' ' " "" THE M0SM3G OHEGOMAX SATURDAY. JANUARY 1. 1916. 11 REPUBLICANS SURE 10 WIN, IS I Ra'ph E. Williams Confident on Return From Meeting of National Committee. PROGRESSIVES COUNTED O'l oflltMthNI ef Ma .4vref4Uw VI HrriM ef lry aavt ats Wit tn ri 4nttM ef taa r.'ftaV war. aa. vtfk lat ift.--p: a'-fCft"V rf') ra WU-frta If. t4-itlv I tft I f -. i , 4a) ft two Jt). i in Khl t:.ii rw eir.4 awtr at tna et f.t-ja- l . .'fa l tfca m Kfi)ilk ft, rmm:tfm ffmm r 4 a. W ft a S I ft 4" '4 (" f'Hl HMtn4 ef 1ft . rnl 0,J",ii- nwiitt l a.4)f- rne t h r-flM'tii.tti wvit ft Kee..-.!,, 5utl at Ih r.PHtltk X ' "! mvnt . I M i t'h-t- 7ta T. t , tft irtMift ' rr.it.jj pi t farm fc 9rpi'4iw aa4 lrr? prrf'iwm, rvl it iTi; n- . L N Br- r)u'IUMft af Ut v illi-ama. etftfre IK Cvmot'i-Ht r ffpn er tftT aer It. ag BeC tK K?-iMi' era la tne e-w-an Jsiv-j. At RW IU .. "Taere I ft eVM tftl ta ftpftw Bf, e;..a.c i crr el -r tft rtRtrr . mi Vf ftilliiM e t"ry. KDrtjft fro aH rtin fva-l rar-t will I t fteft4e af tn ?;pioii-A, eai jir l e lnit!t ft the a( rri4ftt will Hptiftrftx "U to -ffii thi ii fof ft 111 t!l ft -ptM m'l lRTrvl ft -rrr tft rbir r'ftfii U tH pro. tft unt ftuin tntrftitto hru ut thm lo Ta f pm- rrtti prtscip!, itplIlir f r rft4. f: l4r 4 6'in ftn ff rftvi! lri!t to th mnlf - "ft ral ft 4ar4 t( novtt iU 'fnf l:tt.-l fffr. K vq f in tfrMiiiit rrincri ftfc-I ft r9n Wt' ft cot' mi mil eim. It l rmit) ti tl ft w(T ft of ft a rr 4t Uk! a4ttct ft tnl ft do ( m mrft If ttx flpiftliiM aomfttt ft-i e. ari li b !. to rf !t fti tht ;v7t itt trow k stir ftupp! in Kp4bUc frjr N ly J)ftiaftV Taftr a ft imr't hm metnnC ft u ft(aji to fcie iwa Mf itKulr mjft, Amonc t ft t m inwnt H -p l r f a rrwitotl piftiiiif r J. I ll ia'H. . Aa,er Ptrtea, n: a- ir--rT4atl rtraft. ( t -! . Hnlr 'umala. f tow a . rasr a(liK af ftla-ftct: a-i yraai (. af Xaar Tarn. aa tar k ., af V--fttti. Ta nta. fa ft fnt pmtt. mrm !( k-Ml ft tft fttr af I Ik (r ear a rf4trtctft Tar to catJraM ltaft "Tl anaattn af th Xft(N- ! rofft fttitf af th ajwat aatftiataei ft risufl fti4 laj iA ;tr -I im fitmmittaimt apt war la ttta-. Tft f,avmm ti a4-uta4 itVnt a '-. liaroPta al fpnna a.l a ftft War a aa.in4tv of'it T ritt af a mefa to tfti to aerwat aa- mat aator war h rwa"i t lb ra a t'v fa ta Rp4blt-f rr. t a at niMt varta'r li ratT Ba aart&t U ttamant aa la ta rrrala. t I ft aaatniM a4 it Tai ai iii r aai rartt wt t ft a .-a- i--. , i AVITY POSTOFFICE ROBBED h:tt. o. r. it iri.t- Amur pfn fTV W . . n t f k irTr U. Hiftl (IM nHmf HI. froKI (M f IK n lint av4 IK ?nnr 4t.f w.ra i4atlr pa4 r .it a.v a. IM.y war WCI t.4 t w.ra att IHa aama f.rt.aa . f-v.4 It Hickraail ( aitiwa tlta nchl vafara ara t Rtcxirrtict- m. rt. ft nt- VaLfrTfea fa.at ( TbocMI W . Joa.a. f riar'T af taia a4 4-a4 Moa) ae taa C.t ViMieal al Vaavwsvar. aa al r a la l IIust UfiAi v'tttirvn lt. af'',. Ttia av. l--a al U ra'trtt a.r. a4''ta4 a. K M.rv.T l'twpf. aalar af la V.chaaijtl I: t t-.P4 1 t'Hurva ar. aa4 Id. artv'a al taa cava atrt aa.r tia aDa aC l'ia t M flla a. 0 COVSl L-r.ETB.L or CHINA CIEST OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. r,, , ""1 T v -H ' , , ... V? j , . : MO. TtlODIt Kill Regular Steamer Service From Portland Advised by Consul. AGENTS IN FIELD URGED TNoanaa Kammnnd Trlla ( larrr. ami I'.poc1cra How lo Shar of Rapidly V.mlng far t'al Balnra. Taa lma4oa aa4 rtln mar kata af rhrtia can b oa I"ort Ua4 aa tkrouaa Ik. a.tapliamaal ikU P"' to ! rr r..i. I" "'" ! ef Tm lUmmona. t'nlll Wtalaa ri.il ii.l al i(veal. ' w" la t-.4 f..id.r. la eooira. will offirtal. f ! Cluibf of Cwtu i.fr.. hMulvmnlt a4 porlr- Th. ..r..a ira-la cf fhlna. amoonla aaar la annul II I-r capita pr '. ar ll4.'a aaaaallr." aa!4 ' Mrnm.il. la aa 4.1.a at a tunchaaa (..a kirn al ! rn.iiif "" mara Jral.f4ar ao"". TbU IraJa IB ik rt k tr l" ti r' ca'ro.i'4 k ratanl and li-rmanr. r. asramoaa rrlll l"l la fria i'ad af rmaa a m 1,il Ikal af J.aaa. M-S I. aoar abovi I r 14 r capita vt y.ar. n4 k oa clar4 11 Ik b!n.. ram of CMo ar ,!- I rtfvni. adcantaa:- II lot! ef aa Ir.ct4.nl In lk r raal lor af II Oi'"..a Tr4 Ctrn mt. Ion. la wklrB C" Chn llaoo, cftairtnaa af la Cobii. afl-r In mi.( a karr.l i'.ii fa-orr la M.mpkt laafnadiaLir pUc4 or4ra lor na r hwumi io .r. cult.ua atf a Ocrmaa atiaa;- u.rnua k4 a mppii lh karr.l run la a.r aaa cooairT. t.m;i Ik'ra ailtk a Crm.a iark bi it.riirrio ikara. Mr. rumara at4 iniaai ki?pias; iraOaiak.4 article la mini I r(it.r Ik.lr lral anarfca nr.u ft Aaarfaa irai:. a tka n.n'.l BuklBfac ttr.ra r. .kl lfal al lirji'tln' aucca.f-4l MtUft "lla a : r'.al'r car ta park lit W kip-Bl of farrllara from -rtta4. ka ..I J. a-l If d-t Initio-, littta mora Sa klaolta arood. A ar-ai ka t Amrt.-aa ko.tBca la OuaX ka kaa l9 taa l.kla ..r cf Ik locraatioaal rr.kln Cf p-raiia ef HMrciuL tr lb Naiiaaal I'.tr lak cf .N.w or. akirki ka. Ii fmaaca tar:r AmrrVan l.tinMi ! over tfcr "Esna'-raac work, kavr.vrr. i: boi 4..o9 in m.rkt. d.Ir4. -T.r. aiwi.t rpraiatlv la l ftal" ktr. amfaa rl4 Ikal k katlavad tH 9trfflsl la ka alak: an4 lhat taaa ft I Hal 1 la control of lb all aaitoa. Jar. JUfaaKa all Uar Ibl ftr. ana far !a lractara la rail for i'kta. H f.rprlr oaaapapar ia la rari"'i. i'k Taa iftiuk.k Ml.lnajir lcjrM- tlairrtala. T Mutinufr Hcicir of Kent Park t-.JLaeAi-m- alJL mr CHINESE TRADE OPEN !. Or M tX.ll tl. Conareaational ffcorrk h.M a pnactal and antqua rncllna at "Lurkjf Cottaaa' Wednrrdar nisbt. Inn aubjx-l bmc Thm .V.-ro al lb flora of tha War and Hia Adraar at Ilia IT.nl Par. A ouarlet of aiaaar comto4 of aln f'ama Taat.man, Mra. Papa Morcan. Mr., (lorn tlntdrr and Ml.a lla nnydar. actompani.d b alra. Frrd Laro. rans nctfro melodir. Tha fro jrranimc. .ra prtolad aa hand-palntrd alicaa of t. atarraalona. Ilrrrv.hmanta ron.t.tlnc of corn braad. buttar, ryrup, break rut bacon and eoffaa wra arrrd. Mra. rnxltr rrad. "Whan Ih Corn I'on.'a Hot.' mitl T I'aul Laurrnc Dunbar. CANNERIES TO BE VISITED Aalilnr.toa Itbor fommlwlonrr Ana In Inlrrr la of Wlillc Worker. Ol-TMriA. Waaa, Dae l IHpaelal.) Labor Commlaalooar E. W. Olaoa and Tcdaral Immla-ralloa Commllonr llcnrr XL WbH at wark will make a lour af Iho ruat ftound aalmoa ran Ban., txpoclrd to lad lo lb blrln of ahlla mn lo diaptar tha Japaneac prarlnu.tr uaad almo.t irlu.ll UB dr k ronlract labor .t.m. Tha Fdral aulhorltl.a bar an noun-4 that tha ma. hln.ry of thrlr mploymaal buraao will ba al Iba com tnaa4 of Ih rannarymra la rupplr plenty of proficient whit help. Labor Commiaaionar Olaoa will claim tha ful fl.lnwol ef a prom l. a mad by leading caanarymra Ut Hummer, that th.y would va a hit labor loataad of Japan aaa whnvr aor4 of a u(tlclnt drpandabla upply. I - MEMORIALS ARE PLANNED New Yrar'a ! Trnlh Annlrmary ef Mm amber-; AraaaaloaCloa. CAXJIWKU. Idaho. Ptr. !. (Opa-. rial ) N.w T.ar- t mark tb tanlb annlT.raary of tha aaraaalnatlon of s ttoT.rror ril.un.nbar' at hi bora la Ihia city by Harry Orchard, wha I ..rrina a lif ninca la tb Idaho l-.mtentJarr for lb crtma. Orchard turned tat arM.nr. Impllralinf In hi. ronf.aalon. Moy.r. Jlayworal and faitibon. of(lci:a of Iho Wraltrn rd.ralioa of Miner. rrorr.ln.nl Idaho cltll.n bar aaid Ih Sr.uo.nbar M.raorlal Aa- oiatioa whkrb will pacta aa aetlr campaica la 11 to obtain fund to ret monam.nl at Caldwell and Hole la. honor of lb martyred Uorvrnor. PENDLETON MUZZLES DOGS Mal llrallh Officer I1od liable la Saaperted AnlmaL frrvpLETOV. Or. P. 31 SpaclaJ loiloalnc a let.cram recalved laat aiahl from Dr. tX N. ltobr. of Port-, land. Mala ll.alth omcar. ronnrmlna lha au.pirloa lhat lha llobinaoa do wa lnixi.4 with rabtaa. Mayor John tyer. of I'.nd.eton. today lul an aetu-t ord.rlnv all doc Ira Ih city to eith.r muKl.d or kept In confine-m.t- Tba Itoblnaen dor bad b.n killed and lha head rent to Dr. Kotrf for taminalina At lea't a dotaa doca war killed by Ih polio lhl momitvC- TM la th Brat ral arar Pndlion haa bad. and tb city la qutl acitd oar ih affair. POLLY AND HER Cvyrrlgbt, ISIS, by Xmasaarr I'eataea Service, THIS 4.0K 295 SALOONS CLOSE Forty-Three Other Licenses Also Expire in City. LOSS OF REVENUE MARKED la ItOS PortUnd Had 4ii "Boose Kraporlimt, Which Crsdaally Were Itrdnred bjr Law and Irapradlnr Prohibition. Prohlbltloa last nlcht wiped tb slate clean or :S saloons, four wholesalers and rectifier, li wholesalers. It s-rwer liquor licenses. 10 frill liquor license- and three brewery licenses. From the licenses the city took In durlns llli a total of l:i.T0O. Thl was th smsllesl year In point o revena slnr lioi. and was by far th smalieet year la the number of a loom. Tba yrsr started out with 311 saloons, which wa orarly 10U fewer saloons than rsl.icd nerora in pro hlbltloa mo-unrii tok on a rlou aapecL There were 41t saloons In 1IX hi oca tbea tha number baa gradually dropped, because of th Impending pro hibition dancer and alao by reason denial of transfer of llrenaea by the rowr-of - at lornr y method. t p ta lb time Ih tables beean to turn, tha city always ficured on total of IJSO.O'jO to lu0.n0u from liquor llrenaea. Th crealeat number of saloons Tort land eer bad was In Uui. arcord Inc lo llunlrlpal Ucenaa Collector llulchlnsoa. From then on th num ber declined by reason of th Isws limllinaT th number of bars to on for vary 1000 of population. For years up to tba middle of 112 tb number ranted about Hi. Tha Dumber wat kept up by th transfer syntem and the power of attorney system. Thee transfer raased In and tha number of ealoons bensn lo drop off. At tha beglnnlns of 1916. after prohibition bad been adopted. 70 sa ioona failed to renew Ibeir licenses, leaving .37 saloons. 1 wholesalers. saven wholesalers and rectifiers. It restaurants and It grocers boldinc 11 Cannes. All of thea paid their licenses up to July 1 of this year. Then ll more dropped out. leaving J00 saloons. Durlnc the first half of th year the city took In 1161.700 In licenses from all liquor sources. Durina tha second half It took la f IK.oOtf. making a total of l:t.700 for the year. HI me July 10 more places bar dropped out. five of wblcb "were sa loons. The city collected licenses oi 1100 a year for saloons. S1000 for fam ily llauor sJores. 11000 for wholesalers and rectifiers. t'fO for wholesaler. DuO for crllis. l0 for grocers. t0 for drug stores selling liquor and tcoo from breweries. YEAR'S SALES LIGHTER Git IT H tHBOII LI MBER SHIP- . met ioaaoa r:frr. Caasaa aad Mills Idle Year Aga Are la Overall, aad Predletlaaa Are Bright far lata. ABERDEEN. Wash, Deo. 31. .pe- clal. ) Carco lumber shipments from Grays Harbor for Kit will be about 17.000.00 feet less than they were In 1114. Carco shipments this rr amounted to about 110.000.004 fret. hue in 114 drays Harbor mill hipped 437.000.000 feet of lumber by water. Rail shipments this yesr also are much smaller. Ksil shipments dur ing the past three months, however, have been normal and Inland business has so Improved that lilt may aee the 114 record shipments of 14.000 car loads broken. Water shipments of lumber for De cember were among the beet of tha year. During the past month 40 Tea ls cleared, carrying approximately 3l.oon.ooo feet During tha first sis months of 11. few orders came here. The financial condition was such that prospective buyers could not pay for goods If they wanted them. Many ship lay idl here for ran nth a. Then th Australian and Hawaiian Inland business begsn to pick up about June, and since then baa hown rapid Improvement. Shipments by water during recent months would have been much larger had there been available bottoms In which to ship umber from this port- both shippers and mlllmen are pleased with the outlook for 11 and aspect to handle a large volume of business. Many camps ana two mills which were Idle on January 1. I1S. are running now. and th Federal mill. Idl for two years, undoubtedly will open before February I. HIGHWAY CONTRACT IS LET Pared Road to Be Extended Irom Astoria to Seaside. ASTORIA. Or.. Dc II. (Special.) The County Court awarded a contract today to th Western Paving Company for Improving the remaining 4 rn'les of the Clatsop Plains htchway. The srement Is to b bltullthlo and tn price. Including th grading. Is ll.- j 17. Th peirication ran ior el rOI lOL ALL J BlV CLIKK bTKKHKTT, grading lo a width of 10 feet putting1 In the necessary culverts and drains, and paving nine feet wide with a three-foot rock shoulder on either side. The completion of this contract will provide a hard-.urfare road between Astoria and Seaside. The County Court today fixed the tax levies on the 115 roll as follows: State tax, t.l mills; county school. 3.1 mills; county gen eral fund. 13.4 mills. Total. 1&.S mills. Included In the county levy are (105.000 for highway improvement, $25,000 for building bridges and 1:7.000 for Inter est on tha bonded indebtedness and outstanding warrants. BREWERY FIGHTS FOR LIFE Spokane Concern Attacks. Prohibl tion Law la Federal Court. SPOKANE. Dee. JO. William Stoeh of Boise. Idaho, a stockholder In the Inlsnd Empire Brewing A Maltln Company, of Spokane, filed suit in the t'nlted States District Court here to- dir. as kin a- that Attorney-General Tanner, of Washington, be restrained from Interfering with the business the company under tha prohibition law and also that the company be re strained from discontinuing business. The petition filed by Sloehr alleged that the direct legislation amendment to tha slate ronrtltutlon, the prohibl Hon law and the Webb-Kenyon law are unconstitutional. The petition follow closely that filed this week by a brew Ing company In Tacoma, with the ex caption that the brewing company here Is msUe a co-deiendant. No action was taken on the petition In court today. RUSH COAL ORDERS PLACED Chelialls Mine Oris Six-Car Call 'rom Portland. CHEHALIS. Wash.. Dec. 31. (Spe claL) The cold snsp Just now prevsil Ing over the Northwest has proved benefit to the coal-mine operators at Chehaila. The Sheldon Coal Company received a hurry order today for six carloads of coal to ba shipped to tn K'diefsen Fuel Company at Portland. Th Superior Coal Company, one of whose owners. J. U. Murphy, baa office-, in Portland, Is also getting out rush business for thst city. The coal-mlnlng business at Chchall Is developing Into one of the strop re. permanent Industries of this locality Last month the payroll for the Sheldon mine was upwards of $1600. while the payroll of tha Superior Company mine was approximately :uoo. PENDLETON WOMAN DIES Mullier of Prominent l'arnicr Pauses .Anay at Son's Home. . rs.VDLETOV. Or.. Dec. 3L Ppe clai. ) Mrs. Kstherlne Close, mother of Robert F. Klrknatrick, one of the most prominent farmers of L matins County, passed away at the jurkpat- rlck home In Pendleton today at tne age of 44 yearn. Mrs. Close was born in fct Louis. Mo. IKCcmMr zn. isji For the past 15 years she bad been residing at th home of her son. Tie greater portion of her life was spent In Scdalls, llo, where she lived In one house for more than b0 years, bne was married three times and is sur vlved by three sons. Robert F. Kirk' Patrick, of Pendleton; L. . Close, or Missouri, and F. F. Thomas, of Okla homa. TAXI BILL RUNS HIGH Royce Comaany Soes Sloscs BIu. mauer for $165, Alleged Unpaid. Why use streetcars or Jitneys when taxlcabs are at one a beck and call: While this may not have been tne reasoning of Moses Blumauer. a forv land attorney, yet the allegation of the Royce Taxicab Company In a complaint filed against Mr. Blumauer in tne i-ir cult Court yesterday Is thst in a little more than eight montns ne ran up a taxi bill of 1380. Tha complaint waa In an action to collect 1265 which is still due on the account o It claims which was con tracted between January 6 and Septem ber 1 of this year. WAR CUTS MAIL RECEIPTS Portland Office Takes in $6053 Ivrxa Than In December, It 14. Receipts of th Portland Postofflce during- Lecember just ciosra aggrc- ral.il S1-S&7O.0S. against elJ2.94J.eV lor December, 114. Tha decrease or S40&I is due mainly to the loss in foreign business on account of tha war. Total recelDts for tbe year Just closed amounted to 11.167 391. as against 11 171. for 114. The decrease there Is also due in the main to suspensions In foreign business. Centralis to Call in Warrants. CENTRAL! A. Wash- Dec. 11. (Spe cial.) Th City Commission announced yesterday that In a few days it win authorise the Ciiy Treasurer to can in about faOOO worth of outstanding cur rent expense wsrrants. After the first of the year the Commission will cut the Ity's expenses wberever possioie. ana urine 114 It expects to retire aooui 125.000 worth of these warrants. After anuarr 1 the current expense iuna will be on a cash bssls. The total out- tsnding warrant Indebtedness of tne city Is about 1100.000. Proposed Kelso Road Inspected. KELSO. Wnsh.. Dec. 11. (Special.) W. P. Ely and J. L. Harris, of Kelso. mad a trio of Inspection over tne proposed road from Shanghai to the Gobsr Creek country on tne upper PALS lac. mm ---i Sfek WINTER mi Spend the Winter in California ATEBAGB WEEKLY TEHPERATCKKS OF LEADING CALIFORNIA HE- aBafaaaanWawaJ bOKTS FOR W EEK. KIINU SATURDAY, DECEMBER S5, 1915: Max. Mln. Mean. Max. Mln, Mean. Loe Anrwlee..... 7S M tl5 a San Francisco ... 7n a 6- rasadrna 7 43 60 Venire 6 44 6 banta Barbara ... H 41 .' 1 Del Monte 70 55 2 Arrowhead 7.1 (S 1 Ocean Park 47 40 ii LOOS Beacb it 44 44 I (TEMPERATURES - .a1l..'U,k -Tn A - kw!1 Ih m THE (iOIKKR, PARAD1SK liO.SThKLV BAV. milea ttouth of Fan Frtn riaea. NotM for tha refine ment mod dignity of lia mxmoa- fihero aa well aa Uia beauty of ts Buxroundlnca. On of tha flneai lS-hola roll troarsefl tn tha world. All out-of-door out-of-door Ij , Wonder- i jf rlva. Polo 15. Liter- A ntortff. dancln-r. ate. ful 17-mlle auto drl January 13 to April atura and ratea on retjueat. 4i( CART. (TaNUY, Manager. mm 't xr s minarrr - a fc'i5:i-?V - W S IVIllfcrWU,. w2UTBUCIi.biMll...jfibw THE KOrTllXA'VD'f fKLKBRATED hr.AdJLr jtr.uiai. NOWHERK equaled fa tha renial hosDlLavlitv of this hotel. Hero the iru cut may aojourn In an atmosphere of cheer and contentment. Easily accessible Is a constant revelation of new beauties the Pacific the ruKced coast, miles or boulevards through scenic country fragrant oranro tr roves, tha mountains, mission. ate; 20 in lies from Los Aji gules. Aniurican plan. J older. WM. P. 'K8TLE, Manager. TGWfiffid JHetSprinAs TTTKR15 ARE n hri.r, BAYS AX ARROWHEAD. Fascination rrowi greater the longer one lingers tiere. Tbe sweet, clean, clear air of this wonderful region acta as an Invigo rating tonic. The famous ril-nodiiim mt- nata natural steam cave baths, the only ones In the world, do marvels In restoring health. Hottest curative springs known. 202 degrees Fahrenheit. Thoroughly mod ern. American nlxn tccommodatinnii : firt miles from Los Angulea. Write for folder. ARROWHEAD SPRINGS CALIF. VENICE The Ceoeir Inland of Western America. Southern California's fun center. Attrac tions galore. Largeat variety of diversions. Plenty of Invigorating sunshine. Clean, san itary environs. Mammoth salt water plunge. Quaint Italian canals. Safest beach. Splen did hotels. Low Winter rates. .Descriptive literature on request. VEMIK HOTEL ASSOCIATION. HOTEL TURPIN -IS THE HEART Or" THE CITT 17 POWEI.L nr., AT MARKET 8AN FRAXCISCO. rTVFRT CONVENIENCE and COMFORT Kt'ROI'EAM PLAN. 11. SO and Cpwaed. FRKR Auto B.i. M eel. Train., Steamers Under klanaarinrat r A. W. TV'KPIX Kalama River. The Kelso representa- ives rerort that a feasible route can be located, and recommend that some assistance be given the settlers in the opening- up of this road. Pasco Council Saves Money. PASCO. Wash.. Dec 31. (Special) 1he City Treasurer made a financial tatement for the city Council yes terday. which showed that the city s well within the legal amount of in debtedness. A year or so agro the city was far beyond its lezal indebtedness. and the Council was hampered in get ting city warrants cashed. The last Council effected a saving- of about 123,000 as compared with the expen ditures of 113. Xewaukum Trains on New Schedule. CHEHALIS. Wash Dec. 1. (Spe- ial.) The Newaukura Valley Railroad Company has begun running trains on a regular tri-weekly scneauie between Kapavine and Onalaska, the new mill own being built by the Carlisle-Fenneii Lumber Company, 16 miles southeast of Chehalis on the Newaukum. Tbe trains are run on Tuesdays. Thursdays nd Saturdays, V. If. Paulhamus to Talk at Elma. CHEHALIS, Wash.. Dec. 31. (Spe fii LDtii TsA it y 4aaii3:j --' CA UFORfiIA-r if HEALTH & RESORTS i i if vy. CHANGED WEEKLY) 4th and Hill tSta. N 55o rooina, eachj with - priraia oaui. situ ated In the heart of tha 4Uty. Dear Uieatars. ahopa aad I Dlacca of attraction, fc.aj.iiy acc- M a. bio to bacb trarllnea. A itona a i throw from Central Park. Luxurious H auDointrnents. oanaot aarvic: 6Dn- Oia gmi; j&uropean pun i from Si. 50. Write for fo.dr. JC. at. "!-(! li iiill!!!!!!!!'! It D hiHhb! fl MB fui'iytipl.' LOS ANClTUEJ Broaclwar at 8evsntl- The center of shopping, bniineaa and thvatiicai d La trie L Finest downtown lorn i ion Suu outside rooms, with rru vata bath. Rates SL&O up; i u ro pes n plan. New management; n dining-room, new kitchen. "The ho Ml of comfort and service' J. li. Lankcr febim. Owner. Win, K. vlood. Mgr. ,jXTiBWmK'AVk - yyi Healtlt, U Ones AiSJS Ct" Write tojvy .or Ih i Valuable Booklet 'DejcribingMcftioaj purjrueo trymc beach swam - IO S2 LINDEN AVE. LONG BEACH . GALI FOR N I A. H W. Ray Sinp30N-cMi. mm AfJlIRGTOtl HOTELS SANTA tiAK BAK-H . Urtl.1 AMEK1CAK A LAN. California's finest exam-. Die of olcturesaue hotel architecture. Superbly located. Delightfully different. Near the ocean and beautiful foot hill. Finest eul-tne. Folder. E T. nrXV. T-ewsee, cial.) The Elma Fruit & Produce As sociation has receivei word from W. H.. Paulhamus, president of the Puyallup . & Sumner Fruit Growers' Association, that he will apeak at that place Janu-.-ary 15, In response to a recent Invita-. tion. The meeting will be held in the. high school auditorium to arouse in terest in general farming benefits that can be obtained from co-operating in the marketing- of products. . OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Members Portland Osteopathic Assn. Barrett. Dr. H. Lester, 411 Morgan Bldg. Phone Main 42. B.wlaad. Dr. L. H.. S15 Selling Bldg. Main 2213. A 222. Keller, Dr. William G., GOS Taylor St. . Phones Main 654. A 1444. . , Laer. Dr. H. N suite 101 Morgan Bldg.. . Phone Marshall 1S88. Tabor 4278. Leonard. Dr. H. F 767 Morgan Bldg. , Phones Main 709, A 1701. Levteaux, Dr. Virginia V, 612 Morgan , Bldg. Phones Main 1497, Mar. 4034. . Moore, Dm. F. B. and If. C. P- 908 Sell ing Bldg. Marshall 1275. A 303L Myers. Dr. Kathrrine S 805-7 Journal Bldg. Marshall 1275. A 303L Northup, Dr. R. B 308 Morgan Bldg. Phones Main 3 4 -J. Kant 108. '' Walker. Dr. Eva S- 124 East 14th St. North. Phone East 6332. 4 4 1 ( (-''. MS?0! BSa&ft fi CALIFORNIA rrTtTi y L ti ...il:Mi IH i I lOTGP ft ! L I