Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 28, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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Moving Picture Nev
Army Gathers for Advance on
Country Territory.
Charles Hchr.e, Or.ce Prosper-
cus Wcw York Hotel-run,
Suicide at Oregon City.
radar ef Xwthm .Moctailo
fie roaaaj TTuat Traa-t II
ferrhavaaa-d Vu o Ot-rtvard.
ami Mfnp Laat. UmI blow.
Rjyjrve" CtTT. Or. r-. JT.
!al Ouahea'ky fatlare ef !
Nrt&tar Ijmui oa. la ktca ke
ka4 ptai aia Miiifi as4 m44t oaapoaal.
H b-.'jae of lae (rvtM of Jeoee
li.aji;. pri4st est uair at tae, aa a caarse ef aalag tbe la derreud. Char lee llehee. eee
l. n pnapafgn New Tera kot pro
prietor, toaiar lxk kta e a Ufa.
Ms ke!y w- teaad aa the float
rn roa4. r Oreatoa City. about 1
acmes, tod-ay ky Harry Tartar.
IUHM. with Hi twe eiatsrs. Itettie
ea.J Martfie llo. came la Orecoa
CUy Iroea 5ew lark Jae t evpee-tlas;
la la a a ever II acres ef l;4:aad fern
laa Ht aut la koariaaf trull UeeaL
Treare feead laa Oooaoeeia.
Ta workej kerd all my Ufa aad
ra com out kere lo rest. I aara4
It.- be to. 4 ecM'teiataacea oa hie arrival
La Oreeroo City.
Ila west em la r.ed:anda aad fonad.
Instead at IJ arse a( well-U.l.d. aar
Ina- orchard, a tract covered
.; aa4 aaJa-kraah. Ha rested
Im la ur(oa City and. apparently
aaiiauatsd. kr e-int a euit asaieat aa
Nertkweetera Aasociatloa oar it la Je
aol oacaioe.J a Judameat for liaee.
Koaae ksd la.4 at eevtace
Xaw lark la a Northweetera Aseaxla-
llo costracl aat 11 Pi4 U
I: ..( la taa rem pea y.
was loBae. tre ata aitae-aey.
waa toil la ae;l taa K4aata property
to satiaty taa (! J-ada-roeat. eeother
aoatract boMer f'.lo4 suit 4 bed a
receiver appotateel.
lteaaao'a taw la Dole yea.
Te eseeiataaeat af a receive held
m-9 llohae a tw aa tba property roaial
aot ke eoid wkUe la too beads at Ui
Ta ' l t aro4ra iu
)a 6o.aala at I So aad. Iiotia aaw
kia cam hl4 up loo aetloa af aa
a'.ar caatract kol4or aa4 fara4 thai
aa wou.4 aor ft fclo aoaoy aal at
t.M anioelaSloa.
-Wall. I tlat f la Ujr
4oa aa4 : taa rotor.
i:oot:r Hohaa aucl a fi-aera
ta.-t at Jt Juat rtoa.aal. aa4 aa aa4
ki l it.r wro litrlaa" o la proo-
r?. aotar a:tar af lloeao. Mra.
;r Itaaaaa. a a aaatratt f ,4r la
ta .Njrtawoatara oitloa aa4 ka4
: t la HJ oa a fto-aa Iratt. lor
w a left aha aa ! pay tl4 la Hi
Bioattry aaitmoata.
d it a mid itno rxr.mxi
ar rtta:TiiT kcitTicn.
4 33-Mlta wtU Haa4
rroaa Onaoa Satlaaval Hoaorva
o tOTiwatil Caaiaw
nerooata;ra C. J(." M'Artsrr. at
rsrtu4. la a lotcor la RuCaa C. Ho4
na, C"r CommUoioaor. aara taat
k ? t4 to ka Ika Moual Ila4
rav4 Aut ralr for latrouctioa laia
tia Itaoa af IUoattta aa aooa
a Coxttta rocaavoaoa attrr laa holl
proR!y Jaa iary .
it walr th r4raj rrt --k-a
la rpsrtaa- ' l rofc Mr. Mc-Ar
tit ir r T taia . Taa moaaora will
l-i.a t. 4raft4 aurrt d-ta aa4 rut
In. aa approprtatloa tor laa
rrBtrctioi af ta roa-4 m uaUoav
ii'irvoT aa4 tka locatioa alraady
k kaoa su4a ky taa OoTaramoot a-a-nr.
l:..,f..ctto aisaott ea-aa-
rtta it. Mr. M-Ar-.a-jf la pt(la taa
kill Ihro'xa. Tao formor will Itkoly
aii a arpropriacioa to tiihern a ri4 t raaaari tba klcaway
I"itur aa4 Tk Iaj:. AaotSor
lacioaioo) wl.l k for a kraaca la a
..trlT diroctioa lo Eik Maadowa.
Ta Mount Itoo4 roa4 aa procoao4
an t l-mt4 :( to !t nlUa la l-ojta.
aatoaiilnc from tba totraaca af tba
Oroaros .National f-ral la Ibo OoTara
mtat cams oa tba aouca (14a af tka
Ukn roorsTT mcv Ktcm n
Martla all n aa foa K Moatka aa4
Joaara WllUaaaa aava Maxalaa, With
Taa rtavo tor klaara.
la aeeerdaaca wna a rocommooJa
l oa f r laaioncy ty a Jary vblca bad
ioft a.oaa tor 11 fcoars ltk a
kat af mwaialaa walakr. taa kaaj
k.oaj aotieoaMy debtor a(tr tba Jiry
w aa d.oSar4. J'adaral J-iJf Wei
v.rtoa yoatorday aaataaco4 klartla C
(roan to a-A moatba' Imprtooataoat aad
t Cina. aad Jamat V ti.iaima to alao
eiorttba Imprtaoamaat aad I J J fioo.
f r rnMia.b:ntaar.
la paaatac aoatoaara tba Jud(o look
Into roaaidaralwa Ift fart tbal Brown
aa Wltiiama bad aTroady booa ta Jail
kaiwaoa ria aad an mo" tba aai:a(
trial. Tb'a ari l krtac H room a paa
lakaatl about a yaar la Jail, aad
(bat of Ullliana l 11 moatba la JalL
Aaaiataat L"Rtt4 Utataa Attoraoy
Kaak.a preoocutod for tb tSovareosaOl
act Ate.jfBoy W. T. atiba. ky ap
aaiaimaat at Judca Welvortoa. ropra
aaat4 tba dtolaata. Tba trtal at
trac'4 muck attaatioa. Tbla la aald la
b tba tixat coaaictloa tor moaiaakla
Uif aaar otaino4 la Oracoa.
Mr. K. r Gra. of IlUlaboro, I
Rati rvaa a7 Jllnary.
EATTtt WaaV. Do ST. t"pa-
al. Mr. R. E. Craoa. f lll!Iaaara.
rr . aa ta '.a:t!c friaada la SoatUa
'm aioro:y kraLao4 taia aaaraiaar
a. a. a aa itfk by a rta.y koa
drtaa ky I. Itiatrkoaa. at itk ara
a a aad r.ka atraot.
Mra. Craoa diciaroa aha illppad aad
fa:t aed Ibo far.iar af tka ktta atrack
lac itout.-baa aJiarta aba topyd
Ll.'aorr aad laal ttaf to ptk BP
taaa artlola aba bad droppo4 aa4 tbal
ka ba4 DO op-jort-ra'tT " ararorra ta
a.ts.r iU ta ae.4 iiflalef kr.
IT a aopalar raani ef tka tkoatara
war tab an. FTaak Campoaa would
ploo i!!avla aa tba tUfi. for Mr. Cam-
- v.. . darvlt-
arw . war '
try la tka drama than any contampo
rary artor. Ha U Joat oo wlanlac
Bow laaroia In tba I rianalia iiiro
mim " ' si. r.irk. I'. rk.ri drama ef
k v.4.w..f lf laa la a Ha
Koad." la Ihla play Mr. Campoaa I
a naanra d.partln from tba roiaa oi
rliuioy aad atvac tlaaT the part of I lt-
fvnaal kaaaaill Mill UladaB.
a mania oa uaimii. air. . k.
flrat ata a xpartaaca waa la rapor
toiro. Ha waa for tbrao yaara a "feara-
atorrnor. appoartnc wna ma i t-j-
atlbt- la tba lurid malvram lb
31 yaa ao. Ha aa-ord bla flrat bit la
a ao v"a " . "
la auccaaoiva tajcu l a i no
pur." Ilaaty Wad and "TauaL" I
. . a. . m.mhui ijmia unmaaaa.
Ita waa wltk tba aiilouina i'lon
booaracault la lluabaad aad WiTfo." and
acorod alfaaUy la Todd a lUad
, ' -
i v
" -. V .
L aPJ.iaam-i
. ToDim nil iT.ATt nr..
NatlOBaJ -Tba Prliwoaa Patb."
ronat "T Wblto IVar
llekford "Tba Lakyrlnlh." or
aomptatieaa of aa Aetraaa."
raopl.a "Tho Old Hornoataad.-
Co.urabla -Jordaa la a Hard
Kaaavd.- -ratty aad tba Broad
way Ftara."
If.i iar "Tba fUttlo Cry of Paaea.-
klajootlo "Ioatrnctloa."
Oaa of tba moat brttllaat p n
aacoa of bla earaor waa bU rharaetort-
aat tea of tba vtUale. Trarcpaa. In Tba
Vlrtnlaa.- Attboash Duatlo raraura
aaa tba atar of tbla production. Mr.
Casaaoaa'a portraltura of Ibo anaaklo
laaoamia -ajroawor." a maatarploca of
cbarartor actlac. divldod tba boaora
wira riraum t cbaraa-tarLiallon,
For a atratch of II yaara Mr. Cam
poaa baa P tar ad vUlaia part and. Ilk
maoy aaotkor actor wbo baa toiiowa
that liaa. waa aoraatlmoa pooi wna
Ibo far that tba public wouldn I ra-
oloo biro la air otbor
Tba rola of Mil Mlnd'a. tba rofnrmad
baadit la "Jordan la a Hard Road." haa
ctoaa tbla coBflrmod dailnoator of ll-
lalooaaa rolaa tba flrat opportunity aa
baa bad la Baarly two docadra lo play
a food traa.
o o o
Itad oaj kattla Oy."
Oao of tba moat ram--"--' Inataneoa
of procroaa la tba blatory of motloa
purturaa waa tba -abowmc of tba
Vitaarrapb patrtotlo mavalarpioc. Tba
lattlo Cry of raa. ta a bund audi
aca rocaatljr. Oso tboaaaod anforta-
Batoat. cbarfao Of tba Maaaacbuaotta
ronmlasloa for tba Blind and tba
Park laa laatttata la Itoatoa. attndd
a abowmc of Ibo film aa raoata of tba
manacmoBt of tba Majaatlc Tbaator
a lioatoa.
Tba kliad aadltora wra aocortad to
tbalr aoata aad aat faclac tba arrooa
oa wblcb tba pariotla f una would ba
abowa. A apoctator daacrlbod tba
acona l!ka tbla:
l aavar aaw a mora patholle alcht
la any Ufa. Tbaao poor poopla fait thoir
way dowa tba alalaa and war abown
to tbalr aoata. av-ttUr tbamala and
turBlBC tboir alchtl'aa ayaa toward tba
acraaa tboy would aaar . Tbolr In-
taroat waa Croat and. If tbalr area
aara aaalaaa. all tbal r olbar aonaoa
woro oa tbo alorf. It waa a aaw as-porta-nco
for tbom aad la ay wara roally
ajoyiea It.
Tba orortora flnlahod. a locturor
aa upoa Ibo ataaTa aad drarrlbod lha
actloa ef tba production esactlr aa tba
arraaa port ray aad It. Ha rad tba aub
ltla and ann wont 'ar aa to
acrtbo tba tbaatar and hlmaolf. rraatlnc
a ptctar f6r tboir montal t la Ion. Pro-
rrammoa wltb ralaad lottora bad boon
diatTibatad ao tbat tba aadlaaca bad no
trouble la undaratanomar tba cbaraclara
aa tba locturor told bla atory.
o o o
Mary rtckford. lao.
Tba paopla wbo bare boat atandlnc
i tiptoe lo know whalber Mary pick-
ford la boIbb to renow bor contract
wtta Pamoua Ptayora or not tnlcbt juat
aa wall raat back on tbalr baola.
For Mtaa Pick ford la Dot a contract
poraoa: ate la a corporation, with bar
aif aad Adolpb Zukor aa the bualnaaa
parte ef It. Tba Mary llekford Com
pany la a dlffaront propoeltlon tbaa tba
amouo Playoro Compaoy and It raa-
aot b dtaaoivad by tbo mere explra
I ton of a contract. Nor doi il laa pick-
ford sat a aalary eoothar popular da-
luaton. Kha ba a cuarantao tbat aba
will roceive a yaar. la caaa ot
r ahara being laa Mr. Zukar lo make
p tba df aclorxr. "Lat lh-ra no dan
or of a daf leloBcy. cbuek!d Mr.
Zakor. faollDC porfactty aafa wltb tbat
BCie of tbo bualnaa.
OffWooa Dofoaaaae rilaav
Adjatantonoral Oaorfa A. tTbllat.
wltk a aurnbor of militia offlcora. In-
ludinat Colonel MrLaausblto, Major
KaaptV Captain. Ulalr aad Captain
Ortoa wltaaoood a private a.blMtlon or
-Taoardlac Old Uaory at tba National
Tkaatar yaetarday mornlnar aa tbo
uoata of Manacor Paul Nobla. Tbla
rilroa' wblcb will be asblblt'd at the
N'atloaeJ for tbraa daya. comroanclnar
Tbaraday. baa tbo ofrtctal ladoramr.t
of Barcrotar-y of War Garrteoa and Sac-
ratary of tbo Nary Uanlajla.
b-Ito raela are aaroocoa lo a rocitai ot
aut bow wall Cnclo Sam la praparod
far war. aaa aim'aaioa ooinc inai na
Miliary la aoftlclaot tor an army or
la aaa man. aad aaotbar tbat aramunl-
tloa arallabla la aufficiaat to laat but
tow bouro of batllOL Tba faaturax
prodocatd by r. X Nlalaoo. wltk -Etor-aaatl
Vla-llaaaae lo tbo prtre vf tVafolr
IU toao. U tldd:y lotaraatmt. pre-
an-.lnc. aa It doea. Tlewa of arary
branch of National dafenae la tbo air,
oa land, and on and undT tho aa Tba
military man accorded tba film an an
tbualaatle reception.
Xlalafarre to Boo "W aralac'
At o'clock thla mornloc mlnla
tara aad city official will be atC'
tator of a private exhibition of "Tbe
Warn I nr." Menacer Chrlafa rreat
film attraction for nam I week at tbo
llekford. Tbla anoctacular film, pro
duced ky the Equltabla Company, and
featurloa Henry Kolkrr. I marline
with a epteadid recoptlpa avorywhera.
Ita plcturiaation be In a tarrtflo atory
of tbe evila of drink. The ayila of be-
Inr a "rood fallow" ara moat Krapblcal
ly preeented. .
Scrcn Goaalp.
Tba irioa Bird rbotoplay Company.
a aewly-orceniied produclnv company,
which will bare aa Its Drat rolaaae
"Secret lyove." featurlnc Helen Ware,
oa January 27. will have orrlcra lo tba
Poor lea Theater building lo Portland,
far ah Bernhardt, Pavlowa. Hobart Boa-
worth and J. Warrea Kerrlsen are
among- tba alara wbo will appear lo
early Clma.
a e e
Cbarlea E. Coach a. wbo baa bad
many ytara exparlcnca Ira tba morlnc
picture Industry, baa become Identified
with the maniftmtnt of the Sunset
Fran laoeee. wbo plays tba leadlnc
role la "The Old Homaalaal" entered
so baartlly Into tbe spirit of bis rural
part In the a: rest New Enslacd drama
Ibat be deciexea bo has not yet re
covered bis ordinary babtla ot vocal-
la nx
a e e
Bovtrly Bayoa la a frtab-alr aothu
!aai Aba sponds bar lalauro time rid
lr boreeback. drlrinar bar motor car.
PlarlrtaT coif, tennis and analn In
otbar outdoor aaorta. Hha la also fond
of ewimmlBC dlvlneT and boatlnc la
e e e
W.aa Rmlty ftavana. . the star of
-TWatlny." la a eieca of Mrs. Minnie
Maddora Flak an. dbe made her stace
debut la "Becky Sharp" wltb bar aunt.
a o
Fraacta X. Boahman'a profile was
cbsased from Grecian to Roman when
bis hone threw bim to tba ground aad
bis Boee was broken.
a e e
Grace V avian tine, appearing Ib -Blaek
roar.' fcnowa bow to ataer ao aero
plane, fbo learned tba trie lo Los
ABaTalea. wbaro aba was called tba aflrl
e e e
Dorothy Croon. Cenevieva Hamper.
Theda Bars. Clatra Whitney. Lorolhy
Bernard. Kuth Blair. Vivian Martin and
Nib Carter ara among- tba lot fml-
nine stars.
Bartoa Holmes, one of lb world's
moat Inveterate travelers, wbo has!
Jourueyed more tbaa 1. 000.90 miles.
naa entered Into a contract wltb tbe
Paramount company for the filming- of
scenes throughout tbo world.
a o o
V. It . . .a .a. aaMtl an i.a...
Ira Portland in "The Cheat. is now
bury In tbe fllmlnc of -Tennessee's
l-artner." he baa been presented wltb
a new ermine coat to replace tba ons
rained lo "The Cheat."
o o o
Sydney Prow la often called the
Coquelto of tbo screen the master of
mock heroics.
Within two days after tbe William
ro forces beean work on "Destruc
tion In a small Pennsylvania mill
tow ib. tho place waa Invaded by Hi
man. who. laborlag- under tbo Imprea
alon tbat a strike was la force, sought
employment Some of tho seeaea In
Destruction- binge around a strike oil
several mousana mm oanaa. av real
mill and Its working force were need.
It Is assumed that someone wbo wit-
naaaed tho making of tbo scenes started
tbe rumor that a real strike waa In
prog rasa.
Balboa's navy grows apace. Tbe
latest addition la a trim motorboat.
ooe of tbe faateat craft In Doer beach
DUfavi. i'raia.a " m . . .
In many aquatic plcturea Viade by tbe'
Horkbelmer Proa., the boat ta uaed i
exteo.aively Ira taking Bajboans to and
trom locations up ana uown ua cgaai
and across lo CataJlna. A fleet of Fords
haa alao been added to tbe studio equip
ment. Of courae. they have boea aa-
aimed to the land division of tabe navy.
altnouaTh some claim tbero to be amphibious.
Oladya Ilanaon. star of "Tba Prim
rose I'ath. aaya mat sna preiera ina
movies to tho speaking stake, becaune
he became too much Identified with
clothea and aoctty stun In her former
appearances- -The happiest day of my
life." says she. " when I was glveo
a movie role of a drunken woman. It
waa ao different I fairly reveled In It.
On December 1. 107. Vivian Martin
waa playlnr the tltla role Ira "Paler
Pan- at Cohoea. N. V. Pbe waa the
Brat woman In this country to follow
Maude Adams in this role.
It la aald of Lillian Giah. tba Triangle
tar. that David Belaav-o haa sought In
vain to tempt ber to desert the screen
for tho stage.
Clara Kimball Toung. Bobert W'ar
wirk. Holbrook Bllnn. Alice Brady.
Vivian Martin. Oorge Beban. Barbara
Tennant. Pdwln Ardon. Frederick Lewie
and l.thel .Terry are among the eters on the World programme.
Albert t'apellanl has a new and big
produciioa for Clara Kimball Younic.
Holbrook Blinn and Alice Brady will
be in "The Hark." while Barbara Ten
nant and Flwira Ardce will feature
'Tbe tiray Mask.-
Purrryors of Goods Not Cult on
What Will Do Worn, but Ajfrew
White, Black and Grey W'l
PTrdomlnate In Colors.'
Tlvroe hundred ssJesmen. at a con
servative estimate, are waiting In Port,
land to swoop down upon the retailers
of Oregon and Washington soon after
tbe first of tbe year with tbalr new
Fprlog offerings.
The assemblsge of this small army in
Portland for 1 days bas been no small
source of profit to tbe hotels of the
city. Tbe salesmen are awaiting tbe
arrival of new samples and new styles
from their Eastern bouses.
Step Into any bote! any time of tbe
day and find a group of these travelers
discussing their new wares. Tbey will
tell you of tbe new models and new
goods. Seveo cloak and suit men were
leathered In the Oregon Hotel at one
time yesterday. They declared white
would be all lha rage thla yaar a pop
ularity, perhaps, forced by the shortage
of dyes. They confirm the woolen mill
man a announcements tbal blacks,
whites and grays will supersede bright
colors. They attribute tbe change to
-style," If they're talking to customers,
for -style" sounds more alluring than
Soma will tell you tbat skirts will
be evea shorter this year tbat the tops
of blgb shoes must show. Coats may
be full S Inches, though ault coats
may be aborter than usual, say J to
II Inches. This Is only what soma of
tbam aay. and besides, they admit, ths
nublla often does not agree.
Fur trimmings ara said to ba all off.
although . many "sport- coats .and
bolted backs mar remain.
Clothing salesman are not tbe only
ones here. One Portland hardware
firm aJons baa 10 talesmen waiting for
the word to go with the opening of tbe
new eeaeon. There ara grocerymen
galore, and scores of others.
ft "-S This Week (ft
Crowded Houses St
IfA aAfternoons and Evenings Tx
jZJ I ' -x :lrV f Are Witnessing lilJ
rrj ulli !?!-" v
I 7 f - - .sgjj-
World's Greatest Vampire
. In That Stupendous Fox Production
Cbehalls ar-FataIity Ascribed to
Quarrel Over Bicycle.
CHETTAXJS. Waah- Dec J7. (Spe
elaL) Tba occasion of the Greek stab
bing affray on tba Chehalla streets Sat
urday evening. In which Jim GoUls
almost lost bis life at the banda ot
Theodora Tbeodoropolous. la said to
have been the theft of a bicycle. Theo
doropoloua had been working at Gal-
vio and missed bis wheel. He quit
work, came here and located tbe ma
chine, which waa afterwards returned
to Galvln. It Is aald be thought Gotsls
knaw aomethtng about tbe taking of
the bicycle, and that a quarrel concern
Ing tbla Incident led directly to the
near tragedy. Tbeodoropolous was
feared by a number of tha local Greeks,
according to reports to City Marshal
DolDh. who said that aoroa of them
spoke to him about the man.
Commissioner Daly Declares Fnnds
Allowed Aro Insufficient,
No new or additional are lights dur
ino ttis waa tha edict yesterday of
Commissioner Daly. Because of the
limited amount ot money prviuou a
. aaia k. .. .4 tfA. afreet llerhtlnar It lB
reported tbat there will be no funds for
new lights. There are 1100 petitions
tor iigats on uia.
IV, ham afrOOt llehtlns
lo tbe 111 budget wss $101,000. Tbis
. .a 1 1 ox ooA bo the budget
committee. Tbe additional 1 1000. It haa
a . a ,m ..nK.KI, ba Inauffl
VrfB ivvuu. ..a '
clent to care for tbe lights already lo
' A tttal of IT.m bMtid peraoas waa In
the I rl'.xl siatee la luio. as fisured by tha
t enaua Kuraau. Tha tcial blind parsons In
fe wr!1 1 eeafarared at S.(i.aVia
Greater Than "A Fool There Was"
California Officiate Show Interest In
MretJag of Executive Beads -Sckedaled
for Janaary 10.
Communications have been received
from different parts of this state and
from Washington from school admin
istrative officers accepting; the Invita
tions sent out from the school clerk's
office of thla city to tha general meet
ing of school .executive officers sched
uled In Portland, January u. ah mo
. . ... thna fmw eonelvod diSDlkV CnthU-
alaam over tbe prospect of the school
officers of tha two atatea meeting in
general conference.
Josephine Corliss Preston, Etate Su
perintendent of Public Instruction In
. v a...,. ne w.ahlncptnn. will ba ores-
ent at the meeting, a letter to that ef-
r-f havine: been received oy dcoooi
Clerk Thomss yesterday.
School administrative officers of
California have inquired as to the date
and object of the meeting and It is pos
sible tbat school oincera oi mi
will be In'attendsnce,
So far no definite arrangements hsve
bean made aa to the programme, but
Ingpectlon or ma im""
Portland educational system will be
made and a proposal has been made to
entertain the guests at one of the com.
munlty centers during the noon
The afternoon and night programme
will include discussions of topics of
general Interest.
Announcement of the details of the
meeting will be made later.
Men Pot Back to Work After Brief
Holiday Shutdown.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Dec 27. (Spe
cial.) Because of the acute log short
age now prevailing throughout the
Northwest, many camps on the harbor
resumed operations today, following a
very brief holiday shutdown.
The camps of the Polfon Logging
Company, which are the largest In the
county, were partly working today and
will be running, full force tomorrow.
The Northwestern camp near Electric
Park started today after one-day
close-down, and the Slade-Wells camp
at Mack's Spur opened today after two
years of Idleness. About 50 men began
work at the latter camp. ,
Liquor Signs Must Come Down.
. t. T-, a? 1roaArutinat At-
. V.',-"..V;.,H., T'thlt all out-
i iior advertising. including
painted and electric signs, nrast be re-
moved before next Saturday, when the
state prohibition law will become ef
fective. The law forbids all liquor ad
vertising in the state. Several thou
sand signs must be removed in Seattle
alone, including expensive electric flash
There are 5 00,000 drur users la tha United
States. Heretofore the figurea have been
l...rtlnn rtr ana leaiuroa v i ' " J
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PaysaaajaSasaTa ' i ana, ai MI 1
V r t-a,.- , , - ,-a . .art..,. I.ll S SI fl IIIOT1 ll I 1 1 I HBS1 1
Thafs What Thousands Said When They Saw
Denmaii Thompson's World-Famous Classic at the
Today and Tomorrow Only
The Biggest Holiday Attraction in'the City
w a -avt. ? w rtr Pir O Tl rl CPP if"
juet every imug ewe " -
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M r llL aZJllUVV' Ola
v 11:00; Then
' VV -'i 12:45, 2:30,
"aiJLU, UaWU, y::
7:4-5. 9:30.
It- bt
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Come a
5 aa X
a h ft J E
A Photoplay Which Depicts
the Hope of Happiness,
Throbs of an Aching Heart,
Curse of Drink and the
Horrors of Hell.
Wash, at Park
A Story of the Underworld.