TIIH MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1916. LOOTERS CAUGHT NATION'S EXECUTIVE AS HE APPEARS ON PREPAREDNESS TOUR. Store Opens , r e closS at 8.30A. M. at 5:30 P M' Saturdays f$A$i Phone: 44JW ' Phone: Marshall 50SO The Most in Value, the Best in Quality A 2112 IN OTAY VALLEY United Staes Marines, With Orders to Shoot, Patrol i Flooded District. WATER FAMINE IS FEARED fan ttlrso !-tein May B Crip pled hr nrrai Retlrf land of 939. 0 lMM-rir4l and 9 laa.aaa I Wanted. N" DIEGO. J"- . Cnltd fit! T-iarlne wr rport4 late today to ruM fir M!i ma looting la th Otar V;if today. Two of th r-.ea war turne. over l th clU I orltl... tC waa said, whll th two .thr were said to bar b-a rua oat of th matrl.-t t th point, of bavonta. Th ira arratd wr nme-i only a th H:m brother la a wtrls mHi retvl from th naval f1ld ruilon. set up today la th Oty Val ley. Looting la th Otar YaM waa f!rl epert to Rear-Admiral William T. Vuliam. omoaandlng th Pactfto r i.rit fleet, ttat.rdjr morning, sooo 'tr h crd.ra.t tbo mfln and sailor Into tho datall district a jtl.at aa 1 rM-vio parties. NtriM Ordered to ooo. Tbo martaa aad sailor woro oro- . Me t wits arm and ie round of am Trjattloo rn and order war given tm lo "shoot lootar oa tbo apot.1 V rrnnrt of further ra.aalti In te f ou.J.J arae retd to-laT. ."Mnc-r M. Marsh. Dlatri.-t Attorney of !a ie-o t ounlT. exploded a ro mor to tbo t(!t that a graed Jury lutit lilion of tho burst-ag of tbo tr J-i-n waa contemplated. Of (M.f tataraat tr resident hro la caoMcttn wtcn tho d-lopmot growing out of tbo flood waa tbo la f rTtii tbat tho tlij wtr system li. crippled to aa extent that tu.s.1 tl Mcmtrit to negotiate with a privat w:ter eompny fr watr. Thfe f-'( develop.! at a meeting of th O'r Coun.-tl la tho forBoa. City rfl:t;s Including Moor J. Capp. tir die d poa.it. raceaatrtse l.oa et lao iir trtay dam. l acliMn to CI to AM. n. W. KawUr and K. A. Whitny. onc'naora, I.m ervf wr tn. 'ti to tho tit j by Ibo 5tato RalU road r03iml4ior of California aa aa a 1 to early raroaatructloa Of tbo wrcbd dtm, arrtvvd haro todair by atoamar froa ta Aaoli. Tbay d- rart.l tmmf 'aly for th alt, and nnourctrl thar would maka a th oucb iapcta and ratora la about two day. At a m.ttr.c today of tbo Otaaibor of Comaari-o rallaf cemmlttao with City officio: and bulaa aaaa tt wa do vidd tbat ffort would bo mad to rio a r:rf fund of a etva to 1 1 - a tK;M. It waa blid tbla t in wojid prr ampla for all rxta'ro maat. Tba fund tartd oa Hatorday bad bri ncrad to about I J lata la tho day. food la al by Watrr. Annoaa:mat waa mad lato today that l.rc roo:orrot of Bnorcbaa li.a ma.i food auspltvo. blocked by do- nuraiial ratlroad traffic north of far. wr bln' traafrrd at fa l adro to M;o and would bo forwarded br by tbo watar rout. What lootnad for ral daya aa tbrtatan'd .iort of bf waa re lieved with tbo arrival of tb tteamer Vaiuara. Uadad with cattt. bo(a and ahp. !-nt Railroad oftlcUl wero ra-rort-t toOy a bavin; aald that tbr weak probably would bo r1olr1 fr repai-a t the lino btwa Can Dt(o aad ta An'la. Tba raanacement of tb taohlp Ta o baa d-"M1 U dl.rontlnu tem porarily th Tale run from Pan Pedro to Mart Fraa-lo and ronflno it.aolf to round trlr aerytc botwaea Hao LHe(o aad Ma fadro. ASTORIA HAS 57 PLANTS nrit.Tii i i a. too. or anon iT7a work t r tcTomrs. rayrolla wo Than lo,aoo. Capital I.UKUM aad 1 alao of IT od we to Woo eUHTJM la 11 . WA-XMIVOTON". Jan. 31. A prellm tnary tatmai of tb nral raauit of ttim rnu of mnufacturea for As toria. "-. ba been taaued by tb llu raa of tb Ceajau. lpartmeat of lornmarr. Tbo f:-ure aro praliml nary and eub. J-t to auch Chan: and rorroctloa a m4f b (oinl acaary from a far. thr otamlaotioa of tb orttcnal re porta. Tbo rnu c'udd tb band tradea. tho bull line tradea and tho naiebbor ood la.iuatri. and tojh acouot only of eatabliafimaota coatiuc-tad onder tb f-torr eyvtem. xtatlatlr war not cQlc:d fir tabli.hmnta baln prl ki for tb caau year aiu4 at lsa than jt. rt that report war taheo for etabllhmal Idl Uur. i-X a portion of tb year or whlcb befaa operation durinc tbat yar and who prtodxrl for ua reaaoo were ta'i'd at ' tbao t?40. Tb report wr takea for tb ral rvlar year ad:n; tmbr II. tli. It I ettmtel that tho population of Aatorto oa July I. 1U. waa 1 .!. A aimmary f tb factory ceaeu fo( 1 t: N.j-jilw wfal'ahiM.'. t'r-trire aa. fna mame-ra. ... 4;iwl etoe.tf.a ht 4n. later aiambar). f" rfi.ft brtraeaae ....... r'-a ................... Vf.i'a . .i . pr".-a 1.3 1 i.r I in t . j ; t ; ixi . 1. J l ' . t;.tHa . ea ?.. . .it;-4 t.raace-ylllc Thlrr Ilay. r,R.tC!:liaJ Maho. Jan- JI l.P"-l I ;rnalll baa bean ! parlencme; aom rather bold adraace aloas tb burglary Una tb laat week. Last Saturday or Jlundar alcbt aom ona brofc Into tl ponlhall and rarrtod way vri l-r boa of randy and I lrar' hardware ator lot two revolver. ! 1 I-fi Ut lUMrbarc School-, yt'DEBfrti. Or.. Jan. J!. f??clal.) I arf-rordanre with a will left by tb lata Henry Woodward, a pioneer of Mil. tbo ftoeekura- e'boola fjaturday ro r rived (14 la raah. Tb I meaty Will b vpendd la purvhaains book for the rboo library. To Cwr A Cold to Owo Day. Tab UXtTtrt f)iowr irntJ Taataxa hr , - v. r-' a- m ) i K . v J. I ,!' f II .VV ' 5 , l 3 ' ; . V- - t .' , : ; . .. - ' . . . ; . . v . . .. , -., , , , , i. . t . I aavaoaerWeopaaa rni:iot:T hilhii itartim. ox mi vitioxal campaic.x roa pitEPARtiuxEssi." rria-nt Wllaoa Ieavln th Aoollan Hal!, on West Forty-eecond blreet, Nn Tork. January 27. whera he ad dreeaod th Clerical Cooferenc of tbo w Vork Kederatlon of Cburrhea. At 7:J0 P. M. he made aa aduTrg at tho Railway Puaine.a Aaaoclatlon at wboao banquet In tba Waldorf he waa ejueat of honor. Later In the even loc h addrd tb Mouoo-ricture Board of Trade at the Hotel Billmore. HAW PREPARED HO. Army Wot Big Enough Even for Peace, Says President. WARNINGS ARE REPEATED Grral Ttirone In Chicago ant! Mil waukee ilrar lliccntlvc. Wlto Trlla of Amcrlca'a Idrala and Advlae-a Harried IXfcna. i "owtlnna.t yrm Plrat Paea i beea Ineffectual, al them hav ben very boll, and It bai Ihoush eolae of vocUerou. - Trooblo Maker 1 a Talk. "All of them have been exceedingly Irreeponaibi. Talk waa cheap, and tbat waa what It coat them: thry did not hav to do anything. Hut you will know without my t'lllnr you that the man fo for th time brine; you hav rharced with th dutice of President of th L'nltrd Mate must talk with a deep itw of responsibility, and h must remember, abor all thin, tb fin tradition of bia office. "Jom men seem to hav foreotten Iber la no precedent In Afnrlrao his tory for any action of ararressloo oa th rart cf lb t'nltej Male or for any action which will (how that Amer- ira Is seeklnc to connect tterscir with tb controvers.e oa the other elde of tb water. "Mea who seek to provoke such ac tion hav torcottea th tradition of th Called Stales, and It bohoovea those with whom you have Intrusted offlc t.i remember the. traditions of the Lolled Mate and to see tbat th action of th Government are made to sugar with these tradition. -But there are other darners, my fellow citueos, which are not paasod and which ba not been overcome: and they are danarera which w cannot con trol. TV ran control Irresponsible talker amld.t ourselves. All that w have sot to do Is lo encourage them hire a halt, and their four will be abundantly advertised Ly It.ameelvr. MtowwoVeataodlaaT la foevelM. "If tba Vnlted Statea put Ita Inter. eata In the path ot th struKSl In Curape she ought to know beforehand that there la danaer of very eertou tniaunderstaadiaa; and difficulty. to hat th very uncalculated. unpremedi tated on mta-ht say. airnoat acciden tal rears of affairs may tourb aa to tbo quick al any moment- And I want you to realise that, standing In th midst Of thae difficulties. I feel that am rhtrt'd with a doubt duty of tb utmost difficulty. In tb first place, I kfyw that you are depending upoa mo t aeep l.ili nation out 01 ir. "o far I have done so. And t pledge you my word that, oola helping me. I will If It I po.aibl. Put vou have laid another duty on m. You have bidden m soe tbat nothing stalaa or Impair tie honor of lb Called Male. And tbat l a matter not within my control. Tbat depen la on what other do. not upon what lb Government of the l"nltd Statea. doe, and therefore ther may at any moment corn a ttm when I cannot both prerv the honor and tb pear of th I'nlted States. Lo aot ttirt of me an Impossible and contratli-torv thing, but stand ready nd insist that everybody who re pre- ents you should viand ready to pro vide th mean of maintaining th honor of th l'nltrd State. Croat A rear Xat Wanted. "T am counseling tb Cnngreas of the of those who recommend tbat we should have, and have very soon, a great standing Army, bat on the contrary, to e to It that the cltliens of tho country are so trained, and that equipment is so suff liiently provided for them that, whenever tho- choose, they can take up arms and defend themselves. Tbe Constitution of the United State makes tb President tbe Commander-in-Chief of tbe Array and Navy of the Nation, but I do not want big Army subject to my personal com mand. If danger comes, I want to turn to you and the rest of my fellow countrymen and say 'Men. are you readyT and I know what the response will be. And I know that thrre will spring up out of the body of the Na tion a great host of free men. and I want those men not to be mere target for shot and shell: I want them to know something of the arms they bave In their hands. I want them to know something about how to guard against tbe diseases that creep Into camp, where men are unaccustomed to live. I want them to know something of what the orders mean that they will be given when tbey enlist under arms for tbe Government of tbe United .Stales. I want them to be men who can comprehend and easily and Intelli gently step Into tbe duty of National defense. Xatlaaal Gaard a Eaaagb. "And tbat la the reason I am urging upon th Congress of the United states at any rate the beginnings of a system by whK'h we can give a very consid erable body of our fellow-citizen the necessary training. "I have not forgotten the National Guard of this country: but In this country of 100.000.0DO people there are only i:.rt0 men In these National Guard, and the National Guard. One a It I, la not subject to th orders of tb President of the United Statea. It I subject to th order of th Gov ernor of the several states: and tbe Cotvatitutlon Itself eaya that the Presi dent has no right to withdraw them from their states, even, except In case of actua' Invasion of tbe United State. "I we it the Congress of tbe United Statea o da a great deal for the Na ttona' Guard, but 1 do not see how the 'congress of the United State can put tbe National Guard at the disposal of the Nation: tneretore. It seems ao solutely necessary that. In addition to the National Guard, there sbotild bo a considerable body of men of some training In military who are willing to pledge themselves to com to the call of tbe Nation. eed .Xat Haddea or !w. "Now. there Is another misapprehen sion that I do not wlh you to enter tain. Don't suppose tbat there I any new or sud'len or recent Inadequacy on th part of this Government with respect to preparation for National de fense. l have heard some gentlemen aay tbat we hav no roast defenses worth talking about, because defense are not nowaday advertised, you understand, and are not visible to th naked eye. So tbat If o'l passed them aod noth ing exploded. oti would not know that tbey are there. And the coast defenses of the United Slates, white not numerous enough, are equipped la tbe mot modern and cfTicient fashion. "You aro told tbat there ha been some sort of neglect about the Navy. There baa not been any sort of neglect about the Navy. W have been slowly building up a Navy, which in quality la second to no Navy in the world. and the only thing It lacks Is quantity. REVOLT IS GAINING PAGEANT PLANS COMPLETE Guarantee' for Oregon Conimcnce- ivenl Programme la Placed. UNIERSITT OP OREGON. Kiigene. Or, Jan. 31. fSpeclal.) Plan for the pageant lo b held commencement week at th university have been com pleted by the faculty and committee appointed for final arrangement. Tbe faculty has placed a guarantee of Kooo. Examination will not occur until after commencement In June, enabling tbe student body to attend without having to stay later than tbe usual Chinese Province of Kwei Chow in Full Rebellion. GOVERNOR JOINS REBELS Army of 12,000 Marvliinjr. With 1 onnanene Revolutionaries on Chungking Foreigners Re Safe In Neutral Zone, to TEKIN. Jan. 31. Tbe province of Kweichow Is In full rebellion. Th Governor waa forced to flea January 1 and communications have been In terrupted. It Is reported that Lucbow and Txellut Sing have been captured by the revolutionists. The American gunboat Monocacy Is at Chung King, on the Yangtae Klaag. about HO miles to the northeast of Lucliow. The commander has notified Ir. Paul Samuel Jtelnsch, American Minister to China, that all la quiet in that neighborhood and that a xone has been outlined within which tbe Monoc acy will protect foreigners wbo are threatened. Twelve thousand soldiers from the province of Kweichow are reported to be marching. In company with Yun nsnese revolutionists. upon Chung Right to the Front Again With Underpriced BEDDING OFFERINGS At this opportune time you may purchase the most de sirable bedding at a great saving to you. WOOL-FINISH BLANKETS AT $2.25. A splendid lot of fine white and gray wool blankets, 66x80 ins. tlp O C extra heavy, warm and durable. On Sale at piiJ WOOL-FINISH BLANKETS AT $2.70. Another special lot of fine white, tan and gray, wool finished dJO 7f blankets, 72 by 84 inches. On Sale at Pd. I KM Regular 50c Baby Blankets Reduced to 39c. A full showing to select from in fancy checked styles in blue, pink, tan and gray colorings. Our regular 50c lines. On sale at 39f Muslin Pillow Slips, 42x36 inches, 12 jC grade at. 10r Muslin Pillow Slips, 42 by 36 inches, 15c grade at 120 Bleached Sheets, 72 by 90 inches, 50c grade at 420 Washable Bed and Bathroom Rugs, $1.25 grade at 980 Bath Robe Flannels, all styles, 40c grade at 25)0 Velour Flannels in kimono lengths, $1.40 lengths at 800 Curtain Scrims at 19c Yd. Best 25c Grade White, cream and ecru Scrims in fancy openwork and hemstitched bordered styles a quality regu- in larly sold at 25c a yard. This Sale at i-7-' Curtain Scrims at 10c Yd. Best 15c Grade Dainty Curtain Scrims in white, cream and ecru, shown in variety of openwork bordered styles f a quality regularly sold 15c. This sale, yd. 1 vFC Embroideries i ? '"2 Exceedingly Great Price Reductions -i At This Great Sale of Embroideries Embroideries 10c. Worth 15c to 25c Baby Edges, Sets, Galloons, Convent Edges, Ribbon Beading, Insertions, etc., in fact, every type of nar row embroideries in patterns and qualities, -f f sold at 15c to 25c. This Sale X There is a magnificent assortment of styles to select from in all wanted materials and widths and there is a splendid saving in every purchase. Embroideries 35c. Worth 48c to 59c The popular 18-inch Embroideries, Flouncings and Corset Cover Patterns in Swiss, heavy nainsook and cambric; also 27-inch Flouncings in hem stitched, Bcalloped and ruffle-edge patterns. Regular 48 to 69COP. qualities. This Sale at eJsJU Embroideries 15c. Both 12 and 18-inch Skirting and Flouncing Em broideries, as well as those for Corset Covers they come in Swiss and heavy nainsook and in many pret ty patterns. Regular 25c and 35c qualities. 1 C Af This Sale at. Kin, where fighting Is expected to take place within a few weeks. SAX rRANCISCoTjan. SI- General LIu 6hen Shlh, Governor of Kweichow Province, who was forced to flee before the advancing: revolutionists, according to Pekln dispatches. In reality fled to the revolutionists and Joined them, ac cording to a cablegram received here today by Tong King Shong. president of th Chinese Republic Association, rnnn revolutionary Headquarters i Shanghai. The inception of the revolutionary movement In China, first manifested on the Chinese cruiser Choo-Ho at Shang hai in tho beginning of last December and which assumed more serious pru- nortiona when the revolutionists in lha nrovince of Yunnan announced for mation of a aeDarate republic, was at tributed to dissatisfaction with the pur r.n.. r President Yuan Sbi Kai to restore a monarcnicat torm oi s"' ment. The revolution has been report ed as spreading into the provinces to lha north and east of Yunnan. The Dresident of the Chinese Republio As sociation announced December 20 from San Francisco that tho provinces of Szo Chuen. Kweichow. Kwangtung and Wlunesl would loin Yunnan in revolt .ralnat the removal of Yuan Shi Kal A disDatch January !2 announced that tha revolutionists had been victo- rioua in a fight with the government forces at Suifu In the province oi cze Chuen. Luchow and Tzeltuismg are both in the nrovince of Sze Chuen. Letters from tho Military governor . nH tha Civil Governor oi tne revolu tionary regime In Yunnan aavanceo January S to the foreign legations at Pekln promised protection lor an iur eigners in the districts under control of the revolutionists. 000 capital), has been organized and has purchased the Tidings, which cor poration will not only publish the paper; but also conduct a general print ing business. Bert R. Greer is presi dent. A daily paper is now being' agi tated as the outcome of the new departure. A microscope using X-Raya lias been per. fected by a Vrpch Hntl!t. Ashland Paper Is Purchased. ASHLAND. Or.. Jan. 31. (Special.) The Ashland Printing Company (i-'Q r "After driving more than 10,000 miles, I couldn't find enough carbon to fill the hol low of your hand." This motorist states the experience of prac tically all who use Zerolene. That's because Zerolene is scientifically re fined from asphalt-base crude. Zerolene that goes into the explosion chamber doesn't "break Bp" into gummy, carbon-forming deposits, but after complet ing its efficient work, is consumed and passes out on exhaust. Kext rime you empty the crank-case, refill with Zerolene. Send r famhlet "Motor-Cylinder Lubrication" by Lieut, Iryn, V. S. JV a government expert. Standard Oil Company (California) Portland The Iron and Steel Industry is certainly a leader in Big Business. Imagine the corres pondence and records to be cared for in such a business! Standard equipment, the kind you can always duplicate and that is as near perfection as such goods can be made, must be used that's why the selection is made of Slote- Equipment Vnf::, fli Sectional Cabinets both upright and horizontal in wood or steel, Card Index Cabinets, Steel i Safes, Cabinet Supplies we carry them all in stock suited to any business. Install equip ment used by Big Business and you can't go wrong. Call, write or phone for catalog. The J. K. Gill Co. Bookseller. Stationer and Office Outfitter THIRD A.D ALDlJIt " " " !-C"SVb 3 S JltS-L tl jF m OaOO c I IS I oat Oas o 1 e-eo lira a L jl th Standard Oil for Motor Cars Dealers everywhere and at our Service Stations Utc Red Crown, the Gasoline of Quality fiJfll eX GOTHIC AS Arrow Collars AT 2 FOR 25 CENTS EQUAL IN LAUNDRY FINISH AND GENERAL APPEARANCE THE HIGHEST COST IMPORTED ARTICLE CLUETT. PEA BODY 6? CO, INC MAKERS Inil a'a rafaad aneaa w n ! I ewm . vawVil la aa oaa 2. Wa. Called Mate not to tAka tic advice time