11 TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAy, THURSDAY,' DECEMBER 23, 1915. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OKti.oM.ix iiuruoiu tm ii ciitar i:, A I (tf 4L4or V f'is'ti .!:' . a. ........ .a . . m... T -: ;. a T1lriae. Cental J. a . - ' ' 4..ruil.aUal Bl4lo. alaia '", a a : . A ' ilrei. -rr e-ln AsUlUti-T. txtl tfltATKW " ' frrta) r.te r t v-mkaaj ta "leav. la.m at a!. WMtVH !r-a4ee an! T"tll street' Ota-uss (u4u. s JO 4 su.e. i.r: " r. u. XyrrK iBr ' TtZI V u wliuaAa , T.. a i r. x. tTRtC r' " ' s?rts Mil sal K4 u i4ai m-,tf. Afterseo ai4 a-a p-rfrmaca aa-.j. HOTICB TO aiBSCXIBEsU. Order for ! Ta Xw Ittfi OTcoJa, wale wUI la IMI Jaaoary U J. at U trlead. iMul Mat t Ta Oraaiaa at aw rmicB nta ceyt. etc auxic o. axotum pace, this ica restsse ta taa tailed tta eeeaaie. Canada ar alealcex tata rrt Boetaa caats. Adra Taa Cre;eala, lrUad. Orefoa. EST or East BrnjesiDa FTasrr BtTao PrcA.edine;a for th pnm of Kast Burnald slrset Irom taat Kortr-loorth to tUat Tifl jr-f tf street baa hen adancs4 to that point srber tit City Krif,lner ha .mad bl report oa tb survs mad and tna rout selected. Alo Kasl Hurnsld street wlU ba widened from G'.lham anu to Kaat Kisty-nlnth street and to a con nection with Thorborn anu on the north sW of Mount Tabor, Liwnslon of Eaat Hurnalda atraet has been asttated for the paat fla year. There baa beer. Utile oppoattion. but tbera naa been d.fferrnce of opinion aa to the routa. for tha itreet will P th'0n aonte acr-ae property and aome bulid Inaa may baa to b moed- It eon Md.r.d important that Kt Burn.ld. tre.t abould ba opened to Mount Tabcr. whera It connect with Eaat Btar .tr.et aiwl road and !Wert oma of the country tryl of rUat Hurnalda atraet and the Buraalda bridge. Oiimui Parr Toxiobt. -The Boaa City 1'ara Sunday achool. taat rorty fif.h and Hancock atreeta. wit! hold a Cnrtatmaa party today. The b"1""" aid primary dpartm.nt win ba enter tained la tha afternoon from to o clock. All other membera of the roMCOi wit. rvT TRTOtT ACT, OX Cam to Tsmara Pti O-Aaa. Matt-1 lom Cmp, No. IT. Woodmen of t3e World. wlU boll apeciAt meettn at the ball oa lUat lata atraet toniaht ta Initiate a Ure cla of appllcante who cannot come at the rrular roeet a rtWay BUC C!erA Wllaoa reporta atul to ba taAa lata the camp b-fore January I. Tha actual mam berahlp et tha camp la rl but with the applicant all Initiated taere will b about 32' membera. patlius tha camp at tha top ao far aa m-mb-rhip la coacernad la the ra cihc Juriaaictioa. Arrnment are ba tnada for a baatuet for all thoe who broueht In an arPi',-a' ba H at the Multnomah Hot! on Jan'iary li. The buildtn commlttae la at work lnet;tin tho bitW'CB proJct ami a iport U eipecteU after the r.rit et the year. Haaetno trT H-ncot t Hot fcjrraa rats . Tha anooal Chrlatmae Mt4ir a-hool entrtalnment of the e.lwo4 Methodist Church wilt ba held loatfht at tha church at ocloca. The primary department wiil ba rep reseeted by ll , l-rmn. Hnnie Cochrane Lola Heal. Katharine White. unny KUja HuS. LuUa fthultJ. Klton tahorn. I'aullne Jor.ca. Annie L t;rlf fits. William Lehman and llcten Jl.iL Mr. Itoed'a claaa wlU la a drill and taere will be eerciea by other claeaea. or tha tnatn iundy achool a chorua af xlrla win ilnr carol. Mr. C A. Miiier'a ctaa will sia a dtalocua and the ather Urse claases wta taa part la the procramme. rataic OtatrfA Txcactaiae To wkt. Chrl.tmaa eercl will ba beld tonnat at tha alrrie Mthodtt t.pi.ropdl Church at o'clock. All wihm t do aa can place preecte oa the tree. It la dcaircd to haa all presenta early thia afternoon at the church ao thy may be placed on the tre early thla ecnma;. Chrlatmaa axorciaca wtl bo held tomorrow atter aoon by the primary a-rade of tha Falr l.w achoot at 3 o'clock. A abort eeloo of tha Falrriew Parenl Techor A.o.'iatton will follow the prcrimme at tha tchoolhouaa. DxarosirrT Mil Tk Oae. John ft.r.ion. 31. waa foMnd dead In bta ?o3im at ill t:crtt atrect at o'clock laxt mht with hia face reatlne on an ocxn raa Jt anon bad bn de apond.nt alnce bla partner In a tlhln venture becama Inaaiie and tha partnr- hip property waa placed under the care of tha court. wanon had poatal eatne Tecelpta for tJOO In bla pocket. He ta iurled by a aiater. rxi Swanaoa. 123 Tillamook street, and a brother. AITln tiaiMon, HI 4 o;iit9 street. T!in T.oa CalCltx Ria Chl.-ken thieir are robblnc Milan Krjtitd of ble llrrlihood. accordln to kia rrori to I'strolman Mi-Culloch yea- -rur. Kratlch. who litre at S4i North Fourteenth atraet. aald that St chicken were atolea from bla yard eo the aicht of December 11 and la more Tueaday ntcht. He baa but IT chicken lfu ha ; and they ar not laylnc heavily enough to keep him Irom tne oroanect of atarrattoa. He haa no employment but chicken raiatnc- Tot-TBu Cairrrn Kt i.-t. Trout- daia Cbttr. lrdcr llAatern Star, ba etet-trd tha foUoaln eSicera for tn rr: Worthy matron. Janet Orant worthy patron. WiUlam iea; aaeoclat tnj.tr on. Ijar P. Hamon: aecretary. Marcart McKay: treasurer. C. F. W'J eoa: conductor. ljarx Mtcklry: altaat conductor. Aln Foa. A Joint Inetatla tioa will be b:d with Fatreew Uoda. A- F. and A. 11. neat Monday Blcht. I II. A I a ItratrTjw Althouch otitl I a critical condition. L IL Amoe. who l at the Portland farcical lioa- pital (ollowtnr aa operation lr appen dicttie KAturday. ahowed a alirbt Ira dbii yeaterday. He la 7 yeara all and tha recuperat'oa from the aperatioa la alow, but Mr. Amos ha sftojra remarkable vitality. Ftaer fwrrao Rurrtu rirra Farm .. Chrlatmaa exrclea will e beld oniht at the Flrvt I'slted liretbrra Church. Kjt Fifteenth and lul MorT.-oa atreeta. which will be ling br the Kundy school children. The children aad others mar brine do tation wht.'h will ba diatrlhutej to edy famtUea before Chrlatmaa. H. II. Oenaoa Jlraa If. II. 0T(i eht.i.al director of tha Cuceno T. M. C. A. l la Portland for the holldaye to etudr tha method of the Portland aaauclattoa. He eapecta ta hold sev eral conference wittt A. M. Ortiley on Thtl-al department problema at A,4an. It. t. rrut I Tent Iw Hop f r lie nlttrsate recovery of It. t Pur banj. e-T-i lent of the Merchant National tiAnk. who Is crtticaHy 111 a bia home at Kiverdale. has been aban aenad. It wa reported yesterday. It: la M year oi t Vr. Noble WUey Jones la la attaodaBc. Onm to PB-cT f ivrirv Mr O. Olson. of the Pioneer Mthodlst Church, of ft John, ha written Chrlatmaa cantata, whi-b wilt be pre sented on Frily nlcht. rcr.ber St. It riulre the help of 51 pup.l of the Sunday school. Iliti yea tried the delicious new fla-e baaar They ar a Haynaa product and ar makmj a his; hit. Aaa your arecer Adv. rtcuB. bos cand!. pip, ma aim subscriptions, special holiday price. Olson's cla-ar stand. lobby Multnomah lintel. Adv. niDia a doaen Harae Tlxla bona Wboiasom aad d'ltciou: I cats buy who: doaea. Tour crocer haa them Ad. Asra-T Trru Cr moved from Hoard of Trad to J Fifth, bet. tark Bad Oak. V. . Fields. II a" r. Adv. tl.vjor Xa rt-jr eo Columbia Hiahway at Cbanticlr Ins. Mala 1I43. Ad. H ajtd Fv-raorptnico G-T at coat Tft Needlecraft Chop. 312 Alder St. Adv. r. W. A. Wta win bo at his Port land e-f'c antil further aotlca Ad ALt. NotTta on-h:f prtc. Ths N-ale-rft isp. Ill Aljer at Adv. Cem Hili moved to Turner Halle hArberahop. cor. 4th and TamhttL Adv r7 I : .v ' ' v -1 V r i -: t S i vV" 1J I it ij 4 a I I t i it -It 4? Blllr lJatu A splsndld Hat of profeeelooal ryout" act haa bean nrrand to appear at th Jmprs Theater tonlsht. Comedy. lnclnc. danc Ins; and music will be Included In the entertainment. Th "try out" acts will Include Hilly Ljrle. a jounc man and th pceor of an -eptiona!ty fin baritone vole. His offerlna- will constat or popular aousa auu : stories. I The Wition slaters are two I clever Juvenile entertainer, and will offer dances of all nations with chaos of costume for each number. Fred Bauer. bttr known as "Portland's favorite tenor." will render a number of popular aonra. Th Wankcman brothera will offer a pleaatnr In strumental and alnclnir art. The "txyout" number! will follow the last act on the second show. Hilly Link, the popular black fare comedian on the Kropr bill this week, wi;l Introduce th new acta. school will participate In the evening party, bvatnmn; at 7: J), the principal feature of which will be the cantata. "Mother t!oo Vlalt to Pallia Claue," put on by members of the school. SLiom Blocks Hiokwat. Forty men war diapatched yterday by Road- maater Yeon to a point near th Auto Club brlds. on th Columbia Highway. to clear away a bis allde that th rains broucbt down. Th Hlebway waa blocked for moat of yeaterday. but will b cleared soma time today. Other slides war reported, but this was ths moat serious. AiToafuu Hacaits Max's Anx. John L'tttmar. T1 llaat Taylor street, received a broken arm Tueaday nlkht by belna; knocked down by an automo bile driven by Ralph hclton at Sec ond and Morrison trela. Dlltmar was taken to tha Emrgnicjr Hospital and attended by City rhyalrlan Zlecler. Mr. hellon lives at 147 Market street. Fba.vs: L fsrrH'i turkeys, "9c and lie Oses. lie to 11c: Ducks, lto to Joe Chickens, lie to lie; Koast pork. c Lea: pork. 12ic; T.oaat Veal 10c frprins lamb, lie; Roaat beef. 10c Tenderloin steak, lie; Round st'k. ISc IJttl pis ham. 15c: Fancy bacon. 1-c Frank t.mith'a la SI1 Alder au Adv. BIG DINNER HEAR READY sTr.tstr.R iuiulo ncroiuTKD FOR mT TO ISEHrtOTED, Xaaar, blactaa; aad eakl Will fia With Car lata Feed, aad naadreda Ca B Haadled. The stmr Haasato, moored at th Ash-atreet dock, will be the cn -. . - t fAtirta annual Chrlat maa dinner klven by Ui O.-W R. N. ompanr to ine ubhui"J"u - . nAn and nraDaratlon are al ready in prora for th event. The boat la vein- given m ' 'heer by aecoraiiooa o ' which la to be erved have ail bo mie. taal yar about H men war in Us dinner aiven vt am -t , . ..a . ...f .nn. mrm beins: maue to handle at least that number thia year. The dinner will txcin at II A. M.. and the arcie wtil last aattl o'clock In afternoon, in aaoiwoo m hmf will be addreaae ana music. Kiahop K. J. Cook, of th Methodiat .hurch: Archbishop. Chrlatl and Kev. loha 1C Hoyd w.l audresa the men. jj.iB will also be furnished by the Ad Club quartet. The slnstna In uni son of some of the old watt wtil also be a feature. Invitation to tha dinner are oeina laaued through the b'alvation Army, the lommoue Aiieaion ani ii " - .. kniUJ beaf and pork, ait rta of vegetable, plum pudding ince ana poiiii v . i . ....nfinv Af about 40 member of the tt-W. K. dt N. Corn er Employ cjuo win ..i.. .r tha enoata. Thla In- i aw w- .. - ... fMtm tha ofTlcea- ihoos and freight shede of th company. at th Is sor mlr pa of :1c Electrical Gifts Are txcoming more popular each year. S M.J. Walsh Co.'s Extensive line before buyinff. The modern Lighting Fixture and Supply House. IS! Salesrooms 311 Stark Street Opp. New First National Bank. Bower Is aurvlved by two daughter. Mr Kate BeckUy. of Oakland, and Mr. U Aab. who live In Illinois, and three sons. Thll F. Bower, of Astoria; Oscar Bower, of Salem, and George Bower, of Illinois. Lineal Descendant Choose Colonial Silverware. VSeddtae; of MUa Kola Tf lrbrrk aad PTaak stlaaaa tie "net Tonight VslU t all Old Faaalllra. ABIT ef lnterstln romance, con cocted with the marriage of MH Zola Hitchcock to Frank Stlnson Gan nett tonight, came to llgtt yesterday. The prospective brld and bride groom have choeen aa th design for their houchold silverware the Mary Chilton pattern. That fact perhaps would pass unnoticed If given but su perficial attention, for that particu lar pattern of sllvorwar la plainly colonial, rich In l simplicity and Is popular with bride. But here lies the romance: Mr. Gan nett Is a direct descendant of that very Mary Chilton for whom the silverware that they are buying- was named and who waa the first Kuropeaa woman to set foot on American soli, being; the flrst woman to land from the May flower In 120. And that Is not all. For Miss Hitch cock, the bride-to-be. Is a lineal de scendant of John Alden. another of the Mayflower's passengers. Bo when the Gannett household is es tablished In Salem, where the couple will live, and the silverware of colonial design graces their table, th real colo nial aplrit will emanate from those pieces of silver, the pattern of vrhich Mr. Oannett has chosen because of Its Intimate ssoclatlon with his distin guished ancestor. GARAGE OWNERS ARE SUED C. A. Perman Allege Frand In Sale of Half Interest Carl A. rermsn aks the Circuit Court. In a suit filed yesterday, for a restraining- order to keep Intact the garage and appurtenances at 505 Alder street until the dispute set out In tne suit can b adjudicated by the court. Perman bought for 150 a half Inter est In the garage from J. M. Morrison, who. with II. Alnscough. owned the plant, valued by them at ll00. accord- m " or--v- -wr- t- r jtiw xjgr t I T W FLOWERS as a " Gift are incomparable. They are knozvn far and wide for their excellent quality and have a 20 year reputation to their credit. A great sah of " Christmas Flowers and Plants t is now in progress at our store. Your money-will go farther in our store than for many years. Im mense stock to select from. Come to us for flow ers and service. NO BRANCH STORES FREE CITY DELIVERY. Clarke Bros., Florists 287 MORRISON STREET Bet. 4th and 5th Sts. M-a et- . - V a ..mnl.lnt PtmillL WfaO confesses that he knv nothing about the garage repair and general business. llea-ea he was delrauaea oy me own ers of the garage. . .w. if ila il sjies lor vie w.j w. money on th ground that the transac tion was based upon rajsreprescuia.- tlons. CONTRACTORS TO GET PAY Count Commissioners Order Funds . Held Back Paid. TJndar an order made by the County Commissioners yesterday, contractors who have money corning irom mo county but which haa been held "aca ntll th work has oeen comjiicicu - now be paid a part or tne amouui U.. linMi hack 20 ner cent of the money on all contracts with the county for roaa ana onus v struction until a year after the -work has been completed as guaranty. borne t luu.uuu win the order. Ad Men Honor Christmas. Although the speaker of the day was nnabla to bo present at the Ad Club luncheon yesterday, at the Multnomah, tha admen celebrated Christmas lust the same, by lining up and pledging their ardent support for the Muts In Our Holiday Display of Fancy Groceries the Best Place your order with us for your Christmas Dinner. VTe are better able than ever to supply your wants. -The Store of Quality." in ' "Portland's Exclusive Handlers of Everything Good to Eat, L. Mayer & Co. 148 Third Street A-4432, Main 9432 We offer you as a sug-fjestion for that Christmas Dinner' FTrSchoWe Green and Yellow Be.na, Fresh Mush- rooms. Celery Hearts, Sprouts, Tomatoes. "Sii .CKU Fre,h Pineapple. Pears. Hood Rivej - Apple, ISananaa, Florida Oranges and Grape rruit. Lady Apples, Tan gerines, Navel and Valencia Orangea. INCLUDE SOME OF THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR ORDER T0D-VT: Pulled Smyrna Figs. Assorted Nut, French C?'? Swiss Cruerre Cheese. Jumbo Ripe Olive., Jumbo Stuffed Pirn Ola. Malaga Raisins. SpanUh Nouget, Kmgan Own-Cure Hams, Virginia Hams, W.tertown Stuffed Geese. Gertn.n Cervealte. Salted Almonds, Pecans and Peanut, KraU' Candy in all sires and made expressly for fancy trade. PAY US A VISIT TODAY AND SEE A LINE OF FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES THAT WILL BE A REVELATION TO YOUoVr STOCK OF FANCY WINES AND LIQUORS IS GO LG FAST ORDER NOW. We Deliver to All Part of the City. Extra Thone Service to Take Your Orders Promptly. Our Store Will IUs Closed tnnsitnas way. urucr PROMPT SERVICE. PENNY CHANGE. PERSONAL ATTENTION. 1 1 f. " OPEN EVENINGS. Jimmy Dunn, th upstairs elothlsr, open evening until Christmas. Ore gonlaa bids, third floor. -Adv. S.S. NORTHERN PACIFIC. Due to dlay S. 8. -Northern Paclfle scheduled to Pall Saturday. Dec. Zi. will sail Sunday. Dec. I. Adv.' Mr. Lena Dower Dead. nOiiKBt'li'J. Dec. SI. (Special) Mr. Lena Flower, aced (t. and sine a reaidant of Douglaa County, dtd .. th home of her daughter. Mrs. Kate Best Business Reference . Anyone Can Have Is a Bank Book It establishes confidence at once and is the evidence of thrift and good habits. Any young man with a bank book has the best letter of reference. , OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY The United States National Bank Liberal Rale Interest Paid on Saving. Member Federal Reierve System. Third and Oak Streets. the remainder of their Christmas relief campaign. Impromptu speeches were called for and everyone had a chance to give his views on the Christmas spirit. Edgar S. Hiifglus acted as cHairman of the day. Lom Zan sajig and the Ad Club miortA, vmvm l.V,r I MftleCtiOnS. It was decided that, for the sake of more gooarellowsnip, ine ratmocu . the club should be knowin hereafter by their first names among their fellow members. CARD OP THAXKS. Mrs. William G. McLeod and family, and brother of the late William G. Mc- T 1 .a..L. . W..nLr Iriolp msnV frlndl ijTUU v 1IH IV i ties. ii rv v -J T for th kindness and eympathy, shown tnem a u 1 1 n k in iiico w . ' hn,kinH rthr and brother, and fur the beautiful riowers received. Adv. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to extend our appreciation and gratitude for the many kindnesses and favors bestowed by our many friends during our bereavement. Sincerely. Adv. J. A. AND G. A. DOWL1XG. ROYAL BREAD Label Contest Results For $404 in Gold Name and address Prise Helm and Esther Grablll. 41s Kott etreei irect Irwin Foslln. 39 East Seventh atraet 8. Bartle. 750 Hoyt street u.nPV rnrk.n iiTS WiiiiamB avenue Carl Munson. U34 Michigan avenue.. Henry IV;rry 109 uooanougu ouuuiua Mra. E. C. Wright, LJnnton. Or J. W. Hutchlns. 1010 Schuyler street. Helen Currier, 1005 Eaat Twenty-fUth Trla Kehata. J41 Harrison street Mrs. CJ. Therton, io Union avenue N. Johnny Nix. 4H Harrison Mrs K. Wangeman. S4 Fourth atreet uarr r.. ruueii, o. " . Mra. W. D. Zlegler. 1S84 Union avenue K X. Koy. 15S East Seventy-sixth rlla -Zahn. 122 SVest Webster Mra. Burt belcamp. Linnton. Or..... C. D. Henry. 3K0J 53a sireei o. c... Brsale Hurnott. 10':0 Clackamas D. C. Loop, 11-9S Macadam Mrs. Elta HlrshU-rg, Bellwood Mrs. ij- f. Amon, i.i u u lu i, Nettle Elbun, 502J 5tn atreat.... .. Alice Welsh. 51 Alblna avenue..'... Him Kalbon. 757 Mississippi Mra. W. Loeb, "U2 Marshall Rose City Hotel. St. Jonna E M. Bowe, SOI North Twentieth... if,-. T tM.uai. 13 Division Apnea Darby. lZ East Eugene wtiuam r luiwr, iu .-.ui lu c .v. j . . . George Aua:ed. 7T Union ........... Mra. H. Hazel. l- r.ai r onj-iu . h.nh. fiwifL Zf't in avenue S. E. . Ksa Ryder. 741' Overton Mr. H. H Wagner, 710 Eaat Ash Judith Miller, lSS East Hist N....... J B. Johnson, 499 East Ninth N Ella Mover. 14 Broadway Mra. I. Kiildu'I, 414 East Seventh S. Hsxel Brewer, mij vuican... Mrs. Wage, i7 East Yainhill Mra. J. W. Harrington. 0i Clatsop avenue Ed, Wilson, 300 Wgnt atreet Mra. O. E. Little, 43i Margaret avenue tieorge Assliuos. Ill Tyler t)cr Ertler. 30i East Fifty-first. Mrs V. l. Sawyer. 4:4 t-iay street.. Mildred Thompson, JT0 East 41th.... Mrs. M. Kroet. 19 East 9th North.. Maraaret Lette. Linnton, Or Mary A. Parker. 7u North Hayea.. C. Rlckman. 10:5 Tillamook.... Lydla Shuita. 27 Tillamook Marlon Tompkins. :zl 4th street.. n .1 - L-.I.L. , 1 7 ( ' L n TM ii n Thomas' WIMlamsoni SiO Karl street.. Mrs. C. E. A Hiker. 5 .ast liinfun. RalDh Werthheimer. J1t Nonnrap Mrs. B. Reif, 614 Qulmby. .......... . Margaret O' Donald, it North ICtn.. .. tfahn, u r.asi. nmei p. Farrelley. 1:3 East :9th N... -s H Dolpb. 401 Eaat Eighth N... Mrs. Cleaver. 1434 Albina Richard (lenlls. :4 I'ortor Mrs. A. H. Glcsy. H Mlnneaota ave. Mrs T. A. K-nilrlck. 4-I.T East Ankeny. Mrs. P. U Axling. 1JS3 iania. . . . . Mrs. C. J. Devereaux, l"i West Em- arson - Carl Cederquist, 118 Willamette boulevard Mrs. Bruner. 1106 Woodstock avenue. Mra. FralL 1003 Willamette boulevard Mra. M W. Fisher, 1133 Michigan aven ua .- Mrs. W Dyer 1145 Cleveland avenue Mlea Grace Green. 611 Morrison IR-len Hosklns. Donald. Or Maine Hlllberg. 33" Park street Harry King. 19S3 EaM Stark A McPherson. tSO East Madison.... m Vir, Uirva. 713 Hood street... Edward Nordstrom, 4l Eaat 11th N. Lena Stuckle, 904 Overton Mrs J. Salm 49 East Morrison Corene wllkinsoa. 704 Elhty-thlrd. w. wieamaier, ijt j .iuj Andrew Walker, 48 Flanders . . . t. - . .. tVilll.tn.. George Walmsk--y. 941J S3d ayenue... Arthur Townsend. box 33, Plymouth, Wash. Mrs. E. Zygonskl. 1299 Greeley Leona Converse, Z4 tiroiawir Kloth Harrlman. 10S Floral avenue.. M" Mso, 7'ii Tacoma avenue Mrs W. R. Cummings. 24 East 76th North Margaret 8. Cooledge. 0 Lovejoy... Mra J. C. Hanson. 4g Alberta Ed Nudelman. 9S1 East 21st North.. 60.00 40.00 0. 00 20.00 10.00 6.00 5.00 S.OO E.OO 6.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 2.00 S.OO 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 :.oo 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.O0 2.00 2.00 LOO l.OO 1.(10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 l.OO 1 oo l.OO l.OO l.OO l.OO 1.00 1.1K 1.00 l.oo 1.00 l.oo LOO 1.00 1.00 1.00 l.oo 1.00 l.OO l.oo l.oo LOO 1.00 1.00 l.OO l.oo 1.00 . l.0 l.OO 1.00 LOO 1.00 l.oo 1.00 l.OO l.OO 1.00 1.00 l.OO 1.00 1.00 l.oo 1.00 l.OO 1.00 l.O) 1.00 l.OO l.oo LOO l.oo l.OO 1.00 l.OO l.oo l.OO take pleasure in informing all dealers and the public that they have been suc cessful in securing the agency for the WONDER BEVERAGE and will be prepared to supply all deal ers and the trade generally, either from stock in Portland or in Carload Lots di rect from San Diego to all points in Oregon, Idaho and Southern and East ern Washington, promptly and on short notice. "H0PSKI," according to the fore most Academy of Fermentology in America, is positively the best Malt and Hop beverage containing less than ONE-HALF OF ONE PER CENT OF ALCOHOL yet produced, and is unani mously pronounced a Beer substitute of incomparable merit and therefore the most successful seller yet produced on the market. AMBER SPARKLING DELICIOUS IT'S GOT THE PEP." Place your order NOW. Phone .or wite for samples. vaax&a&r aitrjflljocrj 105-107 Twelfth Street. Telephones: Main 211, Home A 1004. Portland, Oregon. ' The objectionable chaff is tcJcen out of Schillings Best before the coffee is ground into even bits and packed into airtight tins. The tins seal-in all its goodness and keep-out neighboring, odors. These tins are revolutionizing the coffee business. They have made it economical to use fine coffee. Great Reduction in Art Furniture Entire Stock of the F. A. TAYLOR CO. Eleventh and Alder, Must be sold at once. House Furnishings and Decorations Get a substantial Christmas Pres ent now. The Right Liquor at Right Prices Leroe Brandy. Coge. France bt. LB0 Hennessey 3-.tar Cognac France, .bot Blackberry.Aprlcot Brandy Cordlal.bou 0 Par-ex. Monarch Hobby WnisKy not., SUro?brxkprep'an,db HaTlbi- fir V tV 0c tor 2 "bottles; 4 bottles we prepay. JiSS I.nrynlsS."": HneMn : IS inh&u,;n:: : 5 $4 00 wJckberrV. Apricot, feach. !--' U. Kcklund 123 First St., Portland, Or. S.Hi 5m tilled same day as received. &Z$riu2rm era Prep exDreaa. The Y. M. C A. will fit any ambitious young man or woman for hiph-class positions in Bookkeeping-. Stenosraphy and Salesmanship. To men this includes valuable athletic, aquatic and membership privileges, although tuition cost is less than elsewhere. Phone Main 70B5, A 6561 Our class in public speaking is eiving great confidence and com mand of language to its members. The cost is small. All Claaara Start January 3. SAN FRANCISCO GEAKV A'I JONES S.TBEETS. HOTEL KENSINGTON Fireproof. Ownership Manasemeni. Oflenna accommodation, equipment an location not surpassed in ban Franclaco. Direct car service to all entrances to air. LvO to $3.60 per day. Take Unlserssl Bas at our expeuae or Municipal atreetcax wita ,ut chela. tMember Official Expo. Hotas Burau. send tor booklet. WANTED, CHAIRS TO CANE BY SCHOOL FOR BLIND FOR PARTICULARS CALL MR. J. L ..MYERS. MAIN 548 V-CaT diamond. I Hi. Mala 114a Adm, littkicj, l Oaaiao4. Moadajr, ilra