Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 01, 1916, SECTION FIVE, Page 16, Image 68

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. Showing in
Lines Is Crcdtab!e in
' i Spite of Depression.
llaiUiinf Oprraterea. M. ,rti
Jlrvw Tl.a al Other Faimf M
fariHar M-l aMI Irrtral
I. tart Cala utImL
ttlm i .tan 1ifi( tit. I'saral bti.ia.aa
; rfnn 4 trin th. p..t er
r'i'tiliM. aAoi4T in r"U"'l
-tt 4r.rnmf.-l4t artl.ltie. Was aA.J..
TrI . ratd ti..o. en.tat.ia. low.f
. l-.t th.. aitMl. di 1. I. ch.otlc
t anhtLir'nf ..4 t ta.
ftntirm4l 4.-1 iwa af tb,e
Ix.rtnaT th. t..t Ihf.. twfttM. ko
.f. tn.r. waa a .4tr.t for."!
rwtBt ii tti Ur,.. Tf t
n'.i!. r.fur. ha bn lb. ar.4W.l
. r.'tv.r mt In. l4fnb.r4P4 jr. Th.
.J r-i il:j4)nt al. a, b-- n ...atna;
4. 9 .l.4ty I o.-l Ctorv a".r4.r..;a
4 r'i 4 h'4 Prtl.ri'i . Ur tra-l. l.f
w lrtrv b.v. b..a h. 4.par..l.. Til
'-J.l 19 of I. tl.4j y.r wRr.4 a
v.rr h.lrbv trtivttr t o.a
,Th. ar lea b.ata. tb.r.far. aitb
"V 4riHiy .....unr.: k'sm. al-
Kuka .... latmna.L
Ti.l awlt.e lien, ar. r.crairaaT la
t-v.r.'.t..t in lit tA-r in In. amb.r
a-t.4 . bFifcirtr transaction...
"Hhlle Ilk. I..t.l cLana.-. ef lb. ar
b-f. '.!. Pl.( blW h Ptirt
3 t I. tb.ra ... a .ubarantial rale. Id
1 1m r.. .ft.M.r rmp'4 arltbj tb
o'r..p'tiiAr aj.i.rt.r l.t Tr.
- Th. tt.t n.fir. ii ix. f..i four
-'vn r. H (:l'lii;. a.
I?- 4:1.:I4.4.. hawlftf aTaln
I'.M! I'M!.. ! l"-H'ftfK f U-
i ut imp.rt.n-' ... th. lvr
c' rlrin' l. moulb
t"".mbr. t ' I t 1.-.r..
4-tnnth to'. lf.4ll T43 l roarv
witlb I ! I li. i ." In Ifco rwttw
.Prtnl n 4 monrs ef t t I. a f
I' H .?: Th rlflr. ! . I . ; I. 4. : . : :. . rn-
f.r.'l wtrii 4 f. t Ih.
r r t.. h..r i.i;::
f b.nal i !ftrn-ia for t l 4 1 it
.at r
4 :
fM I ttr aiwtinv
If Vtlttfl4t erra(M)Aa, I'UflLaft'f. 14
r ism ! it" Mrir ml'. lf r it la,
murr-rwt t rrri pri 4.iaa lt th .
a af an t ft" t t ffmr r.
t h aj4.-. t I h nmtf 4n'
f 1 it I.J' 4 pa-fmit b A9. Z pmf
raTtaC 4-1r4f taa if att ta t4 w 1 fc
. it-i.e rM .m- t srvt i
r -. r.'.f. - '. r'l.f !
.m,inll ptaa h frtt ajtriaf ll-t
-,fHi -. I r rant. It Tf'nt
paf atarnt. 1 1 I,- An! 3
ant TOffa M A aaa laalM
r''ii-H but pp fcbi i
'H .'tf fra r 4i f.-i? t h
r.rta.f.. rH,.r T ! V
Pata(,af Afa rf)"l !., T larat (
t f I, . . fir Jt rH lut.t-tt
atfl tftal M-t'l'MH lrt Nt-ftaI t-a.aa
-14,- Jl. rn l4-'f pS)rtlaMta
t a- WaPa bl . rV I r f
rai-l.j-r a Mi-tl.t ff ( ft-!, bil
b'tl 11 I Itff 4rlt),trWa tt.
iJmmmmm 4.
Tta fa aaf'l Ult1tf f- rr, yw.-1
f t r t-i t r . ifa. rr lattrra tl I ra
fir') .4n, Tfc - ri, -tvr,.-
t t fna.fl. m- ftt. It I tF
Th f -; i if4f . mh'm thm
fc-a4 f fc'n !. rmit fry m.t', tt
1 Ml nl tl
4 -1
i . -m , ... i . .: ;b,.
t b4 m ... ... :i it ::
X'Um ta (N- t' ' rpar mr mm
r r 9-t fci)tw-t ra-:p'a at the
?"et ' an - ! f'4-. ,, mart hat
l-a t- t ttmm r -l r.
Hai m a Sii r-t v t rm la
t fi-inVf mt pa- l f tm
a f(t a.a ipar' Tfttp u r' ?xa" f of a
t hn4l4 T t'm of f . -y tt'l.4 f -
I W il, mm t"a-iai4 .vf ,.a, ( ?
aM -4. tlt Ta r"1-. tfYrtVa
t a.
I t
t a.
-.:.; 1 ;
r ; 1
at lit
- I e
t s
t : ; . 1 : :
It ;.... 9t. l
Ta a
fl mmmm I 9 ee elatv,
l i h n thm .1 f if
t.,r a-a.-ar .r,. .-rrl a aatl
FwitT w-tlm Inj (be fttanrtS'
trH a-art-ar a. h t r.-rt t--
IMIl IH b')raI, i a a 9 19 .
7 ;h ! . . r - i. ' a-aj j . . ; i b . i..
,ti-.4 ar 9; 46j;s.. t -4 t.-
9,4 t;t 9i.?n' a! i4 at IT 14! 114.
a-. t t ssi !;. wtuv4 at
$i4 li T 'a a u ? rl ttr!
t. t r . a. -i -4f at-t ;4 l' ,i an-4 lei
i i tf t . 1 1 ; i : 44 ; th
I- 1 4.' 4'.r,B4t tb ar was 94.
9 " 4 111,
T -j mat et Ilvartr'k rf.-iiti waa
taa t In 114. ftt ft m lata
t-r raaft f Xll sppr-'-iariia, (in ar
), ("C-T' ef t4 a la's
-. wis. e-"4 t9 re-i?ts
t- I ef C.-i;w"aT a capaa
I . - tbta af i laaat.' k 9 m- i 4 fa
,1 l at imi.
a' t'a i Sa
. . fc ,4
,9 rr4 f-r fVfaaee ho Are
4 sf Off 9 r-aat Terwllli4-r.
ui umiu
T er "! If vice s'A4T I-a.
rent, aaaauaa. wat ae Tf iff
am .rd. e fa-aa-e le b3i
ae4a r'-aa-a ! ba- ata.rta-4 f-e tfta
atM af t r-a-t hraf. a It,
w r.-a3l Ili4.t4 A-i''.ia. tut-
DECEMBEK 31. 113.
aav rv. Ihiiiii
T I i ia.Mja, kaM ka . tj
1 i mrmmi t. laf .
1 ft. J tv i, av ......
(4 aa.a. . C
la-Ul'al X - . Ut. .
It . Vf a,. ' k. ............
t1' aa K .....
I. . iia-l .1. la.-.A A.
iv rr a. ri b.. at
.. - nr. a. C. K. .. ......
i i - . w-:'- W. L a. .........
1 : r. I. tr. aW4l44B.. .....
b K.i-m . l.w-t t!....
i -...j . . a.
i .f a..' t' a. . c av. ...........
; a t...a r. It
aa-vaaaao. baak bav. L. aV
T4l r Jiwn
I 4 . A 4 i . l ; I Vi.h.a .f bri.r. . Ill 114
I 4 "Ma! b.444... f b4TM. . I .
Laa. I" .4. I ..44 b'Ha mt M4I MLtTl balHUl mt
t-mmr . W 414. 144) laai a 4 44WU4.
1 " am. Cj T rrT-7 f I44IM .......
a i .r w 4. 44. r . .......... i444) is; ojt . . . . .......
44 a4M J. 44. mt r.... Hit ..... .......
. ,-. 4-4. N 44.. 44 mt r 44.1
1 i K f 4V. 44 44 ........... I H 144.J44) ..... a......
! tf -. 4V r U.144 liiWI ..... .......
14-.M r.rft. 4I . A4k aWa... 1.4.44a I" "4 .....
I . 14.ur4.ta1. xr b. 44 44 V....... 13.414 4411. ;r ..
i . -"il. Ha. b. 44 44 F. T . 114.14) .....
.t.ll.l..rl. .r 4. l.J,. tC 4.1J bU.: ..... .......
. . 4 ..I.. 44a. .4.. 44 44 V 11. I - -
; -ri 4... K.4 b.. . t a4l.4U J4M.4.4 ..... .......
T...1 W r.4-44P,
Kp.r.a t i .Mai l.i t, H3.i:9
44V4 . 1 4.4 mt l4fMf.
t .... .a. aa.. Cava T.a .
a rMr.ii.. I. . . i.a.a l
a f ,' :r. . V 4'
a.. Mf. Jaa aa. alaaiaa..........
1W.44..TS1A... 4T. a. 44 aa V
I1.4aijn Mm t. J. 4. , In4.a ll....
I I..... N 44 mt r
II l.a Y ay rr. aa. Aa Bar .......
.1 '... at ..v.. V(, ..a r 4l
31 rraaa... rr. .. V 9
al.'.a la, Q W
2 . 'fr. It. aa.. 4) mr r.
14 al.ia.aa, N.4. 4. riaa Taaa.
I4-I4-P4. Roaa aa. a m T
II 4.jk. J4.a. aa.. mr w
i r t jk : I mt htmt
t v. -a.4 . t mm t W
i n.t M l V. - r b f tr
. A a a li OF ' . WO VVa '
( II f . tK4R4 mt T. t. tUT D"1.
U.Vt 9 aMaMXJb. J1V )MM4 ( .
9 VV .rfiMbt, tr. aWK 9iVart. ...
t i-ii-4. w r
. 4 mt ' III.
bjbdba. U4H-44V Maa a 4 l,4l14f
..i -4. frfUttaaA i (. . aV iJta ft. . . ,
T-'l Atl ......
. . .-I. AT. BV .a.- : aa Ii.a f a
V.vt f- Ll l -i
a a ar' .aa M at aaa aaVa. ' ' li I
a.-. 4-M4V A 4a. Aff
t- - 1 -a-.' n. Jt M - J-IM K.
J rv 44,. AU. taaW C.a4.
J." -14 r'. f M .X .laM
H,. U Uf It4 Ii.3
3J.a 4.ari4 W mmtimf.
W . aX k. .. A't...a
.'. tl"V
r 4 0m . i 4i a
.C-r9l K". a J4f.
M M-V av. aaK. K . .. . .
T-l f- J-aa.
it a A mt mm.
Mf-l, f .- j.a.. rr4 4 lmr 4 1 1 . ! 9 . f Mrt7.
. . t hii llrur
1 a .a-iba lf.aa,ra,4 al...a...a '
J- . Jiraa,, . I. O- 9 ll-VJ
t V r'-- 1T.IT
-Jrt fcb. A. . tiM
a ..t -f "
:...'- f ' J'-''. I t - I --JIJS4V a'ala.4
tlai a ft ' f'.
t t - (a- ak.
t. r .4.4.4 wi"- J m.
f-a ,
. s..4-ft, .......
It !.... i 1 4 ' aa,. rnmtmm. -
I , - f, l '. aaa - n 1 J t . ..
I 4. . , f. . - '
t;4.a - -a
itt.4 r .. I .......
i . W.
i.-b, fc. r
A t- af tva'.
t-i w 4,a r. al b.
a I r , - f a -aat ." av , - -"- '
. ..-,4. x.- i.. m r
- D a ' ' ". Nr.-
I -. - . -.-r. "-!. i . ..--. r .
H S -
I . S'. .tal. f a .
a a.aijat H . f
" I n- I"- l '
1 - al-l-a)-. I" . al .. .. .
, n , 1 z i " mm' 9 "
ti 1-.1 : -f -- -a.-.
a t : - ; fc-. al- at X
1 at. t, b-jrari a
tit; . a.e--4.
9w W .-. a
9 F- 4 t t
I 7TTm - Nr -
m .. li . A !-. ' ( a-...
. -4 " S...
I !- . li. r l e .--t
afctH. r M-, . A e Be?
; a- - .. e - .i. K I V
;-..-r-iab.a A a. M 4tr.a.a .
- .
ta . ...a. . a.'S taJ 9' . .. .....
e T a
' aVav . f Sa.1 .
e : .. - n:-;
"""lr'ai".t N W Ik . J 9
e a. m J '
a . '.
I .b a ... f - t I 4ta.r .
I a r.ta' T- rr iV. 4 r
I II . r .-, . w
I k . H-a aav K-'vifl .-.
1, :T - :,-- P w-. - l.-aai....
'V 7- ;-f-n, .
I - I T 4J '
Sf .. f r , aa I ' ." - .
, . t " tNlf 1
t r- !-. I-- - l e-iv
1 S -- - - -
let 6
T.-a- -..Ww. TaSTrs b-ma-a. .atoad at 97I".
Twl ": bafa a a'u4 at 9 73 7 .
Ta.' p-t-4 ;.. a we-4 al 9..lSt9.
11 aa a at- ''! S lli tual. '4 at t.'at.I.
till .
v. i tataj :.
...r-.t 'l't a"a -a.
;-il baa-v a.
T fc'
T -at
a rH.4af.
V tt I
a a i-at4
in rM -4a:a
a.- ; 9aT.
I. Wi-iaVt ftaat-a...
,r..4s4 TT.7 saha aud 9"-lT.64.
r r4. T a:ad at 97 tot. 11.
1 17
T al at -
a-tia. la rr.alar r.ut.. Tan
. ...r i .,.no. w O. t-T. ""-
. ' " , 1 ' UaiJ ha acro.4 tolrubllc- Haf.tjr I'ommlllM. that from to-
d,0,a': .r Vof -r'r'.-""... ,m' wm-
T-. rlt aw lb thr h.lf and will l.-u.d only by lh. Public Ma fat y forn-
LJ...Jr Th. .r-l ai l a. about m....on, Tb.y may b. ob,.,.d at the
4, f.. IR l.n.tiV II 4 p.. 4, nr. 4 . r"
4- .tr.'t. OoV. .rlriltion
I a. la f.rr4i aooib.r t.necllo aim th.
.ariatao4i Allr4-a Ailrolloa.
it Vlo'a Ort4-i,4. W b o wa. eltd
It. Ih Itx.l 11 r "
TVf.' ..itof4 al t '"""
t.. rt.t ci-a4 at .V.J.'ora. H. l.rr.
,., ik. 4...ea of ii.l r.ni4.ti'
I .... t. ir).t .nthu.4a.tlr ...r ba'4
v, 4 4.4whi:.l a.4b.4 felnUion tor
tirade Ta Sara -a- ' a -'
. . t. l 0
ntr tarua af '"
d IrfMn that ' a
it w.. aa .t.n i.
,n xn
ata ta com
eEtbfsi attest. w4 ! edu.anona
tv n ,aa4 wosnost of lroaonv.
iialtrO to I we fas.
9 low in a; th anun matt from
(,( of 94-ce larH tal r
m.ra temporary fpr-aa- taca w.ii
t isw r w
I I f t4 I lT1
, t a : L4 saava)
, 14. ac lwaw
.".f:J I4A.4.4
Iii.-:a lil .:4
;ta .44
. . J4. .4.
HI li.4
: 44 lla
! '.. 4.4 li4
4 i n
.1.144 Tit
l4aa4 mt aaaal. barraia mt timmt
'Li a i'izm
tuitii "liuiui
"iiii "4xb
44.441 (Va4Xal
utri m.Ki
I4.T14 V14
4 .'.114 44.444
14.144 111.114
M.441 ItLiM
4141 144 144
14.111 14.111
114.441 144.444
ill jii 1
,:: in. ait .....
t4.:it 144 i a ...... ........
41.411 I14.T14 .....
: in ' 111.4H ...... ..4
-.lib mill
444 144 li.l.-) TX4tI I4I4.4I
: :?.
. i: -'.
: 1 i. -.
mt ikt. r3a4 4ftmlft f nr sal
J ft ....... ......a. a a . - ....
. aaaaaaaa aLav4r3i
4.:lV 4.-4 4X0 OMbVba, ! tll.
( t.r Ud
l ?
i i
tvti :i To.l3 laV-SI $ M.2 t.i:i i;.; 4100
t; 2T.II t.rria f fiovr
J M ?T! aa.
SWi UA . mm a....
.IJ I.i I aaaaaa aaaaaa.a
).m: .
lJb4 S4.WI
ti.Joo tiM.9Y
II I7i-0) aa . . .
T IM49 LlH HMr lMtl
b 111
t,i ,v..i 9 irt.i ... . ..
J-". : r
i:tj iji.414
at mi h4l.
T1 9 I Tl
u :i.'la .
iI av.- 4 i.; ! -
"ii I..!.. I
lit I V,
"iT.i 7.y.l !!"."..
'W IT!
" f
3 a
-. .i ;
13 9 -Vl2
Ji a :-1
; 4 tmr;
: l:
4. I
4 aa
M IM .... a
l a !
f (Mir.
a tla.
. . . I ! T?" 9 12?
. . I ' : : a I ; n
II. "4": t;-.; III"! I!"III
. .. . a aa..a
. .. I .......
. . . . r- - Vt
. . - . iia
xi: f i.o.t;i
; ataia! of (.!. 1 1 bafTvlft mt
v mi 9 3 v.: i.itt 9 3 i
Hit..; ivi
II .-- 2
. , . i : : i i :
. . - ai ; i.i . . .
, s
... I 4
I ; -a44 t W
r4x.; $ ttiiil x7i ;- C"
U mt ah at sad ItO.ftlS twhtli nf
, at 4 7 T7V
at 9i J :
awS at faviia.
aT-ar-i a I
a ! al 9'-li'-7
a!ti at 9l 4n'.
a4 at 9rTlt
ii:4 al $. .n;a
.a-vad st 9w
a a-d a 9 .
iaiiib-4 at S 1. 1
Athaa anneitinr.4. through
I Marry P. t 'of fin. chairman of toe
he.dquarl.r On lh. iaeend floor of
th. .oitr. nation b. 1 44 .r n tha noura
mt I A' M. and a r. M.
CommiMron to Isoe Tafs.
FoMoaint te announcement from
th i f mt I'oli.-a Clark, that no more
temporary inae tsa will be laaued
br the retire. Ms. or .lle esterlair
nrouncrd. through llarrr I. t off in,
chairman ef the lubllc hafety t om
irtitava. that from toJav ln.porr)r
Itceiiao laaa will be laauetj only by the
-r - r -
kab ahlblnaJ a, lha K.alr.. . ... k,
-- --- . -
- wond f:or ef the poll
station ba-
t area a the hour a of 9 A. M.
and ft r. M
l lrv Ia-rMlcatWo 4rdrrrl.
Tiro Chief lowell laat rltfht ordered
aa In eat i a Una of tha oris t a of
fire ta lha t arlMort Trmtinc plant. I4i
Thir-J atrea-l. wh-fi ru4-4 m small
4aaMX tat yeatertlav. Th chlaTs
uaia-was aae txr a sroiMtU.
Exports in 1915 Exceed 1914
By $4,958,983.
Itrat MilpnvrnC and Valor- Slvow
I rtcrraup flour Falla Behind.
Total Ximbcr of Cargor
C'lrarrd rrora Port la J 1 0.
la tn v.iIutioa of crl cxporU
from rortUnd train of 4.i.S3 wn
md durins 11S ovtr th previous
For the IS month, wheat, flour, bar
ley and oetj conveyed from hero to
various marts of the world repre
sented an as.rrerate valuation of 91.
ITC.ftS and exports of miscellaneous
r ha Mirier Increased the sum fully
:.0.oo. The rrain biminens of Ull
was appraised at 911.
hrt floated durlnir the year
amounted to bushel, valued
at II2.72.Si. and a year aao the flet
had moved 7.iJ.7; bushels, worth
.J I OKI. The marked difference In
valuation la accounted for by the fact
that the market was exceptionally hljch
during the fore part of last year.
r Jour ouslnesa or the port for isi
was not as heavy as during: the pre
ceding 13 months, belnv 3iv.:3I bar
rels, as asralnst 41s. 471 barrels, and
barley exports were lens by about 200,
oe bunhels. while oat exports made a
Jump from &99,74X bushels, at 94.337
In 1914. to 95.3(3 bunhels, at 90.I19
lst year, the export demand being In
creased throuah the war abroad.
About 11 shlpa were cleared during
the year that figured In the cereal
trade, and a doxen more could easily
have been loaded, as grain has been
held here for vessels on the way. while
the lack of tonnaae Is responnlble for
large lots being diverted to the Atlan
tic Coast, to be sent across the Atlan
tic on liners and chartered steamers.
The December sumrnarv Insued by the
Merchants Kx-hange. which also cov
ers six months of the 191S-K cereai
year. Indliatea a falling off In the
shipment of wheat to foreign and do
mestic ports from 1.927.344 bushels
year ago to 89.939 bushels for the
month ending yesterday, and for the
sea on to date Portland Is behind
l.ZZZ.tZZ bushels as compared with the
first six months of (he 1914-1 season.
December's flour shipments were 11! S.-
393 barrels, a gain over the same period
a year ago of i.ltto barrels and for the
on thus fsr 49.l& barrel have
been shipped, an Increase of 33.439 bar
rels over the first half of the preceding
Kor th firi-t half of the yar Port
land leads f'uget Sound In foreign and
domeatic wheat shipments by 3.936.970
bushels, and Pur ft Sound Is behind the
buslneaj handled here for the ft rut six
months of the 1914-11 srason by 1.7S3.-
4S1 bushels. heat and flour from
Northwest ports, flour being reduced
to wheat measure, waa 3.771.3119 bunhels
for Derrmoer. and for t'te first half of
the eaon was 19.3r9.997 bushels, and
a year ago the total waa 31.963.009
bun be la. ricKiru tP
I (.a PM-lKxinrr i:atrrprl4 Is Safe
After lour Das of Trouble.
MAItKUHKLI. or.. le-. 31. fSpe-
Irlal The dtp bird gas schooner Kn-
j terprliM. Astoria to aldport. towed
I to t'oos lUy by the steamer Willam
ette, was turned over to the Adeline
Sir -h safe here, after four days at ea
The crew ta eafe. Knglne trouble
was the aise. She was ptrked up off
I llea-eta. l ive vessels failed to answer
Marine Note.
CatlMatr. ;rrfthta. ff te Rrlfrtah hark Oal-
S"tr ar.(f .'Nptaiia WlMtama. n In Rril-
tta-ti MHair. iff r iri raee "Una.
r i.altfete Ka lha mnrtilne Smt the
ftaa. i to in ff'an lha rier Mndv.
fSnu 4 aaicate gt in pea in ! -
in-e ..f i.i.- M-1 a.) . the rra nf the la(-
t-r ihinlt IHr-a can o.rrHaul ttr and at
- ri4 mih lh b-t Hlliii( lima to torn
It f-'! tt tHm '"I of the nieamer Olrmple
twM it -. e ! -;rr rtrdSJ
toe han trc lih ;toan fr-rt.
al eta 4ri ilm ari on in l araialtaril nrniri .
mnmPi mn1 w ik.ikum, enaei in j
1 vvnc a aa cfmnnrl at Hiat-urhirra. endd
.nal mil kl.11.hl.r4 4Hr1 aWY '
r if irk ra'trrdar ill'iHonn for lh oM
I r intj pn ta vt.po-rlc'l ti r;urO
1 r 1 r r4rt k unlit tnae f r M mt 1 r a op
I I ton m l atari. X rt s a mill cm -
pla-in Iirt tit. n-o ftpei . id, at that
In iVut m-wk, snri M na n"i
Irlrrmin'S hrhr lh flit? wldlt
-nil tw ma le f-. but thrr m lit make
a 4ri4 rut ulttmaiei".
r'r"k Mi'man. Iprtlatt paapanrer ant
frar 1 n Mfi ormiric MrtPrrfi, aa a the
K lamath air U apana HI both leave
'"t Tuetiav fr Mrxlrrt, (olng DT
war nf '"alifnrnia poria. Thr nlil have
fu l lamHr rrfrKi and w1M hare a rtum
Kr of Mabrnifn frtm California fr Mri
fr mm i-rtvinH t Vwhantf' K-
rhfi 4t 4rla t that lh t ' in tx-hnon-
r F.p'rpriae. from Fortian! tor edner-
lupti had ba-1 loaid Into Cna Bar I"
HiMblH ret Iton. ahe la aaid to Ima been
d' f'trig outide for the nasi fa- daa. an!
h-n pi -a.l up or f m irimr Al'iinr
I frnith !.rt of pmvitas.a and ataier.
(xjl Ilia daa frntn Immlncharn ih ) rnh
I har a Hazard taivd Int. th nmmb'i -
ir f wrnrboiv Hh" la In taiat ana OB-
dar rnMi'iT.rt.1 to M. H. Ilotiaer.
m i;ik iTi:MH-t.ri:.
M earner hclrla1c.
li. An.ele.. . ..
.In port I
.Jan. r
Jan. 2
Jan. V
.4. Kltb4.rn . . .. Man t-'r.n. I.e. .
Northern Ta Iflr. . -Man France. .
Hneatttv 14. Anc.i. a. . . .
r.n. w. Elder an ll. o
... t4 An . . .
Roanok. Maa
Sam. 4'or
. Jan. 1
..Jan. 3
..Jan. 3
..Jan. . 4
..Jan. 4
..Jan. 4
.Jan. B
. Jan. 1"
..Jan. lo
..Jan. 1
fteav. t4 vnaelea...
y A. Kllbura Man Kran-laeo.
Harvard . K. f..r . l.. .
faa p.aro....
Nor her. Pacific. . .Man 1'
Klair-ath Man Kranrlaco.
rid.r m PMn ....
it city........ An 44 1.-. ..
Hear l-oa An.'-1.4. . .
.-..lit . . . Man ...
ar Itamoa Man a ran. lac..
U'llam'tlr .Man
Vu'mom.n Man " , J
i - .o.vr.".. v.
. All. .tie faeewtro.
Tl to" !?
Jan. 1U
Name From laie.
Kemu. klaa N' Tork rb. J
lioooii.:aa. N'aar Torfc ....... Mar. 9
Nati a Fr iaia.
K-atuklaa Hoaolols. m. 16
llooouaa Honolulu ..Mar. 6
MoTCsncnta of Vee-cla.
I-UTt.AND. Tw ".I ArrieJ rtteamar
i affin. If m ran r eaiivo
t.-TI-J. rar. i lam on. for eaa a-aro via
KraactaKv. W. F. HrrlB. for has 9Tan.
Aato-ta. Sailed at 1 J A. M-.
ttMm'f Jtra'-i. f -f ran Franc l- Arritrd
at o I at . 9renra bark Baand. f rota
faan Franclaco. t-r St. ArrlVaXj and
aa.d at 2 F U . aamr W. F1dr,
from lao lno f ir FortUnd. Falied.
aamer iaf f"'ta Fori land f-e ran I'ftlM.
Arr-i ii r. M . atramar Northara Faclftc.
from K ' I .
M. i. tr SI Arrta-ed at S A. m ..
atea--r A Kl'ba-w. from fn Frane'a-o
mr-i Furxka foe I'ortlard. Arn.ed. tiwlm
. i-tbunaf a. a afp'ten, fnHH Fortlaad for
W ..- huf-n. I low. brohe doatfi
M, f a-lrNA. te- Vr-rv f-t earner Ha-
ai ""plur ta IMr triait l Hum.
ta Hai.ealei. fJt Columbia luar; Imxim.
Cleared. t441. Time rig and deatlnatloa
4 Wm. H. Fmlth. 4ch Auckland
IT ui.aroy. Br. am. unaat..
It H. K. Hall. 4Ch.. Dln(oa Bar
2i Klamath, aa.. Cuama
Kojo Mara . Jap. aw.. Ehanrhal
9 s.bjn Mm. Jan. 44. Manila
11 kr.on Ham. Jap. aa.. No. t. tLondoa. ............... .
14 bankoku Hani, Jap. 44. Ttaniam
It r4n., Kiaa. at... London
Aaurauaan blaru, Jap, aa.. Hhanxhai. .....
24 Julia C Mocr, bktn. wucbc
David Kran4. Br. ach.. Onaka
1 K:amalh. am. Ovarmu
li Cuaco. aa Valparaiaa ......................
5 Rrsolate. sch.. Frdnar
1 1 Lf ianc. ach.. Ur'.tHturnm
24 Kurvhima Mvru. Jap. mm. Calcutta
I Lawhtl!. Rum. bk.. tendon
. li o, VV. KfQwlck, aa.. Anca
1 T KcnkoR Maim. Jap. aa.. egapatain
JS tot. Uiaa. aa.. Caiiao
lrt Henry T. IVoit, Am. ss., Valparaiso
1 J liankoku Maru. Jap. a., Shanghai
54V Win. H. Aiarvton. Kh., AileaJdu
3 O. M. Clrk. Am. aa.. Balboa
17 Onevt, Am. bktn.. &iiny
li Hackcaaack. Br. aa.. .Cvodun
1 4 John A. Hooper. Am. as.. Antofa ata. . . .
li ibuiano. Am. aa.. iia boat.
4 Lahalna. Am. bktn.. Pvdnry
9 lrd Tcmpietoarn. Br. bk.. Port Pine
::- MxiviJia JLroiiar. Am. a.. Hal boa
24 Tim ptro. A m. as.. Vat par, mo .................a...
r 7 Bankoku Muni. Jap. as.. hanichtf.
- Much llogan. Am. ach., Shangliai
r etnley Iliar. Am. aa., Anca
XU 4juca IViaud. Br. as.. Sidney
1 Kcho, Am. bktn., P dne-
5 av id Kvaoa, Br. sell.. Melbourne
t t'niumbta. Am. as.,
I- 'Ity of Corinth. Br. .. lxndon
II Klamath. Am. as.. Guaj mas
1 earria bee
11 Baja CalKurnla, Nor. aa.. Call no
Feet. Value. Fet. Value. Feet. Value.
January Mt.nOI 9 1 4,7 "4 3I.;3u.!r. 9 4.1,rK. S.3i...4.Tl ' $ 9s.946
February 2.:t4,I. 20.S45 4.30.T.ri'3 1.094 8.47.at7 106. Oti"
Marrli 14. '. 697 2 14.71 4. 99 19J3 1.77.3M3 19.V843
April 3.1ftl..'.2 r 1.464 1 4.3 J... TS 7 105, .St 7.O21.071 9 J, 177
Mmy 4.:h:.;3 5:.4. 3l.07n.S13 34S,I5 24.9S4.O90 31 -,0S 8
June S.SiS.? 90.5J5 S.4D9 3I2 "lOi. 2S9 16.1'90.417 1 .'C 4 . 3 1 1
July &.753.3CJ -M- 13,414.663 163.3S 13.135.378 198. 003
Auffuat S.472.41rt 49.6:." 24 .".7."., 174 384.9l'3 14,7Ji6.47i 188.039
K'ptrmber l.S2ft.i32 K.I74 2.77:..67 35.93 21.465.IS4 64.407
October 9. Mil. 073 90.628 8.S19.04"! 97.730 33.HH.1S4 l-iS.9.'.2
aVovcmber 3,&41.i' 4.".i"'2 5,;s:.16l 5S.Rt 6,154.172 69.046
aUccember ...... 125. OVO l.ZOO 4. .74.04 4 &0.1U0 10.53&.958 - 13ti,S68
Totals ....a,S02,604 9617.149 156.316.671 91.838.083 163.010,150 92,622,920
lit.'. 1914. 1113. H1L'.
Januarr !'- 17.54.4:J 14. 94;:. OHO 1.6:,o.iu'0
Krbruarr ll.tu:,;4t 17.477.113 l:l.l48.t I(,9l7,0i0
March i;.is;.;o; n.i:!.l! 17,"v.'...r.'.0 14."so.o
April i.li4.rM 14.417.40 r::.14i.t4o i."4,6r.4i4i
11. v 13. .':. i'33 ; li.i'iM.uio 15. 1:73,000
Jun. lit. Is.".. Wrt 1,:,43."0 19.1t.lNHl 13.00. 000
Juir ................ 1.3."..ti-44 19ti7.43 1S.I.7..04IO 13.ol4.37
Auauvt lll,i4t.IM 17.llli.V49 lJi.STO.O'MI 17,4.'.C.133
!ipl.mbr 13.37.M"0 10.170.i7 i:..7.".l.KM) 11.932,0110
0-lob.r ll.lil.7-3 J1I.4'J 0.-.1 17.i7.l'00 lr.,O39.00l)
Mlintlb'r 7.44H.14KI 1S.09D.341! iOio.r.lO 15i:2.'i.l00
I4C4in4cr . O20. OOO 9.334.330 1 7,110,008 1.91:7,000
Total 113,143,4i2 l3.8;i.;01 219.S49.S34 14.C48,S:4
for rrlland: Wm. If. Murphy, for Portland
via Kan Krancla.-o. .
Man Kranclo. Dee. tl. Arrived
!..nrra 4,'olumbla. from Callao: irat
Northern, from Honolulu! Colon.l K. u.
Drake, from Port Toivnarndl Y.llow.tone.
from Cooa Bit: North. rn Pacific, from
Aainrla. ttail.-l liteam.ra Wulnault and
txna. for Wlllapa: t'olombla. tor Van
couirr: Admiral IWwey. fr rv-attl'l Tarlo,.
for Orava Harbor: t;rir4 W. Klder and
Boa. 01 . for Portland: Perata Maru Jp
anr.'l for Hontkona: Hardy, for Co". Bay.
S.attl.. Wa.h . l.c. 31. Arrive
Ul..mer Akl M.ra Japan..!, from Hom
konc; Admiral KarraKut and W. K. Porwr.
from Man Kranclaco. Mailed Mteamers
Pr4..i4t.i.i. for :-itn IH.b-.; Ieapatch lor
Kouth.aatera Alaaka; Klo Faals. for Vladl
voatolr. , " Arrived Steamer Strln-
da. from Portland. Or.
Yokohama. Ore. Arrived Steamer
Talthvbliiav from Seattle. Mailed titeamera
Mh!no Mint, for Man Franclaco; Tamba
ataru. for Tacoma.
News From Orctron I'orls.
A MTOrt 1 1 Or , nec. .".I. 4Mpeclal.l After
dlvharalna'ruel oil at A.tona .nil Portland,
th. lank .'earner Arcyll aallrd Ihla nigra
Inar for California.
The raaollna a-hooner Jllrena aalled loday
for Walilport arlin a caro 01 acne... .4414
Th. atesm achooner Ialy will
hifl lonlrht to Knappton to take on a
rara-o of lumber.
Th. .i..n. .I.Ann.r Dal.v Putnam will
flnla'j loaKllnir lumber at We4lporl tomor
w n4. K. rk Ravard arrived It:
data from mmmham. Kn!and. to load
...1. . Portland. Mno la iainc: oui-
tlned and v.111 not be paaaed by the doctor
ttefor. tomorrow.
-k. ......I4.n l-'ren. h hark cornll Brt
arrlvM from 1-ortland and will o to aea
tomorrow. . . ,
Th. (tram rhooner Paralao and tn tank
ateamer ua.htenaw are duo loniani
Fan Kranclaro.
atT Or. rvee. 51. IS-oeciai.l 4 o.
ateamer Ade'lne Mmlth arrl.ed from Man
Vr.nrliM-O at O'elo k.
''"r.Tm.'thi. r,on.,n a. S. lh. rtr.n,.
ahlp V. A. Kllburn departed for Portland
In th. afternoon at 3.344.
I.htt4 0 4444e r.i.iri .i.i,
buoys In the lower bsy n-ar v.nric-
YeMd. r.tered Ycerdar.
Amrrlcan ateamer 01mplc. ballaat, from
Amerb'in ateamer W. K. Ilerrln. carco of
oil. rr-4m Man Krancleeo.
Yewnrha C'learea Yeatrrday.
Krench I .rk Pierre Antonlne. cargo of
rln. for I nlle.1 Klncdom.
Brttl.h lark Medwa. caro of srain.
for I'nlted Klncdom.
Am.lran ate.rrer Olympic, rarro of lm-
bm,e0rVc.n",..e:m, W. K. Hcrrtn. b.l.t
for Man Krancleco.
Tlle. al .4rti Malnrdar.
Iliah. 'i'.
4 M A M
to Si p. M
19 feet'lVIO A. M .
. . . 3 T. fet
. . .0.0 foot
. .41.44 feet 4 31 P. M.
f .Inmhla Rlvrr Bar Report. .
NORTH HKATT te". SI- Condition of the
bar at S r. M
It mllea.
Mca, 4raootbi wind, .eaat
Molorman Keeps Vision of Wltlc
Girl CruMliod I ndcr Car.
IMIII.ADKL.PIII'A. Pec. 2S. Behind
the deatn of a plain man Rowland Si
mon a motorman has come a btory
from hi frlerHi of a gradual fallln:
from no perceptible UlneH. nia friend
ar he lmply died of a broken heart.
k.rlr In September, while operating-
a atreetcar In the center of the city.
Simon suffered a "hock that made him
unfit fo.- work. His car ran down and
cruahed a little Kirl playing; in the
''f'rom the lime the child died Simtm
found hlm.elf unable to work. He went
home, took to hi bed and his friends
and the doctor were at a los to know
what ailed him. He finally told It him-
ir m. oouM not erase irom his mind
th." sla-ht of the little girl belns
dragged under his car.
Ring at ixiorbell Inlorrnats Ioolcrs
in Dayliglit Raid.
CLEVELAND. Dec. 18. For five min
ute one mornlnar recently Mrs. Jo
seph Bums. Qulncy avenue 3. E.,
stood tremb'lna in her home under cov
ra of a revolver leveled at her head by
a thief, while hi partner searched the
Mrs. Burn wa Just about to leave
the house to do Christmas shopping
when she opened the door to the men'
repeated knocks.
While the aearcli or the house was
In progress a neighbor woman rang
the front doorbell. This frightened the
men away. They eacsped throueh a
rear door, taking with them Mrs. Burn' I
pocket book containing 11. j
et. Value.
S 951 97.924
30&.01 S.SVO
1,;94,1IC 13.943
l,VU.vMl ,9u3
3.649.4S9 34.314
lli.iuO 3.209
t.8.213 13.;9
4.294.34U 40, rO
1.84U.1M ri.T.j
3, rr.tKH)
i.oi:,t9 io.ssi
935.175 21.147
.S&7 2,143
?70.077 l.44
91,:7 7.061
3,i9.3J9 34.341
3.711.039 44.04
30,0u 8.90
3.f;.l9 37.774
ilj.UUJ J,bia
23.:39 2.448
4,3v4.2(i 39.5S3
1,344.000 16.031
-73. VT7 3.740
3.3.VJ.439 27.S&7
30O.iO 2.850
l.::S,UJ 13,36
1J41.9J4 11.595
1.3l!.4... 11.7t9
1.614.306 16.M7
lt'OAMM) 9-b
4. ).:I-'S 41.401
534,776 4.4.;
19J.lMiU 1,771
81.UV0 910
H78.112 9.172
3'H);H l'.i."K
SM.S13 14.&30
1,O09.7JO 7.219
123.000 1.200
11.580. 3..3
YY Inning Team and General Public Are
In aa Day's Keatlvltlea Illustralo
i.rme Lecture Makra Hit.
MOKO, Or., Dec. SI. (Speclal.)
Winners of the recent annual compe
tltive rabbit hunt of the Moro Rod
snd Gun Club were paid by the losers
last evening with a -smoker and buffet
lunch at a local auditorium. The losers
alio chartered a moving picture chow
and admission was free to all during
the afternoon. Frank M. Brown, of the
Slate Game and Fish Commission, who
was here as personal representative
of State Warden Shoemaker, presented
two reels of films from those owned
by the state, one of which had never
been publicly shown before.
I B. Barnum. captain of the losing
side, was toastmaster of the evening.
and the winners under the lead of their
captain. Dr. C. L Poley, saw to it that
all had a hand in the festivities. Two
boxing matches were staged by local
amateurs, at which honors were de
clared even.
The programme began with a Hooli
gan band parade about town, inviting
the public to the afternoon affair. The
evening was a stag cve-nt. reserved to
the members of the club. Orchestra
band, piano, vocal music and speeches
made up the programme.
One of the talks was by Frank M.
Brown, who spoke of the work of the
4-ame Commission. At conclusion of
his speech It was voted unanimously
to ask Game Commissioner Finley to
visit Moro and give a talk to the
school children some afternoon, and in
Ihe evening to repeat the lecture and
run the pictures for the older people
Youlliful Salamander Elopes With
Youth lo Learn Others' Love.
CHICAGO. Dec. 29. This Is the story
of a country girl, a 17-year-old sala
mander, who came to Chicago, shook It,
laughed at it. dissected It, and then left
The girl is Mary Irene Reagan, of
Tipton, lnd.
"1 love two men." said Mary, blithe
ly, "and I wanted to find out which
loved me best, fcio I ran away with an
entirety different man in order to see
whether either of the others would fol
low and take me back."
The entirely different man was a so
ber, industrious youngster of J9, Ray
Hutsinger, of Klwood, lnd. When Mary
called him up and told him that she
wanted to run away and marry him he
promptly recovered from the shock and
came to get her.
"When I got him to Chicago." said
the rustic asbestos moth, "I told him
that it was nonsense to talk of mar
riage. I said I merely wanted to wink
back at the electric signs, run around
the loop a little like they do and see
life with the golden rule left out. So
there he was, and he gave me the reBt
of hi money and started back for El
wood, because he said if I would not
marry him he didn't want his Job.
- "But you may bet I am never going
back to high school. And please, a
long as this Btory is going to get in
the paper, please ay that I dislike the
principal very, very much. And I might
as well add that when papa gets hold
of me I am going to get a very severe
spanking. Otherwise I like your city
Prisoner Who ricads as "Food
Clerk" Is Released.
PITTSBURG. Dee. 21. A new excuse
was sprung on Magistrate Sweeney in
Central Court, and it earned discharge
from the author.
James Hatwell. or 8 Fernando street
was arrested reecntly on a charge
of drunkenness. When he was ar
raigned before Magistrate Sweeney he
was asked his name -and address and
then wa asked his occupation.
"I'm a fo04 clerk, your Honor." re
plied Hatwell.
"A what?" asked Magistrate Swee
ney. "A food clerk; I'm a waiter.'
"Vou're discharged," chuckled the
Shipments for Year Better
Than Expectations.
Shortage of Carriers Cause of Big ;
Falling Ofr in Exports, but
Domestic Trade Shorts Tp
Well Despite Depression..
In the domestic lumber market tha
war had the least effect on the year a
business, the total movement beins
143.542.452 feet, as against 1S3.S7S.501
feet during 1S14. which is viewed as far
above the showing that was expected
to be made. Two conditions confront
ed lumbermen, the war and the depres
sion that ensued, curtailing the move
ment offshore enormously while it also
had an effect on the domestic market
on the Atlantic coast. The epocn-
making rates for tonnage drew every
desirable vessel from the Pacific Coast
trade that might be utilised in the
Canal business and offshore. Conse
quently there have- not been vessels at
hand durirrrr the past two months to
care for the Pacific Coast movement.
The combined shipments from Port
land in 1915 were 200.345.05b feet, or.
which 66.So2.604 feet represents the
amount floated on the export fleet. In
1914 the foreign movement reached
156.316.671 feet, and added to the do
mestic showing, the total for the period
was 350.1S5.1Y2 feet, or approximately
150,000,000 feet more than was handled
for the 12 months terminating yester
day. Yet the close of the year marKS a
decidedly better feeling in the lumber
sDhere. and coupled with the belief that
the European situation will be smoothed
out during 1916. whereupon it is not
questioned there will be unprecedented
activity In the shipment of lumber,
1916 may stand out as the banner year
for Portland.
There were 43 carriers dispatched in
the offshore fleet during the year with
whole or part cargoes of lumber, half
of the number for 1914, which reached
87 vessels, and that fleet was two less
than for 1913 with its 89 ships. Other
than the diminution of the fleet the
vessels handled last year were mostly
with part cargoes, and those to load to
capacity were sailers and small car
riers, while in previous years there was
a sprinkling of large tramp steamers
in the trade.
Except a few cargoes sent to Shang
hai. Portland started littlo lumber to
the Orient during the season, and West
Coast shipments were not as heavy, nor
were there as many ships for Australia
as in the past, with nothing sent to Eu
rope beyond a really sma'l number of
ties, as compared with the orders that
had been placed which could not be de
livered because of lack of tonnage, so
there was a natural curtailment in the
cut when it was shown to be impossible
to make delivery.
Lost in a Bis Store.
Floor Walker (to man who seems
undecided which way to go) Are you
looking for something?
Party Addressed No. sir. I've lost
my wife.
PORTLAND. Dec. 31. Maximum tempera
tore 314 deurees; minimum. -9 degrees. River
reading. 8 A. M., 4.9 feet! change in last 24
hours. 0.7 foot fall. Total rainfall l. P. M.
to 4" P. M-. none; total rainfall since Sep
teber 1, 22 49 (; normal rainfall since
September 1. 19.34 Inches; excess of rainfall
since September 1, 3.13 inches. Total sun
shine. 1 hour 10 minutes: possible sunshine,
S hourr 42 minutes. Barometer (reduced to
sea level). 5 P M., 29.7S inches.
K 3 wind
S "3
g -v a -
4...-4 4..V. '- o 3 Stat-Kf
blAllo.NS 2 . 2 W44th4r
I ss r .
Tea Moines
Jack Hon villa
Kansas City . . .
..os An ireles -
Minneapolis . . .
New Orleans . .
;:n.nnr. . ;ne 'Cloudy
in:!Ijk Cloudy
u'..!V Icifar
1 n n . on: ,
n.n . .'Nw rirar
rtsin.n-.'iiFS iRain
:;(.!O.Ort;. .i.VW Clenr
::s n.wv . .is cioudy
2s ft.unjio sw Pi. cloudy
4 r'O . nv . , 's W Ctoudy
isio.i'n-cjii'aSK Cloudy
1 n o. no . . in W Cloudy
fi n.nn T4'E 'Pt. cloudy
4irio..wiio F. Rain
r.4.0'-..SW Cioar
42 O.IMV. . SB IClnudv
r.i- n.nni. .i.vw.cioudv
n"n.tMi. .tsw rioudv
o a.oni'n xv tr,iudy
7H.n..isE ipi. cloudy
.no o.ihu. .us cloudy
y.4 n.n-jiis K (snow
L'fi JNK ICIoudv
4 1 .ntj. .LN'WIPt. cloudy
Now York
North Head . ..
North Yakima
R O.OOf. .iS
asn.imi. ,w
40 0.O4V. .ISIS
4O1O.04 11 s
is . .is
4K O.tiOl. .ISE
r.t 0.04L .isn
Rose bur
St. Louis
Salt Lake
Sv'Ui Francisco .
. . f 20! . .(N13
.. :t o.(v' ...J5
..I 25 0.fHl'..SW
Tatoosh Inland
Walla Walla ...
Washlnsion ....
14.0.01. .SW Clar
There are moderate depre?Ffons off t Tie
North Pacific Coaat. over Alnerta, ana tn
Southern Rockies, respectively, while hiph
pressure obtains over the states east of the
in..;.cinni Rivi-r Snow has fallen in West
ern WasbinKton. British Columbia. Manitoba.
Utah snd Colorado, and rains in Southern
California, Arizona. the Southern flams
States. MlSSIt-Sippi vauey una iiimh.ib.
weather ts considerably warmer in Montana
and portions of Western Canada, and 10 de
crees or more warmer in Northeastern Ore
Wvnminr f Northern Colorado. Western
South Dakota. Nebrsskwa. Texas. Ixuisinna
nad Quebec. Temperatures are lower In only
few localities.
Tha conditions are favorable for rain or
anow Saturday n Western Oregon ana
Western Washington and for snow east of
th Cascade Mountains. It will be warmer
in most portions of the district. Winds will
be southeasterly.
Portland nnd vicinity Kain or snow;
warmer, southeasterly winds.
Oregon and Waanington Rain or snow
west, snow east portion; generally warmer,
southeasterly winds. -
Idaho bnow ana warmer.
Assistant Forecaster.
Every requ irement
asked in a hard-Burface
pavement is in Bitullthic.
It is ductless in Summer
and mudless in Winter:
it stops maintenance
charges; it is sanitary
and noiseless: it beauti
fies and enhances the
value of abutting prop
erty; it prevents automo
biles from skidding and
assures a secure foothold
for horses. Exhaustive
laboratory tests and thor
ough inspection from its
raw state to the finished
product has resulted in
designating it as the peer
of pavements.
Warren Brothers Com
pany. Journal Building.
Portland. Oregon.