Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 08, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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Claims fcr Middleweight Title
cf World Will Be Settled
k Here February 29.
fual iviarra Mallaoasah Ia.r-t
la.lrra-rr I I-reid.. Oa
After nickering for Vnif.
llnaon HrlJ by Ijci-
f r nearly lw day of arguments
an.J Fddi fyCooU clatra-
HI of the welterweight rbmpioluMP
of the wor; I lastruetor at lb
M'li'nnmak Amateur Athleti Club.
ia4 article U' yesterday f
flu! bowl with Walter Miller, of PI.
-i. Mlnav. at th Ko CUT AlhletK
tin ea ta lbt February 5-
V.lier feoWe if pettc Gasett mid-
rfl.w.iftt and. oa tA Other ld Cf
IK l;o.:ki.. t bailed a to worl l
rh.rnplon. beta la th lit aad 111
Btsn4 rUMal.
A aneetin," betwaea WKt-r Bad OCoa
aeit ha-. ba talked cf fo flv year.
Nt aothln .r ,trtali until
At th first eonferen betweea th
principal en lrdy. Eddi irCoa
ni held out fr limit of HI
ru rM . Wii'.er ref. to make H
a a ta irouM that k waa booked for
snm snatchs In th fatur with
lit poutlTt. arvl ft did not want to
W.aa.n htmjt;f.
'ie.l!y. s,h-a It ipp4 thoagb
ana'ca wouU materialise. arCoaaell
Ti-d4. an, of wre.ttlng for
t,e un.l..pu'.d lTrHM lit la. It
w: b at 111 pounds for th rolddia-
r(H cn.anplonaMp of th sror Ui.
0i7aH win welsrh
rDn. l,J p,-'ini. oa In nighl of tae
mfrit. IIU lit poonds we a I anls tka
L ral snan tiM far
Millar won Ih. iKliea Gasett bait
f Ba mMl:wifM ch.arnplon.hl
frnn Jo. Tu'wf a luKlaga. Moat., oa
Nsr Tear" dav.
a a a
e. Taat. Mina.. baa t wo rat'brataj
till!i(M ehmplajw ar
M'h ;ib&o. br. mtut Waitar
Vii iar. w r..t :r. A by tba pair
w.nt t n-nool lothr. An o44 fa
tra la ht Wi::r alart.4 aa a boaar
an. I CiXsoaa a m rtlr. M Millar
taal la jom day lbr
appaara! at vanou ik lf lit.
l, wh.ra fmr b4 an4 Cikboa.
ra.ft nr ara frlla a4
wn.a bofk ar at koma ta.r work out
B't at I afounj to.taaf.
jritlar aa f"ul!ar wltl .aa thia
hirln at O'rUwhi f- rial. Wkara
tKr w: boarri tBa North-rai r-lfK.
koua.l for f.ia rna-lura Tba will r.
tora ta 1rtlaa) about ftva 4ar bafar
LBa -! of la Vi:iar-i)-CoaaU matrb.
Jim Ual-X ITJ-poaM 'apftr. mar
a a -ortlao4 la f w aairs rwhia
for a mati-a. Tbara t wraaclar la
tna etrr at praaaal wko want to anaal
kin, a4 It I taoacftt tbaa Lo4o
w: tH oa Ik anaaaoica4.
nirrr qv.i. to occasion
raaf lain; TrIU of Job Iwt Vp on
I .)( Vrrooa lndrr.
Psnnr lrk. formar iuuir of
tS .a I'r.Ktvo Haa.l.a. fc a a Raw
on to affar aboot lo lata liapp Ho
iu Tb B-imo Varoa wa
ti.iii baowa for bit a,ult wit ao4 humor. aa4 in follow m atorr
only frai to prT thai b waa tharo
at all tna.a. liar It la aa lol4 by Mr.
-oma im aco w wr bound for
taa ABt"nio l atta4 a coavaotlea
f th fninor lcwo. alj Lose. "Tb
raajat buim aa4 maaara war
tritBa tacthr. RaaarTatlon ba4
baai nvaJ at t blccaal botal la .Ua
Aatoalo fjr tb party, bul t'al :wln
r-.I.t tb Ua of aaa4ln Kap a
ko"a- t"tar-B laformmc Ma thai It
ha4 baa a roin4 poaatbl to fit Bp
rttrru but bin.
w 4ic ap a talrcraplt blank a4
hit t" fotlowla ntuntl tjpawril
aa "Kf ll?py lloa-aa. on ba4 Soa
al Umtta4. tmpoaoMo I prold you
wi-.t a ronoa. An .ry aorry '
A fletltloa aamo wa in4 par
( to k thai of Ih maoaar of
. hoia!. v b4 tb portar 4ltar
tl m.a.aca to 'Ha?" wfcll ho waa at
ton-iv. H tiMk Ik epanaU It. 'n-.-4
at tb an J tnam iramHiot M
aa-t trowln It on tf flior. ra.laj
lor a blaak oa wblcft b ""'
-Tn forrr. Ip 'tlap' IIOJAS-
"TN nn.r of tb botal d.4 aot
d--rLB.t t-al amt'
itihtv job M.r nr. nrto nom
aa4 y A Wo Aro Owt La4
f-. r .!! rllakaa rroak
la laja4 I P
s rr.Nn.vm . i .pii)
.Vlan.j.f Marry 'ol.rtf la atart
IX t Iuil4 vp tb unwartaia abort
top poaitio) that waa nv4 ttaat by
tnia 4partur or llojr t orkaa to a rt-l-
riia. ror a I m. Pa m my fob.a
waa I . only ca4i4ata. I na franb
t. of Alm4. wa aJ 14 a aa
rarimant. n. aow tb an no o a, ana a I
m.i4 lbi Joaaar WnSU kaa ataaa4
a ronrrvl. Wu'll baa baa a I
tna rta waatara Laau alar kalB
ill by li aal. a coupl of yawra
f , b'lt ba4 om trotia! wltb lb
iwiiM rl.b oa tiry asatcar ai
a'--"4a. B IMflUiBC bia rata.
If WuT i ia I boat out Hon for
tb bartn. k la coai4r4
t ha a 'o4 cbaac for tb utility
rita. for b raa plr r'4. abort an4
tlr4 wifb 1 11 -. rroij. tb iblan4 pitrha. ba
aifnai a cont-.t. Howdy IllUatt (till
ba. a latar.taw 'ka4t4la4 wltn Outcb
kiatlf I a rotjpl of otbara. bt
ba la aataa.4 tbi vrytbtn- will
wok O'lt Ir somt abac.
Lux Litarm baa ic4 bp with tb
T. Rita cl ib la tba W ..t.ra La?at.
I-hiUiirlphla Ota titri-MT Good.
HttUt'KI.rtlH. Tab. t. Tb maa
(.m.nt of tba I'M'.d-IrM National
lots, baaa-ttl rlun tanauoraj tlay
tbat tba rlui ba4 otti-i-4 Wilbur
.o.,.. ou;f;.n.r. f rum tb fbfc-aco Na
tional... ra.-1'K- Drfraf Alttaajr. T to T.
rAtfT CXtvrr5tTT. roralOro.
fv. ., I isr.-lal. In a on-i4a4
b.r otord.T BiM. r-le I'll
..r.'ty dafi'l A.bany 'tfl-. T ta
. Io .naa waa claa ni fraa Iron
nultni. only ttirao par.ooal foola
ma rall4. Uo waa tba n:a
potnt-ffatcr. arortna 34 taUia.
mvltxoiii cx.rn to :u:ct
naaa Mrrtlar an 'I I'rocrnnm
Mill IW Held Tonl.Ut.
Tba aaaual naatlnf of lb W n't no
rma Amataar Athlatlo Club will b
bai4 toaiabt la lb rlubrooma. A. IC
f-lrl All' a. rhalrmaa of tb "!"
tatnm.nt rommllta. baa arraecao
wraraj atblaiic atunta ! bo bI4 la
coaaactioa with tb alvrtloa.
Tbaro ar II dir-tu oa tb poarti.
b4 tb tarra of ala of I barn iplr
ton i a hi. Tba tnaatina; wi:i b opn
at 11 o'clork and tb projramm will
ttart aooa aftar clock.
t-otf Qolnlrt Oal lor Coaaly Tllle.
ninn alia waah. r.b. 7. ifpo-
rlalk A. lo;lin. worth, roach of
. !
J blaabav. baaa
PVT 04s.
birloat: la
altaaal . r
(bw Who la
Iraalllac Ciaaa
is :ara aa4
lot It Oaa li
a '' o-4
lb Ioty ba.batba!) taam. baa .ai4 a
cball.ra any hfch achool baakrtball
taam la Law la County for a aarlaa of
tbrao imM to datrrnilo tba county
c b am p ion n iix
Ttot4L cli m c Mir.m n.i. iioi.u
Htrr TOinllHOW.
aekelsls Meeting fwr Aaaarlraaa laal
paaed Btca f Clevelaa4"a
rtaaavHal albark.
vi:w lab T. Uasvball club
owners, aa well aa many patrona of th
National gam, oegaa aainerma ri-1 .
injir i i.k nart In tb rele&raltoa
of tb National tague'a fourth birth
day, which will b honored wiib a
ban'iuet at th Waldor f-Astoria llottl
Tba annual marline of th league.
In mrilunrllan With th reaular Session
for th adoption of a playing schedule
for tb coming season, win o neia
her tolay. I'ecaus of th unsettled
financial condition of th Cleveland
club lb American Ustue schedule
meatmg. which wae la hav bean held
bar tomorrow, baa been postponed for
a wk. and many of lb major organl
has riib owner may not be on
band for Wednesday feallvltiea.
Irasidnl Tener and Ms assistant in
tb National League will welcom two
aw-vlub eSiaf at th meeting tomor
row: Percy !. Ilaughton, who with bis
.....-f - mirrhiuJ tb Ilo.tOO UraT.S.
and Charles Weerhmaa. of l"hlcago. who
r.praaanta th majority of stock la the
recently acquired Cub of that city,
t odou bte.Uy Haugbtoa will b !ect,4
to fill tb position on committees
which war k!4 by Jam F. Gafoy.
former owner, but Weeghman wi: not
b ratutrad to acveM many new duties
la Ihi respect. aeH II. Tbomaa was
a,ot a rommiUM mmbr.
prvsUd.nt l:bbtt, of th Prooklya
Club, wltl submit to tb dolesate at
tomorrow a session a provision of th
present rule governing tb drafting of
Hvrl other Important matters,
wherrt bad not been decided at th !
rrjbr meeting of lh league
wa Intarrup.tad by tb peac pro
xxals. will b diacoaaad tomorrow,
im of lt. I lat th p arr limit be
lncra4 from ;i to ZV
nltiri:' H SOI.I TO OMAHA
Ixbe-r and Kalilrr AIo Ulll IW In
Urxmi Clrrrslt Thle Year.
Another Portland ball star wenl lo
IS Western lesfos yesterday, when
Waller McCrwdi ditd of Harry
Kraus to (nulla. Klnwr Labr and
George KaMer al.o will disport la th
Western circuit this year with Unco In.
and a d-l Is simmering for the sale
of Ft ad Iwrrlck lo tb una aectloa of
th nivr. .
Kraus. th latest of tb lli re.lar
champ to b raed off th Peav.r
roater. I a mighty popular southpaw,
but no d"iM Harry will welcom a
... ii. Kaan bar three years.
being a member of Iwo pennant teams.
r ork National Hoy Rooarh.
NEW TORK. Feb. T. Th New York
National announced today that they
bad purchased Outfielder Kdward
Rouarh from Unrrr Sinclair, of the Fed
eral La-ague. :o'iach waa on of th
leading player with th Newark. N.J,
rvasraU last acajou.
! i.i
Entry of Uncle Sams in Race
Depends in Part on Vic
tory Over Vancouver.
"Cjclone" Taylor, XorUicrnerb Kor
warrl. and Charley Tobln, of Port
Und. to Datllo for Indl
Tltlnal Score Laorela.
Wbatbar or not tha Portland hocky
plat will bo a party to tha world.
Ico hofkry champlon.hlp arrlra will. In
a measure, ba datrrmlnr-d tonlaht. when
I'ortland and Vancouver play their Dnal
am of the aaaaon In tb Portland
Ira Hippodrome.
It Portland wlna It will five the
Unci rama a food erla on the cham
pionship. They will hav a three
traree lead oyer Vancouver, with only
four iram-a to Co. tin tha other hand.
If Vancouver ate Ita aecond win and
drfeata Portland, only on same will
aaparat the laadara and then tha fana
ill bare aomethlnf to worry about
a a in.
Whll tha tearaa ara battllna; for
prtmary another contest, thla one for
Individual point acorlnr. will be In full
bloom. "Cyclone" Taylor, tha veteran
Van"ouvr forward, lead the league
la point, but Charley Tobln. of the
I'ncle 6am. la close behind, and hopes
to pick up a few notchea.
Tonlahl'a fun will commence at
l.3 o clock, and Manager lavage Is
preparing for a capacity crowd. Tha
anow la melting fast In that vicinity
and It will not b necessary to wear
rubber boots, aa waa the case for the
last game here.
While age. weight and years of ex
perience are not always rriterlona by
which to Judge a tram. It Is Interest
ing to know that th Vancouver squad,
nine playera. average ! pounds and
34 years of age. The I'ortlandera tip
th beam at 1443 pounda and average
Just a few ouncea better than 140
pounds, while the age average la li 1-3
Captain SI Orlffla. of tha northerners,
ta the oldest on either team, with
Mooi." Johnson and Charley Tobln.
of Portland. In second place. There
are five married and four single men
on Ih Millionaire aarregatlun. but the
L'nrl Sams bav only two benedicts
on tb roster.
following ae some Interesting fig
ures regarding th aces, weights, etc.
of th flavors on both squads:
Tnmr II array
I-l I.- tna ,
wwe' Jnhsaan ....
( apt. oat-naa
TmmT l-4H! .
".fix".." Harris
t'ar'.jr Tbtn .......
I'risr'-a t a.l.a
A.f Harbour ,
ft'.! l.-"i.fl .......
trsnk l.lrlrk
M i.r.f' . ,
"e"t T.l"e ,
Mirk.; blacker ...
trn-aa .......
Asa. WrtKhU
i J l
Z 1 I '
: !
I. !
:i lo
ri !
: l.i
-4 lit
:i . li
u in
j. t
: li;
:i i;t
i. ii
z: i :i
n ut
Th Brt 10 or- of th Tacirtc
Com mi Ire Hotkey Asftorlatton aro
Nam-. tru- Go' AMta.Pt. Xin
f rc To v. VittW, . . 1
itm'lmy Tob.R. -ri land. . . I
(uotit k (. Vk-tofi
:4 M -rn-j i-a(i. M
Tom lunrlNif, Iort and IS
fn-BaV nCUr . I
r-tlk (a!man. I'wrt land . . .
! f r 'iri-. Victoria.. t
U a.kar. hli: 9
Mackay. Vne-w..ivar . . . . t
l ,i
. it ::
4 I .1
4 I T 1"
If U
T 1 1
T 1 9
14 t
i )4 :
TIIKIvK I now. in polite sporting
circles, the rase of one Joseph
btroher. of Dodge City. N"cb.. and on
Frank Ootch. of Iowa, and the extend
ed son maintained by anj first-class
.Sooner or later or In the Interim
these two, Joseph ami Frank. Western
born and bred, are lo meet in a wrea
lllng match that will deride the cham
pionship of th world and will attract
something over ltoo.000 at the gat.
Ho, aa a sporting siwetacle. It Is worth
early consideration.
e e e
Tae rase of Frank Cwtra.
W first saw Frank Gotch wrestle
back In lo4ll years ago. He waa
then 21 vcars old. tha American cham
plon. with only Haekenschmldt In hla
way to a world title.
Gotch al 37 and ntecher at IJ stand
aa entirely .llfferent types. Meehera
fac a almost expressionless. What
ever emotion may dwell In hi manly
breaat. the same doesn't ahow throngs
Ms frontispiece. II give one th Im
pression of being a wonderfully per
fected machine. .
Gotch was. and Is. a different type.
Gotch Is the IVw Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
of wrestlers. With a Pleasing, open
face, an attractive smile, a bundle of
magnetism, he might b figured as the
bt-natured man In the game. But Ma
hesrt I the heart of the Jungle. No
limit of cruelty would ever stop him
from beating his man the quickest pos
sible way. Kid McCoy, smlllncly cut
ling an opponent to ribbons, had noth
ing on the Iowa grappler.
Age haa undoubtedly slowed Ootch
up and baa taken something away, but
even If iMecher hould win he would
be quite willing to testify that It waa
th roughest evening of his young but
spicy career. Gotch asks no mercy
and gives none not even to the beaten.
Th old Mpanlsh Inqulsltloo could have
gathered In some valuable stuff by
watching Gotch at work.
la tb Way of apeed.
Fterher at 31 may be soma faster than
Ootch I at J. Hut rilecher at 33 lsnt
a fast aa Gotch was at 37. H Isn't
as fast aa Gotch waa years ago at S3
th last tim wa saw him work.
For wbll ritecher is abnormally fast,
a marvel with hi quick leg movement
and hi shifting body. Gotch some
like that It was almost Impossible to
follow bis movemrn t sun m -stw
hira shift from on spot or from
on grip lo anothor. and yet th move
ment waa mor a blur than an actual
. t . -. . .htrt of such ra-
pldlty that few could tell Just what
had happened.
e a
Th Catch lag red lea la,
Gotch carried these mala Ingredients:
I'fiueual speed, great physical power
bciih In his arm and legs, a high order
or nunii and cunning, uniimuea
stamina, complet knowledge of hi
gam through hard and Intelligent
,ul'. .
For Gotch haa as much brain as h
has muscH. ao far as hi game Is con
cerned, anyway, and ha has alwaya
been bleaeed with an athletic Instinct
that only belong to the champion.
. i . - -..!. n T.ion for tha
first tlma ha aoon saw that hero wa
an opponent too powerful to b thrown,
for Haekenschmldt waa the most pow
erful entry of the entire lot. tyo Ootch
switched hta tactlca and literally tor
tured his man Into aubmlaslon. aa tha
big Itusslan quit after two hour" pun
l.bmrnt. la Uteehrr'e Faver.
If ftecher had coma along 10 year
ago. Just sa good aa ha la today, wa
would have esteemed It much pleasure
to have had our last shirt on Iowa
against Nebraska In tha wrestling
But 104 and 11 ar a decade apart.
In meeting fctecher. Gotch will face,
the best man ha ever met- Ha will
tackle a game, brainy youngster who
knows hla business. He will tackle a
man who haa beaten most of the best
one who ha both speed and power to
a champion s degree.
Judging from what those say who
hav wrestled Btecher. who have seen
him work and what he had to show
against the masked marvel, tha Nebraa-
kan la well worthy of th throne. He
haa all the atuft there Is.
a a
A aether Factor.
And then, again, there la the main
factor of them all to be considered,
e-techer Is 23: Gotch la . Stecher Is
coming: Gotch 4s going away. Ootch
has ruled unbeaten for over 10 years.
And 10 yeara la a long time at th top
of the pile. ,
ttnc Time la the greatest collector of
them alL He Insists on being paid to
the full kopeck. Gotch will have to
.give away IS yeara and 15 years cov
ers tha pitching span of Mathewson.
Fifteen yeara can atand as no small
gift. Gotch may look to b as fast, aa
strong, aa mighty aa b ever was.
He may for the first 30 minutes. But
what about the end of a championship
hour, or two hours, of the hardest
gam of them allT
a a a
Baas Dope.
It was agreed that Johnson must
whip Wlllard in the first 15 rounds to
win. Ha waa not abl to produce th
punch Inside of SO round, and Tim
did th rest.
Gotch to beat Stecher must overpow
er hla man Inside of 20 or 30 minutes.
For 30 minutes he will be aa fast and
as strong as Stecher probably strong
er. And he will hav greater mat
craft and cunning, for In thla respect
th low star has never had an equal.
There 1 no trick that he doesn't know,
and many of them are hla own Inven
tions. For 30 mtnutea Stecher. at IJ.
will b In th whirl of a tornado. If h
can weather that period the odda.
backed up by youth, will be all hla way.
Ootch isn't going to get any better the
second 30 miautea or the second hour.
He Is a marvel and a superman, but
not that much of a god. Ha must carry
tn young Nebraskan by torm. com
bining power and speed with th
craft and cruelty he haa and don t for
get that of this he baa more than one
man'a share.
a a a
Considerable Spectacle.
Those who have eeen both Ootch and
Stecher at work can Imagine no greater
athletic sight thsn a meeting between
these two. You may not bav any In
herent loJ for wrestling. Th aport
to you may be an abhorrent thing. But
here wltl be a meeting that should be
the Inst word as a physical test. Th
mere sight of Stecher and Gotch stand
In, fae to fsce will be sufficient unto
No. years
T1uffa;o. '. T. ...
Winn I . fmtl. ..
Monir.ail. Can. ...
v1r. Auitnil
l.r. Arthur, t a.
Wtnntp-. "n. . .
rlum'l. Mir It. .. .
i-ur., MauittJt4
I nliri4 a a. a aa
Ontario ..
f n'rM . . . . a a a .
bocKsy. Jarn-u.
NlneT !
1 1
the day for all th thrills you desire.
For. whatever o think of their game,
they are men above the ordinary typ
two of a kind meeting In the hardest
gnmn of them all. where only one can
survive as champion.
Wrestling Is almost a blacklisted
sport. It has no wldo appeal. But on
the day that Frank uotcn. oi
met Joe Stecher. of Nebraska, the
rest of th card will be obscured,
crowded Into agat to the edge of the
Oatract Terss. Laatlag Aather Year,
Will Be Completed at tmm
.ialary aa nefer.
SEATTLE. Feb. 7. Gilmour Dobl
who resigned aa coach of the University
of Washington football team last
Autumn, will serve another year In that
position. There were many candidates
for the place vacated by Doble, but
none seemed to measure anywhere near
his standard.
When iohle returned to Seattle from
California last week, tremendous pres
sure was brought to bear to Induce him
to reconsider his resignation.
After a conference today with Presi
dent Suxxallo and Dean Priest, of the
university. Doblo agreed to complete
hla contract and serve another year at
the old compensation.
University of California
Sport Notes.
TJEnKELET. CaU Feb. 7. (Special.)
XJ Now that relations hav been
resumed with Stanford, athletics have
taken a decided boom at California.
Kaseba!! candldatea already are on the
field, the crew has taken to the water,
track men hav algned up. and Spring
football practice Is to begin next month.
Baseball "dope" la rather upset by
the InellKlblllty of several veterana.
Captain Adair Is facing a hard propo
sition with only on -varsity pitcher:
Sebastian, catcher. I Ineligible for- the
Stanford series, and O'Hara'a absence
leavea a bole in the field. However,
before coaching haa begun mora than
Ijo have algned up for the sport-
Track prospects hav not been hit so
hard by th new scholarship ruling.
The opening rally will be held on Tues
day, but 7a men are listed already.
Captain T. L- ITcble la confident of a
winning team.
Thre regular meets are: Tha Var
slty-L'nlverslty Southern California
tha Pacific Coast Conference and the
Intercollegiate. In addition, the Pacific
Athlctlo Association Conference haa
been changed to April, and a meet may
be arranged with a mid-nest Instl
The crew'' new quarters will ba ao
situated on the estuary that an hour'a
time will be saved on every trip. Waah
Ington already haa scheduled two rages
with Stanford. April S on Lake Wash
ington, and at Oakland In May.
F.ven Indoor sports are on the In
crease. Koxers number 144. wrestler
44. balltosvera 50. and fencera 35 this
With tb arrival of Coach Andy
Smith, football practlca will commence
about March 1.
A Philadelphia dispatch say that
Connie Mack la still searching for a
"good man for third buss," Which
may or mar not bo a gentle oig at J
Franklin Baker.
Court Dismisses Federals' Suit
and Upholds Honor of
National Game.
Baltimore Enter So Objection to
Action and League Peace Agree
ment I Concluded Judge
Cses Ylewa as Fan. v
CHICAGO. Feb. 7. The auit of the
Federal Leagru against organized base
ball, based on alleged violation of tha
Federal anti-trust laws, waa dismissed
today in the United States Circuit Court
here by Judge Keneaaw M. Landls on
the motion of the counsel for th Fed
eral League.
rnr mor than a rear the auit. with
I.- .n,.i).i. Autfoma hsA huna over
the baseball world. Ita withdrawal waa
one of th stipulations In the recent
peace agreement Between tne reuorei
League, newcomera In baseball, and
the older leagues.
No objection to the order of dismissal
was advanced by counsel for the Balti
more Federal League club, though that harf declared ita dissatis
faction with the terms of tha peace
Judge Inholda National Game.
Aftar directing that the suit be dis
missed. Judge Landls said:
Th morion for a nrellminary In
junction was presented to this court a
little more than a year ago. The whole
structure of organized baseball Imme
diately was plunged Into litigation.
Aside from the interest of baseball
fana. there were two sides to the con
troversy, organized baseball and so
called outlaw baseball. There waa a
full argument on every point invoivea
presented to the court.
Th court expert Knowieage '
k.. nhtainerf bv more than 30
. -k.-vatinn of the s:ame aa a
spectator, convinced me that If an or
der had been enterea ir. woum
been, if not destructive, at least vnauy
Injurious to the game of baseball.
"No matter what decision had been
made, neither aide would have emerged
from court victorious.
Ne Smirch Found oa Game.
h .... i.iruir founspl with my own
Judgment I decided that the court bad
the right, or at least tha discretion, to
postpone decision in the case, and this
was done.
I want to aay that in all the pre
1 1 i and the various ar
guments, when the record were gone
over with the rine-toom como w .
something injurious to the other aide,
not the slightest evidence was pre
sented to cause the most suspicious
person to Impugn the honor of the.
game or of any Individual players.
After the order of dismissal was en
tered. Attorney Janney said he had
been assured that the dispute wnn w
Baltimore club would b3 aettled aatla
factorlly to all concerned.
,.i.u n.itimnrs club has an ample
remedy at law for any damages which
It may sustain.'" no aam.
Baseball, Football, Boxing I
Personal Touchea la Sports.
All ilUUVJJl xcau 'tr- - -
varH. ureea it. there won't be any
a r.aiin- In athletics a long as
Harvard wallops Yale on the football
field each season.
a a
I learned to dance. Oh. Ghoulish Fate!
I wasted Time ior now mcjr
a a a
These "Masked Marvels" are taking
terrible chances with those masKea
gents operating at large
a . a
"Players of the American League
cannot write for the papera." declares
Ban Johnson In clarion tones.
Why the emphasis? Of course they
Chris Kirschbaum. the veteran
. v. i -nnta aillra on all
tracka of the West, Is Just recovering
- . -rliinh Of.
from a serious acciucui,
counts for his being kept out of the
saddle at the Tia Juana track before
the recent floods. He waa exercising
one of hla mounts when it fell on him,
fracturing one of hla legs and badly
bruising tna oincr.
a a a
Al McCoy Is said to be. the most un-
i in th iti i n An ex-
popular Hw-t
change sava that several persons paid
regular money to watch Al McCoy and
George Chip attempt to box. Further
. - . . . 1 m h., hi.
on It said that Burnum is uoou
soul goes marcning on.
. . t- .nBph nt th Ore
1 I r. n. al. oicwait, . v u " . . v.
. I h. V,. snnronrhed bv
th University of Southern California
for a game at xos aurcicb,
. j ft.-. with th Svra-
mg os j . i"o - ---- ---
cuse University haa not! been signed as
yet and in me event umi mo v
Aggies do not go East for a contest
they will take tb Los Angelea proposi
tion. .
i ..Inimanl k nirarrflDh
from a acientlflc publication reads that
th water or tne jvnia.rci.ic wu
colder than mat or tne Areuc uu.
a a a
r. j... ii...... cti-nnd of tha TTni
unauiic .- , .
i... ' ri.llln.nia hu. mirchased
vrrsuy ui . -
two new shells for the Berkeley crews
to start the 1916 season. Th largest
group of candidates In years la out for
positions and from all accounts a big
year I expeciea in m
a a a
n n Fuller, one of the wealthiest
citizens of California, fs going Into the
racing game on a acaio Denning ms
high standard aa a gentleman. Mr.
Fuller already has purchased aeveral
prominent horses for hia proposed
stable near San Francisco.
a a a
Golf haa mad a great hit In Japan.
Clubs hav been formed in several of
th larger cltiea and the little brown
men are taking to the game with con
siderable force. Hockey and football
also ar being taken up.
a a a
Coach John F. Moakley, of the Cor
nell Unlvernlty track and field team,
who recently signed a 10-year con
tract haa had to watch hla men work
out In the snow. Little has been ac
complished of late because of the poor
weather condltiona In the East.
a a a
They tell us that the Phillies have
signed a second Alexander. We've
heard of a lot of second Mathewsons
and second Cobbs but they're all back
In the bushes now.
a a
As we have observed before. In these
days of horseless wagona and wireless
telegraphy, we also have fightless
Chester A. Fee, the third greatest
athlete In the United States, was a
Portland visitor yesterday. He was on
his way to Seattle, Wash, where his
brother. Alger, will b married Wednes-
y, -
Now that the frost
has disappeared, it
io nofoccorv "fflT IIS
to clean up and dress up. I give you REAL VALUES in
Men's Ready-to-Wear Clothes. Come up and see the new
Spring models and patterns.
$20.00 MEN'S
$25.00 MEN'S C -I
These are not so-called sale
prices that save you money.
JIMMY DUNN the Clothier
Elevator to 3d Floor
Touring Missionaries lo Meet Oregon
Assies Thursday and Friday Be
fore Playing Malfaomnha.
Whitman Colleee will form the op
position for the Multnomah Amateur
Athletic Club'a basketball quintet in
the winged "M" gymnasium next Sat
urday night. Vincent Borleske. former
coach of the Lincoln High School ath
letes of Portland, but now of Whitman
College, who will bring eight athletes
with him.
Whitman is slated to appear against
th Oregon Aggies In two conference
games this week. The Walla Walla
hnva will be at Corvallis on Thursday
and Friday night and on Saturday they
will wind up their present tour in Port
land. Manager Harry Fischer, of the
Multnomah team. Is making arrange
ments for the largest crowd ao rar
this year.
a a a
Dr. E. J. Stewart, coach of the Ore
gon Agricultural College, la a Portland
visitor. Coach Stewart will take hia
basket shooters to California next
Monday, where they will play two
games with the University of California
and two with Stanford University.
After playing Whitman College
Thursday and Friday nights at Corval
lis, Or, the University of Idaho will be
in the Oregon Aggie gymnasium Satur
day night.
The Portland Interscholastic League
basketball has suffered a whole' week's
setback and from now on all the teams
will be called on to uphold a strenuous
schedule. Already six contest have
been postponed and aa the season runs
up into the first workouts of baseball,
things will have to be rushed to be
completed before the Spring call is
made for candidates.
a a a
Manager Eddie Cohn, of the Toung
Men'a Hebrew Association basketball
teams, has arranged another double
header for his quintets for the B'nal
B'rlth gymnasium Wednesday night.
The Lincoln High tossera and the first
T. M. H. A. team will furnish the main
event, while the preliminary contest
between the Christian Brothers Busi
ness College Junior alumni and the
T.n.iDh Knvs' aaoond strlnsr will start
their contest at 7:30 o'clock P. M. Man
ager Cohn would like to hear from the
Sellwood team. Call him at Main 3088
to arrange games.
a a a
The Portland Newsboys would like to
secure games. Write to Manager Mor
ris Rogoway. in care of the Neighbor
hood House, Second and Woods streets,
Portland, Or.
a a a
William R. Smyth is handling the
business affaira of the Red Wings, of
the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club
basketball squad. Their first and only
contest so far waa against the Sunset
Athletic Club, of St. Helens, Or, at St.
Helena, two weeks ago. The game re
sulted in a victory for the Portland
delegation. For games with the Red
Wings write to Manager William R.
Smyth, In care of the Multnomah Ama
teur Athletic Club, or call Marshall
Rainier Beats Astoria, 21 to 20.
RAINIER, Or., Feb. 7. (Special.) In
th fastest game of the season played
here, th Rainier High School basket
ball team defeated the Astoria High
School team. 24 to 20. In the first half
of the game the score stood 8 to 15 in
favor of Rainier. With the defeat of
the Astoria team. Rainier takes the
ALL around you men are talking about W-B CUT Chewing the Real
Tobacco Chew, sear est. Ja tknd. Yoo. vooraelf are probably tellins yonr friends
about it. Get s pooch Irom your dealer. See how easily and evenly the real
tobacco taste cornea boar it aatiauea without trindinf.
"Notice bow th aalt brings oat tha rich tobacco taste
Mad ly WETMAN-BRUT0N COMPANY, SO Uaion Sqaare, Ktw York City
prices, but low-rent, upstairs
championship of the lower Columbia
Only Bible Has Had Wider Circula
tion Than Four Songs.
DHTT.inPT.PHlA. Feb. 1. I asked a
widely known Philadelphia clergyman
what hymns during tne pksl
h-H hn ofrenest sung throughout
America, eays Girard in the Ledger.
Without any hesitation ne iiieLuuu
'T 4 ITInHlv T.ifrht " "Rock of AffeS.
"Abide With Me" and "Nearer, My God,
to Thee."
rry. niMI1ia.lAn nf nnnillnr hVmnS 11 R 9
been stupendous. It is impossible even
to estimate the millions of copies which
i a - a.. nnn of thn four
nave appci ul v.- -
mentioned by the Philadelphia clergy
man aa most frequently suns-
nni. ih. Ttihie itnelf has a wider cir
culation. To measure their influence
Is beyond human mathematics.
It is a fact, however, tnai tne pop-
ila.llu or -certain hvmns Stives point
to that old remark that I care not who
makes the laws of my country so Ions
as X write it3 oaiiaas.
Man Brinks Poison "to See What It
Will Do to Mc"; He Found Out.
LIMA, O, Feb. 2. "I just want to
see what this will do to me." said Louis
Annesser, 27 years old, of Wapakoneta,
while in a drugstore. He took a drink
out of a bottle which stood on the
Clerks, knowing the danger of the
poison, rushed to him and gave, him
emetics, and 10 minutes later lie was
writhing in pain in a local hospital.
Before he lapsed Into unconsciousness
he said: "Well, I guess I saw all right."
Physicians in attendance say the man
cannot recover. Annesser denied that
he had suicidal Intentions.
Members Portland Osteopathic Asa
Barrett, Dr. H. Lester, 419 Morgan Bldg.
Fhone Main 420.
Rowland, Dr. I.. H 915 Selling Bldg.
Main 221S. A 2-28.
Keller. Dr. William G, 608 Taylor St.
Phones Main A 3444.
Lacr Dr H N, suite S"l Mnrtan Bldg.
1-hones Marshall IShS, Tabor 4278.
Leonard. Dr. H. F, 757 Morgan Bldg.
Phones Main 7U9. A liOO.
Leweaux Dr. Virginia V, 012 Morgan Bldg.
""JT"' i lT'17 Marshall 4033.
Moore. Drs. F. K. and H. C. P.. 908 Soiling
Bldg. Main 6101. A 2460.
Nortbup. lr. R. B, 308 Morgan blbK,
Phones Main 349, 102S.
Walker, Dr. Eva S 124 East 24th St. North.
Phone East 5332.
W 7
2 for zsc
GEO. P. IDE CO, Bakers, Tray, I. V.
new f, 1
' Ught &4w
weight f
laundered EL
collar -eeA
with Jr
tape ffiZfi