Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 13, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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- ; - 1 " """ 1 " ' ""'"v
ralaaaa I ka praaorar. k. la aow at 1 ; b-
oikm Ira luinlbaa.
Tka Ilalrkr( Atlorn.;' off-a. haw baa lak.n laa raaa lo Iba BupfVaa
'earl lo dtutmiM wbthr a )uda baa
Iba rtcbl lo parola a prtaob.r allar
baataa onra HtarH hi m.
Ap4 lBr. ara olbar atuallr c4
rail. al!a-;. o lha Ju4a Uobart J
Morrew I'ltia. M. at Tbaaa art
noarh. Ihoulh. lo .how lha anaral
trwaa af lha mmb.rah.p.
!i.h a rlub. proparla bardlad. rould
pal 1 oa. mlcktv aood political llrk
for lha Trua. bia doaaa I
aplra oatil January. Ihrra '
to . but than II doa.n I hurt la ba
torahaad'4 In haa hula mattara.
paalallr If Iba tudi. ahould dr.lra lo
raaaw bl randlda. r for lha Muprarna
iViil. fra nka b randl'lary. aa will ba
ramambarad. ba withdraw in I at J art.r
rarlaln Irr.aularllla. in raaard lodraw
ma kla aaiary bad baan rharaad.
Tttaaa rbaraaa of Irr.Cularltlra had
lo do with kla anakin amdaril. a re
quired br n law paaaad tr lb 111
Several. Convicted but Kept
From Prison by Judge
Morrow, Eligible.
I 111 -f
1 a ,. - t
v :
AiMlirf'i (..ill AdanlaaioS Mtlrif
Uwl astl rmlrnr a,iaaarscJ.
While- Tnim) I rrW fol
low Ins oaa Ml latest.
Tow trial oa!itial la fcr
tnm wit l'il and rsenitlo
prt!o up an ry k4. aom ot
i. ,,. mum start a Jads Itobort
t. Marrow I'lu.
n a r.Bt Batd for s-rn aa or-j.n.a.ti-.o,
wita an u-tete limlt.d.
. p.en wb kev saved from
!. laaiteatury otherwise. tevor4
t-ua Jadsa Morrow's -oa4 eravaa Is
me.r aonally. la bo Bore.
can.! tba vtao'oo proiaat of the
..trut Altoen.y.
tee Br.aUl.nt af tka rlub II . Mar
ie ui4 a, taffy Mr. lierlow
.t. Brat call kecno Joda-e Morrow in ki 'aaa ha best kin. oot
raiiatiary for a f-i'l ' sad
k:f aft.r be. as Beai.a. tn nod
itir oeaerv.e aaotker.
All Mr ll.rtew waa eoaVr4 of waa
-mptk U la a.r.uaa ( aa aed
a. ma a. Mf Wilttaas llr.-e. Hon kua
aaMt wa. m 4 nnabte la worn, la' bar Sbb.-i1 all. la rl
aorta-aoe at I aaa p-r cent, aad
u.k in. ov.aay ! bol.t.r np t"e Bllp-
a.aa k.,.ta..e af t a aria a llw
!. Mra. tiraca applied for kar Bret
...I.I..H af lalaraal aba got M'
ln a-i f.,uad .rlf ..mU wltb kar
a k baa. la loak aft-r.
I ,a-Ma.l ka SleemlaeaV
Ilertow fot4 kolntrr wits "l
partner. W l. ('boffin, af Inra-anv. wee
.ar la Iba reaiteetiary. rieta- e-w-l-a.
and Berlo kaa
araa4 altaa-ata.r dt.faal latasa
A'tar b-imt aaia4 a -
aa aattra at HPl aa-t aa. aP-al au lak.a.
ipna ii.frit Ai-rar roinar la
MCUOIK af.tala.4 laa Baraaaarr a
B.r rammltlin llarloaf lo n r.
Al IMa ralat Ja Morroar lalar.
lla raaatla.1 laa caaaajltaaaal
aa lha rB4 lal Harlaw aa4 aa aa
aaal p.n.H M ra than i laaailha
kaa ra ! la Jarfa"a a-ika,
a. l-a appaal la aa"l'B. Ja4
l.rr-w'a ardar. . r. kaa raaalaa4
la fn I f .rva. aaaaltra!lr aparalla
t k., H.rloar eol af Iba paauaaliary.
tr.l ar a- appaa'.
Tlftnf af IK. aa ar. Paaoly IMalrfcrl
AMraar t.llr. Ia alb 4a. ol
ain'har cntnmnmaal la Ika pana
ikar ( U.rlow Ja-Ia Morrow,
la.i Thrajr. ra.-all.4 lia commll-
rrla ltn k Bl la fci faa
a.. a ihaal aa appal ajaa k4i
ka. kra aa la croanaj
lhal n.r:aat kaa roa 1 arpiKaio for
rara:.. aa wbi-h fcarn will laka
pla kn T-
! Iftlaraallaa- daTatapmaala ra
t.k.ta la arrar al Ikla kaarlnc. whwk
ranaol ka fc-i. aali' JJa M -roar ra
..rn fraaa t'raok I'wHlr ' k U
oar aitlma; for Judsa !ffy.
Aataaattr la H aaa lar.
Tka iH.lrVrt i1r' effl.- rn
l.n.i.. anwi albar Ikla. laal J!ca
w.noa ka.. kat Jrtrfi-.-tia I" !
.aaa aa4 fcaa no aalkorilr lo kol4 ap
n rnrallaa.1 loasar ii.rioar i. a-l Ika aliaibt
t. iba rrt.paaad Robart Morrow
.ih. Thara ara einara
im aw.r ixkw. for asampla. waaM
maka a pl.aaiaa; rH4lt f-
Ufi.trtua'" af IM DiiaalMli".
htu U anolbar kaa.fWiarr af Ika
J ia- albaH
b noaitr aj la " lo ail. al Ibal
lla aa Ia l'ta4 Jona : '. Itli. I"
:t mrv ao la ojalllapj-baaaaa, Ta
.ki. ka l n a t.inlu'lM caaa
i... kiaa Ibal Olboa laka Iba
fanhla a dany kla (il l I" crt. bat
a.r. a ptaa af
r.. ika aurprlaa a all. Morrow
a., linaj lo a plan of aallly trrm
lla aaraoaa.I T arral.-baal ol lb
rrtanaar rilian p-.a af aaiitr Tban
ka ,npaa.a. Otkaa" aaalaara IB-Wt-a.t.l,
jar I. t. an rarlaln caaol
l on aoia b-iB aaada la a.lla waa a..r I - prolaal of Iba iM.lrkrl
Ait rnav. affk-ax
rraaa) Haa Aaaba Mrak.
... ! fortb aBoBl.bal la ala
a. m..ra Xiaa Ja lalar ka waa ba.
r.... Ika Muab-ipnl roorl an aaolha
ml L.r.aar. raailll.4 aflar kla
a lla p;.ada4 ajatllr aaa) waaj
f . !" rfr
na r.l rT la BBbar parlrl"
ar.1 r Jalt. M baaaaalaarT wba
ail. aaaka a fM rbaraar oarxkr
f lha J .. R ''""! Marrow '
rf..iR( parfcara t. Ika aaJT
araao ki
harfaa la l pa
rioxitn Tiir. t:pj r
, AtTK rl AT
rvaiTt.ku noriTu
a i
Ukar4 Haartllaa.
r.trdard Maur.ltua. who dfrd
aaaiard.r rooroln al M. Via
coal llo.pu.l. waa for A jrrar
coaaact.4 wiia Iba atasa and
raada kia kaad'luarl.r lo Port
land Zi ar. lla a rrrnambar.d
aaaaaaT Iba oldr man of Iba pra
f.a.lon aa n m.mbar of Iba aaudo I. am of Mauratlu and ar
aajt. mrm ao ka wa. with
llaa.rlaa M.o.tral With kla
l.ammala In '.4ward
Varaaa. ha plar.d loo
ananta al Ika o.d standard and
llotal th.'al.ra bin n lhaairlcal man
lha Ula Mr. Maurallua waa frooa
ma lo t .ma la oth-r prolaaaioa.
Al Iba lrno of bia lllna.a ba wa
raata on farm at llillaboro.
lla laaaaa n w Idaw and a , I
l Maaraltua. of I'ortlaad.
j.clatalur. wh.n drawln hl aaiary.
Ibal ba had no rant bafora blra on
wfcKb ba bad wlthbald ilavlaloa for
mora lhan Ibrva month.
Tfcla la a w.akna which Iba Juda
doa not ai lo fcara rcoiM
rat Aa lata aa laal Hummar ba wlth
bald daUlon in lb raaa of Maud I.
Hi. bard. a. pvcbool Iialrlcl No. for
mora I ha a ibrao montha.
Tba caaa waa brard bafor Judja
Morrow on March it. on July 13. Ihraa
noalu and it day latar. ba kandad
out iTpawriilan ropiaa lo Iho rwp
p.ra tallinc how ba aaa aolnc lo dacida
lha tax. bul not ntrin n alenrd da
rr.a. lla drpari.d lha l day on hl!on. but In lha m.arjtltn ba bad
r.fuaad a r. ia.l that ba aicn n dacraa
Is Una with bia -n.wapapar daclalon."
Not until Maptambar I . Bra montha
and n half flr tha haarlna. did Juda
Morrow antar Iba aind daoraa.
Kimitv ii.iioDn rpiokrr.R 01
M.ti.kt.K or i:ti:ii cini4.
a:y man la
nal k n
tl'.aflarr and attar lbs
(MKlb. ka. aaaa, a-a-T arntara an
f a.-a'4. lal.r raU.'f aa ak-l aarial
riwa.iaaff wa.a .aanaiittatl JalT 21. tH.
a akulnixt ! anJ-r fa aa pra
lIM.. ia rnwlial lan-r aVa'a. aad waa
..aiiM.1 ft V Jll Jdrrvw la mm
aa to faa raar. la laa taaiiaaiurr
... moaeka ;. on II.
(ill 1 ..laa w-.r-w ia-la b.aa.
1.1 a ta waa la ma.
aM. af ak.r.a kl wka f -' ja. a
a.iaaaa k t aa aa tka l'i4c a sataa aa
rmlm ordar Tft.fa'ik W1f aa.
SH a writ ml haka.a wbl.'h
vaa bafara JMfa V w ka aal-
.a.a.a a. Ikat ka l atkorlty la
. .k a aN
i - -a
IM.arakaa t raaa p-paaa Salaral Oa.
Ia la lla aa-lad lo C aallaa aa
laaa aa air Laala.
I. l". Ullmaa. praaManl of Ika North
Hank lla 1 1 ruad aad of Iba l.rrat Jaonn
am I'aciOo ntaamahia tompany. ra
turaad y.atardar front s buainraa tait
t. t latiL lla waa arcompanl4 by
t- aa J.aka. i.naral BitMftr of tba
rompaar. Tbar confarrao. wbiia away.
with offulala of the Oraat Nortbarn
and Iba .orihaf I'arirlc railway, joint
awaara af lha local linara. raro.ri
improaarnaata and baitarmcnU for lb
praanl yaar.
-Tha lia.a tut of bar ara doinc aa
raormoo baaln.aa." raporlad Mr. Oil
man. -Thair rarnln- ar roln
from month la month,
llul noma of tka ku. inaaa Ikal makaa
Ih.oa aroaparoua la Ika aary Iblnc I hat
d.iract from our proaponty. o In-
uiva. tha wbal Ikal wa abould aa
aauliaa from Ika Intarlor lo our tar
miaa.a fcara la l orl .nd la from
tka lat.rtor. acroa. lha continani. lo th
Atlaatlc aaa-aard. Tk.a. BJlu'al J. CUla
lalo lha aaffaiaaa of tha local road.
laaa wilt rnt.aoa urlil aftar lha war.
or at laa. I unt.l wa ara abla lo vat
aaaik ...aata an Ihi. caul I bandia
ika a u i o-
a.M.Jy ka-sl M.rt ar- TfirslrTo h
lanpaarlani Ikrasa'S f llara.
TVa Hooaa-MaaV Mltlirt f loan. Pas
drnfr ssal ratHnc Hair anal Ant
Its Growth.
T kalf s alal af walar add
Raaa ; "
,. .-onaaaajnd n aaaatl k"
. rcarlna "
Tk.aa ar all Blmpla laaradlanta
kal ya ran kar from aar d'Ml at
.,T .- coat, aad an tkan. yonr-
t APP'r " 'ka a,a aaaa a d
rar Iw waoba. tban oaxo aaary othar
waak. antll all Iba sllUra ba uaaoj. A
kalf ptt ftkaold ka anamch to r.d lha
h-ad af daadraff and hill Iba daaruff
t . r a. .. It atoaa tba kalr froaa fai:ii
.'it. aad raiiaaaa Itcklac and nil dia-
A.tkausk II I sot dr.. II art aaoa
Ika kair rata and will darkaa
.rraakad. fadad rr katr In laa or
r.l.-n dayn It proaaoiaa tka arrowtb
.I ika kair aad ova k-a karh kair aofl
aAal d.vaaJr aa4a
Motion-plctra Ibaktar Ibroufboul
tka. atata will ba rnaaiac :iaa adaar
...laa l.ll.r Hritina w.k. lu.t a.
vvff la.alrr in 1'ortlaB.I ran aocb
:(d la aiski aa. win caatma
taaaiai tkarn tk a ..
Mark baodrair. aacralary of tba pu b-
: . . .-4 rnaaaataoaa lurt.a of tha
I ham kar af t oaf. air. -. aaal aajt "1.l-
(.v n.aa a.ti.a ia moctou
tmtttm tbaalar In Z 1 Important rttiaa
t9 lha .lata ya.tardav. and mora alldaa
aj.ll ka aaal asl la othar riltaa. a
Tka rowim.ttaa wklch I. to raaaaaa
Ika b.aala.a dar.-ta of Ika city from
j.aaarr II to JJ. llaf lha importanra
of iaurl.t-dr.nlac latl.ra. will aaaam
kla al Iba than. bar of oro rra rrm at
anaral plana.
taar llaavrlrr-1 and Thrr-f rrotrrl
Tka-tr Klshla o Vrdr.
1 .pita of lha laarr rncw lrm.
Ill ctt:aa pi .a ad lha.r war lo lha
raatatrattoa offica at too Coarthouaa
ya.tarday. to protcvl th'lr rlcht lo
aol. at Iba nail alactlon. Kcary
bavr at rcia!ar In Ikla parmananl
raci.tralioa. ihty-our pladc'd tbalr
a.'f to lha Krpobiaron Party. II
lo Iho laaiovralK party, and two wara
Indapaad.nt. rror..!ra. IToblbttloo
and poet.:!. I partia. war rrpraaaatrd
by aaa aacfc-
Taatarday raal-tratton brooch! tba
M.I lo data lo .:. of whom arr
IlrftiHUaa yotar.
Enid Markey
Lift Tnrn A TIFTDIT??
A 3IajnificenUy Stajred. Tensely Dramatic and Power
f ul Story of the West and Wall Street
The East Has Already Seen "Between Men"
And This Is What They Said: .
MA forceful story is interestinsly told in the photo-drama, 'Between Men,' a mag
nificently stasred and capably acted production with powerfully tense dramatic situa
tions and just enough romance to please the critical. Had the play been written for
Mr. Hart he could not fit in the leading role more capably." New York Morning
'Between Men' is one of the best offerings from the Ince studio. William S.
Hart knows how to win his audience's admiration, by his acting and his direction.
It makes one fee! happy to watch him. His performance, here is of the sort that
brings a dim moisture to the eyes time and again. 'Between Men' will please every
body." Motion Picture News.
"Between Men exploits William S. Hart and his theory that the man of great
physical strength and strong native impulses is bound to count, if not to win, in a
clash with the forces of ultra-refinement, especially when those forces spell moral
decadence. 'Between Men' is a story of gratitude, admirably told. The Stock Ex
change scenes are probably the largest of the kind ever shown on the screen." Mo
tion Picture World.
In "The Worse of Friends"
. 3 Reels of Undisguised Glee New Fun and All Keystone
Theater of No Disappointments
MATINEES 10:30 A. M. to 6 P. L 10c; Children 5c; Loges 30c
EVENINGS After 6 o'clock 13c; Children 5c; Loges 30c
Continuous 11:30 A. M. to 11 P. M.
unless you mean the kind of pictures
shown, at nickelodeons.
The better class of photoplays shown
at the best theatres to the best people
are known as
f- idumtP
The high class theatre is a place of popular
entertainment and amusement in your town.
It is a distinct social benefit to the community.
Theatres of the better class, with a combined
investment of millions of dollars back of them,
are now showing Paramount Pictures in all
sections of the United States.
Many other good theatres being built and
planned will also show Paramount Pictures.
Paramount Pictures are represented by twenty
offices so situated as to afford the best aid and
render efficient service to theatre managers in
establishing these new theatres.
No trouble or expense is spared in bringing
Paramount Pictures to you.
If no theatre in your town is showing Para
mount Pictures ask your favorite theatre to
get them.
Send for this Motion Picture Magazine
Sand 10 cents for a thre months' trial offer of Pictun Prognn,
a magazine filled with stories, photos, questions and answers and
articles by and about your favorite Motion Picture players. Address
your letter to Dept. C 12.
Paramount PirtiiraPCorporntlofU
Loral Dtatrlbntora Progrresalve Motion Picture Co.
Central BalldinK. Seattle, Wash.
ruiiTUD tot4i tioi:r4oai or
JjT l.r. At SILI iftT.
at Baa PTaa
raaa fair lo Matt
1 orb. tar rraaoi
Mr. Tboma O. Ilailay. of Portland,
who waa ona rf tha fenalaaaaa of th
rea kuibllna at the l-anama-I'aclfic
rniarnalional l:po'tlon In "an Fran-
rlarw la.t yaar. baa baan tntda a mam-
bar of tba board of aotrernor ot ine
woman' aortlon of lha Natrjr Uatoa,
a hu b la one of Iba prominant d'fanae
and nraparadn.a MC.nlaatlon of the
t-nltad f tat. a. Wra. Ilallar waa alort-
.4 at a raraal maatina I ina wom-a -action
al Wa.ftinaton. I. t.. ohm
amona othara Mra. K- II. ffthern tJolla
Martoa.l l.. -.a.rf. Iw. Mr.
John A. Iag-an. klra. John Ilaya Ham
mond, lira. Alexander Von Kennaalarr
and Mr, latwrance Tyx.n were elected.
Other promlnont officers "f the leacue
are lr. I'arneaie. Mra. O. H. P. Bel
mont. Mr. Oeorce Haraey. MIk ChrU
tlna BKldlr. Mra. GaneTleve Clark
Thompon and llertrude Atherton.
Mra. Mailer will return to Oregon
lata In January and Interest other
women In tha work of tha league. The
pledse follons:
I plaac. m ta think, talk and work
far aairtotlata. Am.rtcanlant and aufrirlent
Xattaaal datrnaaa lo ka.p lha horror of war
fr.m Am.rlra's hna and ahor-a 1nrrr.
Ib IbMa dB). af aorld atrlfa and peril I
olll atrlaa to da an r ahsrv to aaakco oar
.tua aad our iaamakvrs ro tha ilimtra of
our pranl a,4rlrfllMl eoBdlliao o that B
aar raiina. to darlt la p-a-e and pma
paruy and mar aot ha.a ta mourn aiaiaa
aoiaiad br oar althla our oan borOers.
Inaofar aa t am able. I a III make my horn.
raat.r af Aa.rkan tdeala and patiiottam.
,,4 vadaavor ta t.arh tha rhlldr.Q IB my
.-ar ta rherlah and rrwrw our country and
It. htalory. aad ta upB'.ld It boaor aod
rapula la th-ir a.nar.tioa.
ripar1ifiMU Bra undr a.r la Knrtand
nr. a B-o fuel for autonnobtl- tliat a
made from ruirr refinery rrfuaa and ta
MM a h.a er-at.r noae than inn h".
A refreshing traveling companion
th Povder
iSamaaf ly m Dmctmr a Dmmlml Smignry
Send 2c stamp for generous sample of either
Dr. Lyon's Perfect Tooth Powder or Dental Cream.
L W. Lrj at S. lsw S W. 2?ta SC. N.w Ysrfc City
Says Backache Is Sure Sign You
Have Been Eating Too
Much Meat.
Uric Acid in Meat Clogs Kidneys
and Irritates the
Moat folka forret that tha kidneys,
ilk tha bowels. ttt sluggish and
clovced and need a fluahinic occasional
ly, ela wa have backache and dull
misery in tha kidney reg-lon. severe
headaches, rheumatic twins", torpid
liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and
all aorta of bladder diaordera.
Tou simply must keep your kidneys
sctlv and clean, and the moment you
feel as sche or- pain in the kidney
rerlon. set about four ounces of J id
alts from any srood drug- store here.
take a tableapoonlul In a Klass or water
before breakfast for s few days and
your kidneys will then act fine. This
famous salts Is made from the acid of
rapes and lemon Juice, combined with
llthla. and as harmless to flush clogged
kidneys and stimulate them to normal
activity. It also neutralises the acids
In the urine so It no longer irritates,
thus ending; bladder disorders.
jad tails I harmless: Inexpensive;
mskes a delightful effervescent lihtls
water drink, which everybody should
take now and then to keep their kid
neys clean, thus avoiding- serioua com
plications. A well-known local drug cist says he
ells lots of Jad Salts to folks who be
lters In overcoming kidney trouble
while It is only, trouble. Adv.
V "jtbw
V ...
Phone Your Want Ads to
The Oregonian
Main 7070 A 6095