f T1TE aiORXIXO OREGOXIA.V. . . 3IOXDAT. . DECEMBER 27. 1915. W HERE WIHTEHOUSE HONEYMOONEBS SPENT CHRISTMAS. DEEPER MEANING Finance, Labor and Industry, as Well as Politics, Be lieved Involved. GARY HER 115 "- .V S53 lS3 rS-s-3 ri- i--i53' KpSScT Wm0 iP f f$a - ::ma :rm 'tm 'Mft ' &iB IlillliliiliilillS COFFEE (Super-Quality DEFENSE PLAN INTERWOVEN rlllbv1an of nasla ! Evettt of VTar TU-trardcd a Important ConldTtUn tafa of Flrrt Tnt It IWrlnr. irjusnxiT. r. - The oit l:na.r la New Tor. whl-S waa taa.i.,1 ay ColeBal floaaavalt and l ra-ntut maa lit both R-publKa BO-t tr.J.-T,.IC prti. I blBi to teas 4or Bad nift important liAif:rftB'. hara tra,l h- p fl BS t..T,.i to it by po!KWt.-,a -.-.rs!tr .-v. .frt U n- to snlntfav. .tr..n..l I IB rBrie n.hiod this of . a.nn.r. ho.r. H "' li.n cf ., Ut aed laduairy af vt'at lataraai to tha oti' cantry. A iVit.rtr'M .at for t." dt .f th. le M 'fa " I Co" ttA cf !' Judi i:;trt ii. li.rr. fco.t at taa 4ii"r. ctlve haad. l ri"C fr tba aprBn Court on aa apoaal bv n "-'''-" .... r.rcuit crt. Tkt :! Cr t-r!..r I. a 1 1 . coa.ara, the lr.t Individ. l butnss in IR t o t4 ?tt. raaasa 'War Raaalt. If tn ti. .ablatio a af th ttaal Cor ortll. la ord.r.d. It wt.i rsat.. t ta. a. rv radJatmBl of t!.s f'ao. Inrto'llo lis au m" . . ..J MrnmLl llM end H eta: tnaUtttttoae will ba aftactad and time will t r-f-lrd to make change to maat tie r.w eondetlona. I Kalatad lr.4u.trl. a watt b aao- era-.l. ttr sacurttia divorced and evhanged. haad and organise tine lwt'l anrf parfacted and tha taaiiwa. ad.cta ar l-aa Individual coo'.ro d;ornlvl and iBterruptsd ir:r ta o-rlo-1 cf reorganisation. X Details p! ba worb4 oot for ti rara bb4 eontlfiuad rmptoyoiaBt of tha irirr of work it-. at ! various plants rortnlnc ta Hta Corporalloo t pravaat W.oa. nffrlii a4 4tJ erHo r. A lars prcrtaa of tba in;!rii ar nawlr tiaturatl-4 and fcBEalurartsai forlnr. ao.l troubla mom tbam at tht. tlma would b ) plor.t enra:iy. . DUy ta ta protratin of plana for tbo BpbstldlBS of tha NatloraJ da f.o.a. aa It l tba eMf ao-jrea of lop ply far t.l n1'd oa batt!hlpa. IS Xathaaal Qaaatlooja CaaaUcra4. la hia annual adilraa or rnaaca to Cootf... raad al tba opatnc of tha .:nn two waaka ax. tha rrldnt a'its?4 tha adTlaaol'Ity of a ecu auitio mmmttiM of lodaatrtal and trnoorttiB prta to aUI tha military aothorlttva ta worhloe oot p an for ar.it'4 and concartad actios la tha ai.ni of war. It l no wltd cc to r that from tha l.adara In tha Industrial world at tha Gary dinner, thara may ba 'lactad ana or mora marobara of thla apactal eotnoilttaa for taa dif.naa af tha eounv try. and aremln.nt ma hara ara of tha batiaf that tni. with all tha othar mom.amai o.aation allud'd to In aotrtna: tha i jiilhrlum and afty of butn..a rnfid:t:ona and political af fair la thla country, wara eonaldarad by tha ma :.iara-l about Judta Ga ry a hoapllahla boanl. If aach wai tha wadartyln parpoaa f tha dinnar. Ita Importanra far out. watch whataTar political (icnKlranra Ihara may ba a'ta-hd to It by thoaa who ara Bow ml. thoacht to tha vrirtm movaa aa tha political cr-a-ettar 4. PIONEER OF 1847 GONE Mil. MIRTH I A. HILL. at. DIES AT Motrrtotrr, Eallra HarrW4 Ufa, t aa.aarartnai !W. raaa.d Paaalla CVUaa haaka af RtakraaU. tVPr.rFNMt.NO' Or r j-Mr. Martha A U t.tLmohr of In-4a;aa4aa--a. m4 away at bar raal v hara aarly thla mornlna. attar aa ll n.M af "t.ril waaha. oa waa pinntaf of IttT. Mr. It. II waa br ta Oraaaap d'tatjr. Kialick). In lll. an I whan II taa tri9 to itum. Tba party tanlad aa tha hanh of tha limoil Hkraalt. wbar aaa IKad with tba B'rc! family fr many yaar. aha waa taa dauahtar af Haaaoa Vlr B . a4 marrl4 llanry Hill la July, tail. Th.y a'f.lad oa a donation claim waara tba C:ty of Intapaadaaca BOW at an..'., and Mr. If!tl bad Bnado maay doaatiasa of laad fr city aatarprtaa-a. au5i:.i buti'llBa". cbarcbca, raiUeada) act parka. Mt Hill waa th aaethar af alaa ehl! Iran. foTr of whom lartlta bar. I. R. Hill. Ilamar Kill. Vard Hill and Mr. Oarlant llilt t'ohra. all of whon war'a wtth bar at bar d'atb. liar bua band dla4 la l. aad aca that tlroa aha bad baart tha h'ad of bar owl bouaaoed. llaiac oa tha erlataal claim, taa houao balnc caattuea to tba City af to 4rh Jaaca. ) i.t out.l la tha tlmltav Tha fuBaral will ba baij from tba family rai4a"a at I I o clock Tuaa 4a r. and Istarmant wtll ha la tha aid atoaaar t.r.t.rr at RirkraalL Ur luaamara will coodact tha fuaar aarytcaa. LASKAN MILITIA POSSIBLE feW-vrrtary of Intrrtor sod Jar Dr. artnrnl favor Mot. n-tEOOMAX NEWS BL" IlEAt. Waab Inxton. Dc 3 Alaska ahoald hT It own miutia. la tha aplaion of tha c riry of tba Iatartor. Mr. La na. and withi prepar aacourmaamant from th War partaiaat. ba tl.aa a thou aa4 uaa. mora or la., could ba br.ui Into aacn an orcaaljatloa. la lyit taa War Iapartinaat 4ai4o4 aa uaafal ercasiaatlon of mtlltia could ba malhtalaad la Aiaaka andar tha aiiatinar coalition. aIthoah tha War CWpartmaBt ballavad It waa both prac-ti-61a aad dastrabla to maiatala a furca of mtlltia In AUki, particularly la tha vli-lalty af Janaaa. tnc thaa so mo ba boon mad to ramady condition, althoach It I thought polbl th p of a mi lt a pay btU may op.it tha way. Th tlma asa epportuBa for nca orcaal aatiaa," aay aratry Las, "aad If thi caa b ffacta4 a forca af militia lo or mora It pgmbar ran ba an rollad. whoaa paraonr.l would Include at of prvlo-i axparlanca la th ml lit. af tha yar'.oua -; aad who art aw aoa4 Alaakaaa." '-l.r JV: . . f J( - fa. -'J !-v . . . cV.Pp.tj-' a-;V 1 I .... - .&hs'- -z::- - 1 ' . I r-v ' t -t.- i I ,- , ;-."-..- V,; .ur. FVi - - s Photo Copyright by TJodorwood. COLT LltXI AD IOTrL AT noT rRI"CS. VA. HOT SPRINGS. V. Poc S9. (BpaeUL) Pra!dnt Wllon and hi bride, tha former Mn Norman Oalt. are makina; tha moat of th.lr bonaymoon atay hara. Rlua akl. a bribt an and mild temperature are Bttire-e eon Jpirator In tba plot to provide a maximum of happlne.a and icood chacr for th happy couple. Both preeld.nt lad Mr" Wllioo brou.ht th.lr ttolf d uba. and a. th irolf cour.a I. In excellent condition, thay have unusual op. aortuntty to Indulca. Tha president s suit of four rooma la on tba third floor of the win of the Homestead Hotel, shown at the rl.hl of the low.r picture. Tha porches outside tba window, overlook th golf links aeen In tb up par picture. QUICK ACTION ASKED Vilson Wants Congress to Concentrate on Defense. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE WAITS Cake Willi Bt Candle to B on Ta ble Taeadajr at Hot Spring Ho tel : Honeymoon Couple Have Auto Ride In Snow. HOT Jtpr.lNO.1 Va Pee. !C on- rrvaa will ba orc-d by Prnldent WIN to concentrate it attention oa the Administration's National drCanse pro srramroe Immadlataly attar the Christ nu holidays. It waa laarnad hara to ntcht that while the Praaldent baa no dasir lo aa the praparadnes plans rushed throuch without full considera tion and datate. be atronaly dealrra to have the Army and Navy bill dlspoeed of as promptly as poeaible. lie not only hellavas It is es.enuai t tha War and Navy a-rtmants n a iioaitlon to baa In work on tbalr new procrammae without delay, but wants the Consrasatonal calendar Isar4 for frneral leclalatlon later In tha WlBtar. Coapl ladaaalrd by Baow. Know fall here all of last night, cov ering tba trround to a dapth of mora haa a foot. Thla did oot ma Pra.l4.et aod his hr'.de from having etr daily automobile rid, however. t waa alow and difficult traveiinc. but for an hour and a half tba While Houao Car tolled wladtaa- roa4L while ta pa.aaocrrs anjoyad the woodarful Wlntrr acvne and the sharp Invlgorat Inr air Tha Prratdanf stenographer, who .Bt to Waahtnartoa far Chrtstraas, eturoad today, bringing a great pack- of Nltara and msaas from the White Houaa. It said that non f th cornmunlrattnn contained bust na.e of graat tmportanco. There waa a maetlnc In tha hotel to BUM un.r the amplrea of the Marquis ad Marrhlonaee of Abardaea and ad- drvaaad by Mr. vtb Barton Franrh. reontly rrturoad from hr Red Cross work In Trance. Tha President and Mrs. Wilton declined Invltatlona to at tend. Mr. Ua W ill Ba Bo Twewdey. Th Pra.td.nl will ceNbrat his ttth birthday Tu'sday. He will ha surprised at dinner with a great birthday cake. bearing I) candla. which tha hotel management today ordered the chef to prepare. Officers of tba veiuorear fire a.part- ment hare, bavins; h.ard that the Irval daat la an honorary m.mbar of tho rasa Chrttln. Mlsa. fire department. have asked Mm to become aa honorary mamber of th.lr drpartm.nl. SERBIANS ARE STARVING t((-M54 ram Flrat PSra which ar either diverted from their real parroae or al'owed to Ita In wart Boueee bacauaa of poor orranlsatlnn. There ara many men fighting In tha Serb army who have lived la America. On tha train coming here from Salonlkl there waa a little detachment of I or 13 !rb and Montenacrtne. Saveral of them bad lived la Amarlca and spoke English airaxlnarly welL It haa been rather a common expert eaco to start a conversation In falter Ing French wtth a 6rb soldier and than to bare him coma back at you Ith "I guess, or "Sure. My first experience waa at tha sta tion la SalomkL I rather expected to find reek speaking pur American, for there are a lot of them la tha Greek army who havd lived In the States. But 1 waa not prepare to find any Amen canlxad tarba This maa was an Intel ligent roan who had tha look of a law yer or a professor. He waa In tha uni form of a private soldier, carried his rifle, aad bad a hand grenade la his pocket. la another pocket ha had hie pocket book with a picture of hie wife, who died about a year ago. Thara waa a array of dried and withered flowers clinging to It. and he said h had coma ovar to fight soon after her death. Ha had bean la Serbia ever since, but until receatly bad leit no action, ba - c - ; ' ..f r-,-.-. 1 - eaase for th greater part of tha lsst year there has been no fighting In Serbia. Caerdlaa Ar Plctar caaee. H now belongs to th "comltadjla." a sort of guerilla organisation, which Is not directly under th supervision of th government, but which Is aided fi nancially by tha government. Tbeaa comltadjla ara an extremely pleturesnu element In Balkan warfare. Th Bulgarians have their comltadjla organised In Serb territory and th Serbs bava their comltadjla organlxed In Hulgar territory. A reward la of fered for each comttadjl of tha enemy who Is killed, and In consequence there Is a lot of killing going on. One hun dred and fifty dinar about $20 la tha reward paid, and In consequence of this munificent amount there Is a keen activity In killing, as well as fre quent mistakes. Tha comltadjla operate In banda of 10 and 40 and make their headquarters In tha mountain towns. Between tha Fulgar and Srb comltadjla there Is a constant and deadly warfare, and tha leas freouented roads and trails ara dangeroua for travelers who ara not well protected. The government encourages and aids the comltadjla In their work but re fuses to acept responsibility for their actions. If a crlm la committed by a comltadjl there Is lltt'.e cbanc that Justice will reach him. ' British Cease! Dlatrtbatea Bread. At present there la no effective or ganlxatlon In Monastlr for tba rellf of the hungry. Th only effort that la being made is that of th British V lea Consul, who distributes bread eeveral times a week. Just now h Is feeding about (00 people and to each ha gives about one pound of bread a day. Today I went up to aea the bread line. About a hundred shrouded Turk ish women and many children were waiting for their bread a coarse, brown variety, which waa undoubtedly mora nourishing than appetising. Tha funda which are used by tha Vice-Consul ar supplied by several church eoclatlea ta England and tha good that Is being don Is evident to any one who sees tha pitiful women and children who go away from th consulate hucaina their brown loaves. KILLING LAID TO MONKEY GIRL'S DC ATM LO-fQ MYSTir.ES roucii or paris. 1 A alms la Savperled at Deed Prove A II bis Mather aad Brother af Victim Arrested. PARIS. re- St. -The murders In tha Ro Morgue." a depicted by Edgar Allan Po. ar having their counter part In th real Ufa at Clermont-Ferrand during the unraveling of tha mya lary surrounding tha death by violence laat August of Mile. Mario Christophle. a young woman belonging to one of the wealthlast families of the place. The police have been Investigating a report that tba girl waa killed by a monkey. On tho night on which Maria Chris tophle met br d-th. a fire occurred In har home. Netgbboro rushed In and found her dead with wounds on her bead. Tba Christophle family offered a large reward for tba capture or th parson or parson who killed ber. Last October tho Inquiries by tba pollc led to the arreat of the, girls brother and mother. Reports became current recently that monkey had gained entrance to Ma ria Christophle s chamber and killed her. A a result the police searched tha town. They found flva of tha animals. but an alibi haa been established for each. A Child" Irajcr. If tha mother would teach her child to pray, aha must first know how to pray herself. Then If aha kneela by har child's bed. and la simple worde commits her household to tho keeping of him who slumbers not nor sleeps, her child will catch something of his mother's spirit and trustfulness, and la time. Naming to join with tha mother In tha word aa he has already Joined with he9 la th spirit of rever ence and repose, will learn to pray. Tha mother who haa no such experi ence cannot Inspire It In her child, but must leave it to b given by someone batter equipped than herself. Th QeralM That rsaee Vet A fact the Dead. Bt-iuM of Its tnnl ad laxsuve etTsct LAXATTVB PROMO QCINIXK csn be tska- br anyone without cauatng a.rvauenea nor nartttc la baa.4. There la enlr eoa "brsne si-i-Aa.- c w. urate s aisaatura aa bos.-e. 1 ; - - .' : : - - .- -, . . . T f;;r; ') V4 WHEAT IN DEMAND Prices Cut No Figure With Heavy Buying Movement. MARKET IS RULED BY WAR Forclzn Demand Greater Than lias Drrn Reported Advance) Still ExpexstcHj, but yDlsaBtroug Break May Follow. CHICAGO. Dec it. (Special.) A sensational wheat market exists. The public, and foreigners ara buying lib erally. Prices have advanced 14 to 15 cents In two weeks. At tha close Fri day they were tha highest of th sea son and BH cent above last year' on December. M cants up on May and 54 of a cent on July, aa compared with laat year. The market Is a war affair, with buying fever th strongest of th sea son. Prices cut no figure and ar not expected to do so for several weeks, aa soma of tha largest traders see It. It will be no surprise to them to sea an advance of 10 to SO cents more before there Is an effectual check. Soma pre dict higher levela than laat year. They also aay that when th buying force has discounted all bullish conditions thara will be a disaatrous break. One striking feature In th wheat situation is th absence of heavy sell ing pressure In tha American markets and tba Increasing anxiety on tha part of foreigners regarding future supplies. World's stocks are the largest la years, Europe having lighter supplies than In recent years, while Canada has the largest known. A larger foreign demand exists than Is reported. Export salee of domestic arm Canadian wheat In all positions last week wera about 10.000.000 bushels, one government buying 700.000 bushels at one tlma. Appearance of the governments In the market, after telling tha trade that they had enough bought to supply them for three months, shows how un certain ar statements from abroad. Such buying, despite th scarcity of ocaan tonnage, is surprising. Those In a position to know aay that about all tho domeatle and Canadian wheat afloat at Buffalo haa been sold, although aoma of It Is owned by specu lates Importers. SOCIALISTS WAN. WAR FRENCH COXGRESS Or PARTY FOR PEACE OXLY AFTER VICTORY. Chief Spewker Pelata Oat That AUlea Have DoaalaatJag Eeaaeaale Po alttoa tat Reaoareea. PARIS, Dec. t At th afternoon eeeelon of tha Socialist National Con gresa, which opened here yesterday, the chief speaker was Deputy Compare Morel, whose address waa vlgorouslsy applauded by a great majority ofthe 100 delegatea In attendance. Hia ad dress may ba summed up as follows: "No renewal of relations with the German Socialists: no peace at th present Juncture; war to th knife, as the entente allies are surs of victory, and peace only after victory." - In th course of hia remarks the speaker pointed out aa important, where a war Is on of exhaustion, that th population of th entente countries amounted to 711.000,000 as against the central powers' population of 140.000. 000. and that th economic forces wtih respect to agriculture and finance gave th allies a situation of preponderance. OLYMPIA SUSPECT TAKEN ntlnnl From First Pst:a. of the time In his room, according to pollc Information. Burns operatives were looking for htm and were close oa hia trail. Detectives Moloney &hd ' v"'r';. C' ;. " . ' ,) '" w i Swennes unearthed a "lead" only two days ago that resulted in the arrest yesterday. Extradition to Be Waived. Stone offered no reslstanca and said he would be willing to waive extradition- proceedings. He Is accused by Washington au thorities of being th ringleader of a clique that baa been looting the state Industrial insurance fund for more than a year by procuring the signatures of fictitious claimants. Vouchers for big i i . i Kin waa alirniut br men UU.Jll.l J I L LJ n ... w a " slightly Injured, at the instigation of Stone, it is anegea. vincr uirtuuwi. v w.j - " are John W. Gillies, claim adjuster for tha State industrial Acciaeni ,umum slon. and Eugene K. Kearns, a saloon man. both of whom are under arrest in Olympia. LARGE VESSELS ATOJfE FOR DE CREASE IS ?f UMBER. American Blerekaat Marine Declared New to Bo Eqaal ta That of Aay Two JVationa Except Britain. wioTiTviTnv rta. $fi. Although .... 1 . marrhnnt . h f !) Under idi uiiwj the American flag decreased during the fiscal year ended wun lasi jum, m tonnage of the merchant marine . i ...nrH.hrffuklnr Increase, ac cording to the annual report of the Commissioner of Navigation, made pub lic tonight. , t.. in isii 36. 8.3 vessels, hav ing a total gross tonnage of 7.928.6S9 were under American registry. A year later tha number had decreased to 26,- A k... . V. . aa-rravstA tonnafiT was I lit 429. Figures made public recently snowed that since the fiscal year closed ther had been a steady Increase, both In number of ships and tonnage, the merchant marine on December 1 com prising :.88t vessels, aggregating S.444.35S tons gross. Th decline in th number of ves sels with an Increase In tha total ton nage la the normal result of th de velopment of water transportation." says the report. ine etse m ' has been steadily increasing since steel and steam came into general use. "In tonnage and value the merchant shipping under the American flag is surpsased only by that under the Brit ish flag and In tonnage it equals that under any two foreign flags combined except the British." While the total of ships decreased only 2. the report points out. the de cline In sailing ships was S93. . ISO a ton at Roma, and steps are being taken to bring It from Japan, where the coat Is Jnat ono-tenth ss crest. POSLAM READILY SOOTHES. HEALS Use Foslam- when the complexion is unduly Inflamed, When tormented by itching skin; When pimples, hives, rashes, or like troubles annoy: When the feet are Itching, chafed or blistered; When the eczema, acne, salt rheura or any itching skin disease affects; Poslam soothes, cools, comforts, re lieves burning, smarting and Itching. Works rapidly In restoring thfe skin to normal and presentable appearance. And if ordinary soaps Irritate, try Poslam Soap, medicated with Poslam and superior for daily use on the skin. For samples, send 4c stamps to Emer gency Laboratories. 32 West 25th St., Ksv York City, Sold by ail UtMSSiUiH, SHiPTONNAGE GROWING One year ago when we reduced the price on ROYAL CLUB COFFEE from 40c to 35c, we told you it was only temporary that we were sharing with you the saving to us in an exceedingly low. "war time' coffee market that as soon as the market went up we would have to restore the original 40-cent price. We were the only coffee roasters on the Coast to take the public into our confidence and share our saving with them. The public has saved thousands of dollars as a result. Now we must raise the price of our ROYAL CLUB brand. The high-grade Central American and Sumatra Coffees from which it is blended have gone up are still going up. We have every reason to believe they will stay "up." UNTIL JANUARY 1ST YOU CAN BUY ROYAL CLUB COFFEE AT THE REDUCED PRICE. If you are one of the thousands who have found satisfaction in this delightful coffee, you should lay in a supply NOW at the reduced price. If you have never tried it, you should treat yourself and the family while the price is down. Say ROYAL CLUB to your grocer today. LANG & CO. The "Royal Club" House Portland, Oregon. 5 PROVINCES REVOLT Uprising Against Return of Monarchy in China Big. TROOPS ON REBELS' SIDE Organized Party Calls Itself "Expe dition to Pnnlsb Yuan Sbi Kai" and Promises to Protect All Foreign Interests. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 26. "The punitive expedition against Yuan Shi Kai" is the name selected for the or ganized revolutionary party reported to be active in China against the return to monarchial government and the cor onation of Yuan Shi Kai as Its Em peror. This information was contained In a cablegram received here today by Tong King Chong. president of the Chee Kung Tong (.Chinese Republic Associa tion) from the headquarters of the movement at Shanghai. From th same sources came the first news of the declaration of independence from the rule of Yuan Shi Kai by Yunnan Prov ince and the reported revolt of four other Chinese provinces. According to tha cablegram, the or ganization has three distinct objects: 1. The upholding of the republic of China. 2. The restoration of the constitu tional parliament and the safeguarding of all the rights of the Chinese people. S. To afford protection to all foreign ers in China and their interests. The principles of the organization contain a declaration proclaiming that all contracts and loans made by Yuan Shi Kai would be disregarded, should success crown Its efforts. Previously W. j. VanSchuyver San Frcincisco Cal., Jan. 1, 1916 We offer the same square deal methods that have characterized every transaction for over forty years. The same value at the price that has made our brands big; sellers thufughout the Northwest, The same service that has made the name VanSchuyvez; a byword for efficiency in all deal ings with the trade. Dependable merchandise direct to you expressage prepaid at wholesale prices. WRITE FOR W. J. VanSchuyver & Co. Established 1864 83-85 BEALE STREET San Francisco, California P. 0. Box 801 the revolutionary leaders had declared that punishment of Yuan Shi Kai. "the traitor," was one of their objects. A few details were included in the cablegrams of the progress of the movement in China. Yunnan province, the information said, was first to re volt and was followed closely by Kwei Chau. Then the government ordered Its troops in fize-Chuen to proceed to Kwel-Chau and quell the disturbance. According to the cablegram, these troops disobeyed the command, de clared against the government and aligned themselves with the revolu tionists, being followed by the entire province. The last provinces to revolt were Kiangsi and Hupeh. The last named province was not mentioned In previous cablegrams received here, and today's information did not mention the prov ince of Kwang-tung. NOTICE After Jan. 1, 1916 SPRING VALLEY WINE CO. Will Be Located at 418-420Clay St San Francisco, Calif. CATALOGUE & Co.