TTU? MORXTXO OTaFCOXIA. TIIUnSPAY, Dl-Cr.3ir.ER 30. 10T5. y5- WWanvaw a - CABINET PUTS OFF I REGHUlTING CRISIS Asquith Finds More Support Than Expected and Resig- nations May Be Few. KING USES HIS INFLUENCE Sir Clwaral Grey. All taa Inper laa-Tar of taltr. . Cowtll Ika, for Xfv Alilea, Labor Will Cofr. t.oxrxo.v. la to git ..r:i.'tiO ; ! a t: fitl intiiiL a UJitil w. ... (or io4r hae a fsrta.r paat ..ana aalil rr-la,. aa4 IBa.e I- graavl sue that ll wt:i then k f.'iad that ti ha l rtlt i"m.l a th euv-eia f l r' I ! hacom ka-wa lhat Trim Jlni.a af fjun. Kvk i'lf ap?rl la d.. itipoMil. um. ff the ei-er1Dl4.i. Mta !-..' haia in! the pv:-r .ifaatio (or ti.a are A. A. :.fur. "rat l-'d Hi .J-nifT. ha inr;un la .a I Arlai.r laa.r.-a. whev hiajaaer. t. d-4 M ta lit Laha. . Jati.ra !!'? a - v a attuaJe li.':. MaKea. -h.el.- af . i K . " Waiter Hiii!. rr. !nt f th i"r-t-ef Tra-fa. .-1-i mamhara af tha binl. Tr la a hepafiat t-.ltntf iir nr i io4tKr4 t I. rrmi. :r s.4aara th. r'I r-trr. :eoa wttia, apprea.Baioa aa B (U ( B a .... .rract o in .ae 4 La work;. hard IB $t"a f eoetilLa- A roes plftt Rikini for aaltT en l"t na larviTiaal pa.K-y la laal II h fnt w.trt mack lea ecoettioa from iin Li"-rI r.reee lhaa null kaa kaaa ;ctt T ot1 lof.uaa la ml rta.t. in Kia fctr r' latlta4 h: ariaUl lair thai ' I lh man wa attaata-1 4f .! r.f5 in4 waar t&a hiuoIi .( la4 ui xltwilo lb ai t a:u a. " M w'.:i do l tha aC-itil-la f taa Laor rartr a.taoota eonff'f appaat lo compu'alan. Kay rM:r a aa4 T Mr. liantfaraoa a taa laal tba atrapllaoal ctrauoiaiascaa jta'.Ur tiuaat auaaaa. A rarkfaranca ( rarraaatalla t ia !aior trtf la Win afrar-4 io aona.J-r llta darlaio cf tha CablttaL A (ixl'nr af laa Ama: amla4 ro aC ;fiiaara will ai4 raw la onatir lha ! at tha t 14 Uo4 Uaarca firr f tioa af trata anion rl aa a ta lacraaaa laa um kar af aia a-rfaraiB cartia ctaaaaa f work Taa aan!n ataar torfar 'l aanr.aa tftal Ika af lha Caktaal t. ta !tor af compaiorr aarrla aa4 aa t!f.;a reun1 (of k-Uf lhat thara ilt k ra troali.iaa af Caktaaf mtn ttar ar for aotl-lpatleB aariau ap MieMa) from Iba couaery. Taa fall Kail Caaatca aipraaaaa) lha asloa IBat laa 4t(f :uiti withla lha . Iirafflol ar4 l"rl'mnl villi a 4tminlak aa taa jiallo ahapa-a Itaalf ' la a retu-al UNION CAMPAIGfi OPENS XarrmlaU I lbl to Orxaala Lm A a ;r k-a I IV ( ait. jh.v rr. v.Nctsoi. r- Ttr-! ana arvaauara rapraaatxtlaa t Amarl ru I artu ( Uko' u4 lataraa tianal aaiaaa will pa m campalca l t-a Aaaaiaa Ma4a la anise laa lha city. In laneluKi al't Ma I 4ra I vra'a tnrr-4'-tlna ai I'a Ul ita tiia. tl waa annmjactd ttwtar kr Jnaaa H. t af a'li!, aarl ar 4afar af e!a 9ajaretw4a. y-ia araaalaara al l ay lhaaa aaeil laa t t4 trjiniixi. a mattar b'a URa 'I tallaa. a. 4 tt. L'-ala w a a aa amtnir ll lta rm aiaa at (a Aacaiaa m U)-tJ rru rfx'ta.t T tait.'orala tabor 'faam iu 4ariR kkl tkara ttrt4 tha timi:ia af Iba Laa Aaaaa Tliaaa k'414.R4. U'J A.JS.t.l.."Ta.-. JK Tha aaar laapaiia ta aaiuniaa ia aarhiaa an a au4 awa'a af tUaa Aagaiaa ara4y laa kaaa la aptfaa (jur maaiba. ac ir4nM t af(Usla:a af ta L Aala a antria Laawr Caxatl. l aw aaar uauaaa kaaa kaaa to rata, la vela i4t aa-aal ' mart. Wkal crafta ara la alaa aaiua a?'wiia 4acUa4 ta 4ia- Tia (5la aa a aa4artkaa at tha ai?a:i4 rai'ta4i af & Aaaataaj a antral Lat&or lVix.1. atka ara4 lha i tnarkta I alrtion at ljaar la' laiaOft-'A a 4atarmiaal carjtnai4ia ta thiaj taa "praoaiar apa aiaa lava." MR. BARNES TO APPEAL IrrUlcl ObcAlaaral if Co " I to fVe Takrai to Huhrr t'oart. rr.W TOaK. ta. :t-Cain.a! for T Uaraaa aaaaaaca4 taUar laal aa a:pl wi.l k lakaa I tha A a S:!ata 4ilaioa af I la lirraaa Caurl a ll hrauat tor i.&ai by Mr. Iiaraaa aainat aa fraal lrt tlaoaa aalt. aUkl ravt!ta-4 la a taraxl far laa ('ait. T:-..a actios kaa a o ar baa a vada va tiMa r lla formal aatry ta lyraaa a faar tiara aia af tha at tha wr tint aa4 tha paamaal by Mr. liaraaa af tha coat ot tha ((. Oaiawna lolrrprrtrr ArrralraJ. f;T ftam. Ch!naa Intarpratar. aa a t rra'a4 aa a rharsa of iraoHnj oplam lt BUM ka- araBt Vaa Uiara an4 . lain nan Klmi "atmlU anl ! J.' Taa aftuara ay taat Ika Calaatlal vaa I amckiB4t ajaaa lhay rarrta apoa kina la k a lama, at 2i riaadar atr-aC A aiaa aa. a a-aaatity of lb 4rtia war araa! aa aa ;4aca CharUa W ah n arraataj a cta.'a af lttla th r-ertv GREAT ENT13TSIASM MARKS DLTARTUBE OF AUSTRALIAN TROOPS FOR THEATER OF WAR. -aaAK ." " :;r- 't''C: iT i Hvvv . . 4" "tv - ' I- . -y 'vrr rv'a.-. ' - L ; -A f - . ; --4 - X ' 'X-a-vr-' U I : ;- - ? ; V " -a t; - : v .- - j ... n j- " y aisjaaatatataVtaWawaaM la rrCK .Tan a at. IttOIT SOLDI !: OX TlUMrOHTI-IIDDnOCOODBtTO LOTKDOXE9 OX THE DOCK. Oay ealar.4 .traataara wara aa 4 with a t.or.1 porpo.a In Urdn.y. An tralla. whet tha Aat -o4.a ..11.4 a boar 4 Ik iraaaparta for ..rlc la Iba l.r4aa.n.a. Aft.r tha laal warnm. h.d Un riven and a i iataa wka fc.4 IT bu.ta.aa aa laa tran.aort had oa. a.bor.. tha aoldiar. Ibraar rrat roll, of mulU-eo or.d ?traam.T. tt lh.r .a4a ca aaii tba frl.nd .w..lh..rt. wl. or moth.ri held on to until liaraVa jM bad Tpo ;.4 ou'ef and tba k.d baeom. .o rat that tha atrrarn-M i of paper had Upt Tha plclara waa tnada ju.t b.for tha wara ca.l off and tba tr.n.port Utt tha dock. vm-rr"--, s'.f ' JL- - - " ' . I DRIVE IS EXPECTED Central Powers Believed to Be Moving on Saloniki. GREAT FORCES REQUIRED Armlra bull ra.alnc Tliroajh Con tantJnoplo Hoand for Sara. C rata ay Thlnka r.oamanla Ifaa Ilalaacw of Towrr. ALCNtKI. Craaa. Tr. tt. U Um too. I'a. Ifjaci.l cabta) I'.raaaa. arrl.iac from Cooataotinopl taylnc Ikat Aa.tra-U.rmaa (orv.a ar .til; t through that city hound for ttuat Canal, ta oaactloa with tba ra porl4 coax.atratioa of Aoat ro-O.rman-Btcarlaa and Turklaa Iroop la S-uth- ra n-rhia. I. k'll.vad h.ra to Indlrat that lha canlral p-owar. at. atlil eaan l.mpUtinf an atlanti la drla. Iba al tlaa from aalaaikl. la tpila of tba pro taa af lb IS'aaa aoa.ramant acainat Turk ak a o4 Huicarua arml-a ad.ano lns ihrouak Uraa't tarritory aod th taas.r ot arotaataa Ura.k public opin io a to Ika rrl of -filarial lb Wf4T ala.t lialaaria aaj Tarkty. Tarka lla.a fo-aa ta aaarK It t difri.u!t la .-a how lha Aaa trwaa. ar4 liarmaaa could Ipara aaouak troop from lb rr.nt-a. Iitlkn ana Ru.iaa froa!a ! uad.rtaka tha BaJoo ihi t4ia4!a aal4.4. Word rami a from Coaataatlaopia (Bat tk Tarklak aranr coaaiata af . man. mora than I-HI..44 of wham ara tit for th firtna Una. of thaa. eniy caa ka (!.4ra. for Ibia front. Th.ra ara a'o Kutcara aa4 tl. Auatto. oarmaaa. Th.aa ara mlaimum fiaar.a f tka m.a a.ory tor Iba campaicn. Already aa.r .mail coMUrta baa. lakaa p:ac fcaiaroan Urah aad Bu. sr lrap on tha frontl.r. Tha ailla4 poaltlon. ulaM Ira a er---.t about KalonikL lloldinc the pr-aani pationa af Ika avlll-e I a. rataca a political aa a military nacoa .ity. far if tsar war abaadoaerf tha al.iaa weald loa pra.tica ta Ika l aaatv Caarmaaa lfapo faar fteaejaaala. noumaata micht Jola th caatral power anl lha VanUalo. party In Ui4 misbt bo hopl.aaiy w.akanod. ryera Oarmti aonrc-a It to Mid thai th a'ptoroat. of Harm any ar work In. sunt a4 day I win the co-op-ration of Itoomania. which they think he)4. iba balance of power and la In a po-ltloo to aia t.r mine tha outcome of th- war. Tha y b-lt-va that r.oamanla moat reaca a d-cl.loa wlthlr the neat three month., and thai th end of tha war will follow within another thro to fire montba. The allie beltave thai th war will roatinoa muck leaser. ladlratl"B. are th Aaatro-Hony ar Ua and liulcariaa tore-, ara diarus thanvaela-.a la en th ajr-k frontier, a aa .ulnar aa opportunity ta attack th alii, and hepin that dlfficultl-a will arta-a that wtU turn lha Greek aaainat lha French and rlrttl.h. fa the tn resume lb feeliec b.twea the alraak armr aad th aiiiae I f revlnf more frieradly. Ther I ry r-aaoa to bli.e that lha o-upatloo of Sa loniki ky th atllo wt:i eoatlnta. Ilasr New I'rroart Dirlzlblc Kara. TARt. tW. I' A n-ay m4. of 1'iaua dlricol mad It appearea ar I'a - ia ivtijr an4 attra:ta4 much att.a'ion. Tha kaiiooa. wbi-Pi I. of riL-ead 8 4"r larta alio. rra.4 acre. Ike city an.) airvl-4 the Tew.r. Wednesdays War Mores Japaaarwa Drrak Leg. T. ka'a, a Japanea. raaaivavl a hreken I-- yaatar-tar a fai'laaj froea a load f woa.4 at Hr-tal aiL Tk- m.a ail broach! ta rortla. J . takea I lb laoaua aaxnarttaa llo-pit4U I a I a fit. Tka Vaawaaar a law Aar T i liar. Pa. a. Ttnr-aa. . taw a- d- k-MmaaVr 1.414' ' Praava a4'iaae 4raa a i-a aa Ta-ra y aaa -aaruraa w 4.a.a.' aaal (a akaaaiar. a. W. weaa. 44. Dl.-rATCJIi:S from both ea.t and waal xprM tka belief that tha Wiat.r wath.r la to pror th moat aev-re obatarl to war eperatlona oa tha prlacipal froet. ajurlos th Beat t ar we' a. Th that th call lrJ4 period of Wlatey U frotr tba .ad ot I'axanlar to th aal of Jaa. sary wa Oaaaral Trench' reply year ao to lb 4maa4a for a sreat oC.a.iaa. Th earn remark would probably apply e-iuaity taa yaar. a lieutar". correapooaleat at h.adiurt.ra. aft.r .aylac that tk Uriuah ttf la cvnfid.ot tnat tba ai lia ar t mltoaf la lueo ami rsu nlllon that they can hrrak through the U-rman llnra wh.n.T.r th rlarit time cornea, declare, that th weainer la th chief rea.on for poetpoolna; tba blc movement and add. that uch a movement require careful planning and ettrem caution. Rollins-up tac tic alwaya Involv.a th poa.ibillty of countar-atlarka which may end la rollina- p lha ar-or. With th fac of the country In a poroua and muaby condition. It la lrapo..lbl to ct feci th e.aentlaj rjtilck movement of artill.ry. without which any big offen iv fore la for.doomad to talL Th allied troop would probably have Utile trouble Ira ocoupylntt any part of lb. German. front tranche, forthwith, becau.e th enemy hold th.a lnhlly. Hut then, with th ranuea ra-itered to a nlc-iy. auch a atep would b aheer aulcld be lor th Um la rlpo. a ituaalaa corre.Dond.nt writ. a: Th moat part of "(Vlnt.r ha b.eun In th Ilonalara theater. Alt re porta a tree thai th weather thla rr la mora aover than uauaL ll la Ira crcaaincly doubtful If any aerlou event will occur until tha and of January-" D-.pIt th weather th duel In th Voar Mouruaina. n tha we.lcrn tonn. rortlinuee and may eventually prov to ba on of lha bltr operation of the war. The ftalna in .ub.r direction Ibua far have been email, but th t rench aert Oiotraaa In their effort to cetablleh Ihamaelve a on th cre.t of th fovtbUU which hr dominate th riain. ARREST IS RESISTED Federal Warrants for Bu chanan and Others on Way. 3 GIVE THEMSELVES UP Hy all arroutta Palontkl I now .af for lha preaenl. Certainly tha central power, ahow ao haate to attach the al ii..' po.itiu.ra. Itaventyllaa IboUMnd tt-rblana have ranaraanUed al fccutarl and In Albania, and tha lon t.ncynn army, which heretofore baa been debarred seoatrapblcajly from tak Ire any -Una pari Ira the war. la now Ikrowina' lt-lf enerartlcally Into the control acaiael tba Auatriana. R.porta that tha Au.trian. ara at tacktBk tk-utarl ar authoritatively de nied. Accordtna to tha late.t advice. i. a n.i were at P 1-ioooMe. where they were tenUy repui.ed hy th Mont.n.cnna. and ranaoi r-arn scuiari without rraaaalar Uaa Albanian Alp. and Iba flooded Itlver Drtra. No ff!i-UI announcement la yt avaitahla la Urnton a. to th dl.po.l lioa of the Cabinet rcarmrdtnf rompul- loa. but th poliiii-al atmo.phar baa been ronaid.rably up by th Bdrei.aion that th prlaclpl of com pul.ion I. accepted by a majority of the m.mb-r of lt Cab'.n.t. Public i.a not vrt rrta taillaed. but there le widpread approval of Pre- mirr Aequith'a pan-rat a:titua-. .no. there I. a feellos lhal the public I. ojtle ra-ady to be convinced. Th. difflfoltlee within trie Cabinet may be evpacted to dimtnlah aa the qu-.tlon .bape It-elf in practicau lorro. A Joint m.atlnc of th repre-en tativea of th labor party aad the Fed eratln of Trade I'nioo. ha b.-n mm MAa r..r lAmorrec. anil a detailed of the labor attitude la likely to fol'.ow. THOMPSON WILL NOT RUN Clilraro Mayor A.Va Tlat Name Ho Taken Frotn bra.ka I-l.l. CHICAOO. Pee- :. William Hale Thorn paon. Mayor of Chlcaao, today r queeled th Pecretary of Btat ot N bra.ka to withdraw hla name from tb T.idniia primary ballot In Ne bra.ka. -1 hereby notify you that I decline tb nomination mad by thla petition or almilar petition, aad raquaat mat my same ahall not b placed upon the ballot for the primary election.- read lha Mayor" teller. USCOLN. Neb Dec. !. The requeat f Mayor Tbompeon. ot ChicaffO. that hi name ba withdrawn from the Re publican Preeldentlal primary ballot In thla .late will be granted by Secretary af Stat TooL "Grover Clrvrland" KilU 1IU Wife. LJtNDKR. Wjro. Pee, S. Ororer Cleveland, a fcbo.hone Indiaui. 40 year old. la.t Blaht .hot aad killed hi wife, than turned the weapon oa blmaelt. In. fllctir.g a fatal wound, acoordiog to word received here today, aha hoot ing took place oa the Wind River ree.r aliun, near tort Waabakie. Federal JVowrutor Dr?nlr Preroga tive Appllca to Ca? Invrstl-, i gatlon of German Agents to n Contlnoed. NEW Tor.K. Pr. II. Warrant for the arre.l of Reprcaenthtlv Buchanan, of Illlnola, 1L Robert Fowler. ex-Rep-re.entatlv from I'.linola, P. B. Maitln and Herman Schultola. four of tha eight men Indicted yeaterday for ccm- . piracy to foment vtrlkea In Amrrl ran munition factor I. a, were rnt to WB.hlncton tonight. Three of th remalnintr defendants, Frank 8. Monnett, ea-Attorn.y-Qen-eral of Ohic; Jacob C. Taylor, pra.l-d-nt of Ijabor's National 1'eace Coun cil, and Pavld Lamar, appeared vol untarily today In lha L'ulted ("tales Platrlct Court and were ro leaned In too ball apiece. The eirhth man In dicted la Frans von Rlnlelen. th Ger man agent who I said to have fi nanced the alleged con. piracy, lie ia a prlaoner of war In England. Defeadaata Real.t Aires'. Each of tha four men for w-bom warrant, were le.u-d baa announced hi Intention of real.tlnj; arrest. Bu chanan has saaertad that b Is pro tected by his prerogative as a mem ber of Conarea. but thla la denied by United tlt-e Attorney Marshall. Th warrants will to served In Wash ington tomorrow. . Following hla arraignment Mr. Mon nett laeued a statement In which he (anted ever hsvlcg accepted or hav ing b-en offered any 0rinan money. He ..Id ba never knew Lamar or Von Rlntelea and that aa far as b knew neither had any connection with th P-ac council. Mcnnett denounced the hlpment of munition to the allies aa criminal and Illegal. Caacll Official Deale Charge. Taylor also mad a statement de nying th charges broucht aralnst him and also a.a.rtlng that both La mar and Von Rlntelen were strangers to him. Lamar rffueed to make sny com ment, r Th lavcetlgatlcn Into activities of German astnia In tMa country will be reaum.d hy a Federal grand Jury which will ronven her on January I. OREGON CASE IS mECEDEXT Immunity Denlcxl Representative Ulllianison on Criminal Charge, WASHINGTON. P-o. 19. Represen tative Buchanan's claim of Immunity from arrest la under Inve.tlgatlon by the Department of Juatlc. A decision of the Supreme Court In I JOS. written by Juatlc White, now Chief Justice. Is regarded as sufficient authority for the official contention that members of Conrresa ars entitled to no Immu nity In criminal prosecutions. In that rase. Representative Will iamson, of Oregon, was fined and sen tenced on .October 10. If US. to 10 months' Imprisonment upon conviction of conspiracy to suborn perjury. His term -did not expire until March 4. 107. and he protested that he would ba deprived of the right to attend and return from tb ensuing session of Congress. Juatlc Whit decljed aga'-nst htm. holding that the words ""treason, fel ony aiad breach of the peace" uaed In the Conatltution to denlgnate excep tion, to Immunity should be construed in the same sense as these word were commonly used rnd understood In England aa applied to the parlia mentary privilege 4nd as excluding from the prUlicg all arrests and Ex- All MaU Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled at Clearance Sale Prices, press and Parcel Post Packag2S Prepaid on $5.00 Purchases "XOTJ CAN DO BETTEB FOE .LESS ON THTED STREET Store Opens Daily at 8:30 A. M. On Saturdays .9:00 A- M. Pacific Phone 5IarshaD 5080 The Most in Value The Best in Quality Store Coses Dally at 5:20 P. M. On Saturday 6:00 P.M. Home Phone A 2112 Our Great Twenty-Fifth Annual January Clearance Sale!! Clearance Sale Reductions in Heady to Wear. Bep't Are of OuF-of-the-0:dinary Importance Your Choice at $4.98 For Suits in Popular Styles at $23 For Coats, Various Styles, to $18.50 For Dresses for Street or Evening, Values to $20.00 A Great Clearance of Women's Waists at 29 Your Choice at $4.98 At this extremely low price we are clos n out a great lot of Women s Waists all this season's styles in all desirable materials. Only three to each q ustnmer none exchanged. Values up to $1.60. Clearance price i7Va. CLEARANCE SALE REDUCTIONS OX Wash Goods, Domestic Goods, Bedding1, Flannels, Etc. The Housekeeper's Greatest' Sving Opportunity of the Entire Year. Fancy Border Scrims, white, cream, ecru. Valueg to 18c farcl. Priced at 1 VC Baby Blankets, in various styles, 50c gTfta OQ- on sale at mJmJl Fancy Bordered Scrims, white, cream, ecru. Q Values to 35c a yard, priced at Xm7 Velour Flannel, in kimono lengths, $1.05 to QQ. $1.40 lengths, on sale at White Outing Flannel, 32-inch, width, 12c Q grade, at a Pillow Slips of fine quality, 42 by 36-inch, r 1214c grade, reduced to ..iuJ Pillow Slips, 42 by 36-inch, best 15c grade, IO on sale at XaC $1.89 Gray Cotton Blankets, 72x84 inches, $2.25 quality, reduced to Washable Bathroom and Bedroom Rugs, $1.25 QO grade, priced at. OC Bleached Sheets, 72 by 90 inches, best BOc Afyn grade, at , "sSiC Extra Heavy Sheets, 76 by 90 inches, 70c CO -grade, at OIC CLEARANCE OF WASH GOODS AT 19fJ YARD Regular 25c Lines. Included are Printed Crepes in flowered styles, Mer cerized Foulards in dainty colorings in flower, figure and stripe styles, Fancy Stripe Poplins, Wool-finish Suitings, etc. Regular 25c lines. Clearance in Sale Price 17C prosecutions for criminal offenses and confining th privilege alone to ar rests in civil cases. STORM IS WIDESPREAD Cllizurd in Middle West Extends Also to Southwest. -CUICACO. Pec. 29. Rain, snow, sleet and high winds were general over a wide section of th country today. 41 v. mj4. a,Atri at. taa were mk mo imuui. " affected. In Indiana and Ohio, partlcu- .... . 1 i A ulaimnli wires j If. I l J , icirgiiwu. - r were snapped off and pole wer pros trated. Trains ran far behind sched ules. Cleveland experienced tha worst bllxaard In two years. Kansas City advices ara that th coldest weather of the aoason was ex perienced In th southwest today. The thermometers this morning descended to nine degrees. Most of the southwest Is covered with 1c and snow from re cent storms. High winds prevailed along the east gulf coast, but ao far aa r.porta re ceived tonight Indicated, without ma terial damage to property or shipping. . . i avnerlanced a tem- perature' of two above sero and a strong wind mowing irom The storm Is in th natur of a blis rard. with light snow falling. Re ports to the Government weather bureau Indicate the cold wava is gen eral throughout Montana. Butte s utreet thermometers showed 10 degrees below sero. "Oakland and Berkeley. Cal.. PPf In the weather dispatches aa having experienced snow, the first la years, accompanied by high winds. TICKET CLERKS TO TOUR I. Stratum, Wlio Will Go With Tar- ty, Will Distribute Literature. . ai.. a. m thrnii. h the KOUth and El. which K. Stratton starta on Friday, he . going to take a bundle l.. I., .nr. telllntr about Portland and Oregon for dl.trlbuvlon Mr. titration ia auatucu - -. ....... ...... ,. umiihurn Pa- land IK'Ke tjiii.- - . cilia. The road Is sending a PrV its ticket clcrKS on a wur. -"w San Kr.nctsoo Friday. These young men will be taught how to Induce tourists to tracl to the Pacific t-oast BIG' REALTY DEALS STIR From Ttr-t Ptgt " i . Atnaa tt thm ihOW SET. the a.h,on.b,. Westover T.r- r.ce districi. " " . tnr" yf?.r!.:82-...lnm.nt of the day came In th form of an announcement from Albert J. Capron that a larg i-astern manutaciuriiiB nra represents may build a IS00.000 branch plant in Portland. Mr. Capron says he F . . - ........ i lo.aora .tin. under consideration In California and Wash ington, but inai no aeciaiuu -444 . i-Annentiona until maae oy . he has filed his report on recommerada- tlone with me neaa omco. He says that the company Is certain lo build a plant somewhere on th Pacific Coast. no imi u "ta "'-- ....... 1 Vnrllinil that Will af- ford both water and rail transporta- 4V11A . . 1 , riu. will K. lion facilities, ma wa 1-11 ..... favorably considered. . . .. n vr four TfactjOrv buildings of the following dimensions: Two three-story buildings covering 60 by 100 feet of ground, a two-story structure covering 40 by SO feet and a three-story building- covering1 40 by 60 feet, all buildings to be of fireproof construction. At least 60 skilled work men will be employed, Mr. Capron says, when the plant is completed. Mr. Capron will not divulge the Iden tity of the Eastern firm, and says that the site will not be selected until after the first of the year. Postoffices to Be Raised. OUEGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, WaBh lngton, Dec. 29. On January 1 th fol lowing fourth class Postoffices will be raised to Presidential grade, and the salaries of the postmaster will be fixed as indicated: Oregon lone, $1100: Saint Bene dict, $1700. Washington Oak Harbor. $1200; Vader, $1000. Idaho Downey. $1100; Mid vale. $1100. Kansas Crops Worth $341,381,430. TOPEKA, Kan., Dec 23. Kansas produced field crops valued at $341,661, 439 in 1915, according to the annual report of J. C. Jlohler, secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, issued, today. In only one year, 1914, has production been lanrer. IZZIDON'T BE A PESSIMIST ' Because Oregon Has Gone Dry. Every Man, Woman' and Child BOOST FOR OREG ON We take this opportunity to thank our patrons for their liberal support given "Ye Oregon Grille" during the year past. Notwithstanding the elimination of wines and liquors, we shall continue to entertain our Grille pat rons with the same high standard of Orchestra and Cabaret. Devoting our efforts toward creating in this pop ular Grille a standard of service, unsurpassed in any city Of the tnited States, from a light lunch to a heavy dinner or any kind of a soft drink. Our beautiful Bar, opening on Broadway, will not close its doors on January 1, but will serve all kinds of temperance drinks to everybody. HOTEL OREGON, Inc. N. K. Clarke, Manager. ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. EMPRESS TONIGHT SECOND SHOW PROFESSIONAL TRY0UT ACT, A Great 7 ACT INCLUDING s. & c. SHOW 10c 15c 20c W1 iLu