TITE 3ron?CI0 OREGONTAN. TUESDAY, DECE3IBEH 28. 1915. K FORD PEACE PARIY FOLK CAH'T TALK Denmark Prohibits Lecturing ort War or Belliger ent Powers. state that there had beea o fighting I btlma 11m Britten ) Anta. mrvpl ! British, tlluk oo the principal Arse fare near Mru Main, -which war 4:Preed with trifling Iee or troop.- according to th trilUo ver sion. Th Turk lab ver!oa hti tha Turk look, tha off.n.t, sad ki::d J0 Brit ish, put tha remainder ta flight and cap tar. 4 a quantity of booty. GOVERNOR HANNA ILL NOW Iw-partarr- of Mr. I'ord Mid lo ! rjrle and FUu We) 4 Anno) weed Prar Far awe ta Flaanetl. rrfrlt V'.rM. v London. I1. IT- r& Laatxa s-overameat will prohibit 1 1. member o tSa 'rd paac esp- ...;.... r iMiiiit under a rendered a.'ter tha reeeat vleiL ar fcrttn- HJoeoaoo. toa a( ne ie w.alaa dramatist. wh endeavored ta a.t.r lecture en the fcuropeaa war. r&a declelua rendered al the tlm we tlat Bt lereaere at an 14 a permitted to lecture oa in war or taa beliigereal f.o.eraor U R. Haee. of Nortk Pa tt4. a member o( taa ford peac party. rn.d e.- today afrlag from la liou. Ita ka a t fever. Ta Governor araa admitted to St. Josepa'a Itoepl'.aL Cojeahag.a. Tba amerfc-aa l-ecati'-a ta carta for Btsa. Tba Asserwea Minister. It. Haurtca :. Kn. Cos. aad aieay iar. ke visited Ika Governor or eat t owrnr. P li TV t'ltOKS TOtKIIOLM I ord Promt. is lUrk IVacw Co tilth S3. 1 WKH-)UI. r IT. Via Loodoa. rc. :t Callable T what they a-crt-el as their evmpetheue recap lm la Jtaredeow tba mem.rs of taa ll.nrr lord peace eipeditloa today aaa.i-Wad tie eoaelbtlitv of r'laralnd . jttokkolTk Instead 4 remaiatag at Tha tUiw wfcea a peraeul poaca nmmioiaa I. to ka formed. Mvr prooriaeet cttu.na of J to h kolm. inclu4to tha Mayor. bare ta lent ina iiii comcuitt.o an4 tn ar.d aa tagirbul tavitattoa to tba ;Httua to make Stockholm tba cen r of a p4t aeaociatioae aa may ru Tba r'ord d-l.aataa aaaouneed t.xUr that tba plaa bad baaa ccn.id ar4 favoraMr. but tftev would wtta bold final decision oa It. Tba eoeire etpeditioa. however, will fa to Tba lta-a. aa air. ady baa baaa a;a&:ad. At Tba IUu tbr.a or mora d!ta from asLk country wlU oa l.,t.4. aad tbia bodr. cooatituttnC Mr. I'urd'a ld of a p.raoanant arb Iratioa board, will t Ind.f Inlt.iy. a.thr at Tba IUm or Utor hooisn. Tour Mr. rord ast a srlrala dla patub from tba ataara.r oa bKk ba U buaed for Nar Tork. Ita aald ha aa Impro.lB i b-al:b aad Uhod mciau tor ta atvodittoa. Tba pr nasant board, tba dlfpatcb addad. ouid b backa4 by Mr. I'ord to tba it. at of I :.'. If Baoaary. On account of tb arolcomo KtaS ha daixataa and tb boapltabla tana of tba ewadiak sawapapara bKk to day detd ..rl paa to tot.r at.wa aad dMCrlptloaa of maabars of l!to party, tba dl.ataa ay tbay ar lacllaw ta tbink favorably of Mock . bolm aa tba c.ot.r for tba paaco propa CstMla. On Id.a of Mr. ord. It la aa aounc.4. ta to flood Curopa. lacludtnf tha bUisar.st couotrl.a. with litara tur aakiax for tb tarmiaatloa of tb r. LOXDOV. Tae. SI. Tba Copaebtcaa .rrt-ood.ot of tb tlzcbae Tala rL Cotrpaay aaya: "ll.nry t'ord ta r.port.d to kaia told frianda ba axpcta to buUd a paaco pal ate at Copgbaaao.- FISH HATCHERY SPARED rtOOD tKi: OLT LITTLE to o:illk ruT. rta KIUKm rry Ar farad) by aik. Atmm la Raptata Poas Waako4 0 al It tab ara. tJttla larnaa ra.aitad. but tb r.nn.t':. fin batthary anoipmonl. to-a-th.r wttk .i.i yoonc trout la Karmaa cfmU atoraa raeeroolr. had a aarroor aacap from hlb atr. ac rordinc ta B. t Clastoa. atata aupar lat.a4.ot of aatcbartea. who r.toroad ta kla erTtr today afl.r aa Inapoc tioa of tfca Hood aitoatioa. raportod la.t rob aa artoua. . Tba oiat.r waa three or foor foot b.r taaa tba flood of for years aao. b.a damaaa waa fearod. tji.t waok'a flood uk4 out a amatt part of tba dam. (tb minor loaa. but IK. w.t.r auppiy aaa at a tim la aasc.r. Mr CUntoa aaya Ma diroetod r. pairs arbila tb.re aad bad tb powar p .at naaio oiitbla i heure. Te miilloa f la ll.rmaa rraak araro ad by tba u-k act to a of the plant aup.rtti t.nd.at. srb catbarad a force of maa and mad temporary dam T Kk of earth. T fua would sot bae baaa a tot; loaa. however, for aom batch erto tar tboea taoae at tbta time. It la aald. Bat th po lcy f be lionn atllo oatbary la to Led the youac fry aatil they ae rearhed a l.ntk of aov.reJ tncbee. . Mr. C'aatoa la prapaiisa to basdla 1 1.100. ).i.) rta Kit apo ti tViilaav tta Kirar trtbutartaa lb la year. The new from the other war front contlana ta .bow bo Important de velopment. Tba Rneaiaaa ar wlnnln auccaaaa scalBat weaker enemy koa Ula force la Tarsia: t!-- British la Itouth f'.rala ha bad aom ear re fishtina- w-ita tba Turka wtthout ma l.rtally altarlnc tb situation; tb al lies at tialoalkl contoraplat their nearly completed f orttricatiooa with the utmest satisfaction, and oa tb w.at froat tber l little to record ex ert minor artillery and bombing- operation. Monday's War Mores THE departure of tb I ad taa army frees franca for 'another field of e e 10 n - waa tba moat Important f. tore of the day int. ao far aa the :ritib pub:u la conera.4. Wh.th.r the now fiiJ of actloa la Ccrpt or V9tots-aia la aot aaaoeinced. la htb I is. .a ta.atara tb.re are praaumably already onidrbl bodla of ItMiiaa troopa. it la aaaurnarl that tbe placaa of tha Tidtaaa ta lrsre bate baaa fii:ed by drafts fr"w the n'w ami.. raa.d oa the o of tha I'nttad Ktncdom. Ta connecttoa with ta.t nlcbt's an aoonramaaC It la worth aotinc tbe l.ra.r n mra Important share tbe youOful iTinca of Wat. la Uklnf la ta bualnae of the empire. It Is e-re-td t"it th irtti.a public, both bjm and Colonial, will read with a rau lar eensa of Batmnal prtd tha Kl words to tbe Indlaa a.t.rana: - n.f an you Loire Trance I send my e".r. a-nlla-it so, the ITIbc of Wales, who baa ahared with my artrl.e the bard'hlpa of the ramratsn. lo thank o In my Bam." T Turkish official communication, whi. h eUtnca 4.-ce.ea la th Kryptlaa tbeator. called forth aa official d.nlal from tta iifiUea preaa bitraao. which Although yeerday was a holiday In r.mland. th member of the ISrltUh Cabinet raturaed hurriedly from th eceQ.a of their Chrtstma fstltrltle for aa Important tneetlB. at which wer dtecuaaed lb Derby acbem and other matters which must b thrashed out wb.n lar:iament recoaeenea The I'ariiamentary sltuatloa coa tiauea fuil of neeasy rumors, aad soma chances In th Oabloet are belnc wld.:y talked of. Ther la a poaslbtl Ity that tr Edward Orey- health may compel blm to leav the Cabinet, al thoush h attended yerterday's met In. Tb sudd-a rctura of Wlneloa ypeacer CburcblU to tixland and bis likewise sudda return to his reclment la I'ranre. la th basis of many rumors, latlil Lloyd George, th Minister of MuBltlons. received a sreat aeatloB from the holiday crowd when ba ar rived at Iwstlni street for tbe Cabi net meetlne. Ua. too. tbraalana to reaica. LEAVEiSlAS FIRE OIK VLOCK DE9TH0TX1O A.tD LOS r.nATt:D at 3v. CTdhla floe, faraltere Star aad rweesffte) atwrwed O.I aad Hall aalaewa P.meeallsed. LCAVKXiroRTTf. Wwh . Dec. 57. lilpeclaO Leavenworth bad a dlae troua fir la.t alcht when th buildln owned by tba Leavenworth Inv.elment Company aad occupied by tbo lot of fice, tb I'atac Clo'.binc Company and th Laa.eaworth rurniture Company ns aatlrely d.etroyed by fire, entail ing" a lo estimated at from :S.00 to H J.oa. The f!r was discovered about II o'clock la tb basement of th Po.tof flce. I'or a tlma It was thought th fir was nnder control, but the smoke was dsaee aad pretested th flrem.a from g.ttlnc Into tha basement. Tb flam gradually spread and soon a vr lured the ahalt building. There wee about !) tsaursnc oa tk.e bulkllnc. Tb la'ac clothing atora Is wned by I. A. Murray, who carried a stock worth approsimately I15.). with I'X iBsuraac. Tb Leavenworth Furoltur Com pany, compoeed of O. K llaya and A. CI. McCoy, bad a stock a.timated at I . with lli'l Insurance. l'olniltr Hamilton ha beea ua ab.e lo fix th amount of th loos oa tba 1'o.toffKe. Nothing was saved la th office, nor la any other of tb bullae buildings burned. It will take eome time to readjust th business of tb Po toff ice. aa all atamp and money orders were destroyed. STORAGE MEATS TIED UP tCNIUt (-o-ltiCSTTO.tf R:r-ORTl:U IT b.W lOkK A r0 M.W JKktKV. "Treetdeal of America a Boetely of Re frtaeratlaa llealaeere Mr serf a laereaa f 331 I'er Ceat. NEW TORK. Dec. IT. A ssrloua con geetioa of foodstuff la the eold-stor-ago warehouse of New Tork and New Jereey I reported by Joba . filar r. formerly president of th American So ciety of h.frlgeratlng llngtaeers. ta a ttatemeBt to the Chelsea Association of M.rcbaats. Taklr.g i.ls figures from reports of health departments of tha two atata. Mr. tarr aaya that le.llt. 171 pounds of fresh meat waa In cold torag la New Tork City last Septem ber, aa lacreas of 111 per cent over tb amount stored her two years ago. Ua tb sam dat New Jereey ware house he'd 4.117.071 pound of freb meat, aa Increase of IX per cent. la addition. Mr. tarr reported that thousands of ton of meats are held la refrigerallnr car on sidetracke awaiting unloading, lie declared tbat :.i;T.s doicu of ec were In cold torag her and ll.4iS.ll doiens la New Jersey ta (September. -The asteot of the cold .torag bu.l B. aaid Mr. Htarr. "may b Indicat ed by tba fact that there were .. barrels of apple, in etorag la tb foiled Jtte on Iec.mber I. Tbey a. re awaiting favorable market coa 4:ttoae here and abroad and the poe.l bility of moveroeat over tb congeeted railr PAVED TRAIL WANTED C1RI tltrKCB l WHICTO TO IRKK AfntOrkMTIC. Jew I Wake Howl Take by fie. aeer I Oreaaw ltlSBwy frees llel t apltel e Otyssea. OREGONIAX NTWjJ fiCREAf. Wash Ington. Dec. S7 Esra Meeker, who will celebrate hla llth birthday tomorrow. la In lAsahlnl-ton la OfK COBgre. to mark permanently the Or.gon Trail. by ron.trartir.c along its enure irnaie a ll-foot tnacadamuad road. He will the route from Washlngtoo to Olympla. Wa.h.. aad aio win ura. i . k. wA a lalnl .Cale end fed- -I .MMaalftaA. the elate to CO-OBor- ata la ronetrurtion and maintenance. Mr. Meeker sere be plan having- toi road connect with tbe Columbia Klver i ; . ! aftfl.lna tlillar laid road, along tha line of the vregoo Trail, such, for instance, as ins laano ffate ICKhway from l"ocat.llo to Holaa. it h. .... . taa trail north Iron the Co lombia houtd run from Portland or branch off at Tba IJaUra or tne las rsde. Mr. Meeker would bav deter mined by U-T.mm.ot ensln.ors. fjnator Jon. a and llepresentatlv Humphrey, of Washington, are expected to introduce tbe bill authorising tbe rvey. Colonel K. J. AlW-a Dim at SS. rtTTS BCRfJ. Dec t7. Colonel Ed ward Jay Allan, aged IS. friend of President Lincoln, member of the staff of General Fremont during tbe Civil War. and on of tha first settrs of tieattle. Wash, la dead today al hla horns bare. Ha was ths author of a number of hooka and waa said to have beea th only surviving member of th One It '.in J red aad Fifty-fifth Pennsyl vania l&faatrr. FOUR DAYS to the Close of the Year With Economies All Over the Store Every Section Has Special Offerings That Command Attention Goods Purchased Today and Balance of the Month Charged on February 1st Bills Hair Ribbon Bows at 49c Made of finest eight-inch fatin or UffeU hair ribbons, each bow contains ono and two-third Tarda of ribbon. In black, white, nvy, in every wanted shade. Ribbon Ends Half Price Odds and ends of all sorU of ribbons left from the Christmas business. First Floor. Mail and Telephone Orders Filled by Expert Shopper $&pma?Q&) Co. l-v t v. falM ia ni. r c lercnancLLse cat-sii isr.. vuiy Pacific Phone Marshall 5000 Home Phone A 6691 More New Leather Coats This second shipment just arrived by express the Leather Coat is the most fashionable and prac tical garment for skating, motoring or golfing. Shown here in green or brown in short and me dium lengths. Lined with flannel and trimmed with fur. We are showing five handsome models. Prices $38.5C and $40.00 Third Floor., Prices Radically Reduced Suits at $14.85424.85 Suits of such expert tailoring and exceptionally good materials are seldom offered for so little. The suits at $14.b5 are of broadcloth, serge and poplins in tailored and fur -trimmed styles. The suits at $24.85 are in novelty tailored serge in black, navy, brown, green and plum. Fur or braid trimmed. COATS $10.00, $13.95, $24.85 Coats at $10.00 of pebble cheviots, plaited and belted, some with fur collars, others plush trimmed. Coats at $13.95 are of wool cacacul. Iamb. pebble cheviot and fancy mixtures, in black and :o!ors. Featuring nearly every popular style shown Fit season. Fur, velvet or plush trimming. Coats at $24.85 are of broadcloth, plush, wool velour with fur collars, chin chin and velvet collars every coat silk linedl on Women's Suits, Coats and Dresses MEN $4.00 Men's Bathrobes $2.65 Large, roomy blanket Bath robes, made of soft flannelette in green, blue, brown and wine mixtures. Close rolling collar and cord at neck and waist to match. Shown in a large va riety of patterns, including the plain and bordered effects. SUPPERS TO MATCH Made With Felt or Leath er Soles, 75c and $1 Pair. Messanlne Floor. A Four-Day Special Offer Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Sewing Machines at $15.00 Made By the Free Sewing Machine Company This is a price never before known for a machine of this character and made by this company. This price was sanctioned by the Free. Sewing Machine Company in recognition of the great number of ma chines sold by Lipman. Wolfe & Co., Pacific Coast agents. Easy terms. Klf tk Floor Dresses of Serge, Velvet and Silk $ 14.85 An especially interesting collection of the season's newest dresses of fine French serge, velvets, chiffon taffeta and combinations of velvet and charmeuse. In black and colors. Trimmings of fur. silk and braid. Third Fleer. 350 Yards of 50c and 60c Cretonnes To Be Sold at 29c the Yard Because They Reoresent Discontinued Patterns Every year one of the largest weavers of drapery materials discon tinues a certain number of patterns; we secured all he had. making in til exactly 350 yards of the most artistic and beautifully colored cre tonnes; these cretonnes are shown in both floral and conventional designs and are suitable for living-rooms as well as bedrooms and for furniture. Firth Fleer New Style Aprons As Illas- m . r iraiea Regularly 85c Sale59c Made in en velope style, round neck, ki mono sleeves, buttons "f r om neck to under arm, trimmed with rick-rack braid, belted all around. Made of percale in plain pink, lav ender, blue or fancy figures and dainty flowered designs, in com plete assortment. Just as illustrated. Foarth Floor. Now Is the Time to Buy Envelope Chemise While the Prices Are Deeply Reduced 75c and 85c Lace-Trimmed I r q Longcloth Envelope Chemise J3C Dainty garments of fine materials, trimmed with fine lace edg ings or embroidery insertion and lace, and ribbon. Regular ft. 00 Fine Nainsook I e-Q New Envelope Chemise 7C Trimmed with fine embroidery, lace, Uce insertion and or gandie, or Swiss insets. Drawers trimmed to match. Regular SI. 7 5 White or Flesh I e-i ir Batiste Envelope Chemise sAeJ Most attractive style, trimmed with smocking on front, and beading and lace edging. Ribbon drawn. Regular $IJS Finest Nainsook qi 1Q Envelope Chemise, Special Empire styles with lace insets, yokes of Van Dyke point, shadow lace and innertions, also embroidery and lace. Regular $2.00 Lace-Trimmed q Nainsook Envelope Chemise Pl.o f in nainsook, with deep yokes of shadow lace insertion com bined with all-over embroidery. Van Dyke point lace and or gandie. Embroidery and lace combined. Regular $10 to $t J S Longcloth i rn Envelope Chemise, Special fipl.UU Several styles, of fine longcloth, with organdie insets, lace inser tion. Van Dyke point lace trimming. Also flesholored batiste, with fine tuckj and French satin bow. Fourth Floor. 15c and 20c Handkerchiefs Special 12c Each An immense assortment of pure linen, dimity and lawn Handker chiefs. With hand-embroidered cor ners, some lace trimmed, and others in two-toned effects. First Fir. Sale Indian Blankets In beautiful Indian designs and colorings, representing all the famous Indian tribe designs. In sizes 5 by 6 feet. 3 Indian Blankets $4.45 . 20 Indian Blankets $5.35 4 Indian Blankets $5.80 3 Indian Blankets $6.20 2 Indian Blankets $6.70 13 Indian Blankets $7J20 2 Indian Blankets $8.05 4 Indian Blankets $8.85 2 Indian Blankets $9.00 Auto, Steamer Rugs In double-faced patterns, in handsome colorings and fringed. 2 Rugs at $ 5.35 Each 2 Rugs at $ 6J25 Each 1 Rug at $ 6J70 Each 2 Rugs at $ 8.05 Each 4 Rugs at $ 8.85 Each 7 Rugs at $10.70 Each 4 Rugs at $13.45 Each Fifth Floor Second Day of the Year-End Sale Of Linens and Domestics . 40c BATH ROBE FLANNEL 25c YD. In about six different patterns in dark blue, tan, brown and red. Extra heavy quality the correct weight for making robes, 28 to 30 inches wide. WASH GOODS REMNANTS 15c TO $3.00 EACH Hundreds of remnants in ginghams, percales, fancy wash fabrics, white goods and linings. In lengths from 1 to 6 yards. SLIGHTLY SOILED FANCY LINENS 15c TO $25 EACH Doilies, scarfs, centerpieces, from the small 6-inch to the large 72 inch centerpiece, made with real Irish embroidery. Filet lace and real Madeira embroidery. All perfect, but slightly mussed from display. A rare opportunityto procure real hand-made linens. Second Floor. The Most Fashionable $3.50 and $4.00 Untrimmed Silk Velvet and Plush HATS 95c At least thirty different shapes small, medium and laree. straight and turned up brim you surely cannot fail to choose a becoming midwinter hat from this immense assortment. These smart hats are of hatters' plush, with under brims of silk velvet, a combination which is enjoying the greatest popularity this Winter. The quality, the style and finish of these shapes are re markable even at $3.50 and $4.00, and at 95c each you will at once recognize a rare opportunity to buy a hat that will be in style until late into the season. Third Floor Year-End Sale of Dinnerware 18 Choice Patterns Including Theodore Haviland, Limoges China, Copeland's, Spode, English Porcelain, Keeling's Hosol English Porcelain. Smith-Phillips fine American Porcelain beauti ful designs which at present are worth from one-fifth to one-third more than our regular marked prices, and in many in stances this dinnerware cannot be duplicated at any price until the European war is over. Tomorrow we offer the entire stock At One-Third Off Regular Prices $20.95 Smith-Phillips 100-piece sets, now. . .$13.97 $ 9.90 Smith-Phillips 50-piece sets, now. . . . 6.60 $69.85 Copeland's 100-piece sets, now .45.77 $34.87 Copeland's 50-piece sets, now 23.25 $48.95 Theo. Haviland' s 100-piece sets, now 32.63 $55.00 Theo. Haviland's 100-piece sets, now 36.65 $83.30 Theo. Haviland's 100-piece sets, now 55.45 All Other of the 18 Patterns At Corresponding Prices Only sets of 42, 50 and 100 pieces may be selected in this sale no odd dozens, or single pieces in the collection. Sixth Floor. 1 ' I I . I to Federal reserv I BOARD MAY USE FORCE .T RKVIRVC .! (.OSK CtF-ARKO ItAS. Attrr-Gaeral Ahe1 If 0vel H4v It Aathorttr C awrl Hafceetlsttoo u WASHINGTON. P-. ST. Attorn-V-Geacral Oresory baa beea asked for aa opinion br the Federal Kaaerv Board oa tha lnl of II authority to compel rr.riub.r banka of the reserve system to ubscrtb to the chck-clarln plan launched by tb Board and tha reserve banka soma montba aso. fnder th present plao. subscription br banks I purely voluntary, and or t!a nearly National and stat ta etitutlons la th system not more than ! ao (ar have subacrtbed. Tha rlearlna function Is rraarded by member of tba Board as one of tb meal Important th reaerv bank s erctre. It was designed primarily to ava million la th cot of collectln cherks drawn by member bank oa a-h other. In addition. It was pointed out ndri with th clearing system In fall operation, mar 7 million now kept by email bark In th vaults of city In stitution arnica clear Xer them would b transferred banks. Any Intention to Interfere with th rlearlnc-houes of th country or to do any large amount of clearing between the various Federal reserv banks Is disclaimed by official, wbo say there Is lull likelihood that competition be tween their reserv banks and local cleartng-bouaes will beco.no keen. . FRENCH FREE AMERICAN Other Taken With William Garbe Held Pen ding Investigation. WASHINGTOi. Dec 57. William Oarba. of Brooklyn, purser of the American steamer Borlnquen, taken off by the French cruiser Descartea In Porto Rlcan water December IS. has been released. Advlcea today to th French Em bassy say th other men taken from American ships by th cruiser ar being beld pending Investigation of tb-ilr lia bility to military servlc In tb German army. Representation by the United States agalnat th taklns of Germans from American hlp now ar at tha Paris Foreign Ofric. Garb, a German by birth, had taken out hla first Ameri can naturalisation papers. The toal fort sum, area of Canada la is3,- GREECE IS UNCHANGED SKLF-PRKSF.Rv-ATION IS POLICT OF ATHEX GOVEIWWEST. lea Artarbeel to Enteete Allies, bat et ta Kxteat of Pottlag Keif la Daaaeroaa Position. PARI?. Dec. !7. The Athens corre spondent of the Matin sends the fol lowing: "Having Interviewed M. Venizelos oh tho subject of the elections and ob tained from him an affirmation that bis triumph was demonstrated by the small number of votes polled, I called upon M. Gounarls. who denied there was any considerable number of ab stentions, declaring that even if the 100.000 soldiers mobilized had been able lo vote, the result would have been" the name. I then sought to ask about the foreign policy of Greece, but M..Gou narls interrupted me, saying: "Greece's policy is unchanged. Greece is a small state which does not want to be dragged into the war which might Involve a cat&sthophe like those which have befallen Belgium and Ser bia. We are Greeks and nothing els. 1 am neither a Gerniaaophil nor c 1.1 1- v..,t n. u f.repk. Ger- manophiles do not exist In Greece. "AU Greece, even under the pret-ent circumstances. remain attached to England. France and Russia, to which she owes her existence and her devel opment. But you cannot ask that the sentiment should go so far as to lead us, without absolute necessity, into the conflict, and wo believe nothing now requires us to case our neutrality. Greece always will feel keenly what ever happens for better or worse to France, but we cannot do more.' ' Two Arrested for Arkansas Killing. PINE BLUFF, Ark.. Dec. 27. T. S. Bradbury, 27. white, and Will Martin, 21, ne?ro. are under arrest In connec- tion with the killing last night at Sher- rill. Ark., near here, of P. G. Jenkins, a wealthy planter. Jenkins was shot with his own shotpun from the kitchen of his home while stajiding on the back porch. Bradbury worked for Jenkins. ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. SELLING OUT To Close Out the Doolittle Studios Objects of art, pottery, etchings, tapestries, frame pic tures, piece goods of silks and velvets, damasks, cretonnes, statuettes, curtains, draperies, etc., etc. Everything at Less Than Actual Cost Fourth Floor, Eilers Building