Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 10, 1916, Page 14, Image 14

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mi: MonMNO onnnoxiA, moxday, January 10. ioi6.
First German Baptist Congrc
gation Hears Old-Time
Songs and Speakers.
.11-Uae ( rkkniMW I Marked k
4aate Hbrn faatr.
J War. ol .. I a Lrrrld
by Ilia ofrf I tor a.
e firl l.-rwiaa :atiel ltRk
riif4f -;. aa ail-dsr retrataa
lummoi'iti4 It feeaaeeT la Fart
kaa.t a'.r at a clary Tea
Ir.'iaa year, eg. I? 1f ftaptteia
a aa a n a eat .ra- t-r ee.r
.......J ia i.ui a itank a.14
u v s..,i.r. laaraa.4 V
aat ta.r a- a la ae.-t Mfta la tnel .at-Hal aaa .r le KM'
lifN ;aCkt 'aJr-. l.a m laa anata
a.c eweaae a t . al A r elra.ta
Tw'n'f a.are ta. pr.aaal laalMva
I a-..rt s4 Mm etr..t aaa par-
mrc4 la lata
St.. r R-l;. ill ll. la
rrt a a. I. la a a. a. tar Ta at r
v . rT. rrrT
i 1 i -ir
-r Vi- v I-
f ML-.. i v ;-A
,. i " - - ."-77 ' " 1 " ,.-. ,. , ...
TW taar af XI taara taa ka aaaa at IW aarrk 1 oiit. aa4laa- Kraai l-n ta Rlsat trraat Raw ra.
r. MM, Itra. killiaa alra. i. Waaak rr4l Nam. Hark Haw ft- r. II. Uttr, lira. J. D. Marra,
amuai ft an. X. Kratc J. tiltom, Laaaav. Itt laaart Naa. J. Krart. W aa tar 3a ear II a a Baca tat
Miaai laini Taa rirat IWfkmt af taa Mrawa Baptlata ta ran la a a. Rrr. K. Ratrkla.
fr.a U t mn4t I'ktrrM. I 1 r'
A -. a4 la' t. iaaa Caarva.
.7-r..r".I- V--rrr'."ra-Cl!T,'lMcn Mus Give Vent to Fee!
.V...';ri mgs. says Sociologist.
dI ta. v.rteaa
a-ar la IK ', aaaa at a'a
t. I a-ti. la r.niava vara, b.ra.4
.raJ. IKa Ba ail II ala'liaa.
Tlk. ara aiaa aWart.4 la aar
i.r'aa atr ala.t cral aaaaarala
till aa4 -lt, ! a"aaa taa ta.
la aftie iM ra laraa latl.ra aa
tullf Waal Ih.
TO. aar'a irx'iaaa a.aa at Ilk
Pa4.r arftnl aaraara. at xakra raa
4vtaa. taa rtrat af
ra. tuHr araaaiv aaaaa. Jaaaa.
Hii'.t.r. In. Maa aa4 '
taiiiiaaa N.aa.r. la. la lr aa.r.
ai-M aaaa taaa. Jlaaara ar ta ctaaaaa
aa. liawuwM Ir lift. t'"aal faadar---i
aafriaua4ai. J-aa fata.. aa4
rr auaMtaarii. fra Havana Oraar.
uanai.t.t Ik. a..iaak
Taa firat caotr (araa.4 la lha cktnk
aanar taai a.ra par4 at taa
ti.t -r Mr a at taa taaa. Taa an.aa-
kar. at tka rMalr ara Mra. II. Ita.
V Winiaaa .ukau.r. Vr. U. aurfcaai.
.4 tlaal.r. Mra J t Marra. WllUaa
N.akaa.r. K.a. J. Mra T. Maal-
k.o k an4 taa i.a4.r. J. HUlatar,
atr rtaaa la) attaa4aaa.
Tka "aafct aiaa.. tka af
aakura I h. fkral lluaaiaa.arkeol
atraata af tka taarva. aiaa arara tbara.
l ara arraaa. anaaa ara atarri.4 aa4
miM ar. aaioaaT Ika artita anaaaaara vf
Ik. tt I'm a I. a acl.ta- aaa.
Tka aflaraaa M rv Mr. a a la caartt
af tka lj.rH-." A .4 aa4 tka Toaa tVa
ai. a orniha, It. a William Oraff. af
ta. ai.ta.av Ckarvk tma ahkh tk.
a-tr.t tiarvk a)...a4.4. t a talk. I kota.
Jtawa lull. tar ai aaak. Taa talk
kv Vr J Kratt. tka aaator-a arifa. and
aaaara r tk. tt4i.a" Ar4 aara
fraiar af Ik. praarramaaa.
W k.a K. r lhrki.. tka firat
.! at Ika ckarrk. a ka a aoar 1 2
a.ara al4. aaa.ara aa tka alalfarm
ka a aa afr.att tr aa aaatlaa. Wtik afforl tk. v.aarakla mlaiatar a4
kta flock, af lo ! r.ara aaa.
I:.. Mr Kratl an 4 kia tkr.a aa
V.mtl. Ik att.r a .4 Tka4ora aaaa? al
ta. av.alaar aarawa. William Naakaaar
aa4 kia akar. 1.4a la Maabaaar. (
a a.t. wa.akra ar.ra- r.4j llar;r,
Mm af tka imM Olarrk; K.a. '
Haaraaaaa. af at. J oka. a4 K.a. U.
fct at aaaa aa4 at lark I aa al4-
faaktaa.4 ( r ai. a taartaea araa a rv
ka tka l-4..a- Alal la Ik. ctarra kaa.
laaat. Taaxkt a "lata f a Ilk
taatiaiaraa.. aa4j a aaatat. aritl coaa
k,.t. tk. ax.r.arr
la al lha
la at
Kabatllate Wlarr llabliaxa of liar
May ji. Saaoa,0 katl karar Pro Solalloa of Nvw Pro
hlbttloai rroblna.
rtatjr flad a avbatltala for Ika
arlviiliata Mr . knd tr.
r. Cckurn. profaaaor of ncl-
aloatjr and acaaamica al Raacl CaUag.
aara aaa af Ika first Iking to da I
la aaiabl ak a placa whr man mar
lalk laik lB(aiiar. on at a lima ar fcjr
laro aa4 Ikraaa. bat lalk. talk. lalk.
Tkoa la splain4 Ika anock-talkad-af
aalooaj lonaj-boa IbaT. an4 barroom
kllarlty. Happ'aaaad and paat-up la
atlacta ahn-fc ikroach lha kaa ha
ka.a bacoffltnf enora and mora panl-up
aad aappraaa.4 y-aarlv. kacomlaaT avl la kiark.atranar raraa. bar b.ra
tefura foon4 aa oui:t la lha fraadom
of taa aalooa. Mra art! tbara la talk
aa wall aa lo driak.
"I l . ak-aolQt.ljr turraaaarr that lhaaa
laatiacta riad aa ootl.t. aara Ir. t
For mora Ikaa J a yaara
avaa ka i4 n thla aarth la a mora
or laaa prlrrltla a 1. 1 .. for hundrada
of thooaaada of aaara pravioua ka livad
la a pra-kamaa form. Purlnar thla Ions
p.riad ka a.a.ioaad a al of laatlm-ta
'tkat anal him a t-lna; aad "
rranrlaro. ara raclat.rad at th Cor
A. U rortar. of Kpokaa,
P. T Ralalarar. of Arllnton,
Ik Saaard.
Oa.o Mr-Tuakar. Jr. of daattl. la al
Ika l-ortlaad.
J. M. Tall.j-. of Eutrna. I rtiarad
al Ika rarklna.
Aka.r IL Naif, of Wash la ton. D. C,
U at lha Portland.
Mr. and Mra. A. T. Cola, of Upokanc
ara at Ik Cornelius.
H. I" IlicaTiaa l al th f award. ra-
lat.rad from nokaaa.
M. r. t ' la rlir4 at lha
Imo.rl.1 from linker.
i K. B. tioo of Prlnerllle. Is reels.
I lar.d at tha Imparlal.
f. II. Mannara. of I'ndTwood. la rs
latared at tna 1'ortland.
J. r. M-Ooldrlrk la rltra4 at th
rortland from Hpokaa.
f K Phootar Is reclatered at th
Cornallu from npokan.
T. J. Haia-r Is seriously III at his
home. 11 Third s treat.
John y. Watson, of Wslla Walla. I
ra la l. red at lha Orearon.
A. D. Applaaat Is reclatered at th
Multnomah from Kuirnt.
H. K. Gordon, of fteaenaon. Wash.. Is at tha N'orlonla.
W. C M3ianis Is reclatered at th
Nortoala from Orondo. Waah.
Mr. and Mr. P. C. Burton, of Salem,
ar registered kt lb basrard.
Mr and Mrs. W. O. Parker, of Pro.
ar. WaalL. ar at tha Nortonta.
Mra. tX Powara and Miss M. Fisher
ar at th Multnomah from Beattl.
Dr. R. F McKeon and Mrs. WcKeon.
of Victoria. U. C. art kt lha saarard.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Westherford. of
Albany, ar registered at th Imperial.
Mr. Gn Hughes. Mlas Betty Bwarta-
aad Huaaell KandalL. of Near Tork. ar
at tha Oregon.
Popular Approval Is Given to
Three Headliners. "
C'oanlrr Mtool Comedy P fovea
Whorraamo and rmcrtalnlne;.
Otlarr Acta on Programme
Iarllght Aadlrnrr.
Ivreai rrealare. obtaining hie living by
hunting, ajar and other Intensely am-
ctt'ng eaparlenraa.
-la tka laat tear hundred year ar
baaa built ap a comples aad
artificial eatireamtal for aureela by
Ika aid of kamaa lareotloa and ma-
"Th change aaa loo cudden. Hoar
can man eaerna his naiural Inallncl
mrmn ha arorh Is dona?
-Wr.tahy has offered Ika chapat
aad aaaiaet way. After a fear drink
in awaaiaaimi Ufa of labor no longer
eppr.e.e. Tka laborer glaes enl la
kla f.altnca aad laetiats.
la finding a subaiituta for the
ealoaai. koweaer. a ay a anay be davlaad
far giaing th man a c ha nr. to vent
bis mlia.n wltnoat becoming a P'e
klatorlc aalaal Many gtarralons whlrk
caaaful a lltai.i relief.
"Talking le aaa of tk aimplet When
tea gat logatker kn4 talk tney find aa
eaay aad sfi'a beneficial means of gle.
lag aa outlet ta Ika feellaca w hlch
lN U Oraad Army af - " wa.aa aur.aa ... ".
k.l t tk. ...-.a.l la-talta-;' ,w', ,fc """- " ,0" "
r. t'4.e ...kt la Ika '''' " "' Plr " gnl-r
r tk. n.abi..- at and talk, aa aa dunk. Il..tur.t.
I rr AltfttJ.-rti ( ! MiaMrr
a-trflM for l4UtlUll
t- RaTa-tafcll?.
Id. af f ka
I H tu rh q m 1 1 Pk a
aa? M :4lV rc (
af t t
'il'-.f f(Wr. r
aat, .
tm mr or, 9' VI . t ! -
fdmm4Jd. ttsrtr l-Thtw. 4.4 J.
i'iiv -''. x
liis. A.pUa.ii. VT T K1 vrfnk .
lM4p, ff fr 9t .N9 afalV. L. V
H '-. f.'.v-tM mt tk 4.r X.
V.;i.m. mrm mt Mif. M. L. trti.
-lartrB1tV4t.dfltl, J. Iaf-.. tatti
$ l-s!'X -l-Wf-.fl.
(aavfrfapl p-itigj rm4
it. rna.t. f t -m i'mmmim T R.
tiy. ..n4rrta(t. J. eriW M U
mn4 J . rkr, ( V
Mmt rt. rt"airt 4t
V. !-. th it..) t -l. Mm tl f
. ff tw-r ' tlrw
lftd. IJaa-I l-kdtr
l9 p4tib; to m -l
4Vibr lhr
!& d-l tr Mloom1
rrfT l--tatatff l 4'tim of f ur-
MhlMtf Ubtla.ta ftr MlttOfl. aa
friATOlr ata ! V! arJ Of It.
att r ' I 1' tB
ft ! r bftAalwrttl rvmmL
hw-b furwl-o v tlla for th
Suit for $iO0 damaifrfl int th
rortUnd-AU-kft rchr' Avorlation.
brought by tuiurtts Iro. ttallor on
th fuhlntT Khooarr Berlin, failed In
ll lntnt. a Jury la tno Circuit Court
of Judff fativlB rndrlnc a verdict for
ho drndnt. I-rn wmm Injured on
board nhip and aliased improper car
and food.
two aUroi.r r.tnt. wii.t, a rrr. a n
t the rivalh.-
4hiwrtiip of lrrr rtr- m fr-
t id rniir v tb t tbl
P rtarrvnax bTlt b r ftr
1 1 4) IK. a Is f I KadP taaW
l4-av Child lt DUorred Jo .
rfinni lb aorf In b-r lit--,
Wt . ! 9'arrvli. of NMfc
II b. b fritia ftheMff llirl-b-l
lo d fnt hr .Tr -
.4ia4. J- R Htlr. itl beiq h
o . I lib i ! ti..r onljr on.
tit. 1 4 cba die.
H.iWf t a ls.f beard of y -
bai b a- la t hi rttv. wrlfe
rTi' la iae ll city dlretor
ift-.r a. iua vMfit ttie aa t-nrrpdr I H. Htir i iiaid a a miifc
evd iba utrw-ri Me i : IUt'4 bT .
Ii lha irii!l f P lb ab
laa-. la tba arfr4PMt a4Sia-t ban.
bT ott. revawnioHf if a oatiiwfli
fe a ftB4iMt nt4fi lta af-l
a la -ar ub kr fU-t f;4
4 f p( M J J on dk. af b Joaja Mar
b. Taria aa4 Aiif atraix
fba frr ta la rraa l.nftn It
jirrnir, -t4 r. J nea-a. rfij-i ad
NurT of iba ri t .barr 'oarw-ii.
nat) a. V-la--dt a- .rtbar W-.t-Tr-bo
b. -wrirT an- bAr-ieM aaanl af
ft. Mt- tfiae I .. frab bavia
t 4 Junaa farb.t at-4.
na iiviac at )!) I'baemaa atre-t Tba
hwriff fto ji.ttNe af hit ahera
bvvta bia-r ll Urn.
T -
tt ' '
I 1 1
MI U 1
p? ''''a' st
L.., . , , ..arrrr.. .-'J
' I mi rat.yfw HI
ftrxriel Ikaagbtrr tla-a af (aarrr.
turftrrrv. w.k. Ja, , r..
rial I Mi.. .aaa. ke.l.r. age4 I?.
rf4tMr r l:Mrta k kaeler. ntate
I Kiirr It aad e. renal. .4eat
.1 ts t -aMr e-kaa.a. 4 . at Mn.
N.4 !..4i ta Valnl nearly all bar
r sa4 w a. re M.atlar. aAa was
a-ra-ftat4 frna Ika Moateeaa II cb
uuri ia Ji8
I. TV Pmita. af Berkeley, la at th
M'OrerT. of aattt. IS at Ik
ai'I'ta tin an, of rayetie. Is at th
ml Melsoa. of Aslorta. I- at tk
r M avoagins. of lkanik I at tk
M. I. TrumMe. f Kasttle. la at th
J K Wiiea. of Marskn.14. Is kt tk
T II M'Kaj. of Ab.rd.ea. U at tka
M v.maa Paraoas. of Kagana. Is at
tka parkin.
C. U. Ileary aad W. p. Henry. aX can
r t . rale
awasbli taan t-wctla Pmlffc IJallal.
Tha February. 'It. rlaaa of Unroln
High fUbool will preaent Its rlaaa play,
fk.ridan a -Tha rllals. In th chool
aoditortum Krirlay aft.raooa and nichl.
January Tk raat has baaa rehrare
Ing for saceral montka under tha dl
re-tion of members of the faculty. Th
student ar giving Ik February rlaaa
hearty support and tickets ara finding
a ready sale. Th proceada will go to.
ward, defraying tha aspens. ' of the
February ciaa Cardinal, tha school
pa par.
Tha rast follows: ftir Anthony Ab
solut. Geerga Altatadt: Captain Jack
Absolute. Ha rrr Hettinger; Faulklaad.
Haroiri Maker: Bob Acres. TV J. Conway:
"r Locina O'Trigger. Adolph Bloch:
Fag. Neleon Taaendorf: I 'and. Abe
troidstoae: Thomas. Horara Koulkea;
Mrs. Maladrop, FUtker Httlngr: Lydia
tnaulak. Alrera Harry: Julia. LiUcille
smith, ieury, llula I'fscadar. ,
Chic Sales. Mrs. Gen Hughes, and a
dainty dynamo named Miss Leltacl. ar
a trio of hradllnera at th Orpheurn
Ihls wrrk. although Martin Beck, or
whichever of his halprrs makes out
tha bookings, gav that desired place to
an zcrllent and highly Interesting
condensed musical comedy entitled.
-Th Bachelor Pinner."
popular approval gives lha first blue
ribbon to Chic baptised Charles. Sales.
If you'v vr attended a country
school, or bob-sledded out to ona to at
tend a "lltterary ." or gon through
k. .waet. smelling May dusk to crowd
yourself along benches and watch the
"graduating ekerciaes ai mm
Ride. Rural Moute No. 1. then you'v
an Idea of what Chic Sales presents.
With merely an organ as an auto-
ralet. Chic Sales makes marveiouaiy
quick chances, and appears successful
ly aa tha "dear teacher," four of th
brightest pupils and two of th school
directors. His Imitations are so near'
ly Ilk th thoussnds of originals
we'v seen, th stuttering Lizzies, th
forcrtful Willies, th bad boy Jims
and teacher's pet. Percys, that the au
dience Is convulsed in merriment,
laallaflaaa Ar Trwe.
True to life Is th would-be high
brow school director, who painfully
talks to the children about the dande
lion, and also true to Ufa la the tobacco-chewing
friendly old director, who
laps his boot to for "order." and plays
-Marching Through Georgia" on a de
crepit old horn.
Chic Sales is a joy bringer. He is
one rare artist who do a not need to
change his act. Ona less Lizzie and It
mightn't b nearly so funny. Am It
Is. h has added a lot of new lines,
and every blessed line brings a laugh.
Mrs. Gene Hughes, who is a titlan
trrssed Lillian Russell, returns with
her original company In her splendid
little comedy and Illustrated preach
ment on thinking young, living young
and remaining young. "Touth." It is
railed, and cleverly It tells of a youth
ful grandmother who rejuvenated ner
daughter and grand-daughter. Mra
Hughvi Is a delightful and always In
teresting commedienne and her support
Is ezrellent.
M taa lltael Is Wsader.
Mlaa Lrlizel Is about as big as tha
proverbial minute, and she has Dainty
Maria calling for help. mi la truly
wonder of the air. She whirls and leaps.
aomeraaulta and supports herself dar
ingly by her wrists alone in her mid-
air act. swinging on a rope, or oang
ling from rings. Deafening applause
steadily accompanied every turn of th
adventuresome little sprite.
ha Ilachelor Dinner" has a lot of
nretty dancing maida and men. a qumr
tl of principals, and telle of bow on
bachelor's dinner almost postponed for
ever hi wedding and got his Would-b
father-in-law into a mesa.
Danclngly and vocally It la told, to
pleasing music, and the lines and situa
tions ar humorous. Jack Henry. Boat
Gardner and Joseph Roberts ar fea
tured fittingly.
A deservedly popular art Is that of
Jams Tooney, an emaciated, comedian.
and Annette Norman, wbo offer de
lightful nonsenaicallliea. They dance
better than most la eccentric style.
tney chatter amiably and mak a great
Marl Rlahop. dainty and demure.
play her violin beautifully and makes
an act that rharma In artistic values.
Opening lha bill are a roupla battle
as Jugglers, who merrily and far too
earelcsaly twirl double-edged scimi
tars. Their act Is amazing and full of
Vow Coat of Vpkrr-p la Early Daya
Indicated by Docomrnl.
Intrrreting features of school life In
the early days ar disclosed by n old
school report dated September I. 14.
which wan recently discovered by M. O.
Morris, of Tamhlll. Or., among th
papers of his father. E. S. Morris. Tha
report was mad. out by G. K. Sherrlll.
district rlerk of Helena school district
In tha town of Ktnda.ll. to Mr. Morris,
who was at that time rVhool Superin
tendent. It did not require much money to
finance a school In those days. Aa
Item la tha report esys:
"Amount of money received from
town superintendent within the year.
tl U. Amount raised by district
wltnin the for tha payment of
teachers' wages, 17."
Officers of Opinion That Ap
parent Lapses of Memory
Are to Conceal Past.
So Far Clews lo Identity of Robber
Shot at Multnomah Station Have
Failed, bot Confession Is
Expected Cltimately.
Is John Doe. who was shot while at
tempting to rob Multnomah station De
cember zi. a jobless working man.
spurred by hunger to commit his first
crime, or Is he an experienced crook
with a record, possibly attempting to
cover up the fact . that be is badly
wanted elsewhere.
Sheriff Hurlburt has worked in vain
for almost three weeks trying to de
termine the man's identity. A possible
clew an address in Spokane thought
to nave Deen that or his mother on
which the Sheriff based a hope that
lha mystery finally had been solved,
failed to materia lis with a reply from
Spokane yesterday that no such ad
dress existed.
By an unusual clew, the man's suit
case was located at Chehalls. Wash.,
and It w-as sent to Portland, but it con
tslned nothing to reveal th Identity
of th man now recovering In a ward of
th city hospital from th gun wounds
Inflicted by Station Agent Stewart.
Amarala la aaggeatrd.
It has been suggested thst the man
ia a victim of amnesia. The Sheriff
believes that there are voids in his
memory, and it may be a case of dual
But the most probable theory Is that
he is a crook seeking to "cover h li
past by silence, say the officers. He
says he is a laboring man: that he has
worked In the camps up and down the
Pacific Coast for several years, and that
tha straits of hunger he robbed the
Garden Home station and then threw
brick through tha station window at
Multnomah to frighten away the agent.
His mother and slater, he says, live
somewhere in Oregon. He has not seen
hem for It years, but to shield them
rem disgrace he Is hiding his identity.
If he were a crook, say the officers,
i would not make a mystery of his
case, but would give a fictitious name.
Eartdrare af Labor Larking.
His hands do not indicate that he has
been a laborer, nor does he look rugged
nough. These Inconsistencies and hi
general actions. Including an apparent
ffort to feign slmpleness, lead the or
fleers to believe that he has a "past.
"But he's not a 'top-notcher.' he's not
good crook." said Deputy Sheriff R.
W. Philips, who has been watching the
man closely, "or he wouldn t nave been
tranded. He would have had money
i him and not the few paltry cents
that he obtained from the Garden Home
atlon. had be been a first-class crook.
Nor does he show flashes of real clev
He admits what he Is assumed we
know with readiness." says Sheriff
Hurlburt. "but wa can't get another
thing out of him. but we have sent let
ters and descriptions out In every direc
tion, and he'll 'come through' one of
these davs lust as soon as be discov
ere that we've got something on him.
Ha elves tba impression that there is
something wrong with his head, as if he
had lapses in bis memory, ma case is
an odd one."
Meier & Frank's Great Annual
Featuring Beautiful New Stocks of
Undermuslins, Embroider
ies, Laces, Linens, Etc., at
Extreme LOW Prices
Details in Sunday Papers, Back Page, Section 1.
CamDaign for Funds, for Crown
Point Memorial Is Opened.
Volunteer workers in the opening
campaign for funds for the erection
of the Vista House memorial to the
pioneers of Oregon on Crown Point on
th Columbia Highway spent the
greater part of the day yesterday at
the Chamber of Commerce getting out
tha pledge cards which are to be sent
out first ia the canvass for funds.
Th first set of people to whom these
letters will go are tbe automobile own
ers of Multnomah County, who will be
asked to contribute ti each to the fund.
Th fifth floor of the Chamber, where
the letters were being made up yes
terday, was a scene of tremendous
Tba list of contributors will begin
to be made public aa soon as the return
cards reach Treasurer Adolph Wolfe's
Mr. Alnsworth. Mr. Overmlra and Mr.
Teon of the committee, feel confident
they have outlined a plan so essy for
those who would enroll their names
in th "Book of th Builders," which
will be one of Oregon's historical rec
ords. that they will be inspired to re
spond without delay.
Sled Runs Into Car Driven by Dr.
A. W. Moore.
Coasting on tha streets caused an
other accident at 5 o'clock yesterday,
when Francis Laving. 13 years old. was
knocked unconsciou at Kast Sixteenth
and Holly streets by a collision between
his auto-coaster ami an automobile
driven by Dr. A. W. Moore, of the Stev
ens building.
Tha lad was coasting down Holly
street and turned east on Kast Six
teenth street. Dr. Moore turned his
msrhtn over the curbing in a vain
effort lo avoid a collision. Dr. Moore
carried the injured boy to the home of
K. P. Garrlgues. 12 Holly street, and
administered emergency treatment.
The Ambulance Service Company later
took the boy to bis home st 461 Ladd
First Annual Sale
Bringing hundreds of offer
ings in Quality Merchandise
from all over the store at price
reductions that in many in
stances enable you to save as
much as you spend!
See Sunday papers, section 1 (in
side) for some samples and also for
Today's Grocery Specials
Exhibition of Educational Pic
tures, Music Hall, Sixth Floor.
EstsJJlxheJ IS07
The Q.uality' Store of Portland
re"U. SlxlJvrforTiaocv Alder 3ta-
Spectacular Military Events Are Sched-
aled far Meet to Be Held Thla
Week at Armory.
whose will shortly will be entered to
probate, is valued at $22, 500. He died
January 5. His closest known relatives
are James Francis Hickey, of Lome,
Mont., a nephew, and Molly Hickey, of
Kilkenny, Ireland, a niece.
Persons who are particularly inter
ested in Army maneuvers will have a
chance to have their interest satiated
at the coming military tournament, to
be held at the Armory the nights of
January 12. 13 and 14.
The long programme or military
events that has been prepared by the
committee in cnarge of arrangements
includes all th spectacular movements
of all branches of the National truard.
Infantry, cavalry, artillery and naval
militia will unite to give the crowds a
comprehensive idea of the work of
troops in the field.
Besides the fighting units that will
display their knowledge of military
tactics, the medical corps will give
demonstrations of battlefield service,
giving first aid to men theoretically
Music will be furnished by three mil
iary organisations, the Third Infantry
band, the Coast Artillery band and the
Oregon Naval Militia band.
A number of particularly interesting
features appear on the programme.
among them being a demonstration of
Swedish movements, given by a de
tachment from the Oregon Naval Mil
itia. A drill in close order by a newly-
organised division of the Oregon Naval
Militia, whose members have lately
been recruited from the Washington
High School student body. Is another
feature. '
Lieutenant Kenneth P. Williams, U.
S. A., is in charge of arrangements
for the tournament.
Sixty-five per cent of the proceeds
from the sale of seats, after expenses
have been met, will be turned over pro
rata to tbe units of the militia that
appear on the programme.
Increase Predicted Because
Weather's Delay of Work.
Members of the Columbia River
Logging Asociation made a canvass of
the logging and lumber situation at
their monthly meeting Saturday in tha
office of the Columbia Log Sealing
and Grading Bureau in the Lewis build
ing. The possibility of an advance on the
price of logs was discussed. It la
said that available logs will scarcely
permit a run at normal capacity- of
more than 60 daya
Few camps will be able to open be
fore March, owing to weather condi
tions, and consequently some are pre
dicting a rise of Jl a thousand in log
City Sues Iflectrical Company.
In an amended complaint filed bv
City Attorney La Roc he against the W.
H. Smith Electrical Company in the
Circuit Court, settlement of ,408.89
has been asked for., repairs in the
electric wiring and boulevard post sys
tem in Washington Park. The com
pany is alleged to have violated the
terms of its contract and not kept its
work in repair.
HoTlanrl'r yhlpyardB are bury.
Petition for Letters of Administra
tion Filed With County Clerk.
An estate of 950.000 was left by the
lata Charles L. Parker, according to
the petition for letters of administra
tion filed with County Clerk Coffey.
Most of this Is In real estate, on which
there is a rental of $2500 anually.
Mr. Parker died December 10. at the
age of 85 years. He leaves four daugh
ters, Carlotta Parker Honeyman. Eliza
beth Parker Mersereau, Luclle Parker
Mersereau and Zola Jean Parker.
The eFtate of Rev. Mloha"! J. Hickey,
Significant you never find a drug
gist, anywhere, who is out of
Tooth Pflvder
Pnpavd by a Doctor of Dental Surgery
Send 2e stamp today for a ganeroes trial packs; of itber
Dr. Lyon's Perfect Tooth Powder or Dental Cream.
L W. Lyoa 4t Sons, Inc., SCO W. 27th St., N. Y. Oty
Are Better
Lenses Must
Be Changed
L eaaea do .at wear oat. bat
eyea do.
Bvery part of the body ehangee
with advaaeing years, and a r
eyea, ta rommon wlta the reat of
oar physical being, a how the ef
fect of age.
We most, taerefere. meet the
changed condition, al the eyea.
The glasses that yoa baaght tea.
ar even three yeara ago, are not
giving year eyes the proper aaalat-aace.
Aa yoar eyea are wearing oat year
by year, yaar teaaea aaaaia ne
made stronger or weaker to ro rrr
aaoad with your falling vialon.
Complete 1 e a a
aa premises.
Mannfaetnrers af
Kryptok lenses.
grinding factory
tha celebrated