Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 10, 1916, Image 1

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    VOI- I.V NO. 17.VO-J.
ioKTL.xn. oni:c.o.. Monday, January 10. vjig.
c.llo. M)t(.iiT orr ovd.
NAkl HA.X 1 ItA CI: SCO.
Vast Ni.cvJrtnven
tions ueveloped.
Retirement Declared
Complete Success.
War Office Says Only One Sol
dier Was Wounded.
Caamlaallraotre Vrr.W) Aerla Cap.
tan ef "Crr! llarajr Cmmp"
Bad Sat Ttnmf Vrwarl t. Mb.
Troop Vu faak.
a., vatca
tjOXroN. Jaa. U l afrv-lall aa
ace4 thai l "IW vx-utlo
r tk ;:tiBtl -aia!a baa kaan
aucr-efI: arrlee aal
i;erl air Chart Jataare report
thai eat ruttlak) Midler w.
) la lh vaewlla aad Ikal
a.. a.... m clUa lol
raca. aa4? Ikal alt Ik g
aavaa) epl wn
war blow a aa.
Tavke Treapaht
A Hl-rul rcaart tram Cowataa-
iel. --4lnaT la aa Aatrs
4 apau k la IWulara Tetegraa. Ca
saar. aart ta tnU br Turk
af a gel rem aad am gwa
ea4 si !' aa mr
wita iff r 44'I-"kr "
Tka arrarial wakll
Ihla aaaala Mr
'U.Httl air Ckarte Mo"' '
Ik ! t Mh-ulko ef 0:tlpll
u ba caaaf!iy rrw4 aaL
wltk Ika . i..ta of IT
-Oar awaiaatti-e eaaate4 la
a.aa.r f Ik B'HM lik awa flta
a-. Dm CataaNlta
-Tkr war a aaetta Ika
-taaaarat Mm ear Ikal Ike accaav
I .ilwiil af iu airfteail lk we
Uaaaral Hir4w4l 4 Ptta aaa
lavatiaakl tuKUwt ree4ar4) I
( " Ik 4 ffWatty kT
Admiral tHa-ra aa. I rwyal aavy.
Tk La4a ! pr ftaal
wltk m! f t-w tn4 rn. aa Ik
reaafol liwMtM f PH. Tkay
Mlilr. Capita iWwral . gea-
.u Iribnt la O rata nr4 a a aa4
(ttM ll r.H f !
anakl rrirml .a ia M alirtkataa)
I. Oaaaral Mea kliaaalf. Tka Ttaaaa
atfieartanr : alikia a fa
aa ii"rl Mtar ka aiaaa4 lo
riiMii k a4 hm aa4 !
ef t Twrka a4 lklr '
afTkar, t a aM If a r4ai f
aia aa a''"! raa ke laa4 la
la aaaaU f '"
PVralaa Vn-rl, t.ltra l a for Voi
.flrr Lane hrmrctt, Tama boalh
t'ajejrr Siaal Caataa.
AX TL.vrSCO. Jaa. Tba Tara
laa bark Callao. hkb xaa yMlardar
ITa e,e aa let kr ker tfinln aat la
at daa rraartaca todar la datraa. I
aorthwc aale Cap Tanry ka
let biepd away all kut la of kar
alia a fw 4aya kefera Cbrialmaa. Tk
keal Mai call for aaalalanr la lal
lie. kal a kar ' prant4 Iba
Caaat cuard cultar foubeml.h from a.
(rtalalaa kar tocaiion.
The Callao lf Callao. I'ard. la kal-
laat for fart Townaand. Waah October
II. aad waa within mllaa of Ike and
ef aa uaavaatful 4t-mil ayae whan
a encountered lb alarm that rarrled
ewer ker caaraa. One Mot orord or ker
dlatreaa br a raaalna; SahlnaT boat ta
Kaatllc. herarai point on lha north
coaal lblad bar. The Hnohomlah weal
la bar aaalalanr chrlatmaa aa and
peat Mral oXr crulaln la arch.
bat lb f-a had aaailowad her up and
bap a aa abandoned. Tba anla aa
naunrad Iba kallaTad h bad foun
der. Wh.a Caplaia Carlo Muller. maaler
of the kark. found ka aaa unable to
as Ik ba haltered tilrait af Juan !.
ar ba rod the aal kark ta fan
'reader, and era lak.a In tow br Ike
lo r"klroa aulaW th Coldea Gala
The Callaa waa kort ef euppllea
In It arrived, aad would hae put
la at a aortkera port but for tba foe
CaMala Mull.r wife aad children were
with bin.
Mrs. Minnie Lee Dead;
Albert Gabel Held.
Victim Shot Twice, but Gabel
Says He Fired Only Once.
Gatx-I saitl lo Have I-aujthr-d aa He
lllrrrd hlnlolrr Krmark About
Ptopeard nrroiM-lliallon of
Mn. Lee and llaaband.
Comnioorr'a IUllrr Half I Director
In nxi j, bat Absent "VIcn
Support Pledjied.
WASMINO.TOX. Jno. . (Special.)
At lrat on member of tba family of
William J. Bryan la In th poaltlon of
appearing to support the movement for
the r.elrtlon of Preident WILoa. It
Is Mrs. William J. Bryan.
At a meeting of the Woman's Na
llonal Democratic Leaue. which h
Ju.t closed Ha convention at th capital
peclaj meetlnr waa called for to
morrow to omanlie the Wilson Horn
Guard, for the purpoae of making
pre la I appeal for the re-election
the Prealdent. becauv of bis efforts to
keep lha I'nlted Mate out of the wa
At the same meeting the leaue
pledged Ita support to the President
and derided to enter actively Into th
campaign for hi re-election.
At tb bead of the list of directors
of tha Woman'a National Democratic
League, who were re-elected, stand th
name of Mr. William J. Bryan, of Ne
braska. Mra. Bryan was not present.
being In Florida.
ijaMMT I rgre) farrsnanj
to fir li pa port nrejulrvam-nla.
tr.nlJS. via Loadon, Jaa. The
AmerVaa Fmbaair I negotiating with
Ike Poreiga efrice ta aecar. If poaelbl
a raodi rtratloa f tk reai:y pro
nalaatad recatalloa for vUlng pa.a
porta for eatraar lata Cermaay. Ce
dar Ikue r.aulatlooa It la almoet lie-
aoa.lbl for naor Aavarican ta ntr
(Term a r. ewlag la Ike lmp-oaalbi;ily of
ecarlnT Ike cmty doeumeala. aurb
aa blrtk certifwaiea. la tk Called
avrl day Ma th Amartcaa Em
kaar la Vteaaa aaaemaced tkat aa ac
r.l ef Ike a. w Oaraaaa aaaap-ort reg
aUtloaa tare Aaarlcaaa bad foaad It
Impvaalki la ge front Aaetrta la Gar-avaar
Portland Salvation Array to Get
Animals Killed Near lone.
lONE. Or, Jan. t. (Special.) Fou
thousand and three hundred . rabbits
were killed at Ewlng Siding today In
a drive participated In by vv persona.
Special train service was provided.
The rabbits will be shipped to the
Salvation Army at Portland.
Mrs. Minnie ii years old. wa
hoi and klllrd at i o'clock yeaterday
afternoon by Albert Gabel. aged ft,
her Infatuated aultor. lie Is held In the
city jail rbarged with murder, deaplte
bis aaaartlon that lha (hooting waa er.
ridenial and that he. placed the rifle
again! Mr. I.' breaal In Jr.u
The .booting occurred In a boat
bouM on Willamette Hlouah. about a
mile from Kenion. near lha plant of
lh Coaat Culvert A Flume Company
oa falumhlH kin n I ... r t
The fart that Mrs. L wa shot twice INDEX OF TODAY'S
and trial Gabal wa Meklsg to kill him
Mlf weea captured by City Delecllve
Coleman. Hwennas, finllb and Patrol
man Kvana under Captain II ty. to
gather with previoua Ihreata of ahoot
Ing. caua in police to diecredlt bi
Mra Iee a rafuaal lo marry blm Is
aid to be a poaalble motive for the
A3TrtrAM. Jaa t Tk Prlllak,
aa a reautl af a vtwleat tll. bare
'aaiptatatv eearaalad Mul .f. wllk
C. Ma a 4eMU-k frera ta.
atantia-el. l a il nun re ma aad
Tba du.palrfc a4a tkat eew.papar
reewrta fraea IN txardana':.. aa r Ike
Tarkiak liMM ka.a caarl'tty 4rtvea
lae r k ri n-ui.l front .44til
Rant. tn4 Kal Ike lt!ipall pealet:a
-la a lr ef in eneaav"
Liealrnaal Mrlhocuild llarird A ha-a
.b-ddtag la Uyewnlag.
MVIVTtr. Moau Jan. Uaa
l.aanl J.p U McDonald. Twelfth
Cavalry, ef Fort T alio atone. Wyoming.
ka, witk f-aer roanpanlona. waa oul
.1.44!- today at tb Memenotk Hot
PaMagK war Fort Tellowatoa. waa
kiltad ky a aaowelide. All five war
raaakt la Ike alide. MrDonald'a com
aaatoae ware able la fra lhaeaaalvaa.
kal Ik Liealeaant remalaed bur lad for
la asiaatea kafor kla companion
coa'd itlf. kira. lie waa aaronaclou
wkaa lakaa oal and died lonlgkt.
Leauleaaal McDonald waa bora la
4 la Alabama, and waa graduated
from Waal ltlnl la !-
r.Ri.T iiopr..- mppoiti:o
I tac-natio) I Calmiaailna of Sertc-s
f tla
LONO"'. Jaa. Wltb Ike wltk
draw! ef lb. I'rltiak and French
Con art a bo llroke Plrds Han
tow a by Irllow-ITleo
Likrii Salt A
n.bal bad ethlbited to M'a. Lee Ihe
day before paper of hi divorce from
hia wife during lh paa t week. Mra
Lee dxllned lo file suit for divorce
agaia.t her buaband. Jaa Lea. though
be bad refuaed to ba reconciled ta Ihe
latter aa late aa January I. and bad
keaa Mparaled aiare la. I Summer. Ga
bel tiad been a eullor for bar hand
a. ace Tbankaglvine and during Ilia pat
few wMka bad be" a with ber con'
Teeiedy morning he ram to the
home of Mr. Lee's mother. Mra. Newton
niout. lia Burrage itreri. in Kenton.
where Mr. Ie lived, helped waah the
breakfaat diahaa and at about I o clock
t.i two 1'fu Tkey returned In
hour, got a .J! caliber rifle and were
accompanied by Mrs. Lee itr. Mr.
Alice Patterson, earing they were go
ing ehootlng oa the slough.
On lb river they Joined Womfatey
Fable h, and ll waa In kla houeeboal
that ike ehootlng orcureed. Mr. Lee
aad Gabel bad etepoed Into aa adjoin-
Inr roam.
klayer laeeal kaal Waa Areldeat.
-Ob. my Uod. aia. he a a hut me!
ekrteked Mm Le aa Mra. Patterson
ruehad Into lha room at Ihe eound of a
tih and Bablch ran oul of lh build-
lag. aha lo Ibe home of ber mother I
and be for a doctor, and. a they I. ft
they My Ihey heard another ehot.
liar the dory of Gabel differ. Il
Tk Wealaer.
TKfTF.HnAT" Matlmum temperature,
4aaraea. minimum, a dacraaa.
TOOAT n Orcaaionai rata er .no; south
aaatarly ioUa.
AUIaa romplate evacuatloa ef Oalllpoll-
l-asa a.
Ilrlil.n fcaitlaahlp Klag Edward VII auak kr
mine. raae l.
Dntlab flt p:aae wltk energy while await
ing kaltla. fasa S.
Arntoear rinda war caaaot aad before June
li l'aa A
Mr Rryaa'a w If la In league pledged
.apt-art PreaJdenl wllaoa. Pas L'. ttltod toward truat prose
cutieaa eatllaed. page 3.
CtnirM. becoming calmer oa Intvrnatloaal
alluatloa. Ia.a a.
1. ef Saw Haven dlreour acquitted.
rasa 1.
Bark t'aMao, (Ivan up aa loet, make barber
la u rranclaro. Pace 1.
aanaior Chamaertala ear eceaaa art only .( I alt4 kialee. I'.a X.
Womaa kill aaif aad ma rkildrea. Page t.
UM opera .tar raallaf grand opera am
bit laaa rase a.
.44 .a Paa. I
Caaat tissue ad opt Raaxk ball fer 30-yrar
panoo. rare 1.
Caliber af Waat rerognlied br appointment
of rr. laart br Nebreaaa L'alveraltr.
I'll' IS
l-arlfle Nortbweat.
Mr Keremaa. ftoctallatlc school teacher, la
llmailsht aaaia. pace .
na.aH.I aad Marlae.
Taaaa klara. from Japan, la everdue.
l-ase II.
Beak elactloo to be held Tueadar. Pace 11
t-ertlaad aad VertaltT.
Admir.r af Mr. Minnie L. kill ber at
etaeton. aalnc It la arrloaal. raa I.
IMaratera aeaamtole for conferance kare lo
dar. Pace i
SanHav artioAt aaKreterlae cloee eeaaloa at
hlta T.mpe. Pae .
Pabllr aalarta three beadllnera oa Orpbeum
bill. I'a.a U.
Flrvt liar-nan Rapfiat Churcb celrbrate ;ith
analraarr- I'aae II.
Dallrtwm tr.mana lollew In wake f prohl-
blllon. I'aca 11.
Prtaoaar Joba Dm pussle te Sheriff.
I'asa II.
Place where man can talk, amok aad wear.
riac'ar-4 n4. Paca II.
Electrical "Wizard" Says Na
tion Is Independent.
Economic II ranches Much Strength
ened and Experience VI1I Be of
Great Value When Peace
Has Been Restored.
(War'eorrepondent of the New Torlt World.
w no recantiy reiumca irom a aaronu ijw
nf Inv.atlgatlon of condition. In Germany.
Publiahed br arransement with the
"Germany did not wish this war, but
having th duty of defending herself
to perform and being chanted with the
security of the future of the Father
land. Germany la perfectly and abso
lutely prepared to make thla struggle
aa long aa necessary, even if the war
should last for years.
'We bop it will ba shorter, but we
are ready to meet aay emergency We
hope the war will b shortened bj some
udden occurrence, of which to speak
now does not seem to me to be the
right moment-
The speaker was Dr. Walther Rath-
enau. head or tha AUgememe ciec
trlcltaeta Geaellechaft. the most influ
entlal organlxation of ita kind in all
Europe. In Germany the great elec
trical corporation la referred to as the
A. E. G. It controls several hundred
branch concerns, with a geueral capi
talization of one billion dollar.
Uealaa Deflea Brlllah Blockade,
Today thla great eiectrical engineer
a called th "Wlsard of the Empire'
nd tha "Field Marshal of Buaine.'
the man whoM genius made it possible
for Germany to defy the blockade by
means of which the allies are attempt-
ng to force Germany to her knees by
starvation and the keeping away of all
auppliea for th civil as well a the
military population.
Dr. Rathenau ha been successful In
producing a multitude of substitutes
for goods and material which In times
of peace Germany had to import. His
greatest achievement, aa far aa Is
nown. was taking from the air salt
peter (nitrate of potash), absolutely
neceeaary In the manufacture of gun
powder, and all of which Germany had
to Import.
There are hundred of other new
thing. Invention and chemical proc
esses never dreamed of be Tore, all
guarded with the utmost secrecy.
laveafeena Make Xali.a ladepeadeat
These inventions, the result of the
blockade. tha Teutons say, have
proved to them an Inestimable bless-
ng. They have made Germany ab.o
utely Independent, ao that today the
aiser and hi people are not in
Ined to worry much because Eng-
Southern Pacific Rushes Snow
Fighting Equipment in Effort to
Keep Way Open for Trains.
SACRAMENTO. Jan. . (Special.)
No sooner had the Sacramento Valley
passed through one storm, that which
cleared up last night, than another one
broke late today over the whole region
from Sacramento to the Oregon line.
Weather Forecaster Taylor predicts
that the present rain will continue for
another 36 hours and that the rivers
of the Sacramento watershed will rise
rapidly, probably reaching dangerous
stages Monday. He advises all lowland
residents who have not already moved
their stock to high ground to do so at
As during the last storm, the main
danger lies in the snow, which lies
loose over the Sierra Nevadas, the deep
est since the great snowfall of 1911.
Should the rain fall on the lower por
tion of that snow a flood of disastrous
proportions would follow. The Sacra
mento River rose 2.4 feet last night.
The Southern Pacific Is rushing every
bit of snow-fighting equipment Into the
Sierra Nevada Mountains, to keep the
unprotected portions of its lines clear
for the movement of trains. So far It
haa succeeded in doing so.
Portola, Truck ee and all mountain
points report a heavy fall of snow.
Jury Disagrees as to
Other Five.
William Rockefeller One
Those Failing Acquittal
Government Will Move to
With Case; Jurors Stand
4 for Acquittal of All
Defendants in Case.
Go o
8 to
Germans Complete Reconquest
Position in Vosges.
ii'oncludM on 3. Column 2.
Ql'EVTIV Cel.. Jaa T!J
donor co.Tlrli who broke their pledcae
to tria atat aad aaraped f roan lan J
Uaantia l aaltrntlar r on New Tear I
day vjer vbaard. raptured and re-1
turned lo prleoa lday by tao fellow j
honor on !!. who a ere .ant from
tb e-aatrnrtloa camp to eearch for
lh fusltivaa. J
Althouck accompanied br on of lb .
cuerte from th ramp, lb Iwo man.
. t
T 1X( l. Jaa t.ipecial ror
tb Aral lime la history a womaa la a
raa-l!4at far th nomination for Vic.
rraed.nt of the Valtad Metre, wltb a
man fr ranaiag male, t-b
faeva frwe Ik aan.tb.ra lip of Ik ( karlaa Taacart and Herbert ITImro.e.
ar;taII rlatt. afte tk avacna-t wer oft.a mU.a dteiant from carl
tiM af I Aasae Cve aM ! lUrjeih.r They found thnr quarry In a
aMltkea aa lk wa.t.ra coaat la tkelcabia la a remote bury aectto, where
an 144 af IW.ab-r. Iker baa roaaej Ikey kad lakaa ref uge
I aa aa4 a -! thai wa beau a
wtta eaaertatloaa thai ll w a 14 ka.a a
grant brtag tk autcom of laa
Tba4a ap lu.e.i ef p,., Mf. O llre Ut. lo IV t kr-rre.
ot liva la efftiag laaalia- ideal of I nltrtl Stair.
tb Tarkiab c. aad la lb flatt
ing sine. I a4titloa. savaral batl!-
skia and) smaller war erari ef tkej
aeteat a:'.. kv keaa ewnk ar daea-i
Tka rblrf eallllarv parpoa af tba
rar4as. I re . waick waa k-i
hit. nira.nia n.ra, rocHiiri. lifri
. . iw, raaearv. tt. w a lha litlar 1
f Coaataaiinnal aaal la eeanlag of
tka BMaar-u, a Ikal Kaaai aaiabt I
ka.a aa avaaw far Ik ra'.rpt munt
lioaa aa.l a'M for Ika eartatioa f
graia. For Eagtaael !' awant tba
af I .
Tk .4lSaI f Ik f T.e-I I farv lh
Pe4ai:a wltkaal Ik ralaal
. U.. f-rM waa g-aeeailr o4.4l SUFFRAGETTES VOICE IRE
I kaaa ea lb big laltul blua4.r of
t II a caws. a a. Tk lailarr f t.a
141 for.. wkj tkay war seat, w aa;
ari'k.'l4J aa aakr
Tka eaaaaaiga wa aaarkaa) by the.!
a-iaju ralia. ky Ike f'.--t
Mra. I
Kale R.rharn. O Mara, a fociall.t. liar (
m-m .III itatf a n h.. t . I K riff. I
ill apear en ballot la
I ruialed among i-uriaHat thla w aa k.
(aa4i4ataa fr lb rtociatlat nomlna-
lioa ar flitarmla.4 by raferendam.
'liit( R kirkpatrlrk la eoaaMared a
t ernOaM raadldal for Pr.ald.nt
Mra O llar. la 4ltr of Ik National
I Rip Paw. a rkarUliel art an.
Cuanpal.loaa Bill Pro4r-rti. V. Mle .
pon-rw llre-kar Swkrr-a.
UMN. Jaa.
Svtt recedes held
ta Hyde Park Ie4ar I
a Mn a4 laa ky Ik Una) fore. a a, tat- a rf.
a r Ik f't. Tk a. t reaurt wa a aaet t computeioa bill.'
ll ttaivti mt Ik lip f Ik U:lipo,l, Adrre.. wer mad v aaarau J
raeiaaaia aad a narrow- f It., and ram, from fir,
ai44 c. Tk flrat dia-i ptaifaem. arowad wfckrk g ('
aalar eaaa ktarrb I, wkaa aaiaaa kl-w al lra4. j J
u Ik Freark battlaakip Boavef aad I Tkae waa eaa.ideraMe kck:iag of ,
t prtiwa katltoaaip Irraaaatlki aadttb akar kr Ike rrwd aad eoaa ; J
fveaa. ll wa laaa aawd Ikal, after li baa'aaiag f Ik -jcratt 1 e
"' Caea-a. Ik Brttiaa caaaaiaad- 4aaatraiia a r.p f n-aa wearing
bad ea r.pi4 ky AJ-aural tkT arml'ta aegaaUed a cawatar J
t.aa..,la4 aa' j-a4 a."-.. . 1 ii i B.euC Be. (J. I a.
BERLIN. Jan. . (By . wireless to
Sayville. N. Y.) The Wer Office an
nounced today that near Hiristein,
south of Hartmans-Weilerkopf,
Germans yesterday completed their re
conquest of the trenches which, on De
cember 21, fell into the hands of the
French. Twenty officers. 1083 chasseur
and 15 machine guns were captured.
PARIS, Jan. 9, via London. Jan. 10.
The French troops have withdrawn
from the summit of Hirzstein, south
of Hartmans-Weilerkopf. This admis
sion Is made by the communication is
sued by the War Office tonight. The
withdrawal waa due to the capture by
the Germans of a hill north of Hirz
Subjects of Allies Arrested in i".e-
venge for Salonikl.
BERLIN", by wireless to Sayville, X.
T., Jan. s. The Turkish government.
as a measure of reprisal for the arrest
of consuls of the Teutonic allies In
Salonikl. has arrested 10 French and
British officials who had remained in
embassies in Constantinople, the Over
seas News Agency announced today.
AMSTERDAM. Jan. 9 According to
reporta received here from Constant!
nople the Turkish government, in re
prisal for the treatment of Turkish sub
jects by the entente powers in Saloniki,
has interned 1000 subjects of entente
nations who were in Turkey.
Wire Communication at Roseburg
Also Is Demoralized.
NEW YORK, Jan. 9 Six or the 11
former directors of the New York, New
Haven & Hartford Railroad, charged by
the Government with criminal violation
of the Sherman anti-trust law, were
found not guilty today by the jury that
for nearly three months has been try
ing the case. The Jury disagreed on
the five others.
Those acquitted were D. Newton Bar
ney, Farmington, Conn.: Robert W.
Taft, Providence, R. I.; James S. Hem
ingway. A. Heaton Robertson and
Frederick F. Brewster. New Haven, and
the Henry K. McHarg, Stamford, Conn.
Jury Is Out 51 Hours.
Those on whom the Jury disagreed
were William Rockefeller, New York;
Charles F. Brooker, Ansonia, Conn.:
Charles M. Pratt, Brooklyn; Lewis Cass
Ledyard, New York, and Edward D.
Robbins. New Haven.
The verdict was returned at 4:30
o'clock, after 61 hours of deliberation,
and the Jury was discharged. The'
final vote on the five defendants on
which the Jurors could not agree stood
eight to four for acquittal.
R. L. Batts, chief counsel for the
Government, announced that he would
move for a new trial of these Ave.
This will be done, he said, before any
effort is made to try the six other for
mer directors of the road who were
indicted, but who obtained the right to
be tried separately.
Deadlock Once Reported.
The Jurors did not report their ver
dict until after they had reported to
Judge Hunt early in the day that they
could not agree. Up to that time
noon they had been deliberating with
a view to bringing in a verdict on the
guilt or Innocence of the defendants
collectively. The court then instructed
them to make further effort to concur,
and that If they could not agree on
all to try and reach a decision on some.
The vote of the question of all at
that time stood eight to four for ac
quittal, it was learned.
On returning to the jury-room the
Jurors renewed their discussion with
the court's instructions in mind, and
unanimously eliminated the six de
fendants that were . excused. Two of
the four jurors who had voted against
the defendants originally stood Arm,
however, against Messrs. Rockefeller,
Ledyard, Brooker. Pratt and Robbins.
Then the other two switched to their
original position, leaving eight to four
as the final vote.
William Rockefeller,, who is ill, and
Henry K. McHarg were not present
ROSEBURG. Or.. Jan. 9. (Special.)
Interrupted train service and partial
ly demoralized telegraph and telephone
service tell the tale of the storm that when the Jurors filed Into court. The
has raged in this vicinity during the nine other defendants were in their
past 21 hours. Rain began to fall last usual seats.
night and continued throughout today, I Charles S. Mellen. ex-president of the
with a light snowfall. vw Haven and the chief witness in
Tonight Roseburg Southern Pacific
officials report snow to a depth of five
feet on top of tunnel No. S, near Glen-
dale, while on tunnel No. 9, near Le-
land, the - snow is three feet deep.
Northbound trains are late. Hills sur
rounding Roseburg are covered with
snow and freshets are feared if thi
rains continue.
the case, was not in court.
Poles of Chicago Send Request to
British Premier.
Carrie Stewart Is Now Looking for
Employment '
Carrie Stewart found her room yes
It had been lost two days, and wa
finally located by the police at Third
and Pine street '
Miss Stewart is IT years old. She
came from the country Thursday night
looking for work. She stopped at a
lodging house, and forgot where it was.
after leaving her grip and going to the
Y. W. C. A. She is now at the Y. W.
CHICAGO; Jan. . A cablegram urg
ing Great Britain to lift the blockade
sufficiently to admit supplies for the c. A., still hoping to find work, assist-
destitute of Poland, was sent from! ing in housekeeping.
here tonight to Prime Minister
Asquith. - The communication was
signed by the Polish central relief com.
mattee and
nine big Polish organiza
tions, whose relief work is being con
ducted through the committee:
The committee also sent a telegram
to President Wilson quoting the dis
patch to Mr. Asquith, and advising the
President of the circumstances sur
rounding its filing.
Barometer Drops Suddenly to 26.14
In Billlnfrs, Mont.
3fan Asks Red Bluff Police to Send
Him Back to Portland.
RED BLUFFS. Cal.. Jan. 9. (Spe
cial.) Three years' pricking of his
conscience was as long as William Mer
hltt could Btand the remorse of having
embezzled 7.50 from his employers. He
surrendered to the officers today, ask
ing to be returned to Portland, Or.,
where the alleged offense was committed.
Merritt is about 23 years old.
dented weather prevailed In the vicln- I
Government Now Trying to Aid the
Manufacturers Affected.
MADRID, via Paris, Jan. 9. A prohi
bition of the exportation of arms has
caused a serious industrial situation
ity of Billings today. At S o'clock this
morning the barometer stood at 2614.
tha lowest mark ever recorded at the
local Weather Bureau, and a sleet
storm, accompanied by thunder, raged
for an hour.
The mercury rose to 37 degrees, but I among the manufacturers at Ebiar. El-
In the afternoon a sudden drop began.
and it stood at 2 below at ( o'clock to
night and was dropping rapidly, indi
cations being for one of the coldest
ihu of, the .Winter,
golbar and Guernica, who fear that
their business will be captured by
American and Japanese arms makers.
The government is seeking to solve
lha difficulty,