Til!! MORNING OREGONIAN. TnO.SD.VY, JANUARY G. 1916. 13 LI0U0REX0DU5IS0H Transportation feonds Issued to Ship Stoc!k$ South. VESSELS MAY BAM BARS I titsrry to 1om . MUH rra-M tf C tur-9 fC TrmKM lit ty rct- INU eporat'im It rl " of Ita en.y remaiaa ! rid af teat f its t fcl4 - "-! mo4 i"e reodua to rr teanertrt-rta . Wr ero tu4 1 tl ga.oae wisiy caaoe f wine KtJ,4 frBcvco M rmwmm e rf-e lh ioseemmeot Trt aee fcaate dujU?H rt of eoo rsa to itM for iiforA t-iPf SI. c 1 1 n a off i ar if4f .. t -" ai4 'Mt It rot 4 ?( be fceld fcr t after January t. cn arm baa ft . raw -ase Wrt will a;pp4 fete ft ! K ft tie MA f Wmf tf tt tt of efco er. arbaa dvnlow bar n4 boa'IarVae cUm! atocas at rhta-4. I w aro Hum oor of ")" e'ored trhf'l eya tf U'l Toward the laat af rembr rir era pt-4 at 1n aa:e fe-e certain tioA t b M??4 hr ai-l tiO K'1MttftaiinC ft tuck waa ao ni. coal4 rtttr4. in tf th Ur game in a vffct. ril"atjt ( m point W'ft n C n rnkia ni fr ril dry til, 4 w itmr l.nt r 4oin fr iUrvMt Pt:i4 fee A tort. OJO M Wo W A mt rir tirofo or lBl wro rmcM9. r fu4 f yf o wro tf italinn4 In kmi co ofor n aift'ttt of 1V:C. pot of aroo l tra 4om lair wuk t.I t'r l oo tjtp: soio of efto fn fIot. of 11 votarioc t&o fn t vo3o fr th oto- tfto fniafr of 1 1km m Vhirft ! P- l.-tt4 of IMo rftono UtlBt li t fop-4 irt t nmtima r t--t4ftt l 4rv ortfc .ior I tl pt Hoa4 of (t. M:rot rr.wi:ii vxc i:RTix Traa Mara t I moi rnrt TtxUr WHh Carxo Ac mo rcifw-. Trt o fi rm ao mh f.t ih rf al fn ftirvio oo a'omor ai a--orfo4 14 .-rM alr iao iro'. rf ri V oir 4 'o.. t'ti o a aa ao omo m fr otar it rft o (Vmri4 tao Jopoaao tmr 1 is irk wHu'k . ;ooi f r i iho rtr .if 91 loin 1dIiD.hi4 Iho k tp- of tno trom r tn top rttOntatt f ho rnpnv h oo l Atorwa Ja4rv . Thoro t ano ro ahor4 fr tail n. t to ho hra4 on l)t at whorhop tho o.artJ hifmat Ml po hrf Ikoro 4pta him tt la tovL fpr if ootoo tho l'at Jln4 rf.iiifo-iit II w tl po ho ri-oiktrho! aul ho ahtp ra h tha nrtnr hrhr Thoushj tittio friah ha hOj offr4) f-C aaofhr ittmr frrm iho fit(. It baa ot hoi 4tr ! tt m .- rsrrwr will bo rout4 lta war tho aoar fulr. "II M I." iwr t sTinr .VI la lo lie ) of t-atr-. arrirr e) I'rr"' Hlamrtlr. 5-t f the. I rper : n.tt. I:,r fleet I' lot i-eitmiMioa I. I ba tha ceolina propeller A-l. a "tunnel ! 1 .rt; wit a Unatt of J fl that ;old A lolJft. of t'ortfal!:, are) rnnif;tiin at t at Dvr.-b of th )U.tneraeavaiMl beMae. A S-hore power saaoiia taciat la I furaiaa y r. Th departur b. baeri off:rUlTr arnua.lt t th. atleBlton of lb I nited ?tate raai'HMt laar'tiea aarrt-- arwt I', la 41.1 tor 11 pe.aent th A-l 1. 1 run on th upper rea.b.a. probablr I li rrr::ia ai toria. later p'rtna: ta 'orflftul tf biatnae warrant. Mean M a tba le iow rra.-a I. re of a:eam.r ar on t rcilar run between I'urt land aad 'arn.;;tja. bandUnd an avrraaf anauat v( buetneaa. M tl I I M H Wt t. 14 sl I; I avorablr Krfmrt t Md9 Aflrr 'ooMpt-rkf of !oranJ Ins M;kauv. r . J. I -a.tpcUt a- T woo -fi ft of waiar at fe.ch ti4o. tikti maa t? ft at low atrr. or frttan l vm : j!m har br 'apta t:arih:4t. of do t.;o-.lntt rvKa. I hi . Etft o-tn4m ojro m4-x Th t m a.r a mottt t a fp-iot la laa iN;:omi rt Th woDi-nen o iho ao'iih j-iit aa4 m ototijM rrtr-ih" in tho rtvor 4 ifi o c I I-t mon t ba roI(--i ( 4p til peifo rhnn .foa th haf. Ta aooj r.-"-, tm. orth of tbo 't Th a aoara aaf raofO f-r I '!"- o-hoaira Into Iho rtr o la--, ro crelv ri.or at tho rwit of th Jttr oora. rriric rnriciiM ittuit .raa rbr I awtb-rp flaw- tlrox-h Topawl rnUtata IPI.K Ja f S a-a.4 9(r. c it ratoa rt.ii -v'r'iwr l-aml tfitm aa w h-r ft rHfk- -rta. h !!!. r 4itt ihr ba H aa from aro at o ro-h4 p Tha ao.ir4 rata to .TdiHf t i poa o an f a I Hiinei I n poo an I a t h i; . t I rro i n-f t blath-.ji-a 4;.trctoe r mvt itfcfM i tu.dat ion rar-a t- t or Twa 1 , fc-Aa in ih oPt tf-o cmr A I- ai-f h-r o ah I ! i n 4 Afrn-an . hrt wr thaa Vhao hay rata a o itfiat4 br Wot aft ;:sr to a bih dtra for laanAa tn offahopo '. pad to the ti'taM tae4e phort4 ei-t-t4V mi: inr ix tiiik nun l aar Hoca C aPfraaw a 4a4rali 4 Oea a fop Wft Cnavet. Oarta- ad foe- I i tvr a'a-a lat arowa waa r-taai : f e 1 m h.o f'-iad t ka4 ot e- tawiti fo.. fdr fa- A4a.tr.. datsvar uJ fJ io nhMMitr ttr ovt r'-o otft trn J. J- vi.f a to $ X. 'mmt bf ti.'or. r.4!hn A cx oc4 Iho r' Atti- Tr4 r Com rrm lr ot- ! romt Inform (mo, ic i s rrrto rr hrtor of th brktloo tlowoii to i.4 lumUf ArtJ To'-sfm rrt for hooih Afri-- o a toiotok. a4 ttc b r- ao to firof litli l rot of 1.34 ft. lo) Mak Xkmf for Kallrr. To rranfn44t ta ftrt;ih bark F"'rftfthir. rorrtr of ; lor.a r t r cr. h -h ia froro la lo4 bL o o io Tort of lorlta4 dro3co 'oHrnH ta fo o rfrtaTl that tb bark mf o r-.t'm-i co with oat t'at;a lMoa aa r- a oir ritocniiHa; to- toitflit c tb iMctiil how. In riu-liD lh prof onal "tryoal' 1 1 r Mrli - nl b moflic th prtaa'ip.l la bttf mm4f til ottl'UaJ Ta llaunt4 I i ) u . Th profm ,on I -try at will ln :ut tlo-M line l-itf. com -1 T unit mu. Ildinc in ll A.(r-J Krlitr. -T6 "r Kolxlik.- Th Im yrtl four o(fr a tifil Intr tarn A Ittti rvmjr U lm jx-e Ibroucboul lbtr Brl. J" t orv. A ll-brr ror'-vlibn. vri Biriit llbrr morlsu ai4 tine tanktr ( roii. a-a4 antH V- W. Vrbt. pnaaaa-r of In I'ort of rortland. fur lb I: a-iAhlr lo drfdm-H MondaT. Ih. prln "pal raai for hi i la lo clean aa ta.nl lb -' I. Kfl and b.:ca Morb bad Kean roe tha dfedfa totjrrbia. on arhlrb bull tftorh I l b performed, a. It detrd to s"r ( bar Ka b Ii a'n i . b'i thr bav been orde'vd rbarv4 lo fl l;iin.abie' bull. h ran b taaea ear of a oo a her baUaa E diacbaraed. LUMBER MARKET SHIFTS ttaTttl.11 AT rw IKtLMD titxu ron Cd.n it in bo pi. afc iovrlma rwrowaoortt Aro o ploolr Mb) Oalr of 47 P. Ul,oMr. 4as APiinnrrv. w .h . Jan. -ll V Au'.r!i. on 1 Ntr aaiorud h o au:-t4ert 1LuIIi Anr laran roun trta aa I h hovi.d br-rp of lit my Harh-or limhor. f'44cirta from lha an aual report o fjr.-a ah.pmpata (rota ihi poet. la tti Jut 43 wptf;mmrra r (par a 4 th. rt for Aufilraii and , aKaa- land. rarrTinMft J :. - f-1 of 1u hr Ij4 at .l..4, Thia la iror I ha a dowbl th amount of lumber pf antrp4i io inro pnu- in aer pr- olir4t tr. lurints tha ral r nt ft v ia rr4 with rrcor for jtould Amaru-aa vountri-, hiU bo.'oro th war aa av-ra;o of about ovao a a month proa mtfSpCaln4 to 4uib Amtrk. Ti falluro to phio umtvr tboro tf jrln tha riy month t of thP war ia attrlbta4 to tha fact that jwciiR America a couctrt bad bo mofiijr with which to buy. bualn ma thoro atwar havto rahed upon l.trojx for rra4tt. Of tho whtrh rlparad Cf-m Harbor with lumbar la mi th.ro wrr 1' that wrat to fortp othr tnaa thoa to Coltrornla. Tba rirni of tho t phtp war lardy r-r.-a and to tha Hawaiian l'afv1. Tnaao Bhlpmanta lu;td (I i;.JM f rl an 4 wpra valurd at l' TTi. tUrl. PollalUM h fra A-JMirc. I A ntANI;o. Jn. Tho Amar. aa fo-jjr-maa'rd ti bark I'ott-iUoh, from Laith. i:.c :r.d. f r trta I att'd iiaio. ii rorortad in1 to iap icorto aphora on th rt of a!, la a maa. Mf rocotTw-d I y to Chimbir of Com m-rr, Tho rntia.lrw-h l ownad by ;b ba A Mtn-r, of i-.a Kran.la-o. YVb.! ta I'ot :;:cH-ri waa bar a )r ifo ta r-.r. ha chan4 hr r-:- lcry. ahittinc f rvm tho tfrtcih to Aarlcaa f-aa. and :hod with a ror- of wht fr altK Th ra p I ha boon In th a-iftc trado for ara nod a-nrjj iho oaat bnowa ai.crp on tbn C !. Jap i ciwrto. frocrta fr tlnh Ire. Aboard lb f.-tth .barh K cinMr thoro a an amply brth and lh impor it on of ' rl t r a 4 mlautlva N ; ppao, whn f .i'd tho bit.l in-o tha mt-ip a..:ad feox I'ttan. h tathaa rn-t ! 4 bd mrt to Pemo r-roclvo r'0 H"f f: of country mn kf. Tha Kip roa-hd tha rtrr t. .atr . aad t'aotata f.-n wa .uf?rt4 thai th ba4 of tha caly :fl. Inaarrurh a tr wap a watch man on truard. ao ba baa a-trd an offpf of ! rawp.-d lr ratjra of tho Jtr.vt an baa o t!f'-rmd J. H. - houf. In! to ! J:ta tmm c-a on In- fPM imo .air lo rorma-at ruvtlh roicew llrportfd. to. th !ateat tahl!-a!loe fre.i tha hy 4rvf -arHw of f : at tVwIur :o aro tn--ta4-d h fo.'aiftr rrorta on (vaf ) tvfMif, IfWi.f!,. th POt of cntTtU: a Wt P-a a-1 --ft br T.4 Of r rf-i ...SMS- a' l-'a l" Ar trwao-ei I a. w.o- . :t t: ta i!o j; t t-M ..-a f t:; . oaaat. w a reaaf-, -aai-- aasa. t.-t a ; il;i. a Caa-a Miti . at.4 1 J e-t a' e C-?i 1. a P. , l.trWDHIt, f K va. - l.et H'l. n ba i - a 1 1 wf-a Utf - .W. a bavx. t i w- ao rar l . i. t-a V i..44, mC Vaa MO t"t IftO OOC I if : X ! i ' J '- . x . . GiTY S OFFER IS HHAL t. jom ronpxr cx hur OffKUla of lb lit. John T'tr A !Jch;lr Ccn-pny w-r in until Mil Wdodir is d"cid obaltirr or not ihjr vlll mcrrpt an cffr of li 0 nvad br h Our Council ttrar for lh.r d irlbutms rtcni. or J !( - for Ihcir dUUibiittor Ttrm. real -(: and pumpa Tba offr u mad aftr a lor. arenmant in which th ompw' dmanctr4 ll.0. for tb plant. Th rlljr fr two pro-mitlcn-, on a bar lh plant, and ta othr to bol'.d m dapliral Tt-ni In tba Ht. Johna district. Commilc.ncr Paly fa-rt lb duplicating plant, whll otr.cr t'orumUinra ronivnd'-d that tha .-I. Johaa mmpanr had built It plant in rfncMl faith on tba understanding that Ibcr had an axciuatra franchl1. and Ibal It woild t wrons for tha citjr to Ipa out tba rntlra invrcimrnl br puttlna in tha municipal tcm. Kicbard W. Jlfontasua. raprv-cntlnt; lb companr. dc.rrd that bla rllanta arvra Trtillnt: to lv th qutlon of ra;ua of tba plant to a 4tjtntrrrtrd bor4 of arbitrator. Ha d'ciarrd that tba ritr'a iir rminrrr bad r-tlmatrU tna tralu of tha plant at t'li.0u and that it rned diaboncrabla fr tha cit r lo of tmr laa. Tba offer aa ma do br tha Council aa prad upon lb record a tha city final off r for th plant. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. htrmsner bclrdnlr. ZL'K TO ARRIVC r!- '. . In port .. Jan.. .. J. ...Jan. V . . Jan. 1 -..aa. 1.' C. w. Kii Li-pa. . I oa Aniftfi. . . , Kiaaok . . . Jta (1- . . . .. r nn I'-trt. I rannvca. , I Ifa At . . . , r. A- Kl.Pvra Maa fr'ran;ltco. . I I B TO DICTA RT. Naena rnr tkat. nd, h crdor Jm trn ..... ...J.a. 1 tr-ar4 X r. fur a D . . ... J.n. ...Jan. .. -J-n. .. Jan. .. J". ...Jan. .. J.-.. .. .. K-b. .. rt. . .t. l-ar U- Arii .. N M-tK rdnc...bn rranriac. hunB' (Mia. r A. K. 4. Para rran.-'ar. Kamoa Iaa Tron-i-o. (avr. la a ;. .. ' J-at. licit, ,,., t i a molt. ni T'I-b-x U a- : -ma h . n ! ai . J. R. Ptaijo 4ta Prau Uco. Atlaatlo lrli TO ARRIVE. From ' 1 ortt . ... Smw York. ... M B TO DtfAllT. rr . . . ....Xnotattt. . , ...... K .! ,i! t. . . . . Lata . Co. ) . alar. Pat. . r-a. , alar. Kniu atfta. UaMtital.,, Kama Kattiaa. Marino Note r tho 4rftir. of iho ih ra"ifi air t;-. W. ;Mr for ia ("rnU prta '! 'iM aha crr.4 a ctic of 1 : I l"'. ohirh ,-aJ Ira br not r 1 t r 4 iota. rha ba4 a fair poaorocar l.c Oa l-r ar bra from Otar otih a carpo t- Mi--ul sv. I0 JbnM lanr M"t itfara ri.d at Soa riaaiac oa- Iar4ay. lato4 of atvamHip dlrvrt from fNirltaad f-r iimi o irrh. th itr Itafii.a. ( I Arvin Haw alia a fi-l. HI pro -r-4 la rfi fwoui.4 4 --haraa Nw f rfti art-t Ma tra Ul tr frlh f-r ha bo.anda. t. Kti.-r. fnri,o4 arl. I( r f r mj atrTlar tsat t(a w-. i-ijj- of ita Taa fr l'u-i aun4 ha4 canrti'iiri Or4 t"at t fia lln:n a aj.;4 ta hr rt.fi, T Katorhian. 4 u a I ! o4fa of 9"r brxtary . poa 4r 1 1 i n-ia froRi to'tlat4 and ti M i'a oiil Po lha t at v )-. l fr-m N forh lor Norihatt porta atil tha aaat ropaa. Itr r propa ;r Ninr fitt4 a4 br ra-so rei t. iaa N t a a rttnitr I I't.i.VBta l.rn4 hr oyac (mm H ina - tr hnuth AK'flHn pra t-ru Mia a om lo i:. Htrhfn- Kirhnc. T-a 9 mmmm a pat.Ur.l frrrt rrtlan4 a nr m I . iroa port lo riaco a tr- ot Thai lha pb'hooaar waoaama. Mh loft lha fiim VoirwW T -tH a lmhr rr((J l--44 at Ktappion. r.a-n4 Holitl T 4a. oaa nt Iba htr-han' :aohanca t-'.u-. p.to lo -" t4 lo ratara lo baa rfo-ta nao mad -! ar la f-moTa (-ift ro atx-til drtlr.na at th Ma lAni.tM Prt4ff. hl ,- hop l--r!a-4 tarafflr ftf th fj' P', d4 ii oa arrara4 lat to diapiajr a r t itaht to vara im'l thara. Tooitap to a--a at I; t i rtcwit ra I- r a I iMi-. KlPr--"o ai 21 t afM4 tha m-- Aniiil- a 4 Ci ihrvo-coraarvwi -ora ta c- p-tad to fnlloW. ott h-ab-rw.i. f pnovad ffom tha 0:4 Vwtoria a-x a prop-r r aa Mt-M hr I a owftar. hat JM-t ikn ovor tir )tahrrrn. ir ipr anl m-or4 tn a at atvini-.pai No. rr. mr ana -a.', balna; polot4r4 ra I ard haa tfn. tiLa'er fota and P'l t arbor :naatr (rP-er HM It ot.l oi4 Bt urtln If pat c-.rm4 a ha t Ir. CrovUenQ la fmada l a mranrr a--h-d- la Mjj4 h tha flan Frna-:a A for and HimtiMp l'omp" f .r the t-e,Tier lUarer an4 Iar to pra:a n a wee T tv !( Portland and nwnli orta .-(I tho laat of March, h? ohi--h tlm II era-a4 1 hav work eomplated oa o itaaarr Jioao City. peachmp Pan rranriaee- at 4 a'ctr-rh yea- fer-ty afmooa. the etaamar ort n ern Pac trie eonnaee4 with Iho Orat rihern jbj aawarai portiaadera and aoma from other Xartho eat rlttea a anaalad leave oa o lattar for Honolulu. X eff'etel nf.rTT.ail0 haa re'-bed f, M. M.-towli. Portland repraawntatio of W. R. rac Co. e.o-rr!ii lha ptranoinc lha leatB-r anta i 'ara, in i- r.n in Narrow, ptratta of tenan. pro ia oa- rx-(--t t ba fira-ed a'ter pat or her earpo lirhtara-9 T?a eaa- ie;i .ew inn fetr alparaia Nots-flh" ?" Pha la ona of tha lr-on a!a r.eet and mad her laat trip here in J una. XtM From Orron rorta. COOH PAT. Or, Jan. 3 fpar al. The aam a-ttf-nar Hard y aa.e4 tr Pan Krntt with Mmpana t ji m fr Company lum rr at II thta morn In With paonrra and fralTht th ateem- ahip y. A. Ktiborn al -4 f- Ktirx-a ana m Krnc-i.-o at I 3 thia artemoon Th :ish'.rouao lander Maaaaalta I atlll la art The p"t!r. p.-hearoar RaMef arrlvad laat ..e from lha piuetaw ittvor to obtain r-( - ht Ta ra-."na prr.nr r.nirrpn-r, Pn-ni'M i .-fa d.aMe4 hTora ew l "a"'1 rwrra Va'''1'- moraine; at IO o ciora. p-x.4 fr 1 aldPri. The ateomar Ae'ina -T"'" i -r-a imni ia rraactavo at T hU moraine. 4TOntA. Or, Jaa tpwiaL The eea-a a'h-apar TmP! B Iorr amreo Paa rranriac aaa wr. to ou aieiaa i i4 ta-rwr. Tr. la-xk ateamer P-enh f W-jw-k aalled Ma for Caii.oa-oi. rter Ciacarpir. ivai :! ( r-rtiand W.tS a cart of rt fro-n Poniard. ia Itrl'i.U harit Madoay pail4 for the n -4 h in room Tna atarn-r Patat-o aot'a-) fe fa rraa- ar with rrotgM trm Portland. MoTcrornta of Vraaaefw. ront!. 4' J"" 8 -AMt-4 P-aa-nar i: Iwr f--m pan fa-ir iaiiO "VatetaJaa AreWad ! left p' . a a M -mar T-mp a E r-frr. from !i, Vf ' ai .'" -f r. H. H , a fc- Paa tr---taro at 11 li A. M . . .-. r r'a-a-a. f-e Ki" P-en-le-o pt 12 1., r m. t.r ttaa bark Madway. fop L ailed KmU?-. Aretad at 9 A TP a-r-a ie-y rw'nam. fr-u foff!a4 al P A. at . at :. W. r Harr.n. f -T , i-.rta AHt.i e'eaoie- Majat , raa o ". f t 1 4 Aetel al i M. piar orthra J'a.tnc. from i tao. ; 5 "atled ataaar , -r rwr'ad la war p--.a f-r-s-a I P Jal aj- - N veaallil t r .-a-aer P;a C I (rtna rrta4. fop t.rJa 4 trrfa-ha-aatr Maw. J ---. a -! r--,aat'a Klr j fw.. , taae-. J-a A ed earn . V w- s w- fr'a-w A -av a Pa:'eJ a- -e ea.-a A a.rel 1'aarr, k.a.XM)i X I ra ' aa - a-" r-a Jmn ' A"t-r J H'MT'fl aa.! Wa'.a 1 Tr'a-- f i I'.ko-Ja'.. '.e. ' v,ta T . a-a it j - - -n --n . ax ."a Mm- k iH-l'itfi, -ta. acaar. froea wajp hi aor. A.4-- -I rti wr p ifcrria, f"c Prt!ad: rmrmn. for t ; - - f. a. a T. titi-1ln. frt Miiii. u .i.iftrion, !- r Ama4 a.cajBtr at '-tar. a. frnm P-aa Pranctaco -.rai'ar Jan. X .xr. 4 -Staamar BflO- ann an. from r-r: aai. i-t. dny. Jan. l Arrl.ad Ftaaa.-r War rib. f-rf viftna. l. C. ajSat-w-d. I "-mbr '1 ataa-or Wti.Tir.DO. for Kan Kram lao. T.la Jasartrtx .1 a. l-Amffl ot ma rla from Ma FiiiK". for l'onn lurn . iHtamr laitbu, from hn Kr ne-laat-c. for Landoo. Ia ra:rr.aa. Jn 4. Airload ,naf r'onc'aeuivwea. XIL from tea Fimacia-ro. lor LaondoB l-r.au .fi. Jan.. 4 ArnT4S(aaraaT ata- torpo. f-Tn rTa".(. To--..;:. J" -Arrt1 Pt aa.7nar Will lam ilMiam fTvn f- n l'ranr?tara V'vraji; H w . Jan. . 4 ----aallad 9t--mr w--a Maj. for San rranctafx TntoMma, Jan 4 Arrtv4 Stfamrri O1I10 Vara. Pan Rnrri. January tiatia alarvL. o-4, ptaonivar Canada -aa-. f arttonc Jan. Arrirrd taamar Ta w Vara, from H-ail. -mA iu!ok. Jan, r. ArrlT4 Stramar He-laoa Mara, from l-att!a ju.. aorta, jan 4 Arrlvad taamar Saata Ca-iita. from sft!:t. Vaiast-ia, f Pal!ad laaaaar Moat aarat for Nw T"r -u Piraana jx- fa" led Ptaarnrr Vaai '-fa Coaii an : 1 ooa. f rN w Torn, I Tldo at Aotartn Tharoday. Vlrh IiaT. 5-3 A. M ft 7 44 A. V.... 3 ft l.ri P. al. ... f-' 4 r I. M -1. 5 Icet Taoarlo rlarod Yprday. A mtrlraa p'aattirr lioo, W, Kldar. prnrral carta, from han lg and ar Prla i.aa-tUn v-rhoonrr 'ats. g nvral carto. from Coaat porta. Vaoaoll noarod Yoatorday. Amaritran itram-r Con. W. Klrtrr. canara) carpo. for fan ltBO and a ay porta. 75 SURVIVE WOMAN, 92 Mr. Nanrr P. Mrlton, Port la nil Krnldrnt of I8S, Is Laid to Rent. air. Nancy P. Mrlton. whoaa fu neral waa held yenterday from the Vernon lhrtatliin Church. Kaat Fif teenth and Wynant atreet. had lived Ji year, and left children. Krand- hildren. Brent - urandchlldren and great-ajreat-crandchildren 0 tbe num ber of TS. Krr. J. K. 5hormley. of the If-dner-Aeenue Chrlatinn Church, offi ciated and interment waa In Ine Kir Cemetery. Ura. Melton waa born In North Caro Ina. December :9. IJ3. and came to Portland In 192. and made her home with her children, rhe had been an Inralld for the paat flv year and confined to her bed for two year. The children urlin; are Theodore. J. A. and K. A. Melton, of rortland: Alfred Melton, of WlaconKin: Mra. Mary J. Mannar, of Portland: Mra. Manxa Pat ton, of Chlro. On I. Bealde theae there are Si urandchlldren. 3i jtreat-crand-chlMren and ona srebt-sreat-gTand-ihild. TRADE HELD BEST CITY AD flub Hear llcr Pica for lirvclop mrnt of Portland Indantrlen. - TV need to foater and develop our Portland Induatrlea. not for the sake of tha payroll they repreaent alone, but also for the sntta of the advertlnInK they Blv Portland." ald Georce K. Hardy, manaser of the Cliamber of Commerce, at th luncheon of the Ad Club at th Multnomah Hotel yester day. -On elir In th Et I have In mind has 13 creat concern that ar pro ducing good that are Nationally ! vertlaed and th name of that city Is a hoiieehold word." William Woodhead. of Pan Franclaco. proprietor of the yint Magaylne. and f f & , Drug Proof ? If there ever was a human being who was not in some way susceptible to drugs he's never been heard of. Yet in spite of the warnings of reputable physicians many persons with whom coffee dis agrees continue its use and take into their systems the drug, caffeine. The 2' grains of this drug, in the average cup of coffee,"taken regularly, is often the cause of headaches, nervousness, biliousness, heart flutter and many other ailments. The sure, easy way out of coffee troubles is to quit the coffee and use POSTU the pure food-drink Made of wheat and a bit of molasses, Postum has a delicious flavour much like mild Java coffee, but contains no drug or other harmful element Postum comes in two forms: The original Postum Cereal must be boiled. Instant Postum is a soluble powder. A level teaspoonful in a cup of boiling water makes a delicious clrink instantly. Both kinds are equally delicious and the cost per cup is about the same. The better health that follows freedom from coffee drinking shows "There's a Reason" for POSTUM Send a 2-cent stamp to Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., at Battle Creek. Mich., for a 5-cup sample of Instant Postum. on of the moat prominent leader In the International organisation of Ad men, waa a, (neat at tho luncheon. $50,000 SUIJ GOES ON Dcfcnxe Trie to IroTe Houae-kocpcr Konr of Pcndlnj' F.nsagfmcnt. The defense In th S0.0 breach of promts suit beinc; heard In Circuit Jude Kavanauah a court thia week yesterday endeavored to prove that the surprise the complainant. Miss Daisy 8tamm, showed when she became aware of the eniranement of the defendant, Jobn A. Wood, to a Spokajie girl, was feigned. An attempt was made to bring out Miss Btamm knowleds of the correspondence and relationship be tween the couple, even while Miss Btamm wa UU Wood's housekeeper. Mr. Wood Is a wealthy landowner of Walla Walla. Welfare Club lo Meet. The Woman- Civic Welfare Club wll meet today at J:30 In room E. Centra Library. Mr. K. H. McOuire will Elve a naner on The Delinquent Child Mr. Josephine R. Sharp, president, will occupy the chair. The meeting; is puo lie DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriair IJornara. i.i:vrr.i: vt.t.A hkon' Oacar L,und Irra'. la com a. TV aah.. and I rlfla Lenraon, 16 a I, Hi North Twentieth Ptroau Birtlia. mvrra Tn Ur and Mra. Fred Cofer. 1142 Coat Sevenleenta streal ionn, iwc-muer WOOD To Mr. an 4 Mra. Amoa Wood, Oak Grove. January 1. a 4auphtar. a vii khs u.n jo air. nu ara. ni Andenun. 100 Hood Ptreet. January i. MANN To Mr. ana Mr, jnwpn -uu llr.z Schiller atraet, January J, a aon. KEMP To Mr. an4 Mm. Herman F. Kemp. 30O Tae.fth airoet, JJacembar 2i, JOHNSON TO Mr. ana mra. r rt-j .u- aon .". Kast WlnctlCl atraeu iwei-wr a, KHfcPFARD-To Mr. and Mra. William C. Shappard. - Ivk-rcaia air act, ieccmoer " II Aft V KY To Mr. and Mra. Char lea Har- vry, ii Koaa ptraet. L)acmber Za, a 4usU' tCrM tri.t- R To Mr. and Mra. Alfrad A Thleike, Hal taat .Salmon atreat. January 3, hoi.ueb To Mr. and Mra. Rerlnal W. kinirr... s-oaiiia. Wash. Dm'-mbfr -l. a ao DONEFK IO MT. ana ri. mna S9 Eart Twelfth Pireet -Sorlh. DecmDr su, nanirhlSP CAMPBEM- To Mr. and Sin. WHIIamG. Camnbeil. 744 GUaan alreet, WcemMr xa. a dauKhtef. i.ihkk To Mr. ana Jam. crnni r. Llbka. toil 8tKty-4)lrd Ptreet boutneait, u amhar so a datikrti'.er. LOVIN TO Mr. ana lira, jonn am. f-rv-in. CCj Golns alreet. December 34, a aon. Baitdlnc Permit. FLEIsr-HNER-M ATKR CO. Repair ona- torr ordinary ptore. ;4 Morrfaon itroet. be tar.rn Kccond and Third atreeta ; bulider, I rr-. jb I Uarahiall: 1130. KKIK filL.IAiJ.v-. r-reci one-oiorjr lnmt telltnir. liu Kiipatriric atreet, oeteen rt ran don and Ia.awatw aveouc; builder. same: ftSOO. Mill:, m. K. niBSON" Repair ona and ona haif-atory ordinary frame dwelll.np;. ll'S Omaha atreet, near At na worth street; builder, am : llll. II. W. t'ORBKTT ESTATE Repair four- atnry ordinary atoro and oritre. ll Tnlra mrr-i. U'ln Mrarrlaun and Yamhill atreeta; builder. Ot m FJevator ( ompiny; SZtOu. Ul li. BK"KWITH Krect one-atory frame dwalhna, 3217 Grand avenue North, between lluiman and I'ortiand boulevard ; builder. PACIFIC WASTE COMPANY Repalrone- atnrr frame waste manufacturinr plant. ii Macadam Koad. between Nevada and Califnrn!a etreeta; bjtlrier aarae; $3'M WILDKR BROS.. AiiE.VTS Repair two- atnrr frame ptore ana rooms. f4 JSortn S(th atreer. between Davis and Couch atrv-eta: htnMer. .lamea I. Qulnn; $:'o. M OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Members Portland Osteopathic Assn. Barrett Ir. H. I -eater. 41$ Morg-an BldK. Phone Main 439. HawUaad. Dr. L. M, lj Selling; Bids;. Main 2212. A 3223. Keller, Dr. Willlnaa G 508 Taylor St. I'honea Main ii4. A S444. Lacy, Dr. M. 71.. suite 301 Moriran Pldg;. I honca Marshall 1SSS. Tabor 4278. Leaaard. Ir. 11. r, 757 Morgan Bldg-. Phones Main 709. A 1709. Lrwrau. Ir. Vlrarlala .13 MorfrAn Bldg. Phones Main 1497. Mar. 4033. Moore. Dra. f- aad H. C P.. ?uS Sell ing Bldg. Main (101. A 246a. Myera. Dr. Kalberlor 8. 05-7 Journal Bids;. Marshall 127S. A 3031. X.rtb.p, llr. K. 308 Morgan Bldg-. Phones Main 349. Bast .102. Walker. Dr. Era S 124 East 24th St. North. Phone East 5332. C. H. WA LLWO H K Erect one-story fratn. dwellinr. 1047 Schuyler street, be tween Kaat Ttllrtv-Iifth and Ernst Thlrtv sixth streets: bulifler. M. W. iAjreni; .'"O0. J. A. .DAVENPORT Repair three-atory ordinary atorea and offices. 164 second atreet, between Morrison and Yamhill aireets; Duimer. David Duff: ITS. Glass of Hot Water Before Breakfast Daily Keeps the Doctor Away. Sanitary science has of laid made rapid strides with results that are of untold blessing to humanity. The latest application of its untiring research is the recommendation that it is as neces sary to attend to internal sanitation of the drainage system of the human body as it is to the drains of the house. Those of us who are accustomed to feel dull and heavy when we arise, splitting headache, stuffy from a cold. foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom ach, can, instead, feel as fresh as daisy by opening the sluices of the sys tern each morning and flushing out the whole of the internal poisonous stag- nant matter. -Everyone, whether ailing, sick well, should, each morning before breakfast, drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspponful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stom ach, liver and bowels the previous day's indigestible waste, sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach. The action of hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach is wonderfully in vigorating. It cleans out all tho sour fermentations. gases, waste and acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast. While you are enjoying your breakfast the phosphated hot water is quietly extracting a large vol ume of water from the blood and get ting ready for a thorough flushing of all the inside organs. The millions of people who are both ered with constipation, bilious spells. stomach trouble, rheumatic stiffness; others who have sallow skins, blood disorders and sickly complexions are urged to get a quarter pound of lime stone phosphate from the drug store. This will cost very little, but is suffi cient to make anyone a pronounced crank on the subject of internal sani- ation. Adv. AMfSEMKXTS. BAKER 1 II RATER Vain ?. A 5Ub. Homo of tho Famous Baker Players. Tonight- All Week. Matinee Saturday. THE UTTI.KST REBEL." Beautiful story of a child's love and devo tion to her country. Huperoiy arted. Thrin lna production. Evenings, -."c, OOc; box and lose. 75c Matinees, all Beats, except box. Next week, startinr Sun. Mat., "bo Much For Ho Much," by W IHard Mack. rraanwar and Yamhill. Tb. uaac at vaud.vllla. EVELYN NESBIT JACK CLIFFORD Mae Frnnc la. Barley it Bnrley, Hale orcrosa m Co.. l rank trumU, iu Xarujp. Urpueum Ira el Weekly. RALPH DCNBAR'8 bINOIX. BELL RINOERS. Matinee Daily. NOTJC PRICES Matineeg, 20c, 2Tc. 60c Nights, 10c. ac. juc, 7c. FOl R CASTERS. Wlzaras of rba Arr; KNOT HILSON, tb. Celebrated Musical Comedy star, ana m tinn company. 3 OTHER Hit. ACTS I Boxes, flret row balcony M-al. reserved by pnone. i nnain z :. 7 antf s. ACCTIOSS PALES TODAT. At Bakers Auction House, 166-268 Park ai. rurmiure, carpet., etc bale at 10 A. it. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dallr and Sunday. Per Line- One time lic Naune ad two cooemtivo times Igc Nune ad three consecutive times 3iic 6anie ad six or neven consecutive times. &tic 1 be above rates apply to advertisements under New Today" aad all other classifi cations except the following: Mtuatiiins Wanted Male. Mt nations Wanted Female. For Rent, Rownin Private Families. Hoard and Koomiv--al'rivate Families. If ouaekeenina Rooms Private Families. Rata on the above elaanif icaatiunat It 7 ernta a line eacn insertion. ud -cnanre ' auvertisements cnanrrs win he based on tbe number of lines appearina in the paper reparole, Qf the number of words in each line. Minimum chance, two lines. The Orerontan will accept classified ao TertiseraentH over the telephone, provided the advertiser is a subscriber to either al.A-pa X: nelea nil! 1. ..iw.f.rl n-r-a. lha DRINK WATER TO AVOID SICKNESS PAVQ AUTHflDITV uniu nui iiuiiii r rTiflsrSTBS'S-- nsrijr iite&'lowM investment & mortgage co. ment. will be accented over the phono de n-end, noon the nromntne, of navment of telephone advert ieements, Mtuatlon Wanted anj I'ersonai oaven iemeni.s win not oe ac cepted over the telephone. Orders for one insertion only will be accepted for Fnrni- i x nre 1r ba le," "BuunrM Opport nnit !." "Koominc ilouaes' and "Wanted to Rent' Adverti-tenients to receive proper lui- ficatlon mutt he In The Oregon tan of fire before :45 o'clock at niftht, except batur dav. :lo-ino hour fr 1 be btindav rre- anotaa will he " :'AQ o'clock Saturday night. Tha. or fice will ite onen until tu ociocit . t.. aa naual. and all ads received too late for proper classification will be run tinder the hearting "loo L-ate to t ia-uy. Telephone: Main 7070, A 601,5. MEETING NOTICED. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114. A. T. AND A. M. Stated com munication this (Thursday) I evening at 8 o'clock. Masonic Temple, visiting brethren ai- lHVi welcome. Br order V i FH K P L. OLSON, Sec OPEf-OV APSEMBLT, NO. 1, TTXITED ARTISAN'1, will Install officers Thursdi evonina. January . at their hall in the JVcodmen of the World building. 11th and I Alder sts. Artisans and their friends invited. PORTLAND TENT NO. 1 (The Macca bees) anil i.ava Installation of officers ai ihir hall 4.r! Aldtr street, on Thursday evening. January a. Ali members requested to be prescst. MEETING NOTICES. B. P. O. ETeKS. NO. 14' Regular meeting tMs (Thura rlayi evenine. S o'clock. Kins' Temple. Initiation. "lljj.inJ: brothers acicorae. By order of the E. R. M. K. SPAL'LDIKG. Sec. THE RIVER VIEW CEMETERY APPO CIATION OF PORTLAND Tha anant nieetintf of the memL-urs will bo held at tlie Ladtl at Til ton batik on .Monday. January 1U, laiti, at S:3ir p. M. Ali lot owners are mem. bers and ant. tied to participate. A arfJiciul attendance Is requested. W. U. LAUD. President, ANCHOR COUNCIL, NO. T4. The fu neral services uf the late Mi!cs ArnsplKar will be held from Ho. man s undertaking par lors, 220 ,td St.. at liioO I. M. today. Sr-rv-Icea will be conducted by the Council. Mem ber are requefitd to attend. BERTIE tvUBINSON, Sec. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, p!na new designs, jaeger Bros., 131-J Sixth at. I!Er. BRACE January 4, Arthur A. Brace, aired :::t years, beloved son of Mr and Mrs Frank Mack, brother of Edward Brace, of Chejcnne. Wyo., and Mrs. O. b Haiohl. of Plattwvilie. Neb. Keraains at Dunoin? & McEntee's parlors. No Lice of funeral later. KARBAL January 5, John Karbal, aged 3" years, late of Bridal Veil. Or. Remains at ' Dunning & McEntee's parlors. .Notice o funeral later. COLLINS In thia city, January 5. at his late resident-. Sttti East tutsan 8 1 reel, Francis H. Collins, aged S year. .Notice of funeral hereafter. HICKEY January r. Rev. M. G. Hickey, aged 7." years. Remains at Dunning & McUntee'a parlors. -Notice of funeral later. ROBERTS January 5. Henry Roberts, aged 63 years. Remains at Dunning & Mc Entee's parlors. Notice of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. LICHTENSTEIN At her late, residence, t)ie American Apartments, January ;i. Mi 3. Rachel Lich tense trln, aged .VJ years, be loved mother of Mrs. Slff Lipman, lienry and Manny Lichtenslehi. of I'ortiand; Mrs. J. Scha.end.ing. of Centralia,, Wash. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 1:30 P. M. today (Thursday). January tj. Interment Ahaval Sholom Cemetery. EDDINGS At the home of hr parents, Woodward ave., Jan. o, Nellie Louise Ed ding. aged 3 years daughter of Mr. and Mrs.- C. V. Eddings "and sister of DorotKy, Ruth and Marion. The funeral services will be held from the chapel of the F. S. Dunning. Inc., 414 E?st Alder, at :".i P. M. todav (Thursday, Jan. 6. Friends invited. Interment at Ml. Scott Park Cem etery. THOMPSON Tn this city. January 5, at his late residence. 11W. Kelly street, Albert Thompson, aged 7- years. The funeral services will be held Friday, January 7, at 2:20 o'clock P. M., at the residence estab lishment of J. P. Flnley & Son, Montgom ery at Fifth. Friend invited. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery. ROM EN STOCK In this city. January 4. Re becca J. Rosenstock, aged 6ti years. The funernl services will be held today (Thurs day) at 1! :S0 o'clock P. M. at the resi dence establishment of J. P. Finley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Lone Fir Cemetery. ARNSPIGER At the family residence. 15 East Twentieth street, January 4. Miles Arnspiger. aged ."(' years, 8 months, i; days. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which inill be held at Holman's funeral parlors, at 2:-'.rt p. M. today Xiiurs!ay). January 6. Interment River view Cemetery. SPILLER At the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. SpNIer. fclast Sixtieth st. N, Jan. 5, liopo Spiller, aged l;i year?, sister of Grace and Hugh Spiller. ' Tho funeral will be held at the. home at P. M. today (Thursday). Jan. 0. Friends invited. Intewnent Rose City-. Cemetery. SHT'LTS The funoral eervices of the lata W illiam C. Shults will be held todav (Thursday), at 10 o'clock A. M. at tho residence establishment of J. P. Finley At Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends in vited. Interment at Vancouver, Wash. DR1TK The funeral services of the late Sophia Druck will be held tomorrow (Fri day), Jan. 7. at 10 o'clock A. M.. at tho residence establishment of J. P. Flnley tfe Son, Montgomery, at .".th. Friends invited. Interment at Riverview Cemetery. ITN'KIIAI, niRKCTOKS. ii rJrfWi-a-wea;.' 4 v s i3 i:--rv'.t-rr- iS1 JW S'eiiH, taUjba. The on ly residt-n- e und rtuking establish- ment in Portland with private driveway. Main A I.WJ. J. P. FINLEY & SON', Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the leading funeral director; 2'Jf Third street, comer Salmon. Lady assistant. A 1511, Main "H'7. F. East rii'e S. Dl'NM.NG. INC. Funeral Directors. 414 Bast street. East 52. B Lj2r. . R. ZiLLEH CO.. SO-i WILLIAMS AVE. East lu8, C loss. Lady attendant Day and night service. DCNNING & M'ENTEE. funeral directors. Broadway and Pine. Phone Main, -ISO, A -.v Lady Httenaanr, MILLER A TRACEV. iudeDendent funeial directors. F"ur.erals as low as $40, Washington and Ella sts. Main lY.!!, A 7.SS.".. P. L. LKKCH, East 11th and Clay streets. ?:nst 7Si. Larlv assistant. i ICE WES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. Zd and clay. Main 41,"i2. Lady attendant. BREEZB & SNOOK, fiunnyside ParlorH ; lf'2't Pelmont. Tab. liS, B 1251.. auto hearse. K. T. BYRNES, Williams and G 11MJ. Lady attendant. East 111." TXORISTS. AIAKTIN & FOKBES CO., florists. 34T wasnineton. Main A iau. Flowers for aLl occasions arListically arranged. CLARKE I;ROS., florists, 2S7 Morrison St. tjin or a iti... l-ine tiowers anu i:orai designs. No branch stores. MAX M. SIITH. Main 7215, A 3121. Sodl- InT bldp.. th and Aidr sts. TOXSETH FLOI:AL CO.. 2So Washington 102, A 1101. ., bet. 4th and stn. Alain ; MONrMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, 2tl4-2'W 4th St., opposite City Hail. Main s-ju-t. Jrninp Neu & Son for memorials. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 674 BE&3IOXT ST. Pbonca Kaat 143, B .SI 5. Opea Day and Nieht. Renort all cases of cruelty to thl of fice. Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desiring pet may communicate witli us. XEff TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS 5, 6, 7 Stock Exchange Balldinjt;, Third and tamfelil t recta. MONEY TO LOAN $40,000 to I-oan In One Som. or tho Amount Hill e Ulvtnea to i.iee. the Need of the Borrower. GEO. H. THOMAS, 2T Oak Street. Room 8 Alnawarth Bldg. Western Bond &. Mortgage Co. a Our Own Monev at Cnrrent Kates. Ml'SIClTAI. A'D HjmtlKATIIIV BONDS. FARM AND tlTY LOANS. 0 Fourth Ml.. Board of Trade Bid.-. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved Property. Flrat Mortgage at Current Rate. OTTO at UARKSOX REALTY CO 413 Chamber I t ommrrce. . au..JJ.'W." -UGk0mii'. -iWW XMJj.jW., 4 Mi