Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 25, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 MOTmyo onrr.oyTAS, satttttoay. decembeic 25. 1015. "
. 1 , . ' urn 1 II I I I I I III I II I I I llll 1 I
Leader to Leave Peace Party
for Time, but Says Others
. Will Continue Work.
TMsrim Arrive' tm Stwatsnta aad
Will tU Wrtrnmf Tods? hy
rdlh) AwrUlW tr
FT"X"KH'.LiI. via Londtn. Da. 14
rn ront ef hi aertoue lllneea.
Itf lord ha eompll4 I
aeeadoa hi trip. Tb rminin ma-
ere Of th (fNilllia UI rlll
t CMakua d The l(u with
Me i4a cf nrnlaf out Mr. Ford's
rri-:nal plan for a pari-eont arbitra
tion board. Th coramllt.O bae Usual
! fallowing ltmort:
-Tk lils. of Mr. Ford. it t
t:ru. la aerloue. Ida 4ctor as
aeree ewafldeetiy that ther I o or
reaic wm but that there la argent
need far rL T doctor U aopeful
i tl the relief from raapoaaisllity for
th expedition win cpeedily raator
km to acrtpl
hrer leavinf m peny -r. ir
saM- .
-Whii t am wall enougt I wilt
r:r join the etpeditioo lai-r. I am
nf.U.ot It will e'in the am
witaoMt ir sad that It will do tnuih
lovirt brtrsglaf paac.'
r..j"Tf TtUca"! Compaar 'rfn
H"1 a.UV X "
ll.nrr rr Pf partr arrl
for tha at eoa of I
. k.if.l. Mr. 'or rrtai
for m lima t rln hi bHh. b
. i - h n A ' ' rmf em m
ti-4 tnoa tha nialtii cf t pari
j.joit:oa wrl arrna a mtin t
rn.rrjw. at which tha ir.amara cf tha
I'H f : miton will b wtcir.
r t W artnjr. auprama ba4 cf lh
i.ovl T'lnpUM."
A Cor'h, d;ptch ta lb Et
Hi. Tiraph Company
-8:ora lain Wr. I'irt a
rhart tff l.t'.')' hronan labaut :T..
'lilt ta fnae tha aapadtllciv Ha lt
ta ;a ba raeaa:4at that It M Ira
fOMiMa to BAha haadwar. H' party
at Iacrhaa4a a4 Mn
l'nTuo paci'Uta a.1opt4 an atttmcja
f MMfi. thaa Mr. tor4 fta4 all
afn.ial tfaora toaa4 ha braka doaa." m
Official Siprt fUa of Cor-rrnoM-nl
WAiUINOTOf. rc 34- Raamma
4atiaa that tfta OormH cuatrol
a ixl earta a:i caaatal radio atatlona
withia taa Jvirtadiat-oa cf tha Cata4
ritut aa4 aataaiuh a practical
tnoaepcty for tha traarntloa cf all
i.atarsmant buiaa ara laclJJa4 la
ti miiuI raoart at Captala W. il. U.
lu.Ui. t'lpartataadact at tha Nar
-r-ic. mad a poblla toaicht.
Tha boar4 alao haa wrha4 cut. tba
rgert aajra. a daT.aua pUa far tha ar
ln Mtioa cf tha radio aarrlca la oh
a war tlat ratlahta caramuDlcatloa mar
ba aialatalnad batwaaa the core nun-i.r-io--mt
af tha aarloaa flaata and
tiair diftaraat datachmaata aa4 fr
b7ina tha dapartmaat and cotnrnan-r-la-chiaf
ta " rami Bleat loo at all
timaa. tatatU cf lhi pUa ar act dia
clat. tor aaiUtarr raaaooa.
m-il rT Trmt Paa.
aloon: tha aalooa of Hiaha, bo la a
f rmr Oljtmpia aalooa maa aao.-Utad
with Ktaro. aad tha Tm4 aa.ooa
cf Arthur -Jlanh- Tooa. Later. It
w faun J that wban a warrant u
t b caha4 la U Tarcma cr aula
a'.uaa. Kaaraa woo'.d rail op Blaka
or TouBa aad aaaoaarc that a maa
with a warraat waa aipoetad.
Ta W, It) TrallfT for Plato.
It waa aaaouncad unotflciaUr today
that Touac wotiM baoomo a witaaaa for
tla rtt aa wall aa WUka. That tha
aU.:ira thaao tw maa arc opctad
t- ia will proa of coaaldrrabla
wuht la the iroetatloo cf the
AMa from balof tha cnlr mambor
of tha trio row at Ursa, ftona la crad
I'a4 (aaral!r P tat loaaatlf atorp
wi:a bamaT the "Praia" cf the coaipl.
racy. Tor yara ba haa eaart4 a
flrat cf araalt fohlc( t oat ef
tiootoa Harbor.
Stoaa aivd bu wif aad Kaaraa aod
bia wita all haa baa a ctoao aaaoclata
and promlaaat f. uraa la the "dowa.
! diatrtct of tha capital. A boat
to raar a-o Vtoe and Ctlllaa ap
paarad aa Joint cwaar of tha "Lucky,"
a Urcr Laaach. oatanaiMy ancaaad la
tha tiaMna; but which fall
nadar tha auaplclos cf "a.lrl author!
t a laaaat.'caeiaa' ahipmaaea ef amuc
a 14 epliwa. At the time the Fadaral
anthorttlaa ware aaoble to get aatdaace
cf mg,-illn( aa4 finally gave ap the
lnaiiti jo. which baa baa a renewed,
fcoarever. withia the loot two moatha.
Stone baa baa a "mlaalnc" aiae the
reveal iaaaetisatlon alartad.
Law llattaeatew at pajaaa.
Tbe meant Bilaad by the lodaalrtat
tnoraace lootarp la betweea lll.P9
4 I ;.. the tl bosua claim raac
In- front lit to Ber!y I1IK aaclt.
I'ntrl.a la OtUlea bankbook, which baa
come into the peeaoealoa of the author!,
t aa. ahaar dapoatta at approximately
fa time cf the cathlar of cock bfa
claim ran:nr from tl0 to I Je, o."
hout two-flfiha cf the amount cf the
c. tv. r1i'ia. ritata Auditor, aa
aauncad to4ay tiat the buraaia of la
asavttoa, ef which ha la ba4. woukl
laatitut a Ihoreuf b audit af tha tsdue.
trul laauraaco dapartmeat oiaalaT
Jeneary .
ladlaa tr lrroat Claim.
rRtixux xrirs BrnEAC. wt).
him. Dec. :i rrank It.U a Cewtita
Inlian. I In tVaahlaatoa, In the hope
a' appeertaa- eafjre the Indian com.
nlttaea ef Car. r to praae the old
riaina of the Cowiirt In-ltena acaleat
11a Goaareaaat. tie Bi!ce that tha
.jramBt baa lo:ata4 It t4 axraa wita b'a iria an 1 nd"aiao that
ti.a claim will be a.lf!4 If Cea
I raaa wi.l appropriate S for each ef
taa resaiaicf taoabara) cf the tr'.he.
... I '. .v.
r.-: c-.' i-
Welland Waterway Is Object
of Alleged Plot.
Channel Opened In Hit I Trad
Oallet front Great Lakea to
Allantio and I of Im
portance to Canada.
Opea4 la IH1 tha Welland ah!p ca
nal baa alnca aeea the trade oatlet for
the Groat Labea. and baa bad a moat
proaale exliteaeo until raeaatly. whan
the fortmee of war broasht It Into the
IntamationaJ limellcht. An alUd
plot by Utnuu and Oarman-Amarl-
cane to blow p aad render aeeleee thlr
ahlp channel baa led to aa aitenalv
lntiaatton by the Federal Oorarn
mint. with ub.aiuaol roredina-a now
la the courts.
Tke men earned aa principal la tnia
atleeed plot are Paul KobI. of the
HamburaT-Amartcaa flnuMp Line.
and R- K. Lean larh-r. a New York
art dealer. Tha latter only recently
took cut bla final natarallialion paper
aa aa Americaa cltlin.
Koanla- la the chief of private Po
lice for the Hamburg-American line.
It la atleead that b le the real i
of the Herman aecret earrlce In the
t'nllad a'.alaa. Both ware arreatrd on
Dxambar 1. after acente of the Ie-
partmant of Juetlce bad gathered con
sUlaraUe tdnce In the lna".:t Ion
under way. which tral to Implicate
them. It may ba aald that ordera fr
(Me lntletloo cam direct from tne
White llouae aftar rartata Information
had Been reccleed there.
The ehargae preferred wnen tne mar
ware taken Into cuetody were the or
derlakina of a military cnterprlae
aaaiaat the Dominion of Canada upon
taa eoll of the I'nltad titate.
The W.lland Canal, which connect
Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, and
through which the entire trane-Atlan-ttc
trade from the Oraat Lake reaches
the dL Lawrence Iltecr and the Al
Untlc. haa beea enlargrd three tlmre.
the laat esraeatlon In lite Increasing
Ihe depth of the watar on the ailla to
14 fact. It eitanda a tflatance of 3T
mitre la the Proelnre of Ontario. Can
da. raaaKtmc "ort Dalhooale. on
Lake Ontario, with Tort Colborne. on
Lake r.rle.
Ita chief Importance to Canada lie
la the fact that wheat and bide may
be eMPPed dlract to Kurope from Mid
rite Weatem Canada by way of the t.
Lawrenra Illear. Before the war the
annual toanace throueh the canal wa
eppro.lmntely l.sec.Peo ton.
The eot la eetlmated at liT.COC.POO
and the annual lolla are about IJIO.ccc.
The canal I loo fel wide and haa J
lock, making a rlo of more than :
f.l balwaan tha two lakea.
fOatad Paoi rirat Paa
to practically the blgbaal laval In SO
rTat In face cf tM aetleliy. njonay
le abundant and Interart raa are ab
aormally kw a low a to conalltut
a areberriearoent. Eipart agree that
tbc greatest mnce to a auatalned pe
riod ef proeperlty I the uprabod
anco of money. It may contribute to
a rapid evponaloa In bualner that may
Increase, wita a uddnn that will
be tart!nr. bat thl deer""nt c
eaearlly will- hrtn the proeperou
parlo4 aad 14 to a olta pta. for there
la nothing more atlUTe than credit
What la more, the anperabundeace
ef money aad the rautloa of the bank
la refaaiBf to pencil l employment
In ay but the moat JI"uld Torm la
lhly t rentnbaic to a furthtr del
epmaot cf wild apeculalion. whiot la
the pajl kaa alway 14 to a diJlurb-
- A t;,.- - r -V ' 1
....... -.( ' , . ;
, . a-' - 1 ...-: - " -i ' J
t . ( . ' . - ----- t r ! n if i -1
Ing collar, but u'ial!y not until the
bond market ha reached a al lhat
make inrtmnt yield unproductive
compared with the return on monay
Iteelf and unul the toc' market baa
become tnpheavy.
Real Eetet Boom vot rrared.
la uch loatanee thr frequently
deeelopa a tendency to h!ft to real
state and other form cf apeeulatlon
and InveatmenL A boom In real eatate
Invariably leade to an absorption of
capital la fixed form of Inveatmeot
to aa extant that It cannot be released
In aufflctent volume to meet the re
quirement of ordinary buaineaa; thua
bualnes face a a money atrlngenry that
make It unprofitable.
Thara la one feature that acema to
point to an absence of any danger of
a real estate boom, for om time at
ieaat. although building statistic In
dicate greater activity in that line than
for many years, aad that la the ten
dency of the bond market to broaden.
laereaaed Paaar Coaaampttaa aad Faaa-
laa of Daaser of Bread Shortage
Caaeee of Reeommeadatloa.
BERUN. via London. Dec tl. The
rruisUn Ministry of Agriculture today
Issued an appeal to farmer to Incrcaaa
their acreage of augar beets. Tha ap
peal sar that a year ago farmer were
urged to reetrict the beet area aad
plant mora grain because It (earned
uncertain whether Germany would
have a sufficient aupply of grain and
because foreign augar market war
closed to Germany. Now. however,
thla situation la wholly changed.
It baa bn proved, the Ministry says,
that Germany la able by economic
methoda and with aoma foreign assist
aace to meat bar own requirement
for grain, whereas the laraw Increase
In suaar conaumptlon haa been a fea
ture of tb past 12 month, the people
eating mora augar aa a substitute for
fat. Much susrar haa been used In mak
ing preserved fruits, much haa been
ant to the front In chocolate for the
soldiers and large quantities have been
fed to livestock.
This year augar crop also yielded
Indifferently, owing to tha remarkable
drought, and although the same cauac
rduc4 the grain yield. It la now
proved beyond doubt that no grain
shortage ta to bo feared.
Crow of See York btli Jteaaas Frosa
aval Borrotary aad Greeting
Ara Peat to All Warship. '
WASHINGTON. Doc II Secretory
Danlele aent thl mga to tha cr w
cf the aupredreadnought Nw York at
the flrooklya Navy-yard, who enter,
talned 10 poor children at a Christ
maa celebration today aboard ahlpi
"On thla Christmas day your
tbouchtfulnes and generosity In pro
viding so many poor children with
clothing and gifts end a Christmas
dinner on board the New York la an
other aplandld example of the venerea
spirit cf the mn of the Navy. Miy thla
day bring to yot and to all tha men
of our service a much barpines aa
your self-denial has brought to thea
litnc nee.
The eoeretary also scat tha follow.
Ing Christmaa greeting to all ship and
shore stations of tha Navy, to be aent
broadcast by the Navy radio service
to all parts of the world where Amarl
cart shirs are on duty:
"Voicing the National sp.rli. I ssnd
Christmaa greetings to the American
Navy from Uc Ajatrlcan people.".
i ' ' '
1 1 . . .I
.-v i
Betrayal of Bank Secrets to
German Agent Charged.
Stenographer for Ilambarg-Amerl.
ran Detective, Himself Impli
cated In Welland Canal
Affair, Give Testimony.
NEW TORK. Dec SI. Frederick
Echlctndl. a National City Bank clerk,
charged with bavins; furnished Ger
man agents with Information concern
ing shipments of arms and munitions
to th. allies, wa bald la IHOO ball
for trial today by a police magistrate
after pleading not guilty. Schlelndl is
a German aubject- He was arrested
on December Id on a charge of grand
larceny. It being alleged that ha bad
stolen confidential letters and papers
of the bsnk and turned them 'Over to
Faul Koenlg. now under Indictment on
charges of attempting to blow up the
Welland csnsL
Before the hearing the chsrges were
withdrawn and two new ones aubstt
tuted. One charged that Schlelndl had
obtained lt from Koanlg on November
II for permitting him to read aome of
the bank'a confidential papers, and the
other that Schlelndl had published con
fidential papera on October 8, without
the authorisation of the bank, by let
ting Koanlg read them. The new
chargea constituted misdamaanora,
whlla tbc original wa a felony.
A police dctsctlv testified that
Schlelndl had received I3 from Koe-
nlg, chief detective of the Hamburg
line, during Id weeka.
Frederick Xletzler. formerly Koenlg'a
stenographer, arrested In the Welland
Canal plot, testified sgatnst Schlelndl.
fix Theaaaad Basra af Orrg-oa - aad
Washlasrtea Apples) Asaoasi Cea.
sla-aascata Allowed to Go.
LONDON, Dec H. The North Pacific
Fruit Distributors' Association, repre
senting 10.000 Washington and Oregon
growers, received a Christmaa present
today In the form of the release cf it
consignment of fruit seised by Brit
ish warstilps while on th way to Scan
dlnavian countries.
With the exception of a consignment
cf applea to Denmark, for which an un
dertaking bad been given, tha fruit
waa released unconditionally.
Tha majority of tha shipments were
on board Norwegian steamers. The
steamer Helllg Olav served aa a tssl
case for th various etsur.
Among the released consignment
wr 000 cases of spples.
SPOKANE. WahTDec S The rc-
lae of the fruit consignments of th
North Pacific Fruit Distributor' Asso
ciation by th British prls court to
day maana the distribution of 111,000
to apple shippers In th Northwest, ac
cording to statements made by J. H.
Kobbln. general manager, of tha dis
tributor. Twenty-nine carloads of fruit were
sailed by British warships laat Febru
ary and sold by tha British govern
ment In March. Tb distributors re
ceived a preliminary settlement of ap
proximately 120.000 and forwarded
claims for a balance alleged to ba due.
Th claim sheets and bills went down
with the Lusltanis. and duplicates were
forwarded to London
The distributors' office manager sail
that Lb a release by ti prls coiut la
volved shipments mad on three. Tea-eels-
Portland Boys and Girls Pass Holi
days With Friends.
Conn, Dec 24. (Special.) The schools
snd colleges of the East are all closed
for the annual Christmaa vacation.
Host of tha Portland young men and
l .Hriirra at Ihe VariOUl
WUIIl.H 1 ' '
schools will go away for the holidays.
. Miss Alice Tucker, or fan nan,-
ba in Boston, as will also Miss Wlnni-
j iini.., ci.nnininiMl bv Mr. and
Mrs. Oskar Huber. Marjorie McQuire
and Francea Balte. oi weiiesioy. wm
spend their time in New York; Florence
i i n into Naw Hampshire.
Miss Johnson is a former University of
Oregon girl now at weueiey. Virginia
. ..a h. krniher. P. 1a. Mlnefee.
will stop In New York with their
parent-. Archie n.ingBiey, oi nwami,
and Henry Good, of Yale, will visit tha
Ooods' itr, Mrs. P. Maresl at Harts-
Bob" Jone and "Buddl" Krlbs. of
Yale expect to stay In New Haven;
David Lorlnc. of Harvard, goes to New
nni Made to American Protest
1 .
Against Rubber Embargo.
WASHINGTON. Vto. tA- tt9
ment was lasued by th British Em
bassy tonight denying that Great Brit
ain had extended to hospital auppllea
. ,, . ! j i. n.AklKltlon aoralnat th
oi ail Hinua v -..-.
shipment to the Teutonic countries of
such suppne maae oi iui.
Difficulties encountered by the
American Rd Cros In obtaining per
mit for th psssage of boapttal atores
have been brought to tb attention of
the State Department, and it waa
learned yesterday that the Department
had communicated with the London
Foreign Of flee, aeeklng to faciiitata tha
dispatch of large Quantities of good
accumulated at the New Torlc head
quarters of the Red Cross. Officials of
the society say they have been un
sble to obtain permits for the ship
ment of suppliea of any description to
the central powers.
in view of the British Embassy's
ststament, however. It Js hoped that
this situation la a result of soma rois
underetandlng, which now may be
cleared away.
Exporting of Some Products Is Pro
hibited Absolutely.
. T . J irk. A M I-
can Consul-General at London notified
the State uepartmeni ior i -lowlnc
change in th British export
llomatite pig iron, iron uu ai
. . . 'n-nhihitad to all
s in e i l i a . -m-. f .
destinations; bicromat of soda, blad
ders, casings and sausags skins, col
chicum and its preparations, solid
. . . . .. 1 I l.l.mnhv
drawn steal mu", '""a
prohibited In excess to British posses
sion; material for telegraph and tele
phone, vegetable fibres and yarn made
therefrom, not Including linen threads,
prohibited to all oountries In Europe.
Norway has placed aa embargo on
the export of rubber cement and
sardines preserved In lard.
Number In Reichstag Increased by
30 Who Declined to Vote.
PARIS, rc. 14. A Zurich dispatch
says that the number of member of
the Relchatag who expressed opposition
to the new war credit of 1,000.000.000
marks adopted on Tuesday was larger
than at first reported. According to
thla information 20 Sooial Democrats
abstained from votrhg, which, with tha
.Socialists, Who voted in tne nsKsuve.
brings up the total opposed to the ap
propriation to 41.
Berlin dlspatohea of Tuesday said 19
Socialists voted In the negative,
Toledo Considers Strict Liquor Law.
CENTRALIA. Wash., Dec.-!4. (Spe
cial.) Tuesday night the Toledo Coun--i,
u.iii nana an ordinance
covering bootlesging and all other vio
lations or tne nquor i. i i ....
will be patterned after those In the
larger cities, and when in force will
enable the town to collect fines for in
fractions of the law. Instead of the
fines going to th (tat.
Toledo Schools Reopen January 3.
CENTRALIA, Wash., Dec. 14. (Spe
cial ) It l believed that by the re
openlns; of the Toledo schools on Janu
ary I the epidemic of whooping cough
In the town will have subsided so that
th pupil may carry on their work
without further interference. On ac
count of the epidemic the pupils re
ceived two weeka' Christmas vacation,
but there will b no Spring vacation.
Postal Station A to 3fove.
normvi iv KFITO nt'RKAlT. Wash
ington. Dec 14. Station A. of th
Portland postoffice. will be moved
April 1 to new quarter on th north
sid ef East Alder street, between
Grand avenue and East Sixth street.
t.,.1- .,..,) h.a b.en laaaarl for 10
year from the Fact Side Holding Cam-
pa nr.
Th iut effiee building faature is a
carafe for the accomnedaUoa of tasaxna,
For the convenience of our
patrons, our store will open this
mornine at Ten o'clock and close
at Two o'clock this afternoon. Complete
telephone and delivery service during these
Inquiry Into Sinking of Japa
nese Liner Begun.
Baron Zwiedinek Tells Secretary
Lansing III Government Be
tiires to Maintain Good Hela.
tions in Ancona Cane.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 31. Tba State
Department today began an Inquiry
Into the sinking in the Mediterranean
of the Japanese liner Yasaka Maru by
cabling the American consular agent
at Port Said. Egypt, to gather and for
ward promptly all available details.
Prompt action followed receipt of un
official reports that the vessel had been
torpedoed by an Austrian submarine
without warning, thereby endangering;
the life ef an American citizen who
was on board.
Should official verification of the re
ports be received, the matter will be
the subject of further diplomatic cor
respondence with Austria-Hungary. Of
ficials made no attempt to conceal the
fact that tha sinking of the Yasaka
Maru under the alleged circumstances
would seriously complicate the nego
tiations over tha sinking of the Italian
steamship Ancona.
Kwledlnek' Message Encouraging.
Baron Erich Zwledinek, charge of the
Austro-Hungarian embassy here, is un
derstood to have told Secretary Lan
sing at an informal conference that
in preparing a reply to the second
American note the Vienna foreign of
fice would be guided by concern for
the good relations at present extstlnsr
with the United States Government.
This tended to ease somewhat the ex
isting tension, though there was no in
dication that Austria had decided to
comply with the demands of the Unit
ed States for disavowal, punishment of
the commander of the submsrlne and
reparation by the payment of Indem
nity for the Americans killed or in
jured. The United States does not contem
plate entering Into extended diplomatic
exchanges over the Ancona case. Un
less some good reason presents itself
for further negotiations, the United
fitatea. It is said, will consider as final
the reply to its second note, which.
Baron Zwledinek informed Secretary
Lansing today, probably would arrive
some time before Wednesday.
New Expected From Egypt.
In the course of his call on Mr. Lan
sing the charge was understood to have
discussed informally the preso dis
patches concerning the sinking of the
Yasaka Maru. However, he had no in
formation to impart
The Piate Department cabled Instrue-
'The Store That
aitsirau L ..s-itc- e
la.-iwii . j -iAiir .
:ikd TO ALLw -i
f- ' - -n mm j,-, , r - r - - --- . . m .i .'i -a a .vj
fla5T Wf
To My
To you and yours I ex
tend the greetings of
the season. Slay your
Christmas be one of joy
and real Christmas
cheer, your New Year
one of prosperity and
2d Floor Corbett Bldg.
tlons for a report to Edward Lyell
Bristow, consular agent at Port Bald,
press dispatches having reported that
the eurvivors, including tha American
citizen, had been landed there.
The Department also expects infor
mation regarding the sinking of tlie
vessel may come from diplomatic or
consular representatives in other
places. particularly Paris, a French
gunboat having rescued the survivors.
I load to Oregon Caves Asked.
ington, Dec. 21. Representative Haw
ley has been urging the Forest Serv
ice to construct suitable roads up Will
lams Creek and down Grayback Creek
In order to make the Oregon cuves
more accessible to tourists. Forester
Graves has' referred the matter to the
district forester at Portland for inves
tigation and report, but suggests that
the project might be facilirhted if local
interests would raise funds to contri
bute toward meeting the coat of the
project. Mr. Hawley will present the
matter to residents of Giants Pass,
who are Interested in eeelng tho road
Saves You Money'
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