Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 03, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tim 3roRio onEcoxiAs; Thursday; February .i, 1010.
Store Opens m, ' Stor .oses
at sS?A. BL Wj&jt at 5:30 P' JL
Satnrdays fj3&Q ?
. Phone. ' -.SSv-av.., . - Phone:
MarshaU5080 The Mqst in Value, the Best in Quality . A 2112
I r :, -Tr? if
f'eutrafs Who Want Our Goods
. Must Have Thcrn Says
President at Tcpeka.
Special Showing of
Trral4Val rolnl ta Cab V.1
tlrmr Thai .mTlr Woattl Not
t Tomer txlflht aad for
Ow n Ajrrn Jl -ctncnl.
ToriXA. Ka. rt. :. rTi4ti
TTt:.- iM a.d-en-e af I'M pr-ec-is
re lixliy that .tmrl- U aot
-tng l aMde tie h"u:al
nnial hwi' of ire rlclta no. IT In-t.rtiatiea-aj
law. eirfier wita rwt to
tie safety ( Ita t.M'ii or t'a f-jretga
coc - rce.
T'reae -ray b neeearv."
li I roIVit iaI I l'J an twph!i
are.-ra. 1 DM te frr ef II
t nn.t S'et. I -a vinl!-ate tne rights
of Amerva rtct:na ev.rvartere la
ea'r taa r:xt ef inlarMliout taw.
t rtM Iteva tele at to Traela.
" m-..t aI.- tn.let on tne risM
af Amort'n. to r.ade ! the wori4.
tie raehnvl W e ia;i repevt any
a;..-e.tew but taa wor'4 a. ad Ik
rr.l.c!a ef the t"nit4 ftaeea. 4
a wi. Ina'st that tae of SI get
I I'm.""
T"ie tM;!poine. Ike aii
bo f r.-j I
"T'i ai: ec-ne diwa." he de-
rlar.4. "wft.-i wo tel tbal tfi I'M:
l.-cin can take ever the r awe affair
ml .---r ra1ir e-r protection.
an. I It t'.l to B:"fe honor.! la Iba
ioa.r'.n; tiaa In iae Tei.iBj'
S.erv Hear la rllWaU
TSoro special bow critical ail
at'a wDi'-n I Save ta I wits
ro'i," te l-Tonnloat contJ "out I
want o- ia mlft4 every t
, ivrr ta erit!-el. wai.'e lata greet
i tnttil coatiauee la IJurooe.
"it i e.a.y to r.t"ae frona aaaoatrat
acta h it it i a'-t oar l rafreia (ram
una.-.tral lb"-.1..
-..tman.-a i. a eomje.ite Nation
V nr of '! paopie era native bora anJ
!n of Ame-i. nl. Ut
t tf aro many i!ffl initi w;ta faaJ&y
(runt fjri4a lea i
"1i rannol wn-ir. 1 aol woa
r t":t ti r rapaeia ara t;rrai.
aaaaa Ara ilto Xp Ttmha
T1o BnJorit of l.iora ara t4.'t
mrt.aia. arti.. Tor wft!:a wo
wfo hori baro tar c-oia bora af I2;r
own fra l 4m,rt9 cboiro,
"So mo atm a ef forota Dtrts kava
t'io-X l if a rowt;a. It il IBora ara
rone eaa earn ara ' lot
tno-t l atlr a- trouSIo la Anorl'-a.
tf yoi ceuil I toa la ISa coumI
d lata on j aara atmaol eorT
in tteaiisctea yi weu!4 fiat ISat
.tna taa BJI Intamperele
ramm ff3 IKo I f af men wko fr
canofetfiojo taffcftr fcava boon tdn
t-fio.1 witi Anoka, aul wo far I taa -.o c.rri.l awar W
taaip ormpatVoe isal la aa t-a-4
! i!i:a ia trwo cf Atxriiti irai
LeweVet iora lteauaw.
"T kal la tike t'e? Way. ef raarao.
tore ara tnoa ain aboil rooo:ot a
(rl aaUita.-y attu.fmnl fr Amor,
i-a. lul loi he aol harl anybody
reaa-4 wtt!k t3 A3mlnitr!lon that
t! L 1ti ho B'M kr4 mtoJr la
mitt roaiiibla aitaattoa w be coald
tlrrf out t.ftt ftan rropooe It. A oia
' ulir iain about l&ta niwiwa I taat
ii lo'W-ot oic pave bo irrpn-
Bla aoicoa.
-It t aar l lalk anj aar what
ieul4 ! tloao. whoa J on doo t batta la
a ic
"Ail that anybody la a-atbortty haa
p t;" :.: . :' i .' - ;r p
i . - f I
I - t - i t.- 1? i. . M I
E ' ! - f ; g I
i ' K - ?f " I. " " V I
ji a"' V-:-?T f
f: r V,-,'-' .'V.'-' ' '- i'l
' .-i !'. J - -"'Si
f; ' - a wr : . ;f:i 1 1
. : - - :; r IS J
Tar aassa liraa Mia Loclla Tart, roorfm atar. ha4 baa a porfoctloc beraelf la the art of fly In r undnr the dl-
rortioa ef Atalor Uoacbo. The t boo ry at tie law Iba loon had boon explained ta fear at ber own request, but
taa eilaiar tbeucbt Ibal aba merely aabed oat of ctirlealty. Oa New Tear'a day aba went aJofMn South Jacknon-
::.. Whoa oor tba St. Jaha'a Kiror. aod feat from Mother Earth, aba bade three aoectacular loop. Then
aba roiplae4 back ta earth.
Reducing; Corsets
Strictly specialty corsets made only
for stout and medium women.
You )yill find that your weight and
strength ate matched in the strength
of these corsets.
The principal reason for this great
supporting strength is in the RENGO
BELT tailored-in feature, now made
famous by seven 'years of test and
success. If this principle were not
scientifically correct for stout and
medium figures, RENGO BELT cor
sets would cease td exist, for it is the
foundation of every garment of every
model. Please note that the RENGO BELT adds no material weight?
or bulk, but multiplies the strength many times. ,
There are models with or without "Steelastic" webbing. When ex
tra flexibility and added support are desired, our' exclusive "Steelas
tic" will be found to possess superior strength and wearing quality.
Boned throughout with double watch spring steels guaranteed
not to rust.
All styles and, all sizes at $2 "and $3 a Pair.
rontlaa'4. "and all the Influoarea that
flow from it la her own moral and
bbr.trel force.
Utateooxen la eeary European cap-
Hal ouii.d." the iraoldoal went
whoa the Tailed Mate made Its
promlaa to taraj Cuba or to Ha own
popple, bat the flee came 4owa In
Cuba and waa more honored then than
wb.a It wna rua ura.
Amor lea feaia iba earn a way a boat
Ihe I'hlllpplnoa- he weni OB. "Thoueh
the root of the world doea aol beiioirel
It. we are trustees for the Philippines. I
and Ju.t aa soon as we ran f.el that
Ib.y can lake or. r affaire with
out ear farther protection and that we
may witbdraw our foreaa. the fiat of
the I'nitod Malea wilt coma down
"Thai turn stand for honor, not for
(snow west of
North Coast L
Vice-President Votes; Philip
pine Amendment Passes.
:MrJ 12,500 LIVE III ME0F0B0
ciciirr:c.w rACToniR locatko ix
crrr oritixo ii.
t'aplial la.eol.d la
bltrs aa
by Crrra.
w for t.N.a esdioary timoa of poa'o. It I
hae eaaa too ma.l ta patrol taa M.xl-I
raa border rroperiy. 10, nao seen
tnM to io several Ibices that 11
sr'i:i ftavs done becalsa ef II, small I
reurf llld oo-WllHari.W.
"Wbal we are arainc l1is: That
the Nat.oa supply arms la those traiorJ
f r war.
"Thtj. la net a mititarUtlo polxr. II
Is mereijr a p.'u y of aleiaalo National
erose. Aojtoir wbo Sars dirr.rertljr
. tar ds aot knee what ho Is talk
ineaboul or I parpoe'ly miarepreeonl
inx tao fawts.
Ir..l'-t. Wilaoa said that the
N.t.onai Guard waa aaa. table fr the
Na:oa aa:ja tAe territory cf lb
.a'ior Inead"!
-TSera are' soma people.- Ihe rre.l-
f at caattaaed. afr a.klar wbal the
I ttet acat.o would da with a (real
military esreaiisbcioat. HO tblah thai
lie frrca ef tao ttuiH Mates (!
,i bo m I ti I ata:if we could
wicb IC fl'it you doe l think that.
I d n t tVnk that, and sot one person
la htttvire! doae.
"We aia roi t0'f ta Invade aay aa
t in a r aftts." a.e.arod taa rr.eidont:
"but oucx'Sa ,nni. ofbar nettae) Inved.s
ft. I oi-.-l rUK, What wi t Ik. .Na
La d" mfir( aol trav-l
ma- 4iai nt ti d. i.i.ri.rvti win or
ftrroaasnrtMlatioa Made to Fortl flea-
lions May fie Plrentthcnrd.
nr.Kt:oXIAN NEWS BfREAl. Wash
ln;?o, 'eb. I. The Censas iiureau has
Just published the preliminary report
of tte census cnaouf actarers taken In
IT'dford In mi
lt Is estimatsd that the populatlort
of Medford en July I. 114. was
There were II establishments report
ed j lacated within Iba corporate Urn
lie of tba city during- lilt.
The umnvary for the city follows;
Tio smasrr fr the city falioos:
V'lrdar ' IS
-.-.a. . I4 la OAeaqfe''... o-s nr eaameore. . . u
ort, .aip'OTae. . 1
.1 ............. , i.j"'a ........ aj o
:.ri 'J Q
w , :.
V. .va . ea ooe
..a.( ISJ.eva)
rav. :.e l rir l ot lateraecionai
o tea re lataaeeSallly s)ehea Tra-sale.
lie d:ar..l that the !
f-i-ie waa ma.aie a s'an I er tike t'nttad
.-'ace trial ,1. wo'j.d d re-tafn thtnaa
I f eareeia tntntre liapni lie ed1.4
ana of rii. caus of tba Iroabla.
at' trie I oi:.. nrat.e was the nrr-lutttr
f I i. r'.t of the w-' I th.l the l'nlt.4
!;. e wiu'. I d hl she pvrn!sd
The rre.d-n ae l Ibal Ihe failed
fr'.. bad a saUiel. ta sarve.
ex.t BotSinC to (tit by upbji'.ine; be
,M.n-..a a.i-fle
"mr'.-a knowe hal the oety thirtf
l." t r.ifa rha Uinra. -llv " b
Kicurr:a:lmi L torrocutir; nl
tf-slb-im mal-ulj. Ia om Cacti it
yxUlt to trraftr.nt b.l U ithcut
tiI in cthet Ca.i.
Te ra:.-..lam- mu-e'e ct
r' "ir.cvii"inucr!iap-ir by ftaj-
tr.jry thaaaJ ha lrri r-U-r4 by
tS t:.xl-nrxM.-:j a', foc-i b Scrtt
fwiL.'TO t.ut you hou!4 g:.e it
fa.-h.;I Iri .L S.ctt' Fmui-iOO act J
a po-r. U! by incrcaJir.i
Ih rt j corpu..Ii and it.merithMs
tl: err nl rarry tS tie KiU wbicb
cata the troutie.
TrrSt Kb';",. It ear' harm.
I! fees bt'?"i thi-i'J-aa'Ia aa I mar be -m'-'y
stll jno Ct"t. N AWolui.
tkaU A SJwae. BajesBiid. 1
WASHINGTON, rsh. t Acaulsltlea
of snore territory at both the Atlantic
and Tartfla ostreacea ef ta ajBama
('.rial baa beea recommended to the
War Department by BrlaadlerCeneral
Edaarde lo Increase the aafsty f the
waterway aad etrenrthea Ita mr.llary
d.f.nses. at a coafsrence today with
Actios ftavretary Brock ear Idee.
ft'oeral Kdvmrds will lay hie p'.aa
bafora tba General Staff aad If It It
arrove! It win be recommended by
the War Tepartment to Corgresa.
ProTlslona Anthoriir I'r-raldent to
riurrrndrr .MI ICIslils to I.ilrs.
AMlhln I-Totn Tmo to Four
Year After Approval.
WASHINGTON", Feb. I. Vlce-Preal
deal Marshall cast decldlnr vole in
the Fenate today on the Phlllppln
bill, helpinc to pass the Clarke amend
niant to withdraw the sovereignty o
Ihe United State from the Islands not
sooner than two years, and not later
than four. 1'lftecn Democrats Toted
atralnst II.
ITevlousty. br a vole of I lo II. the
Senate vol'd down an araendmrnt by
Meaator Chinralna which would ftlve
the people of the Islands their lode
pendenca after they had voted In fa
vor of being freed from United iilatta
hy the 1'rmi of the Clarke ajnend
men, the President would be aulho
rlsed to surrender all rlchta to the
Phlllpplnae and reeocnlie an independ
ent government Instituted by tne
people la not less than two nor mora
than four years after approval of the
pending- measure.
1'rovislon la made, however, that ihe
President may extend time for with
drawing from the islands If conditions
of intsrnal or eiteroal afalrs with re
gard lo Ihe stAblllty ef the proposed
s-overnraent should warrant such ac
Provisions making It optional for the
I nlted Hates to retain sites for coal
Ing statlona and a naval base In th
event of Independence were Included.
Loot Worth Thoaaand Taken Frofn
ftrxra Coaatry IIorx.
P 'fOII KEEPS IK. J. T. Tea. I The
co u a try home of Arch'.ball Reg .re.
Utaadard OH mllllonalra. at' Itjde Park,
aa the Hodton. waa ea tared by bar
glare la tba Bight aad silverware aad
many valuable sporting trepMea stolen.
Colonel Roger said that at leaat 1
r-jr... iraay af them worth 1194a each,
bad reeri taken. He said It was !m
poaaibia te estimate the value of the
"Mr. Jagce never epaned hi. muth
wMla Me wife waa antertalnlng her
lvi! the other ntsht.- "oh. yea. he
di l. vrl tim.e" "1 d'dn'l hear him dii be a T 'Notblng. le
)tss,l" La-Ciiiore AmerKaa.
hero today. Most of the stores had
ft w patrons, aad It waa rt even nec
e.ssry to keep all the'cf-rka who wr
able to r.arh their place of employ
men. Tonight the downtown streets
were deserted and Ihe theaters were
almost emrly. The pnbllc schools
have been ordered closed until further
notice. "
It la expected that at least foot of
now will fail tonight.
X"errej of Labeeere Large.
Every laborer able to handla a shovel
was preaaed Into ear Ire clearing aide
walks and burdened roots.
The railmada have surrendered
unconditionally U the snow, and
have stopped trylnff to keep
their rails uncovered. The cuta fill
with aaow aa soon aa cleared. A enu
resis snow records from the higher
point on Ihe railroads are not obtain
able, because the snow gauges ara
buried out of sisht.
It Is estimated that the snow In
PnooJeimle I'aaa. on the Milwaukee
Una. Is nearly 11 feet deep, and snow
still falling five feat a day. At 1:14
tMa afternoon the anow at Martin, the
highe.t point on the Northern Pacific,
was mora than II feet deep.
Three overland train have been
stalled In the snow on Ihe Northern
Pactrte since yesterday. All have sleep
Ing cars and aa abundance of blanketa,
fuel and food, and the' passengers ara
suffering no privation durlntr their Im
prisonment whl-B may continue several
days longer. From their car windows
thar look upon dreary walla of snow.
Train II. a westbound Purllnctnn. Is
at Martin elation, on th summit. Train
-. aa astbeuad Hurling too, la In th
F tamped a. Train X, thai
Limited, ia at Lester ata-l
tlon. on the west slope,
half a doxen pa
the west slope In safe
On Ihe Milwaukee
the eastbound Columbian, which left
tieattle yesterday, w.-i able to proceed
only 40 mile to Cedar Mills, where it
waa Imprisoned by the snow. An. ef
fort will be made to bring Ihe train
bactc to Seattle tonight.
The trains are running between Seat
tle and the Canadian boundary. Trains
between Seattle and Portland are ar
rlrlng three hours lste.
The sawmills of Western Washing
ton have been obliged to close because
of the snow and ice. s Logging camps
went out or business weeks ago.
Plans Barring Militia From
First Line Opposed.
No Kcrvif Fonslblo Through Cas- Admiral 'Jays American 1 4-Inch Rl-
cadc.-i Vntil Sqow Ceases. f Ics of Navy Arrj Equal to Larger
riJ.FNSBL'Ra. Wash.. Feb. S. No Guns of Foreign War Ves-
irains are running today through the . . .
Cascade hiountaina bvniu or the aols: elocity Greater.
snowfall, which is said to be the
heaviest in 3 years. The Northern Pa
cific, Great Northern and Milwaukee
transcontinental train are JaiS up in
division point yards or are snowbound
in the mountains.
The snow atorm has raced for SO
hour without Interruption. The "Wind mlttee today their vigorous opposition
WASHINGTON'. Feb. 2. Members of
the National Guard Association con
tlnued before the House military com
is blowing a gale at the summit of the
Four westbound Northern Pacific
train are In the local yard and will
be turned back and sent east. Yester.
day mornlng'a No. 1 Northern Pacific
train la snowbound in Cla Klum. The
eastbound No. 4 was snowbound 1000
yards west of Cle Elum, and by using
avsral engines the railroad managed
to get one car at a time Into the Cle
Ehim depot.
The Milwaukee division point yards
south or cie r-lura are under six feet
of snow.
Th Milwaukee road gave up ft
struggle with tbe anow and called In
all of lis roisrles until the gale sub
side. The Northern Pacific continued
to operate Votaries, but no trains. The
cuts In the mountalna filled up almost
aa fast aa they were cleared.
Station reporting here said from six
Inches to a foot of snow is falling each
hour. The snow 1 the deepest here
since 117. At Lake Keechelu th snow
is II feet deep. At points on the sum
mit of the Caeca d es It Is more than Zi
feet deep.
Seven Northern Pacific through
train were tied up here at noon today.
The coal miner at Roalyn and.jCle
Klum were called out of the mines to
dig out three train stalled near C!
Aid Reaaeeted (or II wad reds af Families
la Arkaaaaa. Hk. Are Threat
ened With raaaloe.
IJTTLE HOCK. Aik . Feb. . Eight
hundred negro convict on the state
penitentiary farm at Cummin are ma
rooned today hy the flood water of
Arkansas, which at last accounts
was eating away levee at aeveral
heverai hundred persons ar ma
rooned near Douglas and effort are
being made to get them into th town.
Aid has been requested of the Govern
ment for from 144 to 100 families in
ha vicinity of Doug! who will b
without food within a day or two if
th flood continue.
At Fort Smith relief rommlttees have
been organised to care for the refugees
from the lowlands who ara crowding
into the city.
It Is reported (hat the levee at Me-
ftellsn has broken In three places and
mater Is eight feet deep In the town.
Kraldant of the place bad moved to
Ighsr ground.
to anr Army Increase plan that would
exclude the state troop as soldiers of
the first lino, whye the naval com
mittee beard expert testimony as., to
guns, torpedoes, mines and other or
dlnance material from Rear-Admiral
Strauss, chief of ordinance.
Adjutant-General Sadler, of New
Jersey, and Dickson, of Illinois, and
ex-Adjutant - General Crltchf leld, of
Ohio, testified that there virtually was
no sentiment among the guardsmen
In favor of the continental army plan.
They contended that Congress bad full
power so to Nationalise the militia,
and that defects of the system pointed
out by the Regular Army officers could
be cured.
General Crltchfleld said four requi
sites were compensation, greater field
training, clarification of the Presi
dent's authority over the National
Guard and administration of affairs In
the War Department by officers in
sympathy with the needa and wishes of
the force.
General Dickson insisted that In any
event the states should retain the right
to usa the militiamen in peace times.
Colonel M. J. Foreman, commanding
the First Illinois Cavalry, the first
line officer of the guard to be heard.
waa emphatic in asserting that If the
continental army were organised In
terest In the National Guard would
Admiral Strauss told the naval com
mittee that the latest 14-inch guns of
the Navy having a range of 24.000
yards as mounted, or 14 land miles.
were the equal of the 15-lneh weapons
of foreign navies, because of the
greater mustle velocity. He said that
at target practice last year three 11'
Inch shells were driven through heavy
armor plating at 12.000 yards.
the Forestry building on the old Lewis
Sz Clark Exposition grounds, it is feared
that the top of the structure may
collapse. Park Superintendent Convill
made a survey of the structure yester
day and reported conditions to be very
The building has been closed to the
public ,
The hotel is located at the corner of
West Holly and D streets.
The total loss Is estimated at 115,000.
Nervous Shock Caused When Loco
motive Hits Obstruction.
WATSONVILLE. Cal., Feb. 2. E. A.
Taylor, engineer of Southern Pacific
train Ho. 23,. died today in the bag
gage car of his train while being
brougbt here from, nervous shock
caused by running his engine Into a
harrow- caught in the rails.
He was 65 years old and lived In
San Francisco.
Fire Starts la Hotel and Greek Dies
in $15,000 Blaze.
BELLINGHAM, Wash., Feb. 2. Fire,
starting in a hotel here during a snow
storm erly this morning, destroyed tne
building- and tbe entire block of ad
joining wooden structures, and cost the
life of one Greek. One other person is
not accounted for. ,
Several lodger in the hotel, a two-
story structure, saved their lives by
umplntf from windows Into the snow.
Eruptions and Dandruff Should
Be Cleared Away With Poslam.
Scalp disorders in. the form of scal
ing skin, profuse dandruff and intense
ly discomforting itching eruptions are
strictly skin diseases, and Poslam
should be used to clear them away
quickly, just as it should be employed
for eczemas on any part of the body.
It heals, purifies, and leaves the scalp
sweet and clean. . .
Poslam Soap, containing- Poslam, Is
an aid to health of skin and hair. Try
daily cue month for toilet and bath.
A shampoo with Poslam Soap well dis
plays its qualities of goodness.
For samples, send 4c stamps to
Emergency Laboratories, Zz West 25th
SU New lorlt city. oia Dy au i-rug-gists.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Canada Forbids Shipments
Cni ted States.
CALGARY. Alta., Feb. 2. The. Cana
dian Pacific, the Canadian Northern
and the Grand Trunk Pacific railroads
announced here today that on instruc
tions from the Dominion government
officials an embargo has been placed
on shipment of rolled oats from Can
ada to the United States.
The ruling applies to all special mill
product manufactured from oats.
spells ruin to hundreds of stately trees in the city. Many of these
trees can be saved with immediate care. We offer you the service
of a crew of experienced TREE EXPERTS, to reclaim for you
these valuable assets. Portland still shows the scars from the last
attack of this destroying ice. Protect your tree3 now. No matter
how desperate they seem call in an expert and receive sound, un
W. L. Alexander & Company
Chicago Bloofnin-fton Tnllahoma San Francisco Portland
Make the Best Medicine at Home 128 Teaspoonsful for 50 Cents
Money spent for the old style, ready
made medicine usually sold in bottles
holding only 2 to 2H ounces (16 to 20
teaspooafuls) is largely wasted, be
cause most of them are composed prin
cipally of sugar and water. Tet you
have to pay the same price as if it
were all medicine. Stop wasting this
money. Tou can make a better remedy
for bronchial affections at home at
one-fifth thevcost Merely go to the
Huntley Drug Co. and ask for 2 ounces
(50o worth) of Schiffmann'a New Con
centrated Expectorant, which they
guarantee will give perfect satisfac
tion or money will be refunded. Mix
this with one pint of granulated sugar
and one-half pint of boiling water.
' which makes a full pint (128 teaspoons-
With three and a half feet of enow ful). This new, simple, pleasant rem
and ice banked on parts of the roof of edy Is guaranteed to relieve the worst
Forestry Structure- In Danger From
Storm and I Closed.
couKh or cold. Bronchial Asthma, Bron
chitis, Croup, Hoarseness and Whoop
ing Cough. One bottle will make
enough home-made medicine to prob
ably last the whole family the entire
Winter. Children Ilka it, it is so pleas
ant to take. It is unlike any other
medicine, and positively contains no
chloroform, opium, morphine or other
narcotics, as do most cough mixtures.
Keep it on hand in case of emergency
and stop each cough before it gets a
firm hold. The above druggist, In fact,,
any druggist in this city, will return
the money (just the same as is done
with Schiffmann's famous Asthmador)
in every single case where it does not
give perfect satisfaction or is not
found the best remedy- ever used. Ab
solutely no risk is run fn buying this
remedy under this positive guarantee.