Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 07, 1916, Image 1

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in mm DEBATE
71 . . wift t vt. rpri!iv MnvniA' I I'll II IT A It V 7. 1010.
VOI I.V I. ? O. I ..' I Mllilj wva.r was ,iv.w.,i. . .........
- . i
i i
Flood Imminent at Eu
gene and Corvallis.
ciiAKU-s; inter.
l.Vfli llt V Itl-XTON ROAD.
1 !
Flocd Likely Unless Weather
Gets Cold Again.
ra-.rrat ! I Up-- IW-fore rrM
of rYalV-r KrarhM f"ort-
Ut Mm; Hal Are
TKawtaX Jrow 11m p. ill.
Carvs'lie Vli:Um.(i n.i
j.).r la., haa an hour. May
oserftoW ban. tcI?.
Nowt'lrf ronllmio rlf
ain-e .tur.iij .n mettle,
a'ream rtort In
t'ii(U 'iut pred .t4.
i:u(lffl .a.ioKk) evar
f!.,wa, fToa-lina" portiosi af eltv.
It..j . la fame;
nr- ralte tabor I frl
tr. aa. Tllplt ira ia freao;.
M1Kf-t""'. With
Maw rendition. airaarr. rt.leg.
.tt:- tH! malle aaaw. d .. Mraet.a a4
rr trf"." rMli.
:i p! n.ji
rpx m:t(r af aaal
eii'M-a rvaa af stream.
r"ii lt" ' !!
deaa in in ana4ntiae a4
na I rapl I
t la '. !' Woa, Ml
i-i.-k y..ter.!a ta Wi;:ntn River
at tilf r f. A taa
f..t aal a .' waa t..-or4e. at Cor
:. taa d i"nr -v:;ey
iwu r.oorr.d rapnir ri wat.ra.
At repai-te.1 r." a4 a raH lr.
n .o.i i'i t.u in use ai-oar Va;;.v
wsi-e tmrnlnan'. i"l.
r"" wit rl r
u r:: n nb''4t rt4 '
lfq;(i. rut tor It lin. M
o rallll'ri'l ln.nlMll. A rl
Ih.ii- Fvi l' .ou'N I m.l4 ll f
?rt, f-on rft'n. Tk-
rvl tlka VVl"mE'a llitar fft.t
;.' krch an. I rlul It'oKH
tit. i Tim-fta) tl ill
hi4 fnfnfin4 1 B Eo a amalt lofrwnl
nJ nrtuan af t h l41f mall
l-X flfl nl at of ta rtar )
r low in twr I'orlian.t. A Ta'apaa
'a ki.I tmt t'f l l C- It. Coo-
I I flI. IUalf will ha tSa op-
n4ir f f'rt,
tMa ak IH a.
Ai 4'itinjal rl" af aaaan fa anal
alf aai-a wont.1 t lar. na watar raa
ra 4Af Itna. an t ronaanuantlir lha
t atmn mf tHif t'Brttn4 la la
htt f)r. rvn4:t frn.a la ta tlirfkr
Unt n mow. pr t :r utar Ijr atone tha
w llarfrnnC;
TN flar at rvrttan-l T fat
ihoia itra, ar normal. yaataraT. a'
H'n ta Dviirnm r4 manauramanta.
-tr. It 4twl faal la lha dancar
laaal. an If tna watar ahaiM raarh
hat fc'Kht oadar Infivjam acf ha fal-
n-f.n anew It aoull (at Into m"f
ml tna d' an4 ao i. raaoll In tn-jrh
riamaaa t pm?ftr.
All tftat Cotwtim.m waathT f ri
nala ra a"l la pfaijii t laal BlM
wa INtl (h rla af tna rlr wo'iN
a?apanl ant'palr ait waathar rani tiona
mf Ida aavl fw d TT car.
ii taa rlaar weuM rla but roul4 tol
kaw ftrl'llr
Hattnl Pafa Mnll A aaaaV.
It wilt prunwntr ba aaaaral ! ba
f -ra tNa fti t affa-ta at lha f'.oJ wtr
apiiar wilt fcaaa affa-t In
a' ln tna a'raaraj nara an4 II will a't
d-VTvt an waaehar eonit'ina balaaan
nw an4 tkat im withar lha watar
ai'l r.-h m 4a(roo or 4iatroa
I'rt anl aa ol ha4 a iat!ru
f'Mx alara I ha U'lnl.f I U 1 1. On
JtntfT t. ttl. Ina watar ritara.
t T J ft Wan : ara r--Jv an4
r-tl waa raprta! l prparty
r . r in d a a an fh4ttM alona
tna rif
Ta rla haa ao raa ha4 4nar.
mi ataaa al a par'f thla Tntar.
fl waa avaa xi f-.t r, ana pa r i-J aarf
in tfta W atar im f r a lima Ihraat
ana4 l fa. It (ha 4aaaf mara. taur
ine. (''. aa rai lir aa it ia up.
ltt.M: rKTi.v lt.4H)it:t
Aauma aiih Irarrflmaa arwl mil
ajarttw Klaca llapldtjt.
:t'JE.1JT. t. Tax . i rli'kat
Taa iiiamatta ttar la fl' i riii 1
iit. 4a ta Imit rain a. warm
waatRaa whi'-lt la in.iMna aaaw aa !
t t-r TH al II V
krxlaa ! a tan af II I I
Ik aornnal m.rk.
THa Amaaon ! ok. in Ifca aoatk pait
a' tka ri'r. ta nrt:oIH t knka
l tka wa'ar rna'.lnuaa ta rtaa. T
M-vlta ara lnun.it4 an4 raal tanta a.-
ai'r ah a t (at In a4 ttl af Iftair
ima tf wa!:n TSa f oo4 J afaa
l...t'i'la fair' Hi:i'l anf lkr
IvJa.alai aa 1.4 . l-a
IacSI"C r:aar4rd lo Itrfiln aa Smu
aa I I rw la i:nrntlrd Into rrot
rrly In Ilarly hprtos.
l't;VAtJJ.a. Ir Vrtt. a ?f-lnt
A Iranafar haa t-an ctolata4 In Wan
ton VountT wharabjr lha Oiarlaa K.
pauMin intarrata bama lha ownara
if JI.'Vo.9.) fa of atandlnc llmbar
and a loctmc raitra4 running to lha
a4la f lha propartjr.
T rKK!ns railroal waa formarlj
own a't by fia War' l:iar Tlmbar
iom;an)r. an4 murh of lha Hinbrr wa
lha propartr of lha A'aa LclUnl
rompanjr. of whl. h William .Noon waa a
larca ato. kboHrr. Tba n ownr
witt b known tin4r lh oama of
Mary' Rlaar locslna rompanj.
Tha llmbar purchaaa4 by lha Fpau'd
ln raapla lira aboal IJ tnl!a wat by
outh of CoralH. n lha rlrioltjr of
Mary'a fountain. Tha losslnn roo.l
atan-i from Noon j"tlon on lha Cor
alli Kaatarn Ha'iroad Ihraa mllaa
tit of rhi'omati. lo lha haad of
Craak. Tha llmbar Vm moatly
atJ from tba ml of lha praaanl Una
of railroad. In lha diraxrtlon of Ala a,
an4 w:ti ba r-a. t.4 by lha railroad aa
mmh aa lha waat'iar will farmil lha
work lo ba rarrta.I on.
Ity trrtn(nr.l with lha rVoolharo
l-ari He- rorarany ta lacclna rompany
will ahip loca I" lha two !pauldtn
lumbar mi:'. ona at I'al-m and tba
othar al N'Wbar.' Lttclns will kal!n
aa aoa-vn aa tna raiirond la aifno'd Into
thm llmbar. whl.h. It ia rrp.rt-a. will
b aar'y In INa hi ring.
I .airs- wt Tlmnslil lo llate
Mrarli lrw ia Callrgal.
f IT.MIA;i:N'. la InJon. K'b. T
larca liarman warahip ba baa n aunk
In lha Calt'Cal batwaaa tba lalaod 01
Arbo! and lha H w al I - k roaal. a-f4-Inc
a Copanbcan diapalrh quoting
tka aawapapar ll'l'lnaor Aria.
Tka diapatrk any l la auppoaad lha
! atrark a mlna. Wlralraa caita
fr kalo haarJ. but lhao raaaad
aftar a lima.
Tba rf 'l la a t'r "t atr !y
ina k-aiwaan I -an mark and flwrdan.
Ihro.ieb wbi'k aala front Iba Ilaltlc
ma. I rata l raarb Ida Allantle O-aaa.
Tba Mint of ABWt tiaa in Iba cao-t-r
af Ida Cat'.atat.
r.raln allrl by Aadaram, aww-Wfy
rlatrtbatrd la Kanaa.
T"tr.K V Kan., fab, T a ibaa
raral mall carrl'ra In Kna win aa
.1.1 iba atala in ta Jlatribntana rf
cain ta alarnlnr quail and olhar r a
tl.a bird. a-'or-ln la tnatrorilona
t.'.it.t from Iba foatoffu-a faoart
mnt In Wi'Mnima Innliht. Tha fa
tional Aaaoa-Latlon of Aolnbn a.M-.laa
fk offrad ! lo provHa grain for
tha bl- la.
'owing Iwo ck of anaaaaon.
b a cold waachar. Joarnrr Caprar
a.'ral iLtya ao J a fornnal ap-
paal t IEa p.op Of tha af. q aJ-
l. In lia brda.
Total lo lalf Only 13 1. of Which
II3t Arr Itrj.ablHrana.
Oci.i.r now and avoid tha ru.n.
AIrhtisb ha r.fl'trjtlon quarlara at
lha furthouaa tiara ba- n oj anaj. diir-
limtl a T IK lir: Tllt.
Al Portland hKla airapt
Itatmoraland and W'ooJIaan will
ropn ody. Cla wlil a!o
b rrauma.l al li'ad IVIIcga. bL
VI an a Avadamy and I'orliand
I . .. a
i ;n lha storm rral.tra.lirn ha sulf- r.J
at'-n with rv.ryl'itr !-.
The total lrr!.lriflin to date la '111,
jr-nrctnrf l lha tate.t f:curea rni-
pitrl ya.lertfa. . C.uety I'Nrk Cof-j
try. t thla number X73i are farm.- j
.rata. -fi Indpa-nd.rita. SJ lT.. r . -riaea.
113 Pron I lit ..n l.t a. S.l:l-t
ariii III. Kiil., jn.
Onward 1 1
With Ire.
Sra-n Weighted Ibnvtn
Prneller Itax-inc.
v.viiii vi:i; it, . Feb a
ln aa.l whirh arri.rd al l"rm--e l:u
pari tolr r.port.4 thai aha sisbtrd
lha tt.hin al.amrr Onward II . I'
da;a oterdue. with 37 man aboard I
f j4ln in heaty seae and down by
lha bead. January IV.
Tba .e-l wa a heavily coaled
With lea II at b.r pf pel'er waa h h
out of tha .f. r'lns moat if Ihe
llrae. Tb I Mil fro" iTInea Rup.rl
did not giaa tha On a rd llu'a pvuion.
ALa.kan Itrrttrrw lo IVnol leg sera
0ja- CunflM-altun.
b:VAIl!'. Alaaha. Feb. Men on
sum pruparty b-.oi!.er. have been
arr. .11 al Afrehoraaa ar preparing to
make a trong Baht acalnal confisca
tion af lola uner tha provl.lon
la tba daada iiUIMllr lha sal of
ii ioor al AechraK.
tetter re.-eived from Itei.xai
A Irker.hara aatid tha li-naral !-r,.l of.
Bra at Wa.Mnaton waa determined lo
enfvtrca forfeiture of all lola on w hi la
l.uo baa baa aold.
Another Vacancy on
Bench Dreaded.
Justice, However, May Soon
Announce Refusal to Run.
.Minority I-e-adrr Mann Mentioned
In Congra-aalonal Cirri; Candi
date for P I c galea Are Be
ing Ctoac-ly Watched.
WA5IIINOTON. Tab. . By nominat
ing Loula D. Brandela. of Maaaarhuaatta.
to ba a mambar of tha Supreme Court
of tha Colled Mate. Trealdenl liaon
baa put a apoka in tba plan of tha Rf
pnbllrane to nim Aaaoclata Juatlce
llughra aa their etandard-baarer In the
coming Preijniiai campaian.
The npubllran are almoat nnanl-
moualy againat Mr. Prandcia at me
praaanl Juncture, becauae Uey rngard
blm aa a radlcaL It l pointed out Irmt
If Mr. Ilughae ahould be nominated by
hem and ahoutd accept tha nomination?
ba would be forced to reaign nia praa-
ettl office. Thla would gla 1'realdent
Wttaon an opportunity of naming hie
ucceaaor and be might appoint a man
e-iually a radical aa Mr. Iirandei 1
aliased to ba.
Ilea baa' rlefaeal Haaaarea.
Thla poaaibillty la rauatng ehlyera of
arvrahrnaion lo chaee up and down the
Mnra of the flapubllcan laadera. Mr.
Itughae hlmaalf haa aald Ibat he ha
noi and will not be a candidate. Some
of hie ctoae frlenda aay. howe'ar. thai
If he la nominated he will accept. On
Ihe other hand, raporte emanating from
n. Aaaoclata Ju.llce Indicate that
within a few day ha will leaue a etate-
rntnt drclarrt-.g thai If th nomlnallon
hould be lendrr.d him. hi -wjld not
eccapt. X
With Mr. Iluahae out of cortaldera
tlun. the TlapuMicane hardly know lo
whom Ibay can lurn. Thay are looking
with more favor on Colonel fluoeevelt
aa their candidate, but It etlll ia appar
ent tbey will accept him only aa a laat
reeort. Varloue rumora are current ai
to their aecond choice, and the Impree
l.n prevkll In Congreaalonal circle
thai If Ihey can Irtduca Iba dalrgatea to
nominate llepreaanlatlve Mann, of Chi
cago, they will do ao. provided he
ahould prove acceptable to Colonel
Uooaevelt and the rrogreaalve.
Barak Ibrellaea laertnllely.
flanator liorah haa d'flnltety declined
lo pemtll hi name to go before the
convention. He haa trleicraphed to hi
political friend In Idaho that hi name
mut not go on the Presidential ticket.
Aerator Weak, of Ma.achaett. ha
come lo ralia that h haa no chance:
rlanator Itoot. of New Tork. I defin
itely out of Ih running; Philander C
Knoa. of Pennsylvania, haa announced
........ .1 . .1 ,., I'aar 2. oiumn 2 I sleda. ; . . . . .
ra' aaaaaa-a a,.sissssTssssissirivsv
j . . -"---
r lUSIYAN aV t
re i o v-v r-w i i it i - - l i ai
1 1 Vi ' ;
Itrported lo Have Come
Hear-Admlral tlicr; I
Peepenn the Mystery.
NEW TORK. Kcb. . Kxtra police
guard were tHoned on the Brooklyn
and Manhattan bridge today at the
requeat of Bear-Admlral Uher. com
mandant of tha New Tork Nary-yard.
It waa announced by the Brooklyn
police, to afrguard the paaaaga under
the atructurea of tho United States
rnti... TV a a h i n al on. which arrived at
noon from Haiti.
The police aald Rear-Admiral Usher
explained to them that he desire the
extra guards as a precautionary
measure against the possible dropplng
of bombs on the cruiser aa she passed
under be bridges.
The action of tho Rear-Admlral vn
clouded in rovatery at the Navy-yard.
Commander Frank B. Vpham. aide to
the Hear-Admlral. declared tonight
there was no reason to suspect that
anyone contemplated hurling- bombs on
the 'Washington and that no request
had been made of the police for ad
ditional guards on the bridge.
The cruleer Washington, which will
be relieved by the Tenneeaee In Haltlen
water, win vail from here tomorrow
for J'orumouth. N. II.. where she will
be used an a tralnlr. ah I p.
Police Are Ordered to Abate Snow
Xulanee. Starting Today.
Chief of Tollce Clark I determined
thai the now nuisance shall be aoaiea.
O far a anoveuns; on -aioa -cerned.
HI order to the police force,
effective today. I to eo that all known
owners of property. or tenant of
premise, clear the walka in which
thay are concerned. Thl wunoui
The practice of shoveling; mow ana
Ice from roofs to the ireeia. wnouui
removal Immediately afterward. 1 also
under the ban. The order will be atrlct
y enforced and offender must answer
for their fault In court, the Chief said.
New York termor I Candidate lor
- fte-electlon.
. NEW YORK. Feb. (. Governor Whit
man reiterated loday hi, candidacy for
1st. Republican niiiitioa for Gov
ernor. Ilia announcement waa coupled
with a denial that he had agreed to
seek the nomination for eecond place
at Ih Republican National convention
on a ticket to he headed by Theodore
K. Burton. William E. Borah or Albert
U. Cummlna.
"I am for Juatlce Hughe for Presi
dent. He would weep the country."
aald Mr. Whitman.
Takotna. Alaska, Trail Too Ctld for
Mail Iloutc Horse.
PKWARO. Alaska. Feb. t. The mail
carrier who arrived last night from
Idltarod reported that when the mail
waa taken over the trail at Takotna
the temperature waa 71 degree below
sero. .
The cold wa so Intense that the car
riers had to turn back their horses
and act out a second time with dog
I- roni
lecher Resents Um
pire's Judgment.
Violation of Principle of Sea
Warfare Defended.
Polite Language Ued Throughout,
bnt Admirals Do Not Conceal
What They Really Think
About Each Other.
WASHINGTON'. Feb. 6. (Special.)
It developed today that a naval con
troversy Is raetne; between Admiral F.
F. Fletcher, commander-in-chief of the
North Atlantic fleet, and Rear-Admlral
Austin S. Knight, president of tho Na
val War College, concerning; the latest
naval maneuvers. While polite lan
guage ha been used by the two high
officers, they have not failed to dis
close their real views of each other
and of each other's views.
Admirsl Fletcher was In command of
the Blue fleet ordered to defend the
United States from a superior Red force
convoying 100,000 soldiers across the
Atlantic to establish a base on the
American coast. According to the um
pire Admiral Fletcher was defeated,
most of his ships being- destroyed.
Violation af Strategy Involved.
Admiral Knight, who was umpire,
considered that the principle of con
centration was violated by the Blue
force. Admiral Fletcher gave his rea
sons for thl violation of principle,
which "he undoubtedly recognized "
clearly a the War College recognized
It. and those reasons to him and to
other are declared to seem strong.
Admiral Knight, who went Into min
ute details In exposing the weakness of
Rear-Admlral Fletcher1 strategy. ald:
"Whatever chance of victory the
Blue commander may have had,
whether few or many, he renounced,
I believe, when he divided hi forces,
as he did In the beginning, leaving-
five fighting ships with 20 12-inch and
20 S-inch gun In Narrangansett Bay,
and made It clear to hi aubordinate
that In hi opinion the only possibility
of effective employment of his fleet
lay in directing- it exclusively atralnst
the enemy" train and In sacrificing
It. If necessary, in an effort, none too
neomlsinar. to locate and reach the
Umpire Declared la Krror.
In an order to tho fleet following the
war college discussion. Admiral Fletch
er aald: "The umpire has an erroneous
conception of what constitutes concen
tration in a military sense and fails to
distinguish between a division of forces
and strategical deployment admitting
of concentration at the point of con
tact" .
Admiral Fletcher further asserts that
the opinion of the umpire In regard to
Theaters Dismit-s Audiences When
Bugles Sound; Alarm Not Ex
plained by Officials.
NIAGARA FAILS. Ont.. Feb. . Sev
eral towns in Western Ontario were
thrown Into a panic late last night by
a hurried call to arms of the home
guards. Buglers hurried through the
streets sounding the alarm and un
founded rumors that one of the bridges
here had been blown up added to the
excitement. '
At Saint Catharines, theater audi
ences were dismissed when the men
began to leave in response to the bugle
calls. Guards were doubled at ammu
nition depots there. No official at St.
Catharines would say who ordered out
the guard, but it was understood to
have been a general order throughout
the province.
No orders were received to strengthen
the guard on the bridges along the
Niagara' frontier. They have been
under a heavy guard since September.
1914. Telephone messages .from points
along the Wetland Canal reported that
nothing unusual happened during the
day and that no precautionary orders
had been received.
GUELPH, Ont., Feb. 6. After the
fire at tie Jardine munitions plant
at Hespeler yesterday, warnings were
received by the chief of police that an
attempt was to be made to destroy the
Winter Fair buildings in this city, now
occupied by the military, and armories
where two batteries are housed.
Special guards were assigned to these
points and to several factories.
Ilegnit to
Acres Near
FRIXEV1LLE, Or., Feb. 6. (Special.)
Formation of the Ochoco Irrigation
district was favored by a vote of 61 to
17 at a special election yesterday. Di
rectors chosen are: John Grimes, F.
Fred Holsher, T. H. LaFollette, D. T.
Stewart and H. L. Slayton.
It is proposed to issue bonds to re
claim 17,000 acres In the vicinity of
I'rineville. The result of the election
gives encouragement to Crook County
men who hope to see early construc
tion of a railroad to this city.
Monhignor Bonznno Denies Report
About Munitions Securities.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 6. Most Rev.
John Bonzano. apostolic delegate, is
sued a statement tonight denying re
ports that the Vatican is Investing in
American munition securities.
The statement also referred to re
ports that the 1915 budget of the Vati
can closed with a deficit of .5,000.000
and declared that neither the revenue
nor the expenditures reached such
Commission Reports on Damage by
Saloniki Air Raid.
ATHENS, via Paris. Feb. 6. A Greek
special commission has submitted
long report relative to the damages
caused to the town of Saloniki by the
recent attack of Zeppelin airships.
A recommendation was made to the
Greek Premier that a demand be made
on Germany for indemnity.
The Weather,
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 38
degrees: minimum. 27 degrees.
TODAY!? Rain: southeasterly winds.
Canadians panicky when call to arms sounds.
Page 1.
Relief of starving Poland more remote than
ever. Page -.
Germans continue bitter comments on
Briton's refusal to save Zeppelin s craw.
Forecast of week in Congress. Page 3.
American Admirals In warm controversy
over recent maneuvers. Page 1.
Wilson agrees that Appam should be treated
aa prize, i'age .
Washington calls Lusitania situation "hope-
lul." rage -.
Husband of former Mrs. "Silent Smith said
to be ex-hotel clerk. Page 8.
Chicago Mayor groomed as Republican Pres
idential aara nurae. xhbu a.
Score of towns in Arkansas flooded. Page 3.
New York police guarding bridges under
which cruiser may pass. Page 1.
Further change in personnel of Beaver not
likely. -age jv.
Oregon Aggie football schedule yet far from
de-IdeU. r-age w.
Joe Ste.-her brings wrestling game to Itself.
Page ID.
Tacoma franchise may be movea to umie.
Pago 11.
raclflc Northwest.
rohurr fireswept with 178.500 loss. Page 1.
Stained chisel Is new clew In Salem murder.
Page 5.
Weather braved by farmers near Olympia
to hear dairy talks. Page 5.
Olympia court restricts Indians' fishing
rights. Page 5.
Floods Immlment today In Northwest.
Page 1.
Spaulding Interests take over j3,0ix.000 feet
of timber In Benton County. Page 1.
Oregon boy In' crew of French bark Bayard
will quit sea today. Page 11.
Portland and Vicinity.
Christian Kndeavor Society celebrates 34th
anniversary of founding. page a. ,
P.eed freshmen f "make history" In quia.
Page 7.
Portland facing coal famine. Page. 18.
Drug addict says habit Is mostly psycho
logical. Page 0.
Widow says Joe Howard wooed her ardent
ly. Page IS.
Frank Waterhouse Company book liOO.OOO
tons of cargo. Page 11.
Hundreds listed as dr-legates to laymen's
convention. Page W.
Rain seemingly puts end to Winter. Page 4.1
Damage to parks reported serious. Page 4.
School B iarJ rac likely to be three-cornered
fisnt. Page s . .
Booth-Kelly Plant Is
Saved By Rain.
Hose Tower Chopped Down to
Minimize Danger. '
Entire Block in Center of Town
Devastated From Blaze Originat
ing Near Stove in Billiard
Hall About 5:30 A. 51.
EUGENE, Or.. Feb. 6. (Special.)
The business section of the lumbering
town of Couurg, seven miles northeast
of Eugene, was swept by fire, which
destroyed the postofflce building, the
telephone exchange and the principal
business houses and damaged the Co
burg Hotel, early this morning. The
loss is estimated at $ 1S.50U.
A drenching rain storm saved tho
lumber mill of the Booth-Kelly Com
pany and adjoining business blocks
from what seemed certain destruction,
as the town was almost wholly without
fire protection.
Water Preaxure low.
The pressure of the water system
was not sufficient to throw water cm
the fire, and the hose tower, in tho
path of the flames, became a menace
to adjoining property and so was
chopped down. A bucket brigade was
formed and the water taken from the
hose at the curb.
The origin of the fire, which started
near a stove in the confectionery store
and billiard hall of Vogt Bros., is
unknown. The area of the burned dis
trict covers an entire block. ,
Eugene Asked for Aid.
A. C. Dixon, manager of the Booth
Kelly Lumber Company, and peoplu
from Eugene owning property in Co
burg, made hurried trips across coun
try to the town over roads covered in
places by flood waters which the ma
chines were compelled to ford and
which have been almost closed to traf
fics by the high water. The Eugene
fire department was called upon for
assistance, but did not respond, eo
quick was the work of destruction.
The losses are esfimated as follows:
Cook & Rice, hardware and furniture,
loss J4000 to $5000, insurance .3500.
Building owned by N. J. Nelson, loss
2000, partially covered by insurance.
Drug Store Not Insured.
Dr. M. E. Jarnagin, drug store, in
cluding stock, fixtures and building:
loss, $4400; no insurance.
Vogt Bros., confectionery store and
poolroom, loss, $2400; insurance, $1500.
Building owned by Mrs. Lucy Sodders.
of Minnesota; loss, $1200; insurance,
United States Government, loss, $5.
Building owned by M. J. Skinner, loss.
$1000: partially insured. All mail and
postoffice fixtures, together with the
property of the postmistress, Mrs. John
Fitzhugh, who lived in the building,
were removed before the flames
reached the building.
Switchboard Ia Saved.
Pacific States Telephone & Tele
graph Company, loss, $200. Building
owned by Lock'& Washburn, loss, $700;
insurance, $500. A switchboard valued
at $600, belonging to the telephone
company, was saved.
S. L. Tonnesen. feedstoro, buildiny
and stock, loss. $1500; insurance. $1000.
Hotel owned by Mrs. Fred Hlggin
botham and conducted by D. B. Lock,
damaged, loss on building and furni
ture, $500, partially Insured.
Edward Crandall, night watchman oi
the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, re
ported that at 5:30 he was in the street .
and saw no sign of fire. Fifteen min
utes later he saw smoke issuing from
the top of the Sodders building and
sounded the alarm.
Rev. C. A. Eaton to Devote lime to
New Americanism.
NEW YORK. Feb. 6. Rev. Charles
A. Eaton, resigned today as pastor of
the Madison-Avenue Baptist Church
here to participate "in the shaping of
the new Americanism the new era of
Christanity which must inevitably fol
low the European war."
Dr. Eaton, one of the most widely
known clergymen of his denomination,
is an advocate of preparedness and said
that he plans to write and lecture on
the subject.
First National Bank President Stays
Home 1'ew Days.
A. L. Mills, president of the First
National Bank, has been detained at his
home for the last few days as a result
of a sprained back, caused by a fall
on the ice a few days ago.
Mr. Mills slipped on the sidewalk in
front of his home and was thrown
violently. He was painfully bruised
and wrenched. While he was compelled
to remain indoors for a few days, he
escaped without serious conietiuences.