Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 25, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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V...M. vAitnr Main TOTO. A 6005
CI'.T Editor Main 7070. A 6"S5
Funday Editor Main 7070. A '!
Advertising Department. -Main 700, A C-'w
city :ircu!ntlon Main 7'70. A eo3
Composing-room Main 7OT0. A "'5
Printing-room Main 707O. A jn3
Superintendent Buildln. .Mala TOiU. A 0
"hElLIrj fBroadway at Taylor) "The Bird
of Paradise." tf night at S:15.
BtKER THEATETt (Sixth ana Morrison
streets) Baker atock company la ' 5v
Kt-vm to lldoate." tonilbt at S:lo
CRP'fEUM (Broadway and Yamhill street)
iJll-tlmo vaudeville. 2:20 and 6:i0 P. M.
PANTAGES (Alder at Broadway) Vaude
ville, performances 2:30, 7:30 and :30 V .-M-tMPRESS
(Broadway and Stark street)
VaiHlevuie. ftnoraunwi :v, -
P. M.
LYRIC (Fourth and Mar streets) Dillon
and Kins in musical comedy. Afternoon
and night performancee dally.
Philo Christo Class Elect.
Philo Christo clas of the United Evan
gelical Church of St. John met at the
home of Mrs. Lulu Mapletnorpe. on
Harmon street, St. Johns, and elected
the following officers: Teacher. Mrs.
Rachel Howard: president. Mrs. Jellie
Fletcher; vice-president, Mrs. Anna
Black: secretary, Mrs. lna jaaxweu,
tteasurer. Mrs. Anna Root. Among the
new lines of work this class has taken
up for the coming year is the "Philo.
Christo Bakery." The class will make
and sell cookies, pies and pastry on
the third Saturday of each month In
some downtown store. The Philo
Christo Is the oldest organized class
of this church, having been started
when Chester P. Gates was pastor, and
has helped the church activities finan
cially and socially.
JUrib Stuart Court Installs. Marie
Ftuart Court, Women's Catholic Order
of Foresters, elected and Installed the
following officers at the last meeting:
Chief ranger, Delia Ldllls; vice-chief
ranger, Mrs. Bodley; recording secre
tary, Tlllie Gravelie: corresponding sec
retary, F. Jessie McDonald; treasurer.
Julia McEntee. The retiring chief
ranger. Mrs. Wilson, was presented
with a beautiful cut glass -vase In ap
preciation of her past services. Rev.
W. A. Daly spoke words of encourage
ment Rev. Father Fallu, the new
chaplain, spoke briefly. Following the
installation a banquet was served.
School District Suit Is Todat.
School district No. 1 Is made the de
fendant in a suit In District Court
this morning In which J. D. Swank, a
contractor, is seeking to recover 17a
s the price of dirt. needed to complete
the Improvements on the grounds of
the Woodmere School, provided for in
his contract, Mr. Swank maintains
that by the terms of the contract he
was supposed to be able to get enough
dirt from the grounds to make the
fills, but he found it necessary to haul
from other sources.
Children to Present Plat. The
pupils of the ninth B class of Mount
Tabor school will present a patriotic
playlet, entitled "The Pageant of
Patriots." in the school assembly hall,
Wednesday at 8 P. M. The proceeds
cf the entertainment are to be used
to rturchase a picture for the building.
The playlet consists of tableaux, dances,
music and dialogue, and represents dif
ferent epochs of the history of the
Mrs. Flinn and Daughter IkrpROvraa.
Mrs. Flinn, widow of the late Rev.
John Flinn, pioneer Methodist min
ister, and her daughter, both of whom
have been 111 at their home. 71 Han
cock street, were reported better yes
terday. Mrs. Flinn was able to sit up
for the first time in two weeks, but
she is still quite weak. Miss Flinn is
still confined to her bed, but was re
ported slowly Improving yesterday.
Mrs. Flinn Is 80 years old.
Alcohol Drinxer Arrested. Ar
rested by Officer Quinton after he had
been drinking too freely from a bottle
of alcohol In his possession. George
Patterson was fined IS in Municipal
Court yesterday. Patterson obtained
the botUe from the Owl Drug Store
after he had made an affidavit that
h wanted it for external use, accord
ing to Police Captain Moore, who had
n Investigation made.
Unlicensed Chimnet Sweeps Active
Licensed chimney sweeps have com
plained to the city license bureau that
unlicensed sweeps are at work in some
parts of the city and are using their
business for burglary purposes. They
have asked that steps be taken to ar
rest them. ' Under the city ordinance
chimney sweeps are required to have a
license and to wear a badge. There
are 13 licensed sweeps in the city.
First Drunken Woman Fined. The
first woman arrested and fined on the
charge of drunkenness in Portland
since the beginning of the dry regime
was Anna Brown, who was brought in
Wise Without Alcohol. -The Rosen
blatt Company, of an Francisco,
known throughout the United States as
"The Seven Brothers," has produced
that which science has been trying
to accomplish for centuries. wine
without alcohol but having the'
sparklinc tang, rich color and fragrant
aroma which have male the alcoholic
beverage pleasirfg to so many. This
product contains practically all the
natural ethers, aldehydes, tannic acid
and other elements that give wine its
satisfying taste and color, but without
alcohol, that .rwhich you may drink
freely. Non-intoxicating wine is now
being bottled and will be ready for the
market within 30 days. M. Rosenthal
4b Son., former proprietor of the Na
tional Wine Company, of this city, has
secured the agency for Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho for the Seven Broth
ers' California blair, without alcohol.
This is a startling innovation in the
liquid food line and Is pronounced by
connoisseurs a most refreshing and de
licious drink. Adv.
J. Q. Pore's Funeral Tomorrow. Fu
neral services for John Gill Pope, who
died Saturday, will be held tomorrow
morning from the Holman Chapel at 10
o'clock. Mr. Pope for 30 years had
been located in Portland, and was well
known. He was born in-Alabama, June
4, 1851, and passed his early boyhood
Burns Celebration Arranged
, for. Tonight.
Singers, Dancers and Humorists on
Programme, While Champion
Piper of America, Will Assist.
New Leader to Preside.
Scotch sonns Scotch dances and
Snfrh versa iL-nlentv are found on the
programme to be held tonight at the
7 if ft
4 'tvfsC --.
!ro-v' ass
,5 - i
54S..'J 1
Sfjc Vis j or
In that state. He later went to San
Francisco, where he lived for 20 years.
He was a traveling salesman. He was
married in Oregon City in 130 to
Miss Elen Hauber. He leaves three
sisters, one in Alabama, one in Wis
consin and another In Georgia.
St. Johns Ljbraht Adds New Books.
Recently there have been added to the
St. Johns Branch Library many new
books on religion and social service.
Selection of these books was made with
reference to needs of the community
and with special reference to tne
revival meetings that have been in
progress in the local churches. These
books have been placed on the book
rack near the door. There are many
books on spiritual life including "Life
of Christ" There are books of sermons.
In the social service aeries may be
found "The Challenge of the City."
"The Country Church and Rural Wel
fare." and "The Labor Quetslon," by
Men's Clttb Meets Tonight. The
Men's Club of the Central Presbyterian
Church East Pine and East Thirteenth
streets,' will meet tonight. Rev. F. U
Loveland will deliver an address on the
subject, "Preparedness." The club
heard W. D. Wheelwright last month
on "Peace." Ed Werlein will preside
at the banquet to be served in the
early part of the evening. Ted Bacon
will sriva a violin solo, and William
Chocarane, vocalist, and Mrs. Charles
Branin. reader, will be on tne pro
k-ii.i-v Riii i pi Opsntno Watts. pro
posed opening this week of Kelly Butte
as a ub-jail for city prisoners has
been postponed until next week owing
to the inability of those in charge to
Madison streets. Frank Hamilton and
Arthur Burke were accused of furnish
ing the liquor. She was lined in
Municipal Court yesterday.
Cvm Boost Laundry Cost. Soft
double French cuffs, coupled with the
war prices on blueing, starch and other
laundrv supplies, have boosted the price
on negliges) shirts from 10 to 12 Vi cents
apiece, and the advance already has
been made by several laundries. The
new style cuffs must be finished by
hand, and this accounts largely for the
Thus- Speeders Frxnp t'O. Three
speeders were arrested by Patrolman
Krvln Sunday night and were fined
In the Municipal Court yesterday.
These were the first cases of speeding
in 1916. E. A. Eriskln, Sam Goldberg
and Thomas Mitchell were the three
arrested. Erlskin and Mitchell were
fined 110 aptet-e and Golberg 810 for
speedlnf and 13 for having no light.
AOEr Woman Dies. Mrs. Ann Clay
ton Kalkossen died Sunday at the home
of her daughter. Mrs. E. Iverson, 1151
East Twenty-ninth street North, aged
82. She is survived by her husband. A.
Kalkossen, three daughters and one
son, Mrs. Iverson, Mrs. J. Walters, St.
Louis. Mo.'. Mrs. M. E. Belt. Chicago.
111., and Fred Clayton. San Diego, CaL
Pavino) Petition Circtlatkd.- Peti
tions are being circulated for paving of
East Glisan from East Seventy-fifth
" street to the city limits, a distance of
about 16 blocks, where the street con
nects with the county roads into the
interior. Few are refusing to sign for
the Improvement.
Knights to Mbet. The Knights
of Columbus will meet tonight at 1
o'clock at their hall, corner Morris
street and Williams avenue, and will
march in a body to the borne of A. I
Zeller. US Stanton street, where con
dolences will be tendered Mr. Zeller,
whose wife lately passed away.
Civil Service Exajis Set. A muni
cipal Civil Service examination was an
nounced yesterday for draughtsmen for
February 8. The test will commence at
j A- M. and will be held to obtain
eligibles for appointment as vacancies
In the city arise during the next year.
Lowest Biddik Wins. The Ore
gon Independent Paving Company la to
receive the contract for paving Bybee
avenue from East Twenty-second street
to Eastmoreland with Bitulithic paving.
The company has been declared the
lowest bidder In the amount of 89181.
Fireside Circui Entertains. The
entertainment by the Fireside Circle of
the Y. M C A. on Sunday night was
one of the most enjoyable ones yet
given by the organisation.
Pneumonia Attack Cashier.
Charles, cashier in the City
Treasurer's office. Is seriously sick at
his home at Multnomah. He Is reported
to be suffering from pneumonia.
Jack Geajutt to Lectcre. The In
tercollegiate Socialist Society an
nounces a lecture by Jack Brltt Gearity
on "State Socialism" at 8 o'clock tomor
row night at the Central Library.
Scifoob Books, bought and sold.
Krlaad J7 6th, cpp. PcsWEic- A4.T,
everything will be In order the first
of next week for the commencement oi
the rock-breaking. The City Council
yesterday arranged to advertise for
bids for furnishing meals to the
prisoners. ,
Mrs. Haskell 0 mjrRAi. mkld. ru-
neral services for Mrs. Alvana
Haskell, who died last Wednesday at
the home of Mrs. Mark Montgomery,
544 East Thirty-seventh street South,
were held yesterday from J. P. Finley
Son's7 chapel, and the interment was
made in Greenwood Cemetery. Mrs
Haskell was the widow of the late
Henry Haskell, of Ocean Park, Wash.,
and mother of Mr. V. H. Browning
Newberg. Or.
Fall Fractures Worker s Skull.
Max Brauthler, of 128 Sixth avenue
Southeast, sustained sever injuries in
an accident at the dook of the East
Sid Mill c Lumber Company yester
day, where be was working. He slipped
and fell from the dock ln.,o a scow.
breaking his right arm ana sustaining
a fracture of the sknll. He was taken
to St. Vincent's Hospital, wnere ne i
being cared for.
Judge George to Lecture-. Judge
M. C. George, one of th best-known
pioneers of Oregon. Is to lecture before
the Maiaraas tonight at their clubrooms
in the Northwestern Bank building, on
"Reminiscence of Oregon." Judge
Georg was president of th Maxamas
in 1898. and in his younger aaya was
on of the noted mountain climbers of
the Northwest. He tells many humorous
stories of his experiences.
Merchants' Lunch. 11 A. M. to 2:30
P. M. Service for ladies and gentlemen
from 8:30 P. M. on. steaks, chops, fish,
oysters, fresh eggs, sandwiches and
salads a specialty. Our celebrated
spiced ham and salads to order for
families, clubs and parties. "Hubers."
Railway Exchange bldg, ground floor;
rear of elevator. Entrances, 3d and
Stark streets. Adv.
Revival Meetings Continue. Revival
n..tina-a will continue through the
week in Centenary Methodist Church.
Rev. T. W. Lane, wno nas oeen in lor
several days, is lowly improving.
Popular Price Matinee at Heillg
Xext Sunday Afternoon.
Mail orders received now. Price
lower floor. 11 rows, fl: 7, 76c. Blcony,
6 rows, 75c: In rear. 60c Gallery, re
served. 50c Box office sal next Thurs
day. Adv.
Liquor Dealers, Attention.
There are some splendid opportuni
ties for high-class saioonmen, just now
in Minneapolis, in the way of locations.
If you want to invest In paying loca
tions, in a town where th number of
licenses are limited, writ now. Times
are GOOD here. P. O. Box 8107, Minne
apolis. Minn. Bar and. cafes. Only
firstrolau (sea solicited, -Adv.
Masonic Temple. West Park anfl Yam
hill streets, prepared by Portland
clansmen in celebration of the 159th
anniversary of the birth of Robert
Beside the many Portland clansmen
who will attend the entertainment to
night, they will have as their guest of
honor the royal chief of all the Scotch
clans in the United States. He is
Alex Flndley, of Seattle.
Andrew T. Matthew, the new chief
of Clan Macleay, will preside at to
nirhf. relehration. assuming the posi
tion formerly held by David H. Go wans. ,jay night. Dr. Rebeo will deliver that
- t
We will move from our Branch
Store, 308 Washington Street,
Wilcox Bldg., on January 31st
Only 5 More Days
to avail yourselves of the tremendous savings
on fine shoes.
Sole Agents for the Celebrated
308 Washington Street
li si! s
Department of Achitecrure of Univer
sity of Oregon la Fosterlns;
Movement for Lectures.
Architectural draughtsmen and stu
dents have established a Portland ate
lier of the Beaux Arts Society of New
York under the department of archi
tecture at the University of Oregon and
the educational committee of the Ore
gon chapter of the American Institute
of Architects. Fifteen men are in line
for registration.
The subjects given are architectural
design, pen and Ink sketching, de
scriptive geometry, graphic statics and
structures. Arrangements have been
made whereby criticism will also be
given at the Art Association Wednes
day or Thursday Bight on the work in
the life class.
- A lecture course, given by members
of the faculty of the University of Ore-
.gon, practicing architects and others.
is being arranged lor naay nignia at
the Central Library.
The first leotur will be given n-
James H. McDonald, pipe-major of
Clan Macleay. who holds the cham
pionship of America, won at the
Panama-Pacific International Exposi
tion, is to appear on the programme.
The complete programme has been
arranged by William Llnklater and is
as follows:
Beaten overture, Collins Orchestra: re
marks. Chief A T. Matthew, basplpe se
lections. Pipe Major J. H. MauDonald;
"There Was a Lad Was Born la Kyle," "O
Sing tae Me the Auld Sootch Bangs." Dr.
Stuart MeOulre; dance. Scotch reel. Messrs.
Hood and Sutherland: Reel o1 Tullooh.
Misses Matbla and Williamson: "I'm Owns
Vouns tae Marry Yet," "My Heart Is 3alr
for Somebody." Rostna Macintosh: humor
ous recitation, Aleo Runciman; "Mary of
Arg-yle," "Annie Uiurle." Oliver B. Hughes;
sword dance, William Sutherland; "Roy's
Wife o' Aldivalloch," "Last May a Braw
Wooer Cam Doon the Lang Glenv" Mrs.
Virginia Hutchinson; humorous sons. Don
ald MacGrejor; "O" a' tha Alrts the Wind
Can Blaw," Dr. Stuart MeOulre; Highland
fling. Miss Williamson, Miss M. Mathis;
"O Whlatla and I'll Come tae Ye, My
Lad," Roslna Macintosh: humorous recita
tion, Aleo Runciman; "The March of th
Cameron Men," Oliver B. Hughes; "Shean
Trews," William Hood; "The Blue Bells
of Scotland," Mrs. Virginia Hutchinson;
humorous song, Donald MacGregor; "Auld
Lang Syne." Aceompanlst. Car( F. Sutton.
Uncle Sam made 2,IOO,oeo last year from
the sale of wood from the Government
forests. .
firat incturs. describing: great epochs
of architecture and the civilization of
which they are a part.
Another of the extension courses be
ing maintained by the State University
is that given to the carpenters of the
city under the direction of Professor
Percy P. Adams, of the school of "archi
tecture. Graphical methods of design,
estimating coat and other subjects per
taining to the trade are treated in a
comprehensive manner. The course Is
Absolutely th
cheapest and beat
fuel on the market;
three .ton lots. $7
per ton delivered.
Will Hedaee Yaw peal Bill Oae-Malf.
Main 22. A 2293.
V M "The Road of a ' WlY
"The Road of a
Thousand Wonders'1
Through Oregon. California, Arisona, New Mexi
co, Texas and Louisiana there is an ever-changing
scene to interest the traveler.
Mountains, canyons, rivers, cities,
seashore resorts, orange groves, rice
and cotton fields. Pueblo Indian cliff
dwellings, Salton Sea and all the way
Sunshine and Flowers ,
All-steel through trains daily from Ean Fran
cisco and Lo Angeles to New Orleans.
Tickets, reservations or further., information at
City Ticket Office. Corner Sixth and Oak Streets,
Union Depot or East Morrison-street Station.
Telephone Broadway 8760, A 6704.
Will Reopen 11 AM. Wednesday
Anything you can wish for at all times
Highest quality foods at low prices.
Sixth and Washington Sts.
Ladies Especially Invited
being given at the boy' school of
Six Marshfield Rioters Fined.
MARSHFIELD. Or., Jan. H. (Spe
cial.) Six Greeks were fined various
etimn ranHnir frnm IS to 120. todaV in
Recorder John Butler's court, for riot
ing in a Greek cones-nous last oai
tirday. Axes, knives and chairs were
used as weapons, and several partici
pants were severely Injured.
Wa vplKh to thank our friends Who SO
kindly showed their sympathy during
our receut uercdveineut.
Ten varieties of Delicious Candy
50 and $1.00 the box.
The Hazel wood
Confectionery and Restaurant
Washington St. at Tenth.
Better Shoes
in our
Steps to Economy Dept.
For Men and Women
$2 .00
the pair
Knight Shoe Co.
Morrison Street
Near Broadway
Scotch Night
Anapiee Clan Maeleay)
Virginia Hutchinson, Roalna Mc
latoah, Stsuurt MeGnire and Oliver
B. Hoghea in Burns' and other
Scottish songs.
popular Society Entertainer.
In Scotch Reels, Sword Dance,
Shean Trews, Highland Fling.
. .
j Floor. 50c; Balcony, 60c, 75c, $1.
It used to be proverbial that every
man (and It is certainly no less true
of woman) is either a fool or a phy
sician at forty. This means that every
Intelligent person must learn so much
about caring for his own health that
by the time he is forty year of age he
can almost be reckoned as a physician.
Why, then, is there so much talk by
doctors against "self-medlcation"T A
woman can recognize all ordinary ail
ments without calling on a doctor. If
they are ailments distinctive to her
sex she generally knows enough to
use that greatest of all remedies for
such, ailments, Lydla E. Flnkham's
Vegetable Compound, and likewise she
Is familiar with the standard remedies
for other disease. Adv.
-k king or all rnt.iML roLiant5
KwpatvatomobUenttinjtBiiew&iid makei
all metAic a pleaeare tx loott. The only
safe pol nh tor alaminam. Made of th
finest o tit no cid or ammonia uaed.
Does the work qalckly mnd give a last
ing polish. Sold in two size cans by all
Grooerj. Hardware and Drug Surras
M Knives that Cut Razors that Shave 1
Thumb th Wide ef t Keen Kntter Pocket Knife nd feel the keen, true edse. Buy
It. use it for rough work or fine, and that edge stays. .
Keen Kutter Safely Razors guarantee a real shave, beesuse they are built neht and
because Ihehlades sre right. Made with a "hane." these safety razors fit the
natural shaving motion. Keen Kutter blades are made of the finest Swedish cut
lery steel, ground with great accuraoy and thick enough to hold their own against
the stiff est beard. The Keen Kutter Junior is a wonderful value at ,l.0u, which
include ci rasor and six blsd.
KELLER-SEEBERGER HDW. CO.. 44 w.inston Bt.
F. R. CHOWN 23 Morrlaea St.
WESTERN HARDWARE CO., Broadway at -ln.
W. C. V."UJKS, 470 Washington Bt.
BACKUS & MORRIS, T3 Morrison St.
Cheap, for those who won't
have good; Schilling's Best for
those who won't have poor and
theirs is the real economy.
It's the economy of fine coffee,
its richness, full-developed in roast
ing, blending, even grinding and
removal of bitterish chaff.
It's the economy of the airtight
tin, which seals in every particle "of
flavor the coffee develops from the
hour it's roasted.
Flavor. Economy. Moneyback
Schilling's Best
Not the best in the world, "but
as good as any. Not art adver
tised instrument, that's why it
sells for less. Get the idea?
Write for information and Mr.
Dorland will call.
Dorland' Music House
"Home of the Shoninger.
Vancouver, Washington.
Byron Hot Springs
Only 10 miles East from Ean Fran
cisco on main valley line 8. P. R. R.
between San Francisco and Los
Angeles, (Ask any S. P. Agint)
Splendid motor trip over new
state highway. New and abso
lutely fireproof hotel with every
comfort and convenience.
In th Dry Belt avarage yearly
rainfall inches.
Wonderful waters and baths for
tha cur of Rheumatism, Sciatica
and other tils. Wonderful place for
the tired business man. An Amer
ican plan hotel, strictly up to date.
Under management of
u D uaPKicro
for past ten years with Hotel Del 1
'Ask year Southern Faclflo agent
for literature.
The Y. M. C. A.
will fit any ambitious young man
r woman for high-class positions in
Bavkkecplnar, Stenography aa
To men this includes valuable
athletic, aquatle and membership
privilege, although tuition cost 1
les than elsewhere.
PkM Mala 706S, A M1
Our class In publlo speaking I
riving great confidence and com
mand el language to Its members,
'in cost is smalL
Electrical Contractors.
Wiring Supplies.
Repairing of all kinds.
Ill West I'ark Street,
l-Utork BliM-k.
AM56 Broadway
Suit called for and de
livered. Bponfred ana
Pressed. 11.50 per month.
Also we will make you
a suit to order lor 110
down and to per montu.
Inlqae Tailoring Co.,
I0 etarU St., bet tlb
ana stn.
Phone Broadway 514
let x.ennon'8 do
tour umbrella
repairing and Ns
Covers from 75a.
Lennon's Laurel Cov
ers, guaranteed two
rears. t.I0-H.OO.
Morrison. Opp. P. O.
C. F. BERG. Mr.
Pianos and Player
Pianos. Prices reason,
able tor eapert work.
Sheraan.iyfoy& Co,
Cor. Sixth and Morrison.
Shoe Repairing
We call and deliver.
Phona us. Rubber Heels,
Men's or Women's, oc
14 l ourth street,
Mear Alder.
Motor Car Repairing
of every description.
Machine work in connection Servle
car at your service. The largest and bet
quipped repair piant n iub ra'.-mw
Fred Dundee ffi
S1K JRFFirRMiv DI.2..
Both Phones,
East E'itle Branch, East Water and Balmoa
n ssi s iii a i ispsisi "'s'i.-x.
f . '.-:
Trunks and
Cases .
Repaired by
Free Delivery
Mala 1774.