13 t M)mens'Club5 J 'CLUBWOMAN KUO WILL ADDRESS COTERIE MEMBERS AT TODArS t MiETLVC Z?C Green Trading Stamps Given on Charge Accounts if Paid in Full by the 10th of Each Month Special 25c Lunch Served From 11:30 to 2:30 Daily in Basement Store. Shoe Shining in the Basement Inventory Sale Muslin Underwear Gowns. Corset Covers, Combination, En trelop Cbemiae, Skirt. Drawers, etc Spe cial lines and otii lots in the Inventory Saie at rreat reductions. - Second floor. Inventory Sale Men's Clothing Men's and Young Men's Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats at wonderful savings. In ventory Sale of Boys' Suits, Overcoats fad Furnishings. Visit these Departments. Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods J Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A 6231 Notable Economy Offerings in All the Departments TIIE MORN'IXR OREGOXI.V WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 3. 1916. V".' v W aa. V i daWa-ara;. 4 .anaro .4 I CiUPl ro TOD A.. eta a. rfl. toal tnaaarlal, 'cloak: laacfcaata) al W a r'ar-fc. KIK1I ec Jaartak Waanoa. kali. ra aa Uoi Btaltaacaak. 1 'tiarll loabar: aarar Jn. iian; a'-a ky Vrs pairkiaa Man. rartiaaa) irt iU am Mv an. It a'claxk: lltnry Waal, paakar I Krl4 Wamaa'e A:)lr. Ml m"mm. t acivck. Tnyra 1 aisa. triVt t.. MfMi. J dark. fT "1 Tlaillax ura Anwialio I , I ttla kKar4 aiC Jtlrdr la I. Ik Mtar rraak aortal Mrfk k4 a Ika b moata am- alio la aivartaa'ni for tnar triaa a T-r ra 3 patxata taata4 ! aiwt ara. f lkaa 3 It atfral a4 luairtnur at- tiaata. Ht n aiada aa foit. jaaaal. TlJ. ItWi iUf. III. latal. ; t'laaa vra aiaa fC lb al.atin l kk a aui aa aka T ika aaaowkaia a raaruarr la. avarai aaar maari aa a44aat to la rail af ika Via. 'la Aaaoali t k ka paat Biaatk. Mr a. K. Vaaa. af II H(nl ara4 UI aatartala i-aaaiar C. P. aV t rka4. a rrv4y. Mca. R. U. fia U1 arai4k a a a Vary t Moaa-. 1J :a( Hacaaal trawl, wtit aacartaia Ika Carrfc Jaa aa4 XHK't) rtak aa alar4ar. Ta TanrLaaal mil aiwt lTwr Mta- t't atll aiaal aa Tkaralar auvwtBf at I alavk la .ta taj tarary. tit alala itraaL Tka aaaaai alataaa af afftKari aitu not laka ataa aattl r'akrwarr aaallaaV a a a tatt:ilaa raraanaaiaa f Caiaalia rVat- Na. j. CX K. . vara all Maa. aa him. aa la ri'aa- aSirara ra laatUa'l. M't (alalia J. I'ya. avartkr aiatrwa. It. it. or a. aartky aalraa. Mi JaVJia i". 4r. aa ataua natrna: Claol 1'allar. vaa- aatftNM. Mtaa Mara !. a f cit'l'Ki'aaa Mr Mariatia Koa laaua. Mi:rtf y . Mra. I.! A. Mamlia. Iraaanaar: Mra. MaaiM kl Paawl. ca. lata. Mra ,"al C Oraftaav anaraftai klra. .I.aala I'r..f..f4 A4k. Mra 14a I nrloi Kma klra Haalrta W Haal. ar. :tr: M.a A"'-a Xaa. Man Mra. IIIM)lal A. la V K.a. la. MUa ajxlk M .nM. araarw.l; Mra t a a liaiaraak. aarj.r. A. J. kuiaal. aaliaaC a a a Wamftara af l"a rwttaa4 Art riaa. axil aa a Ir.al IH'a aaaralaaT I ahack. wkaa llaarv aalA Ika artlal, I wl'l aaldraaa taa aiaaliaaT la Ika Art Hwaaa. K 1a akjai a i.i aa Vaaaa ixia. a a a Taa a4ar Ml WarkarV Ik to a ar::i rtaaaa tkair rvt:ar inaattaaTa ! narra at I '. M la Ika library kalll- la. Aalala froaia Ika taaffttsf f tna aalavJ araaal laaaoaa fr tka Camla4 OuaaUar. Mra. A. . t- la t arlll (Kt kar rUr t r uiuurr talk lir auBfaM-t li'a aaak am ka "llaaj la liaava tna ' ta ur tat Coaalrr Ail rataaar awkool asrkara ara ialt4 la lata aaaacia a a Taa T. W. f. A. TV.ira.lar aanrniaaT llta caatr claaa. tla-fc aaa alaroa t.a aa.l alttriaaT Ika kat-iara. alt lalavl ! aaoramc at I aia k. Mra. A. a Talaa" kava rri. aa natal amaa -a aa lnirr..t. ia Hi Ma Itaar a'iTkl aot t aaiaa Ikia aarlaa f ta:ka Mr. laLaa kaa a aaar ar af arwaaatiaa- a al tkauckia ai la taraaliaat aa4 kalpfaU a a a Vra. riara raaraaa T Caraatl raai. aill aatartala !ta aaaan't Na lamaakt till laalai. Tka rtrtua4 aakapaar Oak VnaasEtar ara la attract Ika aala f aaa?v at ta IKraa part orwt an- af "KaaaM aa4 JaUat." ISa Haiti JaaaarT IX It a ad la. Taa r'r t.l a aTtvaa aadar Ika 4 ratftaaa at Maaaaa Jaana.n iM mil aa far Ika k-aaf'l af tka la7 llaana. a a a A tla lat' il ctaaaaaa af la Frt taaa) Ma alla l'lu a til aaaat aa aaal a..lital.a. mt Ihia a a. k. IU rlaaa fxr taa ltt;a rkt:4raa kaaiaaintr al a tt aa4 la e.a-a far altar ckt draa al 4 la. Tka a4t4r tirainf rfaaa (araj j'lj tataKaa ! krat aaraa af laaaoaa t!!la aaat an I ta Bral aaa af tka aaar aaMaraa t I ka 'aa Itadaaaalay alL ' Jaaaafy li. al t i. a a a Taa a'l.Martaat nnlal af Ika a'taraama ' 1 ka tkat af I laavl af Jal vv ft an a a. artak will aa kaia la laa aa.lrvora af taa tibial Mtattaa- Mra. iv.TaUaa Jtavi, caataa.lo. tk aaataalaia. Rataltaaa. luMuar. laaa. Removal Sale Oriental Rugs Now ia f rocrva. Great red'jction-. Tk aTkntajr. Cartozian Bros. Iaartrk a Ori ratal Rar iiUKk Bla, lOl .4 WAshiBgtot., ill aiac. Tka Haraar-Janra puturaa HI a ikna. A larra racairiac rarty Hi aaat I a ha aaa-tal kaar. Mra. ao taaan la rHlrmm af tka pr a a ram ma Mra, MaarWa ttoodma a aaiu prat4 ia ! aaarial aaar a4 Mra. taaaa lwatt ill latraa)ara Ika ala.r aa4 paWa at tka maatlDa a a a Maaa ftr Ika Mano a ta ka ka4 la Xaw trk City Ma :i la Jaa S ara lasaraaiiatr rlwkaaaiaa la all Parta af ika laila4 Hiataa. Tka Hiltmart. all a4taa aaaaaa art 4 rarty.ihtral traat. aaa kaaa aaaa4 aa tka kaa4eaartara for Ika Oracoa. t'alilornta and itbtn 4.1a. allaaa. It la ratltar lntaraattr ta aeia tkal raadldalaa bp for lha raatdarxy !! ka rapraaaetaal al tka aaa fcolaL Mra, Jaaiaa linti t'oaraa. af ! Ancalaa. a karka4 tr Call farata aaa) Mra tlamaal K Unaaia. ika praaanl Ira .praaidanl. kaa kaaa la- doraa4 l tka Unto fadaralloa far Ifca kick affwa af Praai4aat af lha f niral la-r a t taa. Ttaaa afca ara wiaa rar4in rliak affaira ar. kowxtr. Ikat II lll ka ra kl all 'irprlaln if lira Johm P. jiricrmaa. t-hatrraaa of la ranaarvatioa droartmar.1, ta a eta- aaaala tar In a praalaVaacy. All Ibr-a araa ara kaawa la ika ia laadara la Ikia atala. Mra. atnaalk aad Mra. Dkaraaaa ra kra laal J una attaadtas Ika aanaial council. aaa Mra, J, A. rv'llt. Mra. Joka M-Rakart ad Mra. J. W. Ttffl ara araana Ika rarilaa4 a oma a ara ptanntna 10 a 1 "fa la May la aitand Ika ktaaatal coaniln Many otkara al. a kul 4(taita plana ara pot a ma 4 a j aaa Mra M.'Rakatl a araaar af tka Port land aomaa 1 link, la amona Iknaa aa racaatly kaaa atada aubataatial f daaalaeaa ta lk atamorlal andoancall uaa) af Ifca f anaral I'daralion. aaa Aa a Italian 1 pracraataaa aril! pra-da ika f at.ria 1.fc luarkaoa laatar Tka asaaabara a til aii at II a r lock In I Ika llalal Impartat Al 11 it oviork . . 1 1 . . . . , . 11 - ' '"'a ia ana rraaraaaa 1 Itl ka Mra B. T. laodaa. Mra. l. r alaaaadar. Mra. . Ilaramoad. Mra. r. n Woat. Mra. I- I Coorart. Mra. C. M. Kifctaa aa4 Mra. Naoa nc). aaa VI I. a taaalaa K. ra-a. (IT Tandr I traat. aatarla'a Chapiar C. I. I- I o piatarkaa-4. aa frtday al 3 a'rlaark. I Tka aaaallaaT au p : aa n ad orlciaa.ly le ka aald ltk Mra. K. . Mana, ... Tka La4ia Lilararr Clob, af Barnr, I Or. kaa uauaa) aa ailrarllit lltUa aar I kaak aa. raiaaoar. far Ika rallrt ra Jaaaary Ika aabat II ba Ika raaaaaa-parlfia; Kapoattloav Taoaa a ba j aitaadad am .ia talk oa tka tar to 4a Ikaaaa af Ika k fair. Mra Ckarlaa M. fa.tnar. prratd'nl of No wa l adaraitoa o( Woman a Claaa. ta la Carvailla arhara aba w a a aakaat la praalda at Ifca ronlataara an -1: f f t-ant-T af Worn a la Ika llnna" liar adtraaa aa an 'Itortal Uifa la ifca Hiak tfc,! - TRAFFIC SIGNALS PUMVED waaJaaa-at of OrdlMkaro Mill IVr I rtmaaaa d to ( oatx-IL Aatandaiaai ef t!ta clt Iraff r otM. aaa-a aa aa ta raqatra markaalt-al a.aT al 4attaa la ladiraia Ika dirtriion a I atadiaa ta la lam. ill ka rarotif aaanda la Ika City I'aaacti fcy lha luk lla bafaly Caaaailaaloa. Al a raaallns aatardar a rararaittaa rampriain kalnrvaa Coffta aad fkobart la it brow aa artpoiaiad ta taka Ika aropoaittoo ; a iia ika coaarii. II la raid Ika Baa af lha kaad for aalin laaolrra many diff trulttaa. aaar daalraa aa Ika mark at artll Inventory Sale yC rrw r,n Notion Day Linens Maia floor Linen prices have not been advanced at this Store; on the contrary, many special lines ara offered during- the Inventory Sal at reduced prices, as follows: Table Damasks Main floor Richardson's Table Damajk of extra good quality. R I e n a rdxon's tlJZ C TO k. yard pJ.oJLJ H.73 ct rro Damask, yard V7 c Table DamaV R i t b a rdon's Tattle RUkardon'i I1M CO T T Napkios at, the down V J - - Pattern Cloths Maia floor R 1 e h a rdon's Tin quality double satin damaik Tat Irrni Cloths at bis; favinira. Beau tiful new design. Note the prices: I'attrra (To'Sa, 2i2 J da, ratlrrn t rotKa. 2sZi yds. T,.(U f'aQ Ihnaer-eise Napkins to match priced at. special, the doxrn flJtO n GrUii' Great Half-Price Sale of Women's Suits Department. Second floor Before stock-taking; we want to close out all odd lines of Suits and in order to arcomplUh this we offer them at just half former prices. This season's very smartest models in Broadclotha, Cheviots, Serges, W hipcords and Novelty Mixtures. Many are trimmed with fur, others with braids, buttons, etc Splendid range of sizes in the lot for women and misses. H8J50 Suits at 522 JO Suits at S2SJ00 Suits at 528S0 Suits at S32JS0 Suits at 535 DO Suits at only S 925 only SU25 only 512 JO only 51425 only 51625 only 517 JO 537 JO Suits at 538 JO Suits at 540 JOO Suits at 545J00 Suits at 548 JO Suits at 552 JO Suits at only 5 18 J 5 only 51925 only 520M only 522 JO only 52425 only 52625 557 JO Suits at 562 JO Suits at 568 JO Suits at 575 JOO Suits at 587 JO Suits at 5125 Suits at only 528.75 only 53125 only 53425 only 537 JO only 543 J5 only 562 JO At Bargain Circle On the Main Floar 100-yd. Spool Silk, in black, white and colors, for only 5c Bone Collar Buttons, 2 cds. 56 Set of 4 Collar, Cuff Buttons 100. 10c Pearl Buttons, per card, 23c Sleeve Parotectors, pair lot 10c Stocking Darners, each, at 7 15c Dressmakers' Pins, put up in 'i-lb. boxes, sale special, only 9(t 5c Sonomor Snaps, dozen, now 3r 5c Hair Curlers, colors brown and black, specially priced at only 80 15c Tifffs Trousers Hanger lie? 10c Folding Wire Coat Hangers on sale Wednesday, special at 6 65c Combination Folding Coat and Pants Hangers, handy, 250 Art Gum, size 2ax1x1 at 50 25c Snap Tape, special, yard 160 25c Skirt Markers, special at 190 Hair Nets, with or without elastic, put up 5 in a package, at 10 15c Girdle Foundations, for 10 15c Hose Supporters, pair at 100 6c Fancy Cube Pins, at only 30 THE BASEMENT UNDERPRICE STOREi Women's $15 to $25 Suits S5 Good Assortment Sizes In This Great Sale EVERY SUIT MUST GO before stock-taking, hence this extremely low price. Many of these suits were priced earlier in the season to sell at t-0 and S-5. Not extreme styles, but serviceable, plain-tailored mod els adapted for general wear. Splen did materials and high-class tailor ins; throughout. Good range of sizes. Priced special 41? fif while they last, choice piJoll Women's 59c Underwear Special 39c Basements Clean-up of odd lines Women's and Children's Fleece Lined Union Suits and Women's Vests and Pants. Broken line of sizes. 50c and 59c gar- QQ ments. Priced special at - Women's $15, $30 Coats $1-9 5 sacs $1.50 Fancy Laces At 39c Yd. Basement Special assortment of high-grade Laces, Bands, Edges and Allovers in beautiful patterns. Formerly priced up to QQm $1.50. Bargain Table, yard Splendid Range of Styles And Materials Basement This offer includes our entire Basement stock of Women's and Misses' Coats in latest midwin ter styles. Materials are white chinchillas, baby " lamb plushes, plaids, zibelines and novelty mix tures. Short, medium and full length styles. Excellent range of sizes. Coats in this assortment priced heretofore up to $25.00 and I30.OO. Your choice Qa now for low price of V - $5 Sweaters At $1.98 Baaeateat Another big lot of Women's Sareaters to be cloaed out Wednesday at half price and lesa. Heavy knit wool yams, with side pockets, pearl buttons and ribbed cuffs. Jut the thing for skating and sport wear. Sweaters for merly srllinr up to QT QQ 13.00. Sal prk at V-le-aO Sample Lines Muslin Underwear 98c for Garments Worth Up to $2.25 A Phenomenal Offering Basement Manufacturers sample lines Muslin Underwear and odd garments from regular stock make up this extraordinary sale we announce for Wednesday's selling. WOMEN'S GOWNS in great many different styles, of Tin quality materials, trimmed with dainty laces, ribbons and embroideries. Cut In full style and nicely finished. Supply Your Future Needs PRINCESS SLIPS and COMBINA TIONS of fine quality materials, beau tifully trimmed with high-grade em broideries and laces. These are shown in great many attractive styles, and are cut in full standard sizes. PETTI COATS, lace and embroidery trimmed. Latest full styles. Some garments are slightly soiled. - -a' av aS7 V. ' 4 $3.50Waists At $1.98 Basement .266 Women's Fancy Waists in this big lot to be disposed of Wednesday. Special purchase and odd waists in great assortment of styles. Fancy silks, chiffons, messaline, taffetas,, etc., in many effective models for street and dress wear. By all means see these attractive Waists. $2.50 to $3.50 grades on sale P T QO now at low price of P X at O 50c Underwear 39c Shirts and Drawers BavM-mrnt Thrifty men will replenish their needs during this sale and save money. Heavy warm fleece-lined Underwear, shirts and drawrrt. in complete assortment of ir. This is the quality usually selling at 50c a garment. Good ran re of sizes in the lot. OQ and priced, the garment OaVw Coys' $1 Union Suits Special 69c fUarateat Boys' mixed wool Union Suits greatly reduced for Wednes day's arllinff. Just the right weight for present wear. flCif. $1.00 Union Suits, special t 1 W4 flu 'II We Give S. & H. Stam Men 's$ 1.50 Sweaters 69c Men's 15c Wool Socks 10c Basement Men. here's your op portunity to buy a good warm Sweater at a bic saving. Ruff neck style with side pockets and nbbed cuffs. Good range of sizes and serviceable col- fZOg. or. il.au quality, special Basement Think of it! 10c a pair for heavy woolen socks that are always priced at 15c! Shown in black and natural and in a com plete assortment of sizes. Good heavy woolen yarns. 15c T Socks on sale at, the pair "C BedSpreads $1.25 Grad?.98c Basement Full double - bed size spreads in attractive patterns. Cut corners, fringed or plain hem. The usual $1.25 grade, priced CkQr. special for Wednesday at atO Cr 17c lluck Towels At 12V2C Basement Hemstitched Huck Towels with fancy border. Size 21x 40 inches. Extra good f O fa 17e Towels, special for 25cTurkishTowels Basement Millinery $1.48 Felt Hat Shapes at 25c $2.95 Trimmed Hats at $1.00 Basement Inventory clean-up of special lot Women's Felt Hat Shapes. As there are only a lim ited number in the assortment, you had best come early in the day. Small close-fitting Hats, side-rolls, rolling brims and wide straight brims. All of good qual ity felt. While they last, p CTf, your choice of the lot for aVufa- Basement 75 TRIMMED HATS in this lot to go Wednesday at a dollar each. AH good styles, of excellent quality felts, velvets and satins, trimmed with wings, gold and silver effects, ribbon fancies and flowers. Black, white, brown, green, red, etc. Hats in the lot worth up to $2.98 J fifl on sale now for only yXall Special 21c Basement Turkish Towels in splendid size (22x42 inches). Heavy double warp. The usual pi 25c grade, special today aW X w Sale of Bed Sheets Basement Bleached Sheets of heavy quality muslin. . Two sizes. Sheets size 72x90 inches for 390 Sheets size 81x90 inches for 490 15c Pillow Cases 10c Basement-Pillow Cases of extra quality bleached muslin, heavy round-thread linen finish, f fn Size 42x36. 15c grade f or -- U U $1.25 Black Silks at 69c $1.00 Wool Dress Goods 39c Basement Black Silks in a won derful underprice offering for Wednesday. 36-inch widths in satin bengalines, messalines, taf fetas, moire, faille and other weaves. Excellent weights and qualities for waists, dresses, skirts, etc. Don't fail to take ad-" vantage of this remarkable offer ing. $1, $15 and $1.500, black silks at, the yard va7i - ALWAYS ASK FOR S. & H. Basement For dresses and skirts, for children's wear, these woolen fabrics are most desirable. Broken lines in various weaves, such as serges, batistes, Henriet tas, Saxony broche and novelty suitings. Splendid assortment of colore from which to choose. Ma terials selling heretofore up to $1.00 placed on sale for QQ. Inventory Clean-up, yard" ft' GREEN TRADING STAMPS. Women's $4 Shoes $1.48 Baaeateat 1300 pairs of Women's Shoes in an Inventory Clean-up Sale Wednesday at leas than half former prices. AH the smart new Winter styles are represented. Pat ent, gunroetaL vicl kid. etc. in but ton and lace effects. Blacks or tans, sizes up to 4. $3.30 Q 1 AO and $4-00 Shoes, pair Vi Great V2 Price Sale Aluminum Ware No Phone Orders Filled On Sale in the Basement Store 45c Lip Sauce Pan, 1-qt. size, S30 50c Lip Sauce Pan, 2-qt, size, 250 60c Lip Sauce Pan, 3-qt. size, 3O0 75c Lip Sauce Pan, 4-qt. size, 3X 60c Preserve Kettle at only .'Of 75c Preserve Kettle, at only 3.80 $1.10 Preserve Kettle for only 550 $1.25 Preserve Kettle for only 630 50c covered Berlin Sauce Pan, 250 S. & II. GREEN TRADING 60c Covered Berlin Sauce Pan 300 75c Covered Berlin Sauce Pan 380 90c Covered Berlin Sauce Pan -150 $1.10 Cov. Berlin Sauce Pan 550 90c Covered Berlin Kettle only 450 $1.10 Covered Berlin Kettle at 550 $1.25 Covered Berlin Kettle at 630 $1.40 Covered Berlin Kettle at 700 $1.65 Covered Berlin Kettle at 830 25c Pudding Pan, 1-qt size, 130 30c Pudding Pan, 1-qt. size, 150 40c Pudding Pan, 2-qt. size, 200 45c Pudding Pan, 3-qt. size, 230 50c Fry Pan, 9-inch size, for 250 60c Fry Pan, 10-inch size, for 300 35c Deep Pie Pan, 10-inch size, 180 30c Handled Strainer now at 150 40c Handled Strainer now at 200 STA5IPS GIVEN WITH PURCHASES ASK FOR THEM. Curtain Materials 5c Yd. Basement 3500 yards Curtain Scrims at a big reduction in price for Wednesday. Good qualities with fancy .colored borders. We also- include at this price hundreds of yards of cotton goods ging hams, foulards, lawns, soisettes and Plaid Suitings, etc Priced 'Sg very special, the yard, only iJv