Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 25, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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presage larrtfle ctut la the aear
future, but an 0.1 of in di. patch put
th rfal oT in contact o't aa(U 10
n.w jear.
fi'ew Trial Denied in Suit by
Which She Was Named
Heiress cf Grandmother.
j)l Vtllliame .Scott I savored
y MaaUiu Bprrn Trttwsal
an J Will t,el lortlM IdIm
Lower t'oart le Krvrrard-
T TTn. oM, N. II le-ULV
""'(a ftate .n;rin Court at Helena ta-
rnn recenUr hit developed ra p
Idir In I'er.ia. with the Ruseian ad-
rlri( on Teheran. Th two chief
rn(r of rebel activity In lerla al
rdi ar In liu.aiaa hand. Con.ld
rbi ditnc. te ttn the Itntlaa
position al kut-el-Amara and th near
est I:uil4g forces, but If th Russian
have continued suec..e a Junction be
te -b thra md th Hrltl.a mar b -pact.
4 before Ions.
David Ijevd iaorc. tha PrttLh Mia
later ef Munition, la span-ting hi
' hr:!n:4 holiday, ri.i'lng tha muni
Dona work In tha Clyde dl.trlct.
where h la ttrKtnff tha lm?ar1t need
of .oos Mrurt of "labor d i 1 u t Ion,"
atlrk In. 1 idea am agreement between
tha laor ualone to permit of tha em
ploy tr.nt of n pereenta of un.kitled
men wua aklUed bb la munition
An Intere.ting faatar In Mr. I Joy 4
Crrf procrmm yeaterdar waa tha
rhrttnfna of a r w monition manu
facturing center. "iirt.
Daniels Gives Out Report He
Was Declared by Critics
to Have Suppressed.
Th Ct'irx given by trtrnW A -tut'n
.hoar bow heavy hev been th
hrtlnh caeualtlee dJr'ng tha war.
Theee total pearly IJ.. without
countirf th man Incapacitated by
sic i(u.
e;:.:: RRITIQrl IflT
la taa fa.-riou. t:iim. will e.. TM! UaaOitLI LWIlllJII LUul
ne. that Jlyll! William Scott. '
foreland, th fr.i:ob! of th at
"--Be) U Wii::ne. will Inherit tha
oatac eat. ta S':prni I curt re
f.a th ij-mat of th low.r t iurt
Th contestant live la Portland with
ar SRoCBer. IS wife, of VY. ffoll
t-Stat Ham W ardea f th a state.
Sir. Scott a rir.t buabaad wa tba .on
f Mr a. William... II wba hi
B'"ter w t ".-
t.-al :. iviiiumi dif Vtarvhj I.
ll'K. leavirve; aa Ft worth approsl
fnatalr Ilii.'IH T cnlr ar ra.a
t: in ta ront'.tanl In th raaav
a al 1.1a lima of th dth of Wra
V u;umji waa ? yara olX
A dx umat ai4 to I1 tt will
Of XI-.. Wi.liam w o(fart f-r pro
k.ta b lorniaa .VI. lU't an4 Aodraw
J lam., pra.i.l-nt of th I'lrat Na
tisn.l f tiMtt. who war
th aia--ut-r. I r th farm of th
ai:cal will th um of '.' wa. to ba
alvai to tha mataatarvt. th sran4-
iKtitr of tha d..4. an4 tia bl
an a f t- ta: wa. to Co to Ao
raw J. tTla.
Th rint t ba. thia win ero"at-1
l'i.ttliina. b tVirotha Allc ott.
rio'ar of tha roata.tnt. who waa ao
I f ir t:4a of bar 4aJtrhtr.
lM Ta rnntaat w a. on tha roil
I'aT'.IlT a-uCa'i an4 that Qnd'J Influ- I
n :a w atrt. by tr lrt-T In pro
rif.rt tia mikitj of tha all'ca. wilt
br if .-a. W iiiiam A JirT dIJ4
a a.t tta b.nkar In th lowar court.
t. hilt laaa or xt aim nuro
r Tba T orTVrwro Aaaoos thaoai
uaalllM al Darwaallo llOai
oo irat a7,aCk.
to.vpox. rw. ii n.p!i
wr!tra ii'idun b r. A.
to a
mambr of t IEoij. of Common..
I'r.r rr A.TJ ii lo4r ir th total
Hrt'.in r.u.Itta up to tcmr 9 a.
h ktlla4 nartibrlnaT llJ.JJi,
if ibi TJI wr oJfx-rr.
t'r!aKr4 f car of th'tlr a" br I'ramiar corrca4
tha ( ur- rrrarrt!na o..a at th
rrdcr!l. fiivan y.tardax In tha
o'ia of I'onimon. At that tlm tho
rittt tip to I ram bar II wr
ci.m a. It:.;i. a mi!r total than
t 'rm!r ( to-lajr for tha tfwrt.
tior.. ti limbr . Th ca.ualllc
wrra dttribut4 aa follows:
I'UBdtft aa4 fraaaa
f:.tal t ftrpalrd to IW Vonh More
Thaa ItrfxirtrJ.
JyMl Tt'UI.ama S-urt. th frt!n4
f rl ti br a d- l on of th Hucrama
o :rt of VobIihi won a point In hr
lit f ir tS .r t of h.r jtr.o.lmothi
I. t-a atap4au-bCar of W'. fUrott.
rr.iM.el of t.i ti-J-oCt ll'ltls;
4ompnr on al tha
0". s;pro4i-n to tha ll.wthora brldca.
V-t it'. ,'.'o"i on4 h . fp.ia-jshtr
'. bow In Mntn. Mr. j-ntt r- J'
at I'or.l rra-t I'-rtaai.
Th f jrtuna wa-i JIim irar la
tr l I r?jt4 to b i.u.. at at laaat
tar tima Ba put on It br pr.
'port from Montana. At lt l.i.'i
I. ai4 to b In r.! an4 much mora
la lo4 la .alu.i. Moatana mio.o
'- as4 at. a.
.. :
. HI
. ! .
1 1. . .... 1 .( ian nno Old I'lrat
Vrar Krcardrd aa callal.
ItK-rraard Irronnrl I Ha
I i mated at 11,000.
WASHINGTON". Doc. Socralary
Oaaiala tnada publlo tonight tho oris-
inal prlal raport of tho Navy Gaa-
ral Iloard. prpar4 la rapt to a
ury a44r..4 lo th Board wban tha
Admm!tratloo dtrmlo4 11 July
to tab up th question of National pro
par.dn. Critic of th Admlni.tra
tlon flvo-yvar buKdln pronramma for
th Nary bar daclarad this report wa I
uppro.Md In part by th ay i-1
partmvot. and If publl.h.d wou!4 dla-1
cloao th lDadquacy of tfca Oovara-
mfi('i Diana.
Tho Iloard s statam.nt of policy, hola
tnc that tho American Nay should
ual tho tronct afloat by was
publl.h.d ai tlm ao, but tha first
ars bulMln procramm adoratrd
undar that suattaatad policy la Do
ra.calad for th first time.
Isaaaodial Work Mroa.aaaa1a4.
It show rrrommandatlon for four
dr'adnoushl anj four battia-crul.ars.
with aa oqually larco protrramma for
other craft, and contamplat an x-1
fx-ndllur rouchly o.timatad at 1 300.-1
.4 th f lr.1 yaar. aa compar4 with
i;-).'.00 to b spent (or nrw .hip I
In fi )rars undr tha Administra
tion plan.
la a-ivicr out th report Jtecrrtary I
Panlala said that ail statements from
tho General Iloard aa to tho bulldlns
programme mad durlna th present
yaar bad now been mad public Th
j.i 1 report said:
T w .14
Ki 1 ...
u ., .,-
i.K. .rr
Oreroa Ity I'apa-r Mill
I-ack of I'o.rr.
flow fo
1R!-VV CfTT. Or. r--. II I?
-ttt At c ;..- tomcat tft WMlanv
Ta wa. still n.:i. a trtoicn s;oay.
lot above in1 baiow th fall. At
tha In. aa In Wat Un the uppar fleer
ba i bo iii.irn of a foot In la
l.t 31 hour.. ae4 tie tow.r rnr ba
raxavt a fut.
b.cKwatar. ha rdTa. ta ba4 at
th powar heu.aa at tie loeal p.9r
an.Ua to s4c aa e.tant that practically
ft wat 'c!n and a.ery tr'.Bl.l
waif are In maaia papr was
1it dJa by a chtrilt.
Tia cr.t of t-.a r water I at-
pacta.! to pa iiMiin 1 itr some time or aar:y tomorrow trntei.
era a.4 amaa.
te'at .
t f
'In compliance with tho oral order
of tho horretary of th Nary to npr
It opinion at th earliest practical
dato aa lo a policy which should tor-
llll.. . J...l..m..l -r .Ha V... and
.a 1
H Sit
la bulldlns: procramm tn
te milliard rr porta a follows:
I J1
tTTfurr to rrtrr. ATrrn nrx
,mo now nonet rTu
Aatocoobil I.Waae .pplu-ant Make
ltab oa Kerrrtary of Male.
"AUTM. Or. D. Zt ('racial
tTtta only oe.aa da r. I.ft ir. which
4tomo9wa eat.ri sndr th law mat
rt. thair car before obtalnln a
1114 Hcenaa. tha rush of spplicatiea
t th -cr.try of 5:ta'a oCTc ba.
b-.-orno R.ay. art. yat only a third of
th total lunbtr of automobil owner,
tn th .tat baa ao far appliea for
Jli.-ae aa.
Tolay out of th :! ') motor car
Tt-:jt'r4 thia yaar. only f.J baj been
1.1. pad aim th saw plat.
ej-e I'. oa the part of
owner n iruiinf app;icatloo t.t
Moaur ' app.icationa wr re-
T. tXaera B)eMe b'lral Ttetlaa Are
lalarea) and f haaf fewr la Held
I aaVr A rreaf al llaapltal,
irn ASnriAS. rc. Il Knd-aror-mt
to make thair erat after runnlns
dtfn and sariou.ty Injurlnc a woman.
..-.-or 4 n to poiie report.. Iharlea
llrrron. a motion picture actor, was
i.'a.i an4 bt. two companion. James
J. i.ormbr. a chauffeur. an4 I'urha lu
tH.:tne. aa animal trainer, w.r In
jured b're tonlM. wban thair aut
mobile o.erturnel tiormby waa placed
inj.r arra.t at th i:marsrncy Horl
Mi rioraec C. Whitman. IS year
oli. a .tanocraphar. waa .truck by aa
automobile aa she alicht.4 from a
traetcar Bear bar bom, her arm
filial with hri.trra. pre.ent. Aa wit- burrl'4 forward, it wa charge
the automobile peeda4 away and. after
a rha.e of se.rral blocks by other al
chinae. o.arturcad afalnst a Ire la
io'ird:nf a corner.
11-rrcB waa killed almost lntant'y.
t a '.on and tlormby war burled to tha
idaweia,. aere:y cut and bruised.
Mrmby waa found In an apartment
haii. a short d .taaco away, wber
e.'fl..r said he tied after th second
c-v td'Bt.
not. riai:o at itttr doieu cmi
cico roiirr.KKV
Jcnalty .;aln fon. Hay Corn (va n y
Arao I ot Allowed.
?At.i:U. Or. D". II i.p.-lal )
fh Mat I'ubtu Carrie Commi.eior.
t'iar ra(u.a4 to penal.JO the Coo lla 7
Vvatr t'orrpaar for It. failuro to com
r'r wi'h an order ma.ia tn 11J by the
t omtii.a.on t ronatrai't a le-lech
water main for fjnm ad i Clonal aere
t m tn the citia ot Nortik Iiand and
In the same order, th Ctnm!..lnn
a ' r.f th citl-.' re1'ieat lhal the
rata. aa be tk. iommia.ion b d if th a! l.tinal water eenr-e
ware tot jraot-4. Con.truction of an
a i4.:!oaal ra.-r.eir of Jj'l.'l') aa lor.
cp--ity by the wat.r con-par). bow-e-r.
la ordere.1
Friday's Yar Moves
Lad bar tea It I Michael BVerser. fleet
Ha4da t p oad Robe) tVopbt la a ad la ( aplaree).
CltlCAtO. Dae. II iHpeclaX) 5e
ral robbers did their Chriatmaa steal
In early whit Nicholas Hunt, th new
Chief of Wtectleea. waa telltna hi
man to do their thief calchins
A boy of It year, was arrested after
be had shot at half a cjo.-n polic and
T be la Michael lir.r. from
Lar. Or.
He walked Irtn th' Corn
pany branch office at lilt foutbweet
arn aeenua with two re.oleera. took
I to aol ran out. Ui tenant Charlea
Johnson, of th station.
waa nottfi.d. and h ordered all hi
men out into th dl.trlct. t.I'.inj tbtm
to "form a cirri and elos In.
Ttitr found Perjer hldlnc la a door
war. and h opened fir oa tho pollcex
The police ftred back and chased him
ontil h fld Into another doorway.
There he ralaed bia handkerchief a bore
hi. bead a a token of urrendsr. II
had lit 5 In hi. pockata. Th police
beliere h car a fictitious nam. II
was taken lo th Bureau of Identitl
cation to determine ho baa a
criminal record.
--a e tin jed from ttrrt f- l
Bam. for Chriatmaa aurpri.ea.
I'otlcy Tha Nary of th United
States should ultimately be equal to
th moat powerful maintained by any
.1:1.121 other nation of the world. It should
be gradually Increased to Ihl point by
such a rat of development, year by
yrar. a may b permitted by th fa
cilities of tha country, but th limit
a bo r defined should bo attained not
later thaa liZi.
Limit of t'aetlltle Reached.
"I In pursuance of thla poller, and
bavins; In mind the pre.ent faculties of
thla countrr. th Iloard la of the opln
loa that th following should b au
thorised this yrar and recommends the
am for TO'ir consideration. This Is
hollered by tha Hoard to be within and
practically at the limit of lb facili
ties at pre.ent exl.tlnsr:
"Four battl cruiser, four dread
nnucht. six scout. J roast subma
rine, seven f eet submarines, -1 a-
.trover., sir gunboats.
"Aui:iarle: One destroyer tender:
two fleet submarine tenders, four fuel
oil ships, on supply ship, one trans
port, on hospital chip, on rrpalr ship,
on ammunition ship.
"Air-erafl .errlc (lump appropria
tion!. IS.090.00O.
"personnel: 11.040 men. TM num
ber will provide for the needs of th
pre.ent ships of th Navy. Including
thoae near completion, but It must be
borne In mind that th personnel, com
missioned, warrant and enlisted, will
have to be further Increased a th new
con.truction proicrc.
' Other Increase. .reeary.
"Increased facilities for th Nary
yarda and sbor establishments grner
allv. suck as drydocks. berthing space,
building slip, structural shops, cranes
for handling heavy weights, shop ma
chinery, ammunition and other storage
facilities civil personnel, ef.
Secretary Daniel' recommendation to
Congress that th enlisted personnel of
th Nary bo Increased by 7&00 blue
jackets. ;; apprentice seamen and
lioe marine during th year ll-7. In
order to man ship nearir.g comple
lion, was baaed. II was discosd also
tonight, on th annual report of Rear
Admiral Victor Hiu. chief of th Bu
reau of Navigation, now mad public
Th figure bar boon criticised In Con
gress and elsewhere beeaus they wer
below thos of th General Board. Thrc
wer . blueja-ket. In th service
October I. 111. Admiral Blue t report
hows, and with his proposed Increases
including tho apprentice seamen, th
fore would number II. 134 la 1117. or
about 410 fwr than recommended
by th General Board.
rllae r.xplalaa Katlsaete.
Admiral Blua say that he bases hi
estimate on a report from the Board
In November. 1M. which hold that
all battleship under 13 years old. ha f
th cruiser, and all gunboat and
ncesry auxiliaries should b kept In
full commission, th remaining ahipa to
be held In reserve with nucleus crews.
.Should Congress authorise aa Increas
of 704 men. he said, there would be
In full commission July 1, 1117. II bat
tleships, fir armored cruisers. II
cruisers. II destroyers, ; gunboat. (
submarine and th requisite auxiliaries.
In reeere would be IT battleship
more thaa li years old. fire armored
cruiser. 11 cruiser. 1 destroyers. 1
old torpedo-boat and four tonder.
Th difference between the General
Board flgurea of the necessary min
imum strength for 117 and those of
Admiral Blue probably Ilea In the fact
that Admiral 'l etcher, commanding the
Atlantic fleet, has urged an Increase
In the complement of each battleship.
Admiral Blue saye thla ha not been
don because It would necessitate put
ting more ahlpi In reserve for lack
of men.
No Train to Tillamook Tuesday
and Damage Is Big.
TPAT. th second Chriatmaa of the
.real war. will d.ifar little from
Its prM- e,or. Jud.'.eg from th ls-!-;
:,-n of th rest II hours.
A.thouca taera I small I ksiihocxj of
an mil reperir.ioa of the stranee true
e t year, bar and ther It la prob
able that the opposing linaa will coma
to Bone sort ef andertaJtn wblca
will permit then, to raieorat thair on
eomrr.oo day ef rvjotcing without andue
arwioy an .
Tia fl;h'ing trouriil Flartrr ann'a
tti.'.rt jpl. wbich baa been th chief in th reat aaw from th
wee-em (!. baa not yat reached a
tfci.ion. but renort. IrM'-'ate thai the
fjur car' loeeaa on 'oth side bare
baan ao eaar that eOTie k I rel of a lull
. Ilm.iac Inavirahle
T& ww trea or tec le
cuools bar hrlrd la thi work. No
packacea eetueel al le.a thaa It bar
baan sent lo theso otherwise "forgot
ten"" o;dier.
At bom th widows and orphana of
.oldisrs have not been forgotten,
ilverywher ther have been special do
nat.on organirad for them. Including
on by th American church la Berlin.
Other donation bar been larl.hly
pant on th soldiers la the boepllaja
throughout th mptr.
Nature baa baan busy for a wek
ret tire ready to mak it a ral. snowy
lioja" Isnrmltnry Barn.
J.rRINOrtrLry. Dec. II rir
swept the ea.t end of th boy." dor
mitory of Aatioch College, at Tallow
."prtBg. near hare. 1st today, caused
n. of l'41t and waa prevented
from ife.rroving the entire three-story
brick b-'i'dmg enlr br bard work by
volunteer flreoi.a and hucdr.da of clt
us a.
Hrt-ClaMi Mall Jk-nt Out by AVIImod
Klycr rtoute and Santa to Bo
Late N'clialem NewKpaprra
Trlnt on Wrapping Taper.
NEHALEM. Or, Dec II (Special.)
Serious slide on the railroac. near
tt' ll.n. Plr.r .nrt Va.llillff OUt Of a
bridge near Tliiamook on the Northern
Pari He Railway le. sVavUatlon Com
pany's Uno and loss of track In ercrat
places promise a cheerless . nris-ima,
for Tillamook County. Tr.ilns have not
been operated elnro Tuesday and none
la nromlsed for more than a wees..
It I reported that OIK iiacs cover
the track In many Place along m
8aJmonberry River and Patterson. On
big slid at Batterson will require many
deva tn clear.
The storm broke Sunday anl lasiea
for three ds without Interruption.
causlnc freshet In all rivers and
aireama and doing serious damage to
railroad and county roads. The most
serious damac waa the destruction of
the Wilson lliver Railroad bridge aoout
a mile from Tillamook. Several extra
rrrwa are at work attempting to clear
tha track but tho work Is progresslng:
Flr.t-clas mall from here a I'm
to Tillamook today to to out over the
Wilson River route. Both newspaper
In the Nehalcm Valley are publishing
this week on wrapping paper. All
Christmas presents, both coming Into
tho county and going out. ar slide
bound, and It look aa though Santa
Claus would be behind his schedule.
' Hood Ilrrak Water Main.
FOREST GROVE. Or, Deo. it. (Spe
cial.) Th heavy ralna of the past
week caused an unusual flow ot -water
up Clear Creek, resulting In three sec
tions of the water main that carries
Forest Grove's water supply from the
mountains to the city reservoir to wash
out. shutting off the water aupply.
While the damage la being; repaired
the city la taking It water supply di
rect from Galea Creek, th water being
forced through the mains by direct
pressure from the city power plant.
Oreson Electric Railway be ordered to
move Its station from Loganville to
Crosby Crossing, was denied today by
the itate Public Service Commission.
The hearing developed the fact that
the expense of relocating the station
was not justified by the amount of
business that could be expected.
Monthly Industrial Insurance Pay
ments Are Doubled.
SI MINNVILL.E. Or.. Dec 24. (Spe
cial.) Judge Belt, In the Circuit Court.
Increased the Industrial Insurance pay
ments In the case of H. J. Moore, of
Tolk County, who was accidentally
killed, from 110 to 120 a month, in
favor ot the dependent parents. So far
as known this Is the first case of the
In overruling- the Accident Insur
ance Commission In the matter. Judge
Belt acted upon the application or tne
Entire Population Participates and
Thousands of Sack of Candy
Are Distributed.
PENDLETON, Or., Dec. 24. (Spe
cial.) Amid a galaxy of red, white and
blue lights. Christmas trees and bevies
of angelic faces of children, Pendleton's
first municipal Christmas Festival was
held tonight. The entire population of
the city turned out to take part in
the Joyous affair.
At 8 o'clock Santa Claus appeared
and after making his way through the
throng to the Christmas tree, dis
tributed thousands of sacks of candy
hnefiriiu-lps. The parents represented A large electric ".Merry Christmas'
themselves as having been entirely de- I sign added splendor to the occasion,
girls under the direction of Cecile Ann
Boyd and a reading by Olive Gwinn.
The Commercial Association handled
the undertaking:. The general com
mittee in charge was composed of:
Leon Cohen, A. J. McAllister, W. J.
Clarke, Roy Alexander and Dr. F. W.
Vincent. Assisting the committtee were:
Dr. J. E. Snyder, for tne churches; Su
perintendent A. C. Hampton, for the
city schools and the Parent-Teacher
Illllsboro Prisoner Almost Die Way
to Liberty Before Discovered.
HIIXSBORO. Or, Dec 34 (Special.)
Plans of prisoners In th Washington
County Jail to spend Christmas In the
wide, wide world wer blocked laat
night, when Sheriff Reeve discovered a
hoi cut almost through th brick walL
Only on layer remained. Today free
dom of th corridors wa denied the
men and th.y are confined to th cage.
Th Jail I la a brick annex to the
rourthous and contalna a modern steel
callhous. In which th men ar locked
at o'clock In tba afternoon for the
night. Between tba steel wall of tha
callhous and th brick wall of th
buiding Is a spar of two feet, and
her tn hoi waa cut. a bit of steel
torn from a cell cot being used.
rare 1. t he .is ef Sraln. rraac. C.rmaav
aa4 it. at wialftar.
Jewa Theaa selves Not Blameless
Wrld la Igaoraat f Tbelr Altra
I. tie A.pIratUaa.
ST. LOUIS, Dec 24. An appeal to the
Jew of America to govern their lire
by altruistic Ideal was voiced by P.ab-
bl Louis Bernstein, of St. Joseph. Mo.
who preached tha opening sermon to
night at the National meeting of the
Jewish Chautauqua, which assembled
here today for a six-day session.
"If the non-Jewish world," he said,
"has been Ignorant ot our dreams, our
hope and our Inspirations, Jewa are
not altogether Blameless.
"Our young people no longer draw
Joy from the wells of our salvation.
Bridge whist ha supplanted the Bible,
and the twisting of the tortuous mod
ern dance nave snauerea tne emicai
outlook of an age-old faith. Once we
staked our Uvea on the principles to
perpetual which our fathera agonised.
Today w atake our health In the
smoke-Infested rooms of a clubhouse.
where we watch th cards aa they re
veal to us whether we have won or
"If Jewish history and Jewish litera
ture stand for anything at all they
both spell a deep message of social
Station Change Order la Denied.
SALEM. Or, Dec 24. (Special.)
AjyylicaUoa of Lewis J. Glass, that In
pendent upon their son lor support.
Evidence was introoucea wnicn proven
that II. J. Moore had regularly contrib
uted 110 a month to his parents for
their support.
Baker Place of Business Offered as
Social Center at font.
HAk-nn Or.. Dec 24. (Special.)
That he will furnish a "dry saloon" at
cort to those who are planning to put
in a men's headquarters to take the
place of the saloon after New Year's
was the oner today 01 1 nomas umiyi.
proprietor of the Club saloon for many
vears. Mr. Dunphy's offer la being considered.
"I cannot figure a profit for myself
after the first of the year." he said,
"and my place would be an Ideal loca
tion for such an establishment as
nroDosed. I will let them have my
place, fully equipped, for 120 a month
reut and the overhead expenses, such
aa light, beat, etc This offer is abso
lutely bona fide."
Of Aeeldents Reported. 108 Are
Subject to Compensation Act.
SALEM. Or, Dec. 24. (Special.)
Two of the 14 accidents reported to
the State Industrial Accident Insurance
Commission for the week ended Decem
ber 23 were fatal. James McPherson.
of Springfield, was killed while work
ing in a sawmill, and A. L. Skeim, of
Eugene.- succumbed as the result of a
railroad accident.
Of the accidents. 108 were subject to
the workmen's compensation act, 80
were from public utility corporations,
21 were from other firm and corpora
tions which have rejected the act, and
two were from firms and corporations
not employing labor in hazardous oc
cupations. '
Petition, Signed Mostly In Detroit,
Is Filed in Lansing.
LANSING, Mich, Dec. 24. Petition
to place the name of Theodore Roose
velt on the Presidential primary bal
lot in Michigan as candidate of the
National Progressive party were filed
today with the Secretary of State. Most
of the signatures were ootainea in De
troit. It la understood that former Progres
sives who have returned to the Repub
lican party are giving impetus to tne
movement to have Colonel Roosevelt s
name also placed on the Republican
Xewberg Exhibit Made Free by Mer
chants Providing Expenses.
XEWBERG, Or, Dec 24. (Special.)
The annual show of the Yamhill
County Poultry Association, which
closed today, was one of the best in
Doint of attendance and quality of the
exhibits ever held here. One innovation
thi year was having admission free by
business men contributing to pay all
The exhibits came from a wide range.
extending from Portland to Sheridan.
and taking in most of the commucitica
Each number on the programme was
roundly applauded. Two of the most
enjoyable features of the night were
the folk dancing- by IS high school
Dayviile Man Loses 'Argument' and
Sues for Damages.
BAKER, Or, Dec. 24. (Special.) Aa
the result of a dispute at Dayviile, G.
W. W'eatherly has filed suit in the
Circuit Court of Grant County at Can
yon City against P. H. Sheffield, also
of Dayviile, for ,5000 damages.
Weatherly says Sheffield committed
assault and battery against him, and
adds the claims of $"-5 for loss of wages
while disabled, J50 doctor's fees and
costs of the suit. The men are said to
have had a business argument recently
and Sheffield is reported to have
"trimmed" the man who seeks damages.
Christmas Greeting
of tEije $ortlan0 iotel
OR many a year The Portland
has witnessed the return of
Christmas many a time host
and guest have rejoiced togethei
over the dawn of the wondrous Day.
Xn the years gone by. The Portland has
welcomed within its hospitable walls notable
men and women from every land. Its fair
name is world-wide.
Xe rejoice in past achievements; we look
forward, like the eager youth, to years of
increasing service ready, alert, self-reliant.
We rejoice, too, in our younger brethren
who have grown up around us; for all of
them we wish a full measure of prosperity.
lT)ost of all, we rejoice in the loyalty of
our old associates; some who were with us
on our first Christmas Day, are with us now;
locks that were then raven or gold are now
as the silver of the frozen waterfalls, yet the
hearts beneath beat on warmly, even as the
rivulet still flows beneath its crystal mantle.
Jjet Winter winds blow shrill 13 let Winter
rains beat down upon this roof of slate S
within all is light, happiness and good cheer.
The candles are lighted, the yule-log burns
bright upon our hearth; the golden platter
is laden with purpled fruitage, the steaming
wassail flows free. Come and make merry.
Christmas DiNNtP.
Five-ibmy 10 EistaV $ 1 .23
GEO. C. OBER. Manager,
of The Portland Hotel