AUSTRIA PUNISHES IH Chief Demand in Ancona Case Met and Indemnity Also Is Offered. CREW OF LINER BLAMED ll-ane Willing lo 'Tbs UghUy' Ovrr Lwk of rartlcuUrs a to How Aana-rlcaa OllitnJ Cam lo Tbrir Iralhn. i'mitv4 Trim yieat Faa titan wae aeeeeary la leave th ! t-l lifeboat. At let ! .:fboat "r aboard tlv) ! ft er fP4 riu th r ti;i ta -ai but a- a tar preparatioa nrere aada la ho at Oil the to I. the earn. mur decided, nf'-er the eiplrstloa of 1 miaute. ! torpedo the veeeel la a mr taal it ht ramala afloat for a atilt longer tim. la order l ! a;i:rteUot opportuBlty 1' I8" up: t.:i aboard la 6 recod. Cwaf (nlf t'esweat. Shortly afterward a teamer aeerae visible, which eteamed toward th . Biarin. A th of th oB ai.ria. wo believed la lamee ! ba aa eee.-nr r...r. Bed la itrkoi vita a tiU'-t. ee jSnBrd at 11 i. firing a lrpil lata lie foremoet ut bold ml In Aacoea. N more koala aboard lkV i)Ml were low. reu aicaouaa earaoaa were act .1 va..iia br4. Tb steamer ean so elowly thai the ln7Tn commander at first doubled waati-.r tna ateamer wo jl l etna. .ny at I .l eciova d!4 It atna. bow first. tri"C ,!a farther a ntlnutee. It l aerr4. ail tha person tf( ..i1t ben vei wlta the aal- ii, aoata. From lie ctmU tat tnie did ! rvcur th commander ludi ihl tha crew, coolrarr lo ffiCOllOEB ail the rules ef arromp'.iahed thair a a ra'ua la the first ble and lad tba passenger la taartiae.v. Um af l la la anew (!. T-a ntlr loaa af Ufa. th aola t firth. raanol b attributable la tbe I rl Instance lo tba einBia of the vesaet. but la oma daa-raa la tba dreppto of ma tir ta wbiia ISa taar araaaJ.n at ti.l apaa ta t-a fi'-t IKat tsa rar er.Ijr taou:l ef thalr aa aafat mad 4.4 not ! t-a M aaaara tram Iba capaia4 b-Jt- Ut I ajaal'i a' tria paraa drown4 with t.l ainaint al tn'jat. iSmt all. b a nsa.t la 13a "culpabla bbaior" of ta a. Ttva AunlrUa rapljr than that :a Amrt!aa not a ta aaaaral point It ba4 aa tnrorrart aurcoaitwna. ao4 ana aa lacorravt !a atatarrarvt litat a aball m a at Bra4. Itial the tibtnartna et ptrault arirtoDk Iba immir, thai tu'r a ahort lima ai:o. for ilea aboard la aatar trta boat a aa4 that aaaaral abota vara 8ra4 an lb ttaaroar tj aftar It ba4 tep(4. l.aaWa Tlaaa AIWaa4 TTia mmm4t ? tba audmarifta. ta acta fil':w, tba alaarrar anura Ha u a-aarr tot tba l4Miirt la t ta tna beat, and taan isread-MKt tba imI la au.h a uolif lb At It woull rmil afloat aa . a aa oi"Ia la aaabla tba paaaan- ra la d.m5af a ai oblavl wbicb wonll bava baa o6tio4 If tba paa Mtri b4 Bat baaa (eraahaa tr ttta araar "t"r aj-'facutibc iba aitiio'la of tna iroo:mnlar. aha ba I tl IW tba rawiia al para an.i rraaj." aara ina aoF. "tha Ataatra-ttuaararkaa aaaal attnortrjaa baaa rtil at Iba co r)tia mat ba apparaatlr aalrta4 ta lata aof ru-,.n::r tal' aoaai.lar tloa Iba laaia ansonat Iba pa,aaafttfara. avbtcb ran tarnj d.mb,rbt;oa Bora dlff'alt an. I t&a aptfil af taa raoallaaa Ibal .V't.'ra-ll mi arUan aaaai offi'-ar abo iH t'fa.aa aaiaU'a !! ra aa la dl traaa. aa i aa.itir. Tba afl.-r tnarafor p1lat t1 lolrioi ma l- riH'tiiu mro.i ta tba rulta la f iaa tor at:b ;jaa " Tna aca roftpfta: "Tba A"-H "arl a ramal !- tat b!tt la aiaar af Iba rlr atamaran It alraar tna appreeataea ffia-t-iaiaa aa-aiaiaar tna tn4matry taaf mt .lawrt-aa cl'taaaai affta4 br Iba ttntis af tna pi-a. but tnr Iba 4a aa atta4 by ia rfoqatlaaav ! f . rrln an lb tl-ata aal Iba ,atro-l taari-a iaanma raaaal -:i ba ana. la raaeoraibla. r for tna .aaiaca wbifla raaa:tal from tba ia fT' d tarn bafb atta ar tba capai-alaat af tba aarat koala for tba lof a4 u ftra rataa :al4aaa Waata. "Ta A aa'r-a-lf raarartaa iirrtima mn.t ?? mat m Mtmncta f aaiMI t abt aa4 ariiunat la laamua --ta lo lb AiK'r-Hintiu cabin! ta aajat.arT tnlrmatma rlrrtaa InapatA ttitl la ' appraprtala avl dn:a la t.arlitna; ai-t I'' l'Dlt al'.ataa ltarflmaat anna' bo baa toa I a4-a af in part;cuUra af boar tba Amapia cttft.raa rarra I lblr daCb. tna At-atfa-K-ar an totafamam. la roaai.iaraHoa ef tba In I lnl. arDi. b Inn aa b' ataBlp ot la daaplr t'a ba racratt4. aa4 b tna Yaalra rt--a frnr ta maeifaat Ita frta.i:a? faalmca twAr4 Iba t"alt4 tra!". La Ma4 aal prapar4 la paaa I'aT'tla afar taia dafifiaaar of avvdanra l alao ta ln.)-mni.r fr inu IWM pratimata cauaa ceul4 Bo ba f'a- HopinaT that ta Ancona ta-t4t Ma Pa b raaar4a4 aa clnr4 BP. tba ,a('-ltafiar!tn oararrvBI maka proTialou ta aubrrtt f.r diacuaalnta at a latr momatit inoa 4iftaranl Itt tarnPtnt ajuwatinna wbu-r ara coo aart4 wlta Mbmartrt ararfar. nnr.K rtf:t.ii:Ti:D .m:nTro Ianalnlnr Jarka of raaanrnl Sabja-rt fnr Pl,lota-y. VT AHINOTOV. TVt. S Daaa.r ef a e'at In dinlomAtia? ra:tiona lalwaan tna llfa Mt l Ataatrla-Huacara aiar tn mtnktne of Iba l.or Anrcna pntailf baa ba 'ar4 aarar. if Iba eri-ial tatt ef Austria a faplf ta tba parae4 Amarl. an B-"a rr.f rn3 ta praaa ajxpatcbaa (ram Union aATia Iba cnninxint'-atian afiaaaa-.' bt Is tab v.artna arh t.rpdo4 aa I'urnir baa b pvBnb4. Tla rab., pra iranaialto ef lb paia raa.naj vh'neton lonubl ! lata ta b aaa tr b.a eru-tla ef ti iMOPiimagi ant a di.apu.-n rcalafl aartiar In tba eUr freu Ambaaaadif laif al l mara.T aatl lb r?: b4 baaa baada4 bn an 4 M lallmatloa aa t lt Batiare. -ualanmaal ef tba ubraarlna com M..9ir fr t ail'ira ta lk Iota a'sounl la palate praaJt.inaT Bbar4 ta Awona bafore torp4ciB taa aaaaal apvaraat r ataCa in prvncipal Amr. an da ma4. la afr-.-t it rutbl b ra(rd4 pa a 4'aaowal ef ISa act a4 aaaor tnt aa larijaat fr rb,--B aa of. fr ef th BY waa paoiabaxi a.jl4 o bappaa tcaia m'bl ba lakaa for a raat'il. I rtBaiaia 4bab4 Ibal repara v b ma , la for tba Irjunr or le or r:a ran won J ba a aubjact for aJlaitmast oara tba olbar laaua vara diapoaad of. Tba orfictal text of tb from Vlanna la n per la J at br Amrrl u:p!omatl poinla a caw not tba ttal Daoartraant br tomorrow B "Mi rnCal4 reported tbat It cablad aa aooa aa II cvuid ba and coda 4. woat4 t trasaiala 1300 Enjoy 'Messiah" G.-.n at Prebyterin Church. i ii r Hark af fbama af la Valra a4 af Baatata Uallabia rra4 sa4 Maajr Ara Tare an A war. ACOCT IZ1) paroo altandtd tba riral iTaabftarlao Church laat nlcbt an4 thoroughly appreciated tba fiaa rendition cf aera4 Cbrlatina carol ac4 salecllona from llaodal' oratorio, "it!ab." luef by tha com- kloa4 cboruaaa of tba Iortlaa4 Oratorio SkKlaty bb4 tba f'lral I'raabytarlao cborua. ndr tba able tliractioo of l Uai4wya Ena. llaary at la tb church waa occa PU4 aa4 war aura chair placed at the rear of th auditorium and yt doaaaa of wou;4-b auditor war turaad away bacauaa of lack of (valine acraoimoda t lo a. Thar waa no charffe for admlaaion lb wbola affair waa a fraaal.l otrrr Ina. Jl'ratar of tb cborua. conductor, ale, a;i took part la tha rcitl without financial remuneration. for three year tha Portland Ore lorto Dociaty ba praBt4 a church feetiaai of blath-claa. aacrad tnui-. aaar Iba leadarahia of Joseph I" rtol-y. who receatly "went on the ro 1 " with a Baia quartet. lr. klnlay la la Iowa Juat aow oa bl t'hrlatmaa aaeatloa. and ba waa preaent lajt Bia-a and saoe aa a mam bar of tb taaor rtica of Iba cborua. I'nder Mr. i:au' direction th choru baa tmprs4 la effKlartcy. choral at tack an4 snaatary of raualcaj aipraa iea. Thla latlr waa nottc4 eepaxial ly In lb raad.tloa of th Cbrlatina caroia. tutf often without ortib ac rocapaalmaal. and at other Interval auaa- to an axqulattaly praya4 orcaa accompaalmant by tldcar tZ- Couraaa. The eoioiei In taa raoauion oi i rUiMiaf ware th fluUr rmbr of lb church quartet Wiaa ttdla rtr ton, eoprano: Mr. IaiIu Dahl Millar, contralto: Joaepn I". Mulder, tanor. and toca J. Zaa. baritone, wboea aoloa were all auntt with reaerenaia for tRe aacred taxi and with final vocal too and pin4t4 (Xpreaalon. The cborua preaent autr.barad !icht ty mora than oce. and the maad aiaa-lnar waa ameer, bearty as4 aJ- li In ;oa4 taata. Mr. Lau mah a f I ra I -c I aaa con ductor. Ill "I'adlBB" and quirk l ea.a for vocal attack how that b I xprinr4 and talented In bt choral work. Mr. Courn played wlta much occeaa. 700 ELi(SlilAIE 13 t rk:Tmoi emrn at sir ILltM llTI-.IITAIMKT. M baa Iba Tea Caa Itry" la kkll Ulaea by A 14 af A4 ( lab q aerial aa4 orria I. rill l.lrla. Iiurlia dafuaca at the old uprU tion. 14 new meoabere war Initiated Into tba fortUad Lots;a of Iv.ka laal alsbt by a team tnada up of paal x auad ruiers. wbo 'cam bark." a It ware: and thca Tv till. a tttiard In lb IcMataroorn and caiatral.4 tba cioa .nt oi ta o:4 ) a Ar a i'.b aa ui4 o.ixa ' aiKUL tn of Ibe feature of th avtnlns waa tba praaanlalton by l.un Far retl. pare, to Howard U. k'arrail. fit, a bautiful la ceiabratioa ef tba In.tiation of taa aoa Into lb order. IL Mctona.4 road th pre atA4ioa IaIa for tba fafhar. wbo plaadat 'Xait frlbl." Anyhow, the ! Jolly Kiaa made tba K.der tarr:i (now kiraxll on the tae and a knol eUe aa eaal.oa. lb II Inittataa ware' tVllllarn J. WhaUn. JIusb J. Iiord. :4ward Halt. i.r M. I'rbca. I'. II. ISAUimaach. It. ti. larreil. Ja (. Ilalaar. t I- Knttht. Carl L. McOoucal. Itaaa C. Muiler. M. t r.adol: n. C. TBurk'iaua ant A. U. i ar4. Tba laam laal put taera tnrouch waa ramioKj cf l. holla i nhan. actins a:tl ruler; (ua C. Mar. actina: eaiamad laadin- kntht: Jobn K t'off'. actlfix eataamad lojal kaihl: hertae t - lna!l. a'ltn. a l. m-d a-turar. and II. l. Urtffia. act io aa-aulr. -thaq the Towa Coa Dry- w lb tit! of a aklt that waa tnrowa to tber cleaar.y for te iaon rarrt aTtrla aad the A4 Clab quartal. aaaiatad br I rad Mor AXid. lltarlaa l.lna; r and Ja.-k Katiac It waa a bundle rt remUaittaee lat prooar4 lausb and fun. Aaetber laabar waa by me choru from aae ef the popular thaatera. otoar eamb-er fol eaad aa fall ef fun and fro. ic. t Jo: la icbn waa n-.atr ef cataneaiaa aad tlanry Itaawl rhairmaa f Iba aalrtAinmiil commlttca. TAXPAYERS TAKE ACTION iuikihii t.t:tct : intuiiii rRorii n t tnr rm uril aa OraaalaaiWa I "ara4 la Mra. las at t'alaewata Hark far Caalat far af Caaaly. tion hf parnxtrt f IndarnnM I-ITACADA. Or. P-. J. ..-portal) At a meat. r of tb rrpraaantallT taxpATara of l-trn Carkama Cua tf. baUi Monday aftarnoon. at th I'-ar ton Klonltoutai I taxparere. wbo forrna-t tba flAat ("trktmti Taxpayer' Liattia. !ctd tna following- pcrma Bant offlcara: John C. Mi"r. of rtrton. prealdant; Fred liatee. of Oarfll4. vire.praaidant; tl. M. btaBdiJb. af r-atacada. acralar. traaaurar. Witb Iba Bew cfflrar la rhartta. tha maaliBar proceeded to e arl ar.d appoint Uipayara from racn diatrirt a mam bare of the boaM of director. rTre. aaalmc their raapectl ro.-niiurlllr. who alao will art aa prHnte of their raactla community O'erxnlaatlon. Te obect of th league were tatd ta b-: -Tha band nc l"a'hr rf th t barer of Kaatrrn Clarkamaa County la a united or anlatun. to eerur proper rapraaaalAtloa In the county' lao'tltr bo.'.a. au.h a th County Court and In the Ktale I-ecialalure. etc. "Ta aaaura proper rapraaantaltoa al Iba annual taxratrra maetinc. "To promot road darelurtnnl. "To intreeti&At tax revenue and ! pandituraa. -Ar4 lo work In all way for the de velopment and welfare of Eaalrrs ClackamAA t'ounlr." A reaolstioa condamnlnr tha pro. pae4 purcbaaa of th "anby fair. round by Iba Clarkamaa Count r Court wa adopted. It wa ordered that a copy be ent lo the rourt. rar- Moxe TrcalrJ a Trraan. trrrrr:nrAX. via Ixndon. r. Jl. Tna peril Yorwaert announce th arreat for kith I re Aeon of 1 German a-vcialiata. locljrllnc a womaa mml Clara .atkan. They ara rhare4 wlta D,,.t( la oeac propacatxla. TTTH MORNING OHECOXTAy. FRIDAY DECE3inER 31, 1015. LABOR ALTERS VIEW Council Decides to Affiliate With Chamber. LOAN PLAN INTERESTS jrratruttrr Rrady to Submit Issue Over Hoars to Conciliation Hoard National Hody I to Help Enact Mraenre. Th deUirmtr to th PorUaad Cen tral Labor Couoclt lat Bluhl rclnlcd tblr action of arrl weak bs and ai. i affi'i.ta with th Portland Chamber of Comrnrrc. Th action to reconalder their evranc rrorn tna Chamber ram aa th rull of dlcu- elon thai h c!arctrled th tnrt- inc sine th break. a communication waa read from th mratrutter' local to tha effect that th orranliatlon I ready at any Urn to refer It difficulty In th maltr of 1 w a .n.r,lrn.anf whlcK Hirmbf fl of tha local bar had with Jon- mar ket, to th conciliation board composed of Joint committee from th Chamber cf Commerce and th Central Labor Council. A report wa read by th criary. V f mark that tha draft of th peo- Cle-tax law prepared by tha Central I. abor Council and tna I'ree-on rrecra- II. . - i.kap a in Ota hand of tha Secretary of" Stat, wbo will Uecld whther It U legally pbraaea ana ruj I -ry m ii'i K communication waa receira irora w. Kautrman. a memocr ri ma WaahtnEton "lata Oranr. aakin; for a copy of tha ropl a tana ana m'uur. Mr. Kauffman 'd that 11 aaa aaaa vrm - of tha labor aaaoclatlona of hi ta that hlnton would adopt, in maaaor. Adricea wr received from tna a .1. n Palarallna of Labor that that orcanliallnn alood ready to foaler th attempt of tha Oron labor oranla tloo to enact th people land and Loaa rnrasura. A reaolutlon waa adopted ronaemam a.. aM.HallnNH K i . I SOOnOrd by .. ... 1- niaffihartaln. The pcnaiwr 1 if w ... - Ortfoo dalrcatlon will b notified of th council' oppoaltlon. DEATH FOLLOWS MOURNING a Orcein City Woman Succnmb I"1t Days Aflcr Her Mothrr. nnrfiO 01TT. Or Pec JO. Spa- cial V riva dare after th death of bar mother. Mr. Koamund SchobeI. Mr. Kroeat Olntber. tb wlf or a Braver Creek farmer, paaaed away addnly at irr bore till momma. cuw -aa intr of Chrlatlan Kch'iebel. City At ornry and member of tha LBllature. Beside her brother. Chrlatlan Scbu . 1 11.1. .If r .ha la aurvtved bv two other brother. U. A. Kchuebol. of Bca- er Creek, and Hobert aicnueoei. 01 u loo. and ! rhlldreoj Robert Glntber. Ire. llaxel McJhuy and Mr. Laura choenborn. of Orrjton Oty: Rose O. 1. .a... .a n.iKlnrlnn TB CL ' Flllnora IIcoaua.' of Alaka; Hertba Johneon. of an k'ranclaco: ire. itatt; urmar. ui i-j-a....- filla Vlelann of Portland. n4 Henry and Itaymoad Glnthar. of lear creek ODDFELLOWS GET JEWS Veteran SIrmbcra of Order Ar Vis ited at noma?. Penumbra Kelly and Milton Sunder land, both well-known pioneer resi dent and old member of Orient lo!. No. IT. Oddfellows, were hon ored thl week with vsterans Jwels. They had been member of th lodge for 4 yr. Mr. Klly had paaaed throuch all th chalra and bad repre sented Orient In tha Brand lode. A committee waa delegated by the lodce to bo to their homes and pre sent th Jewel. Mr. Williamson pre a.ntad Mr. Kelly with his Jewel at the latter a home. .fter Tendtna; some time with Mr. Kelly tha dcleaallon went to the home of Mr. Sunderland and presented his Jewel. Mr. Sunderland Is In very feeble health. II waa da I ah led to ba remembered by b fra ternal brother. "JUDGE FOLEY IS DEAD Kealdcnl of Portland for 4 0 Years I'asara Away. William Kor. a on-ttm well lawjer of Portland, died at the Mult nomah Hospital yesterday morninc from cerebral ofteninc. II waa years of a and had been a realJrnt of Portland for th Uat 4 )eara. Mr. I'oley wae born In Canada. About dent or t year aso b dlaconllnurd tb practh of law. II wa unmar ried and hla only known relative, ar wo brother, contractors. Ilrln; in M. Paul. Minn, lie waa known locally aa -JtidK"" Koley. Mr. Koy wa taken to th county hoapttal Mondsy br lb Ambulance fervlc Company. He waa In a semi cumatoae stale until hi dratb. The body wa taken to Punning- 4k McKn tee' parlor, OWL CAR SERVICE REMAINS Coming of Prohibition Han No l:f frct on Xljht Transportation. Itoota top abruptly at mldnlnht. bot th owl car will o rlaht on In I'ortUnd Jtist th same, acx-ordlne; to Information handed, out by the Port land Hallway. LI (thl 4k Power Company yeatcrdsy. "Is tba closlna" f 'h loon ro Ine lo affect recelpta appreclablyr" wae asked. "Wa think not." replied tha official. "There la a certain quota of Portland population that work at night. This number I not coins to t reauced lo any perceptible extent." ORGANIST TO GIVE RECITAL Kdward II. I -e marc lo IW Heard at S-ottUli Itlte Cathedral Tonieht. r-lward II. Lmr. estimated by musical expert to b th irreatest or In tha world toriay. will appear in an Invitation plp-oriran recital to nmht at IS o'clock, at the Scottish line Cathedral, to member only of th Ore son Jurladlrtlon of th Ancient and Accepted Scottish Pit Mason. Mr. Lmr will appear In a eend similar recital at the Kcottlsh Rite Cathedral tomorrow Blent at 1:15 wclock. i A HAPPY NEW YEAR REMEMBER!! DON'T FORGET!! Oregon's Nearest Mail Order Liquor House 10 Miles From State Line On Main Orders Shipped Same Day as Received ROSE SLOGANS POUR If; ACROSTICS. nOJICS ASO POSTERS OITERED FESTIVAL COMMITTEE. Katleaal Dedlratlea af Colaaabla HUh way Made Feat re af Many Of fer! aa CeatrlbateaL Tbat the scenic beauties of th Co lumbia River Hlg-bway are appreciated by tba people of both Oregon and Washington la evident from the many times the new roadway is used In slo gans submitted to carry the 131 Rose KestlvaX Fine tb National dedication of the Htlfhway will b a feature of the June Festival, tba scenic drive through the gorge of tha Columbia River 1 Includ ed In hundreds of the phrases thus far received at festival headquarters. 333 and J3 Northwestern Bank building. On tha avernge 300 slogans ara be ing received daily. Already many have been eliminated, since It la found they contain more than eight word. The winning slogan will contain not mora than eight words, and probably not tbst many. This fact has led many slogan writ ers to form acrostics by the use of the name Portland. Several songs already have been submitted to Festival gov ernor and a number of poster designs submitted In the form of slogans. i ii-Ht n,,nftAfa r f th Knee Fes tival, ears that the slogan writers should confine their efforts to eigl 4 - Me I... anil have all the phrases In the mall by January IS. the date tna contest win ciuic. Soma of the slogans received where Ihe Columbia River Highway baa been featured ara as follows: Portland, the rose gateway ta tha Columbia CilA lllinaai. rort.and beautiful, roeee grand. Colural IlirnweT. aa wuuc I-0 inland roeee. fraerant. fine, Columbia llirhaar. ee.nea sublime. Hie or Id a bifhaay to tha world-famed Hirheay aad wtrfll nd roe-e call to ... lana What. !lf Nation! Dedication! Oregon's hlarhear roaarjr. rwa th Koee Show and the Columbia II rh-sr. . . orrcon's r-our;t:et. tb3 rortlsnd rose and Columbia t'risv. ORPHEUM GOES ALONE I'KATI RE TO BE M IDE or MID NIGHT MATIXEE. ara. P.rfaraaara Arlars Will Be l.aeata af Carl Keller at Sapper aervesl an ft a Be. The Orpheum will stage It own mid night matinee tonight, the special holi day programme Including every act of tbn current Orpheum show. The cur tain wa t II rise at 11:J o'clock, after the regular nijrht show, and the mMnlght matinee will last until 1:30 o'clock. In past years Orpheum acta have appeared at other theater for a midnight mati nee, but thl year they will bo cen only at tbo Orpheum. Kva Taylor and company In the laushable playlet. "Misplclou of Hubby." will he the tellar act of the midnight matinee and the extra at traction will bo Kva '.authler. Nl!a Lvl and ballet In International sons and dances. Remaining acts of the ear-end show will be Mayo and Tally, aweet singers: Ruby Holder, the g.rl with the tenor voice; the Harmony Trio. vocallt anl Instrumentalists; 7i.rir abater and Johnny aSinger. dancor le luxe: James Dutton and company In a spectacular act and the orpheum Travel Weekly. Immediately after the midnight mat inee all the orpheum artists and the. ater employee will be gurete of Carl Relter. manager, at a banquet lo be served on the tage. DRINK CALIFORNIA ISSUE State Prohlblton to lie Voted On In November, 1916. cirmwrvm. nc 30. The people of California in November. 11. will decide the question of prohibition, and It also now seems certain that the question of partial prohibition also win be submitted on tha general election ballot. The Initiative petition) for slate-wlde prohibition waa qualified today by the .k. strrl-a r the Kerretarv of i.iiia 1 " . . v -" - - - biate a petition containing more than a sufficient numoer oi signatures . tha Initiative. The total num ber t signatures filed Is 74.527. while 4.136 are required under tne law. n-w- n.iiiinn fnr nartlal nrohlbitfon ' v - ..." --- . ..hi i. .an n.m-. ahnrt of the number required, but there are 21 counties In the slat In wblcn supplementary peu . . . in eirvulation and from which It now la certain more than the number of names required will be secured. The prohibition peliuon province ior If You Did Not Receive Our Big Circular Write for One We carry everything in the liquor line. "Shasta" California's Choicest Beer, 2 Dozen Large, $3.503 Dozen Small $3.50 Packed in plain corrugated cartons. Freight or express collect. Give us your standing order for every 28 days. HORNBROOK, CAL. 14 HOURS FROM PORTLAND absolute prohibition in California on January 1. lszo. The partial prohibition petition, otherwise known as the saloon-closing measure, provides for the abolition of all retail liquor traffic on January 1. 1118. Under this measure wholesalers and drug stores only will be permitted to dispense Intoxicating liquors. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marrtae-e Licenses. eANBCCKTTO-FIOONE O. B. gsnbocet to. lesal. K. K. U. No. 2. and caterlna Fleone. 11. R. F. D. o. I. iini vtiv.avnx 7. C. Roundr. legal. &50 Ttaii .tra-L. and Kathleen Avon, legal, same HEIMAN-BATTIN A. TV. Helroan, legal, Lents, or., and Olive Battln. leital. Lenta. Or. HAN'riEN-HMITH Oaoar R. Hansen, legal. Ill Firth street, and Resells B. gmlth. le sal. same atSdreas. iIaNGLEY-CHRISTOPHER Charles H. Lanitley. legl. 8 East Hlxtyighth street North, and Daisy Irene Christopher, No. 1 Klshty-second street Nortb. LEFF.VRE-BATLES-H. J. lfevre. legal. Fpoksne. and Jeaale L. Baylls, legal, SS7 Washlnston street. ROSTKR-KOIT Ole Rnater, l'gal, Revere street, and A. Helen Koit, legal, same address. Vancouver Marriage License. TERRIU-MANNIXO H. Harvey Terrlll, -I, of Proebstel. Wab., and Mia Hazel 1. Manning. IS. of Vsncouver. Wssh. JOHANNES EN-JOHNSON Oeard S. Jo bannesan, -H. of Portland, and Miss Slgva J. Johnson. 25. of Portland. MOltsE-OO.SA W. Morse. 54. of Portland, and Miss Beeale Oosa. HO. of Portland. M'KHKKKY-TROYER L'rle I. McSherry. ;i of Prescott. Wash., aad Mrs. Mayme Banks Trover. 54. of Dayton. Wash. FA Y-L.A MERAL'X Orson II. Kay. 3S, and Ora Lamera'JX, of Portland. BEARLE-DEARDOKF Donald J. Eearle, ti. of Portland, and Mrs. Mary Deardorf, 19. or Ashisna. or. NO KM ANTVYOUNG Frederick U Nor mand. an. of Olney. Or., and Mrs. Rose lie Youne, a. of Thomas, Or. IJEAN-COOK Ralph E. Dean. 28. of Cot tage urove. Or. and Miss Frances F. Cook, 27. of Portland. RALriTON-J ACKSON" John J. Ralston, of Portland, and Ellen Jackson, of Portland. GOSJ.ETT-CODO.VA.S W. J. Goasett, 67. of Vancouver, Wash., and Mrs. M. M. Co donsn. 54, of Portlsnd. l.ArOUXTAINE-THORPEE8 A. Z. la fountslne. T3. of Portland, and Mrs. Emma C Thorane.a. 87. of Portland. PETER."t-M ATTSON Harvey R. Peter. :t. ot St. Johns, Or. and Miss Etna Mattson, 19. of Portland. FREEDMAN-JOHANNESSEN William A. Freeman. 21. of Portland, and Mlsa Voda Jo. hannesecn. 21, of Portland. Birth. WITCH EU To Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Wltrhell, 7.'' Greenesy ave.. Dec. 22. a son. Mas To Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Luss. 41.1 N. 2llh St., Dec. 27. a daughter. DEMPoEY To Mr. and Mrs. Carl I-Droipai-v. lion Fast Teenty-thlrd street North Dec-mb-r 24. a daueliter. KKADLKT To Mr. and Mrs. Ray C BrartVv. jlolbrork. Or., December 2, a eon. JOYCE To Mr. and Vra. John M. Joyce, C!o Eaat Washington street, December 24, a danghtrr , HAUeiTROM To Mr. and Mrs. Erto Hag strom. IJnn'on. or.. December 27. a eon. T1MMKKMAN To Mr. and Mr. Charle Ttmmennsn. 20.1 North Fourteenth street. Dermher "A. a daughter. BRNEBl"RO To lr. and Mrs. Jorrlon C Rarneburg. 1120 Michigan avenue, De cember a daughter. ClllMAl'K To Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter S. Cemmark. IT East Eleventh street, Decem ber 27. a daucMer. RKIf.I.EV To Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. Reiiy. 2 Ivy street. December 14, a "'"pKAVER T Mr. snd Mrs. Robert U Deaver. 4'2l East Forty-seventh street, De cember 22. a daughter. rOl.E To Mr. anil Mra. Claude Cole. 4M7 Fifty-ninth avenue, December 15. a son. Balldiog remits. A. G and J. J. CHURCH LET R eps I r ora-atorV frame store. 8i.. North Eighteenth treet. between Ral. lch and Qulmby streets; build, r. I. Jones: IIEWMtOX PROTHERP Wreck one- On account of the issuing of The Ore gonian Annual tomorrow, January 1, 1916, 7:30 This Evening will be the closing hour for accepting classified ads under their proper class ification. Ads under the headings "Too Late to Classify" and ''New Today" will be accepted until 9:00. BRING YOUR COPY IN EARLY Line ofS.P.R.R. storv frame dwelling. 48 Irvine street, be tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets; wrecker, same; $75. JAMES CHEVALLIER Move one-etory frame dwelling. 137S East GUsan street; mover. A. D. Moodle; 2U0. C. W. DEUSCHEL ?:rect one-story frame store, 311 Third street, between Columbia snd Clay streets; builder, C. E. Campbell; MRS. DtTNSMORE Repair one-story frame dwelling. 007 Fessenden street, be tween Polk and Tioga streets; builder, same; $4K. WILLIAM N AKERS Repair one-story frame store. 8iK9 Forty-sixth street South esst. between sixtieth and Sixty-first ave nues; builder, same; (85. J. E. HATCH RipHlr one-story frame dwelling. (1530 East Flfileth street, between Sixty-third and siTty-fourth avenues; builder. E. S. Paul: :iOO. H. W. WALLACE Repair two-story ord. store. 51 Flxth street North, between Couch ami Davis streets; builder, James L. Qulon; 1100. ". LEWIS Repair three-story frame store and rooms, 183 Third street, between Ysm hlll snd Taylor streets; builder, Casper Moore: $."0. MRS. MART I.. ANDERSON Rcriair one storv frame dwelling. 1:163 East Harrison street, between East Forty-eighth and East Forty-ninth streets; builder. Rose City Sheet Melal Works: $120. . OSTEOPATHIC FHYSIGIANS Members Portland Osteopathic Assn. Barrett. Dr. If. Lester, 419 Morgan BIdg. Phone Main 429. bawland. Dr. L. H.. 915 Selling; Elds. v.ln 9913 A 222U- Krller. Dr. William G.. 608 Taylor St. Pbones Main 554. A 3444. Lacv. D'. H. N suite S01 Morgan Bldg. ? II . ..I, n I I IBflfl Tahnr. i79 l liyUUO -uuu, ' - - Leoaard. Dr. II. Fa 757 Morgan Bldg Tr."... Main 709. A 1709. Ltwrsax, Dr. Virginia V.. 613 Morgan . . . . m . I I 11Q1 XI 1A13 UlaB ruuiica aucaiia wai. vi Moore. Dr. K. E. and H. C. 908 Sell-Ptlrie- Marshall 1275. A 3031. alTrrs. Dr. Kalherlne S-, 805-7 Journal . . . . i ii - tntt lCtg. AiaiVnttll lildi A Vx Northap, Dr. K. B 308 Morgan Bldg-. Phones Main 31U. East 1028. Walker, Dr. Kva S., 124 East 24th St. North. Phono Eaat 533. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally iod gun day. on i uns - i no tsanie ad three consetutlve times ... ... 30 a - . aaAnaawialiwa timMt DOC asaaaaa. aa ,i B7sa MtlaMll1 ITB UDl-n . a a a a a - The above rates apply to mIt? U.Tf?Ti"f!? anuer "ivew inaaj an cation except the following: Situation Wanted Male. (situation Wanteil b'emala. 1-or Kent. Rooms Private Families. Hoard an Rooms Private families. Housekeeping nooro- - " , Kate on the above classifications la 7 cents a line a..- a-...--. On "charge" auvennaeioeui. . n . r. -be based en the number of line appearing ! . . .4 1 . .f tli aiiimlier ot word a in each line. Minimum charge, two line. . Th Oregonlaa vrtll accept clasalfled ad vertiaementa over the telephone, provided the advertiser I a subscriber to either phone. No price will be quoted over the I'honc but bfll will be rendered the follow fo dv. whether eubaeouent advertlne ments will be accepted over the phone de penda upon the promptness of payment of teleplvone aclvertlaeinenta. ftituat one W anted and Peraonal advert i-emenla alii not lie ac cented over the telephone. Orders for one Insertion only will he a.-cepted for "f urni ture lor .Hr.le." "Buslne-. Opportunities, "Rooming llounes" and "Wanted lo Kent. Advertisements to receive proper class,, fliatloa nml be in The Oregonlan office before :4 o'clock at night, evcepl batar dav. floalng hour for The Sunday Ore gonlan will be 7:30 o'clock Sati.rday n glit. Ihe office a III be open until 10 o clock I. M as n -us I. and all ads received too late for proper classification will be run under the heading "Too Late to rjamlfy. 13 AMTSEMENTS. Theater Broadway1 at Taylor. HEILIG Today-TonightAU Tti Week Afternoons, 2:15 Evenings, 8:1s. GKEATEST Of AU Photo Spectacls Inspir ing Appeal to National Patriotism By J. Stuart Blarkton. Based on Hudson Maxim's "Defenseless America." -THE- BATTLE CRY OF PEACE PRICE3: Matinees Any seat, 5c Eve's, floor awe. Balcony 25c. BAKER THEATER Main 2, A s3tiw The whirlwind comedy hit of years. Hoyfg A TEMPERANCE TOWN BARGAIN I MATIVKR I TOMORROW I A bowling satire on a typical dry town in Vermont. Will Portland be anythln? Ilka this? The popular Baker Players all thla week. Mat. Saturday. All seats 25a (except box). Every evening. 25c. 00c; box and lose. 75c. Next week, another sensation "Tha Littlest Rebel," starting Sunday matinee. TONIGHT AT- Fourth and Stark Sts. CHORUS GIRLS CONTEST Troadvvay and Yamhill. The Bett of Vaudf-villa. Eva Taylor & Company "Susplclou of Hubby." Mvo Tally; Kuby Helder; Harmony Trio J Zir'sler Sister Johnny hinder: J nme Dutton at Co; Orpheum Travel Weekly. EVA GAUTHIER. NILA DEVI AND BALLET Matinee Dally. NOTE PRICES Matlnues 10c. 15c, oOCa Nights, 10c, 25c. 50c. 75c. iVJiATEflE EASY 233 COLONIAL DAYS A Chapter I mm Ante-Bellnm Life. S OTIIKK BIO ACTS 6 Boxes, first row balcony feats reserved by phone. Curtain 2:S0. 1 and 8. AUCTION 8AI.E8 TODAY. Ford Auction House, 211 let. Furniture, carpets, etc. Sale at 2 P. M. At Wilson' Auction House, at 10 A. M.. furniture. 106-8 First st. MfcTlXU NOT1CKS. A. AND A. S. RITE Annual New Year's reception at tha Scottish Rite Cathedral aturr day afternoon from 2 to a o'clock. All Master Masons m good standing are corJially an.l fraternally invited to iitten'l. Musio and refreshment. By riir.slPl.Mi urriv.i. MOUNT HOOD LODGE. NO. 15T. A. F. AND A. M. Speoiai communication, S34 Kusseil St.. Friday, December ;:i, at I o'clock P. M.. to attcml funeral . - or our laio uniuici,-. ..- Members reaueated to bopreicnt. By order W. M, 131. c. men, &cc WEBFOOT CAMP. NO. 65. WOODMEN member." welcome. Kum tlKO. ROSSMAN. Consul Commander. VHTKRXAI. BROTHERHOOD A d'nc? will be Fiven by tho Fraternal Brotherhood k.1. vir-M eve at the Manchester Hall. SJi Fifth street. Admission -oc. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, cnarms, pins. Bew design. J Jaeger Bros.. 131-a -Sixth St. DfED. KEATINfDec. 30. Mrs 11. f'lTrsh'rrerrll.alartha. Ireland beloved wife of John Keating and mother of tve lvn C Mary E., John A. Keating ana Uuy It McCoy. San Francisco, and St Paul; Minn., papers please copy. Ko .i. rn..rMl later MANROSE At the residenoo. i:5S Atlantio . i years." beloved" wife- of William Manroae. Notice of funeral later. Remains nt Miller : Tracey. at iiio f.' - CLARK In thla city. December 23, Hiram f , Romaini wero for warded 16 Lancaster, a)'., by Miller &. a iniij. M'ATEE December 29. Frank X. McAtee. ....,. .i.,,l father of Frank I McAtee Kemains at the parlors of Miller . ... v,.t L.-A nf funeral later. C . . v J . . - MORGAN In this city. Dec. 30. Fierce Mor " , .. ii,.uin'a funeral can. "''."'" " ,,,,; -, fter. parlors. , 1 FOLEY-Dec. 3. William . Holey, aged i OT vtars. ifin"ln oi ....., parlors. Notice ot funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. LEWIS December -. at and casi oiai ..... Rachel Lelf. beloved mother of Leander. Hermon. Ess and George Lewis. Mrs carah Bell and Mrs. Lulu Mil.J. fll of Portland: Mrs. Fred Davis, of Central a. tash Funeral at East tilde Baptist Church. Twentieth and Kast Ankeny sts.. Friday. December 31. 1:30 V. M. Burial at Multnomah Cemetery. ' ALVOKD At the family res mence . "-'-' alntll HV Aa.a I. IlfSlf I tllvu1 L ia,aawav-a ased t year's, eon of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Alvord. Tho funeral service will bo con ducted today (Friday). December ol at o'clock P M., in the mortuary chapel of A V Ken'worthy (.- Co.. Gh02-04 2d St. s' F In Lents. Friends and acquaint ances' respectfully Invited to attend. In terment Mt. Scott Park Cemetery. , LEWIS December 29. at Ninety-second and fc.ast aiaiK m. 1:,..-.... Rachel Lewis, beloved mother of Leander. Hermon. Ess and Georce Leis. Mrs. Sarah Bell Hnd Mrs. Lulu Mills, all of Portland; Mrs. Fred Davis, of Contrail.. V'ash. Funeral at East Side Baptist Church Twentieth and East Ankeny sts.. todav (Friday), December 31, 1:30 P. M. Burial at Multnomah cemetery. KEATING December ::0. Mary Keating, aped 4!) years, r unerai wui mao in.i-a from tho residence. 3'U Tillamook street. Saturday. January 1, at S:'M A .M.. thence to St Mary's Church, corner of Williams fenuo and Stanton, whero mass will bo offered at 9 o'clock. Interment in Mount Calvary Cemetery. CLK1NS In this city. December SO, Will iam II. Calkins, aged 75 years, father of David H Calkins, of ;! East Twenty- sixth street. HI" remaiuo warded Sunday. January 2, by J. P. i inley Son to Sherwood. Or., where services will ' held and interment made iu the family Plot. VAN HEEKEREN Tho funeral rervlces of the late t-r. ;. i """ held at the Portland Crematorium at J P M today (Friday), Dec. 31. Friends In vited Take Selloorl car for Cremator ium Pleaso omit flowers. Remains ara at Holmans funeral parlors until 2 P. M. today. rrYN In this ritv, December 2!. at her late resiaence, n,"i ja.-i i.n.iw.i, Bryn aged 4S years. The funeral services will W held Saturday, January l, at Il o'clock A. M at the residence establish ment of J. P. Finlcy A Son, Montgomery at Fiftn. Friends Invited, Interment at Rose City Cemetery. YRIC order.