TIIH ?IOItMNCi onilGONIAX. WKDNESDAT. JANFART 12. 1916. OUT-OF-TOWN READERS ORDER BY MAIL! First Annual Sale Odds and Ends and Surplus Stock and Annual White Sale of Undermuslins, Embroideries, Etc. -There's a fine chance to double your saving these davs. Thousands of shrewd buyers do not let a single day pass without doing so The White Sale features i . . . i i :.i .-" i: ' i . t Aamnc Tim f HAAe nrl Fnris and Surnlus Stock brines hundreds of mcom- manv lines OI new unui'rniuMin, tiuuiuiuvnw, iiuvu. wtt ciu, ai. ..v. -- rr, . . -U1 . , Vmr nlcte assortments, broken lines, odd lots and overstocks at unprecedented reductions. Each offers quality merchandise at lowest prices possible today. YOU can fccr.CIlt vy DOin ccriairuy vy one or uiirt. uv nui ict uie fcuiutru vi'ijui lumiiso yaoo. Well-Dressed Women Arc Taking Advantage of These Charming Velvet Suits At Greatest Savings! Not just because the price is attractively low, but because the quality and style are so superior! Velvets rich and handsome fashionable throughout the year, and in this lot are many of our most beautiful models. WerefilJO CO? AC tofl$.50at ?JLti Blacks, rich browns, blues, jrrwns, fioM mouse trimmed in black fox. kunk. Hudson seal furs and rich silk military braids. fourth floor. Kifth SlrU Beaded Flouncing Reduced With mot and mor beaded Hourn-ir being ordered for Sprinc th.j U wonderful opportunity for th woman who need a new party frork or dainty Moo to bwmj! ly!u.id aro flouncing. 1 to 35 irnrfw wd. with bfd to mt.A. SJr. gold, pwl. blk. whit and colored nets in ul array! RrcuUrlr S'X $10.). JIM. $7.SO to $K.SO Special at li:. t i Vlaia floor. Adr Wednesday,Notion Day 34ir I' ton AJ;utabto CartBrtt Shi. 10... a. 4. 5. pair. SOf Z'j box Tro Sanitary Napkin. fit in bat 10? Jc Tat' Tp Mur, O- in.h lfc"h. mrh 3t 4V- W.v.hine'.oa -unt Tin. 2 ppr far ..5? IiV KoU.ne Tourit Curling Iroiu. iwl) ......... .ti? Tic Shal Strap with Hand!. 'c ; rnn brook Whito Linaa Fin- tk Ttarv.t. I0O yard.. Two poot .........5? ie CoBv-iTcr Hand or Machta Thra. whita. 200-yard. 3 fcr iOC SOe "All On" Iromnf Pads for Ironing Board), ach....V! ZZ "AU-On" Ironinc Corn for Pa. racb 21 1 &c Whit La raruianno Ratinc ThrJ. 60-3rard (pools. 3 for 0t frV arxl Tjc b!U Blark ami Whit Cabta CorJ. all ii. p-il at Vf 15c St Well" FoMinf Sktrt Mrkr. each I Of 10c IVLonx Snap Klrfn. black or w hit. 3 card. Mala floor, gutb MrL rrices Reduced on Seamless Women's Burson Hose !Uak Irrrri4 UW. 3 5e Quality. M3 uni wtsht. Kimlw ft anJ Cunon fa.hiorJ lt- A3 ontn'i ium. rair 3ie. pUrk at Hr. rir 3t Kif u:r!y 50c. F-.bl top, furwi mm'. ft anj fa.hind W. rfT anj tor. All Hie. Btark Cottoa Hum. Pair lie Special today. Rihbd top. plit or btack o!r, medium wright. Regular ami ouUiMS. 3 pairs 60c. Black CottM Hoar. Pair lc Rrrularty 2. . Mdliura wrirht. Burwn mm- W fct and fathionod lrr Rrcutar and outjuc. 3 pair . for iic. Mala floor. Mmtk trl. Three Aluminum Sauce Pans 99c Set of three, containing the following sizes: 1-quart, ll-quart and 21-quart, Good grade of aluminum; lipped, handled and well- a. nveico. 500 sets in lot while any remain-. 1 j:r' Homefurnishin Set aside at Meier & Frank's as THE day for busy people to supply every furnishinjr for the home. Choose at lowest prices from greatest stocks in the West. Look to all needs in furniture, floor coverings and hangings. "Homefurnishing Day" means money saved to you. Our Oncc-a-Ycar Sale of Dropped Patterns in Whittall Wilton Rugs Everybody is familiar with the alwve-par quality of Whittall Rugs the best rugs that come from a loom ! Thev wear better and look better than any rug made. Once a season for a limited time only the manufacturers allow us to make a price reduction on dropped patterns. 20 beautiful rugs reduced as follows: 2 Af to-Prrsian. 4 3x7:6. Krju- ct:!y.f:.i00-.:r.pr:$i9.80 4 Aaclo-Prrsian. Ci9 frrt. Rru- iriy.!3.'...r.7:$30.oo 1 Aaflo-Proiaa. 8 J10:6. R- s.r: ...$45.00 S Aag lo-Prraiaa. 912 fret. Rrc- alarly $63. Spe cial at $50.00 1 Anrlo-Pcmian. 10.-6xl2. Rca- f.!8..?.pr:$65.oo 2 Anflo-Prraian. 10:6x13:6. Rtf ct.r,t .!!!.. $77.50 1 AoKlo-Prrsian. 10:6x13:6. Reg- 2Tir?t .f!T$67.50 I Anxlo-Prnuan. 11:3x133, RriT- S? .?.9:. .?.t:$89.oo 2 Anglo-Indian, 10:6x12. Regu- :t.r!y.t$7.4:..s.p::$47.50 1 Anglo-Indian. 4:6x7:6, Regu- ar.fsiSaOo Liberal Credit Terms if Desired. Sarcntb Floor, Fifth Street. Broken Lines of Best Furniture At Stock Clearing Reductions! Furniture of highest quality and workmanship at phenomenal reductions we can a. ft . . . mama nn4 oaa b AA 1 1 irtn a 1 Rfnr ' DUl a I v jiriiu .vine onu mv v- - "Lifetime" Furniture $300.00 Dininr Suit, solid quar tered oak. 1167.50. $259.23 Dminr Suite, solid quar tered oak. $146.00. $52.50 Fumed Oak Buffet. $29.50 $30 Fumed Oak Serrinir Table, at $15. $(8 "Lifetime" China Cabinet, at $2630. $53 Fumed Oak Dining Chairs, at $31.50. Bedroom Furniture $13 Oak Combination Dreaacr, $3 $22 Mahogany Princes Dresser, at $9.76. $16 Circassian Walnut Dressing Tabic, $8.25. $54 Mahogany Bed, $27.50. $3.75 Imitation Mahogany Rocker, $1-85. Beds and Springs $8.40 Steel Bed, all sizes, Vernis Martin and white enamel fin ishes, $5.95. $13.75 Brass Beds, $9.90. $4.20 A!l-stel Bed Spring, $2.95. . $50 Ivory Enamel Bed, full size, $24.75. $10 Vernis Martin Iron Bed, at $4.95. $8 Steel Springs, 4 size, $6.25. Dining Furniture $600.50 American Walnut Dining Suite, $288. $186 Inlaid Mahogany Buffet, $98.50. -$141 Jacobean Oak Buffet, for $78.50. Dining Tables $12.00 Fumed 5-ft. Tables, $6.75. $14.50 Waxed 6-ft Tables, $8.20. $14.50 Fumed Oak 6-ft. Table, $8.20. $13.60 Fumed 6-ft. Tables, $7.75. Eighth Floor.. Semi-Annual Sale "Ostermoor" Mattresses The famous Ostermoor mattresses "built not stuffed." Buy one today at big savings. $12.50 Ostermoor o0-lb. Mattress Regularly $15' Made in either one or two parts. Covered with fine Ger man linen ticking. Imperial Kdg. Ostermoor CI Q CJfi 50-lb. .Mattress piO.DU Regularly $16.50 A full sized mattress, made in either one or two parts. Coveted with pink or blue art ticking. Klebth Floor. Firth Street. Ostermoor COQ tZf 60-lb. Mattress NSO.OU Regularly $30.00 The Ostermoor de luxe. Made in either one or two parts, with French edge. Beautifully covered. Four Specials From the Big Curtain Store Printed Border . Scrims. Yd. 19c unusually good qual ity curtain scrim, with harmonious colored bor dersin tints to match almost any room. Cretonne Laundry . Dags 23c Beautiful - patterned cretonnes made up into practical bags, mounted on wire hangers. Were 50c -65c Cretonne Covered Cushions, 29c Pretty, effective pat terns, well made cush ions. Especially .food for willow furniture, chairs and rockers. Cretonne Garment Covers, $1.49 Mounted on hangers, and. large enough to hold several gowns. A practical addition to your clothes closet. Seventh Floor. Sixth Street. I KIRliRT l:l.lKJlTOR- BK1DV IOB t B5CBIBKRS. Thousands of Women Are Profiting by The Great White Sale of Dainty Undermuslins Because Portland women appreciate that touch of dainty chic in underwear. They realize that the prices are phenomenally low in face of the steady advance in cotton and linen and they're buying heavily now at great sav ings ! We can but suggest a few there are hundreds more ! Gowns 59c, 67c, 79c, 98c, $1.09 to $4.98. Combinations 98c, $1.09, $1.39, $1.59, $1.98. Corset Covers, 22c, 23c, 29c, 33c, 47c to $1.59. Petticoats 98c, $1.27, $1.47, $1.59, $1.98 to $4.98. French Underwear at Drastic Reductions. Philippine Hand-Embroidered Underwear, just in and deeply reduced! Third Floor. Sixth Street. (Mm II Jl Come to the White Sale for Embroideries and Laces Of course, there's been a grand rush but we were prepared for it ! Thousands of yards have been sold and stocks are renewed daily ! Lovely Laces and Embroideries of all Sorts Underpriced! Undermuslin Edgings, 35c to 85c grades, yard 25f. 25-Inch Flouncings, J 1.25 and $1.50 kinds, yard 1)8. 25-Inch Flouncings, 65c to 85c grades, yard 49. 40-Inch Flouncings, 75c and 85c kinds, yard 59. 17-Inch Skirtings, 25c regularly, now, yard 18. Corset Cover Embroidery, worth 35c-50c, yard 2."e. Convent Edges, Etc., worth 7c and 10c, yard 5. Wash Laces, 1 to 4-inch, worth 25c, yard 15. Valenciennes Laces, to 1M- inch, worth 12c-20c, yard 10. Linen and Cotton Laces, worth 8c to 15c, yard 5S Main Floor. Fifth Street. Long White Kid Gloves Perhaps you were planning on a new pair for the very, next dance! Well, here's you- opportunity to get beautifully soft real French kid gloves at worth-while savings! $1.65 for $2.50 Gloves 16-button gloves of finest white French kid, overseam sewn, 2-clasp style. $1.93 for $3.00 Gloves Dent's Own Make white kid gloves, pique-sewn and self stitched, 3 clasp. $2.19 for $3.50 Gloves Real French kid gloves in plain white, overseam and fancy pique stitched. $1.95 for $2.50 Gloves Popular 8-button gloves of soft, white, real French kid. 3 clasp style. $2.19 for-the 12-button length of $3 quality. $2.98 for $3.50 Gloves Trefousse, real French kid gloves, with 3 rows black em broidery, overseam sewn. $3.19 for 20-button $4 white kid gloves. Main Floor, Fifth Street. Girls' White Gowns 98c Daintr little nighties of soft cambric and nainsook, trimmed with pretty laces and ribbons. 59 for 75c Princess Slips. '2)C for 35c Drawers. $1.95 for $2.50 to $3 Infants' Slips. 59 for 75c Skirts. S4.95 for"?5.50 to $7 Infants' Coats. Second Floor. Sixth Street. Blankets and Comforters WHITE WOOL BLANKETS $5.35. Reduced from $6.50. Heavy wool blankets, full-bed size, with pretty colored borders. WHITE WOOL BLANKETS $3.35. Reduced from $4.00. Good weight wool blankets, with blue or pink borders. WOOL-FILLED COMFORTERS $7.15. Reduced from $9.00. Silk covered on one side, silkoline on the other; pretty floral designs. Second Floor, Fifth St. 4 Cans Tomatoes 25c Snn.LrJ srmJ. Ub!rd "rur." limit. 4 cans to frrun. NO riiONt: OKDF.K5. Par IUrtal. MaT a... I ! cr. 91.2?) I kraUM IWu. t.fht i hi r fc:f tnp, ; puii I? 'if ' R. R. ; Ral Baaaaet fUtlrr fam-y PrC" Bukt. th r;t. M fl-lt? Mac IW. hifh ct4 patrrt. tk . ...SUt-l Braa. or No. 3 ran., down $ 1. IX rrr C44 lor Stationery! Reduced price on stationary of U- kinds, office supplies and nov eltir. COLUMBIA HIGH WAY STICKERS 15 for 10c. Put thm on your letters gome Em.t dunnf "Ltlr-Wntirg Week"! -M(r Floor. Kil Jitrl. r The- Quality' Storjt or Portland nth StxOtj "Morxisoty Aldrr Sta. Women's "Swan Brand" Underwear Women's Swiss Ribbed Vests, worth 65c, now at 38c Medium Weight Lisle Vests, regular 65c-75c, now 59c. Vests and Tights, many kinds; regular $1-$1.50, now 78c Tights, Vests, Union Suits; regular $1.50-$2, now at . $1.15. Union Suits, lisle, mercer ized; regular $2.50-$3.50, now $1.85. Union Suits and Vests, silk, etc; regular $1.00, now $2.25. Vests and Combinations, silk, etc.; regular $4.50 to $6. now $3.50. Union Suits, wool and silk; regular $3.50 to $5, now $1.65. . Tights, black cotton; regu lar $1.25, now at 65c Main Floor. Sixth Street," miE COLUMBIA, AMERICA'S GREAT HIGHWAY, BY LANCASTER BASEMENT BALCONY;