THE MOTIMXO OREGOXIA WEDNESDAY, JAXUAR1 1916. CHAMBER TEMPTS ilVIES 10 0BEG0! LETTER WEEK MASS ILU Portland Leading in Effort to Columbia "River Highway Pic- : Induce Companies to In i vestigate New Field. . tures Will Be Shown to Arouse Enthusiasm. Today and Remainder of This Week Big Double Bill-Two Big Productions ?fOjm?l)lC7WENf1& MEETING fir 411 OLD SCENES TIRE FAN'S t-lra4 4 Tat 5w 2 ! MoMly CWr. 19 a I ! f"t to try ! Mk 9 .A ft It I t ., Ik -Ur.Blt- f mtm ... CnrorU vi'k Keikr I '.? rift I - 'ft TO9t wit ti4 l tU mi or?r yrt Ik i I ,; m t frtlh. :t wif mc tit vf f i-ir -ttvfr- !( ffi- flout It.-, Ctifrmi l I TPf I .--t itt 1ft ptv&Ol0 -. f 1 1 v. I K rknkf af fti mmntm w: I-.. .) ft pommtmim mit ,' tn . metr. Mri itv, i ft:4 T of -: f-. t t- vtm r h for mtr fi'rtift tK khi Wr ffnipildr f th P y. AW rfi1 frw ! Ci f Ik t'i4 ftmtm 1e!lr lurji l4 ft r f i.m lftft f tv tftft tni. ft4 ftt'i rwt . i r tk ri-M tftttw f in nMirm.i,jiiri miflri ytMtf f m putt t mfmrm Mlif W W tH'tMif tft ritv v I fiMi k i mtmm mm tft ki4 Iift wftr ft4 Hftftr ftfttatkft f ' t t4 kift i a rft4t4 n lkfft unlif'tL T f'ftrft t'ftifrJft ftrftcrft4 ft ftft ftftn4vyft4 !-. fta m tftftl nfl fa r Mtli t " il ft4 ftfft 4ltftft4lft- II t ftti ft t fnoete.ftCftr ftl tft ft4n f tiMi rci1,ft tnl ftrft la fttftc4 rtmw ft m A: ftr ft!, rk- wrft, Tft ftwtknft.i-P kiIi Wrok fstMft ir) i rMrti tft mk ftiMfti NMiiku i4 fr ftr v. i - ' 1 fl -- CV'nw Aft PROGRAMME IS ARRANGED lamiiw xrt la addition ! hr ro- TOOlf riL nClTTHEt. m Horn iw Pim wwi fe ia morlvir." 'tnnr llickia mtt4 Irla TIIR Mtl NORTH ENDJS VANISHING Tua, t-mpprmr la lrohl Waar. rnrt'aiM I !. It Noit aa4 r4 lci ihait.Mc a'ritiaa tm r- V:i-. 1 1 a ba tnrrm4 that itra m a aafr,l asMia af iaaa a aitt aiiia tal Caii(sra a "I ! Utf!l front ft!a tis-ifi-., mm lha Mavar MtmT "I k tie t-4 1 1 i a intra f f tftar t aar Mf taa ta laa' I trfr' raiilin It la lartla4. m4 lr i. ta-a for laa aaaair it imif a hra taa rtir 'a la am t la la HI aiat linaar." j II R aaaala af a raalral lwr kick la kaia allala4 kr raniaa caaaara. laaata wlta a aaarkalie ko" frooi athlktlor aa4 ti-m-me kaaca aiaa. lf ata la ka farra la laka aar fnaa la a caairal aaiai far lawla rrwr la ika rklw asMkitloM a l I abaataFr al Ika aaarrr af lha caa aara aa4 ac a wall alt kaalaaaa. aai4 aaa pruaslaaal atkikdar Taairrdajr. Ml la a tkiatral IcncxMibilitr la - al aaa aca Ika kaa4ra4a af fill akhrk m la rrttaa4 waaktr. II ami4 aMaa Ikal aaaav koaika aa4 ma ' aaul ka ramraa aa4 Ikal ika aktlra aaa. 4 ka frra4 aa maay w-i-aafaa la dM kia w ar aabail fata f !m. krora Ika vtawara caa!4 (i. a k' a hill af kvattk far kla pra- artna. -aw-aaral thIMfof Kak rkaasaa la V'aarammM (in ikant prac tical. r aa iiaw Im aarlklas kal p lac lea Ika raaia a thair aaackiaaa. Xcra tfora Haa kaa kara asa4a al Ika Ihaaicra Jwl kafara ika apaalea akaar, ar rt( IL If Ikla raatral alaarln ratal la ckama aaoat aTra kardahi Ul ka erk4 aa all raaaarta4 wit tka iMMtln, af ajKtloa f. Iar I -vrlaa4. A fcrak of lha Ann' Fund of rocr1a. whlck haa a mrtncnt on fool la raiaa for lha fund. (orm4 la Uoa vaalaa lat wcaa at aralta of Ika Uadinc motion pictura man of thai otr. held la Iba offica of Maror Ckarlra rbatlan. Tka branch orraolaatioa haa aa Ita kTowad parpoaa ha raiaina of t3ik. of Ika raqulrad II atnonc thi motion pictura oclora of loutharn Call faraia. Ona of Ika purpoaa of lha fund I la aaalai la maintainiaa; n homa for traa actora. wMck horn la localrd Una; lalaad. Other similar projacia fr tka aaataacn of t'lor folk ara cealamplatrd. aaa Trrona !owr. formar fiverlU of lha lacmmata ataaa aad popular arraaa tar. will ka featured In a atronf I'm raraal production, lha litla of which la -Tka laaors." and wfcirk a in dirct4 k Laia M abar and rhllllfa mallr. aaa Jantaa Lackara. now comedian and cbaractar laad for Xtro. pmnoonci kla nama lckar" Ilia krnthar. Wil Ion Lackaya. ealla hlmaalf "La-kL" aaa Ana Mardork will plar tha woman laad appaalta Hlchard Traarn In Tap lam Jiaha of lha lloraa Marlnaa. This aim tanioin of ClTda Kucha romrdr la now la tha procaaa ef maklnaj n( lha J Oilcaa atudioa. AUTOIST SUED FOR $50,000 (Targe . II ai lphMl till Aaartrta .WlaVal m for IJfrs. Aaaa'tina ha had kaa raaUrd IwalriK a a paraiaaaal rrtpaia k Li 'wnaa aurfnajd avkaa aa aata.Aklla ikm T R. II T'aaiaall tJ.d !', at ' aad Alat- alrata. talatr an4 fI'4Ra ktfla Ikftaf t I -m. (;.u nt a kai'd. lac. r I f m faataroar f i 1 a aa'aam''la alcivatr Ur l xrta la rapraaatd kr AMaraaJ, Irii. a NO QUININE IN ; THISJOLD CURE "!Ppi CoIJ Ccrrpounr TLads CoU nJ Cnrr a T a Frw I Itxjrv Ttka 'ftKa't 0n f nrra jt aT ararr taa laar. a l kaa lata Ikraa aaaaa. tfm all tirt aa aad raar ra'd al l aa arokaa. It proaatlr rpaaa iaar tlia4-rt aaotrtia ta4 Ika f lauam af la Vaa alopa aa"t riaaMt ar na raaaiac: rl-aaa laa eaaalarita. atn aaa. faaarUKaaaa. aaa trat. aaaaac. aaraaaaa aad ata raa I alar lUf'4 l' Quit klo!a( II an.f .n Ka if tkrakklaa 4 aoitrnt 1 la Ika warld aa !- prompt r.i af aa "ftpti ia.1 OairaaK' all. t raaaa aalr - a rmtt al aar dratT at.r.. It raa ailtaat aa 'a- a, taataa ate.. aa4 rtan aa la- a.aca. A-tfpt akottlala. aVflf. CUra Klmhall Tonnf Alna. Oita af lha anATlaa-plcinra ran. laata, b.ia al N.w Tork kr lha Mora Ina TaLajrapk, r . La Ika fact lha r ara hlanba I Touaa la hr far Ika popaiar with ika rand.ra af Ikal a. i if. Maa Taartf'i aupr.macT la nol Ut.rd la lha matl.r af a faw trot. awraotar. for lha raa'ilt ahow thai r-.iaal l.l. : rot., aa acalaat ur : for m fi.i t Tha h-aaairul World Film alar a a af-1 d aa aalomokila. aa altxht ritirxt.r affair, aa lha vtciafp priia. t.lkaotk It la aaaattonakla If Ihla la priaad aa klckir aa tka wand.rful popania artara-f kr Ika kallota. IrmilitorfL" al National. A alarr af Alaska, with lha principal acan.a lah.a aa lha r.moa Paaat trail In aaidwlotar. and Infroduclnar lh faaaaa Aaacha -daalhlork." la Tfaklkiock. a Mutaal fitta-arl prodor t .on. wktrh will ka praaaat.4 lodajr Ika National TkMt.r. Ona of t moat Intara.tlnaT faatar. of uu pkotodrama of lh north la lh nppanraaa of John Jahiuat. "lha iron i .1 ratiaa." wltn hi ralalratat tbrfH. Alaaha aw.aratahaa. Mlnaa. amkl.ra. lha froaaa Iran aad a tron lara trr fan ltrou tha drama. ttxHibfa BUI at Mairallc. "A Tartalan rt.-manca." Ih.-ptclurUa-II., a af ha fanvaaa Vlaaafl.ld ataaa pro. laritoa aad praaantln foorar Oiffa and Porotnr Cr.n In tha Iradins rolca. will ha affar.4 todar at tha MaJttic Thaat.r. la aoditioa la "Mtdaaa X.' tha raiaa-iuiira au"c.a- -X rartoiaa llanttrt a TX ptar t mack nana. dala wit a waallhr rnrtaiaa fon af adancad J eara. wfca rarrt.a oa affaira wlta ananr woman, d.atroia a raaaaaca kr a marrlaca for ma.r and poaittoa and finaar diaa Bri.r a af diaa'patlon. A rfcorwa of kail.t daocara la latradarat aa ana of tha f.atar.a af a par which coat Tot, a amail forlana. A fil rV1d a.raplaaa. If n dimlna- II.. aa.. la full action. l an ataioxioa al lha ('.laiohia Thcatar mil wah aa for -rijr ll.iahta sa) tartns ll.arta." tha K.ratona t'oanadr. X r X rrlck la rairaui. kia far a nana.r af aei.l aaa attrao li. tiffllaiaf f.ataraa for kia phaio- plar koua.. Anita Kite. ta "rnramoonl OirL" wka will trpatr la paraea al lha Tra riM Tl.alft la lha falara. la III la aattla. tweordma la lata ad from thai 'r 'h. la r.ama la aa- t la tha d4icatiaa ar laa naw voii- aaaaa Tkaalrr. a . a Tka Itakaaahl rarrp rira r.lrla bara rkart.r.d lha fKhforaJ Tkaatar lor l.aalfT It ar.d In.ll. all ar tnair fria!a la lha aforoooa aaa ..j.niaa pari ortaaacaa T mcrrhcra af lha cluk ara. .a Kidd. ! 1-tlKtrafl. Illwl Lana:.r. Ruhr Ija dl. Airhld ffalMt, Voratla Howard. I t.ljt t-acaaport. iriiaakalk Til'aon. Alka riahat. UUk Mono and Marr ramhraak. aaa Virtain Nordan. a mamhar af Italpk taca a com pan r al tha n.w Haashora tadia. haa .n appoint. enVial ca luaaa aVaia.r for product Irtna, kal will roaliaM la work k.tara tha carnara. nba la ta. Int aw ton ptc-tnra a trraa to rataunad If a di.-tor aa a toa- llarrr Moray, of tha Vllaaraph Com paar. ooca atudiad Ihaoloar. A rlnaa ( and claaamata triad to Induct him to enlah hia rouraa in tha roil.a., hat withaat avail. Now tha friand in auaatloa oceupi.o Iba proud po.illon of major In tha Kalratlon Army. Think af what Harry rnlaa.d: aaa Nanca YN.i la bard at work on lha loom multipla faatura. "ttoula In llond aaa." This la an erlainal atorr wrll t.n for tha acraan by lanial Caraon ioodman. aathar of lha Hod of Fata. It ta La if productd br Fdcar Lawla. a a Richard Trarara. of Kuanar. will CO Into tha mountaina of Canada, and ta art lhal ba'wlil brine bark a moun tain ah.p If ha baa to alar th.ra a Thaaa animal, nra attr.dinKlr d.mcult to fat. and Travrra haa triad for ono many tintr be for a without fuc era. aaa Francla X. Duabman batraa hi caratf aa a prefaaatonal bl-icla rider. a a Maria Poro. wboaa marrlaca to F.I liolt I-Ur rac.ntir wa announced ralurna4 to Naw Tork rrcantiy from Loa Ancalaan bha I bow at tha Fa moua I'lajrara atudio rrhaaralnc that rompaar a adaptation of vardou plar. Diplomacy." in which ha I to atar ahortlr. a a William Fav.raham. tha Metro atar of "Una Million iKtllara" and olh.r pro ductlona. onca tnow off aida- walka la Naw Tork City, nblla waltlnff for a ataca ancac.ment. 'Caaraanlnc; Commlttr-" Organises . and Prrparra for . Tlslta to Rntfnraa Men la Kffort to Obtain Co-o-peratlon. Knthaalaam for Lotter-Wrltlna; wk. January 17-:!. will ba further arouaad at a trrtat mat mtatlna; at the Helllc Thaatcr tonlcht at t o'clock when tha complata colltctlon of tht fimom Bar-rer-Jonat color plctora of tha Colom bia Rlrar Klchway will ba shown. Tha conmlttaa In cbarjo of tha Let-t.r-Wiitlna week ctmptlca completed arrancemrnta yeaterday for hirlnc tha theater to that thla magnificent ahow mlcht ba siren free to tha peopla of Portland, to add to their Inspiration to wrlto to friend In tha tiaat ursins; them to make a trip Wett next Bum mer and enjoy tha scenery of Oroiron. Frank Branch KUey aad Georae Hy land will supplement the lecture of Mr. R.ruer with talk on tha plana for tha Letter-"rVrlllna week and tha import ance to Orecon of developing the tour lt trsrtl. raaTaaalaa Caaamltlaa Oraaalar-d. A. U. Crllley. chalrmaa of tha "can raaaina committee." orsanised Ms forces at a noon meeting yesterday for th raid apoa lh business bouses of lb. city durlnc "Latter-Writing week. Thla commute, will ba dirldeo Into aquada of t ro. and each party will visit certain bualneaa house to ba assigned to them and lay before th manage ment briefly tha purposes of J-etter-tvriilng week and tha adrantagea that will result from It. and will urea that all of tha bustnesa men encourage their employes to participate In the move ment. Four hundred firms have been marked on tha "war map"- of lr. Grll l.y'a committee and each duo of work- era will handle It of thaaa. Add re ease la beala Beana. Thla committee will meet ssatn Thursday Boon to receive final Instruc tion a. Tba committees to address th pub lic school children began their work yesterday and will continue throughout the week, under the leadership of Phil , Bates. Among tha committeemen assigned to address various clubs, Frank Branch Hilar and C. 1 Weaver appeared at tha notary Club yesterday and R. W. Kesl addressed the Spanish War vet erans. Tha Auto Festers' Club wilt be ad- drees.4 br J. 1- Wright todar and the I'rocreeslve Business Men Club by E. J. Jaeser tomorrow. A. C Ca'lan and Julius Meier ar scheduled for the Realty Board on Fri day and George L. Raker "for the Ad Club at Ita annual meeting. H. Cooper Clif f e The Celebrated English Actor And Beautiful Dorothy Green As the Seductive Rosa m In Richard Mansfield's Famous Play AParisian Romance Also the Famous Dorothy Yf 1 Donnelly n And Original Cast in That Great Play 1.5. .ill A Patlie-Savage Production A PathcSavage Production Special Music Majestic Novelty Trio Remember: .No Increase in Admission Double Bill Remainder of This Week . wooDartt-f riov.-s--i or inu rt.a A Va AT. f Aaaaseda B. Wet. la jatsaaa. Amasda ft Melrln Johnson. T4. who rroasad lha p ains In lll aad settle.! near Woodburn. r . d led yeatervtar at the home of her dauchter. Mrs. J. C rjtmker. tl evhuyler street. Mrs. Johnaon was a marnkar of tha ITahy lerian Chnrrh aad of tha Wom an I Raiief Corpa. In l5l she waa aaamed to A F. Johnson, alaa a pioneer ef IliU who died In l Mr Johnson Lares th. follow. In children: Mrs. I. H-nshaw. ateaside: Mrs Kath'rlne Fanrker. Xentaa Ktchtea. Portland: Mor ns l Johnson, of Troutdal.; Arthur F. Johp.on. of 4' and Homer F. Johnson, of Cali fornia. ' Tka funeral wil! ba held tomor row at 1 o'clock from 1 in ley's rtareL EASTERN STAR INSTALLS Sirs. Jnlla 11 Irks I Worthy Matron of Martha Waahlneton Chapter. Fully 14 of the members of th Martha Washington Chapter. Order Eastern Star, attended tha annual In stallation of officer and the banquet Monday merit at Washington Hall. fcast Kurnsid and East Ktchlh streets, officers Installed were: Worthy ma tron. Mrs. Julia Hicks: worthy patron. J. W. Mills: associate matron. Mrs lanlina Irrh: eecretary. Mrs. Bella Richmond; treasurer. Mrs. Lila Mills; ronductrewe. Mrs. Ionian Toung: asso ciate conductress. Mra Marlon Nelson: chaplain. Mra. Carrie Whitten: mar shal, tin. iJolly Incals: organist. Miss Attn l:ing: Ada. Mra. Lola Christie: Kuth. Mrs. Klla lownnend; Esther. Mra Anna Rogerson: Martha. Mrs. Elisa beth Tipton: Klecte, Mra Alice Mug gins: warder. Mrs. Annie Botsford; sentinel, C 1 Carpenter. PULSE ON BILL SOUHDED PAUI. C. BATES O.V MARINE COM. MITTKE OF NATIONAL CHAMBER. Baulaesa Ialereats Aaked for Exprea- siaa oa hklpplag Measara far Caldanre of Aaaaclatwa. ROAD TAX PROTEST LOST Council Formally Accepts I.inntoo llillalde Bonlerarrl Work. Remonstrances against th aaseaa- ments proposed by th city for th construction of the Elnnton Hillside boulevard ware overruled yesterday by the City Council and the boulevard work aa completed a year asro waa for mally accepted. Tbeae two actions broucht tha tangle or affair In con nection with tha boulevard a little nearer final settlement. The majority of the property owners assessed for the work filed remon strances acalnst acceptance,. These remonstrances ware overruled and the assessments finally fixed.' It is expect ed that as aoon as the Council tries to force payment of tha assessments law suits will be Instituted. 1000 SLOGANS DAY'S MARK Roao Festival Contest lias Spurt! With flush of Contribution. Taul C. Bates, of McCargar. Bates Lively, has accepted an Invitation become a member of the merchan marina committee of . the National chamber of Commerce, which is de sirous of obtaining reports from narta of the country as to sentiment on the Administration's proposed ma ure for extension of the American mer ch.nt marine- Mr. Bates Is sending the following letter, which is self-explanatory, to business men through the state: "Tour attention is directed to copy of letter attached hereto received from the secretary of the merchant marine committee of tha ChamDer 01 -om- merra of tha United States requestln ma to serve on a committee for the purpose of analysing the proposed which will be introduced tha present session of Congress for the Durnosa of ' extenaing me America merchant marine service. "Inasmuch as I have decided to ac oent this annolntment and desire familiarize myself with the prevailing views of various Individuals and cor nnratlnns in this vicinity. I shall ap n re,-lata an eXDreasion of views from vou bn thla subject, naving in mirra th.t TiltlmstelT the Chamber of Com merce of the United States will adopt suitable resolutions as expressive of the commercial interests of the country on any proposed legislation in ton arras which may affect favorably or unfavorably the extension and Irn orovement of the present marine facill ties for the foreign trade of the United Slates. -I t la mt understanding that th above organization is non-political yet representative of the commercial inter eats of tha entire country, and what ever onlnion you have to express wil be filed without comment by the writer with the committee In charge at Washington. D. C." Mora than 1000 slogans to carry 11 Rosa Festival were received headquarters. 11a Northwestern Bank building, yesterday, braakinar all rec ords for dally mall at the office of the June Festival! Purine the last week tha mail baa averaged about 100 slo gans dally. The contest will close next Haiurday. January It. Slogans received from out side the city but postmarked with the closing date of tha contest will be entered In the competition. It Is esti mated that th board of governors of ha show will have more than 10.00 slocana to consider. v. JUICE MAKERS ORGANIZE LOGANBERRY PRODUCT TO BE AD TERTI9ED O NATIONAL SCAX.B. S. C. LANCASTER NOW IS 51 a Ad Club Committee Honor Colom bia Highway Knglneer. A mealing of ona of tha Ad Club committees at a luncheon at Meier az Frank store wss tha occasion of th Impromptu - celebration of the .1st birthday of K. . Lancaster, tha engi neer o( the i.oiumnia rtiver itignwar. When It waa learned that It was Mr. Lancaster's birthday a toy automo bile was presented to tha guest of I honor with appropriate and elaborate speeches. Those present were Ira KiKgs. Aaron Frank. R. P. Carpenter. J. H. Pundore. C. 0erilre. S. C Lancaster. . J. I'lepenbrtnk. I- A. financier, E. M. launim F. H. Norman. K. C Polbin. rank JirascA Kile aad .W. . Coakiio. i O. L. Ferris. Portland. Is Prealdcat. aad peakrrs Declare Berry la 10,000.000 Asahrt. Locanberry juice manufacturers of Oregon effected a permanent co-operative organization for the advertising and development of their industry at a meeting at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday. The new association will be known as the North Pacific Loganberry Man ufacturers Association. o. I- Ferris, of Portland, was elected president: C. J. Puch. of Falls City, who Is the first man In the state to produce commercial loganberry Juice, vice-president, and F. L. Featherstone, of ;aston. secretary-treasurer. C. I. Lewi, of Oreson Agricultural Collece. addressed the meeting and promised that the state college will lend every aaslstsnca to the associa tion In carrying out Its programme for the development of the Industry. He urged that the products be stand ardized as to heavy syrups, regular Juices and Juices prepared ready for drlnklnc. "The loganberry juice industry will grow, to a flu.uOO.OO aaaet,". ha said. 'and it depends on the producers how quickly it will grow to those dimen sions." The annual meetings of the organiza tion will be held on the last Wednes day of each December. Plans. will be elaborated at once for standardization and for a National advertising cam Those present at the meeting yes terday were: F. A. Breck, R. J. Holmes, of Salem; J. O. Holt, of Eugene; C. J. Pugh. of Falls City: "F. L. Featherstone. of Gaston; H. Kempernich. C. E. Gray and O. L. Ferris, of Portland: O. J. Gillette, of Hillsboro; W. C. Dueber, of Portland; J. J. st&ngel. or Woodburn H. G. Williams, of -Hillsboro; U. D. Mason, of Portland, and G. D. Lee, rep resenting the Portland Chamber of Commerce. STREET WORK IS DIVIDED Union Avenue Improvement to Be Made in Four Parts. The Improvement of union avenue from Bryant stseet to the south line of Columbia boulevard has been divided into four parts, ona .for grading, ex cept where the viaduct over the O.-W. R. & N. line will be built, and another for the construction of the reinforced concrete viaduct and temporarytrestle xor Vancouver electric railway, with a forfeit of 125 for every day's delay after the expiration of the 120 days allotted in the contract, with a bonus of 125 a day for all time he saves. The third part includes the construc tion of a single track railway and the fourth part is for the furnishing and placing of temporary wiring for the temporary track. The cost of the via duct will be abont 156,000. $300 Home at C'hema wa Is Burned. CHEMAWA. Or., Jan. 11 (Special The I. D. Basey home, one mile south of here, was burned to the ground by fire of unknown origin Saturday night. The loss, amounting to about 1300, was covered by insurance. AGENTS NOT TO SUFFER IXSIRAACE MEN OF ST. JOHNS AND LINNTON RETAIN STANDING. Attorney-General Construes I. aw Re garding Single Agency ia City Same aa Seeking Act Insurance agents in St Johns and Linnton can continue to operate Inde pendent of the agents for the same companies in Portland despite the re cent annexation of those cities with Portland. This is the substance of an opinion given yesterday by Attorney-General , Brown to Harvey Wells, State Insur ance Commissioner. Mr. Brown, how ever, advises that no new agents be appointed in either St. Johns or Linn ton, in accordance with the state law limiting representation to one agent for each city or town. The question was submitted to the Attorney-General by the Insurance Commissioner when it came time for him to reissue the licenses to the agents at St, Johns and Linnton at the be ginning of the year. A similar question arose with regard to the state banking law when the town of Lents was merged in the city of Portland, and it was held with ref erence to the amount of capital re-' quired by banks in such cities that such merger did not require the larger amount of capital required by the statute, but that a bank already exist ing in the smaller place could continue to transact business therein, notwith standing its merger in the larger city. on the capital already employed. Sleeper's Fall Causes Illness. CHEMAWA. Or.. Jan. 11. (Special.) -The young son of Superintendent H. E. Wadsworth is ill from pneumonia, having fallen upon the floor in sleep during the cold snap. Columbia Theater SIXTH AND WASHINGTON LAST TIME TODAY! Helen Ware and Teddy Sampson in Gross Currents And Chester Conklin in that funny Keystone comedy "Dizzy Heights and Daring Hearts." Starting Thursday WILLIAM S. HART In his greatest success between Men Webber & Fields in "The Worst of Friends."