'O OCCCWWWWVWV www www www --it-- aa-r"' : - ":- --jiy -reeve:? Till! fae'.Iakd Wm Cs:e ba t!t w Tear witk a aae'.ap yaa Iaf4i el tk Asm U4 Ma-L .e7- ml' '.a-e af miitit . I a.-a. It h4ialMl puki!. paB.l'lty pelal- la r--l r ?.. Jift. J. B. iMMiKt peaMe4. Iu rVef pastier f 4i"itnitit w a h ?mn' af 'e k .. a IT. I l Bot rea ig I I -3 ! j WiiaflM oTaiK towioiw ocooccco occ ooocoo coooccoooocccooocqooo oooooCXQwJ I I PROMINENT Clll! WOMAN WHO WILL PARTICIPATE IX B0ME- MAKER'S CONVENTION AT COBVALUS TODAT. j saw ue ;eaur r -).- XT if ' r J ' ,. eaae. and a imi BYa af a'rl YU ' V .'. J ,- ; -t UMrH ( I K I(rtUtU. 4 J JI , I jd " N. It a-a- aa if 3 ij.a- ..- weej I jT if ' V. I . ' I v- - w?e.a. kataaa la lie" aia'rlt. w iVj j krJ -t .. Too Mali are fXjS I f a. " J ' la laa-ta tketr aar i.raa f ike ! " ' J pir'. fr.oa jf.a.nl.-i.' af aa Bear If aJ "r""", , WJ I " V. ' la aa b i. laal im irla aa la V' T UP j Ia la.l anal .i koi I l la f 'J V ' ''"'. ' tloauit af 16a t ifafr 1 t " V ' Y ' C " t t i , , . - 1 V . ' - ' " X- ! . ' i 1 . I I V , J . -"r.'."" "" 1 i -a- a aa OrtyttT I Oasfar A. r r O. aaT.tala4 Tar laar ava at in aaa t Mra r. l.rajaf at r UM (I'm C"o rt lama I'ni'l ira If ia.-a. Kill Una lit I a- O " M!alaa. At Kilat. cat J- . " w f r Maver A . lt-aa I a Saar Vaaara i:. , !. i. aa4 J. r laaa a:a apoaa. iV. 1". Juoaai taia) lajrlaa. a a a Ta ilaataara .e,rtmafit af la rart.aal ta'm U nl aa'r Aar aa 1 at i-liaj "Kl- taf Taa aarlr pari Of wafcattnaj ttraa ttavola'4 ta aa asa 4 imt .at af carraat laatnca ! laa wr:4 af tframa. a fa4.f tsa kt4af.M af Mr. U'.ilmr fall in tf.cartmani af aubU aaai:if af taa Cstar Oiak aalat ava'tisa ai Ik Imparul liotl ataf ar. a a a Miaa rala Oaaa araa Viaaiaaa ! tha Waal ffilala raapaar af,4rfa- at kr koota. i.i at To tor ptfa-t. TaraUeA Jit" m aa tiaJ.a4 r4 d;a laa.. a a a ru Mi( Uta ko'Mara Mlaa r.orawa A. S'Hlaitarc. proaxlaat af tlla ;mr- attfi frttidr C:b. aacartainad h tan with a dtiatf.at CJirl-maA o lartalnnalt THa flak ruullaa It rlar ataalr tanlast at aVeM-k. Tra aaaay -pirttal Law" win taa ubja. a a a On af tiu kl affaira af lmofTna III a Ifte Cnlarla Oak lanka kl tka toi canal Hot. I at It aci-xk. A tria, al.l ka ul( kr Mr, rieraaara I!ata""a4. Mrt. li. T Aiai4r a4 Vra. B. O Sauia.aoo. Sir Nawtoo llf Cof aa4 Vra, :4aarJ H. Hoot ! l ttaaa Mj.M a l-'bart Uiltaaral. Iuriaa' Ika loa-haak. wBVS aril! ta aamal al U a laraa-iniaa'.a. u k w''l ' an y Krt II T. K.xla pi -w Oof Taala Ta.aa Sho:ol Wa la I" a." T-oll-call ai: ka raaoa'la4 la wl" aou traa IK ra of HakBaM "Vl -ai-lt. HnmafUl will k d'a"Ma4 Vr r. llia-lna. a4 Mra. K Cnaaart wi: la.k of "Tk Vklao II 1 nana " trtmlaaal woma faoaa Ika rrtlaaat Vm.i i n-.k will laa tkta orili( far Caa-i;ia aa dalaCBIaO ! Ik lloasa- VMkar'a a-oaaaatloa. Mra. J. P lt-aair Wl raa4 "Tka :rrki-ia Waaiia la tft Hoaaav" M'. It. it. UIaa.a-r. M' "La WalOai. Mra. J H. ! k4 tfn. rc Wan t; will raa tkia "rl. a a a Tsa rf 'i'ar tsaatiif af lh Tarax Tral-Taa-aair AaarltHai will ka kaM l"ia aftaaoaw at i ' far- aa V:kaMt ... - ...naj. al alra. C IL I'raaalla will BMB. A imin f aafatla ..r t al l a ki l 0 prlkcipat a aftiaa at S a claa a a O "T lilBia a Tatiaa.-a" will k k na;aaaa la ra.llall at tka maalla af Ika Aaan-a r:itl.-al fj,i, cio iMa aftaraa., at ma "airal iJBrarr Ta aiio wl'.l laka U-a at 1 lo aaat A. :. Mlaf. ai.lall af tka Ufa aaa IK.I. all-a laaearaax will lal t "ir rf'iil"" U " la,aaia taalar it alak U i aartaa rrax-t.'al aa-l oTa'-watt Ml llaaaaata'T drdla at e.-k of Ikair r la wia-liaa-a tram I ta t J 'l-k. H.araa 1 j-t aa " Iko kaa.a.a axa'.laat Will I aaaffa. a a lkitaa af tka Ua :T rakaaraaata. a aaaticf af tka tta4Ua lat Taa ' aov'U'fa il wa la kaaa una Ma.-a ffluattr kao aa aaataanail ft a waan. a - . I. a m ulii BVaWa!" WIT1 k (Ka Br Iha kln l t kfftanl I I'&paal.Taarfiara' Aa-falla at l"ta I .4f n ai.-ftool taaicl at a a-fa". lia aaftai.aawl . -ra will a?, a a a Mra :. t. Malar wl: ka kaataa la lia T;'aa.la Aftaraaoaj Oak kt kr k-"W. r.Mmt rif. f-aaaaotk atraat. laia aflafa-ao, Aa a ikarauculr ooaal ajtvartl'a Ula artamara ka plaaoa4 aj f-ad Baa nurd aaaat a a a T kaaaa i Saw Tout r?k wilt aaaal lrtafaa fafn.va at ta kma v-a. r-.ra faiaraan. TO Cornoll a a o Tf'a rka'ta an fka Ikama a W'l- S r.. Coi't-r a--4f-a I Ik AI kart Hotnaa i mrfaiaaii I a-a at tka a'.li( al fa fraaa Crkaol taat k'at. a a a "Mra. Ilatlla rfaaltaat of 15a "antra k aau I'kriatiaJl Talrkaraaco I nia. will praaal-ta ar k Biotkaro aiaaciac al tka W ". T. I", aaaarlara. Uliaj L atai'l trat. inraorraw oftar a.voa at I o'rioa-k. Mra I'.oVart Tata a4 Mra. A 4a lafu wi.t iraaa. ktckt mora toraoao of bar aUlar's on kindnaa tkaa baraaia ok wa kua- frr. .s4 tk kail moraine on awok tko four.4 trraajf alono. Cloud had anaa a war kaforo afc waa awaka. I'oor OaaaMno walaad all dr taa aakaal at oarh door lor work, but Boa coald afc Bad. ao4 aho waa afraid to laaw ttaciar a Ira alon. ao h rrawlad ktwaaa l rcx-ka and r.olla-4 In kaakaa oaar krr to kid bararlf ItDia lha aalma'i thai llaad In tha wood. i ka aho awoka tha moon w aa anin- lac anal ak haard o !.-. and. loaklod out from tar hidin klacav ana aaw aoan aar-toaklBa lilll rraalvjra olt Itas oaa tha arousal. Thr wara lha liitta krowa an' a and thar waro talkinc af k K.n wfc llaad la a klc caallt B of far awar. 'I ml4 tail klm what would roainro ka aaaitlari aichl.' aaii or., -hul kl aa4 would It do for m to go lo tko naila: I am ao amt thai lhr woaid aoc aa max. aad If tkay did I d aot kaoar what wo-ild kafpaa. No, I ( am ot laa- to taka aa .' riaa. kui al'l la..l )ai waat aaaal cur car. "tt kal to II oaa4 oaa. -tf taa IT.oeea would at np aarlr In lha aaoralac aad ao into tha wood a kilo Ik aaw I H.I oa la kuakaa arad at a raalul af tk daw aad lha and B arall ak Br tkat I tk to ol Iko moan la la aad ac ika daw lo Boll ai.r l aad wkaa It I coot drtak lb taat waaid cor bar. amahtn llataaad. rd whan lha III tta Iroaa ma waat awar ak ramam Bra4 wkat aha kad krd and laa aatt morals k ato ao-a karri a aad atartad for th raallaw wkar tk tllad ITifVcaa lirad. -J want la a tk Kln. ald fum Mia wiiaa th cat of too raall was What do to waal with tk Ktn; akakaal tha KI8ara BaraaaU -Tkat I cannot tall TO." rcpilad fluaakla. kat ft tnaal l( ma klm ar tk lilt! ITIaraa will aiwar ka kllsal.' X ka Ik aarttll kaard that ha lal feSamiSTaYi By Fas FAWaltzjl 0 ra war tw , CE aeaa a lima k atatarak On waa ra;lad ttaaahla. ak waa a rroa loakiaa: and kad a k.ad word for a.artona. Tka atkar m itr waa a:l Claada. kaaaa ak wa a irwi UKB.r aad ar k4 a piaaaaal wor4 nf laraaa iinarti-va and l'lou4a Ita4 wfraj Ihalr tm-i. w waa a triar. an wkaa la craw ka llnulM th'T ata too row. h. an ora rraniiaf k Ilia ack af than a f I Bliad wllh f.d aad told tkam ir m-iai c awBf aa1 aara ISatr lin. Thar walkad a ? dfafanc Ika rfT ai;'k'it f4f w"r a -- wk.n i cama aicBt tkaa aaat aa.:r a Ira ta aal tkatr auppar tt ait tka faaxf, r-cm To pal' rt. aarVI Cloud, -aad lhaa wa ca hrw aaar trta pl and oa'r kaa oa paaal t Carrf I'liuiiu lokt tk waa a Bad ' ftara aad lot kar a atr ka; karaall la j a'l lk.a n!aat Ikata In Bar rait, and j k aaat a-.vTn ka ata fr.m -. niai ra 1 a:aa. af wka a'a.l ctlMa I t-.T wara a-.lt: Wl'krut k t la- I' !--. and PWa.klka pa l wa amplr. r.o'ucta aat to aat Bar rirrar. I lKlaatlaalafar r a'alaf anitMaf la aat. aa' wka p.la na Baa a Bar f acnaa k : r aka rrl'ad "f aara woca a I r aa-irk ti fa aaar ir Bkara. J a B'-l t'n I a ':p aiaaa. t onaa a a i :a for Bnai'. r T- r t I p (.LPS tratRKIT-CRID)in. P.U. a- o a, bit: t.J ttpllt klfCKP. 7 f v W a -'. - : . ..a a. rrora Prioi Taata la ll. Mra. Bakl A. Mallaa. Ratlrlna: Huaaap Mcht aprr antlT la kar waoal good haalfh. klra, Itophla A. Ilialton. acd Pa. 4 ad la kr alaap that nicbt at I- horra of kar daukhtrr. Mra, rrall Whltromb. (iarond alraat. ""unaral am a will ho ka. 4 fr-m nn'aya parlor at 1 prlOrb U tdnvalir iftarnaaa Mra. Pl-attoei waa k-rn in Waah. Ircton. VI.. Mar '. fhowaa lha Oaucklar of J oaa-h kad Ill Maroon rran.-l. Mra llutlen ramo t Pnrtlanl la II"! frm NaraJa, whra. dur-1-a a lor raaaaaca. har kua band nd kar nl eon. Oerlea, 4. aat. In the rail of lit: aho rjKlaa4 all raWed to a Ira.-t of land at lld luaar. wker aha mad rr k'-m aalil a few taira na.3. wkaa aka came fa Portland. At Mood Klrar Mr. Muttoa waa knew and loaed for her many aa-ta of anoriir. Id alchaaa aati th tioa"a-ra whan phr- airiiM war err-e. aha wa ? r:cd. aat Tr failed I ra T prof.l rhrfarr lTir. hr tlm aad her aait I aa a Bur lo B t- tar tin afflicted one. ta urld kr aa nlr dauckler. Mra. I'rall Wkllcomk: four rraaVAiairaa. for arraat t araadrMadra ia1 oa ,ret- rat-rB-4shl 4. funahlno In. for Tryon lored th llt- tl ITIDC. K'bin tiunahln told th Klnr th car ab had laarnad front tk Utile brnwD ma b did not bar much laub. but b wlabad to trr rTerythlnc. and ao one mornlnc th lull ITIncaea pat out with rWnshln aad fatharad Ik daw i a cup. All day ttiar walkrd. for It waa a lone war to th top of the mountain, and Juel a tha pun wa aolnc dowa tbar cam to th well of Br. Thar waa a cratlnf- orer tha top and oa thia tha Hula blind I'rlnreaa. culdad tr funehlne. placed lha rup. and aa Boon I aa the dew boiled Kunahlne took It orr tO POOL "rink it now." aha paid who- It waa cool eaooch. The little Prlnreaa drank, and la a f-w mlawte ak paid. "'I aear a beauti ful bright I'cht; what la II? "That I tb aun eatllric." aald Sua phlne. "To caa ae now. nd th world wi;i alwaya look bright to you. for e will no loncar be blind " Huaahlne took the little Trine Bark to th raetla. antra th Klnpr waa waitinc. and wkaa he knew that hi dai (Mart an,ht had been real or ad ha hetal a faaal and told everyone how k inahiae had rurad the Prlnceea and that In return for IM h Intended to mak kar Ma dauchtar alao. la lha re id at of tb faaat a eerTaal ram lo lha KIbbT and ad that a clrl bad bee found ty lha aid of th caa l a wall faint from the want of food, aad whaa tbar brouphl bar In duo h'tte aaw It waa her alater. Cloud". -J" aha did not tail th Kln how pal.lah Ciourla bad ba to bar; aha only aald: b la my pister; w war loel la th. wooda." When Cloud found bow kind and tin eelaeh bar plater waa ah becam aahamod of beraelf and datrrmlned to k liae her. ea for the aake of kunshio th Kin adapted both of them, and l-,.y nad at In call with the little Irinreaa and traw up to be food and kaetul women. ICopmgM laix Vr lha V -O are Sewapepef pradKala. Torn Illy I Snpjskots Tk Lot eat V rd la Llrlap. P COP UK ar apt to ask tb vtaitor to th lanama-rclBo KxcoaUion at sua rtarvla:, "What moat Irnpreeead you tharar It a a rommon ierr and the in Swrr aro various. They ar drridadly Intareatlnr. loo, for they ara apt lo lf a pidellaht upon tb perionaluy of th one rapl) in. put upoa on or two of th point moat of th viaitora ara unanimoua. One of tneee I th remarkable baauly ol th K.'poat Hon, ol only 1 lha lay via itAr thua Imoreeeed. but porno of the moat lamoua artlal and art critic of tk world par that for obeer oaauty ol architecture. Iandarp pardanirt-. aat tin; and color atTect. th Ktpoalllon kaa n equal. Nowhar Ira tb world. y thoee who M trareiao, ta iitrt within elmllar compaaa or apace ao lair a l(bt for tb to reat upon. Aaothrr verdict upon wntca moat ax creed la th beamy and noreity of th llcvlna; errari. Tb port, radiant law of liaht that floooa th p4r with out any one eironar dieturkinr not I one of th enchantment of the expoal- lion, Tfero la nolhlna plarlnc or ina- atrical about it. It eteala upon your a-naa of alaht with a aort. maeia-noue charm a oieiicnilUi. aa inianiiuia aa tha d'llcata perfume or onaoen nowera that ecant tb wanorin nrrna at kichl. And there la yet enoinrr poini upa which many ar reed-.aa th Ihlnp that moat linpreeae tain a ana espo tit ton. And tola I one of the la . aatreaad It. "Th poalllon I the laieat word In pel the paPt n-ra, lb prnt. tta fuiur. ... It I ry tru. An It la wonarsaur inawirmc. For th future that yoa feat, aa yoa look at the preeent at toe eapoetiloa. la a eery happy future. future la wbtch th weirare ot man an the richl of rr Individual fo life. lihery and t!ie purault of happlnea aoama t o careruiir rora.otr-a ao-a ronaidcred la a arlrlt that ha never before ao unlveraaiiT ruiei. II aeam llmoat a If th ei petition autborlt'.eo bad aald. "Yea. lha peat la very intereailnt". It hae dona pome wonderful thlnca In art aad other mat ter. Via ar not dlaparains IL But let a look al today and tomorrow." a a a And a to aaa what the frreateat lq- d-aatrual tnelltutlana of the couotry are dome for one waat to amy labor. What yon e la of Co ora ina eooioioaicai and w.'far work they are clomp f r llvlnc. You do not eh raid, "you at But moot ot all. you feel February Home Journal Patterns, Fashion Book and "Good Dressing" Now In Trading Stamps Given on Charge Accounts if Paid in Full by the 10th of Each Month Sleds! Sleds!! SledsW-Special Showing of Sleds, IceSkates, Skating Shoes, 4th FL OldSfWortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A 6231 Women's $4.50 to $6 Shoes Special at $1.95 Main Floor Special lines Women's Shoes of patent, gunmetal calf, tan Russia calf and satin. Lace and button styles, with black or colored cloth tops. Small sizes only 2 to 4. The usual $4.50 to f 6.00 CI QCZ Shoes. Priced special, the pair ap -i. aV - Annual Enventory Sales Embracing Special Bargains in All Departments Embroideries and Laces Sacrificed! Thousands of Yards Flouncings, Allocers, Edges, Insertions, Etc., to Be Closed Out o r- x?.i iRr n - ., ,,-. l-i a.i k-.v Wash Laces 5c Yard tVJl, UIIIVI waa-a gaj (iia Floor Embroidery Edges, Calooni. Beadin-rt nd Insertions. Fine, sheer materials, with lace edf-e. Openwork and blind con vent ealres on cambric and long; doth. Embroideries worth f CZf np to 25c Special, yard AaJW 18c Embroidery 10 c Main Floor This lot comprises many hundred yards of dainty Em broidery Edfres, Beadinrrs and In sertions. Very attractive patterns for every purpose, and Tine quality materials. Grades worth " f)f op to 18c yard. Special 4& aiaVWM!fc kfc:.-M & U. Green Trading SUmps Given With Purchases Get Yours. Main Floor Fine Val. Lace Edges and Insertions, Linen Cluny Edges, odd Insertions, wide Torchon Edges and Shadow Lace Edges in at tractive patterns. Laces in this lot worth up to 15c. Priced iTp special at only, the yard Dainty Laces at y2 Price Main Floor Thousands of yards of beautiful Laces in . the Inventory Sale at Mi price and less. Odds and ends suitable for all purposes. Don't fail to see these while in the store. 50c to $10 Laces now on sale at HALF PRICE and less! $1.00 Allover Embroidery 59c 85c Embroidery Flouncings 39c Main Floor Corset Cover Em broideries in neat patterns on sheer Swiss material. Also baby flouncings in 27-inch width. Soft, sheer cloth with full ruffle edge Grades worth op to W-EZQf tVl enawial tha VArd a J W Main Floor 27-inch and 17-inch Flouncings and Corset Cover Em broideries. Attractive patterns on fine Swisses and cambrics. Grades such as usually sell at 65c to 85c Priced special today ttOQt the low price of, yard --'- Priced special, the yard 50c Embroidery Special 25c Yd. Imported Flouncings 25c to 50c Yd. Main Floor Imported Embroidery Flouncings, Demi-Flouncings, Gal loons, Bands and Insertions. Ex tensive assortment of patterns taken from stock. Grades worth to C5c at 25 yardj grades worth to $1.00 at SOf; values to 2, 50 yd. Main Floor Flouncings," Corset Cover Embroideries, Demi-Flouncing and Edges." 8, 10, 12 and 17-inch widths. Excellent quality Swiss, cambric and longcloth. Grade worth from 35c O IT to 60c Special, yard- Jretty Dress Flouncings At Big Reductions Maia Floor 45-irrch Dress Flouncings of fine, sheer voiles and organdies. Many odd pieces from stock in attractive lacey effects, with white or colored embroidery. Grades sfelling at li0 now 79f- Grades worth to $8, $2.08 18c Fancy Laces at 10c a Yard 5c to 10c Laces at 3c Yard Main Floor Embroidery Edges, Beadings, Insertions, Galoons, etc. Exquisite patterns on lace edges, openwork and blind effects. Fine quality cambric and longcloth, with well-worked . edges. 18c to 25c grades. Priced spe- "1 fp cial today at, the yard " Main Floor Beautiful Imported French and German Val. Laces. Odd Edges' and Insertions from our regular stock priced for quick cleanup. Scores of dainty pat terns. Grades selling heretofore at 5c, 8c and 10c yard. O Priced special today at only J Emb foiderit Edges 7c Yd. 10c to 12-Ac Qualities , y Main Floor Embroidery Edges in great as sortment of patterns for trimmings of lingerie. Dainty Etched Edges on fine quality Swiss cloth. It will pay you to supply your needs now. Embroideries in this lot selling '7g heretofore to 10c and 12c The yard - Beautiful Laces at lfa to V2 Price Appropriate for Dress Trimmings Main Floor Exquisite Net-top Flouncings, fine Laces, silver, gold, beaded and opalescent novelties; Nets with colored embroidery; black net Flouncings with silver lamia lace; black silk Embroidery and rich Chantilly Laces, Chiffons, Braids, etc, selling in the usual way at 25c to $10.00. On sale at- one-fourth to one-half off former prices. S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Given With Purchases Ask for Them I $1.50 Flouncings 95cYd. 44-Inch Widths Main Floor New Embroidery Flouncings in 44-inch width for dresses. Extra good quality materials, with beautiful new 1916 patterns. Best of workmanship. Such qualities as ordi narily sell at $1.25 and $1.50. Priced Q ff--, special for this sale at low price of 7 - Annual Inventory Sale U LtlBlLtJ X'ii Irfg tHw W IKkWWli W-"' g.. Gowns, Combinations, Slips, Corset Covers Chemise, Skirts, Drawers at Low Prices Depart. Second Floor-Thousands of beautiful snowy garments in this great sale. Many big lots bought at special prices, in conjuncUon with odd lines from our regular stock, are to be closed out extxemelyow priced NOW IS THE TIME TO SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS for the coming season. Gouns, Combinations and Corset Covers Attractive New Q 7 f Q Styles Special yJXXiy Sevcond Floor Cowns are of extra good quality muslin slipover styles with round, square or V necks. Lace-trimmed yokes, back and front. Combination corset cover and drawer,-), also the pop ular envelope chemise, beautifully trimmed with lace. Separate corset covers of allover embroidery with lace insertions and lace trimmed muslin skirts. All crisp new merchandise. 1 J Q Complete assortment of sises. Priced very special ,'-' Slightly Soiled Gowns at 2 Price $2.75 Gowns, Sale Price 3X0 Gowns. Sale Price $1.75 $5.00 Gowns, Sale Price 2.50 $7.50 Gowns, Sale Price $3.75 Combinations . REDUCED Second Floor Odd lines women's Gowns and Combinations at big re ductions. Slightly soiled and mussed. These are made of best materials and are attractively trimmed with laces, embroideries. $1.00 Grades now offered at 89 $1.25 Grades, now offered at 08 Sl-50 Grades, now offered at $1.1 9 $2.00 Grades, now offered at $1.39 $2.50 Grades, now offered at $1.69 1 yi tli a mt mm ysey i i i r iiii - - n - the spirit Cf charity. It IP ka If labor bad taken on a new dlcnlty In tbelr eye, aa If they bad poddenly pen It at tha happy and normal pxpreaeion of man. and they muet brlnit th part they have to do with It up to a poel tioa beftttlna thla dignity. And po you pee modelp of tb modarn factory, beau tiful, bridbt. clcoo. " ventilated, wttb charmm ground and In pome In stance with model towna about It. Tou everywhere metalled verythln that man cn derla for th aaiety and lb phyalcal well belnr of workera. And thua you aa tb future worker, a hap py healthy. kn. alert man or woman. Joln in doln th thin that will add to the world well beln and hla own and which la an enpreaalon of that ac tivity within that Is his real prlf. e e e Too aee rrywhr echlblt which how that th National, aiate and mu nicipal f-overnment ar waking- to th hlKher needs of tha people and taking Btep to incur health, comfort, beauty, well be In and happlnea. From the school com evidences of almost anew education artlrlap of wondrous artis tic beauty In furniture and rurp and wall draperies and Jewelry and m brotrtrrv and wearing- apparel, that chlWUb flncera bare made and child ish minds desisned. Thar is the spirit of a new art broodlne; over America and the first breath of Its preeence it felt In th eihlhlt of tb school chil dren of America at the cpoltlon. When It eomes to Its full fruit- It will b an art to nr tb world e a e And so th Inspiration of the exposi tion I the thine abont It that mopt Im pressep pom who vlalt It. thl eipres plon of th latest word la ilvinc, thl promise for the future. Pollro latron More Into City Hall. AKEnDEKX. cULI Mra. lui Waah . Jan. . f Spe- , tcbo.'lclJ. new police matron, moved part of her household furniture Into th City Hall annex to day and will ppend each day there dur ing her term of office. Thla will keep her alwaya on call ot tha police. MULTNOMAH JURY DRAWN Otto II- Opits Is Foreman of County Body Jost Organlred. With Otto H. Oplta. a retired harness-maker, as foreman and Lloj-d Bates, vice-president of G. W. Bate & Co.. banker, as clerk, the January grand jury for Multnomah County war drawn and orsanlxed rterdky. At t o'clock In tha afternoon it began work on It first case, considering the charges against John Ryan and John Raymond, alleged buralara. There Is one negro on the panel. Th member of th new Jury ar Otto H. Oplta. T5S Kt Irving, fore man: Lloyd Bat. 7S East Twenty sixth street Nortn. clerk; H. N. Mooney. 10J ast Thirty-eighth street; Peter Moore. Ill Hall street; W. H. Dutton. 61 East Fifteenth atreet North; J. W. Payne, colored. 154 East Thirty-sixth street, and A. O. Suitor. 467 Flint tret. W. II. Howell With Filter Company. OREOOS CITT. Or.. Jan. . (Spe cial.) William H. Howell, who ended years' pervlc with th city as super intendent of tha water department, an nounced today that In tha future he would be connected with a filter com pany. He will mak Oregon City hip beauquartere. Mr. Howell laid tha first main in Oregon City' present pystero 14 yr ago. and when the system was later taken orif by the city be wa retained a euperintendent. , rurl'i lrrtpaUoa aerks hare coat til.- VOV.Wll. Coi Poor coffee is one of the worst extravagancies Schilling's Best, one of the best. Really not extravagance econ omy: so much richer that it makes more cups of better coffee; so much .finer in flavor that the difference is ' marked. The airtight tins carry all this flavor safely to you protected from tainting odors. a Ready to use ground evenly, bitterish chaff taken out. luc.r tahvrera. Uut U 1 not doo U j ii-1:-i c-lt kfT;: lo icp taai )