in d that ef "Rarltanla" Flamlnc hroidiidea ara hurled back and forth, facia 8am f ret aurejy but hirolcaily ucx-umbiac to tha bluer and mora powerful un and ! of tha ad Traary. Tba coma th hUlna; of Nw York. It capitulation and th quirtertnp; of foriica troop In th horn of It citizen, with lubiequint o u tra a. IrrMa Caalp. It 1 laid thit Ih fatrtoui theatrical GRILL LIGHTS GLOW Oil DINNER DANCES Moving Picture Nevj . - .' --i-. r atjl Ti,: 3. 1 Passirg cf Liqucr Is Followed by New Phase in Night Life cf Portland. FIRST AFFAIR IS SUCCESS ITotrt rrrpf ,a I"? ! Ktltm Hold Job-Wimta IronlM Tranr-rraor It- la Affair al Mallaooiah. T- in ie4 thai : obtfy "Oat Id prohlbltl taw prtla la Itu stit thr a c;ty H u' that, la t:et. prohlbi:4 the nla cf Uuikum la pobtt eUac alia. T (Noun affr4 all th bot.l art:! In ! ,fT- A Ih ! -.ritor wr lata la (lmll ti h:( cf th latoaUrant In l grill. Ikey war, insr-IUJ la ko.4 tk daac tn la ear ran or tklr kullliag. and u a r'4U lhr wa something lacking la la ei alght l!f f Pw laad. Hat u the prohibit!- taw baa lln 11.4 in ai af laojaor a! af tn hol-l prnpe'eaer w Ho kav larg r'l I mama ! either already Intta t4 ataa.-ini- aa a aicntrr ("'. ar kave piaaaa4 avAateg aaacta la rftlf II lrtloi daring th air.aer aid ippr "t fittaa HM ltlt4 a tfta "bia iwm hrt a oaa. f v--r. riinilaililr Ma fa. a4 ttird.V ,-it, th night of Iniiteiioa. I a.opta w.ra fur4 a way from) th grtri. popaalar Inaovallaa, Tk popularity a' tk n(l bar w at k.k.I r th ora ihece of lllnan mf w aaagat lb "ft artnk Ka .-aw1i-. la FSU !'. masagar f it Impart.'. dancing ari l b la t!:4 kr aa a fatr within) a weak. - al a orTrte l f r atrue. kul faa thai eleeit I caa y aoiaiaa 4rtati.- wa at tROIHMIt X K a-irk. na(r f ! Pwo. will eaetin l eiirw a4 -.. aiatl"t ia4aftniaty Th i ael af alaantaa K..IMI ina aT"t tif rn''r-at In way . Ihal II I "t ? -t.4 t'lera wtl air inaaa;aaT ( la kfltM I T fV H of t.a ta l ar t! . aa I haa.rH f ltr arta T.rl nuna aa pavl4 I 4raarrl pjta f 4 ixnamlaat Mil t baa ar. TYPHUS VIGIIH "mm tn. m. K. .Txiiwr noik n at rm;T caoiK. vi i ?'i ar ; i ' -, v. , ' a. . aa ' t . , 1 M - - j ; ' ' - '-". a' I- - - 'r V J' 2 Tonirt nut rt:Trr. pickfotat "Taa Waraia " I p T mplallaa." CBIafBDla Ti ftnbmartaa Ft- rat.' "Anbitlea." M.l .ar Tfc Haiti Or af l"aa." Ia!CI "Kieaaa Mm." tloeal -To laiai4 Soul." (irtrl -lIMnd Jatlt." Tka Tatriaih Mo4L CT.SB men allimOV l-CtTVnMO CLADTI ntttTTE. AT COfclM- BI A T OI).V. al Ih rirkford Thratrr. Thla play, whirt would bava provrd ln!"!le In a -dry" raunpaixn. la truly arnrpinB In Ita lrunly. aa wall a lamarkabU In photoirrapb'e 4'taila. and a universal iKh of rilaf I hard b' in de ptrt4 horror ar dax-lord aa a draaro. Tha alory deal with a youn con alrwilon forrman with a rrtpr-natty to drink to ( at th bhl of hl boo companion. A "o4 lol.ow wlih Ih bor. h nalK-td hi work and family and bill rommrnrad to araramula:. HM bl ro nl waroac him aaainal drink and condition al noma ra raachlne a clim. Nw Yar' t. with It st ronfaltl-throw-ina; rrowdi and brilliant atrea-t and ( pcrtvra. found him alcp at hi cMId brdalda. Prrama followrd In rapid awnaaloa af hla adair with a aapira wotnaa and nlrt of hi family. Monay for th woman I tolan from th firm and chaap malarial, cau ln Ih daalh of workman. I oad. Intoalcalad. h puahra hi rasc4 child Into th trl an4 h I run orar. rrirplrd. and than d from lojurlf Th- wif divorce him. th woman caai hlra aaid and lha man hom a tramp, hi wlf marryina' a (orairr aafthaarl II !' d'ad and o to hrIL ih vn In Ih lnfrno baln of a htathly Iraaalaaliva and artlallc aharartar. Awakanlnr a l I balnc forr4 Inlo Ih nm of ball, th roan dix-arda whlakr tUab, and tha fkmily I one mora harpy- raa4a Ha. Iila aa rulaal aaat ! mm rhdMaaa Aaa a ttaaaataaa TV. KaarrT M. Albraaaaa. wka fr taa taal I yar w a aaawf-at ailatoa ary al Marsaart. rCr rral "4 oaaaa daalt fr l1?aa w aa. nia.a aa'iHaf T a Amafkaa atajr4 f J aa!- V aaloaa. la wall iirtaa it tat c'r. k'a pkaaia bavtaa iaf l faal ajraao f rw tnma llm. t Atk:aa avarr4 M aa Ta'y IN ,!. ala w g rarfital fra Ta cifl t'alnnl'r la !. TSa aaopl -a14 al !. I. I'al ftaa la'i arvic taa wara aaal ! Taalat fral UafrajaKaaal IhiRi. f ivaUiKi I . .( Ufa iiliaaaa lit. ta lll aAatll fl ara aaT-a, ( r. Atlaa..t la a irlaa4 by arI ratlMawta. aalla bia wlf. ' tk ar faorfal fa af' f Vr A ' lo am. ! k a la kri f l"a atia'rtat ISai kaa k a a a'nx. f irar a: oa. NEWPORT MX. YET WET Oaa Ma Ota ! f.ra of I lajur fay rrtvai Crttar. '?r-f-rrT. a-ar. Jan I -ll V a,.ai ? tha clilaaa nf I a i cimmaaify h a lail ta cna!.jrM Btt? af "riar aiajt t!i romlnc af rMM ai..a, t'a la raaiaf tif ata arfalflf f-rn rartlaal and faw a Tr"!. a txufil ta wt a4 la aVa ihaja. rt. parr', riaaa aaa ri4 a rnaaffaaaal af t f a Ma p-lafa ra'tar A va!4par rna rata4 a la-fa'faa b arL U")ara Xrrt ka wn In lha air taa f-a turn pl ar II ka a-waaa aaartad in. at li-iMnr rottl ba ...., 4ie kara. tt I aaki Ik word ka l'a pavaaa4 aut laal la ar ail b- DtMaa Mjaa Maakral FUII. rItnta W..h. Jan. J ip ell v Ta t a n'?-'ii lr4 anaa.! ar 'afl ba I ar'aaa ba l! kai tta af p r ti i v attr-a'. ln.ra tnaia 1 ta fun t a af naiiTi I. rvmaab Ifi waa . at It i V t. r! tha ffHa wiaaar waf raat cwt'in., Vra Aafla V. a !.. a-a. A. : Jill " w . f'.a tl'-triaa Lianamaaa, an. I A" J. :..f -fj ra'ftaJ rllau-ar. Mr. Til- 1 t .tJ..i'.t a i. i-ar ' ruani-al ! . .. !.. - I I . M 4 -I.,..! 'A harhaalla talrl I ItrtdV. a-M r't vLK Wa. . J. ,.vltl. l aal Ha. :.. a p,,.a, T-! i' a. . I Via II P'aaa, af Char: a -a. I v-i- aiar'i'l Naar Y al . m r t A. aa'-aia 1 ta brfj. M ' t a. I t aarfu rlaaa, a ;om p.raat. T- r;-la la In at.'aafl 4a'JS 1 t . af i-ft l-il la iaal I i a aa-l a moat taarf a. man f' lla a I fc 1 hrld wi.lj Colamblav. T.CKIXH Bihl a-ro ak jrcrapr XV and oar atraat chaam. thafl af aubmaria. captura aa4 torp4otaar af a Iinar. and battl biwa tha lab ma -no aad a untL la which th lattr ra virtoTtaaa. ara a faw of tha IhrUlar taalarlnc -Tha abaiarlna riral.' -aantiatf f'4 t kapJta la lha rata of b.ra-l.lln. al lha Colatabl Thaalar. A4aa-a aotlca didn't tl much about IPlia four-ral IMavc: III auraly th ( la K'jaloo 1 jaaiara Tr pro 4.4k-d. rd lb fttul alaorala. -Ambl-liav a thrva-aa-t Tbanhauaar drama af ml.4ira-ta4 anarar and rharartar. Miit4ia4 lar T a Italtailn." la aa lataraiia and laatructif additloa la tha aiarrall Oiapiia. a waitar. porlar. t, a kataL 4'aroara a ot la loot a old aip wit a ubmarin. II tla ta papar art ta uBartln( k - T aad boroisaa wa'ar of tha craft. Tb oia ah.p la pevardad but lha sold la all far t"4. Ta Iinar m lorpaSo4 and a aab. bat a riafraal' aaaaia tha loaa r amaia; ti mbmarira baa Pyd Uaaa lha iulmafin. hay on a trip bi lava with ta lurpaala "barb lit! In pnaf aaaaal. Silaallona. amua Ifiat 4 tl'lilllat. ara lnala4 al ry anal. Tha "r lo.a-up af lha 1Mb arbaraa. itlarlor arad talaMor. ara da aatloeal. lha "prar hll la Ibla l-vataaa-a fc-.ia fraUAad by lha I'allad ft t C a llntiraaxal. Antbllaoav wlfh Otadra Hutall la ih i.iIm lala. Iial of Touth. la aa aua-rcai.i-4 " dal:naT wilh mua ralllo ta axhlav moaalary a laaaaa h aaalaall IO I'llaa4iia whaa ba lata baaia'a a pap-r la prim a hlblr f.alonl f cojal af IK bad roadlllon of hll proapll fthr-la-taw bank. PropW-a. C.rall.n. Varrac. la partora and aanr. pklarlaad la -Tamptallon,- a atory of .ran. I orra. aad o-:iy eraaantad tbraaualh Ik fnadlum of rtoaacatk 11 "Ami Lauri and, V nut Kaalirkf llotiaa." ramfilaa j a. ratI l.aalaf Sanaa' ta I1"!-! load Plandora aa Ik apnlnT pro framna of tn wak. Vim I'arrar .oiad crn aprar aitra ab-" th world-famau crand r aipa'i - m . - - .... 1. airman.'- bar priraiilr ! I traia tlf t" mo. k) mar wlnamni fiakloo. liar maraa-laruallon af in io:n ca.'a aillar. toTte th ..llnlt-omeo-r wilh aich wal-harialna that an la wiinna l da anytbias lo aaa hi IK. I rl art- l;ana lupr. tha ooc cafa !nar. baaa'at.fal of fac aad th ownr of a coidan o!c. I lni ll Jail"- aloliRLalKomlioaar. who Ira ral lif i cjra d iV'OKHa H't baty and aoia-a adracl Vuilar iThaodor lloa ariai. if rt iitipiraarta. II prom aaaa la -mak" boia compoaar and air.r. bot lia aTlrl d'afoa.fa lhal hla mt.niioo ara not heaorabla. Jd jl ari !n.I.or. ta ajrr.ciail ta prnt thm frum aaurlnat amploymant. and whan rh coriwf U III th cirl dlrmla ta a.-nri.- arif ta a- th Ufa of bar loaar. Ih miruiouty cap aabaa ina lirtfaaal. la atahbad by VI a roll lha alhar aroraaa la lha eaaa. altar tb opara b baa a prodtac4 and lb raiaraaat and orralle itnaar ba KMaaad trlumphA allonal. r.aa.l rtarrlaa-al. alar of ThaOoldan, ...a ui.aaitll O m PTO- 41 -an. I f-laral la "Th llntd oo- o four-part M-atual tnrpic. obi.'h wa l-a (t Br.t -ortlnd KraarlB( at in .National Thaalar aa tardjaa. T work af thla baaatlfal b4iinr I Impraaaia. bar chractrl- 00 of tba woman r rar tad by lha .alia". of a ouif ;l fa-- in a paiat 1BC r f a H'aanarallua.- bain Impraa . .a. aarla Hay. aa th artjt. and Tratf Malt a. k. aa Ina mothar of lha man. prla a4aj :al aupport. A ta aiorr . Ha.-aard. a laon art!!, wha b rnarf a ar.iful poim nc cnd "Tb Ka.arra.iaoa.- I m a-r. h of a waa-aa la poa f -T Ita ,., ,!.. -part. "Tha ra.laa W oroaa.-and -a.a.. a a':r " it riaaaad aaiara ta ikaaal frona oetart o-.-h tba Waa.iatto la. a dpll4 ao -Tha Raaartavtlca a wa I aa Intar- Maraa w.ta tka artiat. Tkap rail Vaadlaaavaaa rnaial IVcrlfla Caaala. rrpurrv. o. J J aaia.': t . . a w I OMra Ilia llta-l wa am4 f I. raaaipt f II iaaai paaattfffia a 1 .!- .t yr I'a-ai ;w-4 r tka. pr...a n la 111! taa lalal aa. ..- . a..r :' U; tl. Ik till, ra- a. :i.i;!ll. a laraa a It it. Aa laraaaa wa aiaaaa III r- . - a.arr aaual t lltt aaar tka . 1 -.a.n.: nj aaoavLA af 11. f la raatrr llaa Waarlk Party. l a riTrk. a aan.. Jia. I. j. r 1 -;-. laMra; I. .!- i1-?! r!. w ..j MabakaA k.l a aa Tail a. . a al ta r ka'l ' rrtJar :.9aa waa a ' aiial a t - ia ar aa'iant.lU .irt tt i 1- .- il a 1 aaai a a ak I loaa kit I a alhar Intarfara p4atta aut thai a a:oa with a woman ,4.-a a tka BuaaVI wojld r-aln th .-.. ..f bar ana. rwtaranaa la l a bar -. 4 rai.aiii.jin; Ik t it f I aaar araaaaaal. lb -l ba bralf arraatad ar. a rjt"r4. ara Ta aaaja laati that aha kaa rart4 ta bar faarmar lif a Ik irl tao up tb 'da ata-a. Tira roan- 1 -. "KHIta. K :' I, tl' C T r nearaid la a lPal alarna. aad a r la.l !! lia-ra .a aarlia ta t artaia rea a t. faa laal aaaal br bt aa aorlhy All. raraforaj. a aaaarfjl I fci-taol af rana ar.d it. r"iti t ack!ir that ,aiwa-.-..a 11. -t-a- f.iiow.- ta Tha Wara:" lb- t:jattaka aUaralj pwlaraaaliaa .atn41 Alar-ry Xalharl Majratlc. ' "Ciraai Ma" I anoihr of Ihoaa pic turl4 lasa luce which do not diiappoirl ea Ih arrn. Th llanry W. barif produrtlon. fi!m4 by Tath and h!hii4 yratarday at th Vajaa ll Thaalar. la a bnhl and aparklln rocaaaly. fatur4 by niiritad wallh at bomor In actlnar aad a hap py choir of .uMillaa. T6 caa'. f-a-lurma ajor . Marlon and Vlrlan llla aburn. t Uniformly ajood. Tba adaartiaaj a "a Pullman tar flntrr of bllha mni mlriha" priaanli a miJ of aompitcaltonl with a harharouad of lultman car flltura and flann acanrry. Harry Mallory. I", at A. an rout a for hla raatreant In tha fhtllppla. and hla Intandad wlf. ara th rotr of attraction, hut ar auf ftrtntly ratirinat to prmll of th introduction of othar char(.'tr who rarlotmana ara Juat a amualn. Thar I lb roupl who ar Iryms to ap a.-b othr. thmkinc that on I an rout to Tar! and th othar In th dltrora- colony of Ratio. M'" prachr-mlaaionary. arruaod attain a tro!a:ona4 ambl.r. wilh a w!f who I diacratlon ltlf. hut would try to trr.ok a bi black clear, contrlbuta la t-i laaatv. A formar wthrt of !t'.ory'A who ha hrr;t a a ra mambranr of thir affair, anothar pair of iwtbart. rrunitad by th trip, and a ripabla porlr. ar a-ldad mirth provokara Mallory and th sirl hav no tim to Cat marrlad bfor catchlnaT th train, but iftar many lapcrlancn. Iracla4trc a holdup, th mlaaionary. at th point of a pltoL marrlaa th two. Th lauioal IVaklr and a "rVin America Flni" film ar Includrd on th bill. ajnrt. A donbla-fratur bill. pranlln llmry Walthall la 'Blind Juallcc." and Arlin lrty In " Th Thirtan Oirl" or -n hat lid lltla Por haadtlni a maritorioua rrosrammo at tit riunt Thaatrr. "Hlind Joailc" ! a itroni photo drama dalin with tha problem of human ihortalf hta-dnai in dcailnc wttn youthful hrrikari of Ih law. Ilanry Walthall al'parnca Inaurlns It mrraaa Ihouch It war a mu-h wrakrr yrhlcla. r:iliabIM Rurbrlds ritr Mr. Walhhall p:n4id tipport. particularly In tn amotion! a-rnra. Th iory daala with Klaia HardinS. dauihtaraof th phllantbroplat. Will iam llardlnn. Th rxirl. Intrtd In th alum and thir daniiana. tikal Jack La n coon, rhiraad with vaarraacy. to bar father, and lea-ur employment for th ouni man. They becom m lt and tb father dlaown the daaa-i-ir. Ijansdon la chanted wilh th lorsrry of a rhvk. when Ih phllan throptat'a aon I raally th 4iHy man. Th .1 fv of a model In a department lor la portrayed In -Th Thlrtnth Wodl." with Artin frelty warin that numhar a w: itown and linear. -a af lha liteet d'alan. rth t-lr--ta th junior partner In thi de partment ator and becom Inralu- j Ileal with hlra. Vletlna th l arrea nf j her employer, th ciria becom trin3 , nd tt model aacriflc a lif of aa , l inaur th happlnaaa of th other! (irl. A comedy and nw pw-torlal ar In eluded oa th pro ra m ma maniiir. William A. Urady. want! Hobert Wiraick to appear in a rtewi pliy. aa well 11 to conllnu hla daily, work In World Film feature!. Lavit .vprlna Air. Warwick did doubl duty In: thla reapa-ct. appearlnc by -jlht and, at matinee In "A Celebrated Caaa." ' and icqulttlna; hlmaelf a both lilont) and ipeiklni; actor with the reeteat ' crdlt. I Thouch hr father waa wealthy. Marcuerlt Clark, th Farooua Player 1'iramount star, decided that the life of luxury wia not for her. Full of nerrou rnercy and pulalnr with ambi tion. h anw m the poaatbilltle of the tar an outlet for bar aaplratlooa. Her choice of the itare wis tba reault of th remarkable aucceas ha had In ama teur play. In which one frequently ap peared in ber home town. Atrondale. O. Wllfre-d Lucaa. who pliyi' lead with Marl IJoro n The Wood Nymph." will b featured in a film vernlon from Ih atory by Miry Roberta Klnehart. "Acquitted," and adapted by Hay So ra mi" rv II le. The cut Include Sa ra Ir-G raaae. Mary Alden. Beaaie Love and Elmer Clifton. Paul Powell, who produced Tba Uly and the Row." will direct. aaa Wallla Clark leave New Tork ihort ly for California to complete a blc feature film which wa begun more thin eltht month ago by the Unl aral. Jt la a plctur version of Jule Verne' ea extrivaa-anza. "iCtshty Thouiand Leaaruaa Under tha Sea." It will require more than a year to com plete tba film. aaa Call Kane left New Tork two week ago to work In a picture called "Her tiod." Couldn't get along; with th variety of cooking; out there In Arl iodi, 10 a cook waa ipeciaily hired from lb Knickerbocker Hotel and aent to Join tha party. Wbo aaya stars are pampered. a About (9 additional Indiana have ban aecured from Government reser vations to, work In Western and In dian drama, miking a total of mora than 10 now at tba Ince studio. Ince contends that to make lrue-lo-llfe In dian d ram It la neoeasiry to have virtually an entire raeervation moved to th studio. Chief Biff Tree, a talented, full blooded redxkln. I a member of the Muatang studios. aaa Beeaue h wa th prettleit girl at the Hoaton movi ball, fophle Kadowekl Jumped Into fame and for tune In on night. Atlas t-adowakl wis picked by a committee of flv judges as lb most beautiful girl present at the ball given by tb iloaton exhibitors. The prli wa a niotlon-plctur career, awarded by Kdwln Thanhour. of tb Thinhouaer vfudlo. Half an hour after she had been rhon fcophl flsdowakl hid received the profeaalonil nam of "Doris Grey," and arrangements bad been mad for her adoption as one of th star of tba Thanhouaar Company. a a Paulina Frederick. Famous Plsyrs Par mount alar In Tha Eternal City" and "axa. flrat appeared on Ih stac In a roarlnc fare. "Ror Brother in Ifarrird." In fact ah strayed even further from the path of tragedy In her subsequent stag career, appearing In th musical comedy, "tt Happened In Nordlind." wl'h be Field, and In a burlesque on Th Aluarlo after." a a a Clarra Whitney, who I In Kingston. Jimalra. working la William Fox fea ture picture, la an Inveterate drinker of soda water and. finding It Impossi ble to obtain her favorite drink In the West Indira, has bad shipped her what ha rail a pocket edition oda foun tain. It ta a regular fountain In minia ture with compartment! for three dif ferent flavor and a tank containing; enough charged witer for six glasea of her favorite beverage. aaa Jdaurlr Coatello will soon ba aean In a dual role In a three-part Broadway tar feature now In the course of produrtlon under the direction bf Van pyke Brooke. The atory was written by Jane Ilv.on and floma Paymond. In the cast with Mr. Coatcllo ara Leah Kalrd. Van UyVm Brooke. Robert Oall lard. Edward fclkas and Denton Vane. oaa Theda Bar received her first Isste of outside Winter work tn a recent snow. Miss Itara. together with Plrctor It. A. Walsh, James Marcus, fleorga Walsh. Carl Harbaugn. Nan Carter and other worked In a scene set In Ih woods representing a Winter scene in Russia. Th plctur la Th rierpcaV In which All Bara will be seen In a character entirely different from any she has heretofore essayed. WENATCHEE, MAN INJURED L. I. Mllot I Pin nod rndrr Auto, hat Vlfr and Rube Kaarane. W ENATCH F.K. Wash.. Jan. I. Spe- i-lnl.l Uon I. Milot. of the Mllot Mills Floral r'ompany. stiatnlned three hro- saa-e-a : gjrsvaj'tc-awst'i u .-.Zl-r.y 'SZ-l.S JNojfiWit. ". .v-:K?i..r-.';avaC. a-t.ja-SToa-"- rrrw aaa.-,. - iT?1""- - I' ziiki&pr .;--v-a . i5ci 1&?P yJlzS-slv' Vv-)J.rV.i. . -S..r-C - ' K.-i'.'-; ' X&'7-tf ti- ii5. .-a ,- JJl on Uaan.laaraV r.'u. ; jt . -. zraL ikla, Khaif ,r n riirmi i -ri f'Tve seen it twice' said one man today, "and it was fun- "nier the second time." "A SUBMARINE PIRATE," the funniest Keystone Comedy that has ever been made, say all critics. It is in four reels and used a real U. S. submarine. "Amfoitioii'' A Mutual Masterpiece Added Attraction COLUMBIA Theater of No Disappointments Sixth and Washington ken ribs, crushed lunga and other In juries when his automobil skidded on North Wenatche avenue, dashed Into a telephone pole, overturned and pinned him to tha (round, lie was riding with bis wife and babe when tli ma chine skidded. Tha wife and little one were thrown clear of tha machine and escaped In jury, but tha man was picked up un conscious. 11 waa taken to tha hos pital and Sa suffering severely, hut the physician say that he will recover. DEBATERS ARE TRAINING Clatskanle Cltauiplons lo Meet As toria Tram January 1 S. CI.ATSKANIE, Or.. Jan. 2. (Spe. cleJ.) Th Clatsknni High School j debating teams, Columbia champions, ar preparing for their first debate January li asalnat Astoria. Other de bates In tbl section at that time are: Tillamook vs. gcappoose. and Rainier vs. ft. Helens. On that date tha Clat skanle nearatlve teem, composed of Alma Kent and Nellie Geary, will go to Astoria, while Tillle Pulllam and Her bert Geary will remain at home to meet the Astoria negative team. The ques tion is: "Resolved. That the Swiss Military system should be adopted by the United States." Th teams are being coached by Professor McCord and Miss Alma Payton, assistant principal in the Clatakanie school. The Black Crook Is Coming! Tiring. Tha Paul Cry of Teece.- which Mania. r Ian a I, of Ih llell'g Thea ter. anaotinci wilt b ireanad fof th ranaaladar of th week, la prov ing a etror-.a "prperdna' educator. yw f.irn w hU-h kv appeared In I'ort laad fore people ta think a wirh sa Oaaa Ih ilaltapH "eermoa asllnil war Hh'.la Ibara II aa lnlene:y Int.reat- In stry ranmr-g ihrnuak a.veral reaia of the f;m. lha prnaetton la i chiefly Valuib.a aweua of it educa- j t'oaal tal'ia. Wbll many think that Ita .ci;.d t.paJr of Am.r.rin ! ..-.I . . a.A... atnttiat.l a. al Ikay bear out o co!y tb bt aciaaliflc and ml-otf leforma t oa on l ab)ct. mat few a;.a i tor leeae lb theater allhotit pro aaaincad tdaa on bt.r prrst.on to r-t a taahla forian fo. no of lb moat effctla a-ne In fl Ha t .ea la that aaarln th rttla lam ta laferaor I'cited rtatc .Naay GERALDINE ?FARRAR The Famous Metropolitan Opera Star Her Second Appearance in Motion Tictures "TEMPTATION" Supported by Theodore Robert, Elsie Jane Wilson, Tedro de Cordoba GRAND OPERA LIFE BEHIND THE SCENES BY ONE WHO KNOWS Crowded Houses Ruled Yesterday Come Early Today First Show at 11:00; Then 12:45, 2:30, 4:15, 6:00, 7:45, 9:30 PEOPLES THEATER . Today, Tomorrow, -.- bi-i I ut Wednesday Cat .alw? Henry B. Walthal! I IS ONE I WONDERFUL ACTOR I His Work in j i IRKnirl Justice Is Said By Experts to Be by Far the Best He Has Ever Done Sunset Theater TODAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Clara Kimball Young in "aGunffle" 9 a?. is inmiit i--r-- J" - ' The motion-picture public all over the Nation will have an op portunity to see Clara Kimball Young in the forthcoming produc tion of "Camille," which Is to be the attraction at The rickford. beginning next Sunday, January 9. In this picture Miss Young puts forth what she herself says Is her greatest achievement in her en tire career, and ever since she saw the part played by the divine arah Bernhardt when she was but a little girl It has always been her desire to play this role. Her dream has come true, and It is needless to say that she has given the part her greatest efforts, and It Is said that it Is her best. u i i ji . mm i!ui .sg i miimjanimmiiii i -i i il I 1 HI I Tin- aaa i al ' F the y ICKFORD Washington at Park ITS HERE! THE PHOTOPLAY WONDERFUL THE A PHOTO DRAMA EVERYBODY SHOULD SEE