THE MORNIXG OREGOMAN. " FRIDAY." JANUARY II. 101C. I STATE BANKS ELECT Eiistng Boards Re-chosen In Almost Every Case. TWO MEETINGS POSTPONED Ifc-ar. t Ctrm-tt He-tlrr-a Irmmm l-aetel at rtlUM tNrrrorM fH lorn With Xrm U J. X. Teal lui ifli; Tr4. fvkliWir af taa .rio. aeahe eeerellee; Hhl '! fKrtt aaat y..tr4a- eaej imh1u4 ! eta-tlaa r.M-I' alt te -eeeat I una ef aftare. te ?areadera mad. aa tma-ertaal raangea. Tle elaetlag fcaar. w -r r...le.'t.4) la !( ' Taa eaaal aigalfK-aat wee taa af lleary I foeru mm e.,-tr af in. Us.4 TUtea lUaa. Thi t f trim ruvio eatl-tru,t lew fililif laterta km ( eVreetaratea V. f'nrBatt M Mlof ef Ik Flrat Nafle-ia. T. te. TUleej fn 'a. t-tx la bis etar. I V T.i. r- t r l a. a enrete af ta Ftr.t Sauaaa! aa Taa.ter. re- t. ki iaa aa ibe e-a-ej af te .itr. stasias. A T-a.t t'M.Mf a rM"fl.i aaaatiag Taa taa kaafc ae aw! mt trim easee .at af ele-a lha:, t rcvnt a.aaaad. af eeb.f tia.iMM aas taa eala-aj.el aValta re af ejtratara )' t araaael ..!.t.aa. fare4 M' Teal's fraaa lk I'trat etioaal w.u II tVaaiii a a eiacted) reaaier af tsa t'ttlaaee' tlaafc. la fill a eeemi lit at kaa ealataa far anana It ala-4 by Ik taftnl banks aar a. follaa. r r . a. t. Vina. r. a. .. tmrnmrn T e:ia. J. V. Teal aaa Jeeaaa. I I4 t ti A Tittnav W. M tja-f-t. Maura) raaliaiua. I'karUa I'.. Lad. J W lr La -I t. reader at ITeU aa4 Teev. a a. X v UaMfaaM T-.t CaaMar- a K.atiea. r. A frtaaaa. Jeeaaa faa. altar. Jr. r -al-. J K W kealar H -.!. f. tnkt aa-4 II Carry. at,an!a tteab f. AaJraa? a;-. Fr.aa :. t-al. la.ta? aii. Jana tTtarail aa4 I. V. . f.rl a'iia' Haak X 1". (araralar aaa) Jaart rvat. rrt'4 Traal ala tlaak It L. rxiark. Caarrt Ol U rrtaa. Jok a T"ar aaa) trr. A. ft. Nrrk Rank af Kralaaa raa T Haa- a.r. Jaaaaa ft Krr. J V. Hark.. J M Taatraar J . :.aarar. f. ka . Mar Ma aa J ka . .'. rtr.l Trw.1 Mila fUak T. iv.. UaM l.,l r . tra. .r. J. aV M.ifaak aa4 . Ma4ar aa. a.l H4a H.k M M V.akalU I. N.k I aaa) K" N.akall Daaa af MaatarlUa La Araall. A r Har. U a MCr.all. taara V. fiaikalr. k J flraaa. Wllltaaa alr. C. V raal.r aa4 W. T. J.aa fhaala af ttallaan t. II. Al.l4 Jmmmm Maaa.. W II farark AlKa M Al-aa4.r. .. A. Ziar. Tk.aatar No la aH J kk t .a-aa-ll Haafc af linrla W flal.a a Tax t.'f. w. Hat.a. Jr. Umj4 Hat. aa4 J. r. Hlrr.IL. AIT RaataHa C. K. r.aavrlia. R A. our aa4 X. A. A-hl.l. Ta. vaa4ta.tiaaAa.ri'a ftaak a.f la. MaltaaaM Ulala Haak a- ana4 aaaaal atacttaaa far a faar a). Tka Tula A T. faaaoaay aal4 IHa follala 4irIMa. J. . Alaa anrtt, la'l 1. flraaaack. Joka ' Tair. kaait.r kt. Iai. f'raakiia T i..l'it. J U llartmaa. R. H Ilaaar4. r. V. t44 aaa) kkaii.r Mackaa. Tka firl.ra Ik.a aUr.4 Ik foOearlnt mHWmtm. Jaka T tmlr. - ktaii.r Mark-. I'.arl a hrflMuf V fcra-araa,al: Wallar W. tr. traaaar.rr A. raiiar. aaaraiarv; L. J. Moraa4ar. aaatrianl ar r.lar. I. - - J BOREAS EASES HIS GRIP i-Mt.. ri. Nf a ikurfta. auioitwkil aa4 karaa-4raa aaFikla Iraffv aaa araria. Ktraat ak.a fallaataaT laa kata Uk.a ataaf Ik mtrmmUmt Iravka II taaa a aaa-k k aa aalaaxakita aaa aarlk la r.alar f.r lata aapiaar4 atrraia oktra II aaa l'ilr4 altk ckaiaa aa Ika rar Iji-.a, r.imm rkaia ral4a I aaa II. aaa it ajta iivl la a arafl. Aa4 aiaar a car 4 4 a-1 l i a.tr4a. aa4 k.4 la k akaa4aa-4 aal:l na aaaar aaalia. ar tka atraal-rl.antaaT aaaaflaaal aaakaa t t" lm- t ikal II kaa ka.a ax 4 4a " . I PTar kaAtal.a aa4 la V.r4 atraal rill a.r 7ra.varla far vka'aff.Hfa kaa Al aaa Itaaa laa Iar4r aft.raaaa tl f. fraaa llraaa ataaa la litaar V ar4a. a.r at " k at .aflrota aulal. aalaaaa ia.taaatk aa4 kaoiajiaa a4 tka Iar4 . a ml tn.aa k4 k.aa aaa4an4 alii katt.r ana A ianaatal karaa a, lai-iaa aaaraf'il:t la aaa aa atk.r. aa4 Ika claiflaxr af tka Ink a la. a. At Ut r.rarta 6 aa aolll pt.rtf. aat aa fta aa:ar.4 t'aal 94: Irara4 aavirkl. riaturri aa tka aktta aaa 1 1 " . alaa4uaH araatara la la aaka af a r.traatlaaj kattaa liar. (Mi aa Kiajaia aaaaa. Ifrr tka tl rao.rl a an.flraa -I'M'-attaa .trr4ar ka-i 'r4 taal la. .ff..ta a.ra raar4 Mt aaaar. II aaa 4'i4.4 la 'tat la rvaaav It. ar pa '1 af It aafara It ra!4 aaa aa4 kaat tka atr..rlata 4f.rlaja ta It. Ta Ikt a4 aatk.rtty aa llvaa I ameloy ftot af tk aatnploa4. Tka f.r. I a-t ta aatt aftaat I ar'at lia la aftrraa al kraal aa4 k:urit.. r.t aaa) k4 "ark. 4 aa I T"4 kr aiktfal!. ka aaaaa aa4 arta ara laaV4 altk aaaa a4 4tnaa-.4 lata It. ttaar fraaa foal mt raa. ik. Waklataa aa4 Jfcl.r If Ika ttr raatlaaaa la laajir at.. kaa.a.r. t ut ta araa ataaaT tnat tit aaa. la fUkt-a atra.l aa4 mm a4. ka.ina t aa lta aa I mm fj. a alraa4 aiil aaa il a4 faa)a aaa? a-f 9m Ika aatkatlaa taa la4 Ikalr m.a ta tka aal Tk ta aa.U Ia4aaa) ka aa aaairttt Iru-k. tf it a.r aal tar tka atrarar rata- aaw frana t!ta aatar af a; atraata la a!t'.t fimtm mfm raf trarka. II waa4 ka ftar4 oa aTtta aai.tara ta -at.aa4 tmAmj Ikaaata iNajktr Mrrl Itrt4- r'-.k.ttTt Or . Jaa. 1 r t r-lal l f rai fata aaaa4 kr tka 14 af tit aaaa la tka aaaaatala 4.4 aa 4aana. ta Ika fTatkar taai ki-ta .r tka Lakiaat Hir.r. Ka. a a.r k.ta kaaa laat all w.ak rata laaT ta aaiatk aa4 kM-k aaa aa4r ax.aad aa4 k4 4'C r 4 karaw Ik a : IA fvai. IN THE WAKE OF THE T ' 'T?r' Vaaw - 1 t '-T - i wj ; ; r V-t'"j v . -vr,. i . ' 4 t . . V"t5;a ' T Ml- rv, n T I . .; r "t t " .1 li-rT. . w-k k-- 11 ALL PUPILS EXPECIEO Rotot to mmoou rttntiue AMI IILOIkta WUL IIKkTCO. kallaMta la Tka I Hjll A rr Ak tralrrfaf. ! kr (aaaaal af laarrlalrafraL rrunarr srad.a la all Iba Tart land arkoala baa kaaa ar4r4 raapaa4 e4ar by Muprrintrsd- at U R. Aidartaaa. Halldm that far lha pa.l laa daya ba ka. rloa.4 barauaa of lo.uf f I baatlac farlllllaa ataa a 111 imita lupin ti l ttiornln. ao ail rortlaad rkool rbtldraa ar aaactad la ka la plaeaa ak.a lb aaaralaaT aaaalon apaaa. ! from IN pri mary iradr af Ik Portland Kboeta. aba baa, a lib Ik ronrant cf Mr. Alraaaa. haa pandln Ik laat day aad a balf at baoaa. a ill ba r-t4 ra.uava atarfta tkta morn In . Il la tkoacki by Mr. AMarasan tkal ka tan kaa p-ka4 urTlrtanlty. and aa ikr ma ta ba no Indtratioa af a rtn.r alarm, it la a fa for tka yataac- tara la alt. ad. la Ifcoa bolldlnsa kal a.r lanaparartly rloard bacaua f laaylf trtaai kratiac. amanr Ih.m ba aa tiiaaM-oa. tircory llrisat and Ua-hl.T taraan, lha Jaaltora bar ka ora ara-a.taanad ta Ikalr aaaaaal taak ad ar r.ady for aay raaarcrnry. aa aa mora laronrani.n- la lc lad on Ikal a aft. Tka llsffmaa ackool. rloaad raaa mm puptla ar.ra la attaad aiKi v4a:"1y. aaa ropna4 yraiar day. Il aa aatimatad Ikal ttrlla aar akarat from raialtr plaraa a kaa Ik moral 0 4 aaaaloa bafaa Yaa Iar4r. Hul faar -bola. TVlltkrldxr. Taal aaraiaad. I'aptlol Hill aad lilraraa. a.ra rtoaad yval.rday Tka Brat Ibra f Ikaaa ara aortaklak POULTRY AWARDS MADE !cfUT Weathrr. .t.i:M. Or. Ja tl f(Mrt) T l Arioty. County rliry ihomr no k.f kt4 ! JrmTtn4T fair -aitdr-x rro 4pit tfllrrat tbrr Kltll ( fctrda from all Mctlon of ta Af fritf -- Amft4T ta am md ar th fal- fa) 4 t-lMMIW-Vl.ltr tk akfr 4. Ha,. WtmV flt. "-' 4k l-r4 ffatM'. i , a fl-. .--, l I f'ka.'tA t'lt. ll-ajdj aa lf.r I M ftk. WrtMl MfRfv ki-d . aaaa. a 'a -. aTr4 tfal - 4aT-fal. A. V . V -. Hfcr ahf-mii. ff T tt I! wfc . fX-am, A asta-A. t r i at !it "ta. tl ftrx. IMnJ a4 faaaaa-t M M..:T. al-m. frt a tr4M. M- - W II -'. rdkam. --aa4l ray a f1 aj a, d ftswrlM - l-n H- K. K. ' -. mm -.b-. IM4 akiir.. . M rx ta. anm, f . --, rV a-k-a (" mra-T-dld. Hdk-.ll tavt- 'w-a J m ataa -!- ftt) 4a. J. M j amia acka4 STORM SNOW SCENES A BOLT . a - aiai r- r - - k . ill. r -.. , I il l ill . l i -,sy ffi" i Ill Aa lataraaapia klatar klrlak. fit kaa4 af laraaalayai I'aaW Caaa ajalaalaaar kakrr Taa-fcllaa Ik kaa w la Uarr kAaaklaaTtata ktrrvt. IS) TaaaaUag Tkraack a Drift. (41 Prrtty I.al4 far a Uiraaar, Llltl Palaa Tnt and faartk rarkaral aad an4 rark: W. 11. t ra.lanL aalm. aaroad rarh.r.1. ftrat. aa aad aad IMrd k.a ard flrat rack. ' ' r t Dr. Kama Mr. K. It. 1 1 a ) rr. ka laaa flrat aock. Hoff -ra. R. It Cala. kV a, flrat and aaco.d rorkaral. I'art-tda. Hacka tr. r w IVarklrr. Km. t-ra. ftrat aad a.caod kra flrat pullat aad flrat caH.k.r.L. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SI earner 9rT-r4o!. DCS TO ARRIVE. Vm Trrm Dt. hvr , ..tot Anr:. tm port W A kUNri .-. Krrt-4. . - ! port Nrtbra lrtfkt. . Tr-tnt-lmc. . . 1 l'kr Anc'lti Jan. - II RtamVO . I Mr CO JtM. Zm bl,. TO DEPART x rr rt. T A Kltni ldkR ruriflvaj... Jan. t I-p4. It r f -r 1 Jan. t Uitimlit t-i-( Jan. l- lmr ! A m a-l-btJ .... Jail. 1 - ti . for J P ....Jan. IS Sfaha-trrji rrtfl.. !) r - n r-1 r9 . . . -Ian. J H tt(b. r'idr....Jiii. 1 a . .a ... tUa rra (.--. . . .Jan. lur Ia ! Jin. IT? K-ak t';.ro Jan. r C-":l t'i-. 'ba I I M 1 1 nom ft it tko .. tat-4-k4- llMH(kr Hfffttf, 11. TO ARRIVE. I'rwtaj !a. Krtitt-i.a IlvvoJaaa. . V T tt y y- Ut'B TO PtPABT. r r-a 13 Mar. J rat. -lti.O M't).u . ... r s Mar. ltaBa..I. . Marine 'ora. l -nfrar r-'mraj wfr4aT rlud4 I noo ?t abvia4 fh iitiirifr J H Hti 0iO. aa- ft-M-a is Tatra r-a;a a4 -3-i.i-jr fai - th ttfamir ta.y t'utaata, ail fr Kaa t raaciar. t avaia 1 T f th tankar Ml Ha. tK i a y--a-fai. after br firi hf. taa la tortian-S- A'ak f.akwt al akdkaa 11m. H Mn- balti( iIti rn nta af lha Mtn a mat, ro;tt ta l ar awaia taua oti. WarJ r-a'-aatr r?a!r f lh Ja HIM ilMt-Btf K'k -a Uarta No J Oiii a-rt ai la-l aia Rf l:a a th. ki? rraa-r laodjii far 4ftvno-k. c-l mtk o iMnk li aa mt iftm mm mm pant ( v rdaxl !-. X4 rlt4 ba 4 fh4 fiakan I'amrt.mnrl mmrm lh KaaAoa Mtnt .So, 2 aa kataa Mr Nx a mtw al lha . "'! filch mmm f rmrf Ti-f lfa Hr'ltah f a an! aaa i.d aa AnnrV rmm'-mtm-r Vr- ka a 1 luaaa m,m t ! ! rmfakl of rT triavauia rirat rw-wia f br lMin fho 4 4 r laa 4anaa Mia -a aaxt at fVajk Wrmmem m-X hm4 Wra o)a la HI ar twaat-itM rK ail. lb aiaajaai Rrm t'l'v rkl tt. Itha hr -4 .( aa bNy ti- ta it a. it at mmald t-ml d nr . . a i Bm ttatia4 laaa I tta pt af tha t::aiaa I a f-i Wrka la a t9-w ta ka ar itdiTfl) l:rtd-4 l tti-aia 'pa -( & 4 f"-" fnian pqmlw 4Mfk4T a-C Pt rrxtMr k A la- l-aa r- rvd4) OrMI Hrifta. r .. Wbora tea 4 .iir4 an i iva-f (Ka Pa A?. -a (-mLf tF ri fa-n f Mln( t !.a C jMb.4 a"ul aahrirc mf that bod j -bn laa-4 a tkn-kt iwa yrwfmrmr at tad)k4 lh' f' -" a .!-- Ma. h-d a I. a Tamp.a at a. -- i-kh! r r )af a atw ia 4mV Nitiu 4 aa v.-m. PORTLAND YESTERDAT. a. vt .--,. f - . vy Si a. X. on rlrer atvamara. balnc ataward atHjard lb affxio-e. Kuib and tthr carrier. Mavamaai a aim aebvooer rr port ad vtrray includatf ih arrival af th J. B. Htataua and Ge. W. Kan Irk. from Cal ifornia porta, and Ih depart or from tSaa Kran -taco of th tan himon yaaterday mornior. anO of Ih Pania Barbara and an-a Monica WtdneaOajr. th trio blnf aoaotl br. Movements of Vessels. POrTLAND. Jan. 13. Arr1vd Brltlah hip talala. from Albany. Kal.d Sl-a.-n- r ta.v futnim. for aSan Franrw-o: Jap ini iirimrr Yaa Maru. for fkattl. Aatorta Jan. IX Sailed at 6:i A. M.. Kar nannke. for ha DIo. via aay ports. Arrived at S A M.. and left up. tamr V. A. K II bum. from San FrancUro via Kareka and Coo Bar. Arrived al :.0 and lfi up at 11:40 A. M., i earner OeO. W. from Haa Fedro. Hailed at 1 P. M . urimtr Mill, for tmn Fedro. tan Krancla-o. Jan. IX Halted at 4 A. M.. tfimtr t-mn Ramon, for Fort. and: at noon. taamer Har. frm Portland lor San Pedro. January 17 Arrive at 4 P. M . ateamer Nort riera Pacific, from Fla el. alled at & P. M. itfimtr Kama Barbara: at P. M.. ateama. Hanta Monica, for 1'olumbia Rtvr. ban Pfdro. Jan. 13 -Arrived Steamer Tmpr K- lrr. from (.'olumbia Hiver. Jao uary li Arrival and aalled. ateamer Geo. U Elder, from aaa Dto, for ca Fran- ClK. Aafrla. Jan 12 lft up at a:30 P. M.. Brttiah ahlp l,andae. l-aa Frmftd-lara. Jan. 11. Arrived Ft earn er Waiiortvo t British-. fre-3 Kkdney 'roii of Seville B-itlahl. from Oiaaaow; Mulklitea. Charlr .Nelaon. frnrn Port An- "laa; Ma! Mi Ioltr. from Tacoma; Ad mtral fu-hley. Conirr. from Halile; Tel tots at on, from foot Bar. Ha lied tit camera han Kan tm. for Ferttand; Cehlo. for Kattle; taiar Frerman t'armel. for r;raa Harbor. fteatti. Wuh, Jan. 13 Arrived Meam era A lamMa. from ?oth wtm A laaka ; llraao. Fl ftecundo. from Jan FTan-liKro. haiiad -t earner KI lleuodo, for ban Krao aiko bant Sal. Jan 11 Arrived Piemr ri..a Maru. from bia FrancUco; Aa Maru, from T Aroma. Yokohama, Jan 11 -Arrlvd Steamer Hawaii Maru. from Taom a. Tocopt; a Jan l'-t- Arrived 5tmer D Solo from Kan Franrlaro. Yoat.haana, Ja- I '2 failed ft earner Ta coma Mara, for T aroma New From Ore icon Ports. A JtTORt A. Or.. Jan. IX. 8px-lal. The 'earner tjeo. r . Fe e It arrived from Fan riro la lt-d lambr at W eat port. auoa aad ih Hammond mill. The eteam arhooner Khaeta f do from naa Frannaca to load lumbor at Rainier aad Fee--and. The ateamer T. A. Ktlbura arrived from an Franciaeo via Fureka and Coot Bay. Her hull aaa heathed aa a protection aaint dama b- tb tr be for aba pro- ritH up th river, famine frlhl aad raaaenaor from Al- tana and Fori an, th at-amer Koanosa ai ej for Kan Feanclaro and Kan Pieso. After dlaar'taretnc fuel oil. th taOB ataaimef Mil eaitd for raUfornta. KaHor at Work on Krnkon Maru. SEATTLE. Waah. Jan. 13. The Jap anese ateamer Kenkon Maru No. 2. whir-b rroundd In tne Gulf of Georgia y.aterdsr during a snowatorm and Is till fast. Is In no danger, according to l:r charterers. Frank Waterbotiae a. Co. ."alrora are al work on the boat. with every proapeet of get ting tb aklp off after Tightering part af tha cargo. It probably will ba nec essary to dork tha Kenkon and remove ro.b. wf'fcer cargo, , X- PORT BOARD MEETS Changes in Towing and Pilot age Are Discussed. SCHOONER TO REPLACE TUG Pnliuer Soon to B Ready for Sea. New Wireless Plants to Go on Public Vessels Dredging Matter Comes Up. In another month the pilot schooner Joaaph mil tier, owned by the Tort of Portland Commission, will ba ready to reaume her station off the mouth of th Columbia and one or the two tug's t&era will be laid up. unless there is a spurt in the movement of sailing: vessels bound here. The programme was made known yesterday by E. V Wright, manager of tha Port, at the regular meeting. He was authorised to equip tha schooner with Jt new wireless plant and as soon ss poaslble install others aboard the tugs Wallula and uneonta. purcnaae ne Ins; made from the Kilburn-Clark Wire less Company, of Seattle. The tep means that trie Marconi service, which has been patronized since wireless was used on the tugs, will be given up. the Tort deciding to purchase outright ana employ its own operators. The pilot schooner was ordered in side In the Fall. By February 15 she will be thoroughly overhauled to be turned over to the Columbia River bar pilots. Mr. Wright suggested to the Commission the withdrawal of one tug because most of the sailing vessels hsve been dispatched for the season, and. with wireless aboard the schooner, the two vessels could keep In touch so theirs would be prompt service as to tows and pilots. Dredare Repairs Flaaa.ed. Commissioners Inman. O'Reilly and Spencer were named a committee to go over the dredge Columbia, repairs outlined on which are estimated to cost $11,000. It is proposed to retain some of her own men and employ four extra machinists, the drydock machine shop being used in connection with engine repairs, and it is believed a material saving will be made. The dredga Portland Is undergoing machin ery repairs, and when again in service will dig In the soutn ena 01 in ur bor.' The new dredge Tualatin will be traierf in about 10 days. It was made known to tne tommts- tlon that a deal is about to De clorea through which the smaller of two mills formerly operated by ho Monarch Lumber Company, on North Portland harbor, will be started up to cut about "i.000 feet a day. As the dredge port land completed redredglng tha channel there a few days sgo al a cos. oi an, i hut onlv from tha site of pro posed cosl bunkers, there remains J000 feet of channel to oe cieareu "t. Ant.. an raarh the mill. Owners of tha DarKenttne juann. hl-h was rescued from the breakers near the mouth of the river in October by the tug Wallula. offered the Port lilOO In settlement for Its bill. The ha.i. of a comDromlse. 13000 having first been fled as a reasonable sum. In Ih event a settlement i not ached the vessel will be iiDetoa. our: i. hImi.. ttar carzo ana may sail Monday or Tuesdsy. Harber F.steaaiaa Cenare l Tha fnmmiaslon made the ssme rec ommendation to Colonel Potter. Corps of Engineers. United States Army, con cerning proposed extension of the har bor lines to the mouth of the Willam ette River, ss were agreed to by the Commission of Public uocks. az Hon. wntcn linn itut ly rebuilt wings of live pontoons tha public drydocK. mount mc gar ment or money alleged to be due on extras, but the Commission declined to discuss the subject at length, having referred ail details to Manager Wright It was reported mat a scrap metai at m i j tiTn and a collection of dis carded dredge sleeves remain to be old. , , ..... Alfred Tucker anenuea ' session, it being nis iirst '... - he Board since his election. u .h.j s M. Mears. air. iitiu.". president of the Commission, was de .. home through illness, and Captain Shaver, vice-president, pre sided. YEARLY REPORT IS POPULAR Dock Body to Issue More Copies to Commercial Organization. r tnr the annual report of th Commission of Public Dock, are such that the trade and commerce bureau of he Chamber or t-ommcrta . t. - rnmml.inn to increase, vitc of copies allotted that body, which waa acquiesced to at yesterday s session. To a special committee engaged In compiling recommendations for the fu ture operation of dock No. 3. ' 1fct Johns. wss referred a communication from the SL Johns Commercial Club, ... th. Commission cause con necting tracks to be constructed from the dock to main line tracks there, also that the dock be reserved for public use at all times, no leases being entered nto with individuals or corporation. for space, which Is in line wnu ti policy of the Commission. The Commission voted to allow the Montague-O'Reillv Company Interest covering a period that the firm was unable to proceed with the Improve ment of East Water street while tracks were being laid between dock No. 2 and the main line of the Southern Pa cific, on East First street. OVERLAND CARGO IS LOST Stowage tytem Aboard Ycsan Marn Prevents Discharging Shipments Though special efforts were made on the receipt of a telegram from Frank Waterhouse -t Co.. to discharge all overland cargo here. If possible, the Japanese steamer Yesan Maru sailed yesterday for Seattle after having un loaded only freight consigned here. It was found that a heavy shipment of wool and other rreigni naa oeen tw. beneath the Puget Sound shipments, so could only be handled here by discharg ing practically the entire load and then restoring the rorinern stun. The O.-W. R. at N. sought to arrange for the steamer to shift from Municipal Dock No. 1 to the Oregon-Washington dock to expedite the movement of rail freight, of which there was about 1300 tons, but after an Inspection of the loading plan, showing how the cargo waa placed, the move was given up. No mora stesmers have been announced to follow the Teaan Maru here in that service, though there may be another In the Spring. The service Is to be resumed regularly when the war ends. CUSTOMS MAN IS PROMOTED . II.' Haddix Deconirs Deputy Col lector at Astoria. ASTORIA. Or Jan. 13. (Special.) Charles H. Haddix has been appointed by Collector of customs Burke as dep- r collector In charge or trie local office to fill the vacancy caused by lha dcaiLv oi the laic. A, f, Andcrsop, snd assumed the position this morn ing. Mr. Haddix has been connected with the local customs service as inspector during the past eight years, waa the senior officer connected with the As toria office aad had the indorsement of all the local shipping men. as well as of the business interests for the promotion. ICE IIETIKKS AXOTHER BOAT Wooden Hull Ocean Carriers Pro tected Against Damage. On the arrival yesterday of the steamer Joseph Kellogg, from Cowlitz River, having been navigated via Wil lamette Slough to escape ice in the Columbia above Warrior Rock, she was tied up until the ice goes out. The steamers America and I raid a made their usual trips between St. Helens and Portland, going through the slough and the gasoline launch Mlmare left for Rldgefield after having lost a trip. Otherwise the river fleet on regular runs remained inactive. The steamer J. B. Stetson, arriving yesterday from San Francisco, bore evidence on planks of her hull forward of having been in contact with the Ice. She will be sheathed when she leaves down. Th North Pacific steamer F. A. K 11 burn was held at Astoria until her bow could be sheathed before ventur ing into the ice district, her hull being of wood. DREDGE SALVING rXDERTAKES Stranded North Bank to lie Dis mantled for Machinery. ABERDEEN, Wash.. Jan. 13. (Spe cial.) Dismantling of the dredge North Bank, which recently went ashore near Westport during a storm, has been un dertaken by the Grays Harbor Con struction Company and it is believed that about $40,000 worth of machinery can be saved for the owners. The value of the dredge has been stated at $65,000. The dredge went ashore with the nrow facing the sea. The sand is washing awav under both ends and un leas the work is handled quickly the dredge may break in two. Oregon Horses for France. Delivery has been made here of 60 horses nurchased in the Willamette Valley for the French government, they having been transported rrom torvai lis, Albany and Independence on the steamer Grahamona. From fornana they will be shipped with others to New York bv railroad and join more mounts to cross the Atlantic for the fighting forces of the allies. The Gra hamona and Oregona are not bothered on the Willamette by snow or ice troubles that beset vessels on the lower river, and at present there is abundant water. . Snow Stops Ballast Discharging. Snow on the dock of he North Pa cific Lumber Company was of sucn depth yesterday that tr.ams could not be utilized advantageously in hauling ballast discharged into hoppers from the French ship Berengere. so the work wss postponed until tomorrow. Diffi culty has been reported from some of the mills, snow halting the distribution of lumber on docks and in yards. Marconi Wireless Reports.' (All paatllnaa reparted at F. M. January 13 unleaa atberwlae Indicated.) Pennaylranla. Balboa for San Francisco, left Punta Arenaa. January V2. P. M. Alliance. Aeajutla for Certnto, 153 miles west of Corlnto. January 12, 8 P. M. ban Joae, 8n Franciaco for Balboa, due at Corlnto at daybreak today. Arollne, Fan Francisco for San Pedro, 1" mllea esst of Point Conception. Governor. San Pedro for San Franciaco, flv. mllea south or Point Arffuello. George "rt". Klder. San Pedro for San Franciaco, five mile north of Pledraa Blancas. . . Cuico. Scuth America for San Pedro, 462 mllea aouth of San Fedro. Colusa. San Franciaco for Balboa, 1460 mllea aouth of San Francisco. Catania. San l.uls for Rio Janeiro, 685 miles aouth of San IJIS. Enterprlae. San Francisco . for Honolulu, B.7- mile. nut. Januarv 12. ft P. M. Mataonta. Honolulu for San Francisco, 1942 miles out. January 12. 8 P. M. Vflnneantan. Honolulu for Philadelphia. mllea aoutheaat of Honolulu. January 12. 8 China San Franciaco for Orient, 110 miles from Honolulu. January 12, 8 P. M. K.n Francisco far San rearo. -v mil.. aAtith .1 Point filtr. Celllo, San Franciaco for Seattle, live rouea south of Point Arena. Asuncion. Richmond ror foweil rtiver, ttv mllea north of Richmond. . ToDcka. Eureka for San l rancisco, j. mile, aouth of Point Arena. Thomaa. Manila ror San f-ranciaco, tn miles out. Adeline Smith. Marshfleld for San Fran cisco. 84 miles north of San Franciaco. San Ramon. San Franciaco tor rgnta-u. aa mit. nnnh nf Point Arena. Paraiao San Franciaco lor Seattle, mllea north of San Francisco. Speedwell. San Franciaco for Coos Bay. 220 miles north of San Francisco. Queen. San Franciaco for Seattle, miiea north of 8an Franciaco. Herrin. Monterey lor unnwn, -u. north of Monterey. Drake. Richmond ror oeawe, aw un.c. from Seattle. ' , Buck. Monterey for Portland, 159 miles south of the Columbia River. KUburn. Astoria lor rorxiana, from Astoria. ... Chanslor. Everett for Monterey. 221 miles south of Cape Flattery. Mills. Portland ror ban rearo, o.o - from tan Pedro. Roanoke, Portmnd for San Francisco, IjS miles south of the Columbia River. Coronado. San Francisco for Grays Har bor 30 miles north of Heceta Head. els Entered YeterdY. American steamer Atlas, cargo of oil. ballast. frAm iimn aTVat. nriiro American steamer Daisy Putnam, from San Francisco. American steamer Tamalpala, ballast, from Sa;mr?cn.Cn"C.0.-..n,er J. B. Stetson, general carxo rrern San Franciaco. American steamer Beaver, general cargo, from San Franciaco. French abip Berengere, ballast, from Brest. Teasels Cleared Testerday. American ateamer Beaver, general cargo. America, T steamer J. B. Stetson. 730,000 feet lumber, for San Francisco. American steamer Tamalpala, StO.OCO reel lumber, for San Franciaco. nn American ateamer Delay Putnam. 280.000 feet lumber, for San Franciaco American steamer Atlas, ballast, for San Jaoaneaa ateamer Teaan Maru. cargo in trenail, for Seattle. Tides at Astoria Friday. Mla-h. low. ..i... v I I feet 8:12 A. 11:46 P. i .-. T fret 5:S P.' M 0.9 fOOt Columbia Hirer Bar Report. NORTH HEAD. Jan. 13. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M. Sea. smooth; wind, east, 20 mllea. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage IJeenees. KRICKSON-EBICKSON Carl I. i i i .in nt nn Or., and Alina I. E rick son, ErJckson, 433 Brown avenue, and Velma . Harper, aged 1. P80 saratoaa street. ., SHIKLETT-BROWN toward J. Shlfflel. aired 32. 70 Failing atreet. and Helen Brown, aged 17. ami addrraa. Vanrauver Marriage Urease. it a rt.k El.LOOQ James B. Hart, S8, of Ibanon. Or ind Mra. Mary Kellogg. 37. 0,DALTON-SpRIVKEtrr f-lt.n. 27. of Portland, and Mra. Kditta Sprtnkel, 2a, of Portland, Blrtbs. UPDEGRAFF To Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Lpdgraff. U- Albwia venue, January ..BLn... i- Ms onri Urt John R Krf-I. berg, r. Hailock street. January S, a daugn- 'vjtVDERLIP To Mr and MTi v.ndrllo. Ill Eaat Forty-ninth F. M. street I Norfh Januarv 1, a daughter. K REM KB To Mr. and Mra. Jacob T. Kremer. Oiot Sixty-first avenue Southeast. Januarv . a son. t;l ESNON" To Mr. and Mra. Carl J. Glrnnon 40 Hort afeet. January i. a aon. - B.tRRT To Mr. and Mrs. Horace Barry, 2078 Holladay avenue, January 8. a aon. Building Fermlte. JiOIiGAiV-JJUslipSG JNVi.STJlE.NX CO. Increased Weight 22 Pounds Says Sergeant Campbell Remarkable Experience of Kentuckj Guardsman. Puts on Flesh at Rapid Rate. "1 koi l ne trial package of isargol and mm very much pleaxed with it," nates Quarter master Serjeant Campbell, of th-a First Ken turky Infantrv. who Bnds ub the photo above. Ho reports that by the time ho wai on the fourth package his weight had in creased 22 lbs. and ill at he felt like auothee, felllow. "When I Vean to take Sareol." writes K. T. Si veils. "I only weighed 139 pounds. No my weight has increased to lit pound. Everybody ays that I am getting so fat." I never felt better in my life since I hav been taking Sargol. The first two weeks gained 10 lbs. and am gaining every day. argol makt'S me eat and sleep and 1 don't: get up with a tired feeling any more, writes J. C. Weaver, and N. D. Sanderson adds. "When I started Sargol I weighed 147 lbs. and now I weigh ltto lbs. Everybody is) telling me how fat you have got in the lusb month." Would you. too, like to quickly put froml 10 to 30 Jba. of good, solid, "stay-th-sre flesh, fat and muscular tissue betweeea youtf skin and bones? Don't aay It can't be done. Try It. let us send you free a 60c package of Sargol and prove what It can do for you. More than half a million thin men and women haws gladly made this test and that Sargol does succeed, does make thin folk fat even where all else has failed. Is best proven by the tremendous business we have done. No drastic diet, flesh creams, mas sages, oils or emulsions, but a simple, harmless home treatment. Cut out the cou pon and end for this Free package today. Inclosing only 10 cents in sliver to help pay? postage, packing, etc. ' A dd ress the .Sargol Co. , 1 26 5 - V Hera 14 bldg.. Blnghamton. N. T. Take Sargol with your meals and watch it work. This will tell the story. FREE SARGOL COUPON Thui coupon with 10c in .silver to help pay postage, packing, etc., and to show good faith, entitles holder to one SOc package of Fargo) Freo. Address The Sargol Co.. TJS2-X Herald bldg., Blng hamton. x. y. Repair eight-story fireproof concrete) stores and offices, 3.0 Washington street between Broadway and Park streets; builder, same; $100. R. F. HATdU Rfoair two and one-half- story frame dwelling, 1 SS Thirteenth street, between Yamhill and Tavlor streets: builder. J. A. Melton; $K)ft. -" E. R. PITTEI.KArnpMlr six-storv or dinary stores and offices. 325 Washington street, between Sixth and Broadway; builder, J. A. Melton; $H00. - MR. BOWDER Reoair ono-storv frame dwelling. 437 East Forty-fourth street, be tween Sherman and Division streets; builder. C. J. Burkhart; 130. MRS. ANDERSO.V Repair one-story frame dwelling. 10S7 East Alder atreet be tween East Thirtv-flfth and East Thirty seventh street; builder. S. J. Wlllner; S75. SOURS THE FOOD Says Excess of Hydrochloric Acid Is Cause of Indigestion. A well-known authority states that stomach trouble and indigestion is nearly always due to acidity acid stomach and not, as most folks be lieve, from a lack of digestive juices. He states that an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach retards digestion and starts food fermentation, then our meals sour like garbage in a can, form ing acrid fluids and gases, which in flate the stomach like a toy balloon. We then get that heavy, lumpy feeling in the chest, we eructate sour food, belch gas, or have heartburn, flatu lence, water-brash or nausea. He tells us to lay aside all digestive aids and instead, get from any phar macy four ounces of Jad Salts and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast while it is effer vescing, and furthermore, to continue this for one week. While relief fol lows the first dote, it is important to neutralize the acidity, remove the gas making mass, start the liver, stimulate the kidneys and thus promote a free flow of pure digestive juices. Jad Salts is inexpensive and Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia and sodium phosphate. This harmless salts is used by thousands or people for stomach trouble with excellent results. Adv. Saves Cost of Trip to Hot Springs 608S (Sixty-Eighty Eight) acts almost identically the same as the waters of Hot Springs. It eliminates the causes oi Rheumatism. 088 (Sixty-Eig-hty-Elebt) 1s unar anteed. 088 must relieve your Rheumatism must prove beneficial in cases of Chronic Skin Eruptions. bOiousness or ntdlg-estlotr or your money will be returned to you by your own drufcrkTist. Now you've no reason to continue to suffer from RHEUMATISM . Yon have no reason for lonsrer tak ' Injjr a cbance on tho permanent defor mities that Rheumatism frequently causes. You've no longer any reason to endure the agony of Chronic Skin . Eruptions, biliousness or indices don. MM also cleanses the entire system, re . rives ntxmal strength of orgsns, and aids Naturti to restore your old-tima -basiUi and ritalitr. CD1TC This "alnable book "Medical aVVaCsjCal AdviC- Ota RhCCTPSt tCTI." PrSC- tieal amhoritatiT. Enables you to detect symptoms of Inflammatory, Chronic rtjca Ifja. or jaujjjcuiaU i.uciHjiatHu-1. rtit Haw to take ear of yourself. Send your tiam " .1 and ai4rss for it geEf- . - a TODAY. mk. Vila. AID IN STOMACH Matt. J. tirtWL- SLraaLKssA - . J srxrv V - ill usiy