ion af
3 la" r-tn a und'r raai a!:. fart af ina
,,'1 b-..i-.a aaa tn ilia aar of awlleh-
r Mar.n oin a.-bai.l for July al ti
iol'ma tal f-.r r-rpi.ttib-r at Va polala. Tba
mark.t rl.-l I to t pa-nla a.-,
ra .a. ar? :" ba. r.Ha.r. T.4 4i-t Ataroh.
TSV. AtrtL T Aaa; Mar. T ajc: J-ttia. T.avV-;
iaj. T.aal. A a a!, i.' ...wo,
tViobar T die; NoT.mbar, 7. 1e; Decrmbar.
. . a,.
' upot oof fr. 'aiaadj ; Bio Ta, llc; Saatoa
lm rtaal and fralght offar. arara raportrd
brra loay. lain ratrlrl4. It aaa mvpoaHl,
by ocaan and tnauranca uncertainly.
Quotation, fur Panto. 4a arara raid to
rama from about P. Trie to ixv. .ollah
Tl.a offtrtal i-ablra raportd a docllna of W)
raia at Ills, with l-ant". unch.n-d aad r.lo
ich.n.e oa landon l-Ud Muhrr.
II4N l-KANf 14.0 rMIIHE MRfr.T
mm rarraal oa Bull, la;... rrulta.
t rgraabl, Kir-, al Bay t It.
HAS rft ANCl!"rr. Krh. T Ilotlrr FTrah
a.traa. -osc. prima flrata. iTSc: freeo
fir.-a. Sn-. .
f., Kra.h flrata. 33S-: pullot.. SISc
. Naa. lTr: Calfornla chrddara.
ITS'. Toutf Amrrk-aa, 1IS-
V.i-'tablra Unit h-ana. baj 10c; tomato.
lat.-i.'.. 111 iPTPara, liff-uc: eurumbara.
IJi---;Ti. aiiuaih. T3n"-: Kloriiia s-
p.ant. Sle; praan pra-a. btlKh-.
Irull 3r.-.rtn: rapflt.
It r.fll: aranl'i. II T."-a3 ; banana.
Haaallio. Il I. T-1; plnrapprla. Hawaiian,
' oVa'toaa Daltn. f1.30tfl.n0; SallnaJ. 113
I?I3; wli. $- ,
Harlpta Klonr. SiT" o4rtanj; barlar.
pr r-niala: brana. 1395 earka. poiatoaa.
Aaaaji aack. baa. 44 ton.
Mir;iir.R rmcr.n ahis looked for
4..4ay'a Arrlrala Ara I auaaally Stnall,
Oralas a Traffla aad Weath
er CaaaJtioaa.
Oala to tha trafflo dlfflcaKlaa from
arhlch tba railroadA ara aTiffartn aod tla
onanillacaaaa of ahlpprrp to atari lha move
ment from hlppln point, while tha
waatb.r continue, bad. arrlaal. at tb. .toe,
yard, yaatarday were omy albt load., a
compatad with 75 lo 100 load, the uauaJ
evrr-bund.y run.
Tba bulk of yaatertlay. rr.lpt. rame in
Ui. in tn day and th market
quahlly a alow affair. The ho. .old ware
....r .tork and did not brtn over
but It waa pr.dli.-ted at the yar.l. that ..a
mould be reamed today on oflerln.a from
,. of the mountain. .. I hi.
b-m guaranteed by packer.. Tha ear cattle
.alee ware mad at going prlr.a No ' heep
or lamb, ware aold. bul tba mutton mark.t
la la a very .trong poaltlon and a market
for top.grad. lamb. In tba ne.r future U
TeceTpt. yertard.y wer. 41 cattle. 38.
hoc. and 4IT .harp. 8hipr-r ,"': ....
With cattle K. II. Uiliantly. corrallla.
0nl,!!r"bo,. A. Jungat.
r.r t;eora Zimmerman. Yamhill, one car.
T T. Lanel. Ia Croaa-. Waah.. or.a car; Ira
airo.t. Ua crtiea. ... on. car: i-harlea
f-hrli-enarn Neadale, Idaho, one car.
' w' H aheeia-R- 31.' St.nfield. Idaho Fall..
tan (in.
Th day". aaV. ware aa follow.:
vt frlr-..! Wt Price.
!) aiaer.
11 ati era
4 a '.aar.
4 ataer.
4 .taer. !... 5 en-, i;4.'.".:;
Tiil I Mi U r"l ....ll--! .
7i 4 1. I heifer ... '"
!'l23 T TO ho.a
..1 Ifi l l-V it hoga
a. Ml r.4al, 3 KuKJ
1 r a
lirO ".all
. .. 3TU i0
local yard
I ataer
Ilia rnnia 01 i" " - - - . -for
aarluua elaaana of llveatock follow.
I'attle " .a-eT-.
rboi. ' " ! ! ! . .'. T:! 7 -V
Mrd'.urn .taer.
.............. .JIQ
"! 4 ".ma1
2 ioaf 4 'I
..". IWli...
It Tt T 53
'. rj iru r; T.DO
at ooayT ?3
4 f. 35
I'holre caa. . .
M-.:nim co. .
Omaha Urratack Market.
OMAHA, f ab T Ilogp ll-celpt. T S.
rr.rkrt lower. Heaey. IT.409T.S0: light.
I7.4UTT4; pt. l"a7.o'. bulk of .a.ea.
IT .'.otl 7. A3 .
iatili-a-Rrcelnta. b-'.O": markat. ataady. afar. 34 -3 0 .23: CO, and helfera.
.-.33afatT3 v.eifrn a;ar.. IHU1.W; artock-
ri and f'.ler.. 13.3d -J T i-U.
fUaap Ifcainta. 12 3"0; market .teady.
Trarliuca. Ii4oi'4o; wethera. I3.00as.uo;
launbe. l03itj In ).
(harm: Ureatoa-k Market.
CIIK A'l. Keh. 7. Hog. Itecelpl..
fain market 'ow. S.- above Saturday-, aver
a.a'. Hulk. 17 nog 1.10: light, IT.CtVtJ .1:
trtaaxl and butrh.n. IT - So; heavy.
IT ;as33; rough. T.T3o23; . -
7 ?att: Racaipta. il.rano, weak. Native
baaf .toara. I lifla OO; Weatern .tra.
AauiraS15: caai and helfere. 3.13t8.'-U;
calvra. 11. L
rlhaap Ue.-alPtk. K.-WO. weak. ftherf,
IT.trOU. 13; :amSa. 30 W 11.13.
Naral ttorea,
SAVANNAH. Ken. 7. Turpentine Steady;
34 Sc aai. 37 h rraii; receipt. 49 bar
rel, 'ehiiimenla. r.'ai barrel., .lock. 12,"
l"r7l"i-Hr-n : "aaloe. lnvl h.rrala; receipt..
34 b.rra... .I.lpmer.ta. .401 barrel.; .tork.
Si 31 1 tarrel wuota; A. H. C. O, t. 4i 13;
y 13 1313.2.- ;. IV13 to 3 23: II. ..:
1. -. :.": K. l i t"1: 31. 1130; N. Ifl 73; wo.
17. WV. IT 3n.
Metal Markrt.
NEW TOHK. Veh T topper. firm;
electrolytic, nearby. 2TJ2r. ,.,,
Iron, .trady; No. 1 Northern. I.0..39
The Maiai Kxchante "quota, tin quiet;
liot. 41.37 Sc. a oo.
Th Mta. Ey-hange quote. I'.U ooe.
hpelter aut quoted.
Near York auarar Market.
NKW Yt-'P.K. Krb. T . Haw ug.r
Steady: centrifugal. 4 V.c; maliurl. 4
Ha'inad Firm: cut loaf. r. c"r"!'d:
evsoc: mould "A. 4-c: cub. 3c: .xx
rowdered C13c: poadorad. ai"10c: fine gran-tilati-l.
c: Diamond A. aVe. confcctloucr
A. .lr; No. I. 3.T3C.
Oli la Oil l"rlcea Higher.
FINDI.AY. l. Keh. T. The Ohio Oil rom
panv lodar advrnred price, of North Uma.
routh Lima. Indiana and VTooatrr oil. 3
cnta a iarrel. Tb. new price are: North
and couth Uma. f.; Indiana. 11.43;
Wooater, fl.73.
Cbbraca Dairy TProalnce.
rilli-AOO. Feb. T. Butter, higher. Cr'am
ery 3sa30S-
Egga.' lower. Kacalptfc 8nf.4 c.aei; flr'
HSc; ordinary flrata. I7af2Sc; at mark,
a.c. Included. S4fi 2S-
Hapa al aondoaa.
L.rvERrOOU Feh. 7 Hone at London
Pacific Coaat. tl 10.813 iota.
Dululh IJnfad Market.
ptn.rTH. Fab. 7 Un.eed Caab. 5.2:
May. 12.31. July. 12 -t.
rmtaa Market.
N-e-w TC-RK. Feb. 7 pot cotton Quiet;
mid lllng upland- ll-3e; no .alea.
nrleal Fralt at New Verk.
NEW YORK. Feb. 7. Kvaporated applea,
dull.' inmei. firm. Peachea. quiet.
nope at Near Tork.
NEW TORK. Fab 7 Hop., ate.ily.
One? Ralnarr Kallmalrfa UamaKas to Ifla
Flock at $1000.
f'OMKrtOV. TA'a.h.. Feb. ". (Special. I
C, R. I Hid are., onx of the lnrgeat gneep
r.lK'ra In Garfield rounty. estlmatea
hi lo.a. due lo the cold gpell aa $1000.
Many of Ll" rar'T lnmb died from ex
po.,, re. U la feedlnir 1J.000 head.
Keport. from other sheep and cattla
men confirm the .tatement that all
are fee-dint; their. Ptock. J. H. Jackgon
pay that hla feed la covered with
anowdrlftP. no that he l only able to
draw from that pource with packhorsos.
Inability to ajet hla flocki to the feed
necttted hip buying from the out
alda '
Patcnport Solrool Klaxtlon Pcnd.
nATNPX)RT. "Waah.. Feh. 7. (Spe-
clg. The celling- of a .pedal election
to vol on a IM.0"') bond tx.ue for a
new achool biiti'JInc will he decided at
a rna. meetintr for the Almira dl.trlct
on February 10. The dlreetora are: C.
M. rhlltlpa. Mra. Nellla Hyde and J. A.
Murbach. Tut prepent bulMlor Ik con
Ce.ic4, - -..
Chicago Prices Are Carried
Down 53-8 Cents.
Slow Kxport Demand, Large Domes
tic Slocks and .Expected Gain
in Primary Kecelpta Arc
Depressing Factors.
CIllCAOO. Feb. 7. Extremely heavy
aellltig. aoma of It aal.l to be to hedge
Kuropean made In Argentina and
Auatralla. brought about a downward
.wing of s,c a bttahel toalar In tho whe.t
market here. Price cloacd weak at al tho bottom point reached, with May
11271. and July 11.20 121. a net los
d( !, arte, to 3c. Corn declined le to 1HJ
and oala lr to 2c. while provlalon. cloaed
2S to f.c over FBtiirday'e.
Even lha chief bull l.-ader. aold out their
wheat. One widely known .peculator waa
alone .aid to have thrown over 2.0t-Mi0
buehela. At flrat tho decline that resulted
from the eontlr.nou. .elllng waa orderly,
but after the leea had amounted to .c
many atop-loaa order, aero uncovered, and
the market broke rapidly.
Fie domeetlc .fork, and a relatively .low
export call appeafred to be the chief reaeon
for tha dlacouraeement of tha wheat bulla
Primary raeelpta for tha day were heavy,
and there waa goe.lp that they would oon
be .ubatanllnllv enlarged In the Northwest.
Oala gave way with other cereals, despite
froe htivlnr for the .eaboard.
Pmvlaloca wer. lifted by Indic.tlon. that
fore'ener. were picking up offerlnrf..
Leading future, ranged aa follow.:
Open. High. Low.
II SS ll.s: 1.2T4
1.24V I.54 74 1.20
t 'l'i .77 "4 , .7f.U
77 'a .77 "4 .7Si
4i .4f"li .47
.'. ." -45
. 20 11) 21.40 20 15
20.J5 20.45 20.25
lOOiH 10.12'i 10. 0
19. 2 10.20 10.20
10.I7H 11.02S lO.IIMi
11.07'a 11.1S 1 1.0T.
11. DO
laah price, were:
Wheat No. 2 red, nominal; No.
3 red.
11.21 w 1.30.
Corn No. 2 yellow, nominal: No.
4 yel-
low. 70f,71c; No. 4 white. 70ax(2tc.
Oat No. I white, 4aHbC; atand.rd,
Kve No. 2. l.O2el.02,ri.
Timothy f.V50tl.
Clover 110 0 1 J.S 0.
CHICAOO. Feb. 7. Primary whe.t re
ceipt., a- aaon to date, 37l.oS7.0jO busnelo;
last year, J.'.a. ". 0 bushel..
Foreign 4raln Slarketa.
I.IVFKI'OOU Feb. 7. Cash wlie.t. un
changed to Id higher.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 7. Wheat May.
12S; July. 1123". if 123; cash, No. 1
hard. H.3U-; No. 1 Northern, 11.27 &
I. 3M.; No. ' Northern, 1.23 l 1.27 .
Hurley. a 7Ho.
Flax, f.2 2Q 2 31 S-
Grain at Maa Francuaro.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 7. Spot quota
tions Wal!a. II.S2S 0 1 S3; red P.ussian.
II. s)a,Lt2S: Turkey nil. 1.1)2 V. W 193:
blui-steni. 1 .'. 2: feed barley, ll"5:
brewing, ILIaiti 1.42 ; w hite oats. l.aj9
I. -hi; bran. 12 1 23; middlings. $30:11;
shorts. I'Jil .-Oaf 7.
Call board Barley. May. $1.42.
Puget Saond drain Market.. -
bEATTLK, Feb. 7. Wheat Blueatem,
$1 .; Turkey red. $1.01: fortyfold. !i'Jc;
club. P"c; life. 'Jhc: reJ Russian, 07c Bar
ley. I'.U .', per ton. Yesterday, car ro
ceplts: Wheat, 11; oat.. 1; hay, 6; flour, 2.
TACOMA. Feh. 7. Wheat- Blueatem.
l.nnii.iu. fortyfold. $1.02: club and red
fife. 1. No car receipts
ProteBt Kllrd With General Land Of
ee Ileclarea IrrlKatloa of Tract
Kot Feaalble.
BKND. Or., Fob'. 7. fSpecial.) Com
pblntt with a request of Commissioner
Clay Tallman. of tho General Land Of
fice, the. Hend Commercial Club has
filed with him a statement of Its ob
jections to Krantlnu; an extension to
the Central Ormon Irrigation Company
on the Bcnham Falls unlL
At thay request of the company the
Desert Land Board previously had
asked for this extension.
The Bend club bases its objections
to the extension on the ground that
there Is no feasible plan for the Irri
tratlon of the lands, because there Is
no available water supply, that the
Irrixation company Is unable to re
claim tht- lands even If a water supply
were available, that the company has
dono nothing toward reclamation ot
the unit In the past 10 yoars during;
which It has had control of the lands
and. finally, that the lands are semi
arid in character and better suited to
dry farralnu than irrlKatlon.
Sir. Tallman has announced that to
obtain an extension the company should
show that it was able to complete the
project within the time requested. It
Is not believed that such showing; can
be made. The Desert Land Board has
gone on record as favoring an exten
Luntberinc Activities Iteitewed in
Lower Columbia Klver District.
ASTORIA. Or.. Feb. 7. (Special.)
The milder weather and the disappear
ance of the snow have been followed by
renewed activity at the various lon
gings In the lower river district, and
Indications are that before another
week practically every camp will be
The Palmer Company is already
bringing: out logs, the Pacific Logging
Company and the Portland Lumber.
Company camps on Grays River started
up today. The Mc-Gregor-Malone Com
pany Is to send a force of men to its
camp tomorrow and the Larkin-Green
Company, at Blind Slough, is Increas
ing Its force each day.
The Western Cooperage Company Is
to double the output of Its camp this
New Creumery May Knler Tenmile.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. Feb. 7. (Spe
cial.) The Kaxelwood Creamery has
signified its intention of entering the
field for dairy products at Tenmile and
shipping from there to Portland on the
Wlllamette-Paclnc when, the railroad
opens this Summer. The company may
operate a gasoline boat on the Tenmile
Lakes, buying cream from the ranchers
on all the Inlets. -There are 800 dairy
cows In the distrlcL
Klamath Wars on Rabbits.
KLiAilATH ' FALLS, Or. Feb. 7. .
icrhi a itetermined war upon
j.tckrabbits has been declared by the
farmers in the southern end of Langell
Valley, about SO miles east of hero,
and near Lorella. They have made two
effective drives recently. These drives
havo resulted In the . killing of about
2500 of these pests and tho war Is to be
conducted vigorously.
Wilson Specl XJesarded as Indicu
tive of Agreement.
COLOGNE, via London. Feb. 8. The
Volks Zeitung. commenting on Presi
dent Wilson's St. Louis speech, sees In
it the possibility that the President
will settle the L-usitanla question ami
..v.1.. Kot warn. nrrn.inst accepting a
settlement as accomplished until It
actually Is.
The Volks Zeitung eallsattention to
a change In the tone of this address
from earlier speeches, saying:
"lie seems to have altered the tone
of hla speeches to fit the character of
his audiences." find points out the pre
ponderance of the German element in
St. Louis.
After declaring that American ammu
nition deliveries violate the spirit, if
not the letter, of International law, the
paper concludes:
"After all. there is nothing to do but
to await President Wllson'a next
actions. They will constitute a basis
for judging the honorableness of his
attitude toward all the warring na
tions." t
Twenty-nine Carloads Started to
Market in Single Day.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Feb. 7.-r
(Special.) Twenty-nine carloads of
livestock left Klamath County last
night for the markets. Twenty-six
cars consisted of 3200 head of lambs
from the Merrill and Tule Lake section
to San Francisco. O. T. McKendree
sent this shipment to Levi &. Co.. John
son & Son and Charles Rosenbaum.
Two carloads of horses were shipped
by Dr. Hordon. of Chico, to Grand Is
land. Neb. They were for light and
heavy artillery use. A carload of hogs
completed last night's shipment. Those
were shipped by Charles Horton to tho
Oakland Meat Company.
Increased Business at Bend Mukes
Extension Necessary.
BKND, Or.. Feb. 7. (Special.) To
care for the Increased freight ship
ments and the growing business of the
United Warehpuse Company, the com
bined freight and warehouse owned by
the Oregon Trunk here will bo en
larged at once. A contract for the
extension has been let by the railroad
company to K. P. Brosterhous. a local
carpenter and builder.
According to the plans the present
building will be extended to tho north
64 feet, making the addition 50x64 feet
The warehouse company will occupy
this new space, giving up to the rail
road company a 25-foot space It occu
pies in the present building.
Ex-Claim Aijent Accused of Iiarceny
in Connection Witli Shortage.
OLYMPIA. Wash.. Feb. 7. John F.
Gillies, ex-claim agent of the State
Industrial Insurance Commission, al
ready convicted of forgery in connec
tion with alleged shortages in the In
dustrial insurance fund, was placed on
trial today before Superior Judge D. .
Wright on a charge of grand larceny
in connection with the same shortages.
All afternoon was spent in examina
tion of prospective Jurors. It is ex
pected that considerable difficulty will
be encountered In obtaining a jury.
Bend Library Well Patronized.
BEND, Or.. Feb. 7. (Special.) The
Bend Public Library has ended its most
successful year, according to the re
port made by Miss M. B. Coleman,
librarian. There are 1539 volumes In
the library. The total circulation for
the past year was 6849. and the total
number of borrowers' cards in force
1141, an Increase of 156 over the Previ
ous year. There were 87 books added
to the library in 1915.
Wasliougal Sheep Shed Collupses.
WASHOUGAL. Wash., Feb. 7. (Spe
cial.) The largest shed of the sheep
feeding plant of L, F. Russell collapsed
about noon yesterday. The snow had
been removed, but tho sleet storm of
last night weighted the roof. The sheep
had been shipped to Fortland. The loss
was $1000.
PORTLAND, Feb. 7. Maximum tempera
ture 62 decrees; minimum 48 degrees : max
imum temperature since January L de'
rrcis. January 22: minimum temperature
Since January 1, 13 degrees. January 1-.
RU or reading at 8 A. M.. 0.4 feet : change
in last "4 houYs, I S feet rise. Total ra n a
v M r t -, V M ) 0.70 inch; total rainfall
I'ncV Stetobcr 'lt.1.. o:L08 Inches nor
mal rainfall since September 1. J. .-8 Inches,
execsb of rainfall uliice September 1. IttlJ.
0 SO Inches; total snowfall since January 1
413 inch's. Total sunshine February 7. 2
hours, 10 minules; possible
hours Barometer (reduced to sea leeu at
5 f. M., Inches.
State of
-IS 0.0S 10,W Cloudy
wi o.m . . N Clear
4V0.H2 22 W Clear
0 O.Otl . . NW'l't. cloudy
10 0.00 1C W jClear
62 o.oo,,. .W Clear
4 0.0flj..!S Clear
1 ft no . SW Clear
Boise ......-.'
Chicago '
lies Moines....
i lalveston
Jacksonville .,
Kansas City.,
l.oa Angile. . .
MaralifielJ ...
Med ford
Minneapolis ..
Montreal .....
New Orleans. .
New York
North Yakima.
St. Louis
Salt Lake
San Francisco.
Walia Walla..
Washington ..
34 ft 8" ..SV IHain
etui. 00;.. :E Clear
38 u. on,. -,SW Clear
74 o.oo . .NE Cloudy
14 O.t 'l 12 B Clear
62 0.00,. .IS Cloudy
&4i 1.40. . . SW Pt. cloudy
34 0. OK1.. )W Clear
- 2 0.001. .;S (Cloudy
2f- 0.1 24"W Clear
6ti!o. lb. . . N IClear
40 0.00'4S NWiClear
44 0.00 . .tK Clear
74 0 Ot)'. .'NWtl't. cloudy
H2 0-70-'. .ISW Cloudy
flu 0.32 . ,'SW Clear
6U0.O4 10S ICloudy
14 0.00 .' . NE Clouoy
IWiO.COl. .!NE -Cloudy
r.S0.12'. .!E 'jClouffy
jr.ii.7S 14 SW llain
3S O.flu . .'SW Cloudy
4.1 0. us 12 SW Rain
. jk n, "ii. ,sv Iciuudy
' i ic n'r.i l-''"wllar
' l '. -1 0 0 . 0 0 . 1 0 . S E ICloudy
I The North Pacific .torm has advanced
ravld'y eastward wilh the principal center
this evening over Northern Wyoming. It lias
caused general rain. In this district and de.
cidedly warmer neutlicr. A maximum ve
locity of 40 miles, from the uthwe.t, oc
curred today at Seattle. The wind at 6 P
VI had subsided in the Sound country and
the rain, had ceas.-d In Oregon, but continue
in Dortlons of Northern California and the
Sound Country. Tho mild weather ha
caused a rapid melting of the snow and
floods re Imminent In the Sound country
nd . mal! freshet will occur in the Willam.
e::e River. Alao. owing to the thaw, dan
reVous avalanches are probable In the moun
tains in all sections of this district. The
depth of unmeltert snow on the ground at
p M was 6 Inches in Portland, 8 Inch. In
Taroma 13 inches In Frattle. 4 Inches In
F.olse and 2h Inches at Walla Walla. Con
ditions are favorable for occasional rain
lu.tday In portions of Oregon, WaBhiiiatpn
I wrs rr a. a-"-rc? awtfl
TiT v rV-lO Hi
The county road is no long
rr a local utility. The prod
uct of the farm is abso
lutely essential to the ex
istence of the city popula
tion, while conversely tho
product ot the city factories
finds its way to the most
remote country districts.
Thero is nn inter - depend
ence which should carry
with it co-operative shar
ing of burdens incident to
improving the facilities of
;ransportation between city
and country. This can only,
be done by improvement of
roads capable of sustain
ing all kinds of traffic at
all seasons of the year, in
)ther words, it means roads
should be hard - surfaced
Warren Brothers Company,
Journal Building,
Portland. Oregon.
THF. OlI I-OT KEVIKW news and
comment on Odd Lots of New York Stock
ENOhange securities. Issued weekly. II a
vear. Send for sample copies. John Muir
A; io.. til Broadway. New York City.
and Northern Idaho. Fair weather will
probably prevail in Southern Idaho. Tho
temperatures will fall slightly in Western
Portland and vicinity Occasional rain,
Cooler, ajuthwesterly winds. '
Oregon Occasional rain west, probably
fair east portion, eoolcr west portion; south
westerlv velnda.
Washington Occasional rain, aouthwestrr.
ly winds.
Idaho Probably fair south, occasional rain
north portion.
KIiWAHD A. BEAJJS. Forecaster.
LAMB To Mr. and Mrs. trumont Potter
Lamb. 1140 Alameda boulevard, January l'i,
a r-on.
GARDNER To Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Gardner. f' Wood street, January 29. a son.
OERRTTSEN To Mr. and Mrs. Gerard L.
Gerrltaen, Ardenwald station, February 2,
a daughter.
C.VFKYX To Pr. and Mrs. John W. C.f
gyn. 3S30 East Korty-socond street South,
January 30, a daughter.
Marriage Licenses.
Intyre. legal. :-:."i3 Salmon street, and Har
riet Marparet Conner, legal, same address.
SAUVAIX-MURPHT Arthur L. Sauvain.
legal, li East Eleventh street, and Mary
Ethel Murphy, legal. 300 East Alder street.
Building Permit..
STEPHEN COLLINS Repair one-story
frame blacksmith shop, 647 Vancouver ave
nue, between Ruseell and Knott streets;
builder, George Moore; $100.
MRS. R. L. GOODMAN Repair two and
one-balf-story frame dwelling, 29 North
Seventeenth street, between Washinctou
and Couch streets; builder, J. A Melton;
San Francisco
Los Angeles
xvltbot Change Ea Route)
Tbe Big.
Clean, -Comfortable.
Elegantly Appointed.
Sails From AlnartvorfJs. Dock
3 P. It, Feo. 12.
100 Golden Ml Ira on
Colombia River.
All Rates Include
Bertha and Meals.
Table and Service
V n excelled.
The Sa. "Francisco fc Portland S. 8.
Co., Third and Washington Street
(with O.-W. It. & X. Co.) Tel. Broad
war -4500, A tfl-il.
aairirtfr ; 1 Baaiak aaa4aaaaaaa raaaaa.
S.S. "Northern Pacific"
San Francisco
North Bank steamer Express leaves
Tenth and Iloyt. 9 A. M.
After tomorrow's sailing, service be
tween San Francisco and Portland sus
pended until about March 4.
S. S. "Northern Pacific" sails Febru
ary 16 on special cruise to Honolulu,
account Mid-Pacific Carnival.
Station Tenth and Hoyt.
Phones Broadway 920. A 6671.
Compagnie Generals Trannatlantique
Sailings From NW YORK to BORDEAUX
ESPAGXE Feb. 19, 3 P.M.
LAFAYETTE Feb. 26, 3 P. M.
CHICAGO Mar. 4,3 P.M.
BOCHAMBEAU Mar. 11, 3 P. M.
r XV bTINGLK. SO Sixth St.
A I. f llAltl-lON. 2ia Morrison St.
K til OAKK1SON. C. M. at .st Paul By.
UOKSKV K SMITH. 116 Third Sa.
E t. BAIKD, 100 Third St. .
H UK IisON. S4K Washington St.
NORTH BANK KOAD, Fifth and Stark Sta
F S. M'FAKI-AND. 3d and WailinIOB Sla.
K. R. JjCf V, 124 Third St. .
Take a Trip to
Suva, New Zealand. Australia.
On the Palatial Passenger Steamer.
(20,000 tons) (13.000 tons)
Sailing from Vancouver. B. C.
Maknra...Feb. 1U ll Maktira. . .April IS
Niagara.. .Mar. 15l N Niagara. . ..May 10
And Every 28 Day. Thereafter.
Send for particulars of our
and all other information to Canadian
Pacific Railway. 55 Third St., Portland,
or to the Canadian-Australian Royal Mall
Line 440 Seymour St., Vancouver, B. C.
KOKln x oii.n-.""
San Francisco 1
ax-ra niRRim LOS ANGELES H
1 Steamer Breakwater I
Sails Tuesday, Feb. 8, 6 P. M.
Ticket Office 122A Third St.
l'honra Main 1314, A 1314.
:..0 I. M. Wnot?da, t ehruary .
han 1" ranrlM'o. Portland A" I-s An
Ie bleu 111 si .ip Co. Frank BoUam, Aift.
Ofca A alfTa ilaaVUI WW-
21 ea bs?9 wsa e? Ea mss
ft. - atJ