T?re sioKTOXGORrGoyiAX tiitiksday. DEcnrpEis 23, 1915. PROMOTER OF TRIVATE CHARITY SCHEME W HO IS SUSPECTED OF BERLIN SAYS TURKS DEFEATED BRITISH AHGEL OF POOR IS ARRESTED AS FRAUD MERCENARY MOTIVES. Store Open Till 10:30 We commend to your consideration the unusual variety and excel lence marking our Holiday lines. Never in the half century of our business life have we so closely met the desires of the thou sands who look to us for the appropriate gift glance through these titles, each represents a complete line not broken or frag mentary remnants. Voluntary Retirement in Gal lipot Denied Drive on Saloniki Predicted. Creditors and Employes of Irving P. Och!cr Clamcr at Courthouse for Pay. mm CHURCHES DENY SUPPORT WrII Orxljrd Crrlt ! Op erated. optoa a ad Credit I Vla.M talked u4 IU-taarant ( Cltj Arm Victimised. ' I-vi- I. 0SUr. seed :t. ac f ami t after eaataace fur a nUf of e(rea. t u a mi? "i W4 14 te lt' eta employment b- tea. .-on. tni a:mea trt. fitted it a itiw f e.:.e I tne fie a ):i'Vtii 'iMrnc aaj Uonc.l in I hru:uil Riil Ubiety wlta ery P fe.rj. a ef It fcln a bona fid oa- ttif.rianf micl ffrt a aa -I:1i.b4 a I of rejn a .caeied a Kitrn of benevolent charity that waa aa iicealaee a It would f.';ta: t hxn. aa4 aia ataaa aal aeu eary. U of creUit aa4 rea ta asm: i-". " 6:f J. ia caa At.n kom: .t f it wi:a -ro.-ery e:re eivU fiiraitar sen A, m.fi la hi ee.terprle. k Bad . la. printed. Tk h lnee.l4 4 cC IK e;r'e in.) eruon; trie clurtso. la tact. wa arrn-sT fjr a "tar d-y" f-r th ! aa4 lor Ctrl t eeil th. la ii:i!mi 4tt4 that the coarchee h.4 ga'.Mti to d wit ki ac&aave aa4 tut oaai.r wa e tam wit&oat ett'lri".V. -! ac-orJ:oitr iu rrt4 y teri If t'asutr Coaatabl. Mroi ti a chart f ila a wia !' aa a.a-neii aatn. It w a developed tut uehtr b4 tar, autcmohiiae tol iKtiat Ttii3 ( &Ka coul4 ctt.a .oi l. A t&. chra. nocoTr4 i-jrlnt ti. la. IL W. tr.irr. rreprl.Cor f th. Iua.a koiw t !1 'lrt tr. n4 c.tnP;int h'torm tft tttrWt Attora.y. rBr!nf ti.r lta url i:u.i wcrta ot f.U aa (U rt(i MH'C.CU T3 arras x.m.et w tht CVM.r w.jiiil :v4 Iba o"rti. iwt wtta a t. kt p'uit-h4 ita ta. amount to a. i ow (root . cat to ii riaU At ti .ftii s( ttxm moatn a. w. t. r4a tic la cwa. Th. la.Mttf atioa aow4 tlttt t. :4 ingat cf la. paacb4 t.t .e for amait amauata aaj for ttlvfi or anr otnr arttcto of Mun i ri. I '. Wasaiactoa iifMi, hlii I ! worta of taa.a puacliJ tlrfc- c. M. fc &a4 bf Briata4 br Uadl.r r r ilm' raatauraat. oa riatmoa aaar "t r 1 .rraat. Io victimise for Ilk inr oatiRCitoua la rloa art of ta. atoarntowa d!trlrt w.r nuM for a -noun t. raajiaf frota 1 t I : i xt trio ct.'U-u:. To aaCaol an Ma cr4.t ka rfatl that ha k4 !') oa 4pooit wlttt lr r.mal.a aaaaara, aa4 kal taa olaaa of I orctniaatioa la orl i:n( I a taurttat waa lo rata I'. ari'i a. hi. a t,i ron.ll.-l t ' a charltT. x ita tfi. arr.at of Oahlr auita a at Itrtmot vara run aii:rt all tea ( Ittt rou!4 t f ub4 tr cr.4ilor. Amn( taaaa a aa tAo f Jrnitura firm to it na t f tt.4 09 ta. oCiwaa. tta bill waa aarlr 111). Ta-r.tj-t'.a co-oka. waltara, 4!1- tttin act otb.r attarkas of t! aupb.. wktca ka4 ta rlaaa. war at tla CBBrt.loiao la aickl lata la a k.. (Umoriaf for attarkaaal tor a Waaa a wacaa. BUILDI.'.GS NEED HOOKS Mate Ljtrjor C'ocnmlkairr Itat cUm tor Safely rtrai. U r. Or. t-. !1 f.aparlaM "X T. Iloff. a'o Laanr fnmmMtaar. ta- r foi-m:i r.'llaata. Fio Xtala Hoari af Control t. ln!l kooka aa t.la cmtaila of tka wlnJowa of t0 rttt'j.iua ar4 thr atato bH4 I11 tK.i wiaUoar ciaaaara may faaiaa iftr kaita t than aa4 thua or.aanl tt froo faU'.nc. Ttia koar4 la ara4 to a:t at pt to raapir Jritk tia ata:a la " M fT mmmiiiiritioa follow: "I wtak la ra I Tour attaatoa to lta f:t fiat tka Xtataaa. aa4 oma f ta artar atat. ku..4iaa ara. at tka rraant tima witnaut propor o-iuipaaat t. a .'c iar I wlaiow claaaara aaaiaaf fa'Una. ttr. k.tna aa oa tco t .( taa wtn4aw t wkuct asay ka fa.tan4 a aafatf kalt. wklcla ara pinraa wkaa calla.f oa ta r aaa oaa frnra ta. otaMa ahoui4 ka com. pal:. 4 , lr.t taal yaa will litt tMa anattar a at ' to tka ani taat K. prucar aafatv dalc. ana ka lxatali'4 a all atata kui.Jinaa la rw aaat t14ila NOTED WOMEN TO. SPEAK I aaa.it ke Irlrara AathorUtoa Ar oa lIoaM-aaa.rra" r-k. Iracraaiai. PKr'MN AOr.tTLTt'R VL COtXEIK. roraaiua. Ic. Z I tipaclar. ) I wo wvmaa wkMa talata will kai9 aiak Manuautti'i' waak. January S to a. prori'.aftia a4 attractlo ar. W Anaa liarrawa ta.Rara' roll'aa. Columbia I 4ifi'. Naw Tnrk: an4 Miaa A'tc luMil. of Vaacoaiar. U C. tormarl Of UnCaR't M liirrowa t a arralnta af lha fioatoa l'il;tf (ro3l ar4 kaa for 1. aara 4iM4 kr tima batwaaa taaca Inf at C'niumbia t'nlavraHT aa4 lactar la katora tarmara' tnatltataa ao4 wommi rliba. rl ka wrlttn aT- rl kullatlaa patlUk.4 fcr tka Col in, ma B t. U aa Atkra r.Jt.M:l. who wltl la tlna lrtor ant 4aanatratl9B oa varloua p.m.- of km trraonict, taa Uia a tnamfewr of tika advliarr boa r J r?r woman'. Inatitutaa .of PirlMaH Co t'tmbu an4 a niamoar of lha Natloaal lot-acii of nimit t Clta for Canada, JACKSON COUNTY IN LINE TaipajrrV I.ra:a I I 'orni-d to Art .. llh Of flcJala. vtrmRO. or. r). i; apctai At a tuaatln; of tka taipay.ra of tka rataty aatrdar a Jackaoa Count Tajtpajrors' Laasua wa frrraa4. Ik cftiaf pirpo of wklck will ka ta ao ra-oparata with tka pubtle o'flctala la tia alminKtratiua of lo- al aff r tkat raatar aft. clancy mar ka ir4 an4 graas.r acoaomr attaiaa. T laaava will ao a tomralihi to oaf-r wlta tko Coaatr Court Ixwara kar i roaaaralnaT tka f ortkcomln ku4 rat. ant aa af.'ort will ka ana J a lo ra iic tao ax pa naaa for tko cetntnv yaar. Tka Uacua kaa now aprroimatl ! tn.mkara. an4 a sraat daal of Intaraat la kata akovm la tka work ef Ika or-(aaiaai-da. , T " -'- i i " ' ',' 1 . I; -- -- .- 7 . - i -t - - v- - . ' f : - V-,.: 7 I - -.. . . . i -u v.. ... HAW ADVISER QUITS Defense Programme Declared Too Weak to Support STAFFS PLANS FAVORED Hear A- l Wood. AeronamUc Knslncrr, Anooancr I Uhl oa habotitatra of Krrrrtarle of War and ay. NEW TORK.Tt. SI Mnrr A. Wlaa Woa4 rroraaantntlTa of la Am.rlcan tocl.ir af Arronaatlc KnaTinaara. today announ4 kia ralnalloo aa a maro r of tka naval comutllr kear4 raan:ly appointaal fcr acr.tarj; I'aoiaia. Ilia action waa takan ka aat.l, ka-aua ba 4 appror aa Inadauat for tko country dafanao IS iaal pn(ramm propoaad by th Adrolniatrn- iiod. Ila win ronttaaa. a aaio. 10 arra aa eonaultant to rormbara cf Ik board. klr. TVoo4 aa'4 la kl lrttr of r.alsnatloa to rtary IaBlala tkat k kad rur.4 -la ard.r tkat I ana l ka Ira to attack Ik tkorouckir la a4auat aa4 tbr.for daniaroualy waak naval and military policy of th rrl4at. a spr.4 la t.crtarr (larrtaoo a and jour awn racommanda tlo B a rut to r publicly that th racomma r. J a tlona of lha caoaral board of Ik !tT aa4 rn'rl ataa of lb Array, a containa4 la Ih.ir original ra porta, k auballtutv4 tbarafor. -If our home a. our paopl". our in atttatloa and our rtaTht ar worthy of praaonraiioa at all. tny ara ntitla4 to tk lr oat Impracnabl aafasuarda which train4 ma ran d.rla an4 our aaormou waaltk crala." Aftr ootitnina; tka way la wklch. ka daclari. Ika original procramm of tha ranaral board of tka ay auk mtfal ta tka Admlnlatralloa laat July ana waknr4 br lb aukatllauoa of anutkar an4 "1m adaual pro-ajramma.- Mr. Wood al4' tiai ika Adminiatratloa offra a B'l'Bar anouck) atraec'-h al aa to raarat Ik.raoa tka flaata of Ika fora mai pwra. nor anoaah arnt aahora ta or.aanl tk aucv.aafal Iaa4- ,r. c of tka nrtr.la ef auck nation, for wkU-a lkir auparlor na could aoly rtaar tka way" Mr. Wo4 la chairman ef the eon faraac cemmlttoa on National pra- ar4oa. coa)poa'4 of am orcaataa liona workioc for National 4'fanaa. Kak-ni Ialnrra l akaa Ucrta. IALT.U.' Or, !- SI 5porlal) ffflcar for tka anaulnar yaar of th Salara anion cf Ika Ilrotherhood ef I aiotar. Darerator and Paparhanirer e4 A an r tea kavo baa a eiaclad aa fol low; U-orara C. Clarka. pr-.ldnt: Sam W. Boaoaco. ra.praldanl; W. H. umminrlSla recording- aacr.tary: C C Burratl. financial aerr.tary: Joha Wlk- CORN-GROWING BECOMES IMPORTANT INDUSTKT IN NORTHWEST. During th past two yr rorn-rTOwir. In Orifori nd tha Factfic Northwaat has mad big tfia. In th) ifrig-al! J tioru. as well kJ in the dry farmtnr dUtrict. tha irrowinr ot com hAj prorcd a ucc. In a fw IruUncc th yield pr atr has area xcded th highest record of th corn-: rowing- ec tioru ot th MidJ'i West. On grower produced 49 bashcU of helled corn to th acre on irri gated land, and many yields ex ceed ej 100 bushel to th acre. Th quality of corn produced in th Northwt U excellent. Th rapid progroa fat thU feator of agriculture mean that th rais ing of corn eventually trill be come on of the greatest Indus tries in Or f goo and Washington. Th history cf eorn-growiri; J and a discussion of th import- anc of th industry to th Northwest will be presented In th forthcoming, New Year's edi tion' of Th Oregonian. Och7zr- barr. traiurr: "rrd A. Lawla. con ductor; Arthur Hutchlnaon. Prd Laiwla and E. T. Armilrcoi. IroiUU J. J. BEESON BURIAL TODAY l ornwr Vancouver Kdltor lo n Laid to Ite4 by Oddfcllowa' Ixxle. COnVALXJS. Or, Vrc. i3 (Special.) J. J. Uaaaon. whoa body I to b kuri4 by tha Oddfellow tomorrow at Vancouver and who died Tueaday at .v. . k. J.-I,t.r M ra (1 W. Taylor, this city, aftar is week- III- naa with pneumonia, was i )' of as. Mr. Bacaoo wa a natlv of Ohio, but while b wa yet an Infant bl parents moved to Kon du Lac. Wla.. where hi ...-- k.-an.A iKa -H i(or of the "Com- rooowealth." at that time a Ix-mocratlc ercaa. In ll tka aon of the editor departed from th political faith of hi father. Deram a -mvin ---and trat Kail cat hi flmt vote for Abraham IJncoln for rrldnt- la H.T Mr. Hc-eaon moved to -Tort-land and a year later he purchad the Vancouver Independent, which he ed ited and ubllhd uatll lilt. FLAX MACHINERY ARRIVES InaialUtioa 1 lo Uogln at Male rrnltmtlary T.ajay. FALftNf. Or.. Pee. IJ. The remainder of th f las-break ln and acutclilng ma chinery arrived at the Penitentiary to day and Inetaliatlon will b:ln tomor row. Th machinery will furnlah ia ployrnant to prtaoner and accordin to J. C. Cady. superintendent of the flax work, will Inaur th aartng of Ik ontlr crop. Th machinery has been delayed In arriving-, but with It Installation th work of carlne lor th flax which has bean dried will proceed without Interruption- The flax In the field 1 now belnc dried rapidly In th new drier, and proepeeta for obtaining- th beat .quality of flbr In th traw ara de clared brlChU . Sandy Koad Farmer Arrealrd. OF:Slf.M. nr . Ir i:.(Sp-lal.) paputy fherirt Hoy Wara ana r.awexa lsherty arreatcd John Utruckan. a farmer llvinaj on th tandy road. Mon day on a warraot la.ued by lh Dla triot Attorney oftlca. htrucken I charted with threat lo do bodily barm to William Tee-art. a nrlKiioor rancn- - T.nri aiieaea that Strucken threatened him with Injury If ho In trfrr4 with a fence erected oo a dl pulad fane line. Mr. trurkn J held la euatody In Portland pendln- bond. lll(linamen Work on Section Line. Mnrmiiu n. rai. t S rac ; a L -Iad" llockinaon waa k.ld up toatur- jay evenlnc on toe aetuou by two huhwaym.n and relieved of II. all Ik money h poacd. Th hishwaymea .topped Mr. llockinaon and ouht ta buy a flh. for payment . . . . ik.. ..n.rl a XI ulJ plec. Whan th.y ware handed th than. a th.y alao kpt the sold plec and oraereoi inair - Ta make a wia .f the werl4 aa th - mei a a.a i -a a la r-f--t ar linniH awnm' E.L.PETTIS ESTABLISHES NEW INSURANCE Offices in the Northwestern Bank Building Mr. rettla announce that he win hav no ub-acnt In Ms employ and will devot hi entire tlm. attention and aklll In looking ailr lb Duainea of kla clients. Mr. Pallia alao announce that th new inner I to be known a the la. Petti Co. It will writ all line of insurance and aurety bond. It has already been suad the agent of lh followinr companies: Mercantile Insurance Company of America, which is a reorganisation or the North BrltUh Mercantile and Inaur ance Company of New York, with a capitalisation of one million dollars and aurplus of on million dollars: Ocean Accident ax Guarantee company or Ma don. Other companies will be added to th agency lo du time. Mr. Pettis will hare ntlro chare of th agency. U has had twenty-three years' xprinc la lha Insurance busl neea. twelve yar of which has been In Port land. Ka Is looked upon as one of lha beat authorities on Insurance forms aaa raits la Us raciXle Northwest, ISSUE 'IS NOT SURPRISE Itctlrcmrnt of General Rascky From Command of Russian Northern Army Regarded With In temrt by Gcrmana. BEHLrX. l London. toc. SI. The flrat Important Turkish Tlctory on Calllpoll peninsula is centering atten tion on th proapect for declalve d velopments la th eastern Mediter ranean regloa. According to reports received In Berlin, th BrltUh asaert that their withdrawal from tha u7la Bay and Ansae positions wa voluntary. Tha fart Is, aocordiag to information re ceived bar, that th British were thrown Into th Aegean Fea by the Turklah ontlaught at Ar! Burnn and th unit fata Is In tor for th troop at Kliid bahr. Th fact that th nez.t offenalv would bo oa the Calllpoll panlnaula and that It would raault In a Turklah victory wa forcat In diapatcbea from lha arm of Field klarehal von Mack- onsen December 1. At that limctt was evident that ther would be big de re'lopmsnts soon la th southeastern part of th European thaater ot war. Ha far ther la nothing new from flalonlkt. but It 1 only a question of days whan th Calllpoll proceeding will be da plicated there. Meanwhile a new Interest la the Mesopotamia campaign has been derived from th official announcement of the appointment of Vaascl, former consul In 'cx. as minister to Persia. Vasae! I now on a special mission lo th Turklah headquarters at Bagdad. Another item of war news la the arrest Interest taken here In th an nouncement of th retirement of Gen eral Iluaaky from command of the Ruaalan northern army. Obaervers of U.neral Ituasky'a work near Vllna when they were with Field Marshal von Hlndcnburg's armies in September remember that General Kuasky wa the aucceaaor of Grand Duke Nicholas and was th commander who saved larrt numbers of Rnaalaa aoldler by sacri ficing JO.OO of th Ruaalan guard In th famous battle of Tegsagola. which prevented Hlnd.nbarg from closing the trap In which tha I.uaalan army had been caught. General Huaaky Is a better lighter than Grand Duke Nicholas who Is mora aucreasful In retreating. The Grand Duke would not have slaked th flower of the Ruaalan army on a single bat tle as Ruasky did. especially when be knew that they could only save time nd could not win. Dr. Johannes Kaempf. president of th Rrlrhetar. today made the follow ing announcement In the Reichstag: -W learn that the Us. upon Penin sula has been cleared of the English, which means not alone the military and moral defeat of k-nrland. but also a triumph of the Turklah arms." The Oversea News Agency ay: "Private reports from Saloniki Indi cate thnt tt atata of panic relrna there. I We Are Obeying 0 L ?! I -l Watches 268 WASHINGTON IS ''Tip - ; ij r ' I i V ! -' H !. Ii ' 111 1 Framed Pictures Hand - Decorated China Casseroles Chafing Dishes Magic Lanterns Hotpoints I Dolls Thermos Bottles Fine Stationery Microscopes Hearing Appliances Ebony Brushes Knives and Scissors Don't Forget Your Trading Stamps Manicure Sets 32? IU j nr7r?ri Mil I taJiJ I as? I 1 The Greek ara hoatll to the English, . k.k.va arroaantlr. The French and Brltlah are on bad terms. Nearly 60 memoers ot me di in n... .-a uirina. In a hotel there. They have formed a provisional Parlia- ment ana piay caxua , -- while Serbian refugees are starving In Tha nnnl rtf Ealonikl STC VIIO owrofca. r r - - anxiously awaiting liberation by the central powers. ALBANY WILL CELEBRATE Cominnnity Clirlstmas Festivities to Bo Friday Evening. ALBAXr. Or Dec. 22. (Special.) Albany will hold a community Christ mas celebration Friday evening, and all of the people of the city will bo In vited. Several different local churches have united to make this public cele bration a success. The celebration Vlll be held on the gTounds bf the old Central School, un law weather conditions are unsatlsfac- J fPut on a sale that .will go them all one better. Sell the goods at actual cost, price o convince the public as to. the honesty of this state nerxt display prominently your private cost mark, slioT your stoclc book and your invoices. You may use your own Juignent about the wording of your advertisenents and your window displays, but remem ber you are to deliver the. goods without profit to each and every buyer. Nothing must be done during this sale that will cast a reflection on the rep utation of the store. Start this sale Saturday nbrnlng, Dcceiaber the 11th, and continue .until Christinas. EMIL H. LEFFERT DIA At Importers' Prices At Factory Prices At Wholesale f rices We Prove These Statements by Our Invoices and Stock Books Our Private Cost Mark in Open Display SEE OUR WINDOWS Lefferi-Jewelry Co. Opera and Field Glasses Barometers and Compasses Fountain Pens Pigskin Novelties Military Brushes Accurate Ther mometers Fine Pottery Hand Cameras Leather in a thousand- useful Forms Fine Candies Electrical Goods a book or a. m h. ouk btastts a Tiro ta urmuL pomam KAitXTm) tory, in which contingency It will take place In tha Armory. Rev. G. H. Young, pastor of the First Baptist Church, is chairman of the committee on arrange ments. 3 SUSPECTS BOUND OVER Attempt to Bob PostorT.ee Is Made and Stores Are Ijooted. MARSHFIELD, Or., Dec. 22. (Spe cial.) In Justice Pennock's court to day Mert Jennings. Art Baker and Fred Uailey waived preliminary hearing and were held to the January Coos County grand Jury. Mert Jenninps Is charged with rob bing William Emery at the point of a revolver,, and Hailey and Baker are charged with stealing liquor from tne Eagle saloon. A burglar who used a heavy jimmy last night failed to break in the door of the Marshfield postofflce. Persons who saw the man who committed re cent burglaries say there Is another Vaa-SJ--' MONDS Jewelry a as w Open Evenings Shavers' Needs Lunch Sets Fine Umbrellas Physicians' Bags Parisian Ivory Sweet Grass Bas kets French Perfumes Sewing Baskets Shaving Mirrors Razors, Mugs, Brushes Jewel Bags Greeting Cards Basket Bon Bons FREE 10 STAMPS om1.; aoda purchases In our Tea-Room or at the Soda Fountain from 2 P. M. until we close at U. tall and short pair working- In Marsh field. Most of the robberies of stores have occurred, between 1 and 3 o'clock in the morning. HOLSTEIN EXPERT COMING Breeder of Prize Cattle to Address Oregon Association. OREGOX AGRICTJLTURAQ COLLEGE, Corvallis. Dec. 22. (Special.) E. C Schroeder, of Moorhead, Minn., breeder of celebrated Holstein cattle, will be at the college during Farmers' week. January 3 to 8, to address the confer ence of the Oregon Holstein Breeders Association and the State Dairymen's Association. During the season of 1914 Mr. Schroe der's herd of 80 animals carried off the leading honors on Middle West fair circuits and at the Chicago Interna tional Dairy Show. His animals, bred under his supervision, have made - a number of world records, the most re cent in October of this year. rders m . Until Xmas A