Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 23, 1915, Page 15, Image 15

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raaaartgar agnt at Saattl for tha
Uraat .Norlhara and tba Pacific Coast
staanabip Company.
Wet Cottoa Dlaablr Vraacl.
CKATTLE. Wa.h.. ra5. I '. Tha
dockload of cottoa of tb Paclfte Coaat
teamabip Cmatllta. bound from Van
rur for tit Franciaro. bacam
watar.oakad bafor tb ataamar got out
to tt laat Bight, and caue4 tk boat
lo lUt badly, liala originally weigh
ing ti pounta abtorbed water until
tbay wrlgbad half a ton. Tb I'tnatilla
luraad back from Cape Flattery to fort
Towotend aad dlacbaxfad 21 bate of
tb cottoa.
fk-hooorr Talbo Duo Jnory T.
The ochoonar VT. If. Talbot, which la
to, take oa a load of lumbar hero for
rdnr. la pe4 to arrlT about
Jaauary I. Taa Talbot U under char
ter to Comrn. Mac a all Co. Tka
Storm Subsides and Sea
Travel Is Resumed.
J'aaauvan aad roel CiNoaU Are
Mishlly fWrUcrd Arrival
Clljr. I.'Itlrr ! 'orther
. ractftc (l Away.
Kooor raackad baa r rasciaco irom
tk I'UI I.lantla December 1 with a
rarer of roora. Tho Talbot ba a caffs
capacity of I. feet.
Congestion cf anarln Intne caotad
by th etorm. crm:( ctf lb Cos
for several day w t iiJ yeeterday
by a general imsiotttuil la weatne
coalition. aa4 a tare 4Dtwr o
:. atere4 an.) t la river Tb
hafc wiad. woic had mart II dfflru;
(or vessel to cr tn:. tn rivr. w
rfrt4 to aav lie4 and to ae.
a't become romsaratively imootb.
Ti huMMO aark I'ort loo'a.
vtira hal keen eff lb anouta of Ik
river a.n.e gaturviay. ot Into A'torl
al J ytr1ey ecorntna; aad left up
at A. M. Tb Port of Portland lo
WUu.t ait ba.J cf Ika lort Cat
donLa Uil piturJir afternoon, but o w
tec la lb kick md and 6tT aa
tnt . ma. wee eoropelle4 la drop her.
Mn' tttat lima the fears, had been Baal
in about at Iba anou'a of tka river
waitine; for a favorable line to coma
Ta Port Ci'tdooit la onltr charter
to load sra.o kara for M. M. Houser.
Ilnaar tiuaa Arrive.
Tka American-Hawaiian ataamar Ta
Knua. wkick had b'B reported of
Iba aiouia of Ika river Tuesday, crossed
la to Astoria yelerlay mroir at
silo. k. ?Ca left up for l ort. and
3 34 A. St but ewioc to tba foe; was
delayed act d.d not raack Portland
harbor until 2 J flrilj)r afternoon.
lor a tint, owine to tba foe. aba was
cocnUfl lo tia up la tka vicinity of
Tka f'anaman brtnri about )) tool
of mlereiianeous trrlcbt from New
Tork. Included la to. a le a quantity
af Christmas roods and hardware.
Aftar dlsrharelns; aka will tako oa
about 14 too of cargo, consisting
prine. pally of flour. fei and flra
brick. wtll prababtr ajt away
from bra Friday fr J'eatti. and from
tber aiil gn to Honolulu b'fora ra
turaiea; lo Iba Atlantic seaboard.
Dnrlxl Ma ll v Laavaaw
Tha p. Tkraa l!rir Mas City and
th North Taclfie iim'f Gaorsa VY
ttidar bottt aot away yesterday for Cal
ifornia porta.
la honor of tk ho!MTt tba Rosa
City att (tacerat4 .'.k CkrKtraa
traaa f.-ora t'ai to atara whaa aha loft
tft dock, fha rarrt-J about 1 toot
t( (oral carao an4 paaaenca
In:iud4 la tba freight aa Hi aaak
of bat. H aarka of flour. II bo
af aro:a. 1I04 ri of milk and
axnt lr of ahnrta. braa and ot.
Tba Oaorso V. Cldr carrlad a faw
untr ant about toaa of gaa-
oral frrisbL Tb fraiat included I
too of r our. 3 i tona of ml f4. t)
!fli of caotd soda and 3 toaa of
Tka ataamar Nortbara Parlfle. wblrk
w d'iara'l oaiinr lo attdaa ea tha
:roa4 at Tonua l".int. got aar T
tardar moraine for tba trip to lo
ii;iini:t.D ritAMxrt. iiolps
fanrf M tour a Mom 1I Not
Ianvacrt Har lrrrtlnx.
MAR-rtELI. Or. Ivac. II rjkpa-
riaL 1 of tba moat tlfa torjr
bit af lot ormat iot t.ora4 bar r
n r la tbat bu b rau.t4 from a
tnroick lorrtf of tka Pay bar.
arotsc Ibat tba r of Iba Cooa I'T
crit CoJiol r. & Ml.-bia la appr
aatir M'in. at laat for ona or two
aana. Crytat baa baaa appU4
t tha bar. aa4 aoarharo baa II baaa
f'Xiin.t ahoalati.
T cbann'1 d) durlnc tba fomnar
af Mil by Ibo rU b4 tb tt of
ta north art Irada arlnd and d4 not
anoal: it ha io baaa buftt4 by tha
fcay airf anl ttorau from tb aoatk
vct a&4 baa bot ba dacna4 la tba
laa. I. 1
Tha aory at mada following a
tatamaat by Capeaia WcLa.laa. of lb
at.ama.iis Y. A. Ki burn, who aal4 ba
foua-t i ft of wtur oa a trip I wo
araaaa ago. ! C- Cbar.aaoa. port ngi
.r. tna.ia tb ury an4 found ao
p.aca ragutartng ! tbaa 17 faat at
low wttir.
oik-stki:j:t ixkk is ijisi:d
Arrow Xnm Mnra flrraaa? of fnr
1 rriihl I aclUUt-a.
Tk Oak-trt dirk baa baaa l'aa4
for a yaar. baglnaiog January 1. by
fwayaa k fieri, operating Ik Arrow
lint ataamara batwaoa In I a port aad
ha a Franc! co. Tkia aaoounramant
waa nad by Io--al ofrirlal of tha Una
yaat.rvlar. Naw offio wttl b built
for tia company oo tb up par floor of
taa do. k.
9wafB Itoyt baa baaa ttting
Atbara dock No. t for aaaaral yaara.
t'f.'u.-il of tka Ho aay tkat tha cbang
to tha Oak-atrt dark la mad bax-auaa
f aair handling of fraigbt from tk
tjow a-atrara ditrlt.
Tb part of tho dock now u4 by
th r"p;.a Navigailoa Comrany will
b ciblt ta that coacarn. arcordiac to
NV. u. Iirowa, Ic-al agaat for lat
A Jlojt.
Watry la Trtbatartr Ilrcntinc ami
lib al I "oft land Iw I'uipkL
Th XVIl amaft at P. M. -tarday
bad rarb4 li t frat abo tba mark. Ti dntr mark la ron
a4r4) IS faat. AltAouck tka rlrar
waa rtair.g Utt Bight and will
probablr continu to do cedar. II la
Hal baUa.4 t'al II wi. rara tkat
Tn.aday IKI tha rir ro. rapl!!y
aa4 durtac laa 2t boura nd ng at (
rlack; rtr.)y morning tha ria
arga4 a littlo thaa IS lark
a tour, fly otl-K rlardy vca
log. l"-r, tha r't bad b-coma to
t.W'ti aa4 tb rir bad gon up but
on foot la gat koura.
TrtolarT ihmim to Ika Wu;amtt
r a raa-ly r!.trg
tc.m i:n acest rttoMon:i
A. B. C. rv an l to a to H Mr. Stooo'f
Aallaot tot raaafDSrr Ilaslltrw.
A. C. ranlatoi. titnl at ?sa
frctak- for ts Oratl .Nortbaxa Fa
if:c ttaffiM Corcpaay. ka baaa a
foaf.4 aaaiacant gnrl paatangar
toil of tb m rmjI. wita baad
t wrt.rt at Ma rraacUto. affect!
Jiury t.
Vr faaBltas waa r?o:BI4 by Tal
JT. St. ga.ra Irafr. wiaaeger. aad
wilt virtqallv b an altat I Mr.
ficoa ta baa4:iBg tit paaaaagar k jl
yaaa for tna . (iraal .Ncrtbara aad
nrtsara favitic.
Dili II a4t of tkaa nl9
ti run !' r.a I aa4 Saa Fraa
clxa hfr. tn!fan ka ba
1 .a lU'ktCX gatafla at M fr- imt
At boM a waa aarai Wtatara
DtBUt IX 1U D1T,
la Laat af Jaly.Aagaat Crala
r ta Ar1 la l olled Klag.
oaa Oat f 11 lllage.
Laa I ef tho July knd Augutt grain
Oeel to be reported out from tho Colum
bia luver. tbo Brttlak bark KUmalll.
which cleared her with a cargo of
wheat for tho United Kingdom July II.
reached Dublin Monday. Icember 20.
according to a dlgcatch rcelvel at tho
Uercaacta Kxchang yeabcrdAy. hot
waa Hi taya oa tha way.
The Ktlmair.e carried 101.0II baahela
of wheat, valued at IUJ.T.2. the waa
lo4e4 hero by ftrauea At Co.
la all a total of 11 crala Teaaeli war
dlepatched from tbla port during the
months of July and August. They car
ried l.Jii.T; buthaia of wheat, valued
at tl.4&.: jr.J buabela of barley.
valued at til., and ei.bii barrcla o
Hour, valued at I1S4.I04.
Tho majority of tho vettcl la th
July and Augutt grata fleet were
cleared for porta la Australia. Besides
tb KilmalU but on other vessel, th
Japan's steamer Tokal Maru. waa dia.
retched to tk L'alted Xingrom. Tb
Tokal Maru. which was loaded her by
W. H. Kouaer. cleared August It and ar
rived at Lame rick October It.
Other vcaacla of th July and Aufos
f!t aad th deatlnation of each were
American atearaer Colon. Melbourne
American steamer Henry T. eeolt. Val
raralao; American steamer Cacique,
t-dnry; British steamer Kyptlan
Transport, itjrdner: Amarlcaa bark John
Kna. Melbourn; f'rench bark Amulre.
Algoa Bay: American steamer Isabella.
Baiboa; British steamer Highbury.
Melbourn. aad American steamer Ax
tec. Br is baa. .
fl ' I ... .. . ..
.Vt front Orrjon Porta.
CtXS BAT. Or. r-c. r 4pwlal One
ef tita tig Ureal iorlhra piwinltr i
t pa 4 south this aft.raeaa wlthio
tana of tba abar. IndMaUag a heavy
storca arr sbora.
Taa etaatn arhaoaer Hard r. with tamber
from ice aimeaoa mill, salted for i
r'rart.a at 1J ; lata aft.raaoa.
Wica lumoar and r m n r. taa atamr
Ad.iiae smith eaii4 far baa Fraactsc Ibis
mtrm&t at 11
Tfta tMm KtMttr A. M. ar.
from Ma t'rearitco Inle morning at
3 aad will tbip lumber at porwr mi. I.
ASTORIA. Or fvae. Tt. eclal I Th
rM caidoai wiu load grain at rat
Tie tie N'aelaator. wtik ISa ell bare
Ma&r.r in tow. arrtv.4 te-lay tram cai -
irrna a route to yortiaad.
Tha 'uat oird cellar Manalne wet
Klf'-td lisl saoealng froot Iba .. t'. a
d--a tt laa mat.:ltal wharf, tlit he
I lie la tha I ititrt. Caataia l inram
Saa arri4 troea aVjetea ta taaa eomoiaad
af t (.
Tk tas -haore Waparna and A ore.
tta. wttt cerre er lumber tren St. lieteae.
eari foe a rraacieca ledar.
luua ar t be as-raed tomerrew arrer.
.o nttui me rri-e lo the crippled
rwttaa tar.-.uoe Jcdltk. As b.da are
he ptei aoth hare aad at fart:aad.
mx -r aate will lape ta eaa
Ir. t will e ar!d.
Tce et.not e-i--eenr rtaei:: arrteei iu
m rateg Irom faa pdra aad wul load lam
t-r at the Kammead salil.
Ttie eta erbeaaar caratel arnd lal
enrahc fraa Sea traaaar aad weal
VV.crart te iMd lamber
The .case evbeaaer Jabaa Fea'a ar-
rt4 freiw fta IttncUr with fretfM fc
A arte and IHartad. tk wi; ahirt tamo
aw ta NMlir t faae aa lurabr tat
..r a lit ga lo weeteort t Co.
. br earea
Tne ec.anwr Xerhera Facire sailed thl
morn 1 ug I r 9r yraart; with a bar
r'tsi asd a fair iit ar paseacra
Te Ann rtraa-llaaallao Ilea itetmtl
fiumtt a rrl lata sneealng frm Saa
rraaw-ta I taaa ea rarga at I'artlaad
tar the ttwalaa I:ae4
The eaoaaer nuiiam X. warpir
heuid tiai leading lumber at Weetport
amorrew morning.
Tae rit araeaer Paiey. that la lead
ing Imitrr at Ksapploau wi:i complete
cargo a aa la ge t aea ttwtr nort
Tka taak steamer El frena. wira aarge
Me la tow. sailed fr t'anlorala tadae.
Tka t.amar T A. Kitbara. with freight
nd taunn fnem pertiaad aad Astoria
or Cm liar, roroaa tni aaa rnciii
ropped la the lower fcaraor tbie aeeaiag.
at may wot ' r.ror tnmarrow.
Marconi Wlrtl) ncporta.
IAII swollUaa ti ptrted at S T. M. Pin
e tt aalea. ahewl aWiaaaieel.)
Ci'v t I era. saa I'raacuco lor ttalbo.
R.4C. Haiw for aaa lra arise. JIM
D". 1 -. f!-fn V ".
I'oiiaiA c. ao rer tat rraactsea. iv-w
ei r a rrsnrier.
i. aaa f.dra foe aa Francisco.
I ml.'a mi ef San pdna.
Santa rx-eiia. a r-i'o lor caiiaa. ijn
I -. Moth ( Sea ldr.
M'.:. sa;t f "r saa fedr. lit mttee
ortn f Sm yc!r
A4ii-e rti't. raw n tt saa rraa--.
tvl nli nor 1 of naa Franno.
Vleen. Soat:e tr aa fiaacleoa. U
m. . aorta of fm Ptaar
tVapa-na. r..irwria for Saa Fraa
cleex li 1 ' -a aorth of Cap Arago.
;rat ?t-itK.rm. rta.l for aaa rraa-ci-o.
mil eoarth of Caro B nro
Knt.rprue. flonaialt for Saa t'rasrtac.
1T.' mll.e eat. Iwromber J t
I ri Mara, rwient for Saa Fraaclseo.
1 1 1 milra out. I " - m bT Jl
tiraao saa rrannwa for Vaarow ear. 100
ar. from aaa rrtnciira
T'poea. faa rtattue for Eureka. 10
al'. eaath af IVI"! Ar.aa,
t'if'm-tto. ftaa rttrfl for Crave Uar
lor T 1 mure ver of saa rra r r Imrty
I'tagrraa. Saa ItawVa for aoattla. IS
tan aorta af Tolnt Awe
A ratine. Saa fraactac lor Saa Pedro, aft
atoa-v S r- foe Baa rraaclacex
t.1 ir.ile sat f rraar .ro.
K.aaer. Saa rtarlar for Saa P4r. S
bb,.. a-oh ef Flt Bar.
.rlra'!. San arir for A herder.
enM aor'h f Saa rranrtero
Veno. aaa Irsacla-o far lloaolula. Hi
Port'aed for Cea Par. karbaaad
re; t. l alqul!! ta.
Mo'-norr.h. " rranrler f- nra e.
I,, e .!.. -.M-h of e rlo-lHa Klrer
Aavaa--'o- fav'i for Itu-bsaead. o ml.
tor-a f Pl-amnd
l s-.ia.t toolsg barge 01. Porfaad for
tl-laul ? aiM f ra Wfhmoe'1
t r. an P"--'1" r r"Ti .mn&. .v mt i
ontia of th Co- 'mtla nirer.
AFTER JANUARY 1 st, 1916
Allowance on
Empty Bottles
We will pay for
Rainier bottles at the
rate of 35c per one
dozen large and 25c
per one dozen small
bottles when received
in perfect condition
at San Francisco.
"- 5S,-a,v ' f.-'Lassacns
Delivered to trans
portation company at
San Francisco, Cal.
24 large bottles Dark
or Pale ....S3.30
36 small bottles Dark
or Pale $3.30
24 small bottles Malt
Rainier ....$3.25
We shall always aim
to protect our cus
tomers by obtaining
for them lowest pos
sible freight rates.
The above new plant, thoroughly hygienic and modern in every respect, has
been erected in San Francisco, Cal., to continue the manufacture of your old-time
Making it possible for you to enjoy the Beer of your choice as heretofore.
n IV J A -A
ey r - s . J
One person or family may order 24 quarts of Beer once every four weeks.
The price of the Beer must be remitted by certified check or money order to
Rainier Brewing Company, San Francisco, Cal.
and your order will receive prompt attention. When the Beer is" delivered the
Consignee (the person receiving the Beer) must swear to an affidavit before
the agent of the transportation company, and pay a fee of five cents to such
agent. ' '
Thanking you for past kind patronage, and
wishing you prosperous New Year
i i r.
TlAe M Astasia Tkaiagtr.
V t" ' M A. V re t
X f t ea r ... i feet
tjtaaeat Cateeeel t aeeaT.
Aaarfta eiaamer CeUla gaeral earga,
trmrm rriri-
An-rv .a rm.r W K ge.
eral rar tm sa rla a a Ha
A."- ei.ana.r W. r. It .rrl a. cars
ail. t-r rrt t'a'a.
Aeft.-at ' - -r Jaae raatae. erg
eele;t. trer aa raeea.
ITfieat f tease 4 Ttar.
Ataert.-aa eMmee oa ta a: : d .r. . a
arai arft, far saa fW sag aa f-eta
Afaerl.'ea eteaaer k-ae) Cllr. seaeral
earea. I a r'ta'la.
jjvaa .-M-aae w. T. Il.rrix talUsL
for lrtti-
tp.rwaa ..A-e-e Jahaa '--., T')X
e.e let laeaies. iJf aaa rtaa;.
Sllaattea la Aaatralla IMtk Traa nag.
Seal I a a Treat! kr Afral After
rereeaal lareallgat laa.
WASUINOTOS. JtJC. IS. Th present
eprrssloo In th American lumbar In
dustrjr bag greatly Increased the Inter
est In tk export trad and Its pos-
Ibl development, f or this reason th
epartment of Commerce, through th
buraH of forelen and domestic com
merce, has been sending; out experts
to aludr th possibilities of the most
promising: markets. Th latest bul
letin based on these Investigations is
Australasian Market a for American
Lumber." written by Franklin H. kmlth.
who baa bean studying- the lumber sit
uation In th Far East. Australia and
New Zealand.
Australia Is particularly Interesting
to Amerl'-an lumhermera. because the
Island continent depends almost wholly
on foreign supplies or sort, easily
worked woods. The native timber la
nuih and hard to work. In normal
times th total Imports of timber ar
valued at I U. 000.000. and of this
ouanUte th United Slates furnish
about IT.ea4.000 worth, or mora than
half. Amarlran exports, however, cort
alat mostly of undressed timber, and
Mr. Smith's report la concerned largely
with the prospects of Increasing eals
of or see a timber, which baa hereto
fore com mainly from tb I'.altlo re
gions. Since tb war started Austra
liana tiara not bad steady Intercourse
wlta the Scandinavian oountrlee, and
there have been Increased sales of
American dressed products.
An Interesting suggestion by Mr.
Smith Is that a serious attempt be
made to popularise th Anrlrin bun
galow style of dwelling In Australia.
Thsr ar many other suggestions In
th bulletin, aa well as chapters on such
important matters as tariffs, native
timber resources, foreign trede, the
principal lumbar markets and th lutn-
her trad a of New Zealand. The book
let Is Issued as Special Arents Series
No. 109, and Is sold at the nominal
price of cents by the superintendent
of documents. Government Printing:
Office. Washington.
Schooner Vote Kuddcr in Storm.
SEATTHTC. Wash, Dec. JJ.The 75
foot rower schooner Sophie Johnson
drifted Into Clen Cove, L,umml Island,
yesterday, after an encounter with a
gale In which the schooner lost an
anchor and chain and her rudder. Bhe
was bound from Orcas Island to Seattle
with cargo. The coast guard cutter
Ouard Is standing by. A tug has been
sent to tow the disabled vessel to
Marine Notes.
The Parr McCormlrk steamer Celllo
rearhtd rerttard yeeterdsr. bringing a few
paaaengere aad about 4M tons of mlscella
aeeua merchandise. Included In the carge
were SOO tone of canned goods. 2 tons of
paints. ol!s and varniabes and S3 barrels of
denatured alcohol. The Cecil 1!1 take on
a carge of lumber for the return trip te Pan
Dleso. Rha la espected ta get away r-rlday.
Tna J-han Poul-a got lnt& the
nrer yeterda from Fan sranclseo, bring
ing barrels of asphalt. Kor the return
trip t 8an Francisco abe will take oa 700.
Ou ft of lumber.
The south Jetty gas buoy at tha mouth ef
the Columbia. hlr.l ass reported out. was
repeated yeeterday morning.
The French bark Pierre Anlonlne, which
baa been discharging ballast at ft. Johns,
la t ba shlf.ed te tba Oroa and Waah
Ingtoa deck for loading. Ffrt 1 expected to
ba ready tor taking en grain mdar. The
BKrk Is under charter ta M. H. Houaer.
The British bark ktedwar. wklck Is now
St the North Pacific Lumber Company
aacK Is ta be shifted to the Mersey dock
for loading early Mil week. The kledwar
la to lead (or iialfour. Outhrle A Co.
Tb rrench bark Corn II Bart, wklck Is
taking oa trrraa for Ilalfour Guthrie A Co.
at A.blna deck, la spacteT to finish ber
carga today.
because of great many reqnrste for the
rhaoaa from the rasular ackedula, the teniae wUI lay over at tba dock Christmas day and make the round trip
ta Astena Sander Instead ef Saturday.
Tba ttMintr "Pahema carried as a part ef
Bar cnrgo bead cf dairy rattle from Van.
couver. Was., ta Clatekaln yestsrdsy aft
ernoon. The Brliltb steamer Lady Carrlneton. en
rnute ta the United Kingdom from Portland
tta a carta of shsat. arrited at Coronal.
Lacmter 17. arcorJing ta advice received
al tba Alercksats i..atct ciardaj. J
Russian Baric lias Mishap When Ty
phoon Off River Flata Shifts
Ballast Gear Is Damaged.
ASTORIA. Or., Dec 22. (Special.)
The Russian bark. Port Caledonia,
which arrived this morning-, 148 days
from Dublin, reports an exceptionally
rouarh trip. Captain Carlsson. her mas
tor, says that when off the River Plata
the vessel was struck by a typhoon
and shifted her ballast, carrying away
several of the stanchions.
The bark wss on her beam ends with
her yards In the water for more than
five days before she could be righted.
Fine weather waa encountered oft the
The Port Caledonia arrived off the
Columbia last Saturday and Pilot Han
sen went on board. Since then she
was driven north to Destruction Island,
and had a hard time battling; with the
gale. One of the main backstays broke,
some sails were lost, and It is possible
main topmast was damaged.
About 60 miles north of the Columbia
River the bark sighted a quantity of
floating timbers that looked like the
dcckload of some vessel.
Movement of Vessel).
PORTLAND, Dec. J2. Arrived Steamera
Celllo. Johsn Poulfen and Carml, from
Saa Francisco: Fanamsn, from New York
via way ports: tuc Navigator and barge
Monterey, from Vonterey. Sailed Steamers
rklano. for Pan Francisco; Rosa City, for
Saa Francisco and San Pedro; Geo, W. Elder,
for fan Dleo via way porta.
Astoria. Dao. 'It called at midnight,
steamer Wepama. for tit a Diego via way
ports. Arrived at 1 and left up at 2:30
A M . eteamer panaman. from New Tork
via way porta Arrived at 4 and left up
at A. M . steamer CarmeL from Ean
Francisco, tailed at 7 A. M.. Aureus; at
S li A. M-, steamer Northern Pacific, for
tan Franrltco. Arrived at 9 :i0 A. M. and
Irft up at 4 P. M . Russian bark Port
Otledonls, from Dublin. Arrived st 10 A.
M atramar PaveMI. from Ran Pedro. Ar
rived at a and left up at 11 A. M . tu
Navigator with barge Monterey, from Mon
terey. Sailed at 12:40 P. M.. rteamer El
Segundo toeing barge No. 91, for San Fran
claco, at 3 P. M., steamer F. A. Kllburn.
for Coos Bay. Eureka and San FrancUco.
San Francisco, Doc. 22. Sailed Steamer
Beaver, for San Pedro.
Dublin. Dec. 20. Arrived British bark
Kllmallle. from Portland.
San Pedro, Dec. 21. Sailed Steamer Ne
canicum, for Columbia Kiver.
Neah Bay, Dec. 22. Arrived-eScbooner
Sausallto, from San Francisco.
San, Dm. 21. Arrived at 8 P.
steamer Santa Barbara, from Columbia
Klver. Sailed at 10 P. M., steamer J. B.
Stetson, for Portland.
Astoria. Dec. 21. Arrived at 4:30 and
left up at 6 P. M.. steamer Celllo, from
Ban Francisco. Arrived at 5 and left up
at 6:50 P. M., steamer Joban Poulsen. from
San Franclnco.
payta Dae. SI. Arrived Alvarado, from
San Francisco.
San Francisco, Dee. 22. Arrived Steam
ers Newport and Coaster, from Balboa.
Saned steamers Colonel E. L. Drake, for
Vancouver; Wasp, tor Mazatlan; William
ette. for Aberdeen.
Yokohama, Dec. 19. Sailed Panama
Mnru. for Pan Francisco.
Prattle. ffah Pre. 11. Arrived Stcam-
ers Humboldt, from Southeastern Alaska;
Curtcoa, from Vancouver; W. S. Porter and
Northland, from San Francisco.
Agriculturist I'roaosal Dropped.
'ALBANY, Or., Dec. 22. (Special.)
Linn County will have no county agri
culturist next year. This was definite
ly decided yesterday by the County
Court while the court was discussing
next years' budget with the commit
tees appointed by the Grange and the
Albany Commercial Club to present to
the court the matter of securing such
an employe.
Sarali- Bernliardt's Illness-DeniedT
PARIS, Dec. 22. Inquiries made at
Sarah Bernhardt's Theater today con
cerning the report that the famous
actress was seriously ill, brought forth
the statement that she was in good
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