Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 08, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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Itrttan4 i.ty ieles Into Ihe
I ao-it ral-n.lar and mmd nt'llf
t-0r a faii:4 of partia. M-t
lm-xrtn imon f "'"
will b lha rharitr btl. whi h U
. &.Tjis.J for T(iaflr Bleat Bl Ohrls
lrjena 1111. . Burner of OT t f n
ar rlanin Inform! dinner parties tha bIL llll trl ef I
ft-4 M Be rrni'i d.nn'f pri of "ill toarthar la
ine ball. Iron prBi Indi-.-alioB. II
dl on of tha UrtMl nl mot
rwM f un-tiane lo rortan.I. as prar-
ti ti; tiinmit In ths cttv U plrnin
to atten.t. ea ikom who Ber na
c!an-e4 a their liea. f"r thera will fca
a at amount cf IBtrttB tatBC
I a a.
We.lrie.Jav JU- rrank poo'r B
rt4"-t Boate. --t haVtaC
f akt la mae ur (oar tM of
! mo. rn t'rt-lar tfi- o"Cf ren
tlner will ha nlrtia4 Bt B l.
f- WM.-B JftB VlriBl KtwnoolS
.ll Ba hoataaa, ?vl tne aroa afternoon
M-, WUms I'Utk at ha bmtui lor
b fertrfca tartr. ...lowJ br ! This
will bo B imt.1 if'l lr.'ortr.l affair.
4 Bff:r ef tha 4 of In wee
eUl bo BBofher brl Wo t BOBOf
la. ;orso 9. IIvind bi4 br BMrar
itn t.u:hter. ti Crr'al Hulan-i.
b re.-ntlr raturne.j from Call
fnrfll. Km hrl- BB 1 d'lh-
tr. Urt John tu Iwtwn. iU b
oe'ree.- for IM affair. afi4 It IB
f'rt ef b -ri-o that will
ra-ru:f UI f.r of tne r?alr brn Icm are-Mir will bo in Bt
f !5 It;rla.
o o o
Vr an! ilr. M. J. IUsobI nr
ttno4 U i-rht wf.J a informal A'a
or portr l honor of t lallor'a clr
anl Bftuti'- ltr. t.ortr-do
r i.'ruaa. tlrln( at Iho trpbum
TNoator t&U woB. Twtt clooo frin.l
f rn koat ami bot. waro aakod to
maot lha lnlrtirnr beaor jai. and
Utr ontartBlnoJ at tho Crphoum
Ik bot parti.
HTrl onr mlroB. frlaa.1 of
V -m rlllal. ora plmnun -arBl 111
I'a affair for fi Hoffman duHn Ih
a o
Vrt r. P TV.i an. I Kr S. O. nao
t!l aatartarn tl- Uurmof ti
caf'1 taftr IM aft'r-'w"' al Iho al
r,-M rtlfBO'la. Tbla for both
brfcico aa4 " wtll b arraac-4 tor tha
B-iom r.
Iff i:rni r:j! J-naa.
of t'oavor. I
il!!iif Mr. n Wi u.
) aadr at root.
Laat i!fM lha MM Daa
!b Clib b"l lo lalfl daaco of tho
a-rto al ICotal I'.aaaoa. of rb
ruarr I, w ariclnat: planaal. In orjar
l ae I coeft.ctiBC witn lb rharttr
baTI. Tbl cl I cm cf Iho moat a-
cl la Bmona tho yooncr -. a low
of tho Tottoa roarrit fol ataa balnc
T.-!aal p tho mmlorh !. I"tron-
at for Iho oorlao aro Mr HnrT
I aa Corbotl. who waa anlo to att-n4
l..t B!M. aa aho I in lha r
t harlao i:jr l rtrlt. Mr nrdon
orbao. il r. C. IflBt laol.. tr. Ivl4
T. Iloaorman. l(r l.awl Mill. r
ndrow t. orrl aa4 ilr. HnrT M.
la aoatncor.
o o o
Ta aotl daao U ach'luta. for
Xhor.laT. Mrrl ?. and will bo fol
ha aaxt BfaTht br Iho t rWTrilty
Club'a d'.naor daaca
o o o
Vr. aal itra. Oiarta T. Pare will bo
ttnat f-r a, mmrrr partr of Touna war-
rt4 folk tomorrow aicht at Iho uprr
dao Bt Ilatal H""i
o o o
Vft r!!worth Mthr TarlT. f
to Anc . I l:tir Pr raroal.
Vfr is.) Mr. WitlLirn M. M1I. at
tnair apartmaeta In Km a" 1 1 E II for about
tn day
tr aal ra. J W. TaffTB. Jtl Forty
matt urMl. aro roralrin fomf!'f
U:.-m from thalr u"ri friaad
tir tho arrival of a d'ichfar.
torn o4S'iar. Jar; 3 .
o o
Tft "T r;i I makiBT pr-
t'minarT arrBiareaat for It Va:B
t,no taep!n pi"T la !;! won-
J toin(. Iabr-3ry II. In lubar-
n l(:t, 3t K4.a.' atraai. Tb flub
nmln an t rummiiu a' Ml
Mi:io M-Cartbr. Anoa txinovan. Jo-
r-sFMna llut:r. ::i DjUIaaa. Marrarot
hitaar. Anaa Oo-lr. Ieil J'lraa.
jnaacbtB t '.rnn sn4 Mary llr Th
rtronia wtit ba Mr T. flocn.
Mr 1 r;. Mr. V. J Pmrth. Mr
fl tar. Mr. U. laiw lr. Mr 1 II.
lmry aa4 Mr. J. I'.. '.or
a o o
t Ana rharitabra iorlatr win hoI4
r .:r maatir" TtiaM'lir artrraoon
at 3 0'lj- at tho bom of Mr. Jare'a
.1.1. tii Oacitanxa atro't
To Mitia' ttppiac partr tbia
( la Mir.ark ba .roorn win so
a f tna B"rt ovaata ef tho w k
mcB the pootalar 4at-:nf ac. ir.a
rommittaa al'4a liAr Toorur, T4!tn Lann tl4!'!r. Albart (rla.
l ioriKt iviifUn. Hiaal t' jrkln. Co4a
m. Xtanlay I ova.
lir.. ta ithtrntmon. Arthur hoMo. Zta
,mo. i:4!th Kraijia. i:ihl llawkin.
Xaiitah ho4. Cftr.t.B wn. rjar-
anea nli:a'k. Iliily llfr, l.rr as4 R .P t".
o a a
yt mar Roaaablaft. h raraltttT
ttvio bar dbi4i In Ivrtunl aoi.ty.
I t nf antart!B4 dal ItBtfJlIT
A if fl a tho af'aira piannaal for bar thl
waa I Iho Vlat:na danr for wbtrh
Mr. aa i Mr. Hjrrr U( cava lai4
initlon f" ?a:rH ritM. Ijt
WaliaaUr M! l'.a!a .tru wa
ha.-itoi) bot in bonor cf Ml I'.o-
aablact. bar ; it Bumbanac It.
TSa lit F"t'!a ar ntkiaf prapar.
tieaa f a ll'.r iwn n'lr to a
m ovan.BC. rbrarr It.
al nrutH lia.c
p4'.rcn aa4 ptroriaa aro V.
aal Mr. . T. rn. V- anl Mr r. .
,!.! V n4 V- TV II Thai
A Karwaa City l&y Darkrard Hrr
Cray flair at MimaUIrd ie
CrawtK br SitapW
Hmm Prtxr,
Sk Trtla Hoar Sb Dt4 It.
X wolt-banwi rHnl ef Kanaa
City. Mo.. wbo darkanadj br array aair
br aimpto Ion prx. roaio mo
f.,'oir( ataCaoMBf "Aay Udy or
a-aatiacnan can )rkea tblr Cray ar
f.i4 bair. itlnsltu Ita ! ih
aka II ooft an. rlo.y wtf tb i urn-
. i.rit. whim lhay caa at
bowa. T balf a Hit of watr a44 I ea.
af bay rum. I in.! boa at Kara) Cob-
aouarf tod oa. of Blyrartao. Tba
nra.laal ran be purrhaa.4 at aor
dr-itoro al ry nttio roai. rPH
(,'lt. h'r aary othar dy aattl tb
(ry bir la darkaaad ( rh-iaaily. tba
.ry ! w Thio mlaturo ra-
l ava a. O IrouMaO BR I I raltanl
r . dan4rtrf ao.l fallln- hair. II doa
nl eia ilia ' ok. ta not rirhy or
raoay n4 4ra ! nB Off. It Will
na a g-r-nir-l paraoa lovia It la
x . -. .x . ii
IIP ' -- 'V I
; -: '
I ' ''' ;v i'.V 1
1 1
renmltlM Inclujr Vlrctnla Cash,
tonarl otlrar. Marsarot Cundy. A. A.
Hall. lar.iao llullrn. Albrt lUrrla. Ila
aa I'kmI. Ijut Halbarb. Irne I o
llarda. Maurice rrmk. xrxt Thorna.
Marry llatumar. i:va VlBtoa. J. V.
iach:tr. Ion IUUImr. Ilcrrr tan
Un4. Leu Ham. -n ;ai!-r. Jack
-roy. Allrn Iutrhar. farl Koudron.
Norman Pcbarvhor. rrl MrKlnnry. 1:4
prtnsvr ao4 Nathan IlaaoeL
The borbry whlh will b
plr4 tonljht at tho Ire lllppo4romo
batwoan rortlBB4 and Vancouver will
call forth a larara audlonra. The toatr i
are playm thrllllnc malcbaa. arord
ln to thrlr rama of lat wark In Van
couvrr. an4 tb &tir' ef tbl par
liruUr rport. a wall aa Ice ktr
an4 tha man and woman all etrr the
rlty who oavar ml a same of ho-ky.
have rA4a rrvtton for toniKrt.
o o
Tho Aoolta fl'ib eonrart at lha XtIT!ar
Thaatar alao will call forth a brilliant
Catharine of mui- lovar. and tho an
nual mtlnc of th Multnomah Am
l.ur Athlatl Club, whl.h will be h14
lonlcht. will altrart prominent folk
who ar a.'tiv mrmbar of th athletic
fr. and Mra. Charlre C. Illndmao
M!4r4 Honayman) are bain ehow
r4 with roncratulallona upon the ar
rival Saturday of a eoa.
lr A ark rbelecrapa,
UEONB baa eaid. "A man may bia
In eyerythlBB but bla
a urk. That rv: him. Il U f4 er
bad. aa be ta food or bad."
Taat a aa I4a to mil u ait up and
tka atock of ouraalyo. ln"t It? We
all bavo a dalra to put oar beat foot
forward lo ibo world: and we aleo are
apt to place upon that fo.t the vary
imirlxi. prattlr! ho we cn find
or afford. And If Ih foot within the
hoe I not all It michl be. provided
the oho I uffl'-lntly cood-looklnc
to mh an imprlon. w do not eo
vrv much car
H it bar con aomcbody and taya
that all thl effort will not count:
thai no mtir bow much w may try
to bluff the world Into think. n- we
are otn'IMnf diffarant from what we
era. there I one reveaior or our true
aatve l"l will rot lia r work.
TM tii Ha real man or woman and
there t way ef rbancinK or eraalnf
the verd-l.
And when w come to think ef It.
In t It true?
A bouekpar will hw whal aha
I by br bowaaheaplBC. the may drea
tlihy. he may c'o c.iarmlnc en
lartainmenta Apparently, aha may be
all that I (oo4 lo look upon and
ptat to bo with.- K 4t If (he I laay.
If aha la anrleanly. If he la eetfteh.
bar boae wt:l how It. It I a true
photocrapb cf the ral woman.
It I true cf any line of work wa
may take up. We may tnake ore.
and have a blc eatabllahmant and a
fahtvnabte trad. But If we are at
heart rarl.. If we are Inclined lo
iiiht Ihlnc. If we take advaalare of
other In email way, alt theae tralte
will anew. The trirominr on one aid
of the wall will b hicher than on
lha ether, tiawinr will euon rip. The
bill for IS -flndinc" wUI be a little
bia-fcor than the thin roi.
There la no ctt" away from what
our work tell about u. W may
work la aa office. behlr4 th counter,
la a factory, a' profeeaionally. In any
ef Ihe tnaoy wav by which mankind
earn a llvlnc. 'f ' careful and
hone.t and rtlab!e. oar work will
bow It. If we are elfih and Irre-
poBeible aad laay. our work will llke
la render thia photocraph.
For a cod tram report cf what we
,.. mm ran look to our work. It
m!ht be rather a helpful Ihlnc ta do.
If tho housekeeper would look with
boeet eye at her hokeepln. the
clerk at the reult of her day a or
wek'e labor, th factory worker at Ihe
clove or petticoat aha baa turned cut,
the e!eperoo at the aray aha baa
mad aalea cr filled ordr. they all
rnicht read """ thlnce aboot tham
aiv that would be aorprielnc- la
facf there Iml any if ua but what
miaht find It worth white to atody thla
true photocP" "f ! VV ran
r,i on our pretile.t dree and our
eetrl mita and thu Impr tho
who may cee ofon a photocraphor'a
raprdutlon of a a hln c nnnatially
ch,f-i;r-. alUavUTS ibou
' W
wa mar not be wo In rrallty: but w
cannot allp any falrlty about ouraelvea
Into our work. That revcaia u
Juat what la the photnrrnph of our.
air like I vondrr. that our work
la abowlBK to the world?
MAST abopprra frit tha call of balmy
weather yoatcrday and anthual-
atlcally brican tbelr Spring lnveatlRa
lion of the new toca that arrived at tha
tore before the norm hit Tortland. A
number of ahlpmenla cf tempting
Forlnc clothe, which lha buyera have
luat aeat from the faahlon crntera In
Ihe Eaat. are anow-bour.d and expected
any day. Bui thoae that are here now
ult. coata. dree. hat and other
mart nrcrltle of milady'B Pprlnc
and Summer wardrobe are auch th
we know not what wonder to expect
when the reet arrive.
One thine la certain almoat every
(mart auit that arrive wtll have a
walntllne. The aleevea on walats.
dreaae and aulta will ba baccy at the
cuff Juat aa they were Bveral year
aco. There ara no cuffa on many car
ment. for In many lntanca atrapa
with buckle or little plait ara used.
Knowlnc that many February and
March affaire call for party frown, the
enterprUlnc modlte haa brought forth
many attractive model. Low puff at
the aide, aide caacadea and hoop-Ilk
hip are featured. A town, orchid, in
ion i of atrlned satin with a tight
bodice. The aklrt la puffed behind and
at the aide In the manner of thoae of
many yra aco. A full underdrape I
made more noticeable by the narrow
line juat below tha knee.
Another etunnlnr frock la of pink
taffeta, aatbered and looped. Tha nar
row want surmount Irtcenlous caa
cad aide, where soft rainbow tone
are revealed by tha ripple. Dainty
white frocke suitable for the school
Ctrl, the debutante or any party lovlnc
ml ar almoat fTower-l!ke with soft
rufl'.ea and wax-like flounces. Pome
are pure white while others have silver
trlmmmc or Just a flash of brlcht
bued ribbon or flower.
No little clrl'e coiffure Is complete
without a bic bow of corceoua silk.
I'rrhapo It I thl ribbon voeu amonc
the belle of th tiny act that haa been
responsible for tha multi-colored rib
bon that ornament the showcase of
I'ortlaad shop.
Klbbon trlromlnce will be used on the
tittle folks' frocks thl Fprtnc. and
easnea will be worn In tha hummer.
By Mas F.AWalkejl
Tbo Wonderful Bee Part 1.
TIM waa thin, pale and ucly. Ills
tiny face looked blue and pinched
for want of food, for poor Tim waa an
orphaa who lived with a blc family.
The farmer made him rise at dawn aad
work till late, ao the lad a ma waa a
aad one.
Now. in lha family or the farmer waa
a called . Ilamo. a vry did dot.
who did all he could to make life hard
for the poor orphan lad.
One hot mornmc Tim waa aent lo tne
wood to find a loet cow. A the aun
rose hlchrr and hicher the lad crew
warm and tired. at last he lay down
to rt by the side of a pretty sprint;
which bubbled out from a moaay bank.
It waa cold. Tb blc treea overhead
keni out Ihe aun and tha trickle of tba
stream sounded like tha wblspertne; of
wee fairies.
A be waa thirsty be knelt and took
a deep drink, which seemed to be d
llclousty coot and sweet. Then, aa he
lay back on th mosa Brain, he aeemed
to bear a stranc bulling, as If the
world wera full of volrea. Just above
hla head waa a bee, a tiny, rnldrn fel
low with purple wines, and It aeemed
to Tim that he could hear tha little
thine slrcmc a onj:.
Tf vea. nantd ray a MT th first
Ta ih rirr Bprlne to quenefi your ihlret.
V4 ht lha Irea. lha bee n1 lha nearer ear
You il aad-raiand If you drink that dar.
-Mo I have drunk the muln water."
eacialmed Tim. laucnmc. nut ini
Jolly fun. I ran know what th swal
low are saylnc whn they sail about
twiutrUc u, whAl $! rosea whUBar
when they bend their heada In the
-Funnv Isn't ltr said the rolden bee.
Ilsrhtlnc on the boy"a hand. 'Lots of
fun to know what us animal folks are
"Yes.- replied Tim. "I Ilka It fine.
You aeem a Jolly fellow and axe my
flret acquaintance, so I hope you will
keep me company la the future."
"I certainly will." answered the bee
cayly. "It will be aa much pleasure to
me to talk to folka as It la for you to
peak to me, so I will be about fre
quently." And with that he glinted
away In tha aun. while Tim roae. When
he looked down at hla feet the Metric
Hprlnir waa gone nothing; there but a
bed of soft green mess.
Tim went on. found tha cow, and as
he returned home, caught slsrht of
Itamo out In the henyard. The bad boy
had taken all the egg from a nest and
waa smashing them on the side of the
barn, while the hen flapped about
screaming In her rage. The wife of the
furmcr ran out shaking a broom.
lia mo saw his mother coming and ran
toward Tim.
"It waa Tim breaking the eges," he
cried to hla mother. "I caught him
stealing them and throwing them up
agxtnst the barn."
Tim th so surprised at this false
hood that he could not say a word at
first, but stood like one dumb. So the
woman began to beat him with, me
"I did not touch the egga It waa
Ramo hlmsolf that did It, at last no
managed to shout.
"Don't vou d.ire tell a falsehood
about me," cried Ramo In pretended
anirer. "I will helo mother beat you for
thla. Get out of this yard and leave
forever: let ua never aeo .your face
again." and the wicked boy, grasping a
stout stick, aided his mother in nor
striking poor Tim.
Tim turned, sprang over the fence
and dashed down the road. His head
ached with the blows and his back
wis sore, but he kept on. resolved
never acaln to venture back to th
farmer-, and to aeek hla fortune by
hlmanif. I'reaently ho noticed that the
little golden bee wna flying on Juat
ahead of hi in, the aunllttht shimmering
on hla purple wing. He flew on till
hn allchted on a big tree in which
there waa a big hole.
There'a Dleuty of honey In thia tree,
Tim." be said, "and down by the aide
of the creek are aome fresh duck egga.
Clot them for your supper. And to
morrow we will set out to the city,
hear there I errat excitement there
that the "King Is In trouble. the
beautiful princess Is sad and no one
knowa what will happen. We will go
there and seek our fortunes."
(tfopynsht, lttl. by th McClur Newipioer
rjnrtlrale. -w York lliy.f
rowrrrt ron hkati.o axd vexti
4osm DnlldlBca Closed Yesterday W 11
Be Opra Tad ay Private Krhoel
Are la Sraaioa.
Tho Arletn, Creston. Fernwood. Glen
havrn. HiKhland. Hoffman. Kennedy.
Lents, Llnnlon. Mount Tabor. Richmond,
Hone City Park. blcpners, crnon,
Woodlawn. Woodmero and the new
Woodstock schools will be closed to
day because of the Inability to ooiain
power to operate the beating and ven
tilating plants,
' Restoration of service lines that feed
a few of these schools Is expected to
day, but no definite statements as to
which buildings will reopen tomorrow
1 nhtalnable.
An attempt waa made yesterday to
onen all of the achoola with tne ex
eeniion of the Woodlawnj and the Eaat-
morcland achools. but the closing of
the schools became a necessity. The
Uckley Green and the Peninsula schools
were closed yesterday, out win do open
klinr of the residence districts are
still without lighting facilities, and no
statement as to wDen tne lines win uc
re-establinhed can be made by the light
ing comrany.
Several of the private achools In
Portland opened yesterday and otners
will open today. The Academy of the
Holy Child, located at East Fifty-fourth
street and the Alumeaa, win reopen
Barber Tomorrow Will Face Charge
of Sc-HIng Booze.
Charged with violation of the pho-
hlbltlon law. V. Ierulll appeared In
Municipal Court yesterday. Hie case
was continued for tnai tomorrow.
Ierulll Is one of the proprietors of a
barber shop and poolroom. Hi First
street. Several reports nave Deen
made that liquor wa to be had by
"wise" one at his establishment. Sun
day evening Patrolmen Clement and
Lltsenberg arrested Ierulll for serving
wine to L W. Heed. The latter was
broucht In aa a witness.
Beneath a showcase the orricers
found a suitcase of empty beer bottles
and a quart bottle partially tilled witn
Mr. Pator II ceo m mend Acx-eatance
of Work Tnder Faat Alder Street, of the trunk' sewer re
constructed SO feet under East Alder
street from the river to a point mid
way between East First and i-.asi cec-
on.i ainaia was recommenaea to in
Vlty Council yesterday by City Engi
neer uater. The won naa " .-vi-pleted
and the lnapectlona made.
The sewer will take care of the aew
... r-o-1 iha Runnvalde trunk sewer.
The old trunk tn this plsre collapsed
some time aco. ine cost
strutting tho new aewer was I - a." 3.
Trail Itrportrd rrtrorcd and
Trera Injorrtl.
Much damage waa done by laat
ha trail al TlenSOn
wrr a a " - .
Park, on th Columbia Itlver Hichway.
according to a report received yester-
. - t,a r.rb Superintendent Convill
from Park Keeper Webber.
It la reported tnai pan oi too
raa destroyed by Ice dropping from
about Multnoman c a tie. uue.uc. ..:
damage waa done to treea also.
City Demand $8112. but Property-
Ownrrn Offer $1808.
A total of $3(4.(1 stands aa the dif
ference between Palph Dunlway ana
be rlfr In a controversy over tne se-t-
Ctog.sabrtitatos coat YOg Same pdcta
a knothole permit you to
use only one eye!
a good many people are to
day only getting just about
HALF the use of their eyes;
some people have never worn
glasses and are unnecessarily
postponing the day of reckoning ;
others are wearing: faulty
glasses, undoubtedly unaware of
the fact that eyeglass wearers
should have their eyes examined
at least every two years.
Our examinations are scien
tific, accurate and thorough. If
your eyes need medical atten
tion we frankly tell you so if
an adjustment, or change of
lenses will correct the fault,
our facilities and skill are at
your service.
Our German Artificial Eye
maker will be here March 11 to
16. Make your appointment now.
Columbian Optical Co.
145 Sixth St.
Floyd B rower, Mgr.
tlement of assessments for the Im
provement of Seventeenth street from
a point near Vaughn street to Mar
shall street. The proposition of assess
ing the cost has been pending for sev
eral days.
The city has offered to settle for
$2172.84. while Mr. Dunlway. represent
ing the property-owners, is holding out
for $1808.22. It Is said that failure to
settle the proposition will mean five
years more In the courts. The case
was referred to Commissioner Bigelow,
who will try to get a settlement,
J. V. Hatclier Alleges Damages In
Rlverdale Wreck In August.
Twenty thousand dollars Is the sum
sought as recompense for injuries al
leged to have been received in the
wreck of two Southern Pacific trains
near Rlverdale last August, by J. V.
Hatcher, at that time a brakeman lr
the employ of the Southern i-aciric.
The auit was brought to trial before
Federal Judge Wolverton yesterday
The fact that the amount named In
the auit Is In excess of $3000 and that
the suit is one in which a citizen of
Oregon is bringing action aKainst a
foregn corporation nrlnsrs tne sun
within the scopo of the United States
District Court,
AH boot and shoe manufactured In
Australia are made after American lasts.
Two Recipes for My Famous
Of all the thintrs that my friends say
T matte, well I believe the most famous
are my hot rolls and my baked fish.
And, dv tne way, i nave tounu mm
rolls Just seem to have been invented
for fish dinners.
I want to take you Into the secret
or the goodness or tnese two uimss,
haraufia. hetween vou and me. it is not
so much that I am a good cook but
because of Just one little tning i
In each case wnicn gives uie iium
touch that makes them tasty.
Mere a mv recine for stuirea. DaKea
fish. Take either plain bread stuffing,
veal stuffing or forcemeat, fill the floh
and aew It ud. Put a teacup of water
In the baking pan with a dessert spoon
ful of Crusto ana rane according to
the slie of the fish, from thirty minutes
to an hour. Season with pepper ana
alt and bake brown.
The secret here is the use of the
Crusto. Just this little bit gives a rich
ness without In any way changing the
flavor of the risn liseir. it manes me
"meat" of the fish more moist, which
allows of thorough cooking without be
coming dried up.
Now for the famous rolls. Sift at
night a quart of flour, add balf a pint
of milk, a apoonxui 01 sail, two wen
beaten egga and a halt cup of yeast.
Work It well, cover It, and set In a
warm place to rise. Next morning
work In one and one-half teasnoon-
ful of Crusto and mould the dough Into
rolls. Hub over eacn roil a nine v,ruiu,
r..l.l .11,1 hake. 1
Here, again, you will find that it Is
the Crusto that makes the rolls extra
Indeed. I have found that Crusto is
the Ideal shortening. It is better. I
find, for baking, frying and cooking
for all thinga I used to use lard or"
cooking butter for.
You can gel crusto at most any gooa
grocery I wouldn't be without it if I
wera vou. It is very inexpensive and
comes in tight tins (straight sided, fric
tion top. aanltsry containers tnat Dring
Crusto to you In the most perfect pos
sible condition cleanly and conven
ient!. It cornea In several different
sixes for your convenience. If your
grocer can't supply you I advise writ
ing to "Crusto." Houston. Adv.
FOR $10. GIRLS!"
"LefB go up tomorrow and USE OUR
CREDIT! There'a Suits of good quality,
too. and good style. The valuea range
up to $26.00 to $30.00 think of that!
"I couldn't believe my senses when
I saw them first, and I wondered how
under the aun CHKRRVS could afford
to sell them for $10.00. But an obliging
saleswoman explained that It's because
they want to have their spacious shop
all cleared out and ready for the Spring
suits when they come. And that's per
fectly natural, of course, if a store is to
keep thoroughly up with all the fads
and whims of Fashion.
But what a chance this Is for os!
All of us who wear the regular sizes
can be fitted at $10.00. and there's other
suits In their stock they are selling at
very low prices that sre values equal to
the $10.00 lot.
"Here Is one of their cards. Their
beautiful-store is at 389-3l Washing
ton, .trect. In thi PittocJt DAocsV . ..
q The Victrola is the only
instrument for which the
world's greatest singers
and instrumentalists make
IJ The only instrument
they consider able to do full
justice to their magnificent
voices and superb art.
QThe Victrola is the only
instrument on which you
can hear the greatest art
ists in your own home just
as clear and true to life as
if you were hearing them
on the opera, concert or
theatrical stage.
IJ Hearing is believing. We
ti-ill rrxAv nlnv anv mnsift
" &".r j . , .
you wish to hear and demonstrate the various styles.
We offer perfect Victor Service a service which pro
vides for your utmost comfort, pleasure and satisfac
tion, whether selecting a Victrola or a Record.
Victrolas $15 to $350 on Easy Terms.
All the Victrola Records
i)ou "Too
Use Tikis'
Women who desire a complexion that will be admired
and not questioned cannot be too careful of the powdethey
use. Ordinary face powders (no matter how fine they may
8eem in the box or between the fingers) are disappointing under the
real test on the face.
Such powders deaden the skin with a lifeless hue. Ur
thev do worse bespeak "make-up." To use them 13 to be
haunted by the far that they will fail yon any minute in the wind,
in the glaring light or in the heat of the dance. There is on com
plexion powder that stands every test
Carmen complexion Powder
The one powder perfected under such a process as to im
part the fresh bloom of girlhood without a trace of artificial
ity. It does not rub or blow off. You are aure of a charming complex
ion at all times-regardless. of strong lights or the effects of perspir-
&UOU. J. UC cuunuuca ami i
50c Everywhere
White, Pink, Flesh, Cream
uf T"' 1 fCC. Purse size box and mirror
Olir Lin 1 rial VJlier containing two or threw
Keeks' tvvvlv of Carmen (state shade) and full f5e boas of Carmen
Rol,e vZhtodark) tnt vrepauL for tsc. If onluvuo
box of Carmen Powder and mirror are wanted tend onlu 100
silver and to stamp.
ee prnDn.Mn I rff TIMPANY
aiArrUIU-"uaaa- -ww.
601 Oliva Street,
When the flavor is gone, the
coffee is gone. What's left?
That's why we seal Schilling's
Best in airtight tins to lock-in the
full, fresh flavor, and lock-out pry
insr odors
Why fine flavor in coffee, if it
leaks-out before you get it ? All
our care in roasting, even-grinding
and freeing of chaff wasted, unless
you taste the flavor they develop.
You can't buy good coffee eco
nomically except in airtight tins.
Old time corn bread, pies of all kinds, cakes,
doughnuts, fritters
Everything you shorten or fry is made more tempt
ing when you use Cottolene. It is a cooking aid which
allows the natural flavor of foods to be at its best.
Your grocer will supply Cottolene to you regularly.
It is packed in pails of various sizes for your con
venience. nEHEK. FA I R B A N KZEEHl
Srx '
"the only instrument"
The $100 Victrola
lay:& Bo.
1 -'-;-Trimmed ' Vi
1 Orange Color. jl
V Wd Box-Seeny J
St. Louis, Mo.
a. tvr jrwaaaaf --, ,