Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 30, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tirn jronxrxo or.rr.oN7A'
t nnpun
Famous Football Coach and
Millionaire Lumberman
Pneumonia Victim.
Cnjl flayer of lornwr Iaje Take-e
fuM wttrm Aldiax Aim. Mairr
! I atal lltawe Keaalte.
Alhlrtk? fmT rtrtltaat.
srrvvKArotj.. re ? t" -
af W anroiv mii;ionaire
Imhr ma aa I Tale foot! im
a.. a fcl heir era f (nqor.l
tva nofn:n(. Mr. tit cootr ei-le.
col. wftUe lrioin Ilka 11 foott.l
n4 i"t r:(.
It. Blin Ulaeee um4 er!ooe
fjoejetiona tt TViradar anl !-
tin He l greil'iairv eieetialng
T.-.r-U suffera-l a r-i9 aa
! c k rrl4 to B
Sr pa:il treia.
f'-t laeaine; Tele af tie etoae of
, fofa!t HWI. Ur. USaatiBj west
to t'aiif.jrnij t reae. t-t V ed nee
el ... ft rtarn4 to fci lorn fcre n'l
I ia )!.jinjT - teri I I wits
n'inioti4. elaveral pftriicUa were
tlinaiil. 5 tl Kt.n gradually
-.-i until rfeat rem
jiftui ! football at Tela fr
J-er. k.n- eeS'.aia dlfin aUS UC
7r. t It'll. Teie 4 " (
i r.atc fame In It lijinrr. It
as jj ..are ei. b U evrvte4 by
rtt eit I chiidrea.
fii-v-a trim 4 f T
t e e. Jhiii k4 :' ta!
el Is em la ta kid of hia lm
ti4tr a. ruoth:! advl.? mmi ro a.
ii ru he (fociini i Mp
Ci t: lm lnt imp la waa I Har
vard, aad tile iabinnl rlll'
ma i-rri pray.. aa . ininS. tHtriBA-l-ini-i-
no l"t t pouna. Te rc
la l'4lifi'nU 4-i soma vooat. but b
C4ti of bMiM mattr al lon a
it hor( i !i an. em asm
'It la a auanvawnat wh'ImI co4ia
iaa f-inft. t6ii that iia tr!n
a a r jt-t tlta tala t iaj tttn
tail waaa't aim pfiTt--aIlT. T
r. nt-.l iul mat la 1'. Mr.
ai:t I-f t hi lif a4 ruS4
l ar ! In rrr la titf"
i-al fram tria t.H Ba a 'ral
r ftopt:iii aftr l&a ctoaa af
taa f sot&.il aaja.
tl -aa iiidoiiwH that tha T-iBarat
artlt a aM br Kridar aftarnoea.
irtfi. e4'4 thalr affTla Inward J
riRna id f iti iKnq I a k r i
partat roaacll of 16a ordar. Tnair pa"
lioa l I ba rraBtaS at tha Uutfaio
convaaiion la 114.
Loral fchrtaara ara confident
Fort:ani cas land thla honor, atxl tbl
arty atari, Xhtt ballcra. IU Inaura
Wtniam tla aa lat nlcht ra-
!rl4 captala of tha Al Kadar palroL
fthar off tear alx-ta4 wara: Albart
M-jtcMnioa. drat llaatrBani: Walfr J.
Itulaaaaa, aa-ood liauta-nant: U Kraa
UaJ. tutrtrrntitar: i' I'attla. aacra
tarr; C F. Wlasacxl. traaaorar.
Tha bantaat waa bald la tha Imparlal
Jtot-L Mlaa la Uyona and Mm Mil
tr.t Milna. rabarat artuta, totartatnad
w aocsa.
Mamtara raat wara: William Da
Tl. J. H irkloahacn. Laonard IomJ
tnn. rtll Naa. Jr J. Plcbaon. Uart
l-annlacn. II. T. Hutrhlraon. HarrT
Walla. Kobart Gordon. L. P. Kra-tand.
It. J. Boj-d. Cart K. Jon.. V. IL
n.r. A. lt'Blnr. W. It. Wonrot. I- A.
Jarkaon. J. ft. Krff.r. U U. farpanfr.
J. . i-hSard. C. V. VI-and. A. M.
Ia. II. M. Oraana. W. J. Malman. Al
l:idtl. J. X rarb. Jamaa Moffll.
Uaorxa Hapl.tnn, A. - i haarr. tl. f.
M. Cramar. Ja- Roaara. John It.
Mark.?, of Naar lork City, and II. Von
II. Von ftorat.4 ancj TX'attar J. Ilol
naa fortnad tha cobtmlltaa In chartta ol
tha baaqti't.
rniicr ron iijimh t.kk
0tT tT HToI M.
ot T
Mn.siii:vi iiia:i:i: i havsauo
o4-fJ rtYal Athlrte laaarrd for
tl.Soa. or Morf. Smj liar I.
Ttooiaa L. Hhaalin. tha rraat Tala
ftura wht dl.d ue p-td: y yaa'-.r-day
tnorninc. waa ll known la Ora
(nn. It waa laaa than 1 daya ao that
rr. PH.lla waa la IVrtland atattlnc
fri.n J wbila on hta way to att.nd to
oma lumbar dal araund II ad. or.
Ita waa tha only aoa of tna lata
Tbaiaa IC 'IlI. who waa ona of
tna lol of lumbarmaa of lb fortb
waat. IMCx-a taklnf rhtl( of tha
nrmom lmb.r koM:r. i.ft by bia
fath.r ba baa ba lo Oracoa thraa
timaa. Ilia lrf-l hotdlraa ara at
.nd. and It la aall that almoat
b.a-ia.ooa.aiit ft of ttrntfr ara aland
nc th.ra waltlnc for tha ccmplattOD
of tha iShaaun-Hixoa mill.
Tha only ritta la thia part of tha
cnuntry ara u ttix-Ia. K. .. aShaalia.
and a cooalrt. Thomaa MrCaan. Mr.
r-i'ana la la charga of tha plant at
tii:m rur it.u r.o ahkd
larathj of Tbonvaa I MMrytia Caaara
No C hanx In Plana.
f!E:xr. Or, Dav. j t.p.claL) Tna
afaaita of Thomaa t rhavlto. whlra oe
tu-Ti'J thla mornirc la Mlnn.apolla.
Ill no rbanaa la tha plana of
tha naartn.Hiion) "ompan y. which la
or butMinc a mxi r r asmij, with
bat-, factory and aaa aad door plant
I connac t inn. at :nd. orbi on tba
aartoua uaita of tha plant, which la
aoar narina: compiatloa. win not ba
aJaiair.d. ao-ordinc la lalmnl( of
company official, h'ra today, and aw
laa will bi la r'ebruary or early
Mr jihaaiift it'd r.aod oa Paca m
b r 14. la com cany with hi. and. I.
1. halia. of lortland. and other a.o
ciataa. rt tkat lima ha waa la parfacf
ha:r.h. Tha praaant proparity of liand
It f t ta ba d ra.-t.y altnbot-d to btta.
and tKa af hta aud la d.ata baa
fcaaa r fiol witn rrt.
It law Appbaaat iaati aaral aaa
paalaa Oaly rXaaj rramlaaa raid.
Mealta tVcfaal at Tlaaa.
Only taat fXtobar tba lata T. U Fha
l a took oat laaorance pvilclaa tat ac-Cr.a-at.t
I :... Tba annual pr
tr lura to bo pa:4 on tha riak amooatad
l :xsn Thla brou.-ht Mr. bballa'i
tatat laaaraaco op to I l.i Il.t'V. Vary
faar traeaartloaa ara of tba ele of Iba
fhaalta laaaraaco pollclaa. Tba mil-
lioa-Jo tr policy ao racaniry tak'tt waa
l protact tbo aarlooa boalnaaa coacarna
la Mr. rbavlla waa ho taadlat
t)a enuaaaj waa tha rlak. aa racArdi
ita efcee. that Inauranca juarnala com
mented npoa It. Scad ... to ear. at
that oaly two montba ifo. Mr.
ahaatia waa la perfect haa-th or tha
br rtaka would not bate bean
caplad py tba di.'far.nt enmpaaie ba
twaea whom It waa dlld-d.
Tba Inaarnera waa written In Mm
aapolia and waa apportioned amonc
tha different coo.paoiaa la tba follow
iaa: amoon'a:
Aacn. lUMfor!. t;.oa; K.jj! table.
New Tork. !:-: MutaaL New York. I-Tudenlla!. Newark. !.;
Home N.w York. HS0i): New llntT
land Motoal. ie.; Traiclara, llart-lor-i,
tit.-: New Tork IJf. I:.
ta. Maaaackuaatta Mutual, $:..
t o low in a Iho p'actna; of lha addi
tional oa Mr. bhaylm'a Ufa.
letter of appreciation to hm for bia
rtaclna the hue-n-a with Ihrm war
wrtttea by tha men who bandied tha
Iran art Inn and a reply waa trade by
Mr. Mie:m In which bo thanked tha
acrta for tha bue'.neea-ltke way In
which Iho polirtea wara carried throoch
and tha complete aatlofartion ho fait
with tha rompanUa aolacted aad tba
terma Of the pollclea.
Air i.r'JT to srew tkrs xid.
n icht rritroRei I'ACKS.
f.nAtix u t.Kirri: k-tii?
Vrerlej of lormrr . abn Ma r fa J a
larrna C'ontrartrct I rona Iaasltlrr.
"I am f.ny roniictl that my
papne. Toaia Phaaun, waa a alctlm
af l enppo. and the! ha contracted
tha (trn froen k. ll"f.e dauchter. who
baa haa III.' eaid l C. .iiixlie Ut
aiabt aa ba waa prepartec to l-aa for
the LUat.
'I tan I Bn.lei-atan.J hie c ire taken
t. I f aaw a man f euch
phri'ii.. euh robu.t. kocmI. general
b'rr a hia.
Vtr. Jthevtm laavaa a Widow and two
eMidraa. tha widow formarty tha
b'ei'tful t..ijata:a beriay. of Ka-lcky.
TVaalHewl Mee-waalew AaatOrlatlow
De-vate l-ioeeoda to Mellef of
Needy polk of Mace,
Madame Jomelll. tho former (rand
opera a tar. will 'apear at tho ninth
annual middle" hi matuiee to b tared
at tho rntira. Caker and Kmpreaa
thtatera on New Tear' cva by lha
Theatrical Mecnantra Aaauctatioa.
A commlttao from tho Theatrical
Mechanlca Aaaoclatloa waited on tb
tamoua dlca yeeterday. and amon tho
numbera ah will render will ba her
wonderful aucceaa. jiotne, oweei
The proceed, will ba devoted toward
benefiting and carlnc tor Iho needy
folk of tr.o atae. Tho money la held1
In truat by tba aa.orlatlon. Tho aaao
elation baa eancttoned only tho mat
laeaa at tho thraa theaters.
Tho aeat eaJe baa opened at Hunt-!
ley'a druj atoro and reaereatlona ahould
bo made at onco. Tlcketa may alo
bo purchaee4 at tho boa office of
tho Ilrnpraaa. iUkcr and Pantafe
Not leaa than eexht bltT acta will I
appear at each theater. i
l alalily Near t rwhalia Caaac-d by
Hlllaj aprMedle I'talaadrd.
t Month nl llnof IUrtr.
rt-. in rMtien with h ttt.
c-.ine r.a fto-f st4 4 u . lo
?'..inntat, vijb4 o4r tfor th
I n.r-.i &rAt9 nt cauAitf
"-rne- Tr. tm kg ror al
h iTr liroif. I,. 9m t ItiAl lnr-tor
w . in-ia-l oir bi brJ 4(4 bl -m
I' Know th iTfnstom vf h 4ik.
Tdoltrt tHo-i.tBtr. m (rmr of
rjmM-i.J.. t:i,. mx J th If.- crIt(
. mpjktnt ef thy fifoif in llw-or-y
rn-l tnp"'t'f awm(j t n cj m ! t n f.
'Ii.wi-f. Althoucf, 1JJ rtfttt.. I
mn t ti-t w hi:!o-4. ) dirj
.ifniffi. rvrpttjr Xhm datra
Al He ilcr Temple In n'nrk lo firing
19 1 Nralow 1 1 err.
facte mamhera af tho Al Kadee pa
trol af tho At Kad-r Teoijiia. Uy.lK
CMKIIAl.K -Aa.h. Doc. . (tipe
clal. I Law renco Johreoa. lha ll-year-
old of Alfred Johaaota, a loafer:
efxir'ote.l at tha Hill Company' camp
at Hunker, thie afternoon (hot aad
killed hia brother, tar I Johneon. with a
:.-eal;ber rifl'. The toy ware plaiinc
with tha r'de. not knowir.f It waa
N'ew.rl Invceaticated and pro-'
Bojn-e4 lha killintf aa accident. Tba
bo-r waa hroucht hero. ;
Tba mother of tha boy. Mra frank
Utile. io la dKorxad from their
father. Ixea at 1 -a w talon. Haho.
f.rralcr IJbartlca la :ai-o- I Ob
)r7t of American Move.
NlltV TORK. Nr. Flep ar bo-
ina lakea by promin.nt Jewe hero to
oraeaiaa a propaaamia throuahoul tHia
country leoalnc to tha formation of a
Jewlah ommm throush tha aid of
whtca Jewa in Kxropa may (aia kraalar
Iterttaa when peaca la calaOllened be -twaaa
tha countriee now al war.
Committee have been arpolntad. It la
announced. In ' of lha largeet Ameri
can cittea to elect d' locate lo Iho pro.
po4 conarreaa. I'Kiren Influential
Jewt.a orn!kat!one. both secret and
relclon. baea become af filiated .w it h
tbo organisation commit lea.
Mi-cl Corporation .niwaami Kctarn
la I"rof It-Mvarinj: Plan.
NKW TOKK. Ix Tho Cnlled
Mtee fteel t'orporation baa decided lo
off.r lie emploree for 1914, under lha
t-rof H-hrirc plan, li 0 share of the
commoa stock at le. It was announced
No offer of either common or pre
ferred sharee waa made lat year ba
cauao of adrerea bu.ineca conditions,
but la 114 the employe, were per
mitted to auh.crib lo tha preferred
lock at tl) and to tb common
IW Moire Days off ...the Year-Eed
With Economies From All Over the Store
All Purchases Made
Today and Balance of
Month Will Be Charged
On February 1st Bills
Mail and Telephone Orders Filled by Expert Shoppers
tpmanWcrffc & fix
of c Merit Only"
Pacific Phone Marshall 5000
Home Phone A6691
Royal Society Package Goods
For Spring 1916
Are Now on Exhibition and Sale
Each package contains a stamped article
with thread for embroidering.
Fifth Floor
There Are 18 Open-Stock Patterns in This Year-End Dinner Sale
At One Third Off Regular Prices
Women s Raincoats of Gabardine and
Coats That Sold Formerly at $15.00 to $30.00
Now is the opportunity for buying a raincoat that is absolutely necessary for Winter
weather. This sale embraces some of the best looking loose and belted models in full length
Shown in tan or gray. ' Third Floor
-A k SMfY.
Coats for Boys Now Reduced
Including Our Entire Stock of Up-to-Date Models
new style, new pattern tot boyi 2 to 1 8 years. Finet. wnn overcoats
that are just right for all Winter weir.
Regular 96.50 to 7JS0 Coats now $535
Regular fS.SO Overcoats now $6.95
Regular $10.00 Overcoats now $7.95
Regular $12.50 Overcoats now $9.85
Regular $15.00 to $16.50 Coats now $11.85
Boys' Raincoats at Special Prices
Splendid rubberize J raincoats in s!ip-oti styles, in tan. also wool surface
coats in gray and tan mixtures. All sizes for boys 6 to 18 years.
$3.50 Raincoats .... $2J5 $5.00. Raincoats $3.95
Regular $6.00 and $7.50 Raincoats for $4.95
Fourth Floor
Linens, Outing Flannel, Wool Batts
At Year-End Prices You Cannot ifford to Miss
Size 36x36 inches, neat hemstitched finish. Made of fine quality pure
linen. 4
Pure Irish Linen, perfect cloths, slightly soiled from display, but one
washing will make them like new. A large assortment of patterns, mostly
size 2x3 yards.
Extra heavy quality for night robes and underwear. Full 27 inches wide.
In white only.
The best batts made, of pure, sanitary wool, with or without cheesecloth
covering. Crib or full sizes.
Crib size, 45x60 inches, special, $1J25 each
Full size, 72x84, weight 2 pounds, $2.50
Full size, 72x84, weight 3 pounds, $3.50
Full size, 72x84, weight 4 pounds, $5.00
Full size, covered, weight 2 pounds, $325
Full size, covered, weight 3 pounds, $4.50
Full size, covered, weight 4 pounds, $5.50
Second Floor
$3.00 Wool Velour, 56 Inches Wide 1 $2.35
$3.00 Strioed Broadcloth, 56 Inch J Yard
Wool Velour, shown in the most wanted colors. Navy, black, helio
and brown, is being used more for fine garments than almost any other
of this season's fabrics.
Striped Broadcloth in a beautiful finish and quality in a full color
line, such Russian green. Navy blue. Copenhagen, black, etc Full
56 inches wide.
56-Inch Tweed Suitings, Special $1.93 Yard
The finest grade of wood suitings for high-gTade. garments, in checks,
stripes and mixtures. Patterns suitable for suits, coats and skirts for
present and early Spring wear. Second Floof
Shirts will be cut FREE when materials are
purchased here choose your own style.
Second Floor
$2.25 Nadia Corsets
Special $1.79
for the average figure, in sizes
19 to 28. Medium low bust
models, long over the hips and
back. All bones finished with
silk floss. Made of fine batiste.
Discontinued $5.50 to
$18.00 Models for
$3.95 to $9.95
Etoile de France, La Vida
and Bien Jolie Grecian Treco
corsets' of coutil, silk batiste,
broche, elastic and treco. Curved
and straight lines in a good as
sortment of broken sizes.
Fourth Floor
Sewing Machines
At $15.00
But Two More Days
To Buy
These machines were made by
the Free Sewing Machine com
pany and $ 1 5 is the lowest price
ever quoted on a machine of this
character. A full set of nickel
plated attachments goes with
each machine.
Sold on easy terms.
Fifth Floor
Dress Forms
To Make Sewing Easy
New Shipment Just Re
ceived of Hall-Borchert
Now that Spring is not very
far away, you will begin to think
of making new garments, and
with one of these collapsible
dress forms it will take just about
half as long, and your clothing
will look twice as well. Hall
Borchert forms are the most per
fect forms made the most com
plete the easiest to adjust.
12-section Forms $12.00
14-section Forms $15.00
24-section Forms $18.00
28-section Forms $20.00
Second Floor
Colored Bordered
Handkerchiefs 17c
Hand embroidered corners,
colored borders, all white linen,
etc, in great variety, with neat
hemstitched hems. They are un
usual at I 7c each Fint Floor
It is well
to bear in
mind that as
this sale
p rogresses
the pat
terns are being rapidly picked
over, and we shall not be able to
replace them until Europe is at
peace, and not then' at the prices of
It jncludes Theodore Havi
Iand. Limoges china; Cope
land's Spode English porcelain;
Keeling s Hosol English porce
lain ; Smith-Phillips fine American porcelain.
Below we list eight of these sale prices:
$22.95 American Porcelain Dinner Sets
in 100 Pieces, Special
$10.89 American Porcelain Dinner Sets
of 50 Pieces, Special
$69.85 Copeland's Spode English Porce
lain, 100 Pieces, Old Bow Design
$38.47 Copeland's Spode English Porce
lain, 50 Pieces, Special
$48.95 Haviland Dinner Set of 100
Pieces, Special. .:
$22.09 Haviland Dinner Set of 50 Pieces,
$78.05 Haviland Dinner Set of 100
Pieces, Special
$33.53 Haviland Dinner Set of 50 Pieces,
$15.30 f
$ 7.26
$14.73 '
Sixth Floor
Undermuslin Specials Worth While
$1.25 and $1.35 Lingerie Camisoles
The daintiest garments of fine lingerie, with
net or lace sleeves, deep yokes of embroidery,
lace and insertion, ribbon drawn. One style
with wide insertion run with three-inch satin
To $1.25 Muslin and Crepe Gowns
Fine Iongcloth gowns, slipover style with set
in sleeves; some trimmed to match the yokes
of embroidery, medallions, lace and ribbon.
Crepe gowns of fine quality, trimmed with two
.tone pink and blue silk braid and others with
yoke and sleeves trimmed with flowered crepe.
At 59c these gowns are extraordinary in every
$1.50 and $1.65 Combination Garments
Of flesh-colored batiste, trimmed with fine
tucks and lace. Or of fine Iongcloth, trimmed
with organdie insertion, insets of embroidery
lace, embroidery and ribbon. Four styles at
-Fourth Floor
Good Styles in Shoes at Economical
Prices That Will Please Particular Women
You will find it to be unfailingly true that
for the price there are no better shoes any
where than we can offer you in this sale.
Shoes at $2.45
Of dull leather in button styles.
Shoes at $2.85
Patent leather shoes with cloth tops, button and lace styles, with
plain toes.
Shoes at $3.45
Patent leather shoes and dull calf shoes in lace and button styles
plain toe models. Second Floor
v iv r.-. inr. :Tr.RTir.D shilk
( iiildms: okt rnrjETS.
Kaalral Preraaeaae aaa Refrtakaaaala
Ara fToelaea . Weeeral tlaadroel
rrreeaa Atlea.
haola Claoa received tha wlvea. chil
dren and frleoda of tbo Preea Club
feelerdajr and entertained them with a
hriimaa tree celebration and muaic
feveral hundred attended. Tba club
rooaia were -ajr with holiday decora
tion, red carnatlona and fern. Ttie
liuse treo waa aet on a platform, and
about It were banked randy and toya
lor tha children. .
W. SI. Davie waa maater of crremo
nlea. and rruido hia appearance In tha
rule ot faint Nlrholaa. played with
ibo younvetera. and cava eacli child
It", and randy.
I'unch. Ico cream and wafera war
erred, and a delUhtful musical pro
gramme rendered. Numbara were
played by local mualclana. Mies Camilla
Taylor aava aevrral violin ooloa.
fbarlea t'tlat accompanied. A little
liutcrt aklt with eonir. danro and dia
logue. wa tho offrlnar of tho Kmmcrt
children. V.i and Howard, who alao
pr-aenied a funny llttlo Charlie Chap-
tin (ketch, of erpecial delight to tho
Tracts Held by rtoad Slay Now Be
A.ataefutcd for Taxes.
Infton. Iec. IS. Threo million acres
of land embraced In railroad rranta
were surveyed durlnff the paat season.
and by the clone of tho ISIS season it is
expected that all remaining lands In
tho various railroad grants will bave
been surveyed.
This mesne that upwards of (.000.000
arrea. rightfully belonging to railroad
companlre. but heretofore untaxed be
cause unaurvryed. will go on the tax
rolls early In 117. or before.
Tho work of the past sesson com
pletes tha survey of grant lands in
Wsahlngton and Idaho. Tho survey
In Oregon will bo finished next season.
Three Divorce Are Granted.
llrorcn decrees were awarded Slaud
l.lndkv1t, Keren O. Feverldge and
Kdiva M. Johneon by Circuit Judge
Ciatena yesterday.
Sovereign Clerk of Woodmen 111.
OMAHA. Dec 2 J. John T. Yales. sov
ereign clerk of tho Woodmen of the
World, la reported seriouely 1)1 of
pneumonia at bU borne here. ,
Baaia Reea Woman aya She (hot Her
Male Mkti He Broke Into Room
After Attack la Yard.
HILXSBORO. Or.. Dec. 29. (Special.)
Declaring that she acted in self-defense.
Mrs. ltosa Merlo today told in
court tho story of tho Khooting and
killing of her huuband. Joseph Merlo
at Santa. Rosa. October 4.
The prlKoner's story of her visit to
Portland Just preceding the tragedy
was' identical with that of other wit
nesses. She said that after lea-ing
Portland she went to Beaverton. where
she visited ber children, at the home of
her parents.
Returning to her own homo at 4:30,
nhe said, her husband awoke and,
doubting her story regarding her move
ments, became violent, She said he
pursued her down the stairs and into
tho yard, where he. aided by her step
son and stepdaughter, attacked her.
Sirs. , Merlo said she then fled into
the bouse, locktng the outside door and
also the door to her room. The hus
band, she said, battered down her door,
when she shot him with his own pistol,
which was in tho room.
Oliver Huston, of Portland: Oscar
Linn and H. C Morse, who were hunt-'
ing at the Merlo place the morning of
tho shooting, testified that Merlo ap
peared to be intoxicated when he re
turned from Portland.
Steamer Carries Gold Cargo.
SEWARD. Alaska, Dec. 29. The
steamship Northwestern sailed for
Seattle today with $500,000 worth of
trold bullion brought by dog teams
from the Iditarod, and S30.000 worth
of copper.
on S 100.000 worth of copper at Princa
W'iiliam Sound points before proceed
ing to Seattle.
100 Ships -Caught in White Sea.
BERLIN", via London, Dec. 29. Re
poets from Copenhagen say that more
than 100 hips, chiefly American.
British and French, have been caught
in the ice in the White Sea and will
The Northwestern will take have to upend the Winter there.
I u
"Introducing Johnny Wise!"
He wears "McCarthy-Made Clothes"
because they are the best clothes in
America at any price.
See page 5.