9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF -.r,;r7r: TITE MORNING OREGOMAX, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1916. r r t , wr t nt :j 11 ;or h jtnf , f W'drtitdiv r ic M. Ori-r r.t a ff tt a.! ,iulr , - ? at' .. . Mi T-r-t. A ' af T . X A K A e4 ; ft' 1 trra. aftl SQ )otnd it 4. K A. bro. .---. lltfl ;j. r- 4k ... . l urrlr. afd.n,. li R. VarU; row- ' atcf-rn. I ft utrtr if rr.i. Vai-- F T?lr. rt. l.obM L w " .tt.-eit J t f la on ar dr w t la !ftaf aat r..hM Mtrva iirtt, T ft raaaa r 4in1 f HBMl-oni 1 ntt. ltr;Ari ac4 rt L fia4 liwrvft. t4 A4iito. ahr J I .V;wn Uf 4 A. roll"! ,. ia coridtctB4 ia aiut. a prboir fc14 !.A firt m- ln rtr tu h.ilAT la I?" I'ubi.e lrry tM ttf ntn4 a( 4 'do lo rm K Lr. Wctura Ui art t.i !&.(. "KaoUl. I'Mi.ni. Wu:. a'KAt f THr TM ctaaa la prc- ckij! wwl mt f.h rrr-wr iTtott tl I T M. la rKm I k u"io4 aa la Labrary feUt:n r4. Tl ia ia 4bU p4iBtf for Uyrt anta JafT 4 ia room II at I P. M. An;B iM to a- Ooa.t ur la acca4 lo a-vAri4 ta Asoa oa tpv- tr aa atamoU 4fta Ulia tfY4a at W.. ??l n j n4 I'nneai a(rt aa teotr IS rit ia araiAaat n)ry t ha fcratn J A&oot. (4''4.t fr IS 11. yNCr4ar fi;" '-! la It ifx Mil lain Keltic- J4 i:a 4m-c 1 roffl4.at U I lt4 IOt 4xti4 a tn ra 4 trim irc. ta flaCa af tha ctcr trafCwe rna-a T rwri4 a frlr at ta f ta a4 tar la- titna U'i la k ' " r r e miie fu rt of m&; taitac t 4'frnt Diat te 'RiRar .int l rprt; it th pUn t 4r4a 't rrtubia tia. t fie! wat al4 -rfT i ill ta IHa Nort ortUn4 Uraaca I i &- y lt ;4 Ut-f at tt. J nn., Katok t aiiT -rh 4 VV ua i .tia wftwc wilt a a44r4 tf ip4ri v taa 4rJ':n rpo4tUa. fr. iai. to I rr tnaa tftt r n ruLmit tmio'ra I- a 4inn ta T tu v I.parci ti4- o ;a aia wit will a - ta " nr-a T ta fi-ltA6t a-UC)B f in city Ta a Will aan wa niitl Me af ay urt tril au&L ,.ftmr 4rnr Mfl,,t wilt a du. f..i, Ta 4 ar wu f4 la ttt wnal mt i&a ctwrtl, iiHi rt-' r-VM4b Ifi-i. T la-I pri f Jofta I , wft 4. t Mo-4r t trt, wbb nl4 ytr4v Crn la riit' Nrt 'rj-jrvh. t .lMnt! an1 t rtl w r Ik lar t I" wj fep.ic nr of o 4t, J-tb. Mnjl p4 A4 pa IU. If l-T tlrvxj r:iif a4 Ut a lit:a. it. l-r-f vT tB. rmtfol- rftt t aa4 Itfna can--4 a fir in it fr f n prtriina afTc f. 2 r:t 4.1 T f.r. rir af worniRf lrAtn t a rar 4or ta-T It wtth4i a aiam a4 B-for tt 4 4 -rl fmt. It ha.1 trt4 from aot Ba la a w4 TT a4 rrBB4 tfcf wf ttmu(k taa b an4 aiw lftrt ta f:o. ;vw Ataio rt-a 1.mx Trta! lfora a Jii ft la ia ca rt ( Orit Jti4 f -i r - w oki n4 vCri a r ta Ilk '4tt fr 1 1 .4i-p br'iKt mt i Tort Ii4 Uilwtr, tja A l"wr t'ompn If J ca I'.r'BnfiL firli"nt In jur4 tfl Au'it la aHmpt(fj to Br4 a BCrtjr at Jt-on4 an4 Wah ti4t.in trtw a&4 ht woa ampa- tt4 tatr. M canvj ra Vc A tr iib g1 fr m ntj wtlt b b14 an l iMaf S vl'x-a In In flit tH t?ttt h4fa. Hv. . i;. Mrhaii. rf fB -frv Bn4 K. W ik filar-h wi't t th r4i. fe:BBa: itl Mftu- ar lll.t irT ; i 4 T J o: B la tv rNM. Taa wbl la wUro-n. T T la a" ? va.BBw A "dry atkn I to biv tauorrow B'c&t c la Armory in .'! ArttUry ton4 b ana of I" Brtactpol --tI fi' f t'ia - a for ta Coot ti;;rr rr. Vuk wilt fr Ba. tl tti bant. T& affair Wv at.rt ot V. V. wraa'B Ta4tTa4Ti1T T Trtrte. Tti ffur4 Icur la ntoa car WVt! T r 'at I'rona aa AtrrU -a ip''ini w it bo atva b Pro rMr K. Ji U''ift( t thio vBlRaT at a ac.ov la .ibrry It 1L 'ntr tJ bary. T? B-t w-:i b "Th Trana f ormoltoB ot tao $-r I'ntn. a.ro4 of Bo- :i wiea tb lift) WBTnt wbo btf .-. wit TaCroimaa J V JcBoal rt - aa. w ai Yore- tf ir (riMoa. th J 4?rms ilutt la bo wb la WBtl ArfuaaT f o- Tara.i- X X PbftIb. attar bt rftr4 ai'j iMtinur anon? by fa rPE-B. W fTfB4 b- t r Ctrait Jj Kamuaia jtf 4o avr i bb4 t'4 a la of at m ;ey Ta t"w f- b-afin w .t C li ! prBt4 by W. T. Hum. f u-f a f ta N r' Ir; n v i nn'it n-i all bi4 roftfro T ..lr iM at tho Pr-i.- L-brr"r. K .. n c w r t ianna an4 t'mmp!ol to rnMr p;Ano aa I . tiv;l;a I f ft tar. I Rai-jrraArwr Attt ? T J-'bb r;4nt af It. Jj a-y ra7i.r ot ! tao o. l Otv II I aa at bo rtirH no to ta 1y la rfUAa4 Tia bo la JrIM aro lo car-o of Hny M --b. wbo ww apB54 4t Jty f a -r bf rqnty t1r iAI K f..ffy. j w:ty ra Pftmaarrt. CTt o-o b- T' -al a?pr4 f jF tso aa.ittl tiiut! f r h irrs ar a b t - :l IKjO'4 Jl;tlt TM wa ft-otA f Amiiv. aBo jc-fjt app:u.-ioa w aanoiicc-! iroara. lwti)C4 Vi'TWT-r Tr year, j Ta r4i-'.tABwr aa iar of ! t w I havt tta BBat3:y tr:ottaT a n J Mtt ot a'-ioca la tba Catri , t 1-ary. affT au raoat v4a'i a w afa wwtt'oat. Ttnt-r fr-r'B- Ta, Tftnc. "a. r- nl ?f;t.-T at: ho to to-K ! B rf f l BM Bt f V ' a ai.i pl.y a to.j'Urv at t o lra J b IV Wuo biJ ffl-i-t. AA aro wiomo. Wl biAXl Jav I, 04 w.C ob: Witltom t.tr-.lr; vlr lft M- J. I.:tr.rn rtry. R. a;t i!:4 14 titrooi: trvaatjrvr. J. r Iion: vaKan, C. M Worln4. ran. Jftof. P. H biatoa: rbapiain. M. If. tb:tr; r;?it coe wpportr, D. A. bV t-uarar; J-f i axn auoortar, Andraw inc. rtsht aarortrr noM irani t. I it 1 ft T3ppoftr aot: far.4. i. K. iwn: rlarhl iJpportar ltfo-irrBa4. P C. Ilabtr; ft toprtr ticv'arrancJ. Harlar bmtlt. ni4 dar4. J. VT. t nbtr; outJi4a fxmr4. Wi;ii4m pnpHam, PolIoa-iBf th in-tal-ltivn. tBl tr mad by Hobort 1 AwrfrBWB, W. A. M'hMUr. A. t Mo niton. C. J. Uri. W. p. Ui, I C Cartvr Bt4 D toutf c Worjoaw tttwa Coavnarss MT I f?cmaT. Th but dine c1niriil of tb W or 14. h- 4 a InBat "aion laot I n l. at wic-bj b'4i.''iinc plans wra cora4rl la tpct4 that tb corn mtt: ma jr Qbm:t a rort and rom mrfir. Inr.ltf hi n I ha hall on Coat 0ivta n4 Kat A14r :rtt Tba com rmtto baa rcctT4 aa offr of I n nrthtt eontar cf Orand ttioaa and laat AI4r atroot. for tba propa4 1 frt.rnal boiritn. paatpa fc Thiti pro?rty la ab4 by tho Cttta Hank j n4 It It oa this corn r tba Kat t ..d KoMirtf Company brxf thai tak ; b4 p:nnt4 to rt buildin-m. Tbt 4tanut of a Graa4aTnu loration i la tha cfmmmJ Una, Grand irtDuai btrj a oua4&oa at root. I BarftB-i Abo Vf ttbxb N arrp Vra. II. K. fioadarant. chairman of thaf ca canmMtf for tba Idows pa- ( aiora. baa 4icovtrd na farnlh that ar lf rraat aod of b4dlOaT and nuttraaaaa. la on houaohol4 aTraJ f.-wr. fa aaotbr a motbtr and thr ttttlo ctaUdroa alap oa th aprtnsa wit onlr aTann? aockir a to covar hra. A pcl I modo far bod-Iinc and mat tr.aB for ta. Aajraca WiliinaT . comfort and nIp to tNvoa tonfor- lunoio widow ard itctlo chfWirff ma rtm'jnKita with Xra. Ifonduraot. Tabor I. it-rxu Ojraai Atarr paaro Albor Fabr. botl cir. ytr4ay confa4 ta coabinc mi bocua cbcaa lotlin boat foliwwiea b: arrt by tsitoi ttv )ttlyr and TarkabrTy. II wa hKut by tha iarn aaTncy f bott moa la Albaay, Wood burn and Portland, wbcro bo la aald fa ba ob- taa4. anoay from tbo Francta, th t-rri bb4 I- I zn portal rapettvsiir io IB aa atdartr man. 4tntfi4 I apparaaco. an4 lb offir btt t?vt b wat "oa Baainat It" and tho tbo opratioe coafao4 lo ara b.a WBtro laioo Taiaraob Com pony an aiaco tbat owtrai to a temporary bortoar af fa-:iilti-a It will b a- a-ar-r to aapad for a fw dara ta taa4Uaf of trana- ltiae 4frr4 bco, :ry ffurt wtlt bo mad t rtor ajfrr4 arTbro and cofcio Utra ot th riiai momnt and tha piM;r will bo pruttiptty b4t:b4 aa aoa a aa4:iora bart( tbo raoioratlon of ta ary !.', f w rrv x v tatr ARB f Pand- crafi. of Hood tiir. woa kaobvd off a lra bl tr: y trdy mornlnat f a pmaT l'i bla loft arm rat ovr and ao anr.t4 Ibat II h4 lo b ampu- t4 a boa tbo ibw at Good Momarl too HopltL l(o w b awttcbmaa vrplyd by tbo Nrthra Pacific Tr raiaai Cornpoay. and th aridnt ;'jrrd at lh or:hrn Pa-rtf? lrmi- al ar4a at I K A. M. trday, i oKiw-r to r HT Wbfool Crr.p i bold It moot Mr roundup ta.- -ftin4' ml ! iVt ftda ball It win b b rvcular 14-Um inolitr, wita iBflkM proj4 by tho Btrtio moot ctounitta. Tbo foatar of tb Bif( will bo thro fat bostaAT bout by aoru of ta bf amatvur taint la by cty. Blo m b-rrl fibt and pillow f sbt. Tbro kU aUo bo a sood arvatliaaT match. lta Baat PoiJvaAa IlaAJUk- Aftar Rar!fi a:l th tUalimtnt la tha cms of P. o. 1 oartf . a polaroman wbo u dtmio4 r-atir for dranbvnn. i bairmaa CaMwU. of tbo Municipal arvUa Hoard, aaaoaacod ytr' day that h would rcommnd I ha tard to auatala tb dismlaaat. Tba otnr awmCMr of tha "Hoard could not atcnd tbo bortBaT and 4lcafd Mr. CMwM to laa tba tcatlmony. i:aa;.t Anwl to Vfurr Twwarr Tb lirooalyn Aiomnl Aaoolotion will loM lia monthly mtmc tontchl wba arracamai will bo mad for aa a trt4Bntnt to bo ala for tb par poo of raiatn? mory with which to purchaao a atorvoptlcoa. Homo Im portant buairtca u coma fx for tba aaaocia&loo at th motictt tonlsht. JtXJMav Mm T-vatoarr Inatatla Hot of of fir or and di roc tor fr It 14 and rporta of 1M offr and d k roc tor wi: bo tho Important buin to (tma bfor tba rulr fortnishtly mr-eir.v of tha Port! and tialamon'a i'lub ; tontcht at tbo lloyal Hkry. Hroadway and alorrivoo. Thro will b aiao ba ta at by tba m rubor Krr. IL It. MAbawAiX FrrLasa. IL K. MnUll to conduct loc apclat irBntto aonrlcB vry nlcbt at tb I.ai hid ip(Ut Church. Kaat ToU'P and Kt Aftkanr atroot. Thy wt.l roctina titl January SL Kv. o. Kwank th paator. I oaalat inaT la tbo maaltnsa. r Wr 4U $im pf Orlrnlal fuca; row it proaTT. I'artoaian I'roav. Plttock bloarh. third fior A4. Clearance of Kuppenheimer Suits and Overcoats A decisive. clearance at deep reductions of all Kuppenheimer Suits and Overcoats for men and young men. All styles, all fabrics and all sizes. Blues and Blacks Are Included $20and $25 rtj - ij QC Garments . . . 4) I 00 $23.85 $30 and $35 Garments ... Manhattan Shirts Reduced Our twice-a-year clearance of all Manhattan Shirts is now in effect All styles are included. $1.50 Manhattan Shirts at -. . . .'.$1.15 $2.00 Manhattan Shirts at : .$1.55 $3.00 Manhattan Shirts at $1.95 $4.00 Manhattan Shirts at $2.85 $5.00 Manhattan Shirts at $3.85 nwr 1.1. Mf MOwM or nurrwHBiua Successor to Stcinbach & Co. GUS KCHN. Pre. Morrison At Fourth MILLS BUI OUTFITS Established Lumber Plants Prepare tor Activity. PRICES AND ORDERS RISE nlldlng Room of Large rroportiun I lUprctrd to Apprar and to liar. Material i:ffm on Ix taad for Oaipal. a dcreiio of 1 from lh prevlons yrmr. Of thl number 4 were granted. li by dffnult: four ran. wre dl mld and It ar attll pndinK. The total number of curs film during tha yra . Thrrv fr f Insanity cavrs. Jl brine rommlttrd to the ylurp. The total frca of the office last year mere ".. 77. a. nralTKl 10 In 114. CARD OF THAXKS. Wf extend our sincere and heartfelt thanks to the many friends for their sympatny ana considerate kindness In the loss of our beloved wife and mother. JOH V ANDERSON. til"Y U ANDERSON. l RS. OTTO T. OTT. Adv. MISSRCTHAXDERSOW. CITY MAIL ORDERS NOW Mand rHmrll NUM. at Hi-lll; Ttiarwlay Janaary 30. rria fr orti a protest wom.n rir:iti.t Lwr f .r. II rows. 1 3 r : T rove. H i. IU..onr. t rowo. 11 . at ?l. la r.ar. i-i. Oallery. r s. Ad.lrs m.ll ord.rs. mk. aaj potffi money orders lo V. T. !' Ad. rlrms baadllec lumber and lossioa marhlo.rr aod mill suppli. In I'ort Uad raport aa lacr.ased demand for quipm.au which shows plainly lha forward I'Dd.nry of the limber In dustry. Aa oa dealer eprae It. "th. best feature la list it la me oio-eatao- Ii.hxl roncern. that ara S'llina rvedy for ativttr: If II w.ra a.w n..n. on mlsM doubt th a.nuinene.a of tl mmiawBL Another ma blnery rin looks for better trade than for live years past. Lumber prices ar aradual.y nam and orders ar ln.-rs.tn. Many of th mills ar refuainc to accept or. tiers at present fisure la the expecta tioa of tnekins more profttabl ar- rancementa later. arda In the East. Mlil'II. W'e-t and South ar sold out and the railroads ara beg.nnln to bay. Aa evtensles bulldlnc boom all over tba failed plates is exirted and deal ers ar out for freah supplies. A lead- Ins oraon manufacturer expresses the situation In the. word: "A ben the demand realty starts the mllla (II.So of them cannot swamp II Then thera la the rhanca that th war win stop. Thla wi: open eurh a mar ket aa w never had before." I a lumber trade report to R. u. Fin mpBy from Urays Harbor saya: Th geora trend of tba lumbar market continues firm. Inquiries ar plentiful. There Is aa smpls supply of orders to take car of capacity ac- ually operating and thero Is a dta-iD'-t disposition oa the part of mills to bold tor higher levels of values. "Tb scarcity of Iocs and th un seasonable logging; weather precluding logging; operstlons will have a marked ndrncy to curb production during be next day. "This condition, coupled with the gen eral Improvement of business through out the country bringing Increased de mands from all line of lumber con- amine activities, will gradually fores th market upward to a point where it win b possible to permit of a nor mal production IB ail sections of the Northwest. "Th only serious obstacle In sight that would tend to delay Is the scarcity of bottoms neresssry for the handling of watsr-borsa business. "Thera baa been a good demand fr Mgh-grad spruce for aeroplane stork, and this product has sold at abnormally blah prices, but thi business has been snora or less limited. TOM D0BS0N RECITAL Scat Sale Opens at llclllg Ilox Office This Morning;. The sal of seals for th Tom Dodson song recital. whi h tkkee place next alondav evening, will open at ths llellig boa offlr this morning at 10. Prices 11.11 and II lower floor, tl. "Sc and c balcony- Tha re. Hal will be one f the moet Important musical events of th year. Adv. To the New Owners of VICTROLAS we extend a cordial invitation to avail thejn selves of our Victor Record Service We have eight demonstration rooms, glass par titioned, soundproof, well ventilated, for the convenience of our patrons. Not only do we maintain a Complete Stock of Victor Records but our corps of demonstrators will gladly play any Record without obligation on your part to purchase. They will advise regarding your selec tion of Records being thoroughly familiar with all the Victor Records, from the popular dance numbers to the most beautiful operatic selections. Sherman. Mlav3h fin VICTROLAS AN1" RKCORPS. riANOLA, PIANOS STKINWAY. WEBER AND OTHER PIANOS Sixth and Morrison Streets, Opposite Postoffice . Oregon Not Dry--There's The Soda Fountain Fountain business will reach unheard-of proportions this year, but we ara prepared to take care of all your needs in this line. We are the exclusive agents in the Northwest for Liquid Carbonic Company's Soda Fountains and Carbonators "4V COAL Keep ceeafartable. Coal. IS ta t Pr tew. rer... ttdwy. Hi. A : Isde i.4i i ni a " xev twto Has 4 Ilvnrrm In Year. fKSTRALM. Wseh.. Jan. . (Spe cial) The annual report of Mrs. Her Iha tiage. Iawia County Clerk, shows IHet T. d'vrt-e es.e w . -e filed In llt. SILVT SALE TODAY' and carry a complete stock of Fountains, Carbonators and Fountain Supplies, riRht here in Portland, ready for Immediate Delivery. GET OUR TERMS AND PRICES. Visit our Showrooms at Eighth and Everett. Telephones: Broadway 280, Home A 6277. Blumauer-Frank Drug Co. W. S. McAIUter, Mgr. Soda Fountain Dept. TOM DOBSON IMQI E SONG RECITAL Most Important stojriral Ever.t of the Year Only Western Appearance Next Monday Evcninjr, January 10, SO HEILIG THEATER lover Floor. II Rows. tl-SO; 7 Rows, l.fV) IWcor.y, 5 F.ows. X 1J: 4 Rows. 7Jc; Rear, 60c ilavsoa Ilamha Tiano MY OPTICAL Department la tha place where you can get th very best that Is made In optical line. tKryploly and TorlC lenM. hhur-On and No - Screw mountings) at prices much lower than you have been accustomed lo payu . HUC ABF. HflHK OK OCR I-HllKSI Lenses Eph.ro In your own frame IL00 L, eases Epbero In Aluminum frame 11. C n lnses Ephero In Gold-Filled frame..... I1.S0 Lenses 8phero (curved) In Q. E. Ulas. Mtc. SS.09 Kr,slok Lewae SM-OO to f 13.00 STAPIiTheJewder-Opticiaii, First Street a, Portlaad, Or. U V 1- ' THE NEW YEAR AT THE BIG STORE Opens With a Rush We met it with faster, better service, quicker deliveries and larger assortments, so that you can still better select the best from the best. Stringless Beans Hunt's Supreme, 2 for... 25 C Per dozen S1.35 Nabob Coffee Finest quality, fresh roast, rep;. 40c, special, 2 lbs. 75 5 Hawaiian Pineapple Hunt's No. ZVt cans, each 15; per dozen $1.70 Cluster Raisins Fancy Cali fornia Table Fruit, original No. 1 cartons, each loci Minced Clams l,"c size, each 10c Per dozen .....$1.10 Maine Sugar Corn Fin est quality, I3c reg., special, 2 for 25 C Vermont Sage Cheese Full cream, fine flavored, lb. 35r Eastern Buckwheat The "old time" kipd 5-lb. sacks for, each MI Jtavtfo. 290 STARK ST. 25C- U. -.jiurriLXV ;( OREGON ELECTRIC SPECIAL DIRECT TO C0RVALLIS Sunday Evening, Jan. 9 FOR O. A. C. STUDENTS Through Train No Change Leave Tenth and Hoyt Sts. Leave Jefferson St .7:15 P. M. ..7:30 P.M. Stops also at Tenth and Stark, Tenth and Morrison, Fifth and Salmon. Afternoon Regular Trains for Corvallis at 2:05 and 4:40. Oregon Electric Ticket Offices Fifth and Stark Tenth and Morrison Tenth and Stark Jefferson and Front North Bank Station Tenth and Hoyt Economy and Thrift are like truth, old yet ever new. Com mon sense teaches that the overthrow of thrift is the death blow of self-respect. Find yourself in this respect. Open a savings account in this state bank and keep it growing; it will be a solid tribute to your self-respect. One Dollar or more begins a savings account. LADD & TILTON BANK Oldest in the Northwest . I .- .It- .11111,. I.UI. 11.1)1.... III,." ...... .Jlk. llX . 1 sessBrevaS Byron Hot Springs Laiitornia Only SO miles East from San Fran cisco on main valley line S. P. R. R. between San Francisco and Los Angeles. (Ask any S. P. Agent) Splendid motor trip over new etate highway. New and abso lutely fireproof hotel with, every comfort and convenience. In the Cry Belt average yearly rainfall 8 Inches. Wonderful waters and baths for the cure of Rheumatism, Sciatica and other Ills. 'Wonderful place for tbo tired business man. An Amer ican plan botel, strictly up to date. Under management of for past ten years with Hotel Del Monte. - . Ask your Southern Pacific agent (or literature. r HOTEL U af aTs. II SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, lust off Union Square American Plan $1.50 a day up Breakfast 60c Lunch 60c Dinner $ 1 .00 Most Famous Meals in the United Statu New steel and concrete structure. Center of theater, cafe and retail districts. On carlines transferring all over city. Take Municipal car line direct to door. Motor Ens meets trains' and steamers. . The Y. M. C. A. will fit any ambitious young man or woman tor high-class positions in Bok.eeplnir. straoa-raohy aaa Sales maasbla. To men this includes valuable athletic, aquatic and membership privileges, although tuition cost is leas than elsewhere. Pboae Mala TOSS. A 6-W1 Our class in public speakiug Is friving great confidence and com mand of language to Its members, 'lbs cost is small. We are providers for many, many mall Vjrder jewelry customers. We return money if goods do not suit. G. HEITKEMPER CO. Jewclera and Diamond Dealers 130 5th St Portland, Oregon. SCHWAB PRINTING CO BEN F. GREENE-HARRY FISCHE3 STARK STREET AT SECOND A Modern e-l"rlcecl Hotel cf Merit. Hotel Clifford Evt MoirlMoa St.. Neir rand Ar 91 nee Jl vitM bfttJta 91.23k.