Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 02, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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-. ;
Cartoonist Wife Who Wasn't
Wife" Willing to Have
' . Marriage Annulled.
)lr. VkM I-ltv. a MiSSt"
of Allnaooy. A.klac Moawy
a.raoal.1 IW Mrntlo-M-al Arirr Maa)
lain i:r-l Owts Way.
,!II'-.T. leh. p-ial Tb
trtpj th .!
l.t-.r. tn fervent eptati- ' waaotty
, . ar.-uen ha bej race urea.
It Is l lt ef tM letter, rajaeiv.-l
by th pur.u.t v t arti.-i. l-tter
t..! f fay Km. t rariooBist.
, t.... titv want
in marrl" au:UJ. cootrnSirj that
rt ""!. i4. but wit.." '
Ma battaif Attry :m;l V. Po
& -a fi:4 a utl for Bftc!ml.
Th earlier letter war interestiesT
l arnuam,- dumtt in th l"
finBSl. Tit "Uat word" follows January Zl. lt l-er
1'at. tour sped-al dtery letter re
eatved Ihl morn. tix. ln flatter m
whea loaiaf in I ifT tellers I
a.- written una-r '
fid !! to rn ui t r.
I merely am epre.sB.- any
at t) truth.
"Ton ... ma IS follawlna ajie.tleBa.
.M,- fla.ra la I ersler " P"
-I. tVht J want It? lla-aral
f re-ai.,, a
- .. TK tMnr the better
wr d want
-A. i;'wa I ma-r.a. ,amet
a-y will an! aer laterMisd lo lt. with
Jaia ain. b. '4a at hav Been aep-e-ate.t
for year.. 4 l B ''r
aimer ef iaf wa nhoul I avjti4
o .an attar aa wa ara.
-:. Il H ot an It? rler-a.
cara'a e-iafittanaiK-a. mnaT rom
aanaatiora wtt aa.o a'a d'or-a. la a-
ima ta aama at M Tr Kni
at ce l ota nnwiBi ar row
-V ara o kli l contrtftatac
ana cant tuapard wr a'lprt airra J in.
JitJ. mSj i;k f I !
tr r Ir"Jom. f
nam from )ou. tt a- " ma ti
aiae r ' I ' toJ ''"
tare ma aa 4ai-t tea. :t4t If yott pa
a-ifa mtiti". annutmcat
wai d 6 'r. mat 09 ti yot
-I Kopa trial I M ''
laittoa atlf hclatvtf. t4 I hooa t!t
ta i a mtr toi fc aattlao.
-fa jitK-a ro jraa f. If aol t ana.
t S.jhUI tMfik " ol4 ot ta ba
ff-a. I ana o'.Knf la yoti ao4 Ittrt
' 1 "a.
Uf anarriaxa l o'. fra4 U
aaa rr-a t l waa. ml aots.
in l tr: H4 o- fur !
tr( at fcart jo woula act t
4r tft ma to .'hi.o a ri '-
- fi'.laj my pari of tha barIa haa
I want tarojj ISa caramooy U TOO
-l-l ma to do aca3a ti ara
a'r.i.t af -whal wi t racpta MT
- IBin tnla ! aiff rlnl
rrmprrllt l.rtimrri tr Irsaltona to
M. foBirnllon.
JVT. lM'IA Jan. :. rrnprVtT fa
pat a tapar Jamaa t'.a.I lt.w'
koto ronntlnn. Wba ma anaual
coavantton f tha taaul rnlKratorr a4
anamriaya-1 worr waa cll4 o r
dar hr enty 12 dUcta aa4 on
trntliyal mlnnn wara In th halL
How. fnil'lonatra hob ! ui4in
Sine af l it eoaatioo. cout4
fnun-i. Il:a iwraiur oo'n h
waa aul loellnf for tAa "tot"
-ura ma att'B.iaaca l Him Timet
ra C'MMi." aal l on of tha ) tastataa.
Tot can t b'wk alal roo timca aa4
( awar wttn It."
T- praaaot lta la:onyala'-a of
walking a "'al ditina from tha pa
rial ran" tfta Bnboa hl yajr ara mK.
nt In a bail thra -lura from tba
ratirof yard.
f ia arra'ia.i d-lxta wara
nnasta t ba pra.aat. a hr war In
Jal. Two of thaaa wr from Ititta
jipSia. bit tny wara itinl b tha
pilt-a al Va"ilBt"B. tn4. Ila
rira l to h" In4ia Iowa lo
lhTT O'll "f J'l
( oar a!alaat from Naw Tortt wara
it prion al Nurtttowa. fa. No moaay
waa aanl for thir rla.a.
)la M IrklaoJ Takra IV1 n.
bal Mnikral U (lrf.
M;aa Abb E-a !". "t Aaabat t.
t.oo aa tia Mount lio.f lina. attamptat
la commit aui:id at lit toi" Wom
an a ChritiaB A.j-i-tio. wr.ra aba
wa Muoi-ar ain. 1
ltan ta ta oi fjnuriUa M'japi'al
by tba Amvilit'i ryi'-a fomyany.
Bnl t i;I UB nrri tha bali'f
at iSa ptaoa woil l nol proa fataL
t om..Tii"n af tba Strl at la a..o coiM ia a r- w-i for bar
it";! ! n I bT l'f.
M t.ryla Oftic-ra Tuliy and rrwta.
wFia mata aa naatilica. al.J tbat
lit fin drana about two Hb a.pooaf '
af acl.. l'r I.nn. of tb poliea
ama .- T-a flrt all.
A LiiilQ Blossom 0
To Delight ihalloma
VIm Ii U lao. la . aar
f ittir i rtctrru libta tiawtrd -aHth a
aa a arrti-vl tu trt
IVraarbC aaal) b
"voocr, f 1 1 a 4."
TVa ta aa rttanal
yiaoitr rrBCT apoiial
aaar lda atoa.ara aa
r a. raaaaa Irana
ra o. pUanf, Aa-f
134J1 aaXar. y il
at anrfaw atraia. It
raaaaaaa fra Ita
Bar tSrmm Laa
aacaa wWtt ara r
anooaiM for warb af
Li aaaa lari-laat b la)
ft at r I2-
baroii f aiTactajir.
I tat aiarb af IM a- " ao-ia
rkaa-ai at aaol.ia-l. Af arooparti a faiiwra
wl aaa aa n ual - aMaar
aa proa.iaJ Ut. a "aOaI
1 faa,f
Ti efirartlon ar a( -)'. C-t II ( aa
ah"n atta. rt la aoo-'ari by lb
toi w bar-a". II aaaatrata aWpfy aa) afc
f-irHa ni ar apiaB.i raliaf la Boat
!a taaanar a! rart a pr-l
ftattaroanl a t Bar ami d .ooa-I o af laa)
bany. lart I fa. I to a a baxt.a af "V i!aT
r an' twiay aad taw w-t rraaakf b
Baco fa. t.amar :. Aliaata. a
a araf-y 11a brrj arioail af laf-ama.
l aw l npKUut aViUarri. A U I 4aiJ
t r4 it.
' .
f y
4 - '
V -'-tar- f
S- 7
I'hoto by UnJrrwooJ Underwood.
iM-rto ..uif-.. M;t.ama iim;uKB. ci:ob.k ki.kiwkrt. utnr .v i.artw .c.
... .- v-....- .k- ii crma-. criaonar of war who recently c.caped from the dcten-
.. . - an l,.rin fraaalom In th I Dltad tta. ...
lion ram. in . aoaa a) " j r - - - .- -
ID January I i
a. a ar ..-aJ at a. a a-.lir lfl- V
? Ib-ir Urr buak-room la lb rn.on camp waa a lollrl. rr J " " h"k ,hC dirt which wa
r.:WV:,iW runnVTw'VnSrnwothrou.h. Of the
I. r.-p4. iri- f rrcaptur-- J
tV - - ' ttt
Heilig Offering Is Exposition ol
Race Psychology in
IJUaa Ca.anacli M Artlll
Maalrry In Traelc? rK-rnr Tlol
I labial In ll?rll ii Oriental
tryn(on I TltclW.
r .t or -riir. ti moo v-
TiktTaa. fa'ataar TB Mla.4a
JMB.a Btarnaa Wrlcbl
KUIMBI i.mril Ittraaa
Itlroearl Carlo Wafparmaa
vs,i Arl ta Croll
tamaa&l. Narmaa larlo
t.laa&a Wr.l Kerala
Vanafarl taa roa
Aaaamart noma DaM'lf
atljaka Carl Voa
Ml. rrtanda I
rmf.aanr firacb Ar4 I -a Cral
Craa.t l.inJcr lawuM Madia
Mao Karnar Ulllaa
Tlr anr-al Mao4 Bhaw
..n1 af rtl'a..W. A. Wbltarar
rir.1 I-; c offlcac. .Oaora pllla
Jataaa O 4. Chnall.
A p ay urcbars4 win lb lotana
probUm of raca t.ycholp;y l Tha
Typhca.- One baforr. Ihra aaoo
bso. Walker Wbltratna brousht us Ihl.
Infra. tine play, tb plot of which Is a
world huiorte pic and now ha raturna
la parrnlt u one atraln lo rral la Its
Irrl "ascanl atmoaphar.
Th Typnooo" bas for 111 mln thrro
th portrayaJ of thai dftarmlnatlon lo
carry lbrouh whalor la under
taken, which. llh tha Japan. I
popularly bansrad lo tranarand all
other coa.tderallona. alther of Ufa or
Hard r acnlry In Important? Is
th study th play presents of tb f
feci of Wasiern ylce and vlrtua oa
aa arlaat and youthful Japanese man.
And a If th. war not enough.
Iher Is food for further Ihouubt la
tha abandonmast lo I Iran, a of aa ab
.loiae-.lrir.klns: paeudo-Tolatoyan art
l.t as contracted with th purposeful.
If ooiy S'JparftclaJ rastrsuol cbaactar
t.tlc of th l.U
Inrident::y. too. w iPmpM an un
.ler.taa4.Bs; of tha orientals lnleo
J.rotton to Rtnperor and country.
Maasaria la Aatbor.
Th ptay wa written In Ituncarian.
but has Botblaar to do witn tha land of
th Mar. Menybert Lanjiyel wrote
it. and It was translated lata llnllh
br Nyltrsy and th 1st fyroa
ore ay. uorsafoUy th play baa bn
ti.aa la tlermaa la tie r . : o. ana in
r'renrbj la I'aru.
Il baa f'r Ita hero a Japane To
keramo, who has .na lo lleriin ca a
mlaaios from bis lo
trari secrete from tha Caucasians- An
Intrlssu with a .larmafi woman of th
city eufsreets to hi compatriot that
h may ba betrayed, and lo seek In ta
kr.ak off tra liaison. Tekeraxuo Is
flouted by th Ctrl, tllus, II straa-il-.
her. happily, off tha etace.
Than ba hia Japanea friend
aa th leirphon. A. Tok ramo's sary
itas ar loo yaiuabi lor hi. ovrnmnl
to toaa. o;uateer ara a.h.d to bear
tha puBlsmeal fr th crime.
utl ar taiea son of Nippon lo r
Ih. r r:mpror lhal they f hl for tb
pri.i:eata of confeMin lo a murdr
comm. tied by aaoth.r.
In in ad a ierma of ronyl
lendenrle. also la loa with l;ion.
.-ontrtte t ua.a lha trulV but To
l.nma die aimo.i al th asm InaEaat.
Tha strata baa proved loo creal.
leaaarw wallow I Maaaerfmi.
It would In-leed b difficult ta speak
loo kifbiy of Waiker White. ids' Im
tarwiisixi of Toh.ramo. Taar is aa
inantoua maaiary of tba typ
"tfcrouot tna play ba portrays tha la.
craiability of IBa rlenlal trmpara
Bieat. mahiBC It stand out In sp.eadld
contral acaiasl Iba affabi.lty of tb
iy his superb actln Mr. Whltsl5
.ub'.W conveys lb Infiuanc of lb
raonc Toberamo over bis Japanese
(r'a4.. ael th dlatractloa of ta oc
cidental Heal, and compromises tbat
ara, bBO-fcna at laa ooors "l ana vn
atl Int.l.a.-f,
.,lua ruifiifh bsa a ml dear to
Ik seui e( m avrtaJLU b(Ult, Tvt
lhre-tiartr of tha play sh Is lithe
rajollne. frivolous and then sh Is
railed upon to d-ant th ylal of her
fury In a tremendous arena which h
rarrla with splendid skill.
"Th Typhoon" will remain at the
Ileitis th remainder of th week, with
natina-a on Wednesday and btaturday.
Cap llolal rrlonrr fntll Ho Act-rt-
In Tranaporl Pollrn.
rniia.pi"i-rniA. Jan. :i.-so w
hir. a plant thai kidnaps and holds
for ransom, Itis vletlraa ara lha bees.
It takes a bray prson lo kldnara a
bee. but this plant does It rruUrt
Ilea navds lha be lo help Mm carry
pollen from on flower lo another. o
he kidnaps th Insect, holds It until he
Bets a promts that It will tak away
a load of pollen with It. and then he
releases It. Vou'r familiar with the
plant. Its rllmblns: vln and lt odd
shapod rlowers. It la lha Iutchman"s
Tha shap of th flower rlvea It th
nam. They rrow on Ion stalks and
th Dower part la a Ion tube, crooked
and Inflalrd at th base. It really looks
lik a pip. Th 1 roves ar larea and
Th be riles Into th narrow open
Ins ct th flower In search of honey
and Bods It. II drinks and drinks,
until b Is ready to bo. But when he
Inrti around ho finds th way barred
with scores of tiny dsers.. polntln
Inward. A ha cam In th no orusneu
hi wsy br th daers easily: but th
door to th flower should hava been
placarded "Rntranco only." for the
dsaaaars won't bend lo let him out.
Tn.ra a. a ia a urlsoner. H busses
around frantically, shakln th olden
lha daarirer nolnts and
a-aihrrln it on his wines. Kor two or
thre days he Is held a captive, uniu
ha collects all tha pollan ha can carry.
Then th datreera wither and th bee
finJa bis way out-
Two iK-rcml AmrrlcanB Aplnl Mci
Iran IlandlU and Sae norllc.
- pir..-1'TAV Taa -1 T r r dnaTB
n Ani-'ui...'. -a-
war heroes of th imasaacr of ISsnta
Tsabet. when II Americans wer niur-
arrm oy airaiau - --
were Whiskers and fawkami and they
tvrlonea to . nariea rv. a- -
rnanaser of tha Cusl Mlnln Company,
on ol the II victims of the Mexican
Whiskers Is an Alrsdal torrler.
whllo cinookem la a bull terrier. They
wcr be in taken back to their old
homa at th mlna after beln mem
bers of Iho refutj colony In El Po
for a year. When th Mexican bandits
robbed, tortured and murdered the
Americans lha dogs remained at th
aid of Watson and attempted to keep
tbe Mexicans away from his body.
This aexounta for tha fact that, of all
the Americans. Watson- body was
least multigated and no shots were
fired Into It after death. Money was
a a a. a. . . tabafa a n .1 bis VU tha
only body found fully dressed. Tha rea-
cua party wnirn went oui ir
. . . . - aaaawaa. lha nnlllM foUD th
nu.Raa " .
two faithful pets besld their masters
hody. moanln and barklra plteously.
For Is hours iner naa aar an.a - -a . .
be. Id th body t th slain manager.
They wer brouhl to the border and
. - j i Ka. Charlaa Walaon.
naff aaa-vo a... " ( - - -- -
Jr. tb orphaned -year-old son of
Watson, who la attending a school In
Lo Acs-eles.
Jane ett Arr-rsla-d and 143 Ilottlcn
of Liquid Confiscated.
Jur. Wsst was arrested Monday alltht
on a chair of boollerln at MTS
Kleventa strl by .rricers WrIKht.
Kirhards and Msrtln. Kha Is th first
feminine bootleeeer arrested sine pro
hibition wsnl Into effect In Portland.
Tb officers seised Mi bottles and
five. Ballon Ju said to contain br
and whisky. Officer Illcbards obtained
avidenc on which ah waa arrested.
A'a-ordln lo officers, th Birl admits
sellirac tb liquor. '
Thre men who wer In th place
war also arrested. They av their
name a Nlssim Uenlsl. Lvtd Notrica
and Ueorc Conslantx.
Sciential Say Moat of Time J Hr-rnl
In Qnarrt-Is.
WASHINGTON. Jan. Th pear
apostles who carry a dov in their lu
Br had batter chanc their symboli
cal ba. , , .
Th Audubon l-oclety hsa declared,
throueh Norman McCllntock. of ritts
burc. omltholOBl.t:
Th dove Is not a bird of peace, but
one of th most pugnacious of toolbar.-d
fihtrrs In fact, tha d-v fights
a Ufa taxi U liour.".
Fred N. Bay New President of
Baseball Circuit.
St. Jleleu, McMfnnvillc and Salem
All Tut In bill-one IMds for
Franchises, bnt No Action
la Taken at Meet Inf.
Vred N. Bay la th new president of
the Portland City BaaebaJl Ia4ru. 'le
waa unanimously elected at Monday
nlBht's meeUn of franchlsa owners
held In tha ofnea of M. It. Whitehead.
.01 Fenton buildlraff.
lieorK It. Grayaon wa elected vice
president. June Jones treasurer and
Wavna F. Lewis secretary. Election
of all was unanimous.
The retlrln ofllcers ara M. R. White
head, president; Henry S. Wcstbrook,
vice-president: Clyde J. "Red" Ru-
pert, treasurer, and Harry M. Grayson,
aacref arv. Th retlrln officials all re
sumed, saylnsr that on term in tbelr
respective offices waa enough. Presi
dent Whitehead and Vice-President
Weslbrook received a vot of thanks
for ihrlr efforts last aeason.
About IS persons representing differ
ent localities crowded Into jar. nue
heada ofllc early in tha avenln..-. "If
this Is avny Indication of the Interest
which Is arolne to be taken in baseball
during 116. said the retlrln oniciai.
"ther la certainly som enthusiasm."
Fraarhls Owaersblp Araed-
Outsld of tha election of ofllcera and
preliminary discussion, there waa not
much business taken car of. Kupert
and Harvey Newell rnaed In a heat
ed ararument over Just who owned the
West Slda franchise. It seema that
v.wall and his oartner put up the
money for tha franchise, which was
made out In Rupert's name. After ar
guing until 18:43 P. M, th other dl
rectora advised th two to settle their
arguments privately.
E. I. Ballagh and C. D. Sutherland
wer In town from St. Helens, Or,
clamoring for a franchlsa; McMlnnvtlle.
Or, waa spoken for. and a letter from
John V. Turner, a ealem. Or, attorney,
was read In which he asked the privi
lege of entering his city. These were
th only persons outstda of tha city
that wer beard from.
E. L. Jessup. representing Montavilla:
Ernest Taylor, avtin for the Brad
ford Clothes Shop, and William R.
Healea. looking after th Interests of
tha Loyal Order of Moosej, ar among
those llir'.ed in th" secretary's minutes
aa present.
ftt. Ileleas Waata Tea a.
The Ft- Helena delegation say that
they would sell stock In their club to
10 or 30 business men of that town and
In that way assure tbo league officials
that they would have a strong baseball
team all season. They say that in St.
Helens and Houlton there ar approx
imately 2.00 people, and as a sign of
the Improvement In times point to the
fact that last season a shipbuilding
company there employed only 20, while
this season thera would bo about J00
They plan on picking Ihelr players
from Rainier. Scappoose. CSoble, War
ren, Rldgeflrld. Woodland and Kalama.
thereby gathering the Interest of all
neighboring towns.
just what teams will compose the
league, what schedule will be adopted
and other subjects of Importance will
ba broiiatht up at th next meeting Feb
ruary ".
Sweet Slnjer of Sooth Prlren From
North by Trappers. .
rHIIaA DELPHI A. Jn. IS. Among
th malefactors enrolled as eternal
nemlo of mankind, place th man
who drove the mocking bird out of the
Northern states.
A century or mora ago this bird was
a regular resident of this neighbor
hood. Ills son waa heard at blossom
time. In bummer and In Fall. Occasion
ally be even remained hero all Win
ter. Alexander Wilson, the naturalist. In
!0t wrote that mocking birds spent
the Winter In the Ivy on John Bar
tram's bouse. Philadelphia. Tha house
Is still thero and descendants of the
original Ivy. but the mocking birds
ar gone. Only occasionally ar they
found north of tha Mason and Dixon
,ln, e a.
For about a century ago man found
that he could sell one of the birds for
a dime or two. He trapped th aon-
sler. rapsd them and put thorn on the
market. iatglsUlora of tba iNorlh.ero
Buckwheat Cakes
Raieed without Ysost
When they are just right, the old fash
ioned yeast-raised buckw heat cakes are just
6ne- But it takes a skillful hand to get
them "Just right and many housewives do
not want to be bothered with a bowl of
barter standing around alt the time. Made
after this recipe, buckwheat cakes are as
good as any you ever ate and much super
ior to those made with self-raising flour.
Made with K C double raise baking
powdei. the last of the batter will make
Just as light cakes as the first
K C Buckwheat Cakes
By Mrs. Jinet McKenxie Hill, Editor ol
the Boston Cooking School Maguinc,
1 cup buckwheat
flour; 1 table
spoonful tugar;
3 level teaspoon
f,d K C Baking
Potrder; JJ cups
cold water; i tea
spoonful salt.
Sift tojrether, three times, the flour, sugar,
tcalt and taking" powder: sur the water in ail
at once and bake on a hot. well oiled grid
dle. Buckwheat flour calls for a generous
measure of baking powder. Part milk may
be used to mix the cakes but water -ires
quite as good results.
A delicious "spread" for griddle cakes is
made by creaminz together about twice as
much honey (either comb or strained) as
butter. Work it up with a fork to about
the consistency of hard sauce.
"Readers of this paper may obtain "The
Cook's Book" containing this and 89 other
delicious recipes fret by sending the colored
certificate packed in every 25-cent can of
K C Baking Powder to the Jaques Mfg. Co.,
Clucago. Scndfor "The Cook'i Book" today.
states finally passed laws to stop the
trade, but it was too lato.
The mocking birds went South, where
they were less molested, and they
never c&mn back.
Sultan's Jlarem Must Be More De
mure In Xew York.
NEW TORK. Jan. 2. Two dances
performed by the Russian ballet to the
delight of society folk at the Century
Opera-House will be "toned down" to
meet the criticisms of the police cen
sors, it was said following a private
talk between Macistrate McAdoo and
the manager of the ballet.
The faun who seixes the silken par
men t of a' Greek maiden after her
flight across the stage in one of the
dances will be Instructed to dance less
ecstatically. There will be less carrying
on In the Sultan's harem In the scene
depicting what happens when the Sul
tan goes to war.
Pretty Girl Gently Bound Whllo
House Is Kansacked.
NEW YORK. Jan. 28. The story of a
polite burglar who gently bound her
wlfji" a rope, blindfolded her with a
Tlolct-acented cambric handkerchief,
and. while apologizing, ransacked the
bureau drawer, getting $50 in cash, was
told to the police recently by pretty
little Msry Finncgan, 15. whose father
owns a restaurant at 75 Fulton street.
Th Flnnegan family live upstairs.
It waa said the thief missed Jewelry
valued at 1-00 on top of the ransacked
Romance Is Denied, but Both Have
Comfortable Fortunes.
NEW TORK, Jan. 18. If there is any
unusual romance in the proposed mar-
r in,Aa Fiiianii Banks. 80 years
old. a farmer, of Fairfield, Conn, and
Miss Mary Rebecca uuxion. 01 -u wei
Seventy-fifth street, no one at her home
was saying anything about it.
In obtaining a marriage license Miss
Buxton said she was 46 years old. that
she la the daughter of James Buxton
and that sho was born In Asheville,
N. C.
At her home two maiden sisters said
everyone had agreed not to discuss the
affair. Both Mr. Banks and Miss Bux-
It's My Loss!
Every Woman's Fancy Suit
Regularly $19.50 to $34.50
Every Woman's Winter Coat
Regularly $15.00 to $20.00
Every Woman's Separate Skirt
Regularly $3.50 to $12.50
Every Woman's Silk Petticoat
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Ben Selling
ton are said to possess comfortable for-
Will Case to Be Appealed.
NEWARK. N. J, Jan. 27. Postmaster
Edward W. Townsend, of Montclair. N.
J, famous as the author of the "Chlra
mle Fadden'1 stories and formerly a
Representative in Congress from New
Jersey, has announced his intention to
appeal from the decision of Judge Soe-
horn. of the Kansas City Circuit Court,
that two sons of Mrs. Margaret Hack
man Townsend. widow of George
Townsend. are the lawful heirs to more
than $1,000,000 left by George Town
send. Tho New Jersey author is a
brother of the late George Townsend
and is trustee under the will.
TvIpt Parker, aged 77. who laid down
hl type stlrk at Montgomery. Mo., recently,
after .arvlni; i;2 y.-ars at the "case." IS' to HnM the American record for
length of .rv!re In tyrot:rnphoal pursuits.
of the advantages you enjoy
in your bank account. De
cided, aren't they? Now
think of your friends who
do not use banks imagine
how they are handicapped!
Why not suggest that they
open an account with some
good bank preferably with
us. Such a suggestion will
be conferring a favor on
them and on us too
iltq m berm ens
National Bank
"Yes, it was my Digestion; but Sanatogen-
Sanatogen -came to the
rescue; and let us tell you
Indigestion is the twin
brother of nervousness;
overwork, mental strain,
grief or shock is the cause.
The proven benefits which
Sanatogen confers upon
people suffering from nerv
ous indigestion are the
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As a scientifically-devised
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Sanatogen helps both
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the former by providing
organic phosphorus in
such a form," according to
Dr. C W. Saleeby and
other authorities, "that
the nervous system can
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the iriaximum nutriment
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By thus feeding and
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less people subject to indi
gestion. CoL Henry Wat
terson, the famous editor,
boldly asserts he believes
he "could not have regained
his vitality without Sana
togen acting equally upon
the nerve centers and
Many other prominent people
. hava said similar things about
Sanatogen, and the best of it is
that their experience ia fully up
held by evidence of the medical
profession, over 21,000 member
of which have endorsed Sana
togen in writing.
So you may b confident that
when indigestion and nervous
ness trouble you, Sanatogen
stands ready with j-e7 help.
i nr
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Sanatogen is sold by good druggists.
everywhere, in sixes from 9 1 .UU up.
Crmnd Prin. Intmmetionml Cortina
of Medicine, London. 1913
JM tl4y lie in am i n -i ma m . n.i.i.. in aai niii-aaaaia ia i i-iaa anr--aiiai airi a si i.i.aani ni
for Elbwrt Hubbard's book "Health in th Making." Written In his attractive manner ana niiea mm ms snrewa
philosophy, together with capital advice on Sanatogen, health and contentment. It is FREE. Tear this off as a reminder
to adcUcH THE BAUER CHEMICAL CO., 28 Q Irving Place, New Ygifci