ini. MOTtvrvc onrnovTATT. TirrrnsDAY, rtrrnmt so, lois. ROSEBL'RG MAN WHO HAS BEEN" MISTAKEN FOR rBESIDENT GOLOflEL DEFENDS WILSON. Powers Great Price -Reducing Clearaimce Sale An Eifent of Remarkable Economy That Is of Vital Interest to Careful Homebuilders Thousands of Dollars Worth of Furniture Priced at Half and Less Mnmi itv nr rnnnr HiunHUii urrunuc Might cf Right" Declared Only Weapon Against Might That Serves wrong. CRITICS ATTACK PAPER . - . a- . a annuls mim.m m j i yff-,r?."T' Sw iH-' yi " ' "S "''''''"''"' ' ' Snriologt.l Smj Roc-eevell lall to e Tlv. Wrong of llctgtura Arts ' Bntoa to lrm Cars. of Troubles. WAIIIISCTO. tee. 39. After pSr by Colonel Tbooro Looaevslt. -!!b visorou policy of N ""Ml (. tat keen, rt4 kefor tk America -"ocioleaTlral SockI; kere 1i.;t. several ( tb del-te erttl- iimJ ih rKiflr. at...- - .. r.n. clotjax TIM olotc!ra florist? I af "or ctotiia: rneetina-e keld hera at Ike earn t'm as t fi e tnamna I MtriM. t fc devoted It session lr.:y to disenasloa of th Kvtcmie srr.ct ef ib ar. rritauor IMoard A. r.o. cf Vla !, read Celenel Kooaeveit'e paper. ad lr((ior Jcts M.e-. f in .am net a r maclety. ituk4 Ik .eloaeie argum-eat. CrttW Tker la relt-ee-y. Tsr i fallacy la colonel Kwxx lt tfceory.- a said. -wki-i la rm m to i l mtlitartate and inoe wk tia tl c-ry to mtuKix erme UMBti for pa: (rpo Ti f 111 fc.-rljm. f-sraia. I'U4 and t-ter cnuotr'.ee base suffered I so f-awaoa, fir tnarreaeia In Instrument wt--a kv caused Ikat suff.rie- Mlnriiie: Ik BlOet Imporum f-t I remeen&er la ean.eettea wttk te Near aad militarism, la relation to snarel an4 so.ial values. wrote Mr. Knmta l la k paper. "1 Ikat If aa aarrii irariita an4 militarietie aatxit l Bl keld la rkeek ky Ida wer I a akuity af a aeissk-erla aoa-mtu-tr:.tti aa4,a. aatioe. tkeo. tn latter wilt aa sparsd the ..y af dealiBaT wilk moral and saxta. ua weal aa allowed deal wtte, aart;Bat. II eeeare la SB poaltlvaly coax fall la appreciate. wi;r tke aungla af rteislum l-tor ur evee. tkal tsa re: 4tia altl aorUr a.--l.ioi eeiaaa aaa la f, i. io oa tBa iutaflall-. ar- aptnt it;ita; ISatr aw a ar4r will ;!! "aluaa ! aa fa.: ra aa tR!f art la ril la Willi tamtam f aa tmtrupuUM BaiCaavT . I af:l tanv"" tt:.a!a tla maatai raafjatoa af fit aaraTa ritiwn lo Ifeiaha war la if la raa. Mr. Hoaaall wrala taal war caul4 4f1aa4 aa laa aa af f rt-a aatwaara aatloaa a4 thai laa L.nea aiaihaf It w aa flaTlt er wrooaT a.on.4. aatiral ? laa aarpaa for wftara aa.i ta aptrtt la II w.a wacxl atlMy aaT 'a Paw4a4. Taara ara. af cauraa. parioaa wfco lall.ia all 'ff a la Immoral. Ibat It la Immoral l r't WTon4otBT ky forr.. aa ad 'I fcaa aaar lakaa m-i. a lataraat la In4i14 a: who pro faa hto kia4 af morality; ao4 I 4o net kwaw IA a'al to wblca thav rractifally apply It. B'Jt of eoarao If th.r ara Hitl la ! taaorr taaa It la wraaaT far a a:aa lo t4atr tj f rta lo ao tha wlfa ar atatar or 4'iatr frata ala or to aa fcla raii.lra from aS4v-tloa an4 tartura. It la a waata af tima to 4i-ra with ar man a poattiots ef au.a (oily. Kl ina an4 poltrsoaarT. "If ISa maa who o6Ja-t to war eb--ta to tha Bf of forva In cl'il Ufa i poaicioa U local, althoocn a E a ir4 an4 wraa4. If tha rolta,ra praai-atarat-a. politician. aatomoMla tnanufac tnrar aa4 tha lika. who 4'irtn: tha t r ar two ha'a praaKha4 pael-fi-!ata lit t moat Uaabia form ara Willi a to think out tha iu6't an4 ro eota avocara a4 fairly Intatllcat. thay null a,a.:aaartty coa4ama a po (! farco or a poaaa comltatua Joat a ra -U'h aa tha? conrlama armlaa. an4 thar mual raarar4 tha ariiattlao ef tha Shart'f ao4 lha 'on. tablo aa balnar -aaattally mlMtarioetc and. tharafora. lo bo ahilha4- ROAD TAX JSSUE HALTED City aaal C'owaty OfflUU Cao't .XW oa tlmdfrt for Itoada. rrcEMi:. or I. 5po..-il Ta romtr ctf'.ci; as4 mam tiara of tha Cltr Council bona faila4 to raach aa acraoraaai aa mat port of tha la b'irf 6 wairh II la propoaa4 lo rataa S4 a. ! far reo4 porpoaoo throaca a faaa'tl t laay. Tia City Attora-T fcaa lakaa tha po aitiua that lies a alap woull ko lliaaaL la Haa af tha fa.1 :al l"ia tCUI J'a carffU'i:: pruai4a4 that Iarorporala4 ritiaa aa4 tant aoukt aot ko aa aaaaait for to I puffjaaa oa lao aaai kaaia a r.l ditru.ta. rna aatioo will ko tahatt p with tloraT-laaaral Uaf( M. trowa for a apiaioa. LOST FATHER IS FOUND IooU lartrll. !. of Orrjoa Cltjt. la tjVwI.flral al liolr-aa. I U Vf. ' t v. (r-it K to.jia trt-. r. af Or.aoa Clir. who al.appar4 ffan lha hama at; kiO aaa. xj. tha a :ft af I-n tar It. waa final at lha I'aamaM iluuxn la thl ai'r taaic: t t tn pa.K-a. Mr. Wr ta.l a aa air',a4 kara la aa aatamotUa aa4 wl t la!lf to .Taoa City wltk fc' L r lamarf'ia. r i paraal aap o a4 that ka ka4 turalt l:t O'a-iaj Citr to f at Work an t ka4 M to 4lam. arrl.itial kara too dara ac. Ha waa wltaal I la (a wkaa taua.i. BIG ROAD JAX APPROVED Ulaaft (ooaty Will 1: pa-ad fll.. ana llubwaja. AJtTOnl k. Or. taf. It laUl-T-a ara ef l'Utif Ceoata al a aiaatinaT hi aftareowa f?rg.d tka o.n' kuJd't fJ' ta aaauinat Jaaf a p-.ora.t k tha Cj'i I'orjrt. Tta k'at rla'taa aa affpropria I ef f.ii -.,"" tr Mltaaia a 04 I i . ! f r kri '!. Ti-a aruoual la la a4ltioa lv 11 um ralaa.j ko l?io a.rtoua fool diatrwta ky apavtal las laalaav iUm Cb Jilrwliac I'lawrU fit. -liritkUla kill. ta. : Kpa- !. v .'. W I'raaa. who waa raachl to ta rar ef ll'tmi 4b Ntaa 4a aiftmant alara early ana morale; k M"it MrnJ Varr witk anj ap parel a4 Jewalrr. p leal .4 1'ility tj par.11 lariceay t4 waa rs4 lt an4 $ I V id i5 I a I a t y. --'J - . 1 IV. J. ITCWART. WILSON HAS DOUBLE Portland Visitor OJten Mis taken for the President. EXPLANATIONS ARE MADE t. J. Mr wart. I'rumlnral lUm-barg U. Ilrlalro I)lroninrT Vtrn ! al III TbU Inqalrrd a lo Slra. Oalt'a la-rrahoal. r.osr.BtT.ii tr- I a'. : .ciai- To b miataken f r Woodrow Wiiaon. rraaMartt of th I H"I Jlla. aa many aa a doaea time with. a lha pat f aka waa tae unuaual and omwhat bum.llattnc aiparla-ara of U. J. ftewart. a promleant Iloabur man. who la ear-rlr aa a roambrr of tka lJrl Jury kt rortlaod. -I waa erete4 lo th i.rui. m rortlaod. a-jroa tima aeo."" aaid Mr taaut la dl-nain bk trrtanc. hi a faahloeably dre4 couple of matar yaara entrrad and ocvuplrd Halt at aa adJoiolnaT labia. IwmaloBil ctancc la rey direction ronyto-4 tna thai I wa lha iubj-t of hair dlacuaaioa. Tha coup.a continued to peer at ma at Intaraal for mora than an hour, and finally aummoned tb bead waiter. wrtaaoa rarty k tall a Ilia Table. "The threo Ihea (iic-kJ In coomi atioa. A they talked liio waltau a-'.aored at ma a time r loo and than laft tha room. A few tnlnulra later In tha eaaointr the couple, w lima nanira 1 havo forsotten. war Jolna4 by a num ber of ttiatr friend, and they all cama to my tabl. A lha man took ma by lha bant, be remarked. 'Mr. Wiiaon. I want to conarratulata ou on jour ep praachla.: marrusa.' Tba woman Itjan Interrupted bar huebaad an4 aakad If I waa accom panie4 Wast by Mre. lia'.t. I waa quit urprue4 but quickly re-rained my too poeur an4 aa.ure4 tba couple that they were tuiatakea. and that I waa not th I'TejMecl of th I'nitrd tStataa." l.maJoavatlaaa Oftea llva. "A few day later I wa ralurnine; to r.oeeburc on a fouthcrn raciSc train wbea I aotlred an elderly maa Hln mo occasional -rtaarea. Nearly aa hour lape4 when ba came lo my aeat and politaty aake4 mo If I ware tbo ITe.l-J-nL I aa.urad htm that I waa not Ur. W l Leon, wberaupon b offered to treat ma to clsar. rune beinar In I'ortland atteadins the federal Court It baa nol keen aa nn"o-r.moa occurrence for m to bo a t'lrcaa4 aa Mr. ilaon. "A oftea I kae la atop and explain that I am a mere private ntuen and am In no war connection with lha Ad minucratloa family." ktr. ntawart formerly lived la Mason Cltr. la., and cama to '-rat 00 a fw yeara aca ant Irta4 in lloseburc. II la In this section and bao a oil acqaalnlaacesblp throuchout th tat. BALFOUR PHASES FLEET ttTHOIbH D:tl:o UtTTI-r. "IktrT ttut r r trTtin. tut rutrro-t. world. t- -rrcstrtt. tb most Impor tant part In th drama now being playr4 out for tb freedom of th world." .e last rte-toro Mee-oed of Arelettle of Vlarablpo rroaided Orer ky I tral Lord of Admiralty. tu."xr"v. r -. s. -t. nritub rraad fleet. wM h a a arand fleet kae neear yat k.4 n opportunity of laite 10 action, kv na-trrrthc'.e from lour to boor, day ky day. IkruuKk all tie nwr.t b a . t the war beaa t-. Ioun4.tloa wbi'b nar)(M ! ka raatad. waa Ike somuary by A. J. Halfoar. flrsl Lord f lh AJji.itl IT. is th liutet to bo Uarlred from a pK-tar ravor4 ef tha ac-l-111-e of the fleet oe- the first produc tion of hk k prvaMed today. Mr. Palf'iur de.-.arsd lhal lK.e f:;m ahooa waa "ta-had with teasna of I a. ataep-e.t Iweori to Tritons and lo Iks satll" The eiM-ceee of alt tb land epera'Ion ef lb :iic from Ar--hana-r en t.a north to tb I'ersita ttalf oat'matety drpaij.d. h beliered. ea th llrt'iaa t.a-t. because, war 11 removed, the aitled natione. "now banded toet:.r acilnat the t ran ay of tha central powr. would bo rat off (ron the ouiar world and from cark e'ker. lie doubled wh.ther the maa-. nltuie of t"-.e task throwa oa the tint lan nary and "so fir Irlamphaotiy ac-oi-irlihc4.' we yet alie-l. "Thouah sltirnt.- said Ihe Flrt Lord, "tt I parfnrminc at thl moment. tit aV.000 ftff It. eU.lC, bat fur Ik Whole TACOMA ENSIGN IS WED CUrriK-0 J. McI.raTjr Takr-a Chora Girl Ilride. TACOMA. Wash, Pec. :. (spe cial.) Coroln aa a comptet surprise to hi rarenta. word rrached Tacoma Tuesday of th marrlaare In I'Mladal rhla a few dar aco of Knsl-ra Clarerar J. M-Keary. of Tfo-u. star football player of Hadium It 1st hool. Whll wortb t oilre and then at tb Annap- olia Naval Academy. Ilia bride la l-byltta Jdunday. ona of Charlie U. Dll Itnabem'a chorus airls. lispatcbe apeak of It as a raso of "love at crsl siBbt." when tb younc woman vlaited th battleship Con necticut In drydock al I'htladclpbla, to wbirtt l.nsicn alclteavy Is attached. Two weeks later they wer wtd. WOMAN DIES AT AGE OF 104 Mr. I'ranrc- irUrtt Hart. Natiie of Vlrr-lnla, Iratra Krvrn ClillJrrn. o ATHIA. Or. Ic. :. (Special.) Mr. Francee Kllen Hare, ti.a oldest woman In Clatsop County, died here last nisbt from th aliment Incident lo advanctne years. Mrs. liar waa a member of th Darenport family of Virginia, waa born In that state on February t. 111!, and at tb Urn of her drain waa ac'd 101 year and Hi days. t -she la aurvlrled by seven children. They ar Mrs. Flora Oilman and Mr. IC It. Iloairland. of this city; C. C Hare. r. It. Hare. K. N. Hare and Mrs. M. 1. Mltrbcll. all of Ml. I'aul. Minn.; and Joseph lUrr. of Llsraarck. North 1'jkota. BUDGET INTERESTS MILLS Lumbermen Will Attend Taipajer' Meeting at Tillamook Today. TILLAMOOK. Or- Dec. r (Special.) John T. Inuf all. of Ihe Whitney Tim ber Company interest, and two asao rlatea rrprrsentlna; the Hammond and tv llaon Liver lumberina; companies, ar rived last nlcht to attend tomorrow's laxpayera budaret meetlnir. Tb aa seaard valuation of th county la ap proximately of which tl.-t.0-il. or about ID per cent, represents limber lotrresta. In aa Interview Mr. tiouirall said that hi company had nee definite plan for decrvasln-r th tax burden, but that they were woraUnc In th Interest of th farmer and that results would be soon forthcoming. FIRST TRAIN RIDE IS AT 70 Itoarbar-c Man, V ho Welcomed I'lrst Car 4 5 Year Ajto. Hoard One. KO-IEBCIIO. Or- Pec :. Mpecial.) Atibouarh be saw the first train that cam to lloseburc. C IL Ovlen. axed It years, and for more than half a cen tury a resident of this city, today boarded a train for th first urn In his life. "I bav been puttlnc It off as lone aa I could. said Mr. Odea at tba depot, "but at last 1 e-uess I shall bav lo make a trip. Mr. Oden a destination waa Myrtle Creek. It mile from Host burs. whr b went to Inspect a ranch. Mr. Oden waa inwcf the thousands of people who 41 yeara aso celebrated the arrival of th first train In this city. load Hid Opened. ASTORIA. Or- Dec. : (Special. -fills war opeoed by lbs County Co art today fnr Improvintr the remaining four and one-half milea of the main blsbway between here and Seaside, but lha contract wl.l probably not be wardrd tor several days, fttan bids wr aubmlltrd on the rlearinz and fralir.; and nine on pavlntT. Th West era ravine Company waa the lowest for th clearing and rrdinit. Its bid beinar !! . Th bid for bard eurfarlntc rantted from llt.'JJ to 157. t1. 4ap.ndintT oa the character of pavement aclected. lllaat fatal lo Linn farmer. ALBAXT. Or- T-er. IJ. (Mpecial.) J ease Francia Holmes. the younaT farmer who was Injured Monday aft ernoon by a dynamite explosion while .'..'- tiuaini rn hla farm tvrra mile TOO LATE TO LAS--I IT. . It ll.ilHi-A IN The tunerai eart-a of l:e lata Hue '-.amoarialft. daushter of tar a-4 kl. r'Tter aa I bamNarlaia. will ! to-iar (Tbursuax. I ja V. kt. la l.rmaat prlra'e Laj.sT lelre ali ranteloiral Inatru nulla HaaaN. WO Hlo-U i.J. v: rk r turnull fr-"it. lll l-a'k J 10. aueX.rt.4 A-aa Apt, - --i. Library Tables IJJ.50 Light Fumed Library Table, Clearance Sale price... 1(8.50 (4-Inch Ll-rht Fumed Table, Clearanca Sale price.. 111.50 Mahogany Con sol Table, Clearance Sale price.. 43-ln. Golden Library Table. Price Reducing Clearance Sale i;.00 Fumed Square Table, Price Reducing Clearance Sale I4S Stlckley Fumed Table, In Great Clearance Sale at i:7.58 Oak French-Leg Table. In Great Clearanca -Tala at... i:i Oak Library Table, square lines. In Great Clearance Sale $17.10 S23.55 S21.25 S 4.15 $ 7.55 $22.75 $11.85 $13.65 Chairs and Rockers 13.75 Printed Arm Rocker, In Price Reducing Clearance Sale $15.00 Golden Leather Arm Chair, In Clearance Sale at. . . $6.25 Wood-Seat Arm Rock er, In Great Clearance Sale at $39.75 Large Leather-Seat-and-Back Chair, Clearance at $7S Loose Cushion Fumed Arm Chair, Clearance Price Is $37.50 Jacobean Arm Chair, In Great Price Reducing Sale for $15.50 Fumed High-Back Chair, in Great Clearance Sale $16.50 Reed Arm Rocker, in Price Reducing Clearance Sale $ $ $ 1.67 7.35 3.85 $19.80 $35.75 $13.90 $ 6.75 $ 6.95 Come Miles and Save at This Sale This sale presents a remarkable opportunity to dealers and people living out of town. There are hundreds and hundreds of items included that cannot elen be mentioned in our advertisement. The sayings are so fjTeat that you can come miles to attend this event and save largely in so doing. Rugs, Linoleum's. Carpets Greatty Reduced ISc Extra Quality Book fold Dotted Swiss. In tha Groat Price Reducing Sal at. the yard 300 Mncle Marquisette Curtain, with filet In serting and good edges, worth 13.00 a pair. In lha Great Price Reducing Sale at. each. S0c Figured Scotch Madras. In (irttt Trie Reducing Clearance Sal at, tb yard. 11. 35 Inlaid Linoleum, two good patterns, extra valu at. the yard 9c 98c 29c 87c 500 yards of Brus sels and V e Vr e t Carpets, regular $1.35 quality, spe cial yard price.... $13.50 Tapestry Kugs. 9x13 size. three patterns. Clearance Price Is $18.00 Seamless Tapestry Bruasol Rugs, big aasort- i ment now- at-.... $37.50 A x m inster Hurl. 9x12 size, six good patterns fori selection now.... Wonderful Values Chamber Furniture 2.99 $16.45 $29.95 $110.00 Great Dining Furniture Values $19.50 9.95 $5.25 Ten-Filler Iron Bed. in (J Great Price Reducing Sale at tj $35 "White Enamel Wood Bed. in Great Price Reducing Sale $81 Three-Inch Tube Brass Bed, in Great Clearance Sale.. $78 Large Oak Colonial Chlf- J a- a fonler, in Price Reducing Sale vPJ7,ey) $262 Quartered Oak Three- C 1 5 f (f Piece Suite in this sale at 5 I ajVJeVJU $220 Louis XVI Three-Piece Walnut Suite in this sale at $17.50 Q u a r tered Oak Dress- T Q Oj f ing Tables, in Clearance Sale ) O r V $36.50 Swell - Front Princess J w - Q"k Dresser, in Clearance Sale at g 7aOU $51.75 Birdseye Maple Chif- fl fonler, in Clearance Sale at.. aW I (Jv $35.50 White Enamel Tripli- fl 1 A? sf C cate-Mirror Dressing Table at tj QaQ J $12.50 Solid Oak Dressers, in this Great Clearance Sale at $27.50 Quartered Oak Dress ers, in Great Clearance Sale. $23.50 White Enamel Chif- J Q Q CT fonier, in Clearance Sale at.. 7aerear $90 Mahogany Colonial Chif fonier, in Clearance Sale for.. $ 6.85 $13.90 $39.90 $44.00 Large Oak Chlu Closet for $17.75 Do u b 1 e- tJJ Door China Closet j5 $39.75 White En-J Q T C amel Buffet for.. JJ) Oe J $35.75 Funedfkt Tif Buffet now for. . tj) I Oa-aaf Vaf $35 Fumed Oak Buffet. 66 Inches $17.75 Plank-Top J Dining Table for $44.80 9.95 $31 Fu m ed Oak Buffet, with glass $98 54-in. Old Eng lish Dining Table $39.75 Fumed Oak China Closet at.. 51.50 Large Fumed Oak Buffet for. . $26.50 Oak Plank- Top Dining Table $55.00 Jacobean China Closet for.. $16.15 $39.50 $18.95 $25.75 $13.95 $42.00 it 7w ; iimv syi WW aJS'aacX kg 1 7tUJJ skaa-s ' k4b4e 5t-tS:3M-t V-B&r ,akaaBSBaaeMEaSaSaeaSaaWsBBSaMaWaXe north of this city, died this morning. Ha I survlvled by a widow and four children besides bis parents and four brothers. . Mock Men to Meet January . SALEM. Or, Dec. 19. (Special.) The l - ..ntl.anfliial meetlnfl- of the Oregon Pur Bred Livestock Association will ba held at Corvallt. January a. according to the announcement today of N. C. Maris, secretary. C. L. Haw ley. of McCoy, is president of the asso ciation. Others who will make ad- dresses are I. N. Staple's and L D. Gra ham, of Portland: C P. Hembree, Mon mouth; Frank Brown. Carlton; E. L Potter. Corvallis: C. E. Cleveland, Oresham. and R. W. Hogg, of Salem. Freight Aptnt Hctlres on rension. aT. LOUIS. Dec 29. George W. Davin. general Tretght agent of the Vandalia Railroad, a part of the Penn sylvania system, will retire January 1 on a pension. Mr. Davis has been with the Pennsylvania system more than 50 years. ' -another innovation "for Portland -at Hotel Multnomah -to keep pace with cither cities. - lA'NCING in Hotel Multnomah Grille the Gold Koom, on foyer floor every evening during the ,!:--. Vir-i-y tn P, nnd durint? the supper hour, 10 to 12 starting promptly . . .a -ar t r f.l..-Jn,f T-innor-T I witn tne iNew iear, ouiuiuaj, ; -t 1916. The arrangement of the Gold Room, the regular hotel dining-room, is admirably adapted for such a purpose. We are ac cordingly laying a specially built dance floor for the central portion of the room. This space will kept clear and augmented orchestral dance music provided during dinner and supper hours for those who enjoy the recreation and realize the benefits of "Dancing with Dining" I fs Not Necessary to Be Dry After New Year's SPRING VALLEY WINE COMPANY stands ready to furnish you with any order, within the legal quantity, of , any brand of liquors you may desire, by merely addressing them at their new home as follows: Spring Valley Wine Co. The Big Mail Order House SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. And the Order Will Be Delivered to You Express Prepaid WRITE FOR PRICE LIST "Boys, Don't Wear Ready Made Clothes. Please Don't" Says Johnny Wise. How can you, when you can now get a McCarthy-made Suit tailored to order for as little as $17.50 at the store of Geo. H. McCarthy (formerly McDonald & Collett), 289 Washington St., between 4th and 5th. See page 9. -