GATE HIT MID SUNK Liner Harvard in Fog Rams Excelsior. ILL HAVE TIME FOR ESCAPE Prow Cuts Into Engine-Room and 3 Are Burned by Steam. DERELICT LOST IN FOG 5titrrl t roll finals Off on Tide and Ts rh 1 1. Then I-oc ll and f inally Abandon ll a ll lrift On! to 5N (KIVW ''. ' Special Th- live ft " of .tijr on e'eamer Harvard, delayed and hurrying ttf ihl pn. wr Imperll-d and fonr mm' of erw of th '-n .B.oon-r :rN.r wr rlou. ly hurl and rl oihra narrowly c.ped death ahortly b'for o'clock ton'fhl. when lb I"" vewl ram to gether In a d-n f" off Pier It. at foel of ftnekton tre. Ti Harvard waa no badly dm as-l. bat th entir ld of tha Cs cl.trr w In nod Ih vat, all bul her uppr work ubror7d. b rn dririinc wllk a Iron tbk lid towar-t Urn rlnl. Ilr rrw. all bat on f whom bad at an early hoar bn a'"untd f-r. wa tak'H off la row 0v lre. T e tn)ur! n-n who wero treated at th r.nleal aa4 Harbor rmfrJ llTpitt. ar: J..pS IL f"fM. AWmeda. rhl-f ea-tne-r f th t:ellor. vrTy a) .J--4 irmi. ! and fae by ttrtin of ateam pip": lacerated a-rr I'alrtrh Wmart. 4H rranclaco. flr mia on th i:i"llf; lertloB 1 of th x-aa. Jaapb A. rir. Oakland, fir-man oa l:i-ll.r ; !! of Ih body, band and far. Oirutua JodHMia. okUJ. wateb fin oi lh r-!lor; wralJ of Ih r . hand. iM body and leearallon of the :a'p. a"T OawfK Bay. Ti :elaior. In command of t'a p t.ln lliiu ?Hn. wa outbound In bal 11. and wa prtxrdirT ! I'aapar. oa Ih J'endnctn) iul. for a rarco of lirnbor. Th Hrard. In chars of Captain K. J. Irtttl. muh a full 111 I pan'r. aa Inbvund fw I At'l. At qnnuatt hratty fo kont or th atr nd ohrurd obJct rn than a fw ft Mir. Thro n at.o a uroni bb ti.U runatnf. and (be rt'sr u holding a "' oil oor niddnlv. vol of th drhna loomed lh hln prow of Ih Harvard. Almml ih lntal. and btfora any n o" mull b mi by Ih atoum Kftoedft to .-ipc. h Wrard trhd Into lh mt'lr vidr. al)"Ol Zi (act sf Ih trn. (iiiuhlnf lb chip iiml'i M If It war an rrcahrlL raal la 'l Craafc. Th HcU'or qjii'rd from b lo atra for a brtvf nwmmi. vbm lhr r-o an p!oia. f.lload by a l-r-riri.- rush of (ran. whl h pnnrd In Ihr f la t boltr-roont and ar4 tb'lr (!' aa tb. lay h.!yl. ll lhu thai C:i i-t t:nf!nrr rr ward. rtrrnian "oIr and Wairhman JnAnaon r t-aldrd. In addition forward a rlro. a by a fltinx llmb- lb brad and ad. a a Fir'niaa rart. b had tn ln. tlMaallt lhr m Aa amonx ti panr of Ih panr boat. Thi w won t!:d. . b ti rnmm air. nho B I word hta rn-atn-ro"m lo boM Ih ! II;M aint th fTv-lir. In ft'Jrf thai I tc H'wnr woud B t hlp any jrl amount of wilrr urn I Ih rro could :ht uhn o a pU- of f-H. ll w nn tll M iu of th KicMr' rw w rrtln lil Iho Itrtjrd r r4 n;!n and ba-hd on. Ia i if a atin !. tnt ht--h Ih nalrr rl f kr-l b (. Uaartn Maa to . -rat mmbi- of th f:ii-llor'r fn. ! wrr at Ih I'm of t 1 on-n IS fol lil-iii o-Tiitrrl warn knorkad Into Ih tif. whor ! iiruuM aal I Mh4 an by a fc-l f rum .io llrard. I j--ha to fuj:iit lo lh rwu. Th onty man'iufitt fr I bMvd 14 hat found rtNc a a tHnal nhlb la ft a lir I Ih. d-rtu-t. Ax a lal loir tontrht ll raport'd Ihr l ia. which had th Kf i'or In ton In an ta4rar lo bch aWr oa th it rtn a"io-. had bn fnrrd to tt M lh:r lio. Ts rt-lior alo laal a aaa drifting rapidly out lo AIRMAN FELLS FIFTH FOE I rarh !-. Work I as Alo tn f.rral lllpla. Add lo Rorood. rRt.. rb. T-rKranl rilol Oay a.m.r. of th ovh f:ylac rorpa. baa l-t. I brooch! down hi Hfla Jrman j4rafry. and ha.a bn mntfond for M virloUa la aa erTirial rmenonl'-a-IK-n It " a!n and a rrtal bl euiia wftA &uM mif aa kvur. ALL WlltTf: AT TV HA ARE IN I AM. Ill I OK M VHDKlt. Twcot J-!"! Ttaoaaand Krdkln l(rld on lt rrallon Kllllnf of lra Cmuf Tronble. rut;T.rK. Ar'a, rb. T. Th In diana on lb NaJra roaratlo ar Ihraatonlna: ! h'll all tha wbli Inhab. Itanta of Tuba and burn lha Oocrn btjlldln tbrrr. arcortfloK to William rurbra. uporlntndnl of cocatructloo of tha Isdlaa acbool at Tuba. Dubrao arrlrod bar yi-tncday. Tnba U on lha Tainlad" draerl about 0 Billaa north of bar. Tba faw whlta lamlllra IWIns at Tuba kava but email amount of arma and aanmnBUIon with which to dfnd IbamaalTaa. Dnrbraa aald today. Huporiniandant T. Jluaka ad two po-ll- off IT of Tuba altamplod to ar rat a "bad- Indian January t. Dur bra aald. Tba Indian ahot at lha offi ce and waa kild when lha olicmn ratarnod tha lira. Krirnda of tba Jndtan Imroadlatrly brans lo foment Iroublo amon; other Indiana en lha ttwnicion. I'HOKNtX. Aria. rb, 7. rira Ihou aand roatdrnta In lha Northcaatern portion of Arlaona r alarmed over a report that tha llopl Irlbo of Naeajo Indiana wera threatening lo o on lha warpath, .accordms lo word rocelead br early loniht. Approalmately : Indiana wrro lil" on tha Navajo rratlon. but ll waa not known whal proportion of tham ware Involved In th threatened uprlnlnj. ENGLAND MAY BAR APPLES llnml Rlrr an- hut-Out to Mak Way for Manltlonn, uofr nivrru o, r6. 7. np- claU A-cordioa; lo Wllmer Slet. aaloa manacr of" Ih Apple Orowera Aaao ciatiun. an embarco on arpl may be etpti from the British sovrrnmeot at any momrnl. A ahlpmenl of fruit front pokan for tnUh eiport trada laat week may hava lo bo eold on the domrallo market. Tha action I taken by tha Knrllab covernment. accordlBaT to 1L T. favld aon. tha Now York rprtttatfv of tba aaoclaln, becauao of tba need of the riritl-b soternment for all avail abl ahipvln apava for tha tranaporla- m. t Miilrtn mI war WOMAN SHOOTS MINISTER Palr lajr IVt Fatally Wounded. Anaallaul (liarxew InaitlU ftllCRVIAN. Te.. rah. 7. Tha Rav. n. M. Casta. I, a Baptlat mlnlatar. waa ahot and probably fatally wounded to day by Mm Annla rut. wbo livea near DeaUon. Too woman fired five hot. Chnrle-a Ivarton. a byatander. wa hol In th arm. When arretted ah aald th minltr had Inaa'.ted her. After Cacla fell he aapd: Take me lo my wife. I have only one life to live and I do not want to die until I bav talked lo hr. jura. Kauai waa -rtleaaed on lv bail. NERVE SAVES MAN'S LIFE rnledrUn. Too l-ate to Io.lcr. l.rabo llDinprr of Aolo Truck. The preieora of mind of . A. Ilarth. a farmer from Kl Polnl. who la In rorlland arvln on lha Federal Jury. aavd him from aertoaa Injury yeetar day. If not drath. air Ilarth paad In front of a treet rar wbli .roealna: Waahlnston atreel yelrday mcirnlni at K'fth tret and failed to ao an orwumlitt autnmobl'.e Irueh. To dodar th Irurk waa l-npo-ibl. o Mr. Ilarth arahbrd the bumper and waa thrown asalnat the radiator. blna carried half way acroa Ih teel baler lha lruk waa controlled. WIRELESS BRINGS PARENT ly V. l. . A. Plnnl ell-ric- IIinmI lllrr family of lllm-na. U'r niVKR. Or.. Keb. I. ijic ciat. 1.1- Friday niaht Ihrouuh the wlrla t"-m of Kloyd tllbba. a your.a radio amateur enthualaat her. )r, Anna Wi:hmn re-led new of the erlou Itlneaa of her d"ahter. Mr ikio Itrook. .f rortland. The nio.-Be waa anl from rortland by the Tounjt f--n a fhrlatiaB Aaaociallon. M.a Wllllnn lft yeaterday lo b miiiM her daucntrr. BRITISH TRADE GAINING Kvxrl and Import Im rew-e hy I Million of I'nwml In Janaary. iVX. Feb. ". Tia Ilrltth H-rd of Trad figure, for January how that import Increased by 1 7.7 :.. K port lacreaawd ..&.. The principal Increa In Importa tion war foodluff. raw malarial and rhem.ral dye. The Increae In e porta wa mad up principally of manufac tured article. WEALTHY WOMAN ON TRIAL Mr. Id Mrjrr Before Jury on ( twarge of Killing .ag!nrr-ln-Lam. WINTr.RKT. ta Feb. 7. Mr. Ida M.yer. a4 . and r-pul.d wealthy, wa placed on trial ber today charged with remrllrlli In Ih murder or br d.'iaM-r-m-taw. Mr. Frd Iyr. on July Si. lll. Th aeleetlon of Jorynwn waa bgun lata lod. and It wa peeled the Jxry wouid bo com; 1c ted tomorrow. PORTLAND DUE FOR BUT SLIGHT FLOOD Willamette at Salem Has Risen 19 Feet. FLOOD CREST PASSES EUG.NE Columbia Is Steady, So River men Here Fear Little Loss. BENTON FARMS DAMAGED nivrr Overflow In Coo tlay t)ls-trUt-- Rural IorallOc frinffcr. Water and I-andslldca Mop Railway OprraUoni. eooooooooo . CODI- ,1DH I ll n r.s rt-ooD Marehfirld Coqutlla Kivor.. on rampac. flooda 19 mllea of railway: land alldea do damaca. Brownavill Calapooln. Blrer breaka levee, flooda town and vicinity, drowna eheep. Corrallla Willamette overnowa Ihouaanda of arrea and cauaea Oreon Electric much trouble. CanyonvlUa Flood creet paaaea harmleaaly on balmy day. Seattle Thaw condltlona favorable-: rallwaya fear mountain now alldea. Oregon City lh-water creat la romlnc. but no damase la an ticipated. Albany Willamette and Bantiam rlvera hlg-": bridge trouble and maroonlns of family reported. Eut-ene Willamette. McKenale and hlualaw rtvera are In flood rtace; no treat damase re ported. Salem Willamette 1 fert above low water and rlalna ateadlly: rlamase la feared; Mill creek overflow Seventaenth alreet. topplnc car earvlco. rortland la to have a amall Winter freahet. and nredlcliona are made that the river will attain a tax of 1 feet above aero bare Tburaday. which mean that aome of tha lowet do ka probably will be covered. .! baemanta on Front lreet may be vUlted. The cret of Ih frebet paaaed toirm at noon . . Mllalnln a deDth Of feet lhare. and dropped 1.1 feet durlir1 the afternoon. The Ab-treet dock, which la about th loweat on the Wet Hid, had lea than threw feel to so on nl 6 oclock yealorday afternoon, when tha official -auce reslntered 11 feet abovo aero, anj that mark ahowed a gain of l.l feet Ince I o'clock In tho morning. I'slaaahla Level Steady. PUtrlrt Forecaaler Beala arranged for teclal river reporta yaterday. and laat nlicM he ald Ih flackama River waa fallina;. Klvermen ay there la onrlixl'd l' t Column ll JiY3 Was v ?tm . TCooA&,G rz . -iVm 7"!Z'Jt'2 I J I vwr ft TAe 1 " Jl .mS -A w -r A I I bath YER. - Pys2l I Sros!) Iwa.rVTVS" TO 7H I (. SV f ff? I C ZT t : Ll ------ The Weather. TEHTKRWT'!1 Maximum lemperature, 6J driroe. minimum. 44 deareea. TODAT'fl Oreaalooal rain; cooler, aouth wtrly wlnda. XatlonaL Uaarler ef oppoaln partle ftht Jida by id la hiuM for NaUonal deleoa. Iae 1. , Dveooerats far from belna In accord on loiomblaa treaty. I'aa X North bank of ColumBIa Klver la made part of Port of I'onland. Paa la. Laiteat proposal or OeTMDf In Luattanl caae la bclor I'rwldant. I'aa -niaantle rewjli pin br German reported Tentative reement reached to limit grant land tor lorait reaerve to 0O.Ou . face a. Dsaneatlc, Allied crulaer watch for more German prlie il f vlralnla Capea Pa X Joan 8L Or and .l9.0O0.000 brld fie from publicity. Page g. glaam achooaer Fiicalalor eunk lntd Golden Gate by Unr Harrard. Pag i. Xra. riorenc Adam Uooaon. dlroread I wtre of Portland mas, U aulclda. Pag J. Indiana threaten to go oa warpath la Xrl- ..... l . i Cuatoma offlclaia oe ebleei en naughty totem pole lor 1 oriiana nuwouNj, - - - ftxrta. 0"Conn.ll eicne to wreatla Miller and eettla world middleweight title clalma. page 1. Suit aaalnrt Ke!eral Baaeball league I dlamlaeed. ' Page 12. Portland hockey tram entrance In ' cbamplonahlp race depend In pert on tonight a gauie. Page 13. raclfle Northweat. Prune tree lamae extenalve In Clarke county. Page . Coal tna a complaint about weight to b dlacuaaed. Page 0. Three men die when powder mill at Dupont North Idaho Itepabllcan to pre claim for Gubernatorial nomine. . PortUnd due for only llght flood, rage 1- taenmerrlal aad Marine. Superior quality irea Northweetern wheat advantage In F.urope. Page 17. Chicago wheat market dump on heavy elllng. Pag 17. Stock, advance with promlae of aetllement . . T . IT. Survey for canal from Pug.t " lurntiia pn.po.ea in oti.i - part lead Bad Vicinity. Woolen good h.rt. rmle Uklng rery- thlag available. Pate 18. Boft coal eupply docjared ample. Page . Receiver of American J"" ."TV paay ordered to aue Paclflo Ula. Paae li ytw enihuatam la noted In reglatraUon of laymen. Pago T. Cro.a-.uit filed agalnet Stephen Carver for ;'iiO,ow. Paee IS. hire. Bmili U Cloeaet aaka for dower right . A - .ai a I a 1'gt W 14. Ifa it UalU a wa - - . . Boathsuae g."e amuck In harbor, doing damage. rai i. MUa Myrtle Aahby. iner t lllllg. declare for preparednM. Page 11. Republican arrange - Lincoln day patriotic . acn la I'm y A T. Weather report, data and forecatt. Pa 17. AFTER-HOURS LAW UPHELD Alankan Lone Fight Aglnt Arrest an rrowllng Vncmiiloycd. SAN FRANCISCO, ran. 7. Ben Uul- l . tit t n u In th fJOri 1. WBO ejwe-ii - United Slates Circuit Court of Appeal becauae of hi arreat at Junuau. Alaaka, mm . . V . .mmxm, AM I). . .1 TAjlf Ktrca 1. Imkm, iwr wswa - - of Juneau after 11 o'clock at night . i . i .. . tviaana of atin- wnen imuui port, waa refuaed redreaa today by tho nigner conn. uuiaoni luuuv mi. i w. . ... j that a "man without a Job" had the aame constitutional rights on the . . . . ... M 1 1 V. l.l," trcets at nuni a - - The Federal Court upheld the Juneau onM nance. NO ULTIMATUM DELIVERED Great Britain Say C'Dtrnl Powers Have Not rreaaed Roumanla. LONTX)N. Feb. 7. The g-overnment haa received definite Information that th... i. no foundation to the report that tha central power have delivered an ultimatum to Roumanla. Thla announcement waa made this afternoon. THINGS ARB PICKING LP IN THE WEATHER LINE. IS LAID TO GERmANY Rebellions Throughout Far FS'anned. AMERICAN SENATORS SOUNDED Hope Is to Keep Japan From Aiding Her .Allies. SUEZ CANAL IS OBJECTIVE Heralded Drive at Allies in France Will Only Do Feint to Cover Attack on British Waterway, Washington Hears. BY JOHN CALLAN O'LAUGHIJN. WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 7. (Spe cial.) A glsautio plot to precipitate revolutions throughout the Far Kajst haa been revealed to the Government here. Back of the plot are German brains and German money. It is declared. The operations are being conducted from California and from the Dutch East Indies. Their object la to cause armed uprising In China and tho Dutch pos sessions for the purpose of compelling Japan to abandon aupport of the allied cause, through the supply of munitiona to the Russians, and to devote herself to establishing and securing control of the Far East. Revel la India IMaaaed. Too. Another object, to which, the moat attention ia being paid, is to create a revolution in India and thus strike at England. Information also haa been received which indicate that the German plan of campaign contemplates the circula tion of reports that a drive shortly ia to be made on Calais and to support of the reports by a feint in order to cause Great Britain and France to concen trate all their available strength on the line of Northern Franca. Tim real objective of the German general ataff, it is said, will be the Sue Canal and India. Preparations for the operatlona against tho Sues Canal are well under way. Tark Drop) Mine In CanaL Only two weeka ago a -Peninsular Oriental liner waa sunk by a floating mine, in this waterway, the explosive having been dropped In the water by a Turk, who drove a cart through the Mohammedan troops defending the eastern bank of the canal. If the revolution ahould be precip itated In the British possessions, the German campaign against them would be Immensely simplified. By stirring up trouble in China and In Dutch Indies all of Japan's available strength would be occupied and she would be unable to carry out the terms of her alliance with the British gov ernment. which contemplatea the use of Japanese troopa In certain contingen cies in India. In connection with this plot. German agents In Washington are credited with calling attention of Senators to the .Concluded on Pare 3, Column 1.) PKOrCKTY OF D. E. KEASKY BIUSAKS FKOM MOOKIXGS. Dolphins ou Hawthorne Bridge Car . rlecl Away, Launch Eva Dam aged and Mctlaka Bumped. High water sent Dorr K. Keasey'i big launch-house on a rampage from It moorings at Lone Fir Station yes terday, and it left a wake of splinters through the harbor. It was first reported striking one of two dolphins on the south side of the Hawthorne-avenue bridge, which was carried out and hung up against a pier of the Burnside-street bridge. Then the laundh-house swerved In shore and struck the Standard boat house and carried with ft downstrean? the cmislng launch Eva. It drifted along until Kellogg's boathouse was reached, at Salmon street, where the Eva was forced against a float and a hole about two feet In length was driven in the hull above the water line. Continuing on its way, the launch house smashed into the steamer Met lako, lying a short distance below, tearing away planking from the super structure. Meanwhile the Custom-House launch H. W. Scott and the Harbor Patrol launch gave chase and managed to "line up" tho launch-house to pass through the Harriman bridge draw, but they were unable to beach the unwieldy tow, owing to the current. Finally Captairt Mitchell navigated alongside with the launch Frolic and the house was headed down the harbor. It Is classed as among the largest launch-houses on the river, and a bad list added to the difficulty of control ins . PRINCE OSCAR IS WOUNDED Kaincr's Fifth Son Struck by Shell Splinters in Eastern Zone. AMSTERDAM, via London. Feb. 7. Prince Oscar of Prussia, fifth son of Emperor William, has been slightly wounded in the head and on the upper part of the thig by shell splinters during 'the fighting In the eastern war theater, according to a Berlin official report received here. Prince Oscar was wounded at Virton, Belgium, in September. 1914. He was ill for a long time and was declared to be suffering also from an affection of the heart He returned to duty- in the field In November, 19f4. narrowly escaping capture the following month in the fighting in Poland. POLICE GUARD WARSHIPS Precaution Taken Agalnwt Bombs From Brooklyn Bridge. WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. Placing of extra police on the Brooklyn and Man hattan brldcfes yesterday when the cruiser Washington passed under was exDlained by Secretary Daniels today as a precautionary measure taken by Rear-Admiral Usher, commandant or the New York Navy-yard, because of the receipt of two letters calling the Navy Department's attention to the fact that It would be easy to destroy war- ahlDs passing; under the bridges by dropping bombs on them. The Secretary eald there was no in timation of any plot. PANAMA AGREES TO FORTS Legation Willing to Sell Sites for Big Guns to United States. WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. The willing ness of Panama to grant big-gun sites at approaches to the Panama Canal is Indicated in negotiations pending be tween the State Department and the Panama Lecatlon. The sites are re garded as necessary to carry out Gen eral Goelhals' plan to extend Canal fortifications. Pnnamfl l kaM to have indicated a willingness to sell'at agreed prices. NEW DRY MOVE PROPOSED Amendment Offered Prohibiting In terstate Whisky Shipments. WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. The Senate Judiciary committee reached no conclu- ion on the National prohibition con stitutional amendment today. An agreement to provide that whisky should not be shipped beyond the con- nes of any state which permits Its manufacture was offered. Such a DroDOsal would only need a majority vote In Congress. HAY FREIGHT RATE IS CUT Reduction Permitted to Aid Snow- Bound Stockmen. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash crton. Feb. 7. The Interstate Com merce Commission today authorized the nion Pacific and Oregon Short L.ijie to carry hay and grain at reduced rates for 30 days. This order Is designed for the relief ' stockmen In states that have re cently been snowbound. ' ' ARTILLERY DUELS ArE ON Engagements In France Are Ter rific, Says Berlin. BliRL-IN. via London. Feb. 7. Artil lery engagements of terrific intensity have been in progress in the section between La Basse Canal and Arras in Northern France and &outh of the River Sotnme today. German army headquarters announced these activi-j ties today. - FIGHT FDR DEFENSE Party Lines Forgotten in Navy Measures. VOTE ON BILLS UNANIMOUS Speaker and Republican Lead er Work Hand in Hand. MR. CLARK TAKES FLOOR Opponents of Preparedness Foil to Show Hand on Roll Call Joseph Cannon Hints That Move May bo for Cumpaign Purposes. WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. Speaker Clark and Republican Leader Mann fought side by side in the House today for ade quate National defense. With party lines obliterated, most of the members followed their leaders and two Navy measures passed without a dissenting vote. One, to provide for adding 300 midshipmen to the entering class at Annapolis next July, passed 173 to 0. and the other, to equip Navy-yards for construction of battleships Nos. 43 and 44, passed without a rollcall. Mr. Manrr' tried to put the anti-preparedness advocates on record by call ing for a division on the Naval Acad emy bill, but there were no negative responses. Speaker Clark. Take Floor. The appearance of Speaker Clark on the floor to campaign preparedness measures aroused wide interest. Rumors persisted that he would take active charge of the fight to increase the Army and Navy. Majority Leader Kitchin having joined the opposition. Immediate Improvement of the Navy by designing new battleships along the llufts of the best now in use. doubling the membership of both Annapolis and West Point, creation of many addi tional regiments for the Army and short-term enlistments to produce a re serve, were among suggestions made by the Speaker. He said he expected to discuss the subject of preparedness generally, soon. Mr. Mann reiterated his previous pleas for a larger Army and Navy and aided in maneuvering the bills to pas sage. "This is not the time for crim ination and recrimination," said he. "It is not the time to find fault with that which has been. It is the time for all to Join hands for that which may come." Crowds Ruh lo Gallcrlea. The debate went far afield from the measures under consideration, extend ing to the general subject of military preparedness. The unusual sight of the Speaker and the minority leader bat tling together for Administration meas ures, while the majority leader sat silently in the back of the House, at tracted crowds to the galleries, and members rushed to the floor from their offices and committee rooms. Mr. Clark urged haste in getting new battleships Into commission. He asked Chairman Padgett of the naval com- mlttee why it would not. be a good plan to pattern the two battleships Nos. 43 and 44 after the best United States ship afloat and get them completed quickly. "Simply because." Mr. Padgett said, "tho chief of the bureau of construc tion told us that he had plans already worked out that would make decided improvements against torpedo attacks." "Why do they not put those plans into operation?" the Speaker continued. Mr. Clark Pleads for Speed. "They will," Mr. Padgett said, "as soon as they get authority provided in this resolution." "We shall all die of old age beforo they are completed at this rate." the Speaker responded. Representative Padgett told the House that three shlpst the Oklahoma. Nevada and Pennsylvania regarded as the three best in the world at the time they were laid down, would ty-completed and put in commission during this year two of them in the early Summer, one in the Autumn. "If any emergency should arise," he added, "a very small resolution of Con gress carrying the necessary appro priation could provide for extra ships. ' Representative Cannon, of Illinois, created a stir by asking If the talk of preparedness was a sham performance for campaign purposes. Later lie said he, did not intend the remark as a crit icism of i the President. Mr. Cannon'a Motive; Aailed. "The gentleman was trying to put in a nice way a very nice criticism of the President, but he did not get away with it." Representative Fitzgerald, of New York, said. "The President of the United States," answered Mr. Cannon, "is iny President as well as your President, and if I can find out what ia tho proper thing to do, if it is necessary to do anything, I stand ready to help him do it." "If we have another war, which 1 do not believe wo will have if we attend to our own business." Speaker Clark said, while advocating the Naval Acad emy bill, "what we will need more than anything else will be officers. You can get all the volunteers you want ih 30 days. "If the fact could be ascertained, I have no sort of doubt that at least 25,000 men, the very flower of the coun try, died the first year of the Civil War not by bullets, but by disease. which was absolutely necessary. be- iCuucluiivU. uu rage U. Culuiua Z.) f